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WEEKS HAPPENINGS VERBIAGE CAREFULLY AVOIDED IN THIS COLUMN Important vents l10th Local and Foreign Will lie Found DrlrU- ChroDlclrol and Duly Arranged Un der the Dally leading r TUKSUA Fire gutted the village of Sardls O Loss Is heavy r Dnslllca of St Marks church Von lee reported to be crumbling Arbltratln treaty between Great Britain and the United States signed at Washington Robbers entered the poslotfico at 1 Relnbeck la and got away with I 2600 An exchange of shots took place between a posse of citizens and t the thieves Postmasters appointed OhioFred- Ltnning Norwalk J K Allen Green wick Wmam W Reed Kent Law- rence R Watts London John Camp bell Warren Spencer O Jlnrlngton the oldest I member of life house of commons l died at London He represented the Tower hamlets In tho Conservative In t terests for nearly fiO years- JIONDAY Flames damaged the factory of the Henry Sheep Manufacturing company Philadelphia to the extent of S150000 James Rankin fiO Mary Rankin fiG and four children living near Slddell Ill died from the effects of eating pol coned cabbage William Brent past grand councillor- of the Ohio Grand council of tho Unit ed CommercIal Travelers dropped dead at his homo In Clarksburg WV At Columbus 0 Mrs Dlsmarcli- Newman awakened In bed late In the night to find her three days old girl dead In her arms The baby had smothered ct William McGee who claims to bO the sole survler of Custers command to the famous battle of the Little mg Horn placed under arrest at New York charged with killing Frank Mitchell a salesman Lorain county 0repeclal grand Jury finished Its Investigation Into tho Cassie 1 Chadwick note case In con nectlon with the OberUn CItizens Na II tlonal hank and reported that there was not sutfcient evidence to indict Mrs Chadwick SATURDAY James D Hoge G9 expert tole- grapher died at Zantsvl11e O Dominic Carmen 18 crushed to death at the Marble Cliff stone quar rtes at Columbus O Fire at Pontiac Ill destroyed the main building of the Pontiac Shoe Manufacturing company Loss 7iiOOO- J 1 + Failures this week numbered 239 II- Ij tlo United States against 331 last year and 21 In Canada compared with 20 a year ago Fire resulting from a gas explosIon In the dry goods store ot Enders Moore In the buslnesa section of St Joseph Mo caused damage estimated 100000tiC fishermen drowned In anat the Norwegian stenmj or Anglia which was wrecked rOckS near New blggln Northumber land England Earl O Devuro pleaded guilty to basing entered and robbed the post ioffice at Woodsfield 0 and stealing I Sept 19 1904 lie was given 13 months In penitentiary and 100 j W fine 1 FnJUAVI Eleven miners all foreigner per fished by the mine explosion at Bur nett Wash M Syvaton Nationalist deputy as- phyxiated by gas In his apartments at Neuilly France Robbers dynamited the sate of the Point Pleasant W Va postomce se 1 curing 1050 In stamps and lGO cash The president sent to the senato the nomination of James Johnston of New Jersey to be consul general at than kow China JOG McKinney who shot and killed AJ Fletcher In a quarrel over an old I debt ins s quitted at Clarks Gap W Va on the ground of soltdefense Joseph Schwenlnger an alderman and prominent politician at Cincinnati 0 charged with permitting gambling on the premises of his plnce of busl ness TIIUiISDAY Omce of the Cleveland department robbed of waterworksI t Pulp and paper northern New York forced to shut down owing to drought Charles Nelan 46 a cartoonist for Cleveland and New York papers died at Cave Springs Ga Ho was born nt Akron 0 Fred Darlsch formerly marshal at Harrisburg 0 found guilty of shoot Ing to kill F A Chamberlain a Lard ware merchant Penalty ono to 20 years Joseph Thompson 45 met Instant death while beaching his boat at Portsmouth O The lever of a wind lass let go striking him over the heart 1VFDNB DAY- Ilugh I Duntee 30 Instantly killed at- Refalre 0 steel plant Pulled Into the rolls ff Pattereon a soldier at the Columbus barracks committed suicide by shooting Had been ill Charles Frost 43 bookkeeper of two firms connected with the National stockyards of East St Louis Ill charged with 1GOOO shortage M Do Roulede French statesman and M Jaures tllo Socialist leader la- the French chamber or tlopuUe3 fought a duel with pistols In France The exchange of shots had no result rr StrandedJ The three CaptainRoyce PenIsland lIna fiO miles north of Cape lIalteras during a heavy northerly gale and is- za total loss The captain and live of I lifesavingcrew I was lpzen to death In the rigging and liilw er Js nearly dead from exposure- gadezhagOtloa I s y Si- mi ti 1r y s mt r V Sae i A Record of Marve1ousAccomplisluU8nt A 1 Established Fcbru ry 191 I904 Tire Lcilzi y Farmer and BnceIerof Lexington has within a few months tin1e become concededly the bcst weckl ° paper of its kind in Atnerlca and has secured aMaidlnadvance circulation of over 13000 copies Among the contributors to its columns on agricultural topics are many of the bestposted men in Amcrica11r H Iy Hillenmycr whose reputation as a