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p 1lne1rllIleMt y ibokd by tlie right kind of ad Ier- L11Ut has glnm Cuacllrttl tile lIClt eat Ie in world among laxative mcd icina Over ten million IKIXCS a year are now being bought by the American people Utiutt aiiccem uhvayn bring out imitators mill readers are warned that when it S wines to medicine the best is none too 1 < 1and whenever n dealer offers to Kll you something lust na good put ItI down Rill worthless put your nionr in pocket and go to a store where I you will fairly nnd where when you ask for Cuscurcts you will- Ed what you ask for Johnny Grandpa ban you any theIie 1 III let you hold my nut while I run in errand GUscow Kvenint Time To Care a Cold In On Tlnr AUdruggiits tt you stand too much your dig nity somebody ii sure to walk on it Chicago Tribune I am sure Iison Cure fpr Consumption 4eied my lire three yeari igolIrs Thos a Norwich X I1cb 171900 J haulthtylthn once raised to power Weascnburg bedyed I To slur is human to forgive taken time Town Topics I Occupation ii the scythe of timea o JvuIl I 00 I ArzztJ krjw HENT llhfrfl W c A German Farmer Clf lithjteJos favorably known n who hu proplelie work publication a made him a liciman farmer who Is member of onjtrcga tion The mans name ieorgo Hocl lerer and he has given Rev Pope this letter List winter I suffered very much with lUicunmtism could neither walk nor ride on horse back do any firm took medicine from different doctors but not do me good Then I tried Dodila Kidney Pills procured for a if I iricnd After I I the first boxJHelt already a heap better I was o pain could walk andcIi4V Wxiv and wore boxes farm i- Mlnplnrpil AfTrcllnn The Eattitnoa re angry with the cxplorctrjlMTfli ked the member of- t r igs the do n ttb a fJt1t d petting yoi- ise t tatftere hen they wlito wag eintheyfroke off Stray Sto ea askedMrs position cooUi Mum naid the eook abook You cannot liv by another expert core Ram hlor i Give of of flore X Serious Trouble Do you experience tits of depression with restlessness alternating with I ii upon hsteriJro your spirits etHlIyaflected o that one JUinute yea laugh anti Ul0 next into COIl weeIiIIir lit you fcel something like a ball rising in your throat and threaten illS to choke you nil the senses perverted morbidly sensitive to light anti sound pain in tho ovarie and especially tatwecn tim shouldrrs sometimes lost or voice nervous dyspepsia awl almost continually qims snappy with n t to rr t Ito least provocation P- ti11f so your nerves are in a shattered condition and you are threat ¬ ened with nervous prostration t Undoubtedly you do Hot know itvbut in nino cases out of tcn this is t caused by some uterine disorder and HIP nerves centering in and about the organs which make you a woman influence your entire nervous system Something must be done at once to ivstoru their natural condition or top will bo prostrated for weeks nod mouths pcrhaiw and sutler untold misery Proof is monumental that nothing in tho world is tatter for this A purpose than Lydiu K IiiikhatuH Y petsililo Compound thou saiuls nnd thousauls of women have written us so How Hrs Holland of Philadelphia suffered among the finest physicians in the country none of whom could help herfi cured by Lydia E Pinkhams VegetabJeCormundJ U DBAU Mrs PINKIIAM Korttcr two I was constant suf- ferer I from extreme nervotisiiesiiu1tgttinaiu1 dizziness Menstruation was irregular had backache and acfling of great lassitude anti ¬ ness I was so bad that I was not iIo to do my own work or far in tho BleeiiiiighUfI but they nvo me no relief After taking Lydla K lMiikliiims V1 tn1l0 OmlOIlIlII I tQO n hCglII to- g feel better ami was able tolco L aiidTiotfcel as if I would fall at every step continued toti medieino until cured cannot say enough I hich If of l <ydia K Mnkhamsmediclie and heartily recommend II sHillI uhttl tvy < iiiiuUihid tho- ivliof I dietu Alits 11 BNCB < J SjMifto ra Phila delphia Pa 4 J tI H iiO2re4f V nQther case of sevc e female trouble ulcd by k Lydia E Pinkhams Ve tabIc CornpOtitJ after the doctors had failed I DEAlt Jlus PINKIIAM ras in POOt health fowcv rtl years I had female troublo undltt ib1e to ho mYhouse irk alone f felt tired very nervous d not tep I llodoIC1 withicer1 doctors They doctored fo nv stomach but did pot relieve me I read in your book about you inwlicine anti thouelrtil oul1 try it I did so unit am now cured ar J able Jo do my k alone and feel good I was alwayg very poor jUt nor weigh 0Iloliiundrcd and lifty Ii iwunds 112 i I thank you for the relief have obtained and I hope that every woman troubled with fcmal w kness will e lvs1hi U 1inklinnrs I Vegetable Coin pound a trial I have rccomt uuulcd it to many of my S friends 31 its JAIIA Ifou iu Jlilkisville < lp Aug IB 11101 AV111 not llii volumes if Ptfc from w riicn inndo strong by Lydla K IMnlclinsiis YvgcUiblu Compoiinil ioiivlnco nil the J ylrtiios of this IIICI clncIli How shall the x4 Surely you c uinof ilL to rcnmln weak and sick and dlscotir y I ngcd exhausted with each lays work You have some ileranjrc mentor tho feminine IIIII i1nf and Lydia 12 IMnkhams Vegetable rt oniixiiind will help just UK Vuruly ns it has others 1 I 1 c i mrIl ri n NEW > RIVAL Loaded Black Powder Shells shoot stronger and reload betti than any other black powde shells on the market because they are loaded more carefully and made more scientifically Try them They are TUB HUNTERS FAVORITE Hyou uff rfromEpfl fsy liia railing SI DttN St Vitas II Uamjor Vfrtlso liava ci dren rciitivcs IrlrwtS or ue iihlior thai do- or pcoJit1ist lire II IT MAJMBTrrCY CUKB them 10 is lo kcrdforur und try It It fei e rlunVl1E I erJthln tlI 111 ptrku a 3 lil1Iu Uar4 4 i fulladdrri maIL lffJofl proleIQ 1 lIouIlOlGtbl 4 t HA1AYJf Ircct1 l Ic Cli Iii1 ft 0 i I i as panorulllev statement to by a is Mr I nor work q they dill any me by end contraction of moheI AgainI arctic cl 1 UI explained of i Warning Approach fall nt ally a go I It mo gi i of you n oil I ltI c MILITA y BOUNT IIE J glycs 1- 0ILr I1J Iii I PAYSrF l v LAFAflRAMTS1 DSII WASTEFULNESS OF AMERICAN I Proillftnllt In tas of looit nml rlolli InK uniptIsIng AIlIalllnl Iost Pnrm trailncliii Premising that the American pop1 are the slowest In tho world to bt aroubtd on the subject of economy the Indciiundcnt rails attention once more to tho great Items of waste In our na tional Hf says the New York World While our Industries arc expanding with amazing rapidity we are uslnR lip our forests our oil wells our natural gas and our coal beds as recklessly All If we thought they would last forever Prof Gorby declares that the waste of patural gu d In Indiana alone Is equal in value II 10000 per day Within a single century we have annihilated Oi per cent of our magnificent forest tree a waste without parallel In history and one for which posterity will surely rtI proach us Our waste of food Is appalling Cook- ing Is a lost art In the average house- hold At least 1000000 Is every year thrown