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BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI 3.0/3.1: Report Design Learner’s Guide BOW310
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BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI3.0/3.1: Report Design

Learner’s GuideBOW310

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Copyright© 2009 SAP® BusinessObjects™. All rights reserved. SAPBusinessObjects owns the followingUnited States patents,whichmay cover products that are offered and licensed by SAPBusinessObjects and/or affliated companies: 5,295,243; 5,339,390;5,555,403; 5,590,250; 5,619,632; 5,632,009; 5,857,205; 5,880,742;5,883,635; 6,085,202; 6,108,698; 6,247,008; 6,289,352; 6,300,957;6,377,259; 6,490,593; 6,578,027; 6,581,068; 6,628,312; 6,654,761;6,768,986; 6,772,409; 6,831,668; 6,882,998; 6,892,189; 6,901,555;7,089,238; 7,107,266; 7,139,766; 7,178,099; 7,181,435; 7,181,440;7,194,465; 7,222,130; 7,299,419; 7,320,122 and 7,356,779. SAPBusinessObjects and its logos, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports®,Rapid Mart™, Data Insight™, Desktop Intelligence™, RapidMarts®, Watchlist Security™, Web Intelligence®, and Xcelsius®are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects,an SAP company and/or affiliated companies in the UnitedStates and/or other countries. SAP® is a registered trademarkof SAPAG inGermany and/or other countries. All other namesmentioned hereinmay be trademarks of their respective owners.

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About this CourseCourse introduction....................................................................................................xvCourse description.....................................................................................................xviCourse audience.........................................................................................................xviPrerequisites................................................................................................................xviAdditional education.................................................................................................xviLevel, delivery and duration....................................................................................xviApplicable certifications and designations.............................................................xviCourse success factors...............................................................................................xviCourse setup..............................................................................................................xviiCourse materials........................................................................................................xviiLearning process.......................................................................................................xvii

Lesson 1Introducing Web IntelligenceLesson introduction.......................................................................................................1Describing Web Intelligence concepts........................................................................2

Accessing information with Web Intelligence...................................................2Understanding the semantic layer.......................................................................3Quick and easy access to information.................................................................4

Explaining Web Intelligence core functionality........................................................6Querying with Web Intelligence .........................................................................6Reporting with Web Intelligence.........................................................................7Analyzing with Web Intelligence........................................................................8

Describing Web Intelligence and BusinessObjects Enterprise..............................10BusinessObjects Enterprise overview................................................................10About InfoView....................................................................................................10Sharing documents with InfoView users .........................................................10

Quiz: Introducing Web Intelligence .........................................................................12Lesson summary..........................................................................................................13

Lesson 2Creating Web Intelligence Documents withQueriesLesson introduction.....................................................................................................15

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Querying with Web Intelligence................................................................................16About the query process.....................................................................................16Universes and objects..........................................................................................17Objects represent a selection of data.................................................................17Universe used in this course...............................................................................17

Creating a new document...........................................................................................20Launching Web Intelligence Rich Client..........................................................20Creating a new Web Intelligence document....................................................22Saving a new document......................................................................................25Interrupting data retrieval..................................................................................26Modifying a document's query..........................................................................28

Projecting data from an added object........................................................28Understanding how the data is aggregated..............................................30

Working with query properties.................................................................................32Working in the Query panel...............................................................................32Viewing the query properties.............................................................................34Viewing the query's SQL.....................................................................................37Activity: Creating a document...........................................................................38

Quiz: Creating Web Intelligence documents with queries ...................................40Lesson summary..........................................................................................................41

Lesson 3Restricting Data Returned by a QueryLesson introduction.....................................................................................................43Restricting data with query filters.............................................................................44

The purpose of query filters...............................................................................44Components of a query filter..............................................................................44

Modifying a query with a predefined query filter..................................................49Using a predefined query filter to modify a query.........................................49

Applying a single-value query filter.........................................................................51Creating a single-value query filter...................................................................51Editing a single-value filter.................................................................................51

Using wildcards in query filters................................................................................54About wildcards...................................................................................................54Creating a query filter with a wildcard.............................................................54Activity: Restricting data.....................................................................................55

Using prompts to restrict data...................................................................................56Prompted filters....................................................................................................56Creating a prompted query filter.......................................................................56Editing a prompted query filter.........................................................................61Activity: Adding prompts...................................................................................62

Using complex filters...................................................................................................64Using logical operators for multiple conditions..............................................64Using the AND operator.....................................................................................65Using the OR operator.........................................................................................66

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Prioritizing operators...........................................................................................67Activity: Restricting data with multiple filters ...............................................67

Quiz: Restricting data returned by a query.............................................................69Lesson summary..........................................................................................................70

Lesson 4Designing Web Intelligence ReportsLesson introduction.....................................................................................................71Working with Web Intelligence documents............................................................72

Components of a Web Intelligence document.................................................72Viewing reports in a document..........................................................................72About the Web Intelligence Rich Client reporting interface..........................73Web Intelligence Rich Client window toolbars...............................................73Customizing your user preferences...................................................................74Web Intelligence Rich Client general preferences...........................................75Web Intelligence Rich Client viewing preferences..........................................76Web Intelligence Rich Client locale preferences..............................................77Web Intelligence Rich Client drill preferences.................................................78Working with the Report Manager tabs...........................................................80Displaying the document properties.................................................................83Managing reports.................................................................................................86

Displaying data in tables and charts.........................................................................87About tables..........................................................................................................87

Creating tables..............................................................................................................89Viewing tables in different display modes.......................................................89Inserting tables in a report..................................................................................91

Working with tables....................................................................................................94Changing table formats.......................................................................................94Adding data to an existing table........................................................................94Duplicating tables................................................................................................95Deleting tables, rows, or columns......................................................................96

Presenting data in free-standing cells.......................................................................97Inserting a free-standing cell..............................................................................97

Presenting data in charts...........................................................................................102Bar charts.............................................................................................................102Line charts...........................................................................................................103Area charts..........................................................................................................103Pie charts..............................................................................................................104Radar charts........................................................................................................104Creating a chart..................................................................................................105Creating a chart from a table............................................................................106Activity: Designing Web Intelligence Reports...............................................108

Quiz: Designing Web Intelligence reports.............................................................111Lesson summary........................................................................................................112

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Lesson 5Enhancing the Presentation of Data in ReportsLesson introduction...................................................................................................113Using breaks and calculations.................................................................................114

About breaks.......................................................................................................114About calculations..............................................................................................116

Using sorts..................................................................................................................118About sort orders...............................................................................................118Deleting a default sort.......................................................................................120

Formatting breaks and cross tabs............................................................................123Controlling break headers and footers............................................................123Formatting multiple break headers and footers............................................125About formatting breaks...................................................................................127Prioritizing multiple breaks..............................................................................128Formatting cross tab headers ...........................................................................131Activity: Formatting breaks and cross tabs....................................................131

Using report filters.....................................................................................................133About report filters............................................................................................133

Ranking data to see top or bottom values..............................................................138Applying ranking to data..................................................................................138Activity: Enhancing the presentation of a report .........................................139

Tracking data changes...............................................................................................141Tracking data changes in Web Intelligence....................................................141Types of data change.........................................................................................143Activating data tracking....................................................................................144Formatting data changes...................................................................................145Activity: Tracking data changes.......................................................................146

Using alerters to highlight information..................................................................148About alerters.....................................................................................................148Creating and activating an alerter...................................................................149Creating complex alerters.................................................................................151Activity: Creating complex alerters ................................................................152

Organizing a report into sections............................................................................156About sections....................................................................................................156Navigating from section to section..................................................................159

Copying data to other applications.........................................................................161Copying a block of data as text........................................................................161Copying an image of data using Microsoft Clipboard.................................162Activity: Creating sections in a report.............................................................164

Quiz: Enhancing the presentation of reports.........................................................167Lesson summary........................................................................................................168

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Lesson 6Formatting ReportsLesson introduction...................................................................................................169Formatting documents..............................................................................................170

Displaying the Report Manager Properties tab.............................................170Changing the display of the Properties tab....................................................172Modifying the default report properties.........................................................173Modifying the default table properties...........................................................173Modifying the default cell properties..............................................................174Modifying the default section properties.......................................................176Preparing documents for PDF and printing..................................................178Activity: Formatting and printing reports .....................................................178

Formatting charts.......................................................................................................181Looking at the chart properties .......................................................................181Formatting a bar chart.......................................................................................182Formatting a pie chart ......................................................................................184Activity: Formatting charts ..............................................................................187

Quiz: Formatting reports..........................................................................................190Lesson summary .......................................................................................................191

Lesson 7Calculating Data with Formulas and VariablesLesson introduction...................................................................................................193Explaining formulas and variables.........................................................................194

Formulas..............................................................................................................194Variables..............................................................................................................194Getting online Help............................................................................................195

Using formulas and variables..................................................................................198Creating a variable as a response to a prompt...............................................198Creating a variable to calculate sales tax........................................................203Modifying and deleting a variable..................................................................209Creating a variable from document functions...............................................209Activity: Creating formulas and variables.....................................................212

Quiz: Creating formulas and variables...................................................................214Lesson summary........................................................................................................215

Lesson 8Using Multiple Data SourcesLesson introduction...................................................................................................217Synchronizing data from multiple data sources...................................................218

Working with multiple data providers...........................................................218

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What is data synchronization?.........................................................................219Creating multiple queries in a document ..............................................................221

Projecting data from a single query in different blocks ...............................221Projecting data from multiple queries using a single universe ..................222About automatically merged dimensions......................................................227Projecting data from queries using multiple universes ...............................230

Synchronizing data with merged dimensions.......................................................233What happens when dimensions are not synchronized .............................233Synchronizing queries by manually merging dimensions .........................234Some rules about synchronizing with merged dimensions ........................237

Using a personal data provider...............................................................................239Using personal data...........................................................................................239Linking personal data to universe data..........................................................242Activity: Synchronizing data............................................................................245

Quiz: Using multiple data sources..........................................................................247Lesson summary........................................................................................................248

Lesson 9Analyzing DataLesson introduction ..................................................................................................249Analyzing the data cube...........................................................................................250

About the Web Intelligence data cube............................................................250What is scope of analysis?.................................................................................250

Drilling in a Web Intelligence document...............................................................252Building a drillable document..........................................................................252Drilling down in the data in a hierarchy........................................................255Taking a snapshot of the drill report...............................................................258Drilling in charts.................................................................................................259

Setting Web Intelligence drill options.....................................................................262Setting general drill options in Web Intelligence Rich Client......................262Using query drill ...............................................................................................265Understanding the impact of query drill on performance...........................265Activity: Analyzing data...................................................................................267

Quiz: Analyzing data................................................................................................268Lesson summary........................................................................................................269

Lesson 10Managing and Sharing Web IntelligenceDocumentsLesson introduction...................................................................................................271Exporting documents to the CMS...........................................................................272

Exporting a Web Intelligence document.........................................................272Logging onto InfoView.............................................................................................274

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Accessing the InfoView Log On page.............................................................274The Home page...................................................................................................275

Managing documents in InfoView..........................................................................279Folders and categories in InfoView.................................................................279Creating folders..................................................................................................279Copying and moving documents and folders...............................................280Deleting documents and folders......................................................................281Creating categories.............................................................................................281Managing documents in folders and categories............................................283Filtering documents in a list.............................................................................284

Viewing a Web Intelligence document in InfoView.............................................286Viewing Web Intelligence documents............................................................286Refreshing a Web Intelligence document.......................................................288Printing a Web Intelligence document............................................................290Closing a Web Intelligence document.............................................................290

Sharing Web Intelligence documents.....................................................................291Sharing documents with InfoView users........................................................291Sharing beyond Web Intelligence....................................................................293Scheduling documents in InfoView................................................................294

Setting InfoView preferences...................................................................................296Setting general InfoView preferences ............................................................296About document preferences in InfoView.....................................................297Setting Web Intelligence preferences..............................................................297About Web Intelligence viewing settings.......................................................297

Describing the Web Intelligence report panels.....................................................299About the Web Intelligence report panels......................................................299Checking the report panel settings..................................................................303

Logging off from InfoView.......................................................................................306Closing your InfoView session.........................................................................306Activity: Managing and sharing Web Intelligence documents ..................306

Quiz: Managing and sharing Web Intelligence documents................................308Lesson summary........................................................................................................309

Appendix AWeb Intelligence Toolbar ReferenceWeb Intelligence toolbars ........................................................................................311

Appendix BOptional ActivitiesOptional Practice, Lesson 2......................................................................................317Optional Practice, Lesson 3......................................................................................319Optional Practice, Lesson 4......................................................................................321Optional Practice, Lesson 5......................................................................................324Optional Practice, Lesson 5......................................................................................326

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Optional Practice, Lesson 5......................................................................................328Optional Practice, Lesson 5......................................................................................330Optional Practice, Lesson 6......................................................................................331Optional Practice, Lesson 7......................................................................................332Optional Practice, Lesson 8......................................................................................334Optional Practice, Lesson 9......................................................................................336Optional Practice, Lesson 9......................................................................................337

Answer KeyQuiz: Introducing Web Intelligence .......................................................................341Quiz: Creating Web Intelligence documents with queries .................................342Quiz: Restricting data returned by a query...........................................................343Quiz: Designing Web Intelligence reports.............................................................344Quiz: Enhancing the presentation of reports.........................................................345Quiz: Formatting reports..........................................................................................346Quiz: Creating formulas and variables...................................................................347Quiz: Using multiple data sources..........................................................................348Quiz: Analyzing data................................................................................................349Quiz: Managing and sharing Web Intelligence documents................................350

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A G E N D AWeb Intelligence Report Design

Introductions, Course Overview...........................................30 minutes

Lesson 1Introducing Web Intelligence.................................................30 minutes❒ Describing Web Intelligence concepts❒ Explaining Web Intelligence core functionality❒ Describing Web Intelligence and BusinessObjects Enterprise

Lesson 2Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries..............1 hour❒ Querying with Web Intelligence❒ Creating a new document❒ Modifying a document's query❒ Working with query properties

Lesson 3Restricting Data Returned by a Query.........................................1 hour❒ Restricting data with query filters❒ Modifying a query with a predefined query filter❒ Applying a single-value query filter❒ Using wildcards in query filters❒ Using prompts to restrict data❒ Using complex filters

Lesson 4Designing Web Intelligence Reports............................................1 hour❒ Working with Web Intelligence documents❒ Displaying data in tables and charts❒ Creating tables❒ Working with tables❒ Presenting data in free-standing cells❒ Presenting data in charts

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Lesson 5Enhancing the Presentation of Data in Reports.....................2 hours❒ Using breaks and calculations❒ Using sorts❒ Formatting breaks and cross tabs❒ Using report filters❒ Ranking data to see top or bottom values❒ Tracking data changes❒ Using alerters to highlight information❒ Organizing a report into sections❒ Copying data to other applications

Lesson 6Formatting Reports............................................................................1 hour❒ Formatting documents❒ Formatting charts

Lesson 7Calculating Data with Formulas and Variables.........................1 hour❒ Explaining formulas and variables❒ Using formulas and variables

Lesson 8Using Multiple Data Sources..........................................................1 hour❒ Synchronizing data from multiple data sources❒ Creating multiple queries in a document❒ Synchronizing data with merged dimensions❒ Using a personal data provider

Lesson 9Analyzing Data....................................................................................1 hour❒ Analyzing the data cube❒ Drilling in a Web Intelligence document❒ Setting Web Intelligence drill options

Lesson 10Managing and Sharing Web Intelligence Documents.............1 hour❒ Exporting documents to the CMS❒ Logging onto InfoView❒ Managing documents in InfoView❒ Viewing a Web Intelligence document in InfoView

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❒ Sharing Web Intelligence documents❒ Setting InfoView preferences❒ Describing the Web Intelligence report panels❒ Logging off from InfoView

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About this Course

Course introductionThis section explains the conventions used in the course and in this training guide.

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Course descriptionThis two-day instructor-led course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills and in-depthknowledge needed to access, analyze and share data using BusinessObjects™ InfoView™ andBusinessObjects™ Web Intelligence™.

During this course, you’ll learn how to organize, manage and distribute documents usingInfoView. You’ll also learn how to createWeb Intelligence documents for your reporting needs,to retrieve data by building queries using BusinessObjects universes and to useWeb Intelligenceto enhance documents for easier analysis.

