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i NevsI SI PER YEAR IN ADVANCE J WISE HAGINS EDITOR z5 a525P5252252 DR 0 H SVVANQO I PNYSIcIJ N PND SUI1G EON rn OFFICE ti0IJRS a A M TO 4 P n 1IN IIAKQIS BUILDING 1 JACKSON KENTUCKY m 2S252525252525 5 1A p OFFICE IN CUAWFOKD IJLIHJ JACKSON KY q FRIDAY JAN 10 t AYE UtE NOT FEUDISTS Our people are not feudists i There has been a great deal print ed in the papers recently about the feud in Breathitt referring to Jackson as the feud capital etc etc There has never been any rend here Dr Cox was killed on a moonlight night April 13 1902 while going from his office to his home James Cockrill was killed while standing on the Card wellcorner talking to sonic friends on July 21 1902 James B Mar cum was killed while standing in the front door of the court house talking to Capt B J Ewen on May 4 1903 All three of these men were members of strong and influential families of this county While the families and friends ol these men knew practically to a certainty who were responsible fo their death and knew who actual- ly committed the crimes yet not one of them over raised a hand to do violence to any of the accused preferring to go to the courts where all honest men should g o for redress of ankindof gricv antes After the assassination of Mar cum the press of the State took the matter up and demanded an inves- tigation The machinery of the courts were then set in motion and trials growing out of these crimes havo been hadh j lit eXlDJton Chester Mt Sterling nndat Bcattyvillo with what results the people are famil jar If there had been any feudal Mood in our people it surely would have cropped out during these four years struggles in the courts but toot a hand has been raised to do violenceAs have often said andstill say the great masses of our peo pie are lawabiding and peaceable citizens and want justice done be tween man and man alike The last three judges appointed by Beckham to sit in those trials hive appeared to do whatever the defendants wanted done yet the friends of the murdered men have not attempted any violence which we think is sufficient proof to show that they are not feudists When Judge Bill Carnes sat hero for four days last week rul ¬ ing invariably for the defense the friends of the prosecution didnot resort to violence but appealed to the highest court to stop the farce All our people want are mpnr that judges honest juries and fair tials They do not want to fight und will not unless forced to do so ni a last resort It is a slander on them to call them feudists They ao entitled to fair treatment and should have it- Iarrlage Licenses The following marriage license have been issued since our last publication Spicerb May Cundiff both of Oakdale L rkin Back and Elizabeth Wilson buth of Jackson F M McCarty lies been award- ed ¬ a contract for some stone work at Hazard He has moved his f roily there temporarily SELLING OUT AT COST In order to close out my busi ¬ ness I will offer my entire stock of goods at their actual cost to me as delivered here I desire to thankmy customers for their liber al patronage in tho past and as ¬ opportunity ¬ 1013 Di L RonEnw Stacy Ky I Now Jr 0 U A 31 Council Rev J D Hunter N D S C of Cannel City organized a coun ¬ cil of the Jr O U A M at this place Wednesday night with 37 members The following o were elected James H Little Counselor- Ed Davidson Jr P C Rodney Combs n S Wm Spears F S J S Lee Mason Wright and Thomas Haddix Trustees These members are all good citi zens of our town and county und we predict that much good will re sult from the establishment of the council here- Everything in the grocery line fresh at C IIaddens T F Cannon Avon Ky says I have used Bourbon Hog Cholera Remedy and will say it cured nay hogs of a very bad case of cholera Several of these hogs could not cat and I had to drench them with the medicine Sold and guaran teed by Day Bros C- oGORRESPUNDENGE CLE IONS Harry Clemons lost a fine milcl cow last week Mrs Martha Clemons is worse than she has been for some time Harlan Barnett hauled a load of goods for II C Clemons store MondayJake Wilson and wife of Quick sand visited Peter Strong and Larkin Clemons the past week Miss Louise Barnett spent sev oral days with Price Whittakc andwife the past weeki J E Lang of Jackson passed here last Thursday on his way home from his stave job near Lambric LOST CKEEIC George Smith is suffering with rheumatismRev has gone to his home in Canton Ohio Born to Mr and Mrs San Hays a girl on January 8 Col E P Landrum was in Jackson on business last Thurs dayMiss Cora Landrum spent a few days with relatives and friends at ost Creek Bliss Mattie Landrum of Quick sadd is visiting her brother at this place Mrs G W and Miss Bessie Landrum atttcnded some of the interesting sermons at the Baptist church last week W C Strong has moved to his farm across tho creek and Trice Landrum has