away In defective cooking so Prof Matthews estimates There Is no comfort in tho fact that the Kngllsh people are just as prodigal though they have a much leaner pantry to draw up ¬ on ProC Marshall an eminent English economist says the British working classes spend 500000000 every year for things that give them neither com ¬ fort nor happiness and the president of the British association recently ex ¬ pressed his belief that this vast sum vwas wasted In food alone On our farms twice as much food products at least arc grown as are con ¬ sumed An agricultural expert recently estimated that onehalf of all the fruit grown In American orchards rots tin cacn The further loss from Insects Jgnomnt cultivation careless handling and Poor storage Is Incalculable Probably the greatest waste of all Is that which seems to be Involuntary on the part of our working people They lilly their broad at retail and pay three times as much for It as If they bought It In flaxir by the barrel It Is the tes ¬ timony of retail butchers that the poor buy meats also with far less frugality than the rich Edward Atkinson has been far SO yckrs showing by practical experiments that the largest amount of npurlsbmentcah be obtained from theiflicappst cuts of meat If they an BO cooked as Jo s tve Instead of throw away the tooil thcre Is In them But as tho Independent snys buying at wholcjjalc Is unknown to the majority of American families and we support a vastffiumbcr of middlemen whose profits mlFht be easily saved Our contemporarys condnslon that studios In domestic economy might bo carried Into our schools with great ad ¬ vantage IB sensible Five times our present population at least could and should be well fcdwlthout any Increase of our cultivated area We cannot continue our present extrvagancos for ¬ ever Waste hut uya ra sound inafornatfonscllastdtviduFLOWERW1TH Illllirrtn Unknown Sprclm of Ilnnl llrcnill Olnoinrrcil In Sunlit ret Cull turIn p Jj A tree hitherto O rvsV botan ¬ ists was rocent dia In a motmirJn cany flnythe Sin Jaclnto mountnr owu- inear tho Mexicans was dlcbv crsil by a partjv tipcctors who penetrated the caixyonaii Search of wa- ter ¬ A branch ofjthetrco and Its blos- Kfinin were liri iiehtWoth3 city for elaiflratIoniL it4is unknown to botanjss in tblsfTdt soya iho Chcago chrolicf 1 The IcavSsonTke trM rosomlilo In size and shape tln nr leaf but they are of a vivid purplccolofand the un ¬ der side of ho leaf ittufelLy coverer with stiff hairs which fflmlout fiom the leaf fully half an Jw lic Thego hairs are sharp and tbornllke and easily euetrate lio skin full vun they do to they are polccnous caimtig swclllnR nnd mulch piln The blossoms are tstiecl Jar us arc llic branches and leaves The arc of a rusty red color and arn about two inches In dlamr In shape they are a very good rcpjcsotflaUoii of tho tarantula n hairy bulb In shape resembling the abdomen tho poisonous spider nniKtUcre arc several Kivcs i r Stamens cUrr i apondlffg to tho legs of that insect The most peculiar feature of the jllant however remains to be told Whenever one approaches the plant or when the wind agitates the branch ¬ es of the tree the flowers give iff an abundance of IlerCumchewy lilckl- nring ¬ and deadly This perfume has he quality of chlorofoim and a few In ¬ halations of thoioUor produce huron I sclousncss The prospectors who made the dIscoVcryof the Ytlant were rendercdJlnserislbJetupon approaching tho treSWoJxjimlnp it i As plant scams to havo fl ho taulcal name two nnmcs liavcLbecn cuge tell by the qualities ofthpant Itself One Is tarantula plant flio other chloroform tree J Ilml nn ANIIPIIIII < A naval officer tells of a conversation marlncsho least work to do on board JpianoMvar war kIts How dO J U thitkctiiat outaskcd the second 4 IJccauee hejAlnt golsuny work to do aid all day t io U Ill The second rli his disgust 1 Youre wrong lacliBatd lIe Its the eapn of marlnesjt Hows that Well mo boy as you tiathe chap ¬ ItJIn to doand all day to do it and a lieu tenant of marines to he hIm do ItI N V TImc3IouusInntiI Ii- Joidun has a Jer1 wh1ch Is not palO 10 the water cow ry FLue casuaI- statement was made I K vi houso ofjOm mona the other nlghtnttSt London paid annually nqt less than flCOOOflf for water which hail hiu put In thQ milk It drank The quantity 6 milk received jhto Len don every day tyrfproxlroately 144000 quartWhe iii4Iuid trTJiri 1 veh1d I OIJ H P mocra r t n P T TUE SUNDAY scooL- easoli In the tnlrrnnllnnnl Series for AIIKII U3 IlioaDnvld al Jnnntlinn THE LESSON TEXT tt Sam 20128- It And Jonathan said unto DavId 0 kohl nod of tarsal when I have sounded tny father bolit tomorrow any time or hits third day and behold If there be good toward David and I then send not unto thee and alien It thee It The Lord do to and much more to Jonathan but If It please my father to do thee evil then I will skew ll thee and und thee away that thou mayeit BO In peace and the Lord be with thee as He hath been with my father II And thou halt not only while yet I live jhw methe kindness of the Lord that i die not 16 Hut alao thou shnlt not cut off thy kindness from my house for ever no not when the Lord hath cut oft the enemies of David every one from the face of the earth 11 So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David saying Let the Lord even require It at the hand of Davids ene miss 17 And Jonathan caused David 10 swear again because he loved him for he loved him aa he loved his own soul U Then Jonathan said to David To- morrow la ihe new moon and thou that be missed because thy aeat will be empty 19 And when thou hast slaved three days then thou shall BO down quickly and come to the place where thou didst hide thyself when the buslnti was In hand and shall remain by the stone East 20 And 1 will shoot three arrows on the side thereof as though I shot at a mark 21 And behold I wilt send a tad saying 00 find out tho arrows If I expressly say unto the lad Behold the arrows are on this side of thee aWe them then come thou for there Is peace to Ihee and no hurt as the Lord llveth 2 hut If I say ihus unto the young man lie told the arrows are beyond thee RO thy way for the Lord hath sent thee aay 21 And as touching the matter which thou and I have spoken or behold the Lord be between thee and mo for ever OtItN TKVT There III n friend lint llrkrlh closer limn n urnS tier Iror ISiSM OfTLlNK OK SCIllITOllK SECTION David ncape1 Sam ltl2l- Davldi appeal to Jonathan 1 Sam 10111 Jonathan oenolll1 Sam roill Jonathans hfn1 Sam li23 The sign IItn1 Sam2Ot3T- he affectionate pllrllnK1 Sam > S64i- TIMK Probably about lea ii C lLACKGlbah of Saul NOTES AND COMMENTS In what true Crlcndtl1 conslMs Is seen In tilt strength ndrbcauty of the tic that existed between David nnd Jonathon friendship does not de ¬ mand but glees anti cither would will iiiRly have made tacrtficex for the other Such a friendship If pottlblc o nil betern npr nn t t jnIled char aterr4 simpler nineteen imrrales the tern prY reconciliation hot