After taking this course, you will be able to efficiently and effectively manage personal andcorporate documents to access the information you need, when you need it. You will be ableto design your own reports using Web Intelligence and share your analysis with other users.

Course audience

The target audience for this course is report designers who need to access and analyzeinformation using InfoView and Web Intelligence.


To be successful, learners who attend this course should have the following experience:• Windows conventions• Basic database concepts

Additional education

If you want to increase your skill level and knowledge of Web Intelligence, this course isrecommended:• BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI 3.0/3.1: Advanced Report Design

Level, delivery and duration

This core-level instructor-led offering is a two-day course.

Applicable certifications and designations

This course is not applicable to any Business Objects Certified Professional programs.

Course success factors

Your learning experience will be enhanced by:• Activities that build on the life experiences of the learner

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• Discussion that connects the training to real working environments• Learners and instructor working as a team• Active participation by all learners

Course setup

Refer to the setup guide for details on hardware, software, and course-specific requirements.

Course materials

The materials included with the course materials are:• Name card• Learner’s Guide

The Learner’s Guide contains an agenda, learner materials, and practice activities.

The Learner’s Guide is designed to assist students who attend the classroom-based courseand outlines what learners can expect to achieve by participating in this course.

• Evaluation form

At the conclusion of this course, you will receive an electronic feedback form as part of ourevaluation process, to provide feedback on the course content, instructor, and facility. Yourcomments will assist us to improve future courses.

Additional resources include:• Sample files

The sample files can include required files for the course activities and/or supplementalcontent to the training guide.

• OnlineHelp

Retrieve information and find answers to questions using the onlineHelp and/or user’sguide that are included with the product.

Learning process

Learning is an interactive process between the learners and the instructor. By facilitating acooperative environment, the instructor guides the learners through the learning framework.


Why am I here? What’s in it for me?

The learners will be clear about what they are getting out of each lesson.


How do I achieve the outcome?

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The learners will assimilate new concepts and how to apply the ideas presented in the lesson.This step sets the groundwork for practice.


How do I do it?

The learners will demonstrate their knowledge as well as their hands-on skills through theactivities.


How did I do?

The learners will have an opportunity to review what they have learned during the lesson.Review reinforces why it is important to learn particular concepts or skills.


Where have I been and where am I going?

The summary acts as a recap of the learning objectives and as a transition to the next section.

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Lesson 1Introducing Web Intelligence

Lesson introductionThis section presents key Web Intelligence concepts and vocabulary that are important tounderstand before beginning this course.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Describe Web Intelligence concepts• Explain Web Intelligence core functionality• Describe the relationship amongBusinessObjects Enterprise, InfoView, andWeb Intelligence

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Describing Web Intelligence conceptsWeb Intelligence is a tool for analyzing your organization's business information.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Explain howWeb Intelligence allows you to access information• Describe universes, the Business Objects semantic layer that allows you to query your

corporate databases using your own everyday business terms

Accessing information with Web Intelligence

With Web Intelligence, you can query your organization’s databases using your everydaybusiness terms, and using an easy-to-use interface. You can create simple or very complexreports, and share the information you display with colleagues throughout the enterprise.

Getting the right information to make decisions

You and your colleagues need quick, easy access to information. As part of your job, youmakedecisions all the time. That means you need the right information at your fingertips to helpyou make the right decisions.

You want to access information using your everyday business vocabulary without having tounderstand anything about the technical way the information is stored.

And once you’ve analyzed this information, you need to be able to share it with your colleagues.

Web Intelligence allows you to access, analyze, and share corporate data over intranets andextranets for both relational databases (RDBMS) and online analytical processing (OLAP)servers.

To access Web Intelligence, you can log into the BusinessObjects portal InfoView via yourinternet browser. You can then create and edit Web Intelligence documents and analyze thedata displayed in them. Using InfoView, you can share documents with other users.

Web Intelligence can also be used offline asWeb Intelligence RichClient, a standaloneMicrosoftWindows application that you can install on your computer. Web Intelligence Rich Client lets

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you continue toworkwithWeb Intelligence documents (WID)when you are unable to connectto InfoView, when you want to perform calculations locally rather than on the server, or whenyour organization chooses to deploy Web Intelligence without installing BusinessObjectsEnterprise servers or an application server.

You can also useWeb Intelligence RichClientwhile connected to the BusinessObjects Enterpriserepository. This repository is known as the Central Management Server, or "the CMS". If youuse Web Intelligence Rich Client while connected to the CMS, you are working in "connected"mode. In connected mode, you can export documents that you have created locally, so thatInfoView users can access them in the CMS repository.

Understanding the semantic layer

Web Intelligence allows you to access and analyze your organization's data by means of asemantic layer in one or more BusinessObjects universes. This semantic layer is a view of yourorganization's data, presented as one or more universes.

Because universes are based on business terminology that is familiar to you and sharedthroughout the organization, they shield users from the technical complexities of the databaseswhere your corporate information is stored.

Web Intelligence utilizes universes to provide access to data.Using a universe's business-orientedview of the data, you can create queries in Web Intelligence and get information using yourown everyday terms.

The terms you need to be familiarwith in order to understand how this semantic layer functionsare:• Object

• Class

• Predefined query filter

• Universe


Objects are elements in a universe that map to a specific set of data in a relational database.Each object in a BusinessObjects universe is defined with a business term that is commonlyused in your organization, such asCountry,Year,Revenue,Customer name,Customer address,and so on.


Classes are logical groupings of related objects.

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This diagram shows some of the objects used in this course to build queries and create WebIntelligence documents, and their organization into classes. Classes are indicated here by afolder icon. The objects shown in this diagramare indicated by blue diamonds, orange rectangles,and yellow funnels.

For example, the Store class includes the objects State, City, and Store name. The Store classalso includes a subclass, called Store details, which contains other objects related to Stores.

Predefined query filter

The elements identified by yellow filters in the diagram are predefined query filters. Queryfilters are used to restrict the data returned by an object used in a query.

Later in this course, you will learn more about the different types of objects that are availablein universes, as well as the role of the pre-defined query filter in the universe.


ABusinessObjects universe relates the objects for a business area such as finance, sales, humanresources, or purchasing departments to your organization's data stored in its databases.

The diagram above shows the eFashion universe which defines the objects that you use in thiscourse.

Universes are created by a universe designerwho is familiarwith your organization's databasesusing BusinessObjects Designer. The universe designer then makes the universes available toyou and other users in InfoView, the BusinessObjects portal.When you createWeb Intelligencedocuments, you first select a universe to query the database where the data that interests youis stored.

Quick and easy access to information

Business intelligence software offers tools for generating reports automatically whenever theyare needed andprovides easy analysis and querying to helpwith the decision-making businessprocess.

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Many business intelligence platforms require the intervention of an information service toproduce personalized OLAP cubes that are then used for reporting. Web Intelligence users onthe other hand, have access directly to the source database allowing for robust query andanalysis options. This helps in responding to everyday questions and in facing problems thatare present when trying to make good decisions quickly.

The Business Objects business intelligence platform separates users from the complexity anddiversity of databases and associated technologies. It uses business terminology that is sharedthroughout the enterprise. Because it takes less time to gather information, users can concentrateon their analysis to make the best decisions.

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Explaining Web Intelligence core functionalityWeb Intelligence allows you to perform querying, reporting and analysis tasks, all in a singletool.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Explain howWeb Intelligence queries retrieve data from your corporate databases

• Describe the different presentation styles you can choose from to display the data in WebIntelligence documents

• Understand howWeb Intelligence allows you to analyze data at different levels of detail

Querying with Web Intelligence

To gather the data you require, you begin by creating aWeb Intelligence document and selectingthe data source that will give you access to the appropriate data, for example a BusinessObjectsuniverse.

Next, you use the Web IntelligenceQuery panel to add and organize the objects that interestyou from the universe you selected.

This image shows theQuerypanel fromWeb Intelligence RichClient, one of the panels availablefor building queries and creating Web Intelligence documents.

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When you build a query in the Web IntelligenceQuery panel, you select the universe objectsand query filters that represent your business question. The query is sent to theWeb Intelligenceserver, if you are connected to the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS, which generates the finalStructured Query Language (SQL) statements, the language used to query the database.

The SQL query is then sent to the database to retrieve the data mapped to the objects youselected. The database returns rows of data to the Web Intelligence server, which populatesthe data as amicrocube, called a data provider. This information is then formatted anddisplayedin aWeb Intelligence report as a simple table, or even a complex chart, ready for your analysis.

A Web Intelligence document can contain multiple reports and each report may have beenbuilt using different queries. Once you run the query and retrieve the data that interests you,you can structure and organize the data as you wish in the Web Intelligence document.

Reporting with Web Intelligence

You can use Web Intelligence document features to create professional reports from the datayou retrieve. Once you have the data you need, you can display or present it in multiple ways:• As a table (horizontal, vertical, form or cross tab)• As a chart (bar, line, area, pie or radar)• As a multiple-block report containing large amounts of data

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Analyzing with Web Intelligence

You can analyze your reports and switch your business perspective by dragging and droppingobjects, inserting calculations, and changing the display to make the important informationeasy to see at a glance.

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You can also perform multi-dimensional analysis by looking at results at a global level ordrilling down to a more detailed level of information.

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Describing Web Intelligence and BusinessObjectsEnterpriseUsers can choose to accessWeb Intelligence either as a stand-alone application on their desktop,or as a web application from within the BusinessObjects Enterprise portal, InfoView.

Because Web Intelligence is a part of BusinessObjects Enterprise, it is useful to understandwhat BusinessObjects Enterprise is, and the function of Web Intelligence within it.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Describe what BusinessObjects Enterprise is• Explain the relationship betweenBusinessObjects Enterprise, InfoView, andWeb Intelligence• Describe the differentmethods available for sharingWeb Intelligence documentswith your


BusinessObjects Enterprise overview

BusinessObjects Enterprise is a business intelligence (BI) platform that combines end-userinsight with flexible systems management for a single BI standard. This allows administratorsto confidently deploy and standardize their BI implementations on a proven, scalable, andadaptive service-oriented architecture.

BusinessObjects Enterprise stores Web Intelligence documents, as well as Crystal reports,Desktop Intelligence documents, Crystal Xcelsius models, Voyager workspaces, spreadsheets,and other documents. With BusinessObjects Enterprise, users can access this information andorganize it to suit their preferences.

About InfoView

BusinessObjects Enterprise comes with InfoView, a web desktop that acts as a window to abroad range of useful business information around your company.

InfoView collects and consolidates a company’s BI information and presents it in a secure,focused, and personalized view to users inside and outside an organization. InfoView lets userspersonalize how they view, manage, and distribute BI content. It is both a standalone BI portal(BIP), as well as a BI content provider for enterprise information portals (EIPs).

Using InfoView, you can open existingWeb Intelligence documents and create new ones, usingInfoView's Web Intelligence report panels.

Sharing documents with InfoView users

InfoView allows you to share your documents with colleagues. You can choose to save themas public documents, and if your colleagues are InfoView users, you can send your documentsdirectly to them. The BusinessObjects CentralManagement Server (CMS) stores sent and publicdocuments and enables others to retrieve them.

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If they do not use InfoView, you can save your reports inMicrosoft Excel orAdobe PDF format,so that your colleagues can easily view and print them.

Depending on howWeb Intelligence has been deployed in your organization, you can shareWeb Intelligence documents in many ways:• Save documents as files on your workstation, in Web IntelligenceWID format, or in Adobe

PDF, Microsoft Excel, or .CSV format.

• Send in an email as an attachment, inWeb Intelligence .WID,Adobe PDF, orMicrosoft Excelformat.

• Export documents to the CMS as a public or personal document.• From within InfoView, send a document to another user or group of users.

• From within InfoView, save a document as a public or personal document in the CMS.• Fromwithin InfoView, schedule documents to be refreshed and sent automatically by using

the InfoView scheduler.

Depending on the rights assigned to you by your administrator you may be able to scheduleand view a list of your scheduled documents. When you schedule a document you specify atime and a date to refresh it and send it to other users.

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Quiz: Introducing Web IntelligenceAnswer the following questions:

1. True or False: Web Intelligence is a single tool for understanding, controlling, and sharingbusiness information.

2. What is a universe?

3. What is the core functionality of Web Intelligence?

4. Describe three ways for sharing Web Intelligence documents with others.

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Describe Web Intelligence concepts• Explain Web Intelligence core functionality• Describe the relationship amongBusinessObjects Enterprise, InfoView, andWeb Intelligence

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Lesson 2Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries

Lesson introductionThis lesson describes how to use Web Intelligence to create, edit, and run queries.

The Web Intelligence Rich Client application is used for all of the activities presented in thislesson.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Query with Web Intelligence• Create a new document• Modify a document’s query• Work with query properties

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Querying with Web IntelligenceTo retrieve new data from your corporate data sources with Web Intelligence, you can createa newWeb Intelligence document or edit the query associated with an existing document.

Creating a new document involves two steps:• Choosing the appropriate data source.

• Using the Web IntelligenceQuery panel to create a query that will determine which datais extracted from the database.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Describe the query process• Describe the universe used in this course to retrieve data

About the query process

This section presents the query process from the business user's point of view. Subsequentsections present the query process in greater technical detail.

Using one of the Web Intelligence query panels, you construct a business question, or query,that represents the information you need.

The query is sent to theWeb Intelligence server. TheWeb Intelligence server retrieves the datafrom the database and stores it in amicrocube. The contents of themicrocube are then formattedand displayed in a Web Intelligence report in the form of tables, cross tabs and charts for youranalysis.

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Universes and objects

Web Intelligence makes it easy for you to access your corporate data by enabling you to workwith familiar business terms rather than the technical SQL code required to retrieve data froma database.

Web Intelligence uses universes to achieve this. A BusinessObjects universe is the semanticlayer that maps everyday terms that describe your business environment to data stored in thedatabase.

Using a universe, you can retrieve the data that interests you simply by dragging and droppingthe desired objects.

In your company or organization, universes are created by a universe designer, usingBusinessObjects Designer. The designer then makes the universes available to you and otherusers in your organization, so that you can select the appropriate business terms to createqueries and retrieve data from the database.

Within each universe, these business terms are listed as objects, while similar types of businessterms are grouped into classes.

Objects represent a selection of data

Objects are elements in a BusinessObjects universe that correspond to the data in the database.Ideally, the universe designer names the object with the business terms that you use in youreveryday activity, such as Sales revenue, or Customer name. You use these objects to buildqueries and retrieve the data you want to show in your report.

Universe used in this course

The universe used in this training course, eFashion, is an example of a database for a companythat runs a chain of retail stores.

Universes are made up of classes and objects.

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Objects are elements that map to data in a relational database and are named for familiarbusiness terms. For example, some of the objects in the eFashion Universe include State, City,and Store name.

Classes are logical groupings of objects.

There are three different types of objects.

Dimension - Retrieves the data that provides the basis for analysis ina report. Dimension objects typically retrieve character-type data, forexample, customer names, store names or dates.

Detail - Provides descriptive data about a dimension. A detail is alwaysattached to the dimension forwhich it provides additional information.For example, the Customer dimension could have Age and Addressassociated with it because they provide additional information abouta Customer.

Measure - Retrieves numeric data that is the result of calculations ondata in the database. For example, Revenue is the calculation of thenumber of items sold multiplied by the item price. Measure objectsare often located in a Measures class.

Universes can also include predefined query filters.

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Query Filter- Restricts the information returned by objects, such aslimiting data concerning revenue to a specific year. Filters can alsoprompt the person viewing the report to select a value, such as thequery filter "Which product?"

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Creating a new documentThis unit describes how to launch the Web Intelligence Rich Client application and how tocreate a newWeb Intelligence document.After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Log onto Web Intelligence Rich Client• Create a newWeb Intelligence document• Select the data source you want to use to retrieve data• Build the query to retrieve the data that interests you• Save the newWeb Intelligence document

Launching Web Intelligence Rich Client

TheWeb IntelligenceRichClient application is a locally installedMicrosoftWindows applicationthat lets you create and edit Web Intelligence documents that are stored either locally on yourdesktop, or in the BusinessObjects repository.

You can launch Web Intelligence Rich Client in one of three working modes:• Connected mode:

Web Intelligence Rich Client is connected to the BusinessObjects Enterprise repository, alsoknown as the Central Management Server, or CMS. You can work with documents fromthe BusinessObjects repository or with local documents.