nurseryman is national conducts each week aa de tlKrtment of answers tq inquiries in which he gives from his vast store of k qvlc die experience and study his views and advice on any subject pertaining to tie orchard lawn or garden about which inform atl 1r erysissue of The hentrcr Farmer and Sreeder coal ins the most Pcrtincnt 1Jvs andThe nlost tRi4e1 Y- T advice for farmers and stock raisers qfcvcry sort As a medium for all forms of farm arid live stock advertising for both of which it offers special discounts it has no ri a 1 in the state More titan half its I circulation is in Kentucky J and for the most part among people sho are Inter ested in and able to buy either farms or goodstock p By special arrangement we are able to offer for a limited time THE KENTUCKY FARMER AND BREEDER Y AND iv e THE BREATHITT COUNTY NEWS > BOTH FOR S YEAR AT 200 51 < > THE PRICE OF THE KENTUCKY FARME14 AND DREEDER ALOIdE q It is the most valuable weekly paper in America for the farmers of Ken tacky to take Published at Lexington II the hub of the horse worldand the center of the states agricultural iritercstst has the opportbni y to obtalnnnditu- blish never fails to live a ptodate fresh news and valuable feature hatter I which no other paper contains J SampaJJ pie3 mayje had on a plication at this office i BUNOHED PARACRAPHS RELATING TO AFFAIRS IN THIS AND ADJOINING STATESj Welllthy Farmer Follutving u Quarrnl Operators and aihlera ntnch III Agreement Older Lire 1lenlion- Cynthiana Ky Dee 12Adam Jon ett a well todo farmer about tfU years of age was shot and Instantly killed III his sot Joseph at their home near reckhiridge In this county Joseph was In the Philippines unUl about u year ago Young Jouett was badly tlcaten by ids father There has been much trouble between the tarher on oto sldo and the mother and two sons on the other The old man had served n term of two years In the ponlten teary at Frankfort for killing a young man named Colvin In November 189S In this county Marcum Damage Case Winchester Ky Dec 13Tho trial ot the suit of Mrs Angola Marcum for 100000 damages against Senator Alex Ilargis JUdge James Harts Sheriff Ed Callahan and D Fr French began Monday A Floyd Byrd who prose cuted Curt Jett and Tom White for the murder of the husband of Mrs Marcum opened the case for the plain tilt revlewng the clrcumstancos that led to the kllllnt of Marc m Ruck Cottongane one of the witnesses wlo 1 Mrs Marcum InlIn affidavit declartd I had been Bribed and enticed away by the defendants was arrested Jn Rich I mond Ky by Sheriff McCord and Is In the lie Moss Feltnr 01Mrs and testify In her behalfI Ohio River WheolinglV gorges which began to form below and above here when the river froze over Sunday are rapidly being ox tended up stream Temperature Is ex- tromely loo and Ice chunks are solid- ifying to an extent that alarms river men The first gorge formed at Moundsvllle and Is several miles In length The second formed against the Union railroad bridge and extellI- I over tia Slaektown pumping st lion a Ulld above town The Ohio river Is frtzen over hero for the first time at so early a date In the hIstory of Ohio river navIgation KentuckIan Milnc St Louis Dee 9Relatlves of Charles L Mason Q wealthy young coal dealer of Paducah Ky who dim appeared hi this city Nov 19 after coming here from Chicago believe te met with foul play lie wore dis monde worth several hundred dollar and Is believed to have had between I 700 and tOOO with him DetecUveb I placed on the ease the day after Ma- sons dlsalloaranco have tailed to find a Blow ot the missing man Chalcd With Forgery Louluvillo Ky Dec 9A man sup posed to lIo John R McFee n Chicago NeyUhotel by local otfecra McFee Is said to Le wanted ou n ehargp of forging notes lIe declined to make IIIIY statement and announced his willingness to reo turn to Chicago at once The local dat- ectiva department said that the man would lIe hold until requtdtioa papers arrlve4s 4 to II e J 7 1OUNDEO RYSTORM Disasters to sidpphmg at Iotutl on- j time Alluntlu Coast I highland Light Mass Dec lt Four of the 20 members of the crow of the Boston fishing schooner Fllh Hawk lost their lives after dugertln their vessel which lied struck unit was barss at the north end or Cupo Cod Plvu others including Captain lily wbcrtfol lowed their four companions over the side had a severe six hours tussle against a freezing sea and gale In n small dory hut managed to roach Provlncetown harbor The deaths and suffering VolIl1 have Mon noll1od hall all stayed bytlclr vossol which hnll n miraculous escape and tour hours later was safely anchOrtlllln ProvInce town harbor The lost seamen were Thomas Kcnnedy East Ilostoa John Woodworth Everett John Drew Dos ton Joseph Kehoe Gloucester Ken nedys body was rocoverod by time life w vcrs but none Of the other bodies was seen To Enlarge Commissions Powers Wasliington Dee 10Enlargement- of the powers of the Interstate com merce commission Is ono of the quop tlons which will ho pressed vigorously lit the present session of congress It can ho said that In the mind of Pr