is ecu Saul And David nt 1unnthnn earnest In lerccstion Hut II wnir f hort > lived As soon at JtavJrl tttnln wins renown In batlleSniltSlfflSIrcd re ¬ turns mre vlolcnjthijj qVuTymul the kiln iuIht1Jit jl esrii ps- ftr from cd lit hl 1 icek P th S nuqlKtllltiniBh lth I la 0 n eNcti- trod t t aullI sup roach he ret t 1i iii Jon Datll reed inSo theltf could poe lblXafll nt thevcg be J nntlinu to d1scpfjSIiti i ztiisc of the k1neJinshty ta I111m Jun n Hili a u1guultue hIhuualtinhl Iouttll till idea that Saul deslrej Oavidj death or that lila dislike was really permanent hut David feared the worst The two friends arrange to < gfthpr that he feast of the new irnoon yihlchj was to occur the nest day Jonnthah ghotild make n final a to rce the kIng tn JTheir wo friends walked throuRH thc nellltt10Ih conicioin tMtltnrrthet mutual floiIdahipihouild be lnaJng- should continue even to thelrtleiccnd ants When Jehovnh hath cut oil the enemies of David Jonathans faith In David future ti remarkable In pjte of I > t desperate condition that tiny hU friend believed In him lint believed he woul some day be kMtf of Israel Jonathan utter lark of jynousy under ueli clrcumMnnce Ii truly Christllkc Jonathan protnlfed to round hU fa thee on the following feast day as to lila fccllngA toward David and npreed 0 r jlbrt to Da si at their rendexvoii Interr cnce of spiel or others thcv arranges rtrj SlSTTvaideNcribed In Verse2022 so thatinnrjy af florid ijiiKflt readllj know vkii1eTor not It wen ttteuar- fQ hIm to fi from the coiuitrr The rca a this chapter li6uJd be fnltljully5S aarV Jhe nTfrviMuted fenslj Dav JICf In noted ylhe the Ulrifr nvh6hno probnblv pWiyied hI delltllrl illitCoCluloll Tnnntian qtuiekli1icovcre 8nll1 iuipla a3le hatred oftils rival oodtHskx his oVn life vainlyln defending DuiIdfthp roVnl abuse rue Bccount 1Y hc parting of tlie friends ut the ryiJnfSj plase on tjie third div ii TirlefSu t fplflcant o f tliPii tronKattapIiineJltr ITIiey nevcrinet again uit once Jonathan lovcd Ua ns ht ln soul And why Because hi iou was like the soul of > 11111 iecatoh las modest henesffJIitls nolllIJ he mule he wn11 c he lured Davids courage huerauacUo was vjrltiqus lie lund Davids goodness Cfiarlei Klngslcy l t > fc PIIACTJCAL SLGGKSTIONS u1I A true friend will brinE even life Itself to jirote thi one he Ioa eekaIlliaui to gl Tnllicr I jJLilghls comrade I vTerse Trnlh- j Selfdenlal In the secret of delight Qren + treasures do not need large houses I Jlen who will carve their own for- tunes must exptct to cut their own flu gcrnrItaui IfOiu 3tTHE ANIMAL KINDOM Constantinople is sometimes called the city of dogs but it might be called quite as well the city of pigeons for the pretty graywhite birds are there In In ¬ numerable flocks Monkeys are very numerous along the northwest coast of South America but are not found west of the Andes from northern Peru to the south end of the continent Their home In South Amer ¬ ica Is chiefly In the great Amazon basin upI ¬ tjvjri c J T MEN WHO ARE TALKED ABOUT Sonator Hoar of Massachusetts wt bred the following admonition at the Worcester summer school Consti ¬ tutlons anti states congresses anti laws police nnf elections nil break down and come to grief unless behind them and underneath them there bo human character You may have all these things but there will come a time when you must depend upon some Individual to do right At a recent meeting of Benjamin ItamrlckB family In Webster Springs W Vs it developed that the ngprc gate stature of Mr lUmrlck ami hU eight sons was sixtytwo and onehalf feet The father stands six feet five and oiiehnlf Inches and tho wwed oft of tho totally n son named Vll Jlam Is six feet one Inch The mom ¬ hors of this remarkable family range In weight from 155 to 200 pound Thomas J Mostcller of HarM Thin St Francois county Mo Is the big goat turn In tho state weighing some thing over 500 pounds nnd steadily gaining As an ordinary meal ho eats rom thrw to five pounds of meat usually consuming about a gallon of water at a meal Mr Moatellcr wax of ordinary hulk until his twentyfifth rear He Is now 49 years old and doea some work on lila farm being able lo move about quite freely with tho aid of a huge cane J B Hnggin tho noted horscmllnj has raised some of the greatest racers of which the American turf can boast but ho has never been heart to yell at tho closest finish nor does he even smile at victory Ills record for taci ¬ turnity Is almost without parallel It being nothing unusual for him to go through nn entire day without saying more than half a dozen words It Is said that when a close friend spoke to him of this peculiarity Mr Haggln made this reply a tremendously long speech for him Joyner my trlnrrII does enough hollering for both of U8t n WHAT SCIENTISTS TELL Usr In the North sea fisheries Investiga ¬ thru a plaice has been found to migrate ICO miles In six weeks The new ihrcmoelcmcnt of Dr S P Drossbach is claimed to be an Impor ¬ tant advance In the production of elec ¬ tricity by such batteries The electrodes lire made up of an alloy of elements of tho cerium and slnconlum groups giv ¬ ing with copper etc Increased electro aiotlvo force and condllrtlvllI Since tho great volcanic disturb ¬ ances In this Windward Islands It has bun Impossible to maintain unbroken cable connections between the Islands of Martinique and Guadaloup nnd the French government has established a wireless telegraph service between the two Tho distance exceeds 100 miles Kaslly fusible alloys fqr casts ot leaves fruits Insects etc mllst con ¬ aLa cadmium according to a German authority to preserve the article from Injury Such an alloy is Woods metal which consists of two parts of tin four of lead seven to clght of bismuth anti one to two of cflmlum snd which fusts between 6CIegree and 72 degrees C Llpowlus tnctal which softens at SS Uvgres C and becomes perfectly liquid at CG degrees consists of four parts of tin cr ht parts of lead fifteen of bismuth and threo of cadmium MAXIMS OF A WEALTHY MAN 1 As a part of will Mayer Ansetm HMhuchlui mid down It maxims to the eliiervanre of which during life he R1Irll urd mush of tb success he achieved These maxima are nOW attracting alien lion In Karaite and are r eommeii Jid to those ho Jlre tg succeed In Ilfel Seriously piinder over and thorough- ly ¬ cxamlno flay project to which you Intend to give your attention Reflect a long time and then decide promptly Go ahead Knduro annoyances patiently and fight bravely against obstacles Consider honor as n sacred duty Never li ft about u business affair Iay your debts promptly Learn how to sacrifice money when necessary Do not trust too much to luok Spend your time yrofltablr Do not pretend to be more Important than you really nre Never become dlncouragcd work zeal ously and you will surely succeed MARKET REPORT Cincinnati Aug 18 CATTIKiCommon 32 75 j 4 00 Heavy steers 4 83 5 10 CAIAESTBxtra ft 50 4i 6 75 HOOS Ch pjiiikom r 60 fl 5 65 Mixed pjickurs 5 45 fi 5 60 Smmlxtra 