rented his property and moved into same C P Goff of Paris solda large boundry of timber to Sam Patton who has begun workon Jig Branch and Hickory Gap on the north fork of Kentucky river Sammy will succeed in doing a good business for he is a real hustler Our school closed last Friday with full attendance The house was crowded with pupils patrons and friends of the school There were many numbers on the pro- gram which were well rendered b y the pupils The entire enter- tainment was masterly conducted by our teacher Solomen Noble Now the wish of the Dreamer is that all men would prosper May success attend TUB NEWS DUEAME- KItOUdSEAU Phoeba Hensloy wife of George lensley is on the sick list Camillus Holbrooks and wife of Bays are dangerously ill with ty ihoid fever Rev Daniel McIntosh andwife isited Kliluie demons last Wed- nesday night Mrs Clemons is suffering with a cancer Leo and Henry Eldridgc cut a- white oak tree on J M Risners farm and made 80 firstclass ties out of it- Evan Calhoun aged 86 died last Monday and was buried at L C Calhouns grave yard on Wed- nesday Services were conducted by Rev Daniel McIntosh If God is no respecter of 1> 01- sons what will you do with death- bed forgiveness when the flood was about to cover all the world nndthe people were climbing up the mountain to the top and saw they could go no further I sup pose they all prayed and cried f t a 11tMD = k1R iLiST Lexinsrton Bal1liing I ruon Compar 1Y Savings Department Pays 3 per cent on Time Deposits Safety Vault Boxes for Rent A GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS Acts as Administrator and Executor Serves as Guardian and Trustee Buys ami Sells Stocks and Bonds Accounts of Eastern and Central Kentucky Banks Solicited INTEREST PAID ON BALANCES 1 CAPITAL STOCK 00000000 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITIES 60000000 ABSOLUTE PROTECTION TO PATRONS 120000000 LOANS MADE ON HEAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL SECURITIES SECURITY PROs VIDED ON OFFICIAL BOND OUR FACILITIES ARE AMPLE FOR Till EFFICIENT TRANSACTION OF ALL BUSINESS HANDLED BY CONSERVATIVE TRUST COM- PANIES ¬ CORNER SHORT AND MARKET STREETS LEXINGTON KY to the Lord to save them Now can ho save us although we lived sixty or seventy years in sin see we can no longer live and then call on the Lord can he save us and not make any respect between- us and the old world l One more point to this God told Jonah to- IO to Nineva and tell the wicked people that if they did not repent lIe would destroy the city So He preachedand they repented and Godspared them You can Jet forgiveness before God passes sentence of death on you but dont want for the night of death to come Repent while it is day for when night comes no man can I work OWSLEY COUNTY BOON EVILLE The mud is not so plentiful bu harder to ford More moving in and arounc Booneville than for years Sunday was the warmest day in January thermometer at 68 Mrs Baker wife of the jailer is very low and cannot live but a few days L C Rose one of our most wealthy citizens is soon to move his family to Clark county J M Campbell will move to L- Creek C Roses place on Meadow and continue in the goods business Our Sheriff and deputies arc fill- ing ¬ the county jail with parties who failed to give bond on capias and bench warrants Bro Bucklen from Hcidleburg has just closed a ton days pro ¬ tracted meeting at this place which was wellattended Tho taxable property for the year 1907 will reach near the mil- lion ¬ dollar mark which speak- well for a small mountain county without a mile of railroad in it Bro Hunt is soon to retire fro this circuit and be placed in charge of the College Hill circuit in Mad ¬ ison county and it is thought Bro liuclclcu will be sent to this charge Arch Brandenburg has purchas id a half interest in tho merchan- dise business of C Harvey Co jf this place and is now handling ipoolthrcad and tape for a liveli hood Our Board of Supervisors con listing of II C Needham Dun strong II C Blake W J Moore and John B Gay was in session six days last week supervising the Assessors book for 1907 They adjourned Saturday to meet again next week after handing the Sheriff a largo list of notices to parties to appear and show cause why they should not have their raisedYour correspondent had the honor of an invitation to be pres- ent and WAS present atiho beauti- ful home of TILE NEWS dories ¬ pondent Few Clothes at Fairs view near Eversole when he ar- rived ¬ homo with his beautiful anti charming bride who is the daugh ¬ ter of Mr and Mrs Leandor Rey holds of Cow Creek Together with a few select friends we were invited into a beautiful and neatly decorated dining room whoro the table was groaning under its weight of rich delicacies so well qualified to tempt the appetite which wo nil enjoyed to our satis ¬ faction Mr J C Hose the happy groom has a beautiful and ele ¬ gantry furnished