s- Idcnt Roosevelt no problem more im- portant than this to ail tim people of the country Is likely to engage the attention ot congress this winter It Is urged that the commission be given power lIy law to regulate freight rates RussoAmerican Treaty St Petersburg Dec 8 Foreign Minister Lamsdorft has Informed Spencer Eddy mho American charge datralres that the amendmentS Itustla- will propose to the Rus8oAmcrlwD treaty are almost corn IlIrbltraUon wm be transmitted In a They are nt numerous nor of great importance and tt Is con fidently expected that an ngrooment will lie speedily reached Heavy Loss by Fire Rochestor N Y Doc lThe ROo boy building was destroyed by fire en tailing a loss of about OOOOO Tho building which was valued at OUOOO was practically destroyed The Van Dergh Sllvor Plato company loses 250000 with an insuranco of IIiO- 000 Tho Hayden lIrnlture company lost lQOOOO Insured Reach an Agreement Charleston W Va Dec toTilo operators and striking minors In tin Cabin creek ilistrlct carne to an agree ment the terms ot which are that tls operators shall stop the ovletiuds which began Wednesday and the union miners will quietly leave the premises of the Cabin creek operators and seek employment In other fettle There are a3 operations In tune Cable creek field from which more than 700 families will withdraw within the next two weeks Jmot san InLaw- Clncinnali 0 Dec E tmro Wilson a piano tuner formerly ot DaytonICy was probably fatally shot by his fatherlnlaw W 1h Dueler at the hatters homo In that city Wtlsdn and his wl1o hind quarr loll and sepa- rated Wilden wanted to Induce Lis wife to return to Mm but her father prevented their meeting and the shooting occurred during the quarrel which folla red DuekertiOlalms he shot In self QeteAse t < n GlrntrhrClj1JII1 ilenduclul fJuIJllylelt ten i1 you utc11r Kings Nrw Life tIl1N Iluulmultiri of PaiTereri have proved their ntntuhleri- nldrK fur Sink and Serroae liendaebeti They mllke pure Jlllnd and hlillt up your Itrnitlt Only 25u uuutey hllcj if not aired Rnld lIy I lick Inn Ilrug Co The Daimon lne Ihc Wbemm baboons once tnke tu n nleblle field they will not leave It till they Lure eaten every cob When they de- part every evening for house they bnvc tilled their stomachs thelrchol1k poaeh- en and their nrJUIII You wuuot poison these pests fur tittlen grabii ot pure str3chnlno In n bnnnna ins fntlal to kill one Only shooting with n ride- will cia and no human army was ever cleverer In setting senlrleN Even at nighttime a large force of hunters has often been defied In its ntteIDlllli to surround time rocky stronghold of- Cynocepbalus porcnrlus liven dOs sent ngnlllllt the baboons fnll before creatures which llllc hnuds with wbluh to seize their enenmlvs befoul biting them Let line atay lit home fnruler congratulate him self un pus- secging merely ruuks p1gruns tats and spurruvslCountry G1111t1cum rJ- JI i YtTLl plnrPFur mil rncklJn K- y2IL M S CHAM Hicks IJO tlnlunit 9hsRPv Tr ItIIIIkfl dlmnnne fur 10G 1A now rrdc hup the fIIIH rdm- Ittrtl P1er ISolIld ThIll vplrmlhi aril costly bunk mil 2001isges id n comphI I study or astrmmllnnmy and sinmm n wruther rill lOUG It la tllll well knutrn In need cuuiinent t PP It and yon will so elf eule 1ha linen puwtiidd to anynd el1I1I liJ 3Ju pere lpy lime IttW Ire n IIlek scienmille religmotm end rlllll- iI jmnrunl 11onm ASI 1VnfKN num abreast tthli the hr tnimgnzime III ill n year Roil Wmd anti works 11141 the AluinnDe 1 co per yenr No better h- ivltUl nt u8illJle triIlY perault or- Gnnlly I ry It 11111Ie Sind to WORD AND WOItKS pun co 2ml Lucut St St Loul Mo kI100o tu Culullutu and Return Via llbieogo lJnluti Pneifrr Nnrib- 1Vnreru Linn Chl1I11I llenver Cot urndn Springucd Iurblo dully I Iirpugltnut thin eunnura Corrrrpeud- ltngty JflW rllle4 tltlII alt pnitlts 111- UIII uric otgbt to 1I11Ilr fwlu Chien- go mind CllItrlll Since and uuly too- nightdemrnulefrumim Ihu AUnnlle SIII bound Iao rllst UIIIII dulLY N M Ilrelzn 435Vine SlrtPt- OiIlCIIII1I1t10hlll 1f127 ro lint tWItISB R l- STo 7o ClullIut1 nod Loadviloa- tul rlllIrtI from ChlclIJ1 dally vu lilt ChlcULXII t North1Siterrl Ity- Correpundlngty Laiwrnte + frmmuuthe- rpoints Thu Maack IIIII regionttmn great nutmiral snnitnrlinl lie limo llest- is one of he Inn41 piutitresque spots III thin 11urld lllid veil worth a vt it- infurniatlon and ticket eon he tmecured front sour liunlo agent Ili18trnllII- lilMk hill lioukiet with valuable mop nuuldno rrosipt of 4 dei1t4 in stumps hf WU Kllldkorn Ohlcugu A nice small Farm in Lee couuy for role limo Ilrklll Stamper pence on- thnllead of Boar Creek Nice dweubm- ggdd storelimtse cribs und barnnover ailing water well fenced Price rca nlll1llu and terms Jars RIIIII to IWluulieater j i RAILROAD fABLES RyI U oLmtET BJE 14QrCli r d act10th 1904 Wc5tsound No1 No a r Dally 1111I- 1s SunJy mix Sunday A i 1 LYJngksnq d23 925 K Jpncllu 69 lk- lllrhllyville Jun 710 826 Torrent i47 341 Natural fridge 801 401 828 4na Clay City 887 439 llinchetor Or3 li O- Ar Jexlnitnn 110 tJ5 d Last Bound Nu I No4 dally DIIV ta SunJay tI Sunday ImM