Note: In connectedmode, user authenticationmay be handled by different securitymodels:Enterprise, LDAP, Windows AD, Windows NT, or SAP.

• Offline mode:

Web Intelligence Rich Client is not connected to the CMS repository, but applies CMSsecurity. You can work with local documents and universes that are secured by the CMSyou select at logon, or with unsecured local documents and universes.

In Offline mode, you cannot import documents from or export documents to the CMSrepository.

• Standalone mode:

Web Intelligence Rich Client is not connected to a CMS and no security is enforced. You canwork with local, unsecured documents and universes only.

You cannot import documents from or export documents to a CMS.

To launch Web Intelligence Rich Client

There are several methods for launching Web Intelligence Rich Client.1. From the Startmenu, launch Web Intelligence Rich Client, according to your instructor's


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The Web Intelligence log on page opens.

2. Select a CMS in the System list.

An icon shows what kind of connection was used for the last connection with the CMS:• An icon of a desktop computer meansWeb Intelligence Rich Client last connected to this

CMS in client-servermode (local launch from the client computer). The name of the CMSis the server name.

• An icon of a globe means Web Intelligence Rich Client last connected to this CMS inHTTP mode (connection via InfoView). The name of the CMS is the full name of theconnected cluster.

3. Enter a valid user name and password.

4. Select an authentication mode from the list.Do not choose Standalone if you want to work in Connectedmode. When you chooseStandalone authentication you work in Standalonemode, with no CMS connection.

5. Make sure the Use in Offline Mode option is not selected.

6. Click Log On.

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Web Intelligence Rich Client is launched in Connected mode and theWelcome wizardwindow opens.

Note: WhenWeb Intelligence Rich Client is already running on your computer, launchingit again opens a new instance of the application. When you double-click a Web Intelligencedocument, the document does not open in the application instance that was already open.

Creating a new Web Intelligence document

Web Intelligence Rich Client consists of two separate panels:• The Create Query or Edit Query panels, generically referred to as theQuery panel.

• TheWeb Intelligence Rich Clientmain window.

You use these windows together to build queries and present the data returned by the queryin a report. When you are ready to save, the following information is associated with the newWeb Intelligence document:• The query definition.

• The data returned by the query.

• One or more reports.

• One or more blocks of data (tables, charts) presented in the report(s), and the formattingyou have applied to the blocks.

• Local variables and alerters defined within the document.

To create a newWeb Intelligence document, you:• Choose a data source for the query.• Build and run a query.• Save the new document.

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To choose a data source for a new query in Web Intelligence RichClientTo create a new document in Web Intelligence Rich Client, you first must select a data source.1. In theWelcome wizardwindow, click the Browse for more data sources... button.

TheNew Document dialog box opens.

Note: If you have already created a document or are editing an existing document, you cancreate a new document at any time simply by clickingDocument ➤ New from the WebIntelligence Rich Client menu bar.

2. In theNew Document dialog box, click Universe and thenNext.

3. In the Universe dialog box, select a universe.

4. ClickOK.

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TheQuery panel opens, showing the universe's data in theData tab.

You can now use theQuery panel to build queries in your document.

To build the query,move the objects youwant in your report from theData tab to theResultObjects pane.

Predefined query filters allow you to restrict data returned by the query.

To build and run a query in Web Intelligence Rich Client

1. In theQuery panel Data tab, when required, click the + beside the Class to display theobjects in the Class.

2. Select the objects you want to include in the query and drag them to the Result Objectspane.

Note: To add all the objects in the class, drag the class to the Result Objects pane.

3. Repeat the previous step until the query contains all the objects you want to include.

4. Click Run Query to run the query.

The query is executed and theQuery panel closes.

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The data returned is displayed in a new document in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientmain window. The values returned by the objects you selected are presented by default ina vertical table.

Saving a new document

You can save a document that you have created with Web Intelligence Rich Client locally onyour desktop or by exporting it to the CMS.

By default, theRefresh on open option is not selected so that users always see the original datathat was retrieved when the document was created or last refreshed, and which was stored inthe document when it was saved.

To see themost recent data available in the database, users can refresh the documentmanuallywhen they open it. Or, you can choose to select this option to ensure that the data is updatedautomatically each time the document is opened.

If you select the Permanent regional formatting check box, it overrides the user’s defaultviewing options and always display the document’s original regional setting for language andtime stamping.

To save a new document locally

1. When you are ready to save the new document locally, click File ➤ Save or File ➤ Saveas, or click the save icon on the toolbar.

2. In the Save in list, select the folder where you want to save the document.The contents of the folder appear in the display box below the list. Use the buttons to theright of the list to navigate your file system and control display.

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3. If you are saving the document as a Web Intelligence document, type a description andkeywords for the document if desired.

4. If you are saving the document as a Web Intelligence document, choose options:


The document automatically refreshes when it isopened.Refresh on open

The current regional settings (locale) for formattingare applied regardless of what the locale is on themachine where it is opened.

Permanent regional formatting

All security information stored in the document isremoved,making it accessible to all users and ableto be opened in Standalone mode.

Save for all users

Default document security is removed.Remove document security

5. Type a file name.

6. Select a file type.The file type that you select filters documents shown in the display box. You can save inthree formats:• Web Intelligence document• PDF document• Excel document

Note: If you save as a PDF or Excel document, you cannot enter a description or keywordsand the Web Intelligence Document options are unavailable.

7. Click Save.

Interrupting data retrieval

When the query runtime is particularly long or you want to limit the demand on serverresources, for example, you can click the Cancel button in the Retrieving Data dialog box tointerrupt the query before Web Intelligence has returned all the data to your document.

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Next, the Interrupt Data Retrieval dialog box displays with the options for the data you wantto display in the report.

The following table describes the options for the data displayed.


Web Intelligence restores the values to the document that wereretrieved the last time the query ran. Consequently, the values

Restore the results from theprevious data retrieval

displayed do not represent the most recent data available inthe database.

Web Intelligence displays the document empty of values. Thedocument retains its structure and formatting.

Purge all data from thedocument

Web Intelligence displays:Return the partial results• The new values retrieved prior to the interruption of data

retrieval in the appropriate parts of the document• The values retrieved at the last refresh in the rest of the


To interrupt data retrieval

1. In the Retrieving Data dialog box, click Cancel.

2. Select one of the options in the Interrupt Data Retrieval dialog box to determine the datathat displays in your document.

3. ClickOK.

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Modifying a document's query

To change the query definition, you can edit the original query that you used to retrieve dataand create the document.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Add and remove objects from the query• Project the data returned by an added object into the report block

Projecting data from an added object

Once you have created a document, you can easily change the information that is displayed inthe resulting report by adding or removing objects in the underlying query.

The Edit Query button on theWeb Intelligence Rich Client toolbar opens theQuery panel.You can then add or remove objects and predefined query filters to change the data availablein the document.

Then, once you have run the query and returned to view the report in the Web IntelligenceRich Clientmain window, you can easily move the new objects from theData tab into thereport block by clicking and dragging them onto the table or chart.

This process is called “projecting data”.

To edit the query

1. Click Edit Query on theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientmain window toolbar.

TheQuery panel displays.

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You can change the data retrieved by this query by adding or removing objects, changingfilters, and by changing the order of the objects as they appear in the Result Objects pane.

2. Click Run Query to execute the query.

TheQuery panel closes.

The new objects you added to the query are displayed now in theWeb Intelligence RichClient Data tab, but the values returned by those objects are not yet present in the reportblock.

To project data into a table

1. When the report is empty, select either a single object or a class folder on theData tab, andthen drag and drop the object or class onto the report.

2. When the report already contains tables or charts, press the Alt key; then with the Alt keypressed, drag an object onto an empty area of the report.

A new table header and body cell appears on the report. The table header displays the nameof the object.

3. To add another object to the table, drag another object from theData tab and place it to theleft or right of the existing column header.

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4. When the "Drop here to insert a cell" tooltip appears, drop the object onto the left or rightof the table header.

When dragging and dropping objects onto a block, do not drop the objects onto a columnheader or footer. The results will not display as expected. Objects should be dropped in thedetail cells of the block.

Note: If the tooltip "Drop here to replace a cell" displays, then you will replace the currentcolumn with the new object's data.

A second column appears before or after the first column. The new column header displaysthe name of the object.

Web Intelligence displays the values in a vertical table. You can quickly turn the verticaltable to a different table format, such as a cross tab by using the Turn To feature.

Notice that although the Store name object has been added to the document microcube, itdoes not show in the actual report block. Now that you have retrieved additional data fromthe database with your modified query, you need to project this new data into the block inyour report. This process is called projecting data and is reviewed in the next section.

5. Save the document.

Understanding how the data is aggregated

In the original table, Sales revenuewas broken down by Year andQuarter. This is an exampleof high-level aggregation.

Now, Sales revenue is broken down even further to include Store name. All the values havebeen re-aggregated to produce a figure that represents the sales revenue earned by each storethis year. This is an example of low-level aggregation.

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This demonstrates the dynamic nature of measure objects - their values change depending onwhich dimension objects are used with them.• An administrator assigns rights for access to specific universes.

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Working with query propertiesIn this unit, you explore the remaining features available in theQuery panel.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Describe theQuery panel toolbar buttons• View and modify the query properties• View, copy or edit the SQL statements that generate the query• View and modify the user settings

Working in the Query panel

The default display of theQuery panel consists of three separate panes:• TheQuery Manager Data tab.

• The Result Objects pane.

• TheQuery Filters pane.

The toolbar buttons related to each of these three panes are described in the following tables.

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Edit Query toolbar


Show/hide data manager button - Allows you to show or hide the datamanager, which consists of theData and Properties tabs.

Show/Hide Filter Pane button - Allows you to show or hide theQueryFilters pane.

Show/Hide Scope of Analysis button - Allows you to show or hide theScope of Analysis pane.

Add Query button - Allows you to add a new query to the document.

Add a combined query - Allows you to combine the data retrieved frommore than one query using the minus, union or intersection operator.

ViewSQL button -Allows you to view, copy andmodify the SQL statementsused to generate the query.

Run Query button - Allows you to run the query you built and retrieve thedata from the database. The results of the query are displayed in a report intheWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow.

PurgeData button - Allows you to remove the data retrieved by one ormorequeries from your document.

Close the query panel button - Allows you to close theQuery panel. Thedown arrow to the right of the button allows you to apply query changesand close, or to revert the query and close.

Result Objects pane


Add Quick Filter button - Allows you to apply a filter on an object that isselected in the Result Objects pane.

Remove button - Allows you to remove the selected object from the ResultObjects pane.

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Remove All button - Allows you to remove all objects from the ResultObjects pane.

Query Filters pane


Add a subquery button - Allows you to run a subquery to restrict the datareturned by the query.

Add a database ranking - Allows you to use the database ranking featureto retrieve only top or bottom values from the database.

Remove button - Allows you to remove the selected object from theQueryFilters pane.

RemoveAll button -Allows you to remove all objects from theQuery Filterspane.

Viewing the query properties

In theQuerypanel, you can view andmodify the default query properties. The query propertiesallow you to:• Limit the runtime for the query or the amount of data returned.• Set security option.• Specify the order of prompts in the report.• Control potential ambiguous query results.

These query properties are available in theQuery panel Properties tab.

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The sections you see in the Properties tab are described in the table below.


By default, each query in the document is named successively,Query 1, Query 2, and so on. You can type a name here thatdescribes the query.


This field shows the universe you chose to create your query. Thebutton to the right of the Universe field allows you to select a newuniverse.


Max rows retrieved


Maximum number of rows of data that can be returned when aquery is run. If you only need a certain amount of data, you canset this value to limit the number of rows of data that is returnedto your document. This prevents a query from taking too muchtime or from returning unnecessary data to the document.

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TheMax rows retrieved setting can be overridden by the limitsset by your administrator in your security profile. For example, ifyou set theMax rows retrieved setting to 400 rows, but yoursecurity profile limits you to 200 rows, only 200 rows of data willbe retrieved when you run the query.

Max retrieval time

Maximum time that a query can run before the query is stopped.This can be useful when a query is taking too long due to an excessof data, or network problems. You can set a time limit so a querycan stop within a reasonable time.

This option allows you to retrieve a random sample of data withyour query. The sample selection occurs in the database and isdatabase-specific.

Sample In the Sample Result set field, define the number of values in thesample set.• Select the Fixed option to retrieve the same values at each

refresh.• Clear the Fixed option to change the values at each refresh.

Retrieve duplicate rows

DataThis option is selected by default.

In a database, the same data may be repeated over many rows.You can choose to have these repeated rows returned in a query,or to have only unique rows returned.

Allow other users to edit all queries


This option is selected by default. In this case, other users whohave the appropriate editing rights can edit the query and modifythe data contained in the document.

If you clear this option, only the report creator can modify thequery(ies). Unlike the other query properties, which only apply tothe selected query, this option applies to all of the data providersin the document.

If you have appliedmultiple prompted query filters, you can definethe order of priority that they will appear to a user refreshing thisdocument.

Prompt Order

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Prompted query filters are presented in detail in the next lesson.

In a few cases, your universe structure may require you to specifya context for your report. In these cases, you receive a prompt to


select a context and your selection determines the dataset returnedby your query.

For example, a report on sales revenue for a car dealership can askyou to select a rental or purchase context. Depending on yourselection, your query returns sales revenue generated by car rentalor sales revenue generated by car sales.

Your universe designer can advise you on how to select theappropriate context for the data that interests you.

When your query requires the report user to specify a context, youcan set the following parameters:• Select Reset contexts on refresh to prompt for a context at each

refresh.• Clear Reset contexts on refresh to retain the context from the

previous refresh.

The Clear Contexts button allows you to remove the context set ina previous refresh.

To view or modify the query properties

1. In theQuery panel, click the Properties tab.

2. Click the Fold/Unfold arrows at the top-right of each section of the options to expand orclose the Property groups.

3. Modify the query properties as required.

Note: In the query properties, you can place additional restrictions on the document relativeto the restrictions that already exist on the unvierse, the Web Intelligence server, and thedatabase where the data was retrieved. You cannot override restrictions that may alreadybe in place.

Viewing the query's SQL

When you build a query, Web Intelligence automatically generates the appropriate SQL toretrieve the data from the database that you are accessing. You can view and edit this SQL,and even copy and paste it to another application.

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To view a query’s SQL statements

1. In theQuery panel, click View SQL.

The SQL Viewer dialog box displays the SQL behind the query.

2. Optionally, to re-use the SQL in another application, click Copy to copy the SQL to theclipboard.

3. Optionally, to edit the SQL statements, click Use custom SQL.The SQL becomes editable.

4. Edit the SQL, and then click Validate to ensure that it is correct.

5. Click Save to save the new SQL.

Activity: Creating a document


• Create a newdocument and retrieve data for the document by building and editing a query.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe, showing Sales Revenue by State andStore name.

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2. Run the query to view your results.

3. Edit the document you just created to include a listing forQuantity sold byYear andQuarter.

4. View the SQL that will retrieve the data.

5. Run the query.Your report should appear as shown below.

6. Save the document as Activity Create Document.

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Quiz: Creating Web Intelligence documents with queries1. What is a BusinessObjects universe?

2. List the object types used in a BusinessObjects universe, and the kind of data returned byeach type.

3. What is the name of the interface element in the Web Intelligence Rich Client applicationthat allows you to build queries?

4. What are the advantages of using theWeb Intelligence Rich Client application to create newdocuments?

5. When you interrupt data retrieval, what can you choose to display in your document?

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Query with Web Intelligence• Create a new document• Modify a document’s query• Work with query properties

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Lesson 3Restricting Data Returned by a Query

Lesson introductionThis lesson describes how to set up and group query filters. Query filters allow you to limitthe data returned from the underlying database and displayed in your document.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Restrict data with query filters• Modify a query with a predefined query filter• Apply a single-value query filter• Use wildcards in query filters• Use prompts to restrict data• Use complex filters

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Restricting data with query filtersRestricting queries allows you to limit the amount of data that is retrieved from the data sourceand returned to your Web Intelligence reports. This is known as setting up a query filter.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Describe the purpose of using query filters• Describe the components of a query filter

The purpose of query filters

Query filters retrieve a subset of the available data, based on the definition of the filter. Forexample, you can apply a query filter on the Year dimension, to view only Sales revenue fora specific year.

Restricting the query ensures that you retrieve only the data that interests you. This increasesthe usefulness of your reports. It minimizes the quantity of data returned and reduces the timerequired to create and refresh the document over the network.

