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Technical and Financial Project Proposal Template 1  Name of the Organization: Instituto Augusto Carneiro Type of Organization:  Nonprofit, non-gove rnmental association Brief Description of the Organization: The Augusto Carneiro Institute, host organization of the Divers for har!s campaign "###$face%oo!$com&'iversforshar!s , ###$'iversforshar!s$com$%r  ( #as foun'e' %y long-time ci vil society activists to help promote %etter environmental policies, %oth through the proposition an' un'erta!ing of pro)ects an' the campaigning to#ar's the a'option of pu%lic policies in favor of conservation$ It is an *N-accre'ite' institution an' as such has participate' actively in the +io.  process$ The Divers f or har!s campaign, # hich the Institute helps operate, is an international initiative aiming at the mo%ilization of a 'iverse array of civil society sta!ehol'ers for shar! conservation, inclu'ing e'ucational, a#areness an' pu%lic policy initiatives$ Contact /erson: 0athia 1asconcellos 2onteiro A''ress: Av$ Ipiranga 3.4&5. /orto Alegre, + 6 Brazil Telephone: 77 78 99949 ;mail an' <e%site: Brazilian=#il'life>terra$com$%r /ro)ect title: ;nglish 1ersion of the Boo! Actions to Conserve Shar ks and Rays in Southern Brazil  6 haring Information for Conservation /ro)ect O%)ective an' ;?pecte' Outcomes: The %oo! Ações para a Conservação de Tubarões e Raias no Sul do Brasil  Actions to Conserv e  Sharks and Ra ys in Southern Braz il  #as a lan'mar! pu%lication co-authore' %y some of the foremost shar! specialists in Brazil an' ma'e availa%le %y the Brazilian 2inistry of the ;nvironment in ..7, #ith its 'ata an' fin'ings remaining relevant for to'ay@s elasmo%ranch conservation an' management scenario$ The pu%lication of an ;nglish version for free 'istri%ution, %oth in printe' form an' electronic formats, #oul' greatly enhance the sharing of the invalua%le information containe' in this %oo!, allo#ing for further international un'erstan'ing of the situation of shar!s an' rays in one of the !ey areas for these species in Brazil an' also improving our prospects for international cooperation to a'vance management policies an' conservation action$ Target /opulation: ;nglish language policyma!ers, researchers, stu'ents, ocean-oriente' NOs an' the pu%lic at large 8  The proposal can %e #ritten in ;nglish or panish 8.

Brazil Sharks Proposal Template

Jun 04, 2018



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Technical and Financial Project Proposal Template1

 Name of the Organization:

Instituto Augusto Carneiro

Type of Organization:

 Nonprofit, non-governmental associationBrief Description of the Organization:The Augusto Carneiro Institute, host organization of the Divers for har!s campaign"###$face%oo!$com&'iversforshar!s, ###$'iversforshar!s$com$%r  ( #as foun'e' %y long-time civilsociety activists to help promote %etter environmental policies, %oth through the proposition an'un'erta!ing of pro)ects an' the campaigning to#ar's the a'option of pu%lic policies in favor ofconservation$ It is an *N-accre'ite' institution an' as such has participate' actively in the +io.

 process$ The Divers for har!s campaign, #hich the Institute helps operate, is an internationalinitiative aiming at the mo%ilization of a 'iverse array of civil society sta!ehol'ers for shar!conservation, inclu'ing e'ucational, a#areness an' pu%lic policy initiatives$

Contact /erson:

0athia 1asconcellos 2onteiro

A''ress:Av$ Ipiranga 3.4&5./orto Alegre, + 6 Brazil

Telephone:77 78 99949

;mail an' <e%site:Brazilian=#il'life>terra$com$%r 

/ro)ect title:;nglish 1ersion of the Boo! Actions to Conserve Sharks and Rays in Southern Brazil  6 haringInformation for Conservation

/ro)ect O%)ective an' ;?pecte' Outcomes:

The %oo! Ações para a Conservação de Tubarões e Raias no Sul do Brasil  Actions to Conserve

 Sharks and Rays in Southern Brazil  #as a lan'mar! pu%lication co-authore' %y some of theforemost shar! specialists in Brazil an' ma'e availa%le %y the Brazilian 2inistry of the ;nvironmentin ..7, #ith its 'ata an' fin'ings remaining relevant for to'ay@s elasmo%ranch conservation an'

management scenario$The pu%lication of an ;nglish version for free 'istri%ution, %oth in printe' form an' electronicformats, #oul' greatly enhance the sharing of the invalua%le information containe' in this %oo!,allo#ing for further international un'erstan'ing of the situation of shar!s an' rays in one of the !eyareas for these species in Brazil an' also improving our prospects for international cooperation toa'vance management policies an' conservation action$

Target /opulation:

;nglish language policyma!ers, researchers, stu'ents, ocean-oriente' NOs an' the pu%lic at large

8 The proposal can %e #ritten in ;nglish or panish


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#ith an interest in Brazilian marine conservation issues an' elasmo%ranchs$

Amount +eueste' in *D:8.,4..