AM- Lv 1t Inktln 22 745- Rinopeeter nlO N23 Clay City SJiti olu- Stantnn 400 023 Natural Drhlge 42S 9lit Torrent 449 1008- llenttyvflla inn 511 1029- O h K June 011 1120- lrJaekenn OIQ IL33- Nos 8 nrld 4 make clusm ennnecllen for Cannel City RIIII Jllllni mn Ohh t- lKrmnlaky hhuituvmtyDiriefrndailyem- erilt Sunday Nos I end 2 eonlllct nit T E Junc- tIln with OhlMIJenko mt Ohtufor 11- 1Sterlbigmid local ponds Trains NCIiI fc 2 ennnect It 1lealy VflluJunotientrititL4 A for Bratty vtlle Jt liArn ten1Tk r- Cnt ScroTT 41 A I 0 K Jt Y ImectiTo tiny 2nd 1001 Ca Bound SVestllollnt 2 e STATIONSnti y t f f Au AR rr An Ar Lr rim Lr 930 2M Jmwkson 1120 BtfA- 02G 230 OIJunQII26 311- R43 ISS Wlllmurit 11 62 417- SlO 1G2 11 US hili- 7ro 18 rp a Glly 12 Gtlp- 7x11 Ih2 ilelecllawa 12 SIF 715 105 Oanuel Ollr 1l45 Ih- Uf1v Ph M Ill Alt Ptr Alt Wefthound laHOIIjf1 Train emnneetA- at 1r K Jllnclloll tslthtrmin which 1RtJt Lexbtgthn nt i40 nm HMt1JIlnd Pnrsnlrgcr lisle cnnnmlR- mil U r h Jiincllun witlitraln tvnlrit arrives nt WlncJltller 520 mind 11- in ton It 605 pmMo CornatyBupt Louisville Atlantic Ry- in effect JulrJSlh lQOI Nos Nub Andre tute- IM J AI Statton4I- I Ui TC IJ JueblII 016 GVu JInlt1mJut 7020 4110 ltesttyrfio 7lG 130 I lettit lbttrgr 80 312 Irvine 911 21G UiciUllnmJ 10 20 Not No ul Nu 2 P11 iJf A M 100 P 31 Irvine 2 M AIll r s la IUchl1lntl1pJ IIJ Q 110 Ira i 40 tlIer Viut 4 in Q I1 11110 i1 Nichrminvtllo f48 0 r13 1418 0 311rrsihee 35 7 liG 7 aU 3h lniihvlflo R Iii 104- 0Ir Jv Ar Ar II it San z > It Q J d VA 1ersnillrA la- yILrIJI r r oitci4 PtCfio CO- w rexiilgtottTraeBoil Curs fnve exligtmi for farts every hour trulII 0mm nt tu7 p mil andnt 0 p In ienve luPie nvFry hour frum 7 II m to 8 11111111111 ut 10 1111 511111 are 40 eeu to- irnre TPxlmiglun for Georgetown er cry hour rrulll7 n III In II nt except 11 O nt tp 11181 1II11dll p In Leave Ge r1ttowl every hints trulII G n nl to 10 p tit except 10 n In 12 m 1II1I7lInl1 9p I Y ALEXtNlEll Imesident llt1 POIt SIB 10 ncrrd 2 mitts uulll or Iudinr- Fields kiluwtums n pant of the Iudinr Old Field1 house with 7 ruom- nristcri nt the door tillli nil the other ueceitryuut IJllillllllJlI mur mock Iirll uue tuhcl lmru salllcient to hold 4 acres or lubncenCDurchre nod- riebaul CUt1YtlI11Nai rim fimrlu td tpcl- ltratrrrd edit feucedIImrro IIL II let yotuig orclutd or smntatbing over lW- 1I111I Irelri III IlIJllfill seleeted fruit call Oil or address mu nt Indian lIoJt1 KyV Gt W AirnN- I have savirul hondrad lIf1elll re- corded during my term mf ntlico i- ClllllltvOltrk IhosP nrt vnbullih In limn oner ur tilt loud anti I 101111- 1hI tllrul rnr them tcJ Coll pay the rCtI anti inks them uJt J Vfsu iiigitms nm j f P P CRPWFORb 1PmES B1 o Y CYO t1 c ok Jerore p 4 fl OU fllrcnase Sn t1i11on know WO had th- eNlcT 1E OF OOb jouJplC rOil can spuutl atiywlluro hilt whon it COlllOe down to now nptodato tIght priest gilt tdgtMtlJtluu phatsn thu itI t E3 H 0 EE3 of A11onmtlo to lit n mll and wear wellnnbhy anti drupe antias c11anI as Others soil old tlwp worn 8tllff It is nut possible fur ally dotlor in the country to offer better goals nl time aauio price 41skany lady in town whoro to buy your Dress Goods Htld NotiollS Tho verdict is unaniotous- r i- Trely your frionds t A1Pt CRAWFORD l acksononluck C JC1rC OOJ 52S2525a55S2S2S2S SrSs s 3 52S25i5C IntsehleiF11 iil JAOKSON EP SITBANKJ a Jackson Kentucky Puidllt i CtI hill until Surplus 2650000 t 11o solieit tliu Banking B119I11Usa and nOUJ1l11tsI i Ilml cr MlIIlIliICtlllCIS 1 nIrtilllbel DenIers 3usincss Mon rnMerchants lFtllill ems fIt TJrouglwut Etsturn Koutuakand ulfur our on a3 t ri 1q ID- mm the IIIDJIt LIBERAL TERME3 10 rrGl 525ZSb 5 3c525s5Z5r2h5P5rSu Zr1J2ZS253r25 JW 7 Ji I I 00 secure mho Lcs1 rosulls 1m for YOlr atoned nduarllro the lit m 1 9Jreatu lCounty 9lewsJ f 1 gills bosh ntcdiunt Jy which f i- trade1 10 reach all tho mountain i I Y I- Viuco the Cmct1alon of t le i any jJupar In 2realh1l J rE N N A D 4 EDUCAlIONJ time Y YOllJ1lJ titan or young wolilait who wouldWin 511ccc5sin life vein conceded it is of first importance to gctpur lraitiing at the school that stands in thevcry front rank The Bryant Steattort Business Collegeo N B Con Sclllltl nUll Waluut Sty LOUJSV1I414I Ii 1 Bookkeeping Shorthand 1ypcvritil1g Soren expericnced1eacheIR each ont It specialist in his line WtitoJOI1 hmuliulhQok givim Wsthnoninls front Lrulual t s oeen ring ptolliinelit positions nil over the United Slnlasit will un innil etl to yOU FHgl School open 8ll the year Stildcnte fin enter nt I1nF time ° iW1 g J W lUGllllirsidcntU- ESC u SlOIlm 1S TtiE 1lm11 BUIOnllll FIl01I- Ull Y Uiitit I I l ARLINGTON HOTEL Y s SS TAULBEE PROP JAGgSUNrJcI NTtJC1Yr1 a JOOO LiVE tY STdIIIE IS Imsr CISi IMJII1elf 1NtfTiOti It011S A A 00 < r + i DYSPEPSIA COREc r DIGESTS WHAT YOU tAT i Thit stoo ItottleCOIalns 2 IIMUlb lrla1111e which klor Oceat a Rr- rsPAIDoNY ATTflt LIOIATORY Or a e C DeWITT do t OtlPANY CUI tGOiILLi For Sale bM s CRA1V JucksoniI h is P ar- r x r M IW J tt I e I y Tt ac r 1 41 J fh tv t n 4 I rir + M c If iP I wT Y- Xlr a j I t N t ry

Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-12-16 [p ] · J and for the most part among people sho are Inter ested in and able to buy either

Aug 05, 2020



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Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-12-16 [p ] · J and for the most part among people sho are Inter ested in and able to buy either



Important vents l10th Local andForeign Will lie Found DrlrU-ChroDlclrol and Duly Arranged Un

der the Dally leadingr

TUKSUAFire gutted the village of Sardls O

Loss Is heavyr Dnslllca of St Marks church Von

lee reported to be crumblingArbltratln treaty between Great

Britain and the United States signedat Washington

Robbers entered the poslotfico at1

Relnbeck la and got away withI 2600 An exchange of shots took

place between a posse of citizens andt the thieves

Postmasters appointed OhioFred-Ltnning Norwalk J K Allen Greenwick Wmam W Reed Kent Law-

rence R Watts London John Campbell Warren

Spencer O Jlnrlngton the oldestI member of life house of commons

l died at London He represented theTower hamlets In tho Conservative In

t terests for nearly fiO years-JIONDAY

Flames damaged the factory of theHenry Sheep Manufacturing companyPhiladelphia to the extent of S150000

James Rankin fiO Mary Rankin fiG

and four children living near SlddellIll died from the effects of eating polconed cabbage

William Brent past grand councillor-of the Ohio Grand council of tho United CommercIal Travelers droppeddead at his homo In ClarksburgWV

At Columbus 0 Mrs Dlsmarcli-Newman awakened In bed late In thenight to find her three days old girldead In her arms The baby hadsmothered ct

William McGee who claims to bO

the sole survler of Custers commandto the famous battle of the Little mgHorn placed under arrest at NewYork charged with killing FrankMitchell a salesman

Lorain county 0repeclal grandJury finished Its Investigation Into thoCassie 1 Chadwick note case In connectlon with the OberUn CItizens Na

II tlonal hank and reported that therewas not sutfcient evidence to indictMrs Chadwick

SATURDAYJames D Hoge G9 expert tole-

grapher died at Zantsvl11e O

Dominic Carmen 18 crushed todeath at the Marble Cliff stone quarrtes at Columbus O

Fire at Pontiac Ill destroyed themain building of the Pontiac ShoeManufacturing company Loss 7iiOOO-

J 1+

Failures this week numbered 239 II-


tlo United States against 331 lastyear and 21 In Canada compared with20 a year ago

Fire resulting from a gas explosIonIn the dry goods store ot EndersMoore In the buslnesa section of StJoseph Mo caused damage estimated

100000tiCfishermen drowned In anatthe Norwegian stenmj

or Anglia which was wreckedrOckS near New blggln Northumberland England

Earl O Devuro pleaded guilty tobasing entered and robbed the postioffice at Woodsfield 0 and stealing I

Sept 19 1904 lie was given13 months In penitentiary and 100 j

W fine1 FnJUAVI

Eleven miners all foreigner perfished by the mine explosion at Burnett Wash

M Syvaton Nationalist deputy as-

phyxiated by gas In his apartments atNeuilly France

Robbers dynamited the sate of thePoint Pleasant W Va postomce se

1 curing 1050 In stamps and lGO cashThe president sent to the senato the

nomination of James Johnston of NewJersey to be consul general at thankow China

JOG McKinney who shot and killedA J Fletcher In a quarrel over an old I

debt ins s quitted at Clarks Gap WVa on the ground of soltdefense

Joseph Schwenlnger an aldermanand prominent politician at Cincinnati0 charged with permitting gamblingon the premises of his plnce of buslness

TIIUiISDAYOmce of the Cleveland

department robbed of waterworksIt Pulp and paper

northern New York forced to shutdown owing to drought

Charles Nelan 46 a cartoonist forCleveland and New York papers diedat Cave Springs Ga Ho was born ntAkron 0

Fred Darlsch formerly marshal atHarrisburg 0 found guilty of shootIng to kill F A Chamberlain a Lardware merchant Penalty ono to 20

yearsJoseph Thompson 45 met Instant

death while beaching his boat atPortsmouth O The lever of a windlass let go striking him over theheart



Duntee 30 Instantly killed at-

Refalre 0 steel plant Pulled Intothe rollsff Pattereon a soldier at theColumbus barracks committed suicideby shooting Had been ill

Charles Frost 43 bookkeeper of twofirms connected with the Nationalstockyards of East St Louis Illcharged with 1GOOO shortage

M Do Roulede French statesmanand M Jaures tllo Socialist leader la-

the French chamber or tlopuUe3fought a duel with pistols In FranceThe exchange of shots had no resultrr

StrandedJThe threeCaptainRoycePenIslandlIna fiO miles north of Cape lIalterasduring a heavy northerly gale and is-

za total loss The captain and live ofIlifesavingcrew I

was lpzen to death In the rigging andliilw er Js nearly dead from exposure-




ti 1r

y s mt r V Sae i

A Record of Marve1ousAccomplisluU8ntA


Established Fcbru ry 191 I904 Tire Lcilziy Farmer and BnceIerofLexington has within a few months tin1e become concededly the bcst weckl


paper of its kind in Atnerlca and has secured aMaidlnadvance circulation ofover 13000 copies

Among the contributors to its columns on agricultural topics are many

of the bestposted men in Amcrica11r H Iy Hillenmycr whose reputation as

a nurseryman is national conducts each week aa detlKrtment of answers tqinquiries in which he gives from his vast store of k qvlc die experience andstudy his views and advice on any subject pertaining to tie orchard lawn or

garden about which inform atl1rerysissue of The hentrcrFarmer and Sreeder coal ins the most Pcrtincnt 1Jvs andThe nlost tRi4e1 Y-


advice for farmers and stock raisers qfcvcry sortAs a medium for all forms of farm arid live stock advertising for both of

which it offers special discounts it has no ri a 1 in the state More titan half itsI

circulation is in Kentucky J and for the most part among people sho are Interested in and able to buy either farms or goodstockp