Using query filters has the following advantages:• You retrieve and are able to focus on only the data you need to answer a specific business


• You hide data you do not want specific users to see when they access the document.

• You minimize the quantity of data returned to the document to optimize performance.

Some universes have predefined filters built into them by the universe designer.

Other times, you will want to create your own query filters to limit the data.

Users without rights to edit the query cannot modify the query filters you define. This ensuresthat the data saved with a document is appropriate for those who view or analyze the datawithin that document.

Note: Your administrator can prevent objects from being filtered. If you create filters on theseobjects, when you try to run the query a warning appears listing the filters that you cannot use. Youneed to remove these filters from the query in order to run the query.

Components of a query filter

Filters are created in theQuery Filters pane of the Web Intelligence report panels.

Query filters are made up of three parts:• Object - the object on which you want to filter data.

• Operator - the relationship between the object and operand. Common operators are: Equalto, Different from, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Less than, and Less

than or equal to.

• Operand - the object values to be used for filtering.

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Every filter must include an object, an operator and an operand. These elements act togetherto specify what subset of the data you want to retrieve.

In the example above, the filter specifies that the query must return data where the FinancialYear is equal to FY03-04. Data concerning any other year will not be returned by the query.

The following is a list of operators you can choose from:

ExampleRetrieves DataOperator

[Country] Equal to US

retrieves data for the UScountry value only.

equal to a value specifiedEqual to

[Quarter] Different from

Q4 retrieves data for allquarters except Q4.

different from a specifiedvalue

Different from

[Customer Age] Greater

than 60 retrieves data forcustomers over age 60.

greater than a specified valueGreater than

[Revenue] Greater than or

equal to 10000 retrievesgreater than or equal to aspecified value

Greater than or equal todata for revenue startingfrom $10000 and up.

[Exam Grade] Less than 40retrieves data for examgrades below 40.

lower than the specifiedvalue

Less than

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ExampleRetrieves DataOperator

[Customer Age] Less thanor equal to 30 retrieveslower or equal to specified

valueLess than or equal to

data for customers age 30 orless.

[Weeks] Between 25 and 36

retrieves data forweeks frombetween two specifiedvalues; also includes valuesspecified

Betweenweek 25 to 36, includingweek 25 and week 36.

[Weeks] Not Between 25

and 36 retrieves data for alloutside the range of thevalues specified

Not Betweenweeks of the year excludingweek 25 through week 36.Week 25 and 36 are notincluded.

[Country] In list

'US;Japan;UK' retrieves datasame as values specifiedIn Listfor countries US, Japan andUK.

[Country] Not in List

'US;Japan;UK' retrieves datadifferent from multiplevalues specified

Not in Listfor all countries except US,Japan and UK.

[Children] Is null

retrieves data for customersfor which there is no valueentered in the database

Is nullwithout childrenwhere Nullis entered as a value for thedatabase under the childrencolumn.

[Children] Is not null

retrieves data for customersfor which a value wasentered in the database

Is not nullwith children where anyvalue is entered into thedatabase under the childrencolumn.

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ExampleRetrieves DataOperator

[Phone] Matches Pattern,

'773' retrieves data for all

including a specific stringMatches pattern

phone numbers that have'773' in them.

[Store name] MatchesPattern %Sundance retrievesdata for all stores ending inSundance.

[Phone] Different from

Pattern '773' retrieves all

doesn't include a specificstring

Different from pattern

phone numbers that do nothave '773' in them.

[Store name] Different

From Pattern %Sundance

retrieves data for all storesnot ending in Sundance.

[Account Type] Both

"fixed" and "mobile"corresponds to two specifiedvalues

Both retrieves data for customerswho have both a fixed andmobile telephone.

[Account Type] "fixed"

Except "mobile" retrievescorresponds to one specifiedvalue and does not

Except data for customerswho havecorrespond to anotherspecified value a fixed telephone but don't

have a mobile phone.

There are four types of query filters that you can use in Web Intelligence:• Predefined query filters - these are built right into the universe

• Single and multi-value filters

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• Prompted filters

• Complex filters

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Modifying a query with a predefined query filterApredefined query filter is an element in the universe that allows you to restrict the informationreturned by specific dimension, detail or measure objects. Predefined query filters are createdby the universe designer, and appear in the list of classes and objects in the Web IntelligenceRich ClientQuery panel , identified by a yellow funnel icon.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Modify a query by applying a predefined query filter

Using a predefined query filter to modify a query

In this section you learn to modify a query in theQuery panel by adding a predefined filter tothe query. Like custom query filters that you define yourself, a predefined query filter allowsyou to limit the data returned by the query to specific values.

To modify a query with a predefined query filter

1. Open a Web Intelligence document.

2. In theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow, click the Edit Query button on the toolbar.TheQuery panel displays.

3. From theData tab, double-click a predefined filter or drag it to theQuery Filters pane.

4. Click Run Query on theQuery panel toolbar.

Web Intelligence sends the SQL query to the database to retrieve the data you requested.

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When the data is returned, theQuery panel closes and the data corresponding to the queryfilters you selected displays in a block in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow. Bydefault, the data displays in a table block.

5. Save the document.

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Applying a single-value query filterA single-value query filter is used to limit the data returned by an object to one single value.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Create a single-value query filter• Edit a single-value query filter• Delete a query filter

Creating a single-value query filter

When you add a single-value query filter to a query, you limit the data returned by a specificobject to one single value.

For example, you can find data for a certain store name by building a condition on the Storename dimension object, then selecting the name of the store you are interested in by selectingit from the dialog box that appears.

To create a single-value query filter using the Filter Editor

1. In theQuery panel, select the object youwant to filter and drag it to theQuery Filters pane.The query filter appears in outline in theQuery Filters pane.

2. Use the default operator (In List), and click the arrow next to the bulleted list button to thefar right of the filter definition. This is known as theOperandType drop-down arrow. SelectValue(s) from List from the list of options.The list of values for the selected object is retrieved from the database and displayed in theList of Values dialog box.

3. From the List of Values box, select the item youwant to include in the filter and double-clickit.

Note: An alternate way to add an item to the Select box is to select the item in the list ofvalues and then click the > button. To remove an item from the Select box, select the itemyou want to remove and then either click the < button or clickDelete.

4. ClickOK.The new filter appears in theQuery Filters pane.

5. Click Run Query to generate a report based on your query.

Editing a single-value filter

Once you have run the query and reviewed the data displayed in the report, you may decidethat you want to include or restrict more values for the object you used to create the queryfilter.

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You can make changes to the query filter by editing the query in theQuery panel.

To edit a single-value query filter

1. Click Edit Query.

2. In theQuery Filters pane, click theOperand Type drop-down arrow and select Value(s)from List from the list of options.The List of Values dialog box displays.

3. Optionally, click the Refresh values button in the List of Values dialog box to update thedisplay of available values in the list.

4. From the list of values, double-click the item you would like to add to the filter. To removean item from the Selected box, select the item and click the < button, or clickDelete.

5. ClickOK.

The query filter appears in theQuery Filters panel showing the filter's object, operator andoperand.

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To delete a query filter

1. Click Edit Query to ensure you are in theQuery panel.

2. In theQuery filters pane, click the filter that you want to delete.

3. Press theDelete key on your keyboard.

Note: Alternatively, to delete a query filter, you can use one of the following methods:• Click and drag the filter to the left-hand object panel.• Right-click the query filter and select Remove from the drop-down menu.

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Using wildcards in query filtersYou can use wildcards in query filters to search for partial values rather than the entire value.For example, you can ask for "all product categories that begin with B." To do this, you needto use wildcards as placeholders for partial pattern searches.

Note: If your underlying database is case sensitive, then Web Intelligence will also be.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Explain how to use single- and multiple-character wildcards in query filters• Create a query filter using a wildcard

About wildcards

Wildcards are special characters that denote any single character or any number of characters.In Web Intelligence, use the following wildcards:• _ for any single character• % for any number of characters

Understanding the single-character wildcard

To look for the product categories of either SHIRTS or SKIRTS, use the pattern S_IRTS. Thispattern specifies that the values retrieved must:• Be six characters long• Have S as the first character and IRTS as the final four

The _ means that there can be a single unspecified character between the S and the IRTS.

Understanding the multiple-character wildcard

To look for any product category that begins with the letter B, use the pattern B%. This patternspecifies that the values retrieved must have B as the first character.

The % means that the B can be followed by an unspecified number of characters.

Creating a query filter with a wildcard

You can use wildcards as placeholders for partial pattern searches. When you create the queryfilter using a wildcard, you must use one of the following relational operators:• Matches pattern: to find values that match the pattern you specify.• Different from pattern: to find values different than the pattern you specify.

To apply wildcards to query filters

1. In theQuery panel, drag the object that you want to filter by into theQuery Filters pane.

2. Click theOperator Typedrop-down arrow, and selectMatches pattern from the drop-downmenu.

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3. Click the filter definition text box and type the wildcard pattern you want to use.

4. Click Run Query.

The report displays data reflecting the wildcard you entered.

Activity: Restricting data


• Apply filters to a query to limit the data returned by objects in a query.


1. Create a new document with a report showing Sales Revenue by Year, Quarter and Storename.

2. Create a query filter to show data for the store e-FashionDallas.

3. Run the query to view your results.

4. Replace the filter to display figures only for e-FashionNew York Magnolia and e-FashionNew York Sundance.

You will need to change the filter operator. The Equal to operator can only return a singlevalue.

5. Run the query.The top of your final report should appear as shown below.

6. Save the document as Activity Filters 1.

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Using prompts to restrict dataA prompt is a query filter that requires the report user to select the data values that the queryretrurns at each refresh. You can design a prompt to allow users to manually enter data or toselect data from a list of values.After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Describe howprompted filters allow eachuser to viewdifferent data every time the documentis refreshed

• Create a prompted query filter• Edit a prompted query filter

Prompted filters

The prompt dialog box allows you to specify the data to retrieve and display in the report.Consquently, you can focus on a specific part of the information available.

Prompted filters allow multiple users viewing a single document to specify a different subsetof the data and display it in the same tables and charts in the report.

You can use a prompted filter to define a question that is displayed whenever the data in thedocument is refreshed. Users can answer the prompt either by typing or by selecting values.

For example, you can use the prompted query filter to produce a report that shows sales revenueper state and prompts the user to select a product category at each refresh.

This way, you do not restrict the data displayed to a single product category, such as Jewelry.Instead, the users select the product category that interests them at that moment.

Prompts can be defined on any dimension, measure or detail object listed in theData tab inQuery view.

Note: You cannot use the operators Is Null and Not Nullwhen creating prompted filters.

Creating a prompted query filter

To create a prompted query filter, you use the Prompt operand.

Selecting the Prompt operand opens the Prompt dialog box, which allows you to modify thedefault query filter settings.

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The Prompt dialog box settings are described in this table:


Type the text that you want to prompt theuser to select a value. This text appears eachtime the document is refreshed.

Prompt text

Select this option to display all the values forthe object and allow the user to select fromthose values.

Prompt with List of Values

Select this option to prevent users fromtyping values that do not exist in thedatabase.

Select only from list

Select this option to display by default thevalue selected at the previous refresh. TheKeep last values selected user can change the value or refresh usingthe previously selected value.

Select this option to allow users to refresh thedocumentwithout responding to the promptOptional prompt or by responding only partially to theprompt.

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When the user does not respond to theprompt, the query filter is not applied to thedata.

Select this option to define the defaultvalue(s) that appear in the prompt.

Set default values

Define the default value(s) using one of thefollowing methods:• In the Type a value field, type the

value(s). Use the arrow to move thevalue(s) to the field on the right.

• Click the button below the arrow buttonsto choose the value(s) from the list ofvalues present in the database.

Some important points about prompted query filters:• When the prompt is for a date and you want users to see the popup calendar in order to

select the date(s) then do not select Prompt with List of Values.• When the document contains multiple data providers, and there is already a prompt that

includes (1) objects with the same data type, (2) operators of the same operator type, and(3) the same prompt text as the new prompt, Web Intelligence displays a warning to tellyou that the two prompts will be merged. This means that whenever all the data providersare refreshed, a single prompt message will appear for the two prompts.

• When you make a prompt optional, the prompt dialog box displays text to inform reportusers that when they do not provide a value for the prompt, the filter does not apply.

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To create a prompt in a report

1. Make sure theQuery panel is open.

2. From theData tab, drag the object on which you want to apply a prompt and drop it ontotheQuery Filters pane.The query filter appears in outline in theQuery Filters pane.

3. Click theOperand Type drop-down arrow and select Prompt from the menu.

4. Optionally, edit the prompt text generated by default in the text box.

5. Click the icon next to the text box and use the Prompt dialog box that appears to set theprompt properties.

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6. ClickOK to confirm the prompt.

7. Click Run Query.The Prompts dialog box opens.

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8. Select the value by which you want to filter the report, and move it to the Selected Valuesarea.

Note: SelectedValues does not display as a label. Instead, the area at the top of the Promptsdialog box and the field to the right that display the selected values both use the prompttext as a label. For example, in the screen capture above Select a category displays next tothe area and field.

9. Click Run Query.The document displays, reflecting the prompt value you selected.

10.Save the document.

Editing a prompted query filter

Once you have run the query and reviewed the data displayed in the report, you may decidethat you want to change the prompt to include or restrict more values for the object you usedto create the query filter.

You can make changes to the prompted query filter by editing the query in theQuery panel.

To edit a prompt filter

1. Make sure theQuery panel is open.

2. In theQuery Filters pane, click theOperator drop-down arrow to display the operators,and select the appropriate operator from the list.When you modify the value for the operator, you lose the operand for the filter.

3. Click theOperand Type drop-down arrow and select Prompt from the menu.

4. Optionally, to edit the prompt properties, click the Prompt properties button next to theprompt text box.

5. Optionally, to edit the prompt text, type new text in the Prompt text field.

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6. Optionally, to set default prompt values, click Set default values.

You can type default values into the Type a Value field and move them into the selectedvalues box by pressing the > button, or you can click the ... button to open the List of Valuesdialog box, where you can select default values from the list of values.

Note: After selecting default values in the List of Values dialog box, you must clickOK toclose the List of Values dialog box and return to the Prompt properties box.

7. Optionally, select or deselect other Prompt Properties as appropriate.

8. ClickOK.

9. Click Run Query to display the new Prompts dialog box.

The value you specified is presented by default in the Prompt zone. You can accept thedefault value or specify another value.

10.Click Run Query.

11.Save the document.

Note: The next time it is opened the report will display data concerning the value youselected as the default. When the user decides to refresh the data, the prompt dialog boxallows the user to select another value.

Activity: Adding prompts


• Limit the data returned by objects in a query by applying prompts to a filter.

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1. Create a new document showingQuantity sold by State, Store name, and Year.

2. Add a prompted filter to the query so that you are prompted to select the State each timethe query is run or the document is refreshed.

3. Run the query to view your results selecting Florida as the State.

4. Change the prompted filter parameters so that the document :

• Does not keep the last value selected shown in the table• Users can select more than one value• The prompt is optional

5. Run the query without providing state values.

Notice that the query retrieves the data for all states. Your final report should look similarto this.

6. Save the report as Activity Filters 2.

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Using complex filtersTo further refine information returned to a document you can apply more than one filter to aquery. First you need to create the query filters and then determine how they should be appliedtogether.• To return values that are true for two filters, use the AND operator.• To return values that are true for either of two filters, use theOR operator.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Describe logical operators and how you use them in filters• Apply more than one filter using the AND operator• Apply more than one filter using theOR operator• Prioritize filters so that you are sure to retrieve the correct data

Using logical operators for multiple conditions

To produce a report that focuses more precisely on certain data, you may need to apply morethan one filter. When you specify more than one filter in a query, the relationship between thefilters must use either the AND orOR operator. These are known as logical operators.• The AND operator is used when both conditions defined in the two filters must be met for

a row to be returned from the database when you run a query.

• TheOR operator is used when either one or the other of the conditions defined in the filtersmust be met for a row to be returned from the database when you run a query.

The result of combining two or more filters can be visually represented using a Venn diagram.

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The two circles each represent the number of database rows that are returned based on theconditions defined by a particular filter. Note that the two overlap. This area represents therows that meet the conditions defined by both filters.

As shown in the diagram, using theAND logical operator results in only rows represented byArea C being included in a report. On the other hand, if you use theOR logical operator, allrows represented by Circles A and B will be returned. The following sections demonstratethese points.