3 25 I 35 LAMUS Kxtra fl 5 85 KLOUHTSprlng put 4 DO tiP 5 00 WHBAT No 2 red 82 82 No 3 winter 0 82 CQRNNomlxod t 1i31j 111It HAY New timothy H3 73 POHK Clear family 014 75 LAUD Steam t 7 03 d ary- Oliglcc 12 Creamery P 21 APCLES 1 75 Cv 2 2- 5lQlAIOESicr bblVl 90 tI2 1- 5fOiLCCONew 5 5U P II 00 Old B CO- w 4P13 00 3tChIcago pat 375 ft 3 90 WHKATSNo2rort l0J4 821r No 3 tirlS 81 COIIN NofcftUllxfd 51 V J lili T II UVIHHYK 2 lA tIi 52 POUIllll12 512 6- 0L4UWStctnl 7 7ti 7 75- F It New York Piou1l t4vin strts I 5 t I 9- 0WhiEATi J 2 fiP 81 CORNNo 2 rey 580- OAJSNIJ 2 y 1- 9J1T Western ft 59 Oluc A17 51 J17 IIG LAUD teap i 8 00 Baltimore WHKATNo 2T IJiIV81 81 Vi COttlNn 2 P ooy OATS No 2 mixed H CATTLE Steels 500 riP 6 25 HOGS Wcatcrn 5j 6 85 Louisville i WHEAT No 2 rod f 79 COHN No 3 mixed t 65 OATSNo 2 mixed 0 35 POHK Mess 11114 50 LAUD Steam 7 75 Indianapolis 7VCOnNNo OATSNQ pixeJi p 83 1 off s r = CT THE SALESWOMAN Compelled to Ho on Her Feet the Larger Part of the Bay Finds a Tonic In Poruna Miss Curtain of St Paul Gives Iter- xoerience A I jJ is iv ss Nel1le CurtainJ cn 1 W IVarl tiatrect woman in u department store II tia fohome and through my entire body I used teb rum and feel so much better lial ILkon on time marA et peculllJr ro women Viss Nellie Curtaint Nothuhtig is so tvcakeiuiig tithe human an tho conslnnt loss of inmuv full tularrkal livtlaminatlon 01 lln iinnis membrane prtduciMincxfCM ive forma lion of mucus mucous membrane bo located In the head or u n Oar Mrrnimni Life VorricnrM eek in variou Its to rt I preec their fcnvc lif the atrrnu nr a of I Amcriran life An eilunttrd young Ital- ian I who ii a purttt in Im own hiiKuige tried to express the iilra with prmncn the nther day He sanl alonly and ili much ca re- n1erieans I do ever thing ruiMv N Y Timei Mm nml Vnnirn alike finti j lo Mire in rnfltatle invent mentM We have a mmilmr of mtrrntinx Dublivwtionx that tell of sections on tho boo I r where the itrful investor LM en opportunity fur iMa4li- griiitBi prwlilably atatni to i rrKiy to KATY ute J I St iouia Ini Tot Sngsstli of the rlOl- u nolthe Duckletshi never hf hay ever hut J thousht they haul eterytliing that i was fashlomW i estLut they are a little a etxtfra about 11 y Their father used I- Irun A feed atoll ysu knewlrveian1- I Tie C hka o I XwthWr leri ia the only I double track railway between Chicago sod I the Muiouri Hirer Too many warUa be warse than not enough far Ui y1l eftm lme a tnaaa tnnjming foggy Eden IhilixitU The Ofertand Limited olist train Ihl iago lo the toast Uil > rKiti Union Panlic 4 NuilkW tern lAne It ia the tra1I of BornT to tile lie llnma TO USK CRLTCII nnASs riLta COMIN u ntilIn ln ndalfjIa ninlklntn I could not ItII rid oCiL I nut reeipeUd- to site n cnlcli for Hinittkt irish A lrt thn llmo was unnbln walk ill I fairly ncram t I 5tteuited loft HIT frt Iron the floor and Inallr 1 lost control my llmba through weakDfw I could neither brnil nor rralKbtm nut bKhl and eyerawmnnwAloIUIClUS wnUlllon I wan > Iy II han1 w t Kelly a drug itnm ant trtucht horn a bor lloon a lllia I fit- mailer a few days anti onliDulu the treatment st4tepT- ilE BULL DOG GERM A1fthe I of under irritable anxious or 1arc or consumption pains microblal WRITE FOR BOTTLE of postal at you Moll Pre- paId It and In and and Deni- ers ¬ Pounds Address Ozomulsion + Pins Street NEW YORK UtUit WJtJJJjw ixslric orifaiis the of mucus shire Ui occur discharge of inucun conntltitlri weaUcniiiR drain fvsteiucnuunt long wiiliataiitl thn los of hence it In that vumetf afflicted arrlinl nfTeciions of the or Runs feel nnd languid mid throbbing beau A cruinit in sure to rcMurp bjr rnttlnir off weakening drain of the nily losiof mucus An Admlrnlil Mr Coor IImlln Mark II Dunnrll Na onuti llotilWnsliiuRton D PS Your IVruna cd many of my friends anti acquaint nut only an n cure for ut nlMs HK nn uuirzulilf rccuponitloii I recotninenil tO 4I peuoiis rln rem lunnill If ofu do nut Derive prompt ami ait7ri H from uso Pcruua to Dr jTTur a Mr it I fiio be will peplci i give tam his ad vice Add yr Iliii Prroldrut ot ThollJ han itaiuini Coltuuuubus REE I TO WOMEN Lars Trial Pncwane 01 A nor sncuin WMW- I unrit clnnlloru Ii liii tty wpmtni bmlih tlfcf tOII Seessis Nine ranmt suit II rI1 MIPII n a V5flI iIiflCOC I S r aihI4 MM4 tienllni p nrr It ktlli 4lt trnu- la IrratnifM ft1IU > II U tavilnitis Unit InltunmMien and WJM all dlKhatf- cKeritalli nn K> l otlnuin i111011 Hrm l > and tot Cant n10 > and 5wZW- A n Inolh owJrr ncllilnf 11u515 U Kemotf lltrdtn lbs Jam and wtltrni stii bmtle awetttt1 agiesa- bs1hapid ntleHr frup wn prvs that the Zsuers I- ierrdlreered of- I flesh rnttt It lItrd rurc pfOTtftlUMim will null alargeirPal pakag wllbbookcf InHnirtumtuMoltiUlr r ffctt II Dot A Itor Mmrl tel rrvwtli fflrlnf nyorw At Ihe > tinld hjr n AO rtsisrgc hoi U CtScn iucrint TaerutauItasr Nltnnc5Ji- i KB w a Od A tINLi ibt ojr7itI j Y srbtaginn coMnuin A FOR RIGHT JIONTHS KIDMRY CURED MRS I CARnUNDALK PA we atJ4a I A It use of of In at If lo ft aa to If rn of In T C ui K g tit to In alt aM of 10 wri cqs It hit Iw fr U wr pd A N was DoancT OdnetI ttt TsAMn POnvrc lee lee teal I aiI I P 5flsni ucsn ree If a IMUMcIt nt on tr fat ltIp t t If J t bo ron with can Sets i H K II U a end of to wirks lbs umdlntnylnlniloft When I lud tmnpletnl lbs Inc i I hail not an be a ln atul I Ice In that cttuditjoo backs am eauni lip nml l Mn itcrromo Imbf tiroftf algni- T nUii They corrt t urine brick anlimmt high I5tfltdrithllng YtUnr 1kiney1IuiS granditlpne 5liiestflcs dtulnna 0 yy You know a bull dog bites When he sets his jaw anything but dCAth will him to let go his hold Same with a microbe only more so Get rid of him or hell rid of you By degrees ho continue to live and multiply he will EO poison your blood to make you tick indeed The only to drive microbes Is to take some mCJlclnfj which will go right Into and the blood Nothing will do this like 4V + Jt contains a which is directly aosoroea oj tno oiooa yes 4 eels and which while cnrkhlne the blood with vital particles paralyzes J + and destroys all germs parasites and microbes 4 This done other Ingredients of this great pharmaceutical prep- aration liver oil glycerine and hypophosphitea of 1 4 t back to health Do hesitate or delay you out corta weather tired from aches otomocb kidney disorder Weak heart or have other 1tIonCl of pojsonlnj FREE Ozomulslon Food by card 01 letter which will once sent request Free By is the Food Physicians uss prescribe tho year round own families practice sell In Large Bottles Weighing Over t Food Co 90 > discharge Tills the muvn ultli tlrtd with weak back courseof health the writes tJoin by itecs ully such MilU HIP IliirKin your snil vuiiible imn r aM Unk revelation rlrnnlnc local Ctunh Isiuli lanir Ibtrtbrnaree rratietrsS ehneyrttuhfUe To fni raIl h- iTsIpIrunt eddri the IrtiU not prnee Acliln back palm hvrlllnc with Tioaa headache nrouznru how hardly cause get us as very way out sterilize cod lima not the on Two And this

Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1903-08-21 [p ]. · 2017-12-13 · sometimes lost or voice nervous dyspepsia awl almost continually ... S friends 31 its JAIIA Ifou iu Jlilkisville

May 16, 2019



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1903-08-21 [p ]. · 2017-12-13 · sometimes lost or voice nervous dyspepsia awl almost continually ... S friends 31 its JAIIA Ifou iu Jlilkisville



ibokd by tlie right kind of ad Ier-L11Ut has glnm Cuacllrttl tile lIClt

eat Ie in world among laxative mcdicina Over ten million IKIXCS a year arenow being bought by the American peopleUtiutt aiiccem uhvayn bring out imitatorsmill readers are warned that when it

S wines to medicine the best is nonetoo 1<1and whenever n dealer offers toKll you something lust na good put ItIdown Rill worthless put your nionrin pocket and go to a store where I

you will fairly nnd wherewhen you ask for Cuscurcts you will-

Ed what you ask for

Johnny Grandpa ban you anytheIie 1

III let you hold my nut while I run inerrand GUscow Kvenint Time

To Care a Cold In On TlnrAUdruggiitstt you stand too much your dig

nity somebody ii sure to walk on itChicago Tribune

I am sure Iison Cure fpr Consumption4eied my lire three yeari igolIrs Thosa Norwich X I1cb 171900 J

haulthtylthnonce raised to power Weascnburg

bedyed I

To slur is human to forgive taken timeTown Topics I

Occupation ii the scythe of timeao JvuIl

I 00

I ArzztJ





A German Farmer ClflithjteJosfavorably known n who huproplelieworkpublication

a made him a licimanfarmer who Is member of onjtrcgation The mans name ieorgo Hocllerer and he has given Rev Pope thisletter

List winter I suffered very much withlUicunmtism could neither walk norride on horse back do any firm

took medicine from different doctorsbut not do me good ThenI tried Dodila Kidney Pills procured for

a if I iricnd After I I

the first boxJHelt already a heap betterI was o pain could walkandcIi4V Wxiv and

wore boxes

farm i-

Mlnplnrpil AfTrcllnnThe Eattitnoa re angry with the

cxplorctrjlMTfliked the member of-

tr igs the



ttb a fJt1t d petting yoi-

ise t tatfterehen they wlito wag eintheyfroke

off Stray Sto ea

askedMrsposition cooUi Mum naid the eookabookYou cannot liv by another expertcore Ram hlor

iGive of of floreX Serious Trouble

Do you experience tits of depression with restlessness alternatingwith I i i upon hsteriJro your spiritsetHlIyaflected o that one JUinute yea laugh anti Ul0 next into COIl

weeIiIIirlit you fcel something like a ball rising in your throat and threaten

illS to choke you nil the senses perverted morbidly sensitive to lightanti sound pain in tho ovarie and especially tatwecn tim shouldrrssometimes lost or voice nervous dyspepsia awl almost continuallyqims snappy with n t to rr t Ito least provocation P-

ti11f so your nerves are in a shattered condition and you are threat¬

ened with nervous prostration tUndoubtedly you do Hot know itvbut in nino cases out of tcn this is

tcaused by some uterine disorder and HIP nerves centering in and about theorgans which make you a woman influence your entire nervous systemSomething must be done at once to ivstoru their natural condition ortop will bo prostrated for weeks nod mouths pcrhaiw and sutler untoldmisery

Proof is monumental that nothing in tho world is tatter for thisA purpose than Lydiu K IiiikhatuH Y petsililo Compound thou

saiuls nnd thousauls of women have written us so

How Hrs Holland of Philadelphia sufferedamong the finest physicians in the country none ofwhom could help herfi cured by Lydia EPinkhams VegetabJeCormundJ

U DBAU Mrs PINKIIAM Korttcr two I was constant suf-ferer


from extreme nervotisiiesiiu1tgttinaiu1 dizziness Menstruationwas irregular had backache and acfling of great lassitude anti ¬

ness I was so bad that I was not iIo to do my own work or far intho BleeiiiiighUfI but they nvo me no relief Aftertaking Lydla K lMiikliiims V1 tn1l0 OmlOIlIlII I tQO n hCglII to-

g feel better ami was able tolco L aiidTiotfcel as if I would fall atevery step continued toti medieino until cured

cannot say enough I hich If of l <ydia K Mnkhamsmediclieand heartily recommend II sHillI uhttl tvy < iiiiuUihid tho-

ivliof I dietu Alits 11 BNCB < J SjMifto ra Philadelphia Pa 4 J tIH iiO2re4fV nQther case of sevc e female trouble ulcd by

kLydia E Pinkhams Ve tabIc CornpOtitJ after thedoctors had failed

I DEAlt Jlus PINKIIAM ras in POOt health fowcv rtl yearsI had female troublo undltt ib1e to ho mYhouse irk alone ffelt tired very nervous d not tep I llodoIC1 withicer1doctors They doctored fo nv stomach but did pot relieve meI read in your book about you inwlicine anti thouelrtil oul1 try itI did so unit am now cured ar J able Jo do my k alone and feelgood I was alwayg very poor jUt nor weigh 0Iloliiundrcd and lifty

Ii iwunds 112i I thank you for the relief have obtained and I hope that every

woman troubled with fcmal w kness will e lvs1hi U 1inklinnrsI Vegetable Coin pound a trial I have rccomt uuulcd it to many of my

S friends 31 its JAIIA Ifou iu Jlilkisville < lp Aug IB 11101

AV111 not llii volumes if Ptfc from w riicn inndo strong byLydla K IMnlclinsiis YvgcUiblu Compoiinil ioiivlnco nil theJ ylrtiios of this IIICI clncIliHow shall the

x4 Surely you c uinof ilL to rcnmln weak and sick and dlscotiry

I ngcd exhausted with each lays work You have some ileranjrcmentor tho feminine IIIII i1nf and Lydia 12 IMnkhams Vegetable

rt oniixiiind will help just UK Vuruly ns it has others


1c imrIl rin NEW


RIVALLoaded Black Powder Shells

shoot stronger and reload bettithan any other black powdeshells on the market becausethey are loaded more carefullyand made more scientificallyTry them They are


Hyou uff rfromEpfl fsy liia railing SIDttN St Vitas II Uamjor Vfrtlso liava ci

dren rciitivcs IrlrwtS or ue iihlior thai do-

or pcoJit1ist lireII IT

MAJMBTrrCY CUKB them10 is lo kcrdforurund try It It fei e rlunVl1EI erJthlntlI111 ptrku a

3 lil1Iu Uar44 i fulladdrri

maILlffJofl proleIQ1 lIouIlOlGtbl 4

t HA1AYJfIrcct1 l Ic Cli


i I



panorulllevstatement to by



Inor workq

they dill any

me by

endcontraction ofmoheIAgainI


1UI explained

of i

Warning Approach














I ltIc


IIE J glycs 1-0ILr




Proillftnllt In tas of looit nml rlolliInK uniptIsIng AIlIalllnl

Iost Pnrm trailncliii

Premising that the American pop1are the slowest In tho world to btaroubtd on the subject of economy theIndciiundcnt rails attention once moreto tho great Items of waste In our national Hf says the New York World