mansion at Fair- view overlooking the placid waters of the south fork of J faiclcv river as it winds its COlltseiironJ- side his broad and beautifulacres and he now seems to be too happy for his side to hold and well he fortut ¬ nate in wedding one of the most Owsloyd attend them YALLEK BKITCIIES 5JEIIFF51LE By virtue of Execution No IJ2G in favor of Commonwealth of Ken ¬ Lucky vs Peter B McIntosh Price Ingrain and T D Burton which- issued from tho Clerks office o the Breathitt Circuit Court and Execution No a20 in favor of Commonwealth Kentucky vs Peter B McIntosh Price Ingrain and J D Burton which issued from tho Clerks ollico of the Breathitt Circuit Court now in my hands for collection I or one of my deputies will on flonday January 28 07 between the hours of 12 oclock m and 2 oclock p m at the court house door in the town of Jackson Breathitt county Ky highests property or so much thereof as may be neces- sary ¬ to satisfy the amount of the costsm One tract of land lying and be- ing ¬ in Breathitt county Ky on the Trace Branch of Longs Creek and bounded as follows towit Beginning at a beech tree stand- ing ¬ about 150 yards below tho res ¬ idence where Goodson Ingram once lived thence a straight line crossing the branch on the north side of branch to the top of the ridge thence up the ridge be- tween ¬ Julius Bakers branch anti Trace branch to the Perry county line thence with the said Perry county line to the dividing ridge between Gun branch and Trace branch thence with the dividing ridge to opposite the beginning thence a straight lino to the begin ¬ fling levied upon as the property of Price Ingram a defendant in said execution Terms Sale will be made on a credit of three months bond with approved security required bear- ing ¬ interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from day of sale replevinbond Amount to be made by this sale 80 60 Witness my hand this the SthI r OJ Y day of December 1906 BUKCK CitAWKOun S B C By BERRY TUUXKK D S J1EFIFF5 Sf1lE FOR TAXES By virtue of a tax warrant in favor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky vs Tim Jackson Elec- tric ¬ Light and Power Co which issued from tho Clerks office of tho Breathitt County Court on the 19th day of Novembers 190C forM 81 for count taxes for the year 190C Ior on of my deputies will on Monday January 2807 between the hours of 12 oclock and 2 oclock p m at the Court- House clooHn the town of lack ¬ son Breathitt county K e to public sale to the highest bid ¬ der the following property or so much thereof as may be neces ¬ sary to satisfy the amount of the plaintiffs interest and costs and Sheriffs commissions towit A house and lot lying and being in Breathitt county Ky in till town of Jackson on the south of Broadway street and too sting at the northwest corner the lot owned by M S Crain and Emily Crain said corner bears N 691 W 153 410 feet from the corner of Broadway street and tlf ae W 121 510 feet to R stake thence leaving said lino N 591 W 41 feet to a stake thence N 8015 E 121 510 feet to a stake in the lino of Broadway street thence with trio south line of same 591 E 4 feet to the beginning Also all the machinery and fix- tures ¬ appliances and apparatus at- tached ¬ in and to said house and premises also all poles wires arc lights meters andall fixtures and appliances in the town of Jackson making up allor any part of the electric light plant of the Jackson Electric Light Power Co levied upon as the property of the Jackson Electric Light Power Co a defendant in said tax warrant Terms Sale will be made for cash in hl1n- dAmount to be made by this sale M 81 Sheriffs cost and commis- sion ¬ 3 08 interest 62c cost of advertising S10 00 Total S18 41 Witness my hand this the 2nd day of lnnuary19071- 3uECK CllAWFOIlD S B C FOLEYS HONEY AND TAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy lungtrollb1ea Good for everybody Sold everywhere The genuine FOLEYS HONEY and TAR is in a Yellow package Refuse substitutes byFoloy JACKSON DRUG GO PAT BROS COMPANY = Wholesale and Retail leave the most complete stockof 1fQfMetrQI1QttdJis Ever brought to Jackson JonsIstlng of < s g l UJ S ii J J ofiu 1 f ffi ftKcjt I Ss IttJ to s t Wo have the finest line of shoes in fast crn Kentucky Our ra mens shoes are of fw the latest style For the Ladies e- we have jie most Fashionable Lot of Shoes money could buy THE LATEST DESIGNS IN MILLINERY i This Department is under the man ¬ 1 agement of Miss Margaret Basket who I can show you line jCatesi Style Jfrats I = 1direct from New York City Also f FASHIONABLTDRESS GOODS In all the Latest Patterns and weaves Fresh MarketsIf hln s or FURNITURE i We are the people you are looking fort c we have it by car loads to suit M y every body S Come and see us ourr = > t R 111 II mmmiumuiumiiiiimuiiimimmmmiwmiimmimmmimiiimimiii 5 un Prices Ire All Right j uuu DAY BROS e s COMPANY Jackson Kentucky

Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1907-01-18 [p ] Kliluie demons last Wed-nesday night Mrs Clemons is suffering with a cancer Leo

Aug 03, 2020



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Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1907-01-18 [p ] Kliluie demons last Wed-nesday night Mrs Clemons is suffering with a cancer Leo



z5 a525P5252252






2S252525252525 5






Our people are not feudistsi There has been a great deal print

ed in the papers recently aboutthe feud in Breathitt referring toJackson as the feud capital etcetc There has never been anyrend here Dr Cox was killed ona moonlight night April 131902 while going from his office

to his home James Cockrill waskilled while standing on the Cardwellcorner talking to sonic friendson July 21 1902 James B Marcum was killed while standing inthe front door of the court housetalking to Capt B J Ewen onMay 4 1903 All three of thesemen were members of strong andinfluential families of this countyWhile the families and friends olthese men knew practically to acertainty who were responsible fotheir death and knew who actual-ly committed the crimes yet notone of them over raised a hand todo violence to any of the accusedpreferring to go to the courtswhere all honest men should gofor redress of ankindof gricvantes

After the assassination of Marcum the press of the State took thematter up and demanded an inves-tigation The machinery of thecourts were then set in motion andtrials growing out of these crimeshavo been hadh jlit eXlDJton Chester MtSterling nndat Bcattyvillo withwhat results the people are familjar

If there had been any feudalMood in our people it surely wouldhave cropped out during these fouryears struggles in the courts buttoot a hand has been raised to do

violenceAshave often said andstill

say the great masses of our peopie are lawabiding and peaceablecitizens and want justice done between man and man alike