Using the AND operator

When you add a second filter to a query, Web Intelligence automatically places either anANDoperator between the two conditions. You saw this behavior when you added the predefinedfilter to your query in the last practice activity.

However, when your query had a second filter that you removed from the query and you adda new second filter, by default, Web Intelligence applies the logical operator that was last used.You can switch the operator value between AND andOR by double-clicking it. or an ORoperator

To create a report using the AND operator

1. Create a new query and drag the required objects to the Result Objects pane.

2. Select an object you would like to filter the query by, and drag it to theQuery Filters pane.

3. Select the appropriate operator for the filter.

4. Click theOperand Type drop-down arrow, and click Value(s) from list.

The values available for the object are displayed in the List of Values box.

5. Select the appropriate values from the list and move them to the Values Selected zone.

6. ClickOK.

The Filter Editor dialog box closes and theQuery panel opens again, with the filter you justdefined displayed in theQuery Filters pane.

7. Create a second query filter by dragging another object to theQuery Filters pane.

8. Select the appropriate operator from theOperator drop-down list.

9. UnderOperand Type, click Value(s) from list.

The values available for the object are displayed in the List of Values box.

10.Select the appropriate values from the list.


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Web Intelligence automatically applies theAND operator the first time you create a secondfilter.

If theOR operator appears because there was previously a second filter separated by theOR operator, click the operator to change it to AND.

12.Click Run Query.

13.Save the document.

Using the OR operator

When you use the AND operator to group two query filters, your report returns data only ifthe conditions of both query filters aremet.When you use theOR operator to group two queryfilters, your report returns data if the conditions of either of the query filters are met. For thisreason, theOR operator returns more data than the AND operator.

By double-clicking an operator, you can switch its value between AND andOR.

To create a report using the OR operator

1. Create a new document or open an existing document to which you want to add a filterand, click Edit Query to ensure you are working in theQuery panel.

2. From theData tab, click and drag the required objects to theQuery Filters pane.

Note: The query must use at least two query filters to use theOR operator.

3. From theOperator drop-down list, select the appropriate operators for each of the queryfilters.

4. Select the appropriateOperands and values for the query filters.

5. Group the query filters as required.

6. If necessary, double-click the operators grouping the query filters to switch the operatorvalues between AND andOR.

7. Click Run Query.

The report displays according to the query filter grouping you created.

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8. Save the document.

Prioritizing operators

You are applying a complex filter when you combine several filters in a single query. To ensurethat the filters retrieve exactly the data you want, you need to prioritize the operators.

In theQuery Filters pane, by positioning the query filter statements and deciding how to groupthem together, you define which filters will be processed first. The positioning and groupingof the filters depends on the logic of the information you are trying to retrieve.

To define the priority between complex filters

1. Create a query in theQuery panel.The query must use several query filters, which you will need to group and prioritize.

2. In theQuery Filters pane, drag and drop the query filters in the order you want them todisplay in your report.Drag a query filter on top of another one to group the filters together. Double-click theoperator names to switch them between AND andOR to create the desired priority.As shown here, the grouping of the query filters, represented by the brackets, determineswhich query filters will be processed first:

3. Click Run Query.The report displays according to the filter grouping you created.

4. Save the document.

Activity: Restricting data with multiple filters


• Limit the data returned by objects in a query by applying multiple filters to the query.


1. Create a new document showing Store name and Sales revenuewhereMargin is less than$1,000,000. Do not use commas in the numerical notation when creating the filter.

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Note: You don't have to includeMargin in the Result Objects pane.

Your final report should look similar to this:

2. Edit the query and add a query filter to show store names with sales revenue more than$4,000,000.

Note: Apply the appropriate operator (AND/OR) for retrieving the data that meets yourcriteria.

Your final report should look similar to this:

3. Save the report as Activity Filters 3.

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Quiz: Restricting data returned by a query1. Name some of the advantages of using query filters to restrict data in queries.

2. What three components make up a query filter?

3. What types of query filters can you apply to a Web Intelligence document?

4. Which logical operators must be used when applying more than one filter?

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Restrict data with query filters• Modify a query with a predefined query filter• Apply a single-value query filter• Use wildcards in query filters• Use prompts to restrict data• Use complex filters

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Lesson 4Designing Web Intelligence Reports

Lesson introductionIn the previous lesson, you used the Web Intelligence Rich ClientQuery panel to create newdocuments by building queries and applying query filters. In this lesson, you will see how topresent the information you have retrieved in reports.After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Work with Web Intelligence documents• Display data in tables and charts• Create tables• Work with tables• Present data in free-standing cells• Present data in charts

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Working with Web Intelligence documentsThis unit introduces you to theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow. This is the interfacethat allows you to edit and structure the information that is returned by the queries builtpreviously in theQuery panel of the Web Intelligence Rich Client application.After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Describe the components of a Web Intelligence document• Describe the differentmenu, toolbars and tabs available in theWeb Intelligence RichClient

window for reporting, formatting and navigating through pages• Customize your user settings• Display theDocument Properties pane and describe the options• Insert, delete, duplicate and move reports within a Web Intelligence document

Components of a Web Intelligence document

AWeb Intelligence document consists of:• One or more reports

One document may contain several reports, organized as tabs along the bottom of thewindow. Reports contain blocks of formatted data as well as text and graphics. You specifythe layout when you create a report, and you can also change the layout of existing reports.

• One or more blocks

A block is a table, cross tab, form, or chart that displays information in the report.

• The microcube of data returned by the query, or other data provider

The microcube contains the actual data that was retrieved from your corporate database.The microcube is the structure in which the retrieved data is stored in the document. Itcontains all the data that you can display in the report(s) inside the document.

Viewing reports in a document

Each report in a document can show different views of the same information, or it can showcompletely different information concerning the same subject.

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About the Web Intelligence Rich Client reporting interface

As you view a Web Intelligence document, theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow allowsyou to interact with and organize the data returned by queries in two ways:• Using menus and toolbars• Using the Report Manager tabs

The Report Managerwill be presented in detail in the next unit. This section describes thedifferent toolbars you can use as you work on organizing and presenting data in your report.

Web Intelligence Rich Client window toolbars

As you are viewing and editing reports inWeb Intelligence RichClient, there are four toolbarsavailable to you.• The Standard toolbar• The Reporting toolbar• The Formatting toolbar• The Page Navigation toolbar

For more information regarding how to use each of the buttons on these toolbars, refer toAppendix A in this Guide.

To hide or display the Web Intelligence Rich Client toolbars

1. To hide or display one or more of theWeb Intelligence Rich Client toolbars:

• On the Standard toolbar, click the Configure Views button.• Or, click the View menu to activate the drop-down menu.

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2. From the drop-down menu, click Toolbars.

3. Select the toolbar that you want to hide or display.

Customizing your user preferences

You can personalize the following settings of the Web Intelligence Rich Client application:• General preferences• Document viewing preferences• Preferences for interface and formatting locales and how to use them• Document drill preferences

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Web Intelligence Rich Client general preferences


In the General section, you choose whether to show the welcome wizard each time WebIntelligence Rich Client is started. The welcome wizard lets you select from a list of recentlyused universes or browse for more data sources to create a new document.

Select default universe

In this section, you choosewhether to select a default universe for new documents. The defaultuniverse is preselected in the Universe dialog box when you create a new document. Whencreating a document, you can use the default universe or select another one.• No default universemeans that no universe in the list is preselected when you open the

Universe dialog box. You must select a universe from the list when creating a document.• The other choice shows the name of the default universe, orNone if no default universe has

been selected. To choose a default universe, click Browse, then browse to and select auniverse.

Select default folders

In this section, you choose the default folders in which to store user documents, universes, andhelp files. To change the default locations, click Browse, then browse to and select a folder.

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Note: When Web Intelligence Rich Client is downloaded and installed from InfoView, helpfiles are not installed locally. However, they are installed on the InfoView server. Contact yourcompany's Business Objects administrator to get the URL of the help files on the server, thenenter the URL here for help to be available.

Select Microsoft Excel format

In this section you choose the format to use when you save a document in Microsoft Excelformat.• Prioritize easy data processing in the Excel document: the Excel documentwill be formatted

to ensure efficient data processing.• Prioritize the format of reports in the Excel document: the Excel documentwill be formatted

to ensure optimum readability.

Web Intelligence Rich Client viewing preferences


In this section, you set the unit of measurement for report display: pixel, inch, or centimeter.

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In this section you set grid options:• Show grid: When this is selected, a grid displays to help align page elements.• Snap to grid: When this is selected, page elements align to the grid to enable accurate

repositioning.• Grid spacing: This defines the distance between lines on the grid.

Web Intelligence Rich Client locale preferences


In this section, you set preferences for interface and formatting locales. A locale is a combinationof language and geographical area.• Select interface locale: Select an available locale to set the application interface language.

If you change this setting, you must restart Web Intelligence Rich Client for the change tobe taken into account.

• Select formatting locale: Select an available locale to determine locale-specific formatting(for example, date and time formats). If you change this setting, any documents that areopen must be closed and reopened for the new formatting locale to be applied.

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When viewing a document

In this section, you set how the formatting locale is decided:• Use the document locale to format the data: When this is selected, data is formatted

according to the document locale. The document locale can be saved with the document bymeans of the permanent regional formatting option that you can select when saving.

• Use my formatting locale to format the data: When this is selected, data is formattedaccording to your formatting locale preference. This overrides the document locale.

Web Intelligence Rich Client drill preferences

For each new drill session

In this section, you choose how to start a new drill session:• Start drill on duplicate report: When you start a new drill session, a duplicate report is

opened in the document and you drill on the duplicate. When you end drill mode, both theoriginal report and the drilled report remain in the document.

• Start drill on existing report: When you start a newdrill session, the current report becomesdrillable. When you end drill mode, the report displays the drilled values.

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General drill options

• Prompt if drill requires additional data: You are prompted when Web Intelligence needsto retrieve additional data to complete the drill, and can decide whether to go ahead. If theamount of data is large, the retrieval can take time and you may decide not to drill. Whenthis option is not selected,Web Intelligence retrieves the additional datawithout promptingyou.

• Synchronize drill on report blocks: When this is selected, drilled values are shown in allthe report blocks in the report. When it is not selected, drilled values are shown only in thereport block selected for the drill.

• Hide drill toolbar: When this is selected, the drill toolbar that is normally displayed at thetop of drilled reports is not shown. The drill toolbar displays the value onwhich you drilled.It is only useful if you want to select filters during your drill session.

To set user preferences in Web Intelligence Rich Client

1. Click Tools ➤ Options.The Preferences dialog box opens.

2. Click one of the tabs:

• General: to set general preferences• Viewing: to set document viewing preferences• Locale: to set preferences for interface and formatting locales and how to use them• Drilling: to set document drill preferences

3. Set preferences and clickOK.The preferences are now applied. They are stored in a file in the LocData folder under theBusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0 installation folder.

To change your password

You can only change your password fromWeb Intelligence RichClient if you are in client-serverconnection mode: you must have launched Web Intelligence Rich Client locally rather thanfrom InfoView.1. Click Tools ➤ Change Password.

2. Type your current password in the Enter Old Password box.

3. Type your new password in the Enter New Password box.

4. Type your new password again in the Confirm New Password box.

Your password is changed to the new password.

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Working with the Report Manager tabs

TheReportManagerdisplays on the left-hand side of theWeb IntelligenceRichClientwindow.Using this panel, you can manage all the objects and variables in the document, change thetype of blocks in the report, format the properties of the report and its contents, and navigatethrough the document.

The Report Manager is made up of four tabs:• Data tab - Allows you to view at a glance the data available in a document. By default, the

Data is organized alphabetically. In the graphic, it is organized in a list of Query andVariableclasses.

• Templates tab - Allows you to change the type of blocks in a report by dragging anddropping different templates onto a report block.

• Map tab - Allows you to view and navigate through the reports and sections in a document.

• Properties tab - Allows you to format the report and blocks within the document.

It's very simple to configure how you want to display the Report Manager in theWebIntelligence Rich Clientwindow.

The Viewmenu, or the Configure Views button on the Standard toolbar, allows you to selectdifferent options for showing or hiding the different tabs on the Report Manager.

You can choose to display:• TheData tab displayed in front of the other tabs, as the standard default view.• The Properties tab positioned below theData tab, so that you can view both at the same


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• TheData tab displayed to the left and Properties tab displayed to the far right ofDocumentzone.

• Or, the Report Manager collapsed as a vertical toolbar. In this configuration, the tabs arenow presented as buttons that you can click whenever you want to view any of the tabs.

To view and navigate with the Report Manager

1. Open a Web Intelligence document in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow.

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By default, theData tab displays on the left-hand side of theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow. This tab displays the title of the document, plus all the objects (and variables, ifany), available in this document.

2. Click the Templates tab.

The Template tab opens. The Report Elements folder displays the templates available foruse.

In the image below, you can see all the table template styles available to you.

To configure Report Manager views

1. To modify the display of the Report Manager tabs, you can:

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• On the Standard toolbar, click the Configure Views button.• Or, click the Viewmenu to activate the drop-down menu.

2. Select any one of the display options from the Configure View drop-down menu.If you selected the Collapsed Data/Properties view, click one of the display icons on thevertical toolbar that appears.

The Report Manager tab that you selected appears as usual in the Report Manager space.

3. From the Configure Views drop-down menu, select the Reset to default option to returnto the standard view of the Edit Report panel.

Displaying the document properties

In theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow, you can display and modify properties that areassigned by default to the Web Intelligence document.

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The document properties options are described in the following table.

DescriptionDocument Properties section

Displays details about the document, such as who createdthe document, when the document was created, and last

Document Information

modified, keywords that were defined to identify thedocument, and a description.


Displays the document’s international formatting locale. Thelocale affects the behavior of, for example, date display,number display and sort order. For example, if the documentformatting locale is French (France), decimal numbers appearaccording to French formatting rules with a comma as thedecimal separator (3,51;20,05).

Refresh on openDocument Options This option tells Web Intelligence to refresh a document

automatically each time a user opens it.

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DescriptionDocument Properties section

By default, this option is not selected so that userswill alwayssee the original data that was retrieved when the documentwas last refreshed, and which was stored in the documentwhen it was saved. To see the most recent data available inthe database, users can refresh the documentmanuallywhenthey open it. Or you can choose to select this option to ensurethat the data is updated automatically each time thedocument is opened.

Enhanced viewing

This option optimizes the document appearance for on-screenviewing.

Use query drill

TellsWeb Intelligence to drill in query drill mode, instead ofin the standard drill mode.

Permanent regional formatting

Select this option to base document formatting on thedocument's locale. The document maintains the formattingfor its locale even when a viewer defines a different locale.You can select this option here or in the Save a documentdialog box when you save the document.

Auto-merge dimensions

Data SynchronizationOptions

Tells Web Intelligence to synchronize data providers bymerging dimensions automatically under certain conditions.

Extend merged dimension values

TellsWeb Intelligence to extend dimension values in reportswith synchronized data providers.

Sets the order of the report tabs in the document.Report Order

To view document properties

1. To view the document properties, you can either:• From the Filemenu, select Properties.• Right-click a report tab at the bottom of the document pane, then selectDocument

Properties from the drop-down menu.• Right-click anywhere in the report zone or the header zone in the document, then select

Document Properties from the drop-down menu.

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TheDocument Properties pane appears on the right side of theWeb Intelligence RichClientwindow.

Note: To view all the properties displayed in this pane, you can either use the vertical scrollbar, or you can click one of the properties headers in order to collapse that section. Collapsingone section will allow the other sections to appear in the pane so that you don’t have toscroll down to view them.

2. Click the Expand or collapse the content arrows beside any of the headers to collapse thatsection of theDocument Properties pane.

3. Close theDocument Properties pane by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner ofthe pane.

Managing reports

In theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow, you can add new reports to a document, andduplicate or delete reports as you like.

To add a report to a document

1. In theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow, right-click a report tab at the bottom of thedocument pane and select Insert Report.

A new empty report tab, called Report 2 is inserted into the document and displays at thebottom of the document pane.

2. Right-click the Report 2 tab and select Rename Report.

The text field on the Report 2 tab is selected.

3. In the text field, type the name you want to give the report and press the Enter key.

The report tab displays the new name for the report.

Tip: Press Enter to ensure the report tab retains the new name. Otherwise, you lose the newname.