By special arrangement we are able to offer for a limited time







It is the most valuable weekly paper in America for the farmers of Ken

tacky to take Published at Lexington II the hub of the horse worldand the

center of the states agricultural iritercstst has the opportbni y to obtalnnnditu-

blishnever fails to live a ptodate fresh news and valuable feature hatterI

which no other paper contains

J SampaJJ pie3 mayje had on a plication at this office



Welllthy FarmerFollutving u Quarrnl Operatorsand aihlera ntnch III AgreementOlder Lire 1lenlion-

Cynthiana Ky Dee 12Adam Jonett a well todo farmer about tfU yearsof age was shot and Instantly killedIII his sot Joseph at their home nearreckhiridge In this county Josephwas In the Philippines unUl about uyear ago Young Jouett was badlytlcaten by ids father There has beenmuch trouble between the tarher onoto sldo and the mother and two sonson the other The old man had servedn term of two years In the ponltenteary at Frankfort for killing a youngman named Colvin In November 189S

In this county

Marcum Damage CaseWinchester Ky Dec 13Tho trial

ot the suit of Mrs Angola Marcum for100000 damages against Senator AlexIlargis JUdge James Harts SheriffEd Callahan and D Fr French beganMonday A Floyd Byrd who prosecuted Curt Jett and Tom White forthe murder of the husband of MrsMarcum opened the case for the plaintilt revlewng the clrcumstancos thatled to the kllllnt of Marc m RuckCottongane one of the witnesses wlo 1

Mrs Marcum InlIn affidavit declartd I

had been Bribed and enticed away bythe defendants was arrested Jn Rich I

mond Ky by Sheriff McCord and IsIn the lie Moss Feltnr01Mrsand testify In her behalfIOhio River

WheolinglVgorges which began to form belowand above here when the river frozeover Sunday are rapidly being oxtended up stream Temperature Is ex-

tromely loo and Ice chunks are solid-ifying to an extent that alarms rivermen The first gorge formed atMoundsvllle and Is several miles Inlength The second formed againstthe Union railroad bridge and extellI-I over tia Slaektown pumping st

lion a Ulld above town The Ohioriver Is frtzen over hero for the firsttime at so early a date In the hIstoryof Ohio river navIgation

KentuckIan MilncSt Louis Dee 9Relatlves of

Charles L Mason Q wealthy youngcoal dealer of Paducah Ky who dimappeared hi this city Nov 19 aftercoming here from Chicago believe temet with foul play lie wore dismonde worth several hundred dollarand Is believed to have had between I

700 and tOOO with him DetecUvebI

placed on the ease the day after Ma-sons dlsalloaranco have tailed to finda Blow ot the missing man

Chalcd With ForgeryLouluvillo Ky Dec 9A man sup

posed to lIo John R McFee n ChicagoNeyUhotelby local otfecra McFee Is said to Lewanted ou n ehargp of forging noteslIe declined to make IIIIY statementand announced his willingness to reoturn to Chicago at once The local dat-ectiva department said that the manwould lIe hold until requtdtioa papers

arrlve4s 4 to





Disasters to sidpphmg at Iotutl on-j time Alluntlu CoastI highland Light Mass Dec lt

Four of the 20 members of the crowof the Boston fishing schooner FllhHawk lost their lives after dugertlntheir vessel which lied struck unit wasbarssat the north end or Cupo Cod Plvuothers including Captain lily wbcrtfollowed their four companions over theside had a severe six hours tussleagainst a freezing sea and gale In nsmall dory hut managed to roachProvlncetown harbor The deaths andsuffering VolIl1 have Mon noll1od hallall stayed bytlclr vossol which hnll nmiraculous escape and tour hourslater was safely anchOrtlllln ProvIncetown harbor The lost seamen wereThomas Kcnnedy East Ilostoa JohnWoodworth Everett John Drew Doston Joseph Kehoe Gloucester Kennedys body was rocoverod by time lifew vcrs but none Of the other bodieswas seen

To Enlarge Commissions PowersWasliington Dee 10Enlargement-

of the powers of the Interstate commerce commission Is ono of the quoptlons which will ho pressed vigorouslylit the present session of congress Itcan ho said that In the mind of Pr s-

Idcnt Roosevelt no problem more im-

portant than this to ail tim people ofthe country Is likely to engage theattention ot congress this winter It Isurged that the commission be givenpower lIy law to regulate freight rates

RussoAmerican TreatySt Petersburg Dec 8 Foreign

Minister Lamsdorft has InformedSpencer Eddy mho American chargedatralres that the amendmentS Itustla-will propose to the Rus8oAmcrlwD

treaty are almost cornIlIrbltraUon wm be transmitted In a

They are nt numerous norof great importance and tt Is confidently expected that an ngroomentwill lie speedily reached

Heavy Loss by FireRochestor N Y Doc lThe ROo

boy building was destroyed by fire entailing a loss of about OOOOO Thobuilding which was valued at OUOOO

was practically destroyed The VanDergh Sllvor Plato company loses250000 with an insuranco of IIiO-

000 Tho Hayden lIrnlture companylost lQOOOO Insured

Reach an AgreementCharleston W Va Dec toTilo

operators and striking minors In tinCabin creek ilistrlct carne to an agreement the terms ot which are that tlsoperators shall stop the ovletiudswhich began Wednesday and theunion miners will quietly leave thepremises of the Cabin creek operatorsand seek employment In other fettleThere are a3 operations In tune Cablecreek field from which more than 700families will withdraw within the nexttwo weeks

