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  • 7/29/2019 BOZCADA NGLZCE


    Journal of Coastal Research 26 2 350358 West Palm Beach, Florida March 2010

    Investigation of Beachrock Using Microanalyses and OSLDating: A Case Study from Bozcaada Island, Turkey

    Ahmet Evren Erginal, Nafiye Gunec Kyak, and Beyhan Ozturk

    Department of GeographyFaculty of Sciences and Arts

    Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University

    Canakkale, Turkey

    Department of PhysicsFaculty of Sciences and Arts

    Isk University

    Istanbul, Turkey


    ERGINAL, A.E.; KIYAK, N.G., and OZTURK, B., 2010. Investigation of beachrock using microanalyses and OSLdating: a case study from Bozcaada Island, Turkey. Journal of Coastal Research, 26(2), 350358. West Palm Beach(Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

    We investigated the origin and absolute age of beachrock samples on Bozcaada Island, located on the northern AegeanSea coast of Turkey, using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)analyses and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Various types of cements were identified, such as mi-critic, meniscus, and biologic cements, revealing that the beachrock could have occurred as a result of the combinedeffects of marine-phreatic and supratidal cementation conditions. Optical dating results showed that the formation ofbeachrock ranged in age from 5.41 0.58 ka BP to 0.33 0.05 ka BP. However, much of the beachrock body (about3 m in thickness) is drowned or submerged today, suggesting that submerged beachrocks extending to 5 m date toearlier times than the start of the cementation period discussed herein.

    ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Beachrock, intertidal lithification, luminescence dating, Bozcaada Island, Turkey.


    Beachrock is a carbonate-cemented sedimentary rock dip-

    ping gently toward the sea. Even though this occurrence has

    been reported from various climatic regions (Alexanderson,

    1972; Beier, 1985; Friedman and Gavish, 1971; Holail and

    Rashed, 1992; Kneale and Viles, 2000; Moore, 1973; Sellwood,

    1995; Taylor and Illing, 1969; Webb, Jell, and Baker, 1999),

    intertidal environments of tropical and subtropical beacheshave the most favorable conditions for the occurrence of these

    formations (Bricker, 1971; Ginsburg, 1953; Neumeier, 1998).

    Cementation of loose beach materials that results in the for-

    mation of beachrock is controlled by a variety of factors. In

    this respect, the physicochemical attributes of seawater and

    underground waters coming from the land is of significance.

    In addition, the chemical composition and crystal micromor-

    phology of connective cement materials give practical clues

    that shed light on both the origin and place of beachrock for-

    mation. With regard to the cementation environment and fac-

    tors governing the precipitation of calcium carbonate cement,

    different possible causes have been discussed, such as mixing

    of marine and meteoric waters (Moore, 1973; Schmalz, 1971),

    CO2 degassing from shallow groundwaters (Hanor, 1978),evaporation of seawater (Meyers, 1987; Moore and Billings,

    1971; Scoffin, 1970; Stoddart and Cann, 1965; Taylor and Ill-

    ing, 1969), and biological impacts (Krumbein, 1979; Neu-

    meier, 1999; Webb, Jell, and Baker, 1999).

    Even though first definitions date back to the early 1800s

    on the southern Anatolian coastline of Turkey (Spratt and

    DOI: 10.2112/08-1151.1 received 31 October 2008; accepted in revi-sion 24 November 20 08.

    Forbes, 1847), the occurrence of beachrock throughout Tur-

    keys long (8333 km) coastline is little known with the excep-

    tion of a few studies. In previous publications, these occur-

    rences have been recognized in the Saros Gulf and the Med-

    iterranean Sea coastline of Turkey (Avsarcan, 1997; Bener,

    1974; Bodur and Ergin, 1992; Erginal et al., 2008; Erol, 1972;

    Ertek and Erginal, 2003; Kelletat, 2006). The present paper

    discusses, for the first time, cementation history and absolute

    age of beachrock on the south coast of Bozcaada Island in

    northwest Turkey by taking into account cementation pat-

    terns within beachrock cements based on microanalytical

    techniques. On the studied beach, beachrocks are only ex-

    posed on the south coast of the island. We studied this beach-

    rock because of its unexpected thickness (3.50 m) in this mi-

    crotidal environment with, at present, a tide range between

    20 and 40 cm. Several microanalyses and luminescence dat-

    ing studies were carried out.