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Displaying data in tables and chartsThe simplest style for displaying data is tables. Web Intelligence provides four different typesof tables: vertical, horizontal or financial tables, cross tab, and form.After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Describe the table types available in Web Intelligence

About tables

Vertical tables

The vertical presentation style is the default style for presenting data. Vertical tables displayheader cells at the top of the table and the corresponding data in columns. By default, theheader cells display the names of the dimensions, details, and measures included in the table.The body cells display the corresponding values.

Horizontal tables or financial tables

Ahorizontal or financial table is similar to a vertical table except that the data runs horizontallyrather than vertically. By default, the rowheaders display the names of the dimensions, details,andmeasures included in the table. The body cells display the corresponding values. This tableformat is useful for reports with several measures, such as financial reports and balance sheets.

Cross tabs

A cross tab looks similar to a spreadsheet and displays data in a matrix with row and columnheadings describing the content of each cell. Cross tabs are most commonly used to show thecross-section of three axes of information.

Cross tabs display values for dimensions across the top axis and on the left axis. The bodydisplays the values of a measure that correspond to the cross-section of the dimensions.

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Forms are useful in a report if youwant to display detailed information per customer, product,or partner. For example, a form is a useful way of displaying individual customer records withinformation such as the customer account, name, and address. Forms are also useful forformatting address labels for envelopes.

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Creating tablesThis unit presents the different table formats you can use to display data.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Explain how to create tables• Create a vertical table• Create a horizontal table• Create a cross tab table• Create a form table

Viewing tables in different display modes

When you first create a new document by building and running a query, the data retrieved isgenerally displayed in a vertical table.

By default, all documents display in the Quick Display mode. This display mode makes largedocuments with many rows and columns of data easier to handle because you can limit thenumber of rows and columns per page in your document

Quick displaymodedisplays 100 rows and 20 columns per page. You can increase these values,as required.

You can insert one or more tables into a blank report or even add them to an existing report.You insert tables by dragging one of the following elements onto a blank area of the report:• The objects (from theData tab) for which you want the table to display values - this is a fast

way to build simple, vertical tables.

• Table template (from the Templates tab) that defines the structure of the table, to whichyou then allocate objects - this is a fast way to build more complex tables with precision.

In theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow, you can make modifications to documents andpreview those changes in View Structure, View Results and View Pagemodes.

View Structuremode displays the structure of the report and definition of data filters, sortsand calculations.

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ViewResultsmode displays the results retrieved from the data source and how the report willprint.

View Pagemode displays the results retrieved in a page layout with margins, headers andfooters.

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Inserting tables in a report

The default view of new reports is a vertical table so you have already created vertical tables.As a refresher, this scenario walks you through creating one more vertical table.

To create a default vertical table

1. Create a new query.

2. Click Run Query.

Your results display in a vertical table.

3. Save the document.

To create a table by selecting a template

1. In an existing document, click View Structure.

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Working in Structure View allows you to define and preview the new table withoutrequesting the server to apply each of your modifications. You then apply all yourmodifications and display the results in the new table, by returning to Results View.

2. Click the Templates tab. If the Templates tab is hidden, click the Configure View buttonon theWeb IntelligenceRichClient toolbar and selectReset to default from the drop-downmenu.

3. Drag a template from the Templates tab onto a blank area of the report.

The template appears on the report.

4. Click theData tab.The objects and variables that the document contains appear here. You can add any of theseobjects or variables to the table.

5. Drag an object or variable onto an empty header or body cell of the table.

6. When the tooltip “Drop here to replace cell” appears, drop the object onto the table.

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The empty cell is replaced by the object. If you are working in Results View, the values ofthe objects display on the table. If you are working in Structure View, the name of the objectdisplays on the table.

7. To add more objects to the template, drag an object from theData tab and drop it onto thetemplate.Once you have allocated objects to each part of the table template, you can addmore objectsto increase the size of the table. Each additional object inserts more columns or rows ontothe table.

8. To add another object and create an additional table column or row, drag an object fromtheData tab and drop it onto a row or column.

• If you drop the object onto the left of a column, you create a new column before theexisting column.

• If you drop the object onto the right of a column, you create a new column after theexisting column.

• If you drop the object onto the top edge of a row, you create a new row above the existingrow.

• If you drop the object onto the bottom edge of a row, you create a new row below theexisting row.

9. If you are working in Structure View, click View Results to display the values in the newtable.

10.Save the document.

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Working with tablesThis section describes how to modify the display of information in tables.

After completing this section, you will be able to:

• Change a vertical table into a cross tab• Add data into an existing table• Duplicate an existing table• Delete tables, rows or columns

Changing table formats

With Web Intelligence, you can switch from one table format to another, when you feel that acertain table style is more appropriate for the information displayed in the report.

To change a table format

1. Select the report tab that contains the table you want to modify.

2. Click the Templates tab.

If the Templates tab is hidden, click the Show/HideManager button on theReport toolbar.The Templates appear.

3. Drag a template from the Template tab onto a table. You must drop the template directlyonto the existing report block.Web Intelligence applies the new template to the table values.

Adding data to an existing table

You can add data to your tables simply by dragging objects from theData tab.

Note: If the data object was not part of your original query and not retrieved from the database,you may need to add the data object in theQuery panel to the Results Object pane before addingthe object to an existing table.

To add data to an existing table

1. Drag the object you want to add to the table from theData tab, and drop the object whereyou want to add it:• To add the object into a new column to the left of an existing column, drag the object

onto the left edge of a column header.• To add the object into a new column to the right of an existing column, drag the object

onto the right edge of a column header.

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• To add the object into a new row before an existing row, drag the object onto the topedge of a row header.

• To add the object into a new row after an existing row, drag the object onto the bottomedge of a row header.

The name of the object appears in the new column or row header, and the values appear inthe new body cells.

Duplicating tables

You can use the copy-and-paste method that you prefer to easily copy a table and paste it asanother block in the report. This is useful in order to show the same data, but in another format,perhaps as a chart with formatting to highlight certain information.

To duplicate a table

1. Position your cursor by the edge of the table you want to duplicate.

A gray border appears around the table.

2. Click on the gray border around the table.

A blue border appears on the table showing that the entire block has been selected.

3. Copy and paste the table in one of the following ways:

Ways to duplicate a table

Hold down the Ctrl key, click the gray border of the table, and drag the duplicate table toan empty area in theDocument zone. Release your mouse.

Right-click and select Copy. Place your cursor where you want the duplicate table toappear. Right-click and select Paste.

From the Editmenu, click Copy. Place your cursor where you want the duplicate table toappear. From the Editmenu, click Paste.

On your keyboard, click Ctrl + C. Place your cursor where you want the duplicate tableto appear. On your keyboard, click Ctrl + V.

A copy of the table appears where you chose to place it.

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4. Save the document.

Deleting tables, rows, or columns

Deleting tables, rows, or columns can easily be accomplished using a shortcut menu.

To delete table rows and columns

1. Right-click the table, column, or row you want to remove and select Remove >RemoveRow, Remove Column or Remove Table from the shortcut menu.The Row, Column, or Table is deleted.

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Presenting data in free-standing cellsFree-standing cells are single cells that stand alone in a report. You can use free-standing cellsto display information that adds meaning to your report, such as:• Text comments: Type messages or questions, or add titles.

• Images: Display logos, icons, or photographs.

• Formulas or calculations: Add custom formulas or calculations.

• Last refresh date: Display the date when the document results were refreshedwith themostrecent data from the database.

• DrillFilter function: Display the names of the objects by which the data on a drilled reportis filtered.

• Page numbers: Display the page number of each report page.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Insert a blank cell in a report• Display the date that the document was last refreshed• Display text in a blank cell• Format and align the new cells in the report

Inserting a free-standing cell

On the Templates tab, there are several different types of free-standing cells available in theFree-Standing Cells folder.

To insert a free-standing cell

1. In the Report Manager, click the Templates tab.

2. If necessary, click + to expand the Free-Standing Cells template folder.

3. Click + to expand the Formula and Text Cells or the Page Number Cells template folder.In the Formula and Text Cells template folder, the templates include:• Blank Cell• Drill Filters• Last Refresh Date• Document name• Query Summary• Prompt Summary• Report Filter Summary

In the Page Number Cells template folder, the templates include:• Page Number• Page Number/Total Pages• Total Number of Pages

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4. From the Templates tab, select the free-standing cell template you want to use, and drop itin the appropriate area in theDocument zone.The cell is inserted in theDocument zone.

5. Save the document.

To change the default number format

1. In theDocument zone, select the cell forwhich youwould like to change the default numberformat.

2. Click the Properties tab of the Report Manager.

The Properties tab displays, showing the default properties of the selected cell.

3. Click the Expand button that appears to the far right of theNumber format zone.

TheNumber Format dialog box displays.

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4. Select the appropriate format in the Properties zone.

5. ClickOK.

The cell format is updated in the report.

6. Save the document.

To insert text to label the new cell

1. In theWeb IntelligenceRichClientwindow, click theTemplates tab of theReportManager.

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2. If necessary, click + to expand the Formula and Text Cells template folder.

3. Drag the Blank Cell template into theDocument zone.

An empty cell is inserted in theDocument zone.

4. Click this new cell to select it in theDocument zone.

5. Click the Properties tab of the Report Manager.

The Properties tab displays, showing the default properties of the new cell that is selectedin theDocument zone.

6. In theGeneral zone, click the Text text box.

7. Type the appropriate label text in the Text text box and press the Return key.

The text appears in the cell you just created.

8. Save the document.

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To modify the default text style in two cells at the same time

1. Click the Configure Views drop-down arrow on the Standard toolbar.

2. Select Toolbars.

3. Click Formatting to display the Formatting toolbar.

4. In theDocument zone, select the two cells you would like to modify. To select both cells atonce, click the first cell, press CTRL and then click the second cell.

Note: You can also select multiple cells by using the “lasso” technique. Press the mousebutton down anywhere in the white space in theDocument zone and drag the cursor toencircle the cells you want to highlight.

Both cells are now selected and highlighted.

5. Click the Properties tab of the Report Manager.The Properties tab now shows the default text style for the selected cells.

6. Using the Formatting toolbar, make the desired changes to the text formatting.

The text in the selected cells changes to match the formatting settings, and the Propertiestab displays the new text properties.

7. Save the document.

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Presenting data in chartsWeb Intelligence offers standard chart formats to graphically display your business information.

You can select one of five basic chart types in Web Intelligence: bar, line, area, pie and radar.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Describe the chart types available in Web Intelligence• Create a chart• Create a chart from a table

Bar charts

Bar charts display data in bar form, either vertically or horizontally. Bar charts are useful ifyou want to compare similar groups of data; for example one time period to another. Thereare five types of bar charts:Grouped, Bar and Line, Stacked, Percent, and 3D.

In the report below, aVertical Grouped Bar chart has been used to illustrate changes over timeand also to help make comparisons between States.

The 3DBar chart allows you to display data along three axes. In this 3D chart, you can comparethree State's performance for each Year and also yearly performance for each State.

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Line charts

Line charts are good for showing trends in data at equal intervals. In the examples below,whichchart is easier to read?

Line charts connect specific data values with lines, either horizontally or vertically. Line chartsare useful if you want to show trends or changes in data over time. There are five types of linecharts:Mixed, Stacked, Percent, 3D Line, and 3D Surface.

Area charts

Area charts are line charts in which the area between the lines and axis are filled in. Area chartsare useful if you want to emphasize the size of the total data in a report, as opposed to thechanges in the data. Youmay notwant to use an area chart if you have a sharp contrast betweenspecific data points. In cases like that, it is recommended you use a line chart instead.

Area charts connect specific data values with lines, either horizontally or vertically and thenfill the gaps between. There are eight types of area charts: Vertical Absolute, HorizontalAbsolute, Vertical Stacked, Horizontal Stacked, Vertical Percent, Horizontal Percent, 3DArea, and 3D Surface.

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Pie charts

Pie charts display data as segments of a whole. Pie charts are useful if you want to show howeach part of your report data contributes to the total. You can only include one measure objectin a pie chart. If you have several measures in your report, you should choose another charttype. There are four types of pie charts: Pie, 3D Pie, Doughnut, and 3D Doughnut.

Radar charts

In radar charts, the X- and Y-axis connect at the chart's center. Radar charts are useful if youwant to look at several different factors related to one item. For example, you could use aRadarchart to display revenue data for different services within a hotel. On one axis, you coulddisplay revenue for the rooms; on another you could display revenue for the restaurant, andso on. Scatter charts are similar to line graphs, except that the data points are plotted withouta line connecting them. Scatter charts are useful if you want to make a comparison betweenspecific data points. There are four types of radar charts: Radar Line, Stacked Area Radar,Polar, and Scatter.

The radar line chart below positions the overall quantities sold per year, in a graphical radarimage.

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Creating a chart

You can create charts in one of three ways:• You can select an existing table or cross tab and convert it to a chart using the right-click

menu.• You can drag a chart type from the Templates tab and position it over an existing table to

convert it to a chart.• You can create a blank chart by dragging a chart type from theTemplates tab, then dragging

objects from theData tab to fill the new chart with data values.

It is recommendedyouwork inStructureViewwhen you insert a new chart from theTemplatestab. This is becauseResultsView is designed to display the data contained in reports. Therefore,you can only view charts in Results View after you have allocated dimensions and measuresto the empty chart template.

To create a chart

1. Click View Structure on the Reporting toolbar.

2. Click the Templates tab.

3. Select the chart template and drag it onto an empty area of the report.The empty template appears on the report.

4. Click theData tab.

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5. Drag and drop the required dimension or measure objects onto the axis when the "Placedimension objects here" or the "Place measure objects here" tooltip appears.

6. To allocate more dimension andmeasure objects to each chart axis, repeat the previous twosteps.

7. To display the results in the chart, click the View Results button on the Report toolbar.

The chart displays the results corresponding to the objects you allocated to the chart axes.

8. Save the document.

Creating a chart from a table

This section explains how to change the tables to different charts using the Templates tab.

To create a chart from a table

1. Click the Templates tab.

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2. Drag a template onto the chart or table you want to modify. You must drop the templatedirectly on the existing report block. If you drop the template outside the existing reportblock, you create a separate chart.

3. To move the dimensions or measures to different axes, click the View Structure button ontheReporting toolbar and drag the objects you want to move onto theData tab. Then, dragand drop the objects you want to display on the chart from theData tab onto each chartaxis.

4. Save the document.

To change a chart into a table

1. In theDocument zone, right-click the chart you want to turn change into a table.

A drop-down menu displays.

2. Select Turn To.

The Turn To dialog box opens, which allows you to choose which table or chart you wouldlike to convert this chart to. By default, this dialog box shows the type of the block you arecurrently working in.

3. From the Turn To dialog box, click the Tables tab.

The tables you can choose from appear in the Tables tab.

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4. Select the appropriate type of table from the list.

5. ClickOK.

The chart displays in the selected format.

Activity: Designing Web Intelligence Reports


• Improve the presentation of a report to make information easier to understand.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe showing Year,Quarter, andQuantitysold. Filter to see only results for Q1.

2. Duplicate the table and paste the copy to the right of the existing table.

3. Change the presentation of the second block to a Vertical Group Bar chart.

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Your results should look like:

4. Select the chart, click the Properties tab, and check Yes next to the Legend zone in theAppearance area.Your results should look like:

5. To try a different presentation, drag and drop theHorizontal Stacked template, from theTemplates tab, Charts folder, Bar folder, over your chart.Your results should look like:

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6. To turn the chart back into a table, right-click the chart and select Turn to. Select the Tablestab and then select theHorizontal table tab, and clickOK.Your results should look like:

7. From the Template tab, drag the Radar Line template into an empty spot on your report.

8. Click theData tab of theReportManager and drag the Year object over to Place dimensionobjects here placeholder, at the bottom of the chart.

Note: Be careful not to position this object on the optional placeholder.

9. Drag theQuantity sold object to the Place measure objects here placeholder, in the lowerportion of the chart.

10.Refresh the report data.Your results should look like:

11.Save the document as Activity Tables & Charts.

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Quiz: Designing Web Intelligence reports1. What are the three components that make up a Web Intelligence document?