Co-financing:2INIT+ O ;N1I+ON2;NT

/ro)ect Duration in 2onths:.3 "si?( months


!" Project Summar#$

oun' 'ata an' policy recommen'ations for shar!s an' rays in Fatin America has %een generallyconfine' either to specialize' )ournals #ith rather limite' pu%lic availa%ility or to 'omestic pu%lications in /ortuguese or panish, thus greatly limiting the reach of its contents$ This is a pro%lem especially as there@s gro#ing a#areness of the nee' to a'opt a cooperative, multi-nation an'multi-region approach to#ar's elasmo%ranch conservation$ By offering a ualifie', free ;nglishversion of this %oo! it is the proponent@s intention an' that of its partner, the Brazilian 2inistry ofthe ;nvironment, to raise international a#areness a%out the plight of shar!s an' rays in outhernBrazil, ma!e 'ata an' recommen'ations arisen from such 'ata #i'ely availa%le for the intereste'international community, an' foster cooperation to#ar's their a'euate management$

Da'os fia%les y recomen'aciones 'e polGticas para la cosnervaciHn 'e ti%urones y rayas en

Fatinoamrica en general estJn restrictos a periH'icos cientGficos especializa'os con pu%lico limita'oH a pu%licaciones nacionales en /ortugus o ;spaKol, limitan'o 'e esta manera el alcance 'e susconteni'os$ ;sto es un pro%lema particularmente cuan'o se reconoce 'e manera creciente lanecesi'a' 'e a'optar una visiHn cooperativa, multinacional y multi-regional para la conservaciHn 'elos elasmo%ranuios$ Al ofrecer una versiHn califica'a 'e este li%ro en Ingls, es la intenciHn 'e lainstituciHn proponente y 'e su parner, el 2inisterio 'e 2e'io Am%iente 'e Brasil, ue se estimule laconsciencia internacional acerca 'e lo ue suce'e a los ti%urones y rayas en el ur 'e Brasil, se promueva el acceso amplio 'e la comuni'a' internacional interesa'a a los 'atos y a lasrecomen'aciones ue surgen 'e los mismos, y se pro'uzca una mayor cooperaciHn para su mane)oa'ecua'o$

5$ %r&ani'ation(s )*perience "5.. #or's or less(

The Augusto Carneiro Institute has %een esta%lishe' %y several long-time conservation activists#ith esta%lishe' careers in Brazil, an' has strive' to cooperate #ith pu%lic policies 'irecte' to#ar's %io'iversity conservation$ Its recent participation at the +io. Conference as an *N-accre'ite' NO o%server has focuse' on marine issues an' events, inclu'ing the participation, %y invitationfrom the Brazilian 2inistry of the ;nvironment, of Bio'iversity Dialogues in Brasilia aime' atrecommen'ing %io'iversity conservation targets for Brazil in the ne?t couple of 'eca'es$

The Institute inten's to contract #ith a specialize' translator for the pro)ect, Los Tru'a /alazzo,Lr$, Coor'inator of the Divers for har!s campaign an' alrea'y an Institute consultant an' a formermem%er of Brazilian 'elegations to international marine conservation treaties, #ith several marine-relate' %oo! an' article versions #ritten an' pu%lishe' over the last t#o 'eca'es$

Project +arrative ,escription -.a*imum 1/ pa&es0$


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5$8$ Rationale$ 

The /ro)ect a''resses the information sharing nee's as i'entifie' throughout the C2 processes

for enhancing shar! an' ray conservation at the regional an' international levels$ The propose';nglish version #oul' %uil' upon the )oint efforts un'erta!en %y Brazilian researchers an' the2inistry of the ;nvironment to gather an' pu%licize relevant information on this !ey region"outhern Brazil( an' species$ The preparation of an ;nglish version #hich can %e #i'ely rea'#ill fill an information gap an' provi'e Brazilian sta!ehol'ers #ith an a''itional tool to inform partners "%oth e?isting an' potential( in the international scenario in relation to issues an' effortsin Brazil an' also to see! further international cooperation for the appropriate management ofthe species occurring in the region encompasse' %y the pu%lication$