While our Industries arc expandingwith amazing rapidity we are uslnR lip

our forests our oil wells our naturalgas and our coal beds as recklessly All

If we thought they would last foreverProf Gorby declares that the waste of

patural gu d In Indiana alone Is equal

in value II 10000 per day Within asingle century we have annihilated Oi

per cent of our magnificent forest treea waste without parallel In history and

one for which posterity will surely rtIproach us

Our waste of food Is appalling Cook-

ing Is a lost art In the average house-

hold At least 1000000 Is every yearthrown away In defective cooking so

Prof Matthews estimates There Is no

comfort in tho fact that the Kngllshpeople are just as prodigal though theyhave a much leaner pantry to draw up ¬

on ProC Marshall an eminent Englisheconomist says the British workingclasses spend 500000000 every yearfor things that give them neither com ¬

fort nor happiness and the presidentof the British association recently ex ¬

pressed his belief that this vast sumvwas wasted In food alone

On our farms twice as much food

products at least arc grown as are con ¬

sumed An agricultural expert recentlyestimated that onehalf of all the fruitgrown In American orchards rots tincacn The further loss from InsectsJgnomnt cultivation careless handlingand Poor storage Is Incalculable

Probably the greatest waste of all Is

that which seems to be Involuntary on

the part of our working people Theylilly their broad at retail and pay threetimes as much for It as If they boughtIt In flaxir by the barrel It Is the tes ¬

timony of retail butchers that the poorbuy meats also with far less frugalitythan the rich Edward Atkinson hasbeen far SO yckrs showing by practicalexperiments that the largest amountof npurlsbmentcah be obtained fromtheiflicappst cuts of meat If they anBO cooked as Jo s tve Instead of throwaway the tooil thcre Is In them Butas tho Independent snys buying atwholcjjalc Is unknown to the majorityof American families and we support avastffiumbcr of middlemen whose profitsmlFht be easily saved

Our contemporarys condnslon thatstudios In domestic economy might bocarried Into our schools with great ad ¬

vantage IB sensible Five times ourpresent population at least could andshould be well fcdwlthout any Increaseof our cultivated area We cannotcontinue our present extrvagancos for ¬

ever Waste hut uya ra sound


Illllirrtn Unknown Sprclm of Ilnnlllrcnill Olnoinrrcil In Sunlit

ret Cull turIn p Jj

A tree hitherto O rvsV botan ¬

ists was rocent dia In amotmirJn cany flnythe SinJaclnto mountnr owu-

inear tho Mexicans was dlcbvcrsil by a partjv tipcctors whopenetrated the caixyonaii Search of wa-


A branch ofjthetrco and Its blos-

Kfinin were liri iiehtWoth3 city forelaiflratIoniL it4is unknown tobotanjss in tblsfTdt soya iho Chcago

chrolicf 1

The IcavSsonTke trM rosomlilo Insize and shape tln nr leaf but theyare of a vivid purplccolofand the un ¬

der side of ho leaf ittufelLy covererwith stiff hairs which fflmlout fiomthe leaf fully half an Jw lic Thego

hairs are sharp and tbornllke andeasily euetrate lio skin full vunthey do to they are polccnous caimtigswclllnR nnd mulch piln

The blossoms are tstiecl Jar us arcllic branches and leaves The arc ofa rusty red color and arn about twoinches In dlamr In shape they area very good rcpjcsotflaUoii of thotarantula n hairy bulbIn shape resembling the abdomentho poisonous spider nniKtUcre arcseveral Kivcs i r Stamens cUrr iapondlffg to tho legs of that insect

The most peculiar feature of thejllant however remains to be toldWhenever one approaches the plantor when the wind agitates the branch ¬

es of the tree the flowers give iff anabundance of IlerCumchewy lilckl-


and deadly This perfume has hequality of chlorofoim and a few In ¬

halations of thoioUor produce huronI sclousncss The prospectors who

made the dIscoVcryof the Ytlant wererendercdJlnserislbJetupon approachingtho treSWoJxjimlnp it i

As plant scams to havo fl hotaulcal name two nnmcs liavcLbecncuge tell by the qualities ofthpantItself One Is tarantula plant flioother chloroform tree J


A naval officer tells of a conversation

marlncsholeast work to do on board JpianoMvarwarkItsHow dO J U thitkctiiat outaskcdthe second 4

IJccauee hejAlnt golsuny work to doaid all day t io U IllThe second rli his disgust 1

Youre wrong lacliBatd lIe Itsthe eapn of marlnesjt

Hows thatWell mo boy as you tiathe chap ¬ItJInto doand all day to do it and a lieu

tenant of marines to he hIm do ItIN VTImc3IouusInntiI


Joidun has a Jer1 wh1ch Is notpalO 10 the water cow ry FLue casuaI-statement was made I

Kvi houso ofjOm

mona the other nlghtnttSt London paidannually nqt less than flCOOOflf for waterwhich hail hiu put In thQ milk It drankThe quantity 6 milk received jhto Lendon every day tyrfproxlroately 144000quartWheiii4Iuid trTJiri

1 veh1dIOIJ H P mocrart

n P


easoli In the tnlrrnnllnnnl Seriesfor AIIKII U3 IlioaDnvld

al Jnnntlinn

THE LESSON TEXTtt Sam 20128-

It And Jonathan said unto DavId 0kohl nod of tarsal when I have soundedtny father bolit tomorrow any time orhits third day and behold If there be goodtoward David and I then send not untothee and alien It thee

It The Lord do to and much more toJonathan but If It please my father to dothee evil then I will skew ll thee and undthee away that thou mayeit BO In peaceand the Lord be with thee as He hath beenwith my father

II And thou halt not only while yet Ilive jhw methe kindness of the Lord thati die not

16 Hut alao thou shnlt not cut off thykindness from my house for ever no notwhen the Lord hath cut oft the enemies ofDavid every one from the face of the earth

11 So Jonathan made a covenant withthe house of David saying Let the Lordeven require It at the hand of Davids enemiss

17 And Jonathan caused David 10 swearagain because he loved him for he lovedhim aa he loved his own soul

U Then Jonathan said to David To-morrow la ihe new moon and thou thatbe missed because thy aeat will be empty

19 And when thou hast slaved threedays then thou shall BO down quickly andcome to the place where thou didst hidethyself when the buslnti was In handand shall remain by the stone East

20 And 1 will shoot three arrows on theside thereof as though I shot at a mark

21 And behold I wilt send a tad saying00 find out tho arrows If I expresslysay unto the lad Behold the arrows are onthis side of thee aWe them then comethou for there Is peace to Ihee and nohurt as the Lord llveth

2 hut If I say ihus unto the young manlie told the arrows are beyond thee ROthy way for the Lord hath sent thee aay

21 And as touching the matter whichthou and I have spoken or behold theLord be between thee and mo for ever

OtItN TKVT There III n friendlint llrkrlh closer limn n urnS tier


David ncape1 Sam ltl2l-Davldi appeal to Jonathan 1 Sam 10111Jonathan oenolll1 Sam roillJonathans hfn1 Sam li23The sign IItn1 Sam2Ot3T-he affectionate pllrllnK1 Sam > S64i-

TIMK Probably about lea ii ClLACKGlbah of Saul

NOTES AND COMMENTSIn what true Crlcndtl1 conslMs Is

seen In tilt strength ndrbcauty of thetic that existed between David nndJonathon friendship does not de ¬

mand but glees anti cither would williiiRly have made tacrtficex for theother Such a friendship If pottlblco nil betern npr nn ttjnIled charaterr4simpler nineteen imrrales the ternprY reconciliation hot is ecu SaulAnd David nt 1unnthnn earnest Inlerccstion Hut II wnir f hort >

lived As soon at JtavJrl tttnln winsrenown In batlleSniltSlfflSIrcd re ¬

turns mre vlolcnjthijj qVuTymul thekiln iuIht1Jit jl esrii ps-

ftrfrom cd lithl 1icek P th S nuqlKtllltiniBh

lth I la 0 n eNcti-

trod t t aullI sup roachhe ret t 1i iii Jon

Datll reed inSotheltf could poelblXafll ntthevcg be J nntlinu tod1scpfjSIiti i ztiisc of thek1neJinshty ta I111m Junn Hili a u1guultue hIhuualtinhl Iouttlltill idea that Saul deslrej Oavidjdeath or that lila dislike was reallypermanent hut David feared theworst The two friends arrange to <

gfthpr that he feast of the newirnoon yihlchj was to occur the nestday Jonnthah ghotild make n finala to rce the kIng tn

