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BHAKTIVEDANTA RESEARCH CENTRE A project of ISKCON Mayapur 110A Motilal Nehru Road, Kolkata 700 029, WB India PH: 91 33 4065 2475/ 5216 Newsletter ISSUE #8, August 2013 Special Report From Birnagar Birthplace Of Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda

Brc newsletter #8 special edition august 2013

Mar 21, 2016




On the 175th birth anniversary and upcoming 100th disappearance of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, we are very happy to report that the BRC (Bhaktivedanta Research Centre) has been given permission to scan and preserve the entire library at Birnagar, the birthplace of Bhaktivinoda Thakura
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110A  Motilal  Nehru  Road,  Kolkata  700  029,  WB  India  

PH:  91  33  4065  2475/  5216  

Newsletter    ISSUE  #8,  August  2013

Special  Report  From  Birnagar  

Birthplace  Of  Srila  Thakura  Bhaktivinoda  


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On  the  175th  birth  anniversary  of  the  founder  of  modern  day  Gaudiya  Vaisnavism,  Srila  Saccidananda  Bhaktivinoda  Thakura,  the  BRC    is  very  pleased  to  announce  a  major  development  from  Birnagar,  his  birthplace  –  the  scanning  and  preservation  of  their  entire  literary  collection.  

A  Little  History  

Birnagar,  formerly  known  as  Ulagram  (a  name  of  Durga),  is  situated  only  fifty  minutes  south  of  Sridham  Mayapur  and  ten  minutes  from  Ranaghat.  At  the  time  of  the  Thakura’s  birth  the  family  estate  was  large  and  opulent.  In  1817-­‐18  his  maternal  great-­‐grandfather,  Sri  Isvara  Chandra  Mitra,  constructed  a  temple  complex  comprising  one  Durga  mandira,  one  Kali  mandira  and  ten  small  stupa-­‐style  Shiva  mandiras.  To  date  the  place    is  still  known  as  Dvadasa-­‐mandira  (12  temples).  



In  Bhaktivinoda’s  teens  the  place  fell  into  hard  times  and  was  lost  to  the  family.  Decades  later  his  seventh  son  Srila  Lalita    Prasada  Thakura  managed  to  recover  approx.  five  acres  including  the  temples  and  the  actual  birthsite  of  his  father  and  today  there  is  a  small  samadhi  to  mark  the  spot.  


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Connection  with  Srila  Prabhupada  and  ISKCON  

In  1972  Srila  Prabhupada  went  to  Birnagar  with  a  few  disciples  to  discuss  the  possibility  with  Lalita  Prasada  Thakura  of  ISKCON  getting  a  lease  on  the  birth  site  to  develop  a  temple  and  preaching  certre  there.    


He  visited  again  in  1976  and  although  Lalita  Prasada  was  favorable  he  was  by  that  time  96  years  old  and  things  were  being  managed  by  a  committee.  Consequently  nothing  came  of  it.  

There  was  however  the  beginnings  of  a  literary  collaboration.  In  1972  through  Acyutananda  Swami  Prabhupada  came  to  know  that  there  were  many  original  hand-­‐written  manuscripts  being  kept  in  poor  conditions  and  seriously  deteriorating.  He  immediately  dispatched  Yadubara  dasa  to  go  there  with  instructions  to  photograph  all  the  works,  stressing  the  importance  of  his  task:  

• Letter  June  12  1972  to  Acyutananda:  

“I  have  asked  Yadubara  to  come  there  to  Birnagar  from  Bombay  for  photographing  all  of  the  manuscripts  in  the  possession  of  Lalita  Prashad  Thakura  page  by  page  very  completely  before  it  is  too  late.  The  pages  are  in  very  decrepit  condition,  so  best  thing  is  to  request  Lalita  Prashad  if  we  may  take  care  of  them  by  treating  them  against  insects  and  storing  them  in  a  tight,  dry  storage  place  where  they  may  be  preserved  for  future  generations  of  Vaisnavas  to  see  the  actual  handwriting  and  words  of  such  great  saintly  persons.  Treat  this  matter  very  seriously  and  thoroughly,  and  take  all  precautions  to  protect  this  wonderful  boon  of  literatures  forever.    

Yadubara  may  photograph  every  page,  never  mind  Bengali  or  English  or  any  other  language,  and  later  we  shall  see  where  to  send  the  copies  to  different  places.  …  

These  items  are  very,  very  priceless  and  are  a  great  treasure  house  of  Vaisnava  lore,  so  be  very  careful  in  the  matter  and  take  all  precautions  to  guard  them.”  

Yadubara  spent  one  week  taking  several  hundred  photos  but  could  not  complete  the  task.  The  bulk  of  the  works  remained  untouched.  (Yadubara’s  film  was  eventually  sent  to  the  Bhaktivedanta  Archives  where  it  was  recently  digitized.)  