5$$ Baseline$ 

The Official Fist of Brazilian Threatene', Overe?ploite' or Threatene' %yOvere?ploitation pecies of ishes an' Auatic Inverte%rates "IN 22A No$ 7&..,rectifie' %y IN 22A No 7&..7( ran!e' M species of elasmo%ranchs as overe?ploite'or threatene' of overe?ploitation "Charcarias taurus, Charcharinus longimanus,Carcharinus porosus, Carcharinus signatus, Prionaceae glauca, Sphyrna lewini,Sphyrna tiburo an' Sphyrna zygaena( an' 8 species as threatene' " Isogomphodon

oxyrhynchus, egaprion brevirostris, !aleorhinus galeus, "ustelus schmitti,Cetorhinus maximus, !inglymostoma cirratum, Rhincodon typus, Pristis perotteti,

 Pristis pectinata, Rhinobatus horkelii, S#uatina !uggenheim an' S#uatina occulta($

The A'visory Commission on Bio'iversity "COABIO( of the Chico 2en'es Institutefor Bio'iversity Conservation "IC2Bio( organize' t#o <or!shops in Assessment of thetate of Conservation of Brazilian Chon'richthyes pecies$ The #or!shops counte'#ith the presence of Brazilian e?perts in elasmo%ranchs an' #ere hel' in Novem%er.8. an' Lune .88$ <e assesse' 839 species of elasmo%ranchs an' create' a technical

 proposal that significantly increases the num%er of threatene' species$ The NationalAction /lan for the conservation of en'angere' marine elasmo%ranchs, sche'ule' forimplementation in e%ruary .85, is %eing prepare' %y the Coor'ination of NationalAction /lans "CO/AN( of the IC2Bio

The Brazilian Institute of ;nvironment an' +ene#a%le Natural +esources "IBA2A( has prepare' a 2anagement /lan for the ustaina%le *se of Brazilian Overe?ploite' orThreatene' %y Overe?ploitation ;lasmo%ranchs$ This proposal a''resses !ey issues forthe sustaina%ility of shar!s capture fisheries, inclu'ing fishing e?clusion zones,minimum allo#e' size, perio's of prohi%ition an' allo#e' metho's in or'er to protectthe en'angere' elasmo%ranchs an' manage stress on overfishe' species$ The'evelopment of the management plan an' its implementation #ill ta!e place #ith the

 participation of %oth 2inistry of ;nvironment "22A( an' 2inistry of isheries an'Auaculture "2/A($

In .88, Brazil has internalize' the recommen'ation of the International Commission

for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas "ICCAT( to %an the capture an' tra'e of the %igeye thresher " Alopias superciliosus($ The 22A an' 2/A have %een #or!ing tointernalize more recent recommen'ations of ICCAT to %an catches an' mar!eting of the


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sil!y shar! "Carcharhinus $alci$ormis(, of the oceanic #hitetip shar! "Carcharhinus

longimanus( an' of the hammerhea' shar! "phyrni'ae($

The practice of finning is %anne' in Brazil since 899M$ 22A an' 2/A are in the process of pu%lishing an agreement esta%lishing the lan'ing of shar!s #ith fins attache'to the %o'y$

The monitoring of Brazilian populations of elasmo%ranchs an' its conservation #ill also %e promote' %y the +;1I2A+ pro)ect$ The +;1I2A+ is an iniciative of the ectoral/lan for ea +esources - /+2, #hich is an offshoot of the National /olicy for ea+esources "/N+2(, esta%lishe' %y the Brazilian Navy an' coor'inate' %y 22A, #hichaims to assess, monitor an' promote the conservation of marine %io'iversity, toesta%lish scientific an' integrate' actions capa%le of supporting conservation policies

an' to create management strategies for sustaina%le use of share' living resources$

inally, Brazil is alrea'y co-proponent, along #ith Costa +ica an' on'uras, of theinsertion of three species of hammerhea' shar! "Sphyrna lewini% Sphyrna mokarran an'Sphyrna zygaena( in CIT; Appen'i? II$ The proposal #ill %e 'efen'e' in 2arch .85at CO/ 83 "Bang!o!($ urthermore, three a'itional proposals for inclusion in Apen'i? II#ill %e co-sponsore' %y Brazil: the erman proposal for the por%eagle " &amna nasus(,the Colom%ian proposal for the oceanic #hitetip shar! "Charcarinus longimanus( an'the ;cua'orian proposal for manta rays " "anta spp($