    Study Area

    The Island of Bozcaada, with a coastline of 36.41 km and

    a total area of 37.51 km2, is located 4 km west of the Biga

    Peninsula in the northwest Anatolian part of Turkey (Figure1). The island is a westward continuation of this peninsula,

    evidenced by its very similar geologic and geomorphologic

    characteristics. According to the existing geologic literature

    (Erguvanl, 1955; Kalafatcoglu, 1963; Saltk and Saka,

    1972), the geology of the island is made up of several rock

    units that range in age from Palaeozoic to Holocene. Palaeo-

    zoic metamorphic rocks consisting of marble and schist and

    underlying serpentine form the visible basement and crop out

    only on the southwest part of the island. These old units,

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    351Beachrock on the Bozcaada Island, Turkey

    Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010

    Figure 1. Map showing location of studied beachrock and sampling sites.

    extending in a NW-SE direction, have dips varying between

    35 and 40 toward the southeast and are overlain uncon-

    formably by conglomerate, limestone, and flysch of Eoceneage. The Upper Mioceneaged conglomerate, sandstone, clay-

    stone, limestone, and andesite, however, dominate the geol-

    ogy of the island. The western part of the island is formed of

    coastal dune sands.

    According to the climatic data recorded at Bozcaada me-

    teorological station (3950 N and 2604 E, 28 m above sea

    level) for the period between 1975 and 2003, the area receives

    annual average precipitation of 462.5 mm. Maximum and

    minimum precipitations occur in winter (89.4 mm in Decem-

    ber) and summer (5.5 mm in August). The average temper-

    ature is 15.4C. The coldest and the warmest months are Feb-

    ruary (8.3C) and July (23C). The island is one of the wind-iest areas of the country. Prevailing winds come from the

    northeast. The number of stormy and strongly windy days is

    86.5 and 156.5, respectively.


    Microanalyses of Beachrock Cement

    Beachrock samples along one transect from underwater

    beds to upper-intertidal exposures were collected for micro-

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    352 Erginal, Kyak, and Ozturk

    Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010

    Table 1. Generalized single-aliquot regeneration (SAR) sequence.

    Run 1: Regenerative dose, Di

    (i 1, natural dose; i 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, generative


    Run 2: Preheat (260C for 10 s)

    Run 3: OSL for 40 s at 125C, LiRun 4: Test dose, T


    Run 5: Heat to 180C, TL

    Run 6: OSL for 40 s at 125C, Ti

    Repeat Run 1

    Figure 2. Growth curves using the corrected OSL dose points from a

    representative sample BYT-4 are shown; all dose points correspond to a

    linear function.

    analyses (Figure 1). The elemental composition and micro-

    morphology of beachrock cements was examined using ener-

    gy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) with a Bruker AXS

    XFlash (Madison, Wisconsin) and scanning electron micros-

    copy (SEM) with a Zeiss EVO 50 EP (Jena, Germany).

    Sample Preparation and Optically StimulatedLuminescence Measurements

    Seven beachrock samples from Bozcaada Island were dated

    using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The outer

    surface of about 5 mm was removed first from all samplesand inner parts were crushed in a mortar. Quartz grains of

    90180 m were extracted with usual chemical procedures

    described in detail by Erginal et al. (2008).

    An automated Ris TL/OSL-DA-15 reader (Roskilde, Den-

    mark) equipped with an internal 90Sr/90Y beta source (0.1

    Gy s1) was used for all OSL measurements (Btter-Jensen

    et al., 2000). Blue light emitting diodes, or LEDs (470 nm,

    40 mW cm2) and infrared LEDs (880 nm, 135 mW cm2)

    were used for stimulations where infrared stimulation was

    employed to check the detection of feldspar contamination.

    Luminescence signal detection was made using an EMI

    9635QA photomultiplier tube (ET Enterprises Limited, UK),

    fitted with Hoya U-340 filters (Hoya Corporation, USA) of 7.5

    mm total thickness.