JTheirwo friends walkedthrouRH thc nellltt10Ih conicioin

tMtltnrrthetmutual floiIdahipihouild be lnaJng-should continue even to thelrtleiccndants When Jehovnh hath cut oilthe enemies of David Jonathansfaith In David future ti remarkableIn pjte of I>t desperate conditionthat tiny hU friend believed In himlint believed he woul some day bekMtf of Israel Jonathan utter larkof jynousy under ueli clrcumMnnceIi truly Christllkc

Jonathan protnlfed to round hU fathee on the following feast day as tolila fccllngA toward David and npreed

0 r jlbrt to Da si at their rendexvoiiInterrcnce of spiel or others thcv arrangesrtrj SlSTTvaideNcribed In Verse2022so thatinnrjy af florid ijiiKflt readlljknow vkii1eTor not It wen ttteuar-fQ hIm to fi from the coiuitrr

The rca a this chapter li6uJd befnltljully5SaarV Jhe nTfrviMutedfenslj Dav JICf In noted ylhethe Ulrifr nvh6hno probnblv pWiyiedhI delltllrl illitCoCluloll Tnnntianqtuiekli1icovcre 8nll1 iuipla a3lehatred oftils rival oodtHskx his oVnlife vainlyln defending DuiIdfthproVnl abuse rue Bccount 1Y hcparting of tlie friends ut the ryiJnfSjplase on tjie third div ii TirlefSu t

fplflcant o f tliPii tronKattapIiineJltrITIiey nevcrinet again uit once

Jonathan lovcd Ua ns ht lnsoul And why Because hi iou waslike the soul of >11111 iecatohlasmodest henesffJIitls nolllIJ he

mule he wn11 c he lured Davidscourage huerauacUo was vjrltiqus lielund Davids goodness CfiarleiKlngslcy l t

>fc PIIACTJCAL SLGGKSTIONSu1IA true friend will brinE even life

Itself to jirote thi one he IoaeekaIlliaui to gl Tnllicr

I jJLilghlscomrade I

vTerse Trnlh-j Selfdenlal In the secret of delight

Qren + treasures do not need largehousesI Jlen who will carve their own for-

tunes must exptct to cut their own flugcrnrItaui IfOiu


Constantinople is sometimes calledthe city of dogs but it might be calledquite as well the city of pigeons for thepretty graywhite birds are there In In ¬

numerable flocksMonkeys are very numerous along the

northwest coast of South America butare not found west of the Andes fromnorthern Peru to the south end of thecontinent Their home In South Amer ¬

ica Is chiefly In the great Amazon basinupI ¬

tjvjri cJ



Sonator Hoar of Massachusetts wt

bred the following admonition at theWorcester summer school Consti ¬

tutlons anti states congresses antilaws police nnf elections nil breakdown and come to grief unless behindthem and underneath them there bo

human character You may have allthese things but there will come atime when you must depend upon someIndividual to do right

At a recent meeting of BenjaminItamrlckB family In Webster SpringsW Vs it developed that the ngprcgate stature of Mr lUmrlck ami hUeight sons was sixtytwo and onehalffeet The father stands six feet five

and oiiehnlf Inches and tho wwedoft of tho totally n son named Vll

Jlam Is six feet one Inch The mom ¬

hors of this remarkable family rangeIn weight from 155 to 200 pound

Thomas J Mostcller of HarM ThinSt Francois county Mo Is the biggoat turn In tho state weighing something over 500 pounds nnd steadilygaining As an ordinary meal ho eatsrom thrw to five pounds of meat

usually consuming about a gallon ofwater at a meal Mr Moatellcr waxof ordinary hulk until his twentyfifthrear He Is now 49 years old and doeasome work on lila farm being able lomove about quite freely with tho aidof a huge cane

J B Hnggin tho noted horscmllnjhas raised some of the greatest racersof which the American turf can boastbut ho has never been heart to yell attho closest finish nor does he evensmile at victory Ills record for taci ¬

turnity Is almost without parallel Itbeing nothing unusual for him to go

through nn entire day without sayingmore than half a dozen words It Is

said that when a close friend spoke tohim of this peculiarity Mr Hagglnmade this reply a tremendously longspeech for him Joyner my trlnrrIIdoes enough hollering for both of U8t


WHAT SCIENTISTS TELL UsrIn the North sea fisheries Investiga ¬

thru a plaice has been found to migrateICO miles In six weeks

The new ihrcmoelcmcnt of Dr S PDrossbach is claimed to be an Impor ¬

tant advance In the production of elec ¬

tricity by such batteries The electrodeslire made up of an alloy of elements oftho cerium and slnconlum groups giv ¬

ing with copper etc Increased electroaiotlvo force and condllrtlvllI

Since tho great volcanic disturb ¬

ances In this Windward Islands It hasbun Impossible to maintain unbrokencable connections between the Islandsof Martinique and Guadaloup nnd theFrench government has established a

wireless telegraph service between thetwo Tho distance exceeds 100 miles

Kaslly fusible alloys fqr casts otleaves fruits Insects etc mllst con ¬

aLa cadmium according to a Germanauthority to preserve the article fromInjury Such an alloy is Woods metalwhich consists of two parts of tin fourof lead seven to clght of bismuth antione to two of cflmlum snd whichfusts between 6CIegree and 72 degreesC Llpowlus tnctal which softens atSS Uvgres C and becomes perfectlyliquid at CG degrees consists of fourparts of tin cr ht parts of lead fifteenof bismuth and threo of cadmium


1 As a part of will Mayer AnsetmHMhuchlui mid down It maxims to theeliiervanre of which during life he R1Irllurd mush of tb success he achievedThese maxima are nOW attracting alienlion In Karaite and are r eommeii Jid tothose ho Jlre tg succeed In Ilfel

Seriously piinder over and thorough-



cxamlno flay project to which youIntend to give your attention

Reflect a long time and then decidepromptly

Go aheadKnduro annoyances patiently and

fight bravely against obstaclesConsider honor as n sacred dutyNever li ft about u business affairIay your debts promptlyLearn how to sacrifice money when

necessaryDo not trust too much to luokSpend your time yrofltablrDo not pretend to be more Important

than you really nreNever become dlncouragcd work zeal

ously and you will surely succeed


Cincinnati Aug 18CATTIKiCommon 32 75 j 4 00

Heavy steers 4 83 5 10CAIAESTBxtra ft 50 4i 6 75HOOS Ch pjiiikom r 60 fl 5 65

Mixed pjickurs 5 45 fi 5 60

Smmlxtra 3 25 I 35LAMUS Kxtra fl 5 85KLOUHTSprlng put 4 DO tiP 5 00WHBAT No 2 red 82 82