The pro)ect inten's to a''ress the paucity of consoli'ate' 'ata an' managementrecommen'ations in the ;nglish language as relate' to Brazilian shar! an' ray conservation$

5$5$ Project oals and Purpose$ 

This proposal inten's to 'evelop an' ma!e availa%le for all intereste' parties an ;nglish versionof the %oo! Actions to Conserve Sharks and Rays in Southern Brazil $ It is foreseen that a printe'version of 7.. copies #ill %e ma'e, an' that a #e%-%ase' 'o#nloa'a%le version #ill %eavaila%le, %oth provi'e' %y the Brazilian 2inistry of the ;nvironment, #hich #ill also host the#e% version$ Both formats #ill %e 'istri%ute' free of any charges$Besi'es the aca'emic an' management community, it is foreseen that the pu%lication #ill also %e 'istri%ute' %y the Brazilian government 'elegations to relevant international treaties, aiming

at reaching the #i'est possi%le au'ience among legitimate sta!ehol'ers in international shar!an' ray management an' conservation, an' also to help foster ne#, enhance' multi-national partnerships regar'ing the species mentione' in the %oo!$

5$$ Project %utputs and 2ndicators$ 

The pro)ect #ill result in printe' an' electronic ;nglish versions of the %oo! as mentione'$In'icators #ill %e measure' as "a( completion of the translation )o% 'uring the pro)ect agree'timeline an' "%( copies printe' an' 'o#nloa'e', %oth at the en' of the pro)ect timeline an' lateron as the pu%lication remains availa%le for the general pu%lic$

5$7$ Project Activities and .ethodolo&#$ 


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The main activities of the propose' pro)ect #ill %e centere' in the preparation of the ;nglishversion of the %oo! %y the Institute an' its pu%lication an' 'istri%ution %y the 2inistry of the


5$3$ 3o&ical Frame4or5$ Complete a Fogical rame#or! for the pro)ect using the format %elo#:





.eans o6 7eri6ication Assumptions8Ris5s


'o promote $urther exchangeand cooperation

at theinternational

level towards shark and rayconservation bymakingin$ormation

 generated in Brazil availablein (nglish

 Improvedinternationalexchange andcooperation on the

 sub)ect involving Brazil 

 umber o$exchanges*pro)ects*opportunities $or cooperation and

 policy development



 +i$$usion o$

in$ormation on shark and ray status andconservation in

Southern Brazilto aninternationalaudience

 ($$ective distributiono$ $inalized product

and its use ininternational $ora

 "inistry o$ the (nvironment ,s records


 (nglish versionmade available

 (nglish version $inished  Printed copies published 

-eb versionavailable $ordownload at website

 .inal text as prepared Sample copy o$ printedversion and statement by


 (lectronic address o$ web/based version available

Condition $or success re#uired toachieve the purposeand within control o$

the pro)ectmanagement0


10 'ranslation service e$$ected 

20 3$$ice0 otheradministrative

 support 40 Printing costs50 "ail costs60 -eb setup


10 7S8 9%6::0::20 7S8 1%2::0::407S8 12%6::0::

507S8 1:::0::607S8 6::0::

 Pro)ect receipts*report  Partner ;""A< report 


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5$4$ Time 6rame 8 4or5 plan$ Develop a #or! plan using the template %elo#$ In'icate #henactivities, milestones an' outputs #ill %e accomplishe', as #ell as responsi%le person an'in'icator$ The propose' #or! plan shoul' %e consistent #ith the technical approach an'

metho'ology, sho#ing un'erstan'ing of the Terms of +eference an' a%ility to translate theminto a feasi%le #or!ing plan$ A list of the final 'ocuments, inclu'ing reports, presentations,outreach material to %e 'elivere' as final output, shoul' %e inclu'e' here in the columnOutputP$

5$M$ .onitorin& and )valuation$ The translate' %oo! itself is a'euate to evaluate the successof the pro)ect$ The num%er of %oo! copies an' the range of their 'istri%ution are also

 parameters to measure the impact of the proposal after its conclusion$

5$9$ Team Composition and Tas5 Assi&nment$ As previously note' the main tas! of translatingthe %oo! #ill %e assigne' to Los Tru'a /alazzo, Lr$ as e?ternal consultant specialize' in marine


9or5 Plan








1 ! : ; < = > ? @1















  Q  Q












Q  Q





receipt  s*report  







Q  Q





















7 -eb setupcosts





Total$  7S8 8,7..$..