2. How can you verifywhich toolbars are displayed in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientmainwindow?

3. List the types of tables available in Web Intelligence.

4. List the types of charts available in Web Intelligence.

5. Where are templates located in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow?

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Work with Web Intelligence documents• Display data in tables and charts• Create tables• Work with tables• Present data in free-standing cells• Present data in charts

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Lesson 5Enhancing the Presentation of Data in Reports

Lesson introductionAs you edit the reports in a Web Intelligence document, several tools are available to help youstructure and enhance your reports so that your reports show exactly the information you needin the clearest way possible.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Use breaks, calculations• Use sorts• Format breaks and cross tabs• Use report filters• Rank data to see top or bottom values• Track data changes• Use alerters to highlight information• Organize a report into sections• Copy data to other applications

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Using breaks and calculationsIn this lesson you learn to organize data in a table by applying breaks and calculations.

This unit describes how you, as report designers who create complex reports for yourselvesand others, can change the query definition as you finalize your report. Web Intelligence offersextensive reporting features in a single interface to adapt your report as required.After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Apply breaks to structure long tables of data into smaller groups• Apply calculations, such as sums and counts

About breaks

Breaks allow you to structure the data in a table into groups and make the data easier to viewand interpret. You apply breaks on the data and values that you select.

When you apply a break, Web Intelligence separates all the data for each unique value of theselected variable. It inserts a blank row or column after each value, which allows you to easilyinsert subtotals for the group of data.

In the example, you can see that a long table can be tedious to read and understand.When youapply two breaks to the table, one on State and one on Year, the data becomes much clearerand simpler to read. Each group in the table displays quarter Sales revenue for a unique Stateand a single Year.

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In the extra row that appears in the table after each group, you can easily insert sum totals forrevenue over the Year.

Using breaks has two main advantages:• You can more efficiently organize how your data is represented.• You can display subtotals.

When you insert a break on a dimension, the values for the dimension are automatically sortedin ascending order.

If the values are numeric, the lowest value appears in the first row of the table, the highest inthe last row.

If the values are alphabetical characters, then the values are sorted in alphabetical order fromtop to bottom.

To organize a report with breaks

1. Click a table cell in the column or row where you want to insert a break.

2. Click Insert/Remove Break on the Reporting toolbar.

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Web Intelligence divides the table up into as many mini tables as there are unique valuesfor the selected cell. Web Intelligence inserts a footer at the end of each break.

You can insert multiple breaks by repeating the same process on another row or column.

To delete breaks

1. Click a cell in the column or row where you want to remove a break.

2. From the Report toolbar, click the Insert/Remove Break button.

The break is removed from the report.

3. Save the document.

About calculations

Web Intelligence provides standard calculation functions to help you make quick calculationson the data in your reports. These calculations are available from the drop-down list ofcalculations on theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow toolbar.

You can calculate sums, averages and percentages. You can also calculate the total count, andthe minimum and maximum values for a variable.

To organize a report with calculations

1. Click a table cell that contains data.

2. Click the arrow at the right of the Insert Calculation button and select the calculation youwant to insert.

The Insert Calculation button displays a mathematical symbol for the currently-selectedcalculation. This symbol changes depending on the default or the last calculation selectedfor insertion.

If you insert a percentage calculation, the results of the percentage are displayed in anadditional column or row of the table.

3. To insert other calculations, click the down arrow next to the Sum icon and select thecalculation from the drop-down list.

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A new row is added at the bottom of the table. The aggregated value appears in the newrow cell.

To delete a calculation

1. Right-click the table or cross tab that contains the calculation.• If you are in Result View this is the calculated value.• If you are in Structure View, this is the cell that contains the aggregate formula.

2. Depending on the table type, select Remove Row or Remove Column from the shortcutmenu.

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Using sortsYou can apply sorts to the results displayed in tables, to organize the order in which resultsare displayed in a column or row.

You can apply sorts to any dimensions, measures, or details displayed in a table. Sortingdimensions and details helps you organize results chronologically, while sorting measureshelps you see highest or lowest results at a glance.

This unit describes the different types of sorts available in Web Intelligence and how to createthem.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Explain the different sort orders available in Web Intelligence• Apply sorts to display data in order of the most important information• Create custom sorts

About sort orders

Sorts in Web Intelligence allow you to apply the following orders:

DescriptionSort order

This is sometimes referred to as the "natural" order. Depending on thetype of data in the column or row, the results are sorted as follows:

Default • ascending numeric order for numeric data• ascending chronological order for date• ascending alphabetical order for alphanumeric data

When selected, results are arranged in ascending order: the smallestvalue at the top of the column moving to the highest value at thebottom. For example: 100, 200, 300 or California, Colorado, Florida.


When selected, results are arranged in descending order: the highestvalue at the top of the column moving to the smallest value at thebottom. For example: 300, 200, 100 or Florida, Colorado, California.


You define your own sort order.

CustomAscending and descending sorts are applied to columns or rows. Anascending or descending sort impacts only the table on which youapply the sort and is independent of sort on other tables in the samereport.

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DescriptionSort order

However, you apply Custom sorts to an object. As a result, all tablesin the document that use the object inherit the custom sort. In fact,applying a custom sort sorts the data in the data provider, not just inthe table.

You can also add a temporary value, a value that does not exist in thedatabase, to your document and include the value in your custom sort.

For example, you can add a 13th month for adjustment purposes toyour document even when the value does not exist in the database.

Alternatively, you can anticipate the addition of new store to thedatabase. Before the new store name exists in the database, you canadd the value as a temporary value and take the newvalue into accountfor the design of your documents.

Note: The order of the non-measure objects in a table initially controls the way the data is sortedor grouped in the report.

The Sort feature allows you to format data in ascending or descending order. In the examplebelow, the table on the left has the default sorts applied (State, Year, Sales revenue). The tableon the right has been resorted to show the data sorted by Year and then, within Year, by Salesrevenue in descending order. The two tables present the data in very different ways.

A default sort uses one of the predefined sort orders described in the table above -- ascendingor descending. For example, to sort your sales revenue data so that the state with the highestsales revenue for each year appears first in the group, you can apply the default sort orderdescending on the sales revenue.

Custom sorts allowyou to define your ownorder for the data displayed in a report. For example,to display the eFashion month names in chronological order, you can apply a custom sort.

How is data sorted when you apply a break?

When you insert a break on a dimension, Web Intelligence automatically sorts the values forthe dimension in ascending order. For numeric values, the lowest value appears in the first

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row of the table, the highest in the last row. For alphabetical characters, the values appear inalphabetical order from top to bottom. You can change this sort order at any time.

To create a default sort

1. In theDocument zone, click a cell in the row or column on which you want to apply a sort.

2. Click the drop-down arrow beside the Apply/Remove Sort button.

3. Select the appropriate sort order.

The row or column is sorted in the order you specified.

Note: Clicking the Apply/Remove Sort button applies a default sort to the column or rowselected. By default the results are sorted in ascending order. To sort in descending order,you need to click the arrow next to the Sort icon.

Deleting a default sort

To delete a default sort, right-click a detail row in the row or column onwhich you have appliedthe sort and click Sort ➤ None .

To create a custom sort

1. In theDocument zone, click a cell in the row or column on which you want to apply acustom sort.

Note: You cannot apply a custom sort on a measure object.

2. Apply the custom sort using one of the two following methods:

• Right-click the selected cell and select Sort from the drop-down menu.

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• Or, click the drop-down arrow next to theApply/Remove Sort button on the Reportingtoolbar.

3. Select Custom sort... from the drop-down menu that appears.The Custom Sort dialog box appears.

4. Use the Up andDown arrow buttons to sort the values in the order of your choice.

5. Optionally, in theTemporary values field, type the name of the value and click the > buttonto add the value to the sorted values. Select the new value and use theUp andDown arrowbuttons to place the temporary value in the correct order within the sort.

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6. ClickOK to create the custom sort and close the dialog box.The table now appears with the data sorted in the order you selected.

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Formatting breaks and cross tabsAlthough Web Intelligence allows you to produce reports in several different table formats(vertical, horizontal, cross tab and form), these basic formats do not always satisfy all therequirements of your working environment.

This unit explains several different formatting techniques using breaks to display the resultsof queries in table formats slightly different from the defaults.

These techniques are particularly valuablewhen you combine themwith calculations and sortsto present your data clearly and comprehensibly to report users.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Manipulate break headers and footers to change the display of the data• Prioritize multiple breaks in a table• Format cross tab headers

Controlling break headers and footers

Frequently report designers use breaks to structure table data into smaller groups for thepurposes of creating subtotals. When you apply a break to a table, the break footer appears asan additional row at the bottom of the table and serves to display the subtotal data clearly.

However, each time you place a break on a table, you also create a header. When you knowhow to control the display of headers and footers you can use them to present you data clearly.

For example, when you look at the following tables:• Break header: There is a break on both Year andQuarter, but there are only headers for each

new quarter.• Break footer: There is a new footer for each new year, as well as each new quarter. When

you place a sum on the Sales revenue column, the revenue figures are calculated on boththe quarterly and yearly levels and then placed into the appropriate footer, as you can seein the second table.

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The next table shows how the sums display in the break footers for quarter and year.

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When you first insert a break on data, the default display options apply to the data, as shownin the previous table. You can view the default break settings in the Properties tab.

To view default break settings

1. Right-click a cell in the column or row on which you have defined a break.

2. Select Edit Format on the drop-down menu and Edit Format Cell.The Properties tab appears, displaying a property group called Breakswhich contains thebreak properties.

Formatting multiple break headers and footers

There are several ways to modify multiple breaks in tables.

In the following table, the values for both Year and Quarter display as centered over the breakwith the Center value across break formatting option.

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The table header in this table only appears for each Year, not for each Quarter because thereport designer selected the break header for Year and did not select the break header forQuarter.

The sum on Sales Revenue displays the yearly revenue totals, not the quarterly totals becausethe report designer selected the break footer for Year and did not select the break footer forQuarter.

You can edit the settings in the Properties tab to format the display of breaks and sorts. In theProperties tab, you can set options for the:• Display properties or how the results display on the break.• Page layout properties or how the breaks display on the report page.

The following table describes how each option displays.


Displays a header for each part of the table, cross tab, or formwhen you insert a break.

Show break header

Adds a footer after the last row for a table or the last column fora cross tabwhen you insert a break.When you apply a calculationto the data, the result displays in the footer.

Show break footer

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Removes all duplicate values from the data in a table or cross tabwhen you insert a break. Each value shows only once.

Remove duplicates

Activewhenyou selectRemoveDuplicates , this propertymergesempty cells and centers the value name over the merged cells.

Center values across break

Starts on a new page each time a break occurs in the table, crosstab, or form.

Start on a new page

Where possible, keeps each break section on the same page. Thisoption does not apply to blocks larger than one page.

Avoid page breaks inblocks

Repeats the header at the top of the table on every new pagewhen a table displays on more than one page.

Repeat header

To center the value across the break

1. Right-click a cell in the column or row on which you have defined a break and select EditFormat on the menu.The Properties tab appears, displaying a property group called Breaks which contains thebreak properties.

2. On the Properties tab in the Breaks property group, next to theCenter values across breakoption, select Yes.

To remove break headers and footers

1. Select the column on which you have defined a break and select Edit Format on the menu.The Properties tab appears, displaying a property group called Breakswhich contains thebreak properties.

2. For the option Show break header, clear the check box.

3. For the option Show break footer, clear the check box.

About formatting breaks

Respect the following guidelines when using breaks:• Place all needed breaks onto the table before placing any calculations. When you place the

calculations first and apply a break on an object, Web Intelligence does not recognize the

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need for recalculation at the new break level (that is, to create subtotals). Place the breaksfirst to ensure that the calculations are correct.

• If you place an automatic calculation, for example a Sum or a Count, on a table after youformat the breaks, you lose all formatting done on the break footers. The default action forthese calculations is to calculate on all break levels present, regardless of how they havebeen formatted.

Prioritizing multiple breaks

When you have multiple breaks in a document, you can change the default order so that onebreak is displayed as a higher priority than the other.

You use the Breaks dialog box to do this. The Breaks dialog box opens from the Break priorityoption in the Table properties.

When you give the Year break priority, your table appears like this:

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The data for all four Quarters of the first year in the three year period appears at the top of thetable, followed by the values for all Quarters in the next year. The sum is calculated at the yearlevel.

When you change the priority from the Year break to the Quarter break, your table appearslike this:

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The data for all first quarters during the three year period appears at the top of the table,followed by all Q2 values. The sum is calculated at the quarter level, and a total of all firstquarter revenue is displayed as well.

To set the priority of multiple breaks in a table

1. Right-click the table that contains multiple breaks and select Edit Format.The Properties tab shows the properties relevant to a table.

2. Click the ... (ellipsis) button next to the Breaks > Break priority property to display theBreaks dialog box.

3. ClickVertical breaks orHorizontal breaks to display the type of break youwant to prioritize.

• For a vertical table, all the breaks apply to columns. These are called Vertical breaks.• For a horizontal table all the breaks apply to rows. These are called Horizontal breaks.• For a cross tab, breaks can apply to rows or to columns, according to the priority you

choose for the Horizontal breaks and for the Vertical breaks.

4. Select the break whose priority you want to change and click the Up/Down buttons topromote/demote the break in the list of breaks.

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Formatting cross tab headers

Since cross tabs contain two levels of dimension objects (object values are located both in thecolumns and in the rows of the block), several unique formatting issues may occur.

When two or more measure objects are used in a cross tab, an additional header is needed todisplay both object names.

To format additional header rows

1. Select the cross tab table.

2. Right-click and select Edit Format from the menu.The Properties tab displays the table formatting options.

3. Click + next to theDisplay folder to expand theDisplay options.

4. Set the Show object name option to Yes.The measure object names appear as column headers in the cross tab.

5. To remove the two headings that appear in the top-left corner of the cross tab, press theCTRL key and click the extra headings.

6. Press the DELETE key.The two headings in the top-left corner of the cross tab are deleted.

To center the objects in the column header in a cross tab

1. Click the column header cell.

2. Click the Center button on the Formatting toolbar to center the text or objects.

Activity: Formatting breaks and cross tabs


• Create a cross tab• Apply calculations and breaks• Format the breaks


1. Create a query using the eFashion universe showing Lines, Category, SKU desc, Sold at(unit price), andDiscount.

2. Build a query filter to display values only for the Lines: Outerwear and Overcoats.

3. Run the query.

4. Apply a break on the Lines and Category columns.

5. Apply a Sum on the Sold at (unit price) column and an Average on theDiscount column.

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6. On the break for the Lines column, set the options so:

• The break header shows.• The break footer does not show.• The Lines value centers across the other values in the table.

Please note that these changes cause the report to appear disorderly. You correct theappearance with the changes you make in the next step.

7. On the break for the Category column, set the options so:

• The break header does not show.• The break footer does not show.• The Category value centers across the other values in the table.

The report should look like this:

8. Save the report as Activity Breaks and Cross Tabs.

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Using report filtersIn the next section, you learn how to limit the data displayed in a report by applying reportfilters.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Explain the difference between using query filters and using report filters• Create the different report filter types

About report filters

You have already used query filters in a previous lesson. Web Intelligence gives you twomethods for restricting the data displayed in a document:• Query filters allow you to limit the amount of data that is retrieved from the data source

and returned by the query to your Web Intelligence documents. You can only apply queryfilters when you are creating or editing the query in theQuery panel.

• Report filters, on the other hand, allow you to restrict the data shown in the report simplyby hiding the data you are not interested in. The data is still contained in the document; itis just hidden from the report display.

Tables or other blocks in your reports can sometimes be very large, and not very easy to readat a glance. To make the report easier to read, you apply a report filter on a specific object, sothat it displays just the information that interests you.

You apply report filters when you are editing a document in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow.

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You can define filters on dimensions, measures, details and variables listed on theData tab ofthe document.

Different types of report filters exist in Web Intelligence, you use a different method to createeach report filter type, and you use a different toolbar button to access eachmethod, as describedin the following table:

Filter impact on dataFilter typeToolbarbutton

Standard report filters also offer themost flexibility in selecting the data

Standard report filters offer the mostflexibility in the definition of your filter.

Show/HideFilter Pane

to which you apply the filter. AYou can use them to create simple orstandard report filter can be aglobal filter and apply to the whole

create complex filters because all filteroperators are available and you can filteron single values or lists of values. report or it can be a block filter and

apply to only one data block in thereport.

A Quick Filter applies to a columnor row in a table only. You cannotapply a Quick Filter to a chart.

Quick Filters offer an easy way to createa simple filter on one or more values.