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   Fast  forward  to  April  2013

At  the  beginning  of  2013  a  friendly  contact  was  established  between  the  BRC  and  the  Bhaktivinoda  Gosthi,  a  new  committee  of  eight  devotees  with  Sri  Bamsidas  Babaji  as  its  President,  which  manages  the  affairs  of  the  Dvadasa  Mandira.  After  several  mutual  visits  the  committee  members  became  convinced  of  the  capability  of  the  BRC  and  thus  in  April  the  Gosthi  and  the  BRC  signed  an  agreement  allowing  it  to  catalogue,  scan  and  preserve  their  entire  collection  of  manuscripts.    


Thus  after  41  years  and  in  the  175th  anniversary  year  of  Srila  Bhaktivinoda  Thakura,  the  desire  of  Srila  Prabhupada  has  now  been  fulfilled!  

Birnagar  Collection  

The  total  number  of  manuscripts  is  137,  plus  17  letters  and  27  books.    

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Nine  are  original,  hand  written  works  by  Srila  Bhaktivinoda  Thakura,  including  his  auto-­‐biography  Svalikhita  Jivani.    


One  of  the  letters  in  the  collection  is  of  special  historical  value  to  followers  of  Srila  Prabhupada  –  a  hand-­‐written  Bengali  letter  to  Lalita  Prasada  Thakura,  sent  from  Moscow  on  June  21  1971:  



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National  Hotel,    Red  park,  Moscow,  Russia  

21st  June,  1971.  

My  dear  uncle  Prabhupada  Lalita  Prasad  Thakur,  

Kindly  accept  my  humble  obeisance  to  your  lotus  feet.  At  present  I  am  staying  at  the  above  mentioned  hotel  in  Moscow,  Room  No.  356.  With  me  there  are  two  American  disciples.      

Here  the  preaching  subject  will  be  1.  Vedic  Conception  of  Communism,  2.  Knowledge  derived  from  authoritative  tradition,  3.  Scientific  classless  society.  Now  with  your  blessing  in  this  severely  atheistic  country  the  teachings  of  Sriman  Mahaprabhu  will  be  preached.      

Here  many  local  and  foreigner  girls  and  boys  have  visited.  I  advise  them  to  do  the  Bhajana  of  the  Lord.    A  few  boys  of  this  place  have  become  very  much  impressed  after  listening  to  our  Harinama.  They  want  to  join  us.    But  the  laws  of  this  country  are  so  tough  that  they  cannot  go  against  them.    Here  discussions  are  going  on  to  meet  many  reputable  professors  and  there  will  be  the  arrangement  of  lecture  in  the  Indian  Embassy.    You  bless  me.      

From  here  I  will  go  to  Paris,  San  Francisco,  Los  Angeles,  London  etc.    This  is  the  first  time  I  came  to  Moscow.  If  you  want  to  write  to  me,  send  it  to  this  address—3764  Watseka  Avenue.  

Yours  affectionately,  Sri  Bhaktivedanta  Swami              


Of  the  remainder,  there  are  44  works  written,  edited  or  compiled  by  Lalita  Prasada  Thakura,  as  well  as  33  hand  copied  manuscripts  by  Rupa  and  Jiva  Goswamis  and  Visvanatha  Chakravarti.  Two  books  are  by  Sri  Bipin  Behari  Goswami,  the  diksa  guru  of  Bhaktivinoda  Thakura.  

With  scanning  now  completed  we  face  a  great  challenge  in  preserving  them  by  de-­‐acidification  and  encapsulation.  Some  unkown  person  previously  tried  to  laminate  an  unpublished  work  Rasa-­‐rasodaya  by  Bhaktivinoda  Thakura  with  plastic  with  near  disasterous  results.  The  wrong  type  of  plastic  was  used  and  its  shrinkage  has  damaged  the  manuscript  considerably.  


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Once  the  preservation  is  completed  the  originals  will  be  returned  to  Birnagar  for  storage  and  display.  Most  of  the  scanned  works  will  be  available  on  the  BRC  website.  

Service  Opportunity  to  Srila  Bhaktivinoda  Thakura  

Next  year  2014  marks  the  100th  Disappearance  anniversary  of  Srila  Bhaktivinoda  Thakura.  Readers  may  want  to  take  this  opportunity  to  do  some  service  to  his  birth  place  and  legacy.  The  BRC  has  undertaken  to  do  some  renovations  by  reconstructing  the  prasadam  hall  at  a  cost  of  $6,000.00.    



Preservation  of  the  literature  will  cost  approx.  $4,000.00.  If  anyone  would  like  to  take  this  chance  of  rendering  service  to  the  founder  of  modern  Gaudiya  Vaisnavism  on  this  auspicious  occasion  please  contact  BRC  Director  Hari  Sauri  dasa:  

[email protected]  




This  concludes  our  special  edition  on  Birnagar.  We  hope  you  have  enjoyed  this  glimpse  into  what  we  regard  as  one  of  the  most  important  developments  since  the  BRC  opened  in  2009.    

Please  visit  us  whenever  you  are  passing  through  Kolkata  and  see  the  hundreds  of  original  and  historical  works  of  our  acaryas  –  there  is  nothing  like  the  bliss    of  being  surrounded  by  these  transcendental  artifacts!  


Your  humble  servants  at  the  BRC