    The dose rate assessment was based on gamma spectros-

    copy recorded in situ. The total dose rate required for OSL

    age was estimated from the gamma dose rate measured in

    situ and from the spectral data using conversion factors pre-

    sented by Olley, Murray, and Roberts (1996).

    Growth Curves and Equivalent Dose Estimate

    Optically stimulated luminescence dating techniques have

    been widely used to estimate the radiation dose (equivalent

    or paleodose) accumulated in quartz extracted from sediment

    materials (Aitken, Smith, and Rhodes, 1989). The technique

    is based on the comparison of the natural OSL signal with

    the OSL signals produced by known laboratory doses. Thesingle-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol (OSL-SAR) used

    here (Table 1) employs a cycle of measurements in which the

    natural OSL is first measured (Mejdahl and Btter-Jensen,

    1994; Murray and Roberts, 1998; Murray and Wintle, 2000).

    The samples were divided into subsamples (aliquots) and

    each aliquot was stimulated for 40 s. The temperature de-

    pendence of OSL intensity and possible effect on the dose for

    each sample was examined for the temperature range be-

    tween 200260C (preheat plateau), and a preheat tempera-

    ture of 260C was selected for further OSL measurements of

    the SAR sequence presented in Table 1. The SAR sequence

    has six cycles: in the first cycle (i 1), the natural OSL was

    measured; the following three cycles (i 2, 3, 4) are regen-

    erative OSL doses; the fifth cycle (i 5) is a zero dose or

    bleach; in the final cycle (i 6), the first generative dose was

    measured again to check the repeatability of measurements.

    In each cycle, aliquots were preheated at 260C for 10 s prior

    to all natural and regenerative OSL measurements (Li) to

    remove unstable signals from the OSL curves. A test dose of

    about 1020% of the expected natural dose was given to each

    sample to monitor the sensitivity change between the cycles.

    Then the test dose OSL signal (Ti) was measured following acut-heat temperature of 180C. All OSL signals were correct-

    ed using the test dose OSL response to the corresponding

    OSL signal (Li/Ti); they were then used to construct a dose

    response curve. The dose response curve from a representa-

    tive sample, BYT-4, covering regenerative dose points from 0

    to 21 Gy, can be fitted with a linear function as seen in Figure

    2. The natural dose De is obtained from the interpolation of

    corrected natural signals (Ln/Tn) on the dose-response curve.

    For the reliability of OSL measurements, the fifth regen-

    eration dose (R5) was administered to the same aliquot equal

    to the first regeneration dose (R1) to check the repeatability

    of a regenerative dose on the dose-response curve. Namely,

    the recycling ratio (R5/R1) of a dose point on the curve is ex-

    pected to be close to unity for reliability (Murray and Wintle,2000). The recycling ratios for the samples measured in this

    study were generally close to unity, except for a few aliquots

    that were not taken into account for age estimation.


    Composition and Micromorphology of Cements

    The studied beachrock beds are backed by a gently sea-

    wardinclined (510) sandy beach with a 10 m width strike

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    353Beachrock on the Bozcaada Island, Turkey

    Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010

    Figure 3. Views of exposed beachrocks: (a) beds with gentle dips toward the sea, (b) underwater beachrock fragments, and (c) beachrock beds followed

    up to 15 m offshore terminating at 4 m depth.

    NW-SE, roughly parallel to that of the general trend of the

    present shoreline. It is an indurated sedimentary formation

    80 m in length, 22 m in width, and 3.5 m thick, with litho-

    logically identical petrographic composition to that of the ad-

    jacent sandy beach. In fact, both adjoining beach and beach-

    rocks are composed of coarse sand and small gravels of sand-

    stone, basalt, limestone, and andesite. In the vertical section,

    the sequence is made up of alternating layers of sand and

    moderate to well-rounded gravels derived from the above-mentioned rocks. Quartz, plagioclase, and mica fragments

    form the main mineral component. The alternating beds vary

    in thickness from a few cm to 20 cm and have dips sloping

    seaward at angles ranging between 4 and 16 (average 10;

    see Figure 3a). The exposed beachrock reaches up to 0.75 m

    above sea level.