The last three judges appointedby Beckham to sit in those trialshive appeared to do whatever thedefendants wanted done yet thefriends of the murdered men havenot attempted any violence whichwe think is sufficient proof toshow that they are not feudists

When Judge Bill Carnes sathero for four days last week rul¬

ing invariably for the defense thefriends of the prosecution didnotresort to violence but appealed tothe highest court to stop the farce

All our people want are mpnrthat judges honest juries and fairtials They do not want to fightund will not unless forced to do soni a last resort It is a slander onthem to call them feudists Theyao entitled to fair treatment andshould have it-

Iarrlage LicensesThe following marriage license

have been issued since our lastpublicationSpicerbMay Cundiff both of OakdaleL rkin Back and Elizabeth Wilsonbuth of Jackson

F M McCarty lies been award-ed


a contract for some stone workat Hazard He has moved hisf roily there temporarily


In order to close out my busi ¬

ness I will offer my entire stockof goods at their actual cost to meas delivered here I desire tothankmy customers for their liberal patronage in tho past and as ¬

opportunity ¬

1013 Di L RonEnw Stacy Ky


Now Jr 0 U A 31 Council

Rev J D Hunter N D S C

of Cannel City organized a coun ¬

cil of the Jr O U A M at this

place Wednesday night with 37

members The following o

were electedJames H Little Counselor-Ed Davidson Jr P CRodney Combs n SWm Spears F S

J S Lee Mason Wright and

Thomas Haddix TrusteesThese members are all good citi

zens of our town and county und

we predict that much good will result from the establishment of the

council here-

Everything in the grocery line

fresh at C IIaddens

T F Cannon Avon Ky says

I have used Bourbon Hog CholeraRemedy and will say it cured nay

hogs of a very bad case of choleraSeveral of these hogs could notcat and I had to drench them with

the medicine Sold and guaranteed by Day Bros C-


Harry Clemons lost a fine milclcow last week

Mrs Martha Clemons is worsethan she has been for some time

Harlan Barnett hauled a load ofgoods for II C Clemons store

MondayJakeWilson and wife of Quick

sand visited Peter Strong andLarkin Clemons the past week

Miss Louise Barnett spent sevoral days with Price Whittakcandwife the past weekiJ E Lang of Jackson passedhere last Thursday on his wayhome from his stave job nearLambric


George Smith is suffering with

rheumatismRevhas gone to

his home in Canton Ohio

Born to Mr and Mrs SanHays a girl on January 8

Col E P Landrum was inJackson on business last Thurs

dayMissCora Landrum spent a few

days with relatives and friends atost Creek

Bliss Mattie Landrum of Quicksadd is visiting her brother atthis place

Mrs G W and Miss BessieLandrum atttcnded some of theinteresting sermons at the Baptistchurch last week

W C Strong has moved to hisfarm across tho creek and TriceLandrum has rented his propertyand moved into same

C P Goff of Paris soldalarge boundry of timber to SamPatton who has begun workonJig Branch and Hickory Gap onthe north fork of Kentucky riverSammy will succeed in doing agood business for he is a realhustler

Our school closed last Fridaywith full attendance The housewas crowded with pupils patronsand friends of the school Therewere many numbers on the pro-gram which were well renderedby the pupils The entire enter-tainment was masterly conductedby our teacher Solomen Noble

Now the wish of the Dreameris that all men would prosperMay success attend TUB NEWS



Phoeba Hensloy wife of Georgelensley is on the sick list

Camillus Holbrooks and wife ofBays are dangerously ill with tyihoid fever

Rev Daniel McIntosh andwifeisited Kliluie demons last Wed-nesday night Mrs Clemons issuffering with a cancer

Leo and Henry Eldridgc cut a-

white oak tree on J M Risnersfarm and made 80 firstclass tiesout of it-

Evan Calhoun aged 86 diedlast Monday and was buried at LC Calhouns grave yard on Wed-nesday Services were conductedby Rev Daniel McIntosh