No 3 winter 0 82CQRNNomlxod t 1i31j111ItHAY New timothy H3 73POHK Clear family 014 75LAUD Steam t 7 03

d ary-Oliglcc

12Creamery P 21

APCLES 1 75 Cv 2 2-5lQlAIOESicr bblVl 90 tI2 1-5fOiLCCONew 5 5U P II 00

Old B CO-

w4P13 00

3tChIcagopat 375 ft 3 90

WHKATSNo2rort l0J4 821rNo 3 tirlS 81

COIIN NofcftUllxfd 51 VJ liliT II

UVIHHYK 2 lA tIi 52

POUIllll12 512 6-0L4UWStctnl 7 7ti 7 75-

FIt New YorkPiou1l t4vin strts I 5 t I 9-0WhiEATi J 2 fiP 81

CORNNo 2 rey 580-OAJSNIJ 2 y 1-9J1T Western ft 59

Oluc A17 51 J17 IIG

LAUD teap i 8 00

BaltimoreWHKATNo 2T IJiIV81 81 Vi

COttlNn 2 P ooyOATS No 2 mixed HCATTLE Steels 500 riP 6 25HOGS Wcatcrn 5j 6 85

Louisville iWHEAT No 2 rod f 79

COHN No 3 mixed t 65OATSNo 2 mixed 0 35POHK Mess 11114 50

LAUD Steam 7 75


7VCOnNNoOATSNQ pixeJi p 83

1 off


= CT

THE SALESWOMANCompelled to Ho on Her Feet the Larger Part of the

Bay Finds a Tonic In PorunaMiss Curtain of St

Paul Gives Iter-xoerience




ss Nel1le CurtainJ cn

1W IVarltiatrectwoman in u department store

IItiafohome andthrough my entire body I used tebrum and feel so much better lialILkonon time marA et peculllJrro women Viss Nellie Curtaint

Nothuhtig is so tvcakeiuiig tithe humanan tho conslnnt loss of inmuv full

tularrkal livtlaminatlon 01 lln iinnismembrane prtduciMincxfCM ive formalion of mucus mucousmembrane bo located In the head or

unOar Mrrnimni Life

VorricnrM eek in variou Its to rt I

preec their fcnvc lif the atrrnu nr a of I

Amcriran life An eilunttrd young Ital-ian

Iwho ii a purttt in Im own hiiKuige

tried to express the iilra with prmncnthe nther day He sanl alonly and ilimuch ca re-


do ever thing ruiMvN Y Timei

Mm nml Vnnirnalike finti j lo Mire in rnfltatle inventmentM We have a mmilmr of mtrrntinxDublivwtionx that tell of sections on thoboo I r where the itrfulinvestor LM en opportunity fur iMa4li-griiitBi prwlilably atatnito i rrKiy to KATY ute J I

St iouia IniTot Sngsstli of the rlOl-u nolthe Duckletshi never hf hay

everhut J thousht they haul eterytliing that i

was fashlomW i

estLut they are a little aetxtfraabout 11 y Their father used I-

Irun A feed atoll ysu knewlrveian1-I

Tie C hka o I XwthWr leri i a the only I

double track railway between Chicago sod I

the Muiouri Hirer

Too many warUa be warse than notenough far Ui y1l eftm lme a tnaaatnnjming foggy Eden IhilixitU

The Ofertand Limited olist train Ihliago lo the toast Uil > rKiti UnionPanlic 4 NuilkW tern lAne

It ia the tra1I ofBornTto tile lie llnma


u ntilIn lnndalfjIaninlklntn I could not

ItII rid oCiL I nut reeipeUd-to site n cnlcli forHinittkt irish A lrt thnllmo was unnbln walkill I fairly ncram t I

5tteuited loft HIT frtIron the floor and Inallr1 lost control my llmbathrough weakDfw I couldneither brnil nor rralKbtm

nut bKhl andeyerawmnnwAloIUIClUSwnUlllon I wan >Iy II

han1 w t Kelly a drugitnm ant trtucht horn abor lloon a lllia I fit-mailer a few days antionliDulu the treatment st4tepT-ilE BULL DOG GERM

A1fthe Iof under

irritable anxious or

1arc orconsumption




atyou Moll Pre-paId Itand In

and and Deni-


Pounds Address

Ozomulsion+ Pins Street NEW YORK

UtUit WJtJJJjw

ixslric orifaiis the of mucusshire Ui occur

discharge of inucun conntltitlriweaUcniiiR drain fvsteiucnuunt

long wiiliataiitl thn los ofhence it In that vumetf afflicted

arrlinl nfTeciions of the orRuns feel nnd languid

mid throbbing beau Acruinit in sure to rcMurp bjr

rnttlnir off weakening drain of thenily losiof mucus

An Admlrnlil Mr

Coor IImlln Mark II Dunnrll Naonuti llotilWnsliiuRton D

PS Your IVruna cdmany of my friends anti acquaint

nut only an n cure forut nlMs HK nn uuirzulilf

rccuponitloii I recotnineniltO 4I peuoiis rln rem

lunnillIf ofu do nut Derive prompt ami

ait7ri H from uso Pcruuato Dr jTTur a

Mr it I fiio be willpeplci i give tam his advice

Add yr Iliii Prroldrut otThollJ han itaiuini Coltuuuubus


Lars Trial Pncwane 01

A nor sncuin WMW-

I unrit clnnlloru Ii liii ttywpmtni bmlih tlfcftOII Seessis Nine

ranmt suit II

rI1 MIPII n a V5flI iIiflCOC I SraihI4 MM4

tienllni p nrr It ktlli 4lt trnu-

la IrratnifM ft1IU > II U tavilnitisUnit InltunmMien and WJM all dlKhatf-cKeritalli nn K> l

otlnuin i111011 Hrm l > and totCant n10 > and 5wZW-A n Inolh owJrr ncllilnf 11u515 U

Kemotf lltrdtn lbs Jam and wtltrnistii bmtle awetttt1 agiesa-

bs1hapid ntleHr frup wn prvsthat the Zsuers I-

ierrdlreered of-I flesh rnttt It lItrd rurc

pfOTtftlUMim will null alargeirPal pakagwllbbookcf InHnirtumtuMoltiUlr r ffcttII Dot A Itor Mmrl tel rrvwtli fflrlnf nyorw

At Ihe > tinld hjr n AO

rtsisrgc hoi U CtScn iucrintTaerutauItasr Nltnnc5Ji-

iKB w a

OdA tINLiibt ojr7itI jY srbtaginn


we atJ4a I AIt

use of

ofIn at



to If









Inalt aM





hit Iw








lee lee teal I aiI I P 5flsniucsnree

If aIMUMcIt nt on tr

fat ltIp

tt If J






iH K II U a

end of to wirks lbsumdlntnylnlniloft When

I lud tmnpletnl lbsInc i I hail not an bea ln atul I Ice Inthat cttuditjoo

backs am eaunilip nml l Mn

itcrromoImbf tiroftf algni-

T nUiiThey corrt t urine

brick anlimmt highI5tfltdrithllngYtUnr 1kiney1IuiS

granditlpne5liiestflcs dtulnna



You know a bull dog bitesWhen he sets his jaw anything but dCAth will him to

let go his holdSame with a microbe only more soGet rid of him or hell rid of you By degrees ho continue

to live and multiply he will EO poison your blood to make youtick indeed

The only to drive microbes Is to take some mCJlclnfj whichwill go right Into and the blood

Nothing will do this like


+ Jt contains a which is directly aosoroea oj tno oiooa yes 4eels and which while cnrkhlne the blood with vital particles paralyzes J

+ and destroys all germs parasites and microbes4 This done other Ingredients of this great pharmaceutical prep-

aration liver oil glycerine and hypophosphitea of


t back to healthDo hesitate or delay youout corta weather

tiredfrom aches otomocbkidney disorder Weak heart

or have other1tIonCl of pojsonlnj

FREEOzomulslon Food by card

01 letter which will once sentrequest Free Byis the Food Physicians uss

prescribe tho year roundown families practice

sell In Large Bottles WeighingOver

t Food Co90





tlrtd with weakback courseof


writestJoin by




your snilvuiiible




Unkrevelation rlrnnlnclocal







h-iTsIpIrunt eddri




Aclilnback palm





howhardly cause

get usas very

way outsterilize

cod lima