    From the morphological point of view, the beachrock out-

    crops appear to begin in a cape composed of Miocene lime-

    stone with mactra fossils in the northwest and extend dis-

    continuously toward the southwest for a distance of 7080 m

    (Figures 1 and 3b). It is surprising that this platform shows

    an abrupt termination in the middle of the sheltered bay

    where it occurs. Underwater observations carried out to a 5

    m depth also showed the absence of beachrock blocks in this

    part. Field observations show that beachrock beds are char-

    acterized by irregular or pitted surfaces. The uppermost sur-

    faces, particularly corrosion pits having sizes up to 1 m in

    width, are either colonized by marine algae or occupied bysea salt accumulations. The beds, being in touch with the

    shoreline, are also inhabited by rock barnacles such as Bal-

    anus and Patella species. Due to marine erosion along struc-

    tural weaknesses such as closely spaced orthogonal joints and

    bedding planes, which allow the easy penetration of seawa-

    ter, the beachrocks comprise several angular blocks. At their

    most seaward extent, beachrocks are followed up to 15 m off-

    shore and terminate at a 4 m depth (Figure 3c). Under-

    water observations demonstrated that submerged beachrock

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    354 Erginal, Kyak, and Ozturk

    Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010

    ledges are widely broken into orthogonal blocks along dense

    joints. The petrographic composition of beachrock beds is

    identical to those of the exposed ones.

    Samples extracted from various levels of the exposed

    beachrock ledges showed mainly the micromorphologic char-

    acteristics of beachrock cement. The EDX data obtained from

    the cement material and cement-grain boundaries within the

    beachrocks reveal the abundant presence of wollastonite(CaSiO3), albite, ortoclase, and quartz minerals, as well as

    various elements such as C, Mg, Al, Si, Cl, Ca, Fe, O, K, Na,

    and S.

    Micritic Cements

    In many samples, the cement material begins with the

    widespread occurrence of micritic coatings over the tops and

    flanks of the amalgamated grains. The EDX data showed

    that the cement is composed of high Mg-calcite. Albite,

    quartz, and potassium feldspars forms common mineral con-

    stituents. The coatings composed of microcrystalline calcite

    crystals that range in thickness from a few m to 10 m form

    the initial stage of cement precipitation (Scoffin, 1987). Mi-critic (12 m thick) envelopes are followed by acicular crys-

    tals with lengths ranging between 20 and 60 m and diam-

    eters between 5 and 10 m (Figures 4a and b). The crystal

    morphology of these cements fixes well with that of aragonite

    (Gischler and Lomando, 1997; Tucker and Wright, 1990).

    These equigranular monocrystals stand perpendicular to

    grain surfaces and possibly form the second generation of the

    cementation process, and they are indicative of precipitation

    from seawater (Neumeier, 1998; Stoddart and Cann, 1965;

    Taylor and Illing, 1969).

    Some samples are dominated by micritic overgrowths on

    siliciclasts (Figures 4c and d) consisting of considerably high-

    er amounts of Na (6.88%), Mg (3.37%), Si (27.24%), Cl

    (7.23%), Ca (11.02%), Fe (3.28%), and O (40.98%) in compar-

    ison to those of the averages of the other samples. Albite,

    quartz, and wollastonite were defined as dominant compo-

    nents. Well-rounded siliciclasts with a diameter up to 500 m

    and mineral fragments are amalgamated to each other with

    thick (approximately 40 m) micritic crystals (510 m). Al-

    though voids are common with sizes between 20 and 150 m,

    this cement has a very tight appearance owing to the well-

    developed overgrowths of intricate micrite crystals that pro-

    trude from 1020-m-thick cryptocrystalline micrite coating

    the grain surfaces. These forms, together with EDX data, in-

    dicate direct but possibly more rapid precipitation from the

    evaporation of seawater. The presence of micritization ap-

    proximately 30 m in thickness and dominated by the pres-ence of micrite coatings, cryptocrystalline pore fillings, and

    bladed calcite crystals was observed on the mineral frag-

    ments composed of quartz and potassium feldspar (ortoclase).