Jmot sanInLaw-Clncinnali 0 Dec E tmro

Wilson a piano tuner formerly otDaytonICy was probably fatally shotby his fatherlnlaw W 1h Dueler atthe hatters homo In that city Wtlsdnand his wl1o hind quarr loll and sepa-rated Wilden wanted to Induce Liswife to return to Mm but her fatherprevented their meeting and theshooting occurred during the quarrelwhich folla red DuekertiOlalms he shotIn self QeteAse t <


GlrntrhrClj1JII1 ilenduclulfJuIJllylelt ten i1 you utc11r

Kings Nrw Life tIl1N Iluulmultiri ofPaiTereri have proved their ntntuhleri-nldrK fur Sink and Serroae liendaebetiThey mllke pure Jlllnd and hlillt upyour Itrnitlt Only 25u uuutey hllcj ifnot aired Rnld lIy I lick Inn Ilrug Co

The Daimon lne IhcWbemm baboons once tnke tu n nleblle

field they will not leave It till theyLure eaten every cob When they de-

part every evening for house they bnvctilled their stomachs thelrchol1k poaeh-en and their nrJUIII You wuuot poisonthese pests fur tittlen grabii ot purestr3chnlno In n bnnnna ins fntlal tokill one Only shooting with n ride-

will cia and no human army was evercleverer In setting senlrleN Even atnighttime a large force of huntershas often been defied In its ntteIDllllito surround time rocky stronghold of-

Cynocepbalus porcnrlus liven dOssent ngnlllllt the baboons fnll beforecreatures which llllc hnuds withwbluh to seize their enenmlvs befoulbiting them Let line atay lit homefnruler congratulate him self un pus-

secging merely ruuks p1gruns tats andspurruvslCountry G1111t1cum

rJ-JI i YtTLlplnrPFurmil rncklJn K-y2IL M S CHAM

Hicks IJO tlnlunit9hsRPv Tr ItIIIIkfl dlmnnne fur

10G 1A now rrdc hup the fIIIH rdm-

Ittrtl P1er ISolIld ThIll vplrmlhi arilcostly bunk mil 2001isges id n comphI Istudy or astrmmllnnmy and sinmm n wrutherrill lOUG It la tllll well knutrn In needcuuiinent t PP It and yon will so elfeule 1ha linen puwtiidd to anyndel1I1I liJ 3Ju pere lpy lime IttW Iren IIlek scienmille religmotm end rlllll-

iI jmnrunl 11onm ASI 1VnfKN numabreast tthli the hr tnimgnzime III illn year Roil Wmd anti works 11141 theAluinnDe 1 co per yenr No better h-

ivltUl nt u8illJle triIlY perault or-Gnnlly I ry It 11111Ie Sind to

WORD AND WOItKS pun co2ml Lucut St St Loul Mo

kI100o tu Culullutu and ReturnVia llbieogo lJnluti Pneifrr Nnrib-1Vnreru Linn Chl1I11I llenver Coturndn Springucd Iurblo dullyI Iirpugltnut thin eunnura Corrrrpeud-ltngty JflW rllle4 tltlII alt pnitlts 111-UIII uric otgbt to 1I11Ilr fwlu Chien-go mind CllItrlll Since and uuly too-nightdemrnulefrumim Ihu AUnnlle SIIIbound Iao rllst UIIIII dulLY

N M Ilrelzn 435Vine SlrtPt-OiIlCIIII1I1t10hlll

1f127 ro lint tWItISB R l-

STo 7o ClullIut1 nod Loadviloa-

tul rlllIrtI from ChlclIJ1 dally vulilt ChlcULXII t North1Siterrl Ity-

Correpundlngty Laiwrnte + frmmuuthe-rpoints Thu Maack IIIII regionttmngreat nutmiral snnitnrlinl lie limo llest-is one of he Inn41 piutitresque spots IIIthin 11urld lllid veil worth a vt it-

infurniatlon and ticket eon he tmecuredfront sour liunlo agent Ili18trnllII-lilMk hill lioukiet with valuable mopnuuldno rrosipt of 4 dei1t4 in stumpshf WU Kllldkorn Ohlcugu

A nice small Farm in Lee couuy forrole limo Ilrklll Stamper pence on-

thnllead of Boar Creek Nice dweubm-ggdd storelimtse cribs und barnnoverailing water well fenced Price rcanlll1llu and terms

Jars RIIIII to IWluulieaterj



14QrCli rd act10th 1904

Wc5tsoundNo1 No a

rDally 1111I-

1s SunJy mix SundayA i 1

LYJngksnq d23 925K Jpncllu 69 lk-

lllrhllyville Jun 710 826Torrent i47 341Natural fridge 801 401

828 4naClay City 887 439llinchetor Or3 li O-

Ar Jexlnitnn 110 tJ5d

Last BoundNu I No4dally DIIV

ta SunJay tI SundayImM AM-

Lv 1t Inktln 22 745-Rinopeeter nlO N23Clay City SJiti olu-Stantnn 400 023Natural Drhlge 42S 9litTorrent 449 1008-llenttyvflla inn 511 1029-O h K June 011 1120-

lrJaekenn OIQ IL33-

Nos 8 nrld 4 make clusm ennnecllenfor Cannel City RIIII Jllllni mn Ohh t-

lKrmnlaky hhuituvmtyDiriefrndailyem-erilt Sunday

Nos I end 2 eonlllct nit T E Junc-tIln with OhlMIJenko mt Ohtufor 11-1Sterlbigmid local ponds

Trains NCIiI fc 2 ennnect It 1lealyVflluJunotientrititL4 A for Brattyvtlle

Jt liArn ten1Tk r-

Cnt ScroTT 41 AI

0 K Jt Y

ImectiTo tiny 2nd 1001

Ca Bound SVestllollnt2 e

STATIONSnti ytf fAu AR rr An Ar Lr rim Lr930 2M Jmwkson 1120 BtfA-02G 230 OIJunQII26 311-R43 ISS Wlllmurit 11 62 417-SlO 1G2 11 US hili-7ro 18 rp a Glly 12 Gtlp-7x11 Ih2 ilelecllawa 12 SIF715 105 Oanuel Ollr 1l45 Ih-