If God is no respecter of 1 > 01-

sons what will you do with death-bed forgiveness when the floodwas about to cover all the worldnndthe people were climbing upthe mountain to the top and sawthey could go no further I suppose they all prayed and cried


t a

11tMD = k1R iLiST

Lexinsrton Bal1liing I

ruonCompar 1YSavings Department Pays 3 per cent on Time

Deposits Safety Vault Boxes for Rent


Acts as Administrator and Executor Serves as Guardianand Trustee Buys ami Sells Stocks and Bonds

Accounts of Eastern and CentralKentucky Banks SolicitedINTEREST PAID ON BALANCES 1








to the Lord to save them Nowcan ho save us although we

livedsixty or seventy years in sinsee we can no longer live and thencall on the Lord can he save us

and not make any respect between-

us and the old world l One morepoint to this God told Jonah to-

IO to Nineva and tell the wickedpeople that if they did not repentlIe would destroy the city So Hepreachedand they repented andGodspared them You can Jetforgiveness before God passessentence of death on you butdont want for the night of deathto come Repent while it is day

for when night comes no man canI work


The mud is not so plentiful buharder to ford

More moving in and arouncBooneville than for years

Sunday was the warmest day inJanuary thermometer at 68

Mrs Baker wife of the jaileris very low and cannot live but afew days

L C Rose one of our mostwealthy citizens is soon to movehis family to Clark county

J M Campbell will move to L-

CreekC Roses place on Meadowand continue in the goods business

Our Sheriff and deputies arc fill-


the county jail with partieswho failed to give bond on capiasand bench warrants

Bro Bucklen from Hcidleburghas just closed a ton days pro ¬

tracted meeting at this placewhich was wellattended

Tho taxable property for theyear 1907 will reach near the mil-



dollar mark which speak-

well for a small mountain countywithout a mile of railroad in it

Bro Hunt is soon to retire fro

this circuit and be placed in chargeof the College Hill circuit in Mad ¬

ison county and it is thought Broliuclclcu will be sent to this charge

Arch Brandenburg has purchas

id a half interest in tho merchan-

dise business of C Harvey Co

jf this place and is now handlingipoolthrcad and tape for a livelihood

Our Board of Supervisors conlisting of II C Needham Dunstrong II C Blake W J Mooreand John B Gay was in sessionsix days last week supervising theAssessors book for 1907 Theyadjourned Saturday to meet againnext week after handing theSheriff a largo list of notices toparties to appear and show causewhy they should not have their

raisedYourcorrespondent had the

honor of an invitation to be pres-ent and WAS present atiho beauti-ful home of TILE NEWS dories ¬

pondent Few Clothes at Fairsview near Eversole when he ar-


homo with his beautiful anticharming bride who is the daugh ¬

ter of Mr and Mrs Leandor Reyholds of Cow Creek Togetherwith a few select friends we wereinvited into a beautiful and neatlydecorated dining room whoro thetable was groaning under itsweight of rich delicacies so wellqualified to tempt the appetitewhich wo nil enjoyed to our satis ¬

faction Mr J C Hose the happygroom has a beautiful and ele ¬

gantry furnished mansion at Fair-

view overlooking the placid watersof the south fork of J faiclcv

river as it winds its COlltseiironJ-side his broad and beautifulacresand he now seems to be too happyfor his side to hold and well hefortut ¬

nate in wedding one of the mostOwsloydattend them YALLEK BKITCIIES

5JEIIFF51LEBy virtue of Execution No IJ2G

in favor of Commonwealth of Ken ¬

Lucky vs Peter B McIntosh PriceIngrain and T D Burton which-issued from tho Clerks office othe Breathitt Circuit Court andExecution No a20 in favor ofCommonwealth Kentucky vsPeter B McIntosh Price Ingrainand J D Burton which issuedfrom tho Clerks ollico of theBreathitt Circuit Court now inmy hands for collection I or oneof my deputies will on

flonday January 28 07

between the hours of 12 oclockm and 2 oclock p m at thecourt house door in the town ofJackson Breathitt county Kyhighestsproperty orso much thereof as may be neces-sary


to satisfy the amount of thecostsmOne tract of land lying and be-


in Breathitt county Ky onthe Trace Branch of Longs Creekand bounded as follows towit