    Such cements comprise C (14.93%), Na (1.43%), Mg (1.32%),

    Al (0.62%), Si (10.83%), Cl (1.15%), K (0.34%), Ca (10.14%),

    Fe (0.85%), and O (58.39%). Within some voids, filaments of

    marine algae are also present together with newly formed

    calcite accumulations and aragonite needles (Figures 4e and


    Meniscus Cement

    Scanning electron microscope images taken from one sam-

    ple demonstrated the exclusive presence of meniscus cement

    that amalgamates well-rounded siliciclastic grains (Figures

    4g and h). The thickness of the bridge ranges between 50 and

    100 m. The cement is a mixture of C (14.56%), Mg (0.67%),

    Si (18.33%), Cl (0.52%), Ca (1.88%), Fe (0.76%), and O

    (62.40%). Quartz grains with an angular shape range in sizefrom 10 m to 50 m. Both EDX data and textural charac-

    teristics refer to carbonate-rich meteoric conditions in terms

    of a diagenetic environment (Folk, 1974; Friedman, 1964;

    Scoffin and Stoddart, 1983; Spurgeon, Davis, and Shinnu,

    2003). Such cements usually precipitate from the mixing of

    marine and meteoric waters (Moore 1973; Rey et al., 2004;

    Schmalz, 1971).

    Biologic Cements

    At their most leeward extent, beachrocks showed explicit

    marks of biological control on cementation in the upper in-

    tertidal zone (Figures 5a and b). The upper surface of the

    beachrock is colonized by marine algae and has a floppy andbrittle structure with large voids exceeding 100 m in some

    places. The cemented materials are composed of angular to

    poorly rounded siliciclasts with fungal filaments. The cement

    contains average amounts of C (16.33%), Na (0.93%), Mg

    (1.32%), Al (1.19%), Si (3.74%), Cl (1.12%), Ca (16.46%), Fe

    (2.35%), and O (56.46%). Both fungal filaments and mineral

    surfaces appear to be covered with small carbonate nodules,

    the precipitation of which is also confirmed by an increase in

    the total amount of Ca. These forms reveal that beachrock

    cementation was also associated with precipitation of biolog-

    ically produced cement materials under marine-phreatic con-

    ditions, as suggested previously by several authors (Jones

    and Kahle, 1993; Khadkikar and Rajshekkar, 2003; Verrec-

    chia and Verrecchia, 1994; Webb, Jell, and Baker, 1999).

    The Age of Beachrock: Implications for Variations inSea-Level and Tidal Range

    The gamma dose rates were measured in situ, and the beta

    dose rates were obtained from concentrations of the major

    radioactive isotopes of the uranium and thorium series and

    of potassium (Olley, Murray, and Roberts, 1996). The cosmic

    ray contribution was estimated using altitude, latitude, and

    depth from the surface (Prescott and Hutton, 1994). The buri-

    al dose rates ranged from 1.37 0.03 to 1.57 0.03 mGy/a.

    The results of radiometric analysis and dose values obtained

    are summarized in Table 2 with error due to statistical fluc-

    tuations in counting. The OSL ages of the samples taken fromdifferent profiles are presented in Table 2 together with the

    number of aliquots evaluated for each sample. The optical

    luminescence ages from each sample were found to be be-

    tween about 300 years to 5.41 ka, and repeated measure-

    ments were in good agreement with other reported beach-

    rocks around the world (Vousdoukas, Velegrakis, and Plo-

    maritis, 2007).

    As presented in Table 2, the dated beachrocks yielded var-

    ious ages from 5.41 0.58 ka to 0.33 0.05 ka, suggesting

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    Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010

    Figure 4. SEM images of the beachrock samples: (a, b) Micritic coatings followed by acicular aragonite needles; (c) meniscus cement growing on micritic

    coatings; (d) detail of meniscus cement marked in square (c); (e, f) cryptocrystalline micritic coatings followed by intricate micrite overgrowths; (g, h)

    micrite coatings, cryptocrystalline pore fillings, and bladed calcite crystals. Note the presence of algae filaments, aragonite needles, and calcite accumu-

    lations shown in square (h).

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    Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010

    Figure 5. (a and b) SEM images showing biologic control on cementation in the upper intertidal zone of (submerged) beachrock. (b) is closer view of the

    surfaces of grains with dense algae filaments and carbonate precipitates.