Uf1v Ph M Ill Alt Ptr AltWefthound laHOIIjf1 Train emnneetA-

at 1r K Jllnclloll tslthtrmin which1RtJt Lexbtgthn nt i40 nm

HMt1JIlnd Pnrsnlrgcr lisle cnnnmlR-mil U r h Jiincllun witlitraln tvnlritarrives nt WlncJltller 520 mind 11-in ton It 605

pmMo CornatyBupt

Louisville Atlantic Ry-

in effect JulrJSlh lQOI

Nos NubAndre tute-IM J AI


I Ui TC IJ JueblII 016GVu JInlt1mJut 70204110 ltesttyrfio 7lG130 I lettitlbttrgr 80312 Irvine 91121G UiciUllnmJ 10 20

Not No ul Nu 2P11 iJf A M

100 P 31 Irvine 2 M

AIllr s la IUchl1lntl1pJ IIJ Q 110

Ira i 40 tlIer Viut 4 in Q I1

11110 i1 Nichrminvtllo f48 0 r13

1418 0 311rrsihee 35 7 liG

7 aU 3h lniihvlflo R Iii 104-0Ir Jv Ar Ar

II it Sanz> It Q J d V A

1ersnillrA la-

yILrIJIr r

oitci4 PtCfio CO-w

rexiilgtottTraeBoilCurs fnve exligtmi for farts every

hour trulII 0mm nt tu7 p mil andnt 0

p In ienve luPie nvFry hour frum 7

II m to 8 11111111111 ut 10 1111 511111are 40 eeu to-

irnre TPxlmiglun for Georgetown ercry hour rrulll7 n III In II nt except11 O nt tp 11181 1II11dll p InLeave Ge r1ttowl every hints trulII G

n nl to 10 p tit except 10 n In 12 m

1II1I7lInl1 9 p IY ALEXtNlEll Imesident

llt1 POIt SIB10 ncrrd 2 mitts uulll or Iudinr-

Fields kiluwtums n pant of the IudinrOld Field1 house with 7 ruom-nristcri nt the door tillli nil the otherueceitryuut IJllillllllJlI mur mock

Iirll uue tuhcl lmru salllcient tohold 4 acres or lubncenCDurchre nod-

riebaul CUt1YtlI11Nai rim fimrlu td tpcl-

ltratrrrd edit feucedIImrro IIL II let

yotuig orclutd or smntatbing over lW-

1I111I Irelri III IlIJllfill seleeted fruitcall Oil or address mu nt Indian lIoJt1KyV

Gt W AirnN-

I have savirul hondrad lIf1elll re-

corded during my term mf ntlico i-

ClllllltvOltrk IhosP nrt vnbullih Inlimn oner ur tilt loud anti I 101111-1hI tllrul rnr them tcJ Coll pay the rCtIanti inks them uJt

J Vfsu iiigitms



ok Jerore p

4fl OU fllrcnase

Sn t1i11on know WO had th-

eNlcT 1E OF OObjouJplCrOil can spuutl atiywlluro hilt whon it COlllOe down

to now nptodato tIght priest gilt tdgtMtlJtluu phatsn thuitI t

E3 H0EE3of

A11onmtlo to lit n mll and wear wellnnbhy anti drupe antiasc11anI as Others soil old tlwp worn 8tllff It is nut possible furally dotlor in the country to offer better goals nl time aauioprice 41skany lady in town whoro to buy your

Dress Goods Htld NotiollSTho verdict is unaniotous-



Trely your frionds



l acksononluckC JC1rC


52S2525a55S2S2S2S SrSs s 3 52S25i5CIntsehleiF11 iil


Jackson KentuckyPuidllt i CtI hill until Surplus 2650000


11o solieit tliu Banking B119I11Usa and nOUJ1l11tsI

i Ilml cr MlIIlIliICtlllCIS 1

nIrtilllbel DenIers3usincss Mon

rnMerchantslFtllill ems fIt

TJrouglwut Etsturn Koutuakand ulfur our on a3 t ri 1qID-

mm the IIIDJIt

LIBERAL TERME3 10rrGl525ZSb 5 3c525s5Z5r2h5P5rSu Zr1J2ZS253r25

JW 7 JiI I

00 secure mho Lcs1 rosulls

1m for YOlr atoned nduarllrothelitm

1 9Jreatu lCounty 9lewsJ f

1 gills bosh ntcdiunt Jy which f


trade110 reach all tho mountain

i I Y I-

Viuco the Cmct1alon of tle

i any jJupar In 2realh1l J



YOllJ1lJ titan or young wolilait who wouldWin 511ccc5sin lifevein conceded it is of first importance to gctpur

lraitiing at the school that stands in thevcry front rank

The Bryant Steattort Business CollegeoN B Con Sclllltl nUll Waluut Sty LOUJSV1I414I Ii 1

Bookkeeping Shorthand 1ypcvritil1gSoren expericnced1eacheIR each ont It specialist in his line

WtitoJOI1 hmuliulhQok givim Wsthnoninls front Lrulual t s oeenring ptolliinelit positions nil over the United Slnlasit will un innil

etl to yOU FHglSchool open 8ll the year Stildcnte fin enter nt I1nF time


iW1g J W lUGllllirsidcntU-


uSlOIlm 1S TtiE 1lm11 BUIOnllll FIl01I-Ull Y Uiitit






1NtfTiOti It011SA A

00< r




DIGESTS WHAT YOU tAT iThit stoo ItottleCOIalns 2 IIMUlb lrla1111e which klor Oceat a Rr-

rsPAIDoNY ATTflt LIOIATORY Or ae C DeWITT do tOtlPANY CUI tGOiILLiFor Sale bM s CRA1V JucksoniI h is



rx r

MIW J tt

Ie I

yTt ac r1 41 J fhtvt n

4 I rir + McIf iP IwT Y-


aj ItN

t ry