Beginning at a beech tree stand-ing


about 150 yards below tho res ¬

idence where Goodson Ingramonce lived thence a straight linecrossing the branch on the northside of branch to the top ofthe ridge thence up the ridge be-


Julius Bakers branch antiTrace branch to the Perry countyline thence with the said Perrycounty line to the dividing ridgebetween Gun branch and Tracebranch thence with the dividingridge to opposite the beginningthence a straight lino to the begin ¬

fling levied upon as the propertyof Price Ingram a defendant insaid execution

Terms Sale will be made on acredit of three months bond withapproved security required bear-ing


interest at the rate of six percent per annum from day of sale

replevinbondAmount to be made by this sale

80 60Witness my hand this the SthI




day of December 1906BUKCK CitAWKOun S B CBy BERRY TUUXKK D S


By virtue of a tax warrant infavor of the Commonwealth ofKentucky vs Tim Jackson Elec-tric


Light and Power Co whichissued from tho Clerks office oftho Breathitt County Court onthe 19th day of Novembers 190C

forM 81 for counttaxes for the year 190C Ior onof my deputies will on

Monday January 2807between the hours of 12 oclockand 2 oclock p m at the Court-House clooHn the town of lack ¬

son Breathitt county K eto public sale to the highest bid ¬

der the following property orso much thereof as may be neces ¬

sary to satisfy the amount of theplaintiffs interest and costsand Sheriffs commissions towit

A house and lot lying and beingin Breathitt county Ky in tilltown of Jackson on the southof Broadway street and too

sting at the northwest cornerthe lot owned by M S Crain andEmily Crain said corner bears N691 W 153 410 feet from thecorner of Broadway street andtlf ae

W 121 510 feet to R stake thenceleaving said lino N 591 W 41feet to a stake thence N 8015 E121 510 feet to a stake in the linoof Broadway street thence withtrio south line of same 591 E 4feet to the beginning

Also all the machinery and fix-


appliances and apparatus at-


in and to said house andpremises also all poles wiresarc lights meters andall fixturesand appliances in the town ofJackson making up allor anypart of the electric light plant ofthe Jackson Electric LightPower Co levied upon as theproperty of the Jackson ElectricLight Power Co a defendant insaid tax warrant

Terms Sale will be made forcash in hl1n-

dAmount to be made by this saleM 81 Sheriffs cost and commis-


3 08 interest 62c cost ofadvertising S10 00 Total S18 41

Witness my hand this the 2ndday of lnnuary19071-



The originalLAXATIVE cough remedy

lungtrollb1eaGood for everybody Sold everywhere

The genuineFOLEYS HONEY and TAR is ina Yellow package Refuse substitutes



Wholesale and Retailleave the most complete stockof


Ever brought to Jackson JonsIstlng



g l


J ofiu 1

f ffiftKcjtI SsIttJ to s t

Wo have the finest

line of shoes in fastcrn Kentucky Our ra

mens shoes are offw

the latest style

For the Ladiese-

we have jie mostFashionable Lotof Shoes moneycould buyTHE LATEST DESIGNS IN


This Department is under the man ¬1

agement of Miss Margaret Basket who I

can show you

line jCatesi Style JfratsI


1direct from New York City Also f

FASHIONABLTDRESS GOODSIn all the Latest Patterns and weaves FreshMarketsIf hln s or


We are the people you are looking fortc

we have it by car loads to suitM yevery bodyS

Come and see us ourr =>


111 II mmmiumuiumiiiiimuiiimimmmmiwmiimmimmmimiiimimiii5 un

Prices Ire All Right juuu


Jackson Kentucky