7S 857,...$..

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conservation policy an' research, co-author an' translator to ;nglish of several %oo!s i  an' papers on relate' su%)ects$<or! on the pro)ect #ill %e supervise' %y 0athia 1asconcellos2onteiro, /resi'ent of the Institute, an' 2onica Bric! /eres, manager of auatic %io'iversity an

fishing ressources of the 2inistry of ;nvironment, %oth responsi%le persons in charge ofreceiving an' 'is%ursing fun's an' signing interim an' final reports$

5$8.$ C7s o6 Proposed Sta66$

DosE Truda Pala''o Dr"$ /resi'ent of the Augusto Carneiro Institute$ oun'er of the Baleia ranca pro)ect "89M(, the ol'est Brazilian pro)ect for the conservation of #hales, #hich aims to protect thespecies ;u%alaena australis$ In 89M9, he assiste' IBA2A in creating the <il'life +escue Center oflorianHpolis$ In 899 he #as one of the responsi%les for the enactment of the ;nvironmental/rotection Area of Anhatomirim in the North Bay of lorianHpolis$ In 8994, he %ecame a regularmem%er of the official Brazilian 'elegation of the International <haling Commission "I<C($ ealso coor'inate' the proposal of the #hale sanctuary in the outh Atlantic an' the creation of the National hrine of <hales an' Dolphins$ e #as also a mem%er of the IBA2A pecial <or!ingroup for Auatic 2ammals$

athia 7asconcellos .onteiro$ 1ice /resi'ent of the non profit organization NRcleo Amigos 'aTerra Brasil since 89M9$ he is the foun'er of the non profit organisations: Ape'ema & +S +e'e /rH*ni'a'es 'e ConservaUo'a an' +e'e 2ata AtlVntica$ he articipate' in various councils an'national, state an' municipal committees$ he is currently 'e'icate' to the fight against theinstallation of ne# coal-fire' po#er plants an' the protection of the Atlantic forest$

.onica Bric5 Peres$ ra'uate' in 2arine Biology at *niversi'a'e anta Wrsula, 2asters an' /hD in

Biological Oceanography at the e'eral *niversity of +io ran'e, Brazil, pecialization inInter'isciplinary 0no#le'ge at the *niversity of 0iel, ermany$ <or!e' #ith research an' marineconservation, fisheries %iology, in'ustrial an' artisanal fisheries assessment an' management, tra'itional!no#le'ge research, marine protecte' area selection an' 'esign, re' list assessment an' action plan formarine populations recovery$ 2em%er of the ciani'ae +e' Fist Authority an' of the roupers an'<rasses pecialist roup "I*CN($ cientific /ro'uction: author of 9 articles "International cientificLournals(, 8 %oo!, 85 %oo! chapters an' 8 soft#are "for fisheries assessment(, M master an' /hDCommittee, 7 master an' /hD gui'ance as main a'visor$

$ Bud&et -! pa&es0$




Co-Financin T!T"#


US$ 9,500.00  No funds need US$ 9,500.00 

Office. otheradministrativesupport 

US$ 1,200.00   No funds need US$ 1,200.00  

Printin costs No funds need  US$


US$ 12,500.00 

!ail costs No funds need US$ 1000.00 US$ 1000.00 

"e# setup No funds need US$ 500.00   US$ 500.00 


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<" Anne* 1$ ,ocument provin& the le&al e*istence o6 #our %r&ani'ation


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i  Among #hich see:  http:&&lo)a$culturasu%$com&pro'uct$phpXi'=pro'uctY5

http:&&###$mar'ecetaceos$net&me'ia=files&'o#nloa'&antuarioAtlanticour$p'fhttp:&&%aleiafranca$org$%r&opro)eto&pu%licacoes&2amGferosZ.2arinhosZ.'oZ.ulZ.'oZ.Brasil=8994$p'fhttp:&&%aleiafranca$org$%r&opro)eto&pu%licacoes&antuJrioZ.'eZ.%aleiasZ.noZ.ulZ.'oZ.Brasil=..8$p'f  http:&&lo)a$culturasu%$com&pro'uct$phpXi'=pro'uctY9