    Table 2. The OSL-SAR ages and equivalent dose obtained for samples

    taken from different profiles of the beachrock, and the dose rate of environ-



    Lab Code







    (Gy) n

    Dose Rate


    BYT-01 50 0.33 0.05 0.51 0.07 12 1.54 0.03BYT-02 35 0.63 0.07 0.86 0.09 12 1.37 0.03

    BYT-03 25 0.84 0.13 1.32 0.20 12 1.57 0.03BYT-04 35 1.02 0.13 1.40 0.18 12 1.37 0.03BYT-05 30 3.65 0.82 5.70 1.28 12 1.56 0.03

    BYT-06 20 5.41 0.58 8.73 0.92 10 1.61 0.03

    n the number of aliquots.

    episodically developed cementation over the last 5 ka. How-

    ever, these ages are, from bottom to top in the vertical sec-

    tion, representative for the exposed beachrock with a 75 cm

    thickness. The time interval between the ages obtained would

    be related to destruction caused by marine erosion, intertidal

    weathering, and subsequent removal of various strata (Fig-

    ures 3a and b). Such erosive stages would be favored during

    small-scale sea-level fluctuations impeding complete cemen-

    tation of beach sediments.Another contradiction results from the abnormal thickness

    (3.5 m) of the beachrock studied, considering the average val-

    ue (0.20 m in normal conditions) of the tidal range for the

    eastern Mediterranean coastline (Kelletat, 2006). A differ-

    ence of more than 3 m between the present tidal range and

    the thickness of the beachrock is a sporadic condition that

    some beachrock researchers encounter elsewhere (Amieux et

    al., 1989; Kelletat, 2006; Mabesoon, 1964; Vieira and De Ros,

    2007). According to Kelletat (2006), Only a supratidal situ-

    ation during cementation can explain the great thickness and

    horizontal extension of beachrocks on the majority of coast-

    lines of the world. Considering this assumption, favorable

    conditions for supratidal cementation in the study area might

    have occurred when the sea level was at 2 m 3500 years

    ago BP (Kayan, 1994). On the basis of 14C dating of marine

    mollusks, obtained by drilling from the Karamenderes flood-

    delta plain 4 km west of Bozcaada Island, the sea-level rise

    slowed and stopped about 6000 BP and reached a level sim-

    ilar to that of the present (Kayan, 1999). This period can beconsidered suitable for intertidal cementation of the oldest-

    dated (5.41 0.58 ka) beachrock in the studied beach. The

    following stagea sea-level fall of 2 moccurred between

    5000 and 3500 BP (Kayan, 1995); this is the most significant

    sea-level fluctuation in the last 5000 years, and it caused a

    large beach zone to emerge, providing more sediment and

    more carbonate for the occurrence of cementation. Thus we

    consider the samples of beachrock dated to 3.65 0.82 ka to

    likely correspond to the period of sea-level fall; this is con-

    firmed by the widespread presence of meniscus cement fa-

    vored by meteoric waters, supporting the contention of Kel-

    letat (2006). The other beachrocks are, however, composed

    entirely of cements that evolved under marine-phreatic con-

    ditions, when the sea level was not more than 40 cm lowerthan the present level (Figure 6).


    Our data, based on cementation patterns, optical lumines-

    cence dating, and field data, reveal that intertidal and su-

    pratidal conditions may collectively influence the formation

    of beachrock. With the exception of samples dated to 3.65

    0.82 ka that are dominated by the presence of meniscus ce-

    ment, many samples were characterized by the predominance

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    Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010

    Figure 6. Positions of the OSL ages of beachrock samples on the sea-

    level curve, prepared by Kayan (1999).

    of marine-phreatic cements. Beachrocks ranged in age from

    0.33 0.05 ka BP to 5.41 0.58 ka BP. The fact that much

    of the beachrock body (about 3 m in thickness) appears to be

    drowned or submerged today is likely associated with a sea-

    level rise in the last 3 ka. These submerged beachrocks ex-

    tending to 5 m would have older ages. Further study is

    needed for better understanding of the nature and age ofbeachrock cementation in this coastal area.


    This paper was supported financially the by Research

    Foundation of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Project

    Number 2008/32).


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