Note: Quick Filters are available in WebIntelligence Rich Client and the Java ReportPanel only.

Add filter

The filter is a global filter so itapplies to the whole report and

Simple report filters offer and easy wayto create filters simple filter for one

Show/HideReport FilterToolbar affects all the data blocks it

contains.value. They use the Equal to operatoronly.

Note: Simple report filters are available inWebIntelligence Rich Client, the Java Report Panel,and the Web Intelligence HTML viewer.

To create a Quick Filter

1. Click the report tab of the report you want to filter.

2. Select the data to which you want to apply the filter:

• To apply the filter to a table, click the row or column that contains the values you wantto filter.

• To apply the filter to a section, in ViewResults, click the section cell or, in View Structure,click the start section or end section divider.

3. Click the Add filter button on the Report toolbar.

4. Select the value(s) youwant to display in the table or section. To select more than one value,press the Control key at the same time as you select the values.

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5. ClickOK.The value(s) selected display in the section or table to which you applied the Quick Filter.

6. Save the document.

To delete a Quick Filter

1. To delete a Quick Filter, click the row or column to which you applied the Quick Filter andclick the arrow to the right of the Add filter button and select Remove filter.

2. Save the document.

To create a simple report filter

1. Click Show/hide Report Filter toolbar on the main toolbar.

2. Drag the object on which you want to filter to the toolbar. You can add multiple objects tothe toolbar to create multiple filters.

3. Select the value on which you want to filter from the drop down list of values.Web Intelligence filters the report on the value of the object you selected. For example, select"California" from the list of values for the State object andWeb Intelligence filters the reportto exclude all rows where State does not have the value "California".

4. Save the document.

To delete a simple report filter

1. To remove a filter, click to select the object icon to the left of the filter value and use one ofthe following two methods:

• Drag the object to theData tab.• Click Delete on your keyboard.

2. Save the document.

To create a standard report filter

1. Click the report tab of the report you want to filter.

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2. On theReport toolbar, click the Show/Hide Filter Pane button to display theReport Filterspane.

3. Select the part of the report you want to filter.The Report Filters pane displays the name of the selected part of the report. For example,if you select a table, the Report Filter pane displays the name of the selected table.

4. In theData tab, select the object you want to filter.

5. Drag the selected object onto the Report Filters pane.

The Filter Editor appears. The name of the object you selected is displayed below FilteredObject.

6. Select the operator.

7. Select Constant or Value(s) from list.

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When you define filters on measures or variables, you cannot select value(s) from the listof values; you need to type a constant(s).

8. If you selectedConstant, type the value(s), you want to retrieve, in theConstant box. If youselectedValue(s) from list, select the value(s), youwant to retrieve, from the displayed Listof Values and add them to the Values Selected box, by clicking the >> button.

9. ClickOK to confirm the filter definition.

The selected report, section, or table, chart, or form displays only the values you specifiedin the custom filter.

To delete a standard report filter

1. Click the Show/Hide Filter Pane button on theReport toolbar to display theReport Filterspane.

2. Click the area of the report from which you want to remove the filters.The filters on the selected area display in the Report Filters pane.

3. Select the filter you want to delete and pressDelete.

4. Save the document.

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Ranking data to see top or bottom valuesYou may only want to show the extreme ranges of the data. Ranking allows you to determinethe top or bottom three or more of a given dimension on the basis of a given measure. It actsin the same way as a combined filter/sort function to project only, for instance, the top five indescending order.

Ranking can be applied at a:• Database level - by clicking the Add a database ranking button in theQuery panel (this

feature is database specific).

• Report level - by clicking the Add/Remove ranking button in theWeb Intelligence RichClientwindow.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Apply a ranking to show top values

Applying ranking to data

To apply ranking to data within a report, select the row or column to which you would like toapply ranking and then click theApply/RemoveRanking button to open theRank dialog box.

To apply ranking

1. Select the block that you want to rank.

2. Click Apply/Remove Ranking.The Rank dialog box appears.

3. Click Top and select the number of records if you want to rank the highest records in theblock.

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4. Click Bottom and select the number of records if you want to rank the lowest records in theblock.

5. Select the measure on which the ranking is based in the Based on list.

6. Click Ranked By and select the dimension on which the ranking is based if you want torank by a particular dimension rather than by all dimensions in the block.

7. Select the rank calculation mode in the Calculation mode list.The available calculation modes include:• Count: Counts the records and displays the first/last n records in the count, according

to the Ranking Selection.• Percentage: Counts the records and returns the ones corresponding to the top/bottom

percent of the total records specified in the Ranking Selection. It is not a real percentage,for example, if you want 10% and there are a total of 100 rows, you would receive 10rows.

• Cumulative Sum: Adds up the values and displays the top/bottom n records requiredto reach the sum specified in the Ranking Selection.

• Cumulative Percentage: Counts the total value of all the records and displays thetop/bottomn records required to arrive at the percent of the total specified in the RankingSelection.

8. ClickOK.

9. Save the document.

To remove a ranking

1. Click in the column or row from which you want to remove the ranking.

2. Click the Apply/Remove Ranking drop-down arrow on the Reporting toolbar.

3. Click Remove Ranking.

4. Save the document.

Activity: Enhancing the presentation of a report


• Use breaks, calculations, and sorts to organize the presentation of data in a report.


1. Create a new document showingQuantity sold by State, Year andQuarter.

2. Apply a break on State and Year.

3. Add a sum and percentage to theQuantity sold column.

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Your results should look like:

4. Filter the block to show only data for Colorado.

5. Create a duplicate of the table to the right of the existing table and filter it to show only dataforNew York.Your results should look like:

6. Save the document as Activity Presentation.

7. Close the document.

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Tracking data changesYoumay have reports that you refresh regularly to monitor performance or a situation. In thiscase, you want to identify important changes quickly so you can analyze their cause and takeappropriate action.

Web Intelligence allows you to do this with data tracking.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Understand how data tracking helps you monitor data• Activate data tracking• Set the reference data set• Format the data changes

Tracking data changes in Web Intelligence

Tomake informed and effective business decisions, you need to understand how the data thatyou use tomonitor a situation or company performance changes over time. This understandingallows you to take appropriate and timely action to maintain and improve positive situationsor to prevent and remedy negative situations.

Web Intelligence allows you to track and highlight data changes so you can identify significantchanges quickly, disregard irrelevant data, and focus your analysis on the root cause of thechanges.

For example, a report can allow you to monitor inventory levels and sales. When an item sellswell, you can monitor inventory levels to ensure you replace the items as quickly as they sell.As a result, you can satisfy the high customer demand and sell high volumes of the successfulitem.

The value of data tracking is apparent when you compare the following series of reports.

Without data tracking, you make ineffective use of your time because you must first identifyhow the data has changed between the two refreshes shown here, before you can begin analysisof the reasons for the change:

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On the other hand, in the following example, with data tracking activated, you can immediatelysee the changes and spend most of your time analyzing them.

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Types of data change

Web Intelligence allows you to track the following types of data change:• Added data• Removed data• Modified data• Increased data values• Decreased data values

You configure the display of these changes through the Web Intelligence interface.

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Activating data tracking

You activate data tracking via theTrack button on the toolbar.When you click theTrack button,the Activate Data Tracking dialog box appears and allows you to select a particular data setas a reference point for future changes. This data is known as the reference data.

When you activate data tracking, two additional buttons become available to you:

• Hide data tracking: Allows you to hide the highlighted data changes when data trackingis activated. This button is to the right of theData tracking button.

• Data tracking options:Opens theData Tracking Options dialog box where you can definethe formatting used to highlight data changes. This button is to the right of theHide datatracking button.

Note: Your ability to activate data tracking and to change the formatting for data changes whendata tracking is activated depends on the rights that your administrator has assigned you.

To activate data tracking

1. Click Track on the main toolbar to display the Activate Data Tracking dialog box.

2. In the dialog box, select one of the following options:

• Auto-update the reference datawith each refresh: Uses the current data as the referencedata after each data refresh.

• Use the current data as reference data: Uses and maintains the current data as the fixedreference data for all data refreshes.

3. Optionally, click Refresh Now to refresh the data when the dialog box closes.

4. ClickOK.

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Formatting data changes

You can configure the appearance (font style, size and color) of changed data in your documentin theData Tracking Options dialog box.

You can separately configure the appearance of the following changes:• Inserted, deleted and changed dimension and detail values.• Increased or decreased measure values.

Your BusinessObjects administrator defines the default appearance of changed data in theCentral Management Server. When you configure the appearance of changed data in WebIntelligence, you override the CMS defaults.

To format the display of changed data

1. ClickData Tracking Options to the right ofHide data tracking on the main toolbar todisplay theData Tracking Options dialog box.

2. Select the Format tab.

3. Select each type of changed data you wish to display and click Format to specify how youwant the changes to appear.

4. ClickOK.

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To display or hide data changes

ClickHide changes/Show changes (the button tooltip text varies depending on whether thechanged data is currently visible) to the right of Track on the main menu.

Activity: Tracking data changes


• Create and run a query with a query filter• Activate data tracking and define the formatting to highlight data changes• Modify the query filter and refresh the document to track the changes


1. Create a query using the eFashion universe showing Year, Quarter, and Sales revenue.

2. Build a query filter to display values only for Q1 and Q2.

3. Run the query.Your report should look like this:

4. Activate data tracking and choose to update the reference data with each refresh.

5. Define formatting to highlight insertions.

6. Return to theQuery panel and add Q3 and Q4 to the query filter so all four quarters appearin your document on the next refresh.

7. Refresh the document.

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Your report should highlight the data for Q3 and Q4. The format for the new data dependson your choice of formatting for the insertions. The following report is an example of thechanges that should appear highlighted:

8. Save the report as Activity Tracking Data Changes.

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Using alerters to highlight informationIn the next section, you learn how to highlight data thatmeets specific requirements by creatingand applying alerters.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Explain how you can use alerters to highlight important information• Create a basic alerter• Activate an alerter in a report• Create complex alerters using conditions and sub-alerters

About alerters

Alerters enable you to highlight results thatmeet or fail specific business targets. You can createa simple alerter to highlight particularly high or low results with a specific color or advancedalerters that display a text comment, such as "High Performer".

For example, you can create an alerter to highlight margin results that exceed $1,100,000. Themargin result that is greater than $1,100,000 is highlighted every time the report data is refreshed.

An alerter contains five elements:• A name.

• An object or cell contents.

• An operator.

• Operand value(s) or another object.

• The conditional formatting.

The object or cell contents, the operator and the operandmake up the condition that determineswhether the formatting will be applied to each cell where the alerter is applied. When youapply the new alerter to a table column, row or cell on a report, Web Intelligence applies thecondition to the cell values and displays any values that meet the condition in the alerter withthe formatting specified. Additional rules to remember when creating alerters are:• You can apply alerters to tables, forms, section cells, and free-standing cells.

• Alerters cannot be applied to charts.

• You can include up to 30 alerters in a document. You can apply those alerters to amaximumof 20 table columns or rows, free-standing cells or section cells on the reports. A maximumof 10 alerters can be applied to a single-table column or row, free-standing cell or sectioncell.

Web Intelligence applies a default format to display the alerter. You can make changes to thisdefault format. You can insert multiple conditions within an alerter. You can also create anadvanced alerter by inserting a formula.

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Creating and activating an alerter

In this scenario you are going to build a report that shows States by Year and Sales revenue.The report is sorted in descending order by Sales Revenue. You want to also highlight anyState/Year combinations that had margin over $1,100,000.

To create a basic alerter

1. Click a table column, a table row, a section cell, or a free-standing cell.

2. Click Alerters on the toolbar to display the Alerters dialog box.

3. ClickNew.

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The Alerter Editor displays.

4. In the Alerter name text box, type a name for the alerter.

5. Type the alerter description in theDescription text box.

6. Define the condition by specifying the appropriate Filtered object or cell, Operator andOperands.


Use this option to define the alerter onwhichever cell contents are selected on theSelect Cell Contents report, independent of any specific objector variable.

Use this option to define the alerter on aspecific object or variable in the document.

Leave the current object name selected, orclick ..., then click Select an object orvariable from the shortcutmenu, then selectan object or variable from the list and clickOK.

If the cell(s) on which you want to create an alerter contains date or numeric type data (forexample, a date or a calculation) you need to choose Select an object or variable instead ofCell contents. This is because, Web Intelligence considers any value you type into theOperands text box as a character string.

Web Intelligence applies the default format to the results specified in the alerter as displayedinCell contents box. You can retain the defaults ormodify the format properties by clickingthe Format button.

7. After creating the alerter, clickOK.

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To activate alerters

1. Click Alerters on the toolbar.

2. Check (to activate) or uncheck (to deactivate) the check box next to the alerter you want toactivate or deactivate.

Creating complex alerters

You can apply multiple conditions in a single alerter. You can only link the conditions withAND.

For example, you can highlight Sales revenuewhen results reach over $300K and when thoseresults occur in stores in any US State except California. To do this, you create an alerter withthe following two conditions:

The formatting generated by the alerter is the same for each condition. To create differentconditions that each implement different formatting, you need to define multiple sub-alertersin the alerter.

Note: The maximum number of alerters that can be created in a document is 30.

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To create a complex alerterIf you want to add another condition to an alerter:1. In the Alerter Editor, click + to the far right of theOperands field.

TheAlerter Editor expands, so that you can add another condition to the alerter definition.

Note: The formatting for a new condition added in this way will be identical to that of thefirst condition in the Alerter. To add a condition that uses different formatting, you mustclick the Add Sub-Alerter button in the Alerter Editor, and enter a new alerter conditionusing different formatting settings.

Activity: Creating complex alerters


• In this exercise, you are going to implement a range alert on theQuantity sold column.• You want to highlight values in theQuantity sold column in the following way:

○ values under 15,000 items○ values between 15,000 and 45,000 items○ values over 45,000 items


1. Verify that the Alerters document is displayed.

2. Select theQuantity sold column.

3. Create a new alerter and name it Quantity Range.

4. Define the first alerter so that:• Filtered object or cell =Quantity sold

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• Operator = Less than

• Operand = 15000

5. Add a sub-alerter to this alerter definition by clicking the Add Sub-Alerter button in thebottom left corner of the Alerter Editor.

Note: To create a sub-alerter, follow the same procedure as creating your first alerter.

6. Define the sub-alerter and a condition on the sub-alerter according to the followingspecifications.

Sub-alerter:• Filtered object or cell =Quantity sold• Operator = Greater than or equal to

• Operand = 15000

Condition on the sub-alerter:• Filtered object or cell =Quantity sold• Operator = Less than or equal to

• Operand = 45000

7. Add a third sub-alerter by clicking the Add Sub-Alerter button again.

8. Define the third sub-alerter so that:• Filtered object or cell =Quantity sold• Operator = Greater than

• Operand = 45000

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The Alerter Editor should appear like this:

9. Accept the default formatting so that when you apply the alerter, the values under 15,000will be red; values between 15,000 and 45,000 will be green; and values over 45,000 will beblue.Apply the new alerter,Quantity Range to the report.The final report should appear like this:

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10.Save the report as the Activity Alerters document.

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Organizing a report into sectionsIn the previous section of this lesson, you saw that you could group data in a block using thebreak function.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Break a report into sections• Insert a sum and position it using drag and drop• Insert a chart in each section

About sections

You can group data in a block using the break function as illustrated below.

You can also use sectioning to group data. The difference is that the grouped value appears asa header outside the block instead of remaining within the block.

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However, there is a more important difference. A break only groups within a block, whereassectioning groups the entire report. Notice the section lines in the illustration below run acrossthe width of the report.

This has a number of advantages:• You can have multiple blocks projected from the samemicrocube within a single report, all

sub-grouped to the sectioned level.

• You can insert subtotal cells, repeated in each section, which are created by the simpleprocess of drag and drop.

In the example below, the subtotal appears to the right of the section header.

You can apply sorts to the results displayed in section cells, to organize the order in whichsections are displayed in report tables.

Sorting sections allows you to organize the section headers logically in a report. For example,when you create sections on a report for each year, you can apply a descending sort so that thesections are organized with the most recent year as the first section and the earliest year at theend of the report.

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To create a section

1. In theDocument zone, right-click a cell in the row or column on which you want to createa section. For example, if you want to create a section on State, right-click one of the cellsin the State row or column.

A drop-down menu displays.

2. From the drop-down menu, select Set as Section.

The cell you selected defines which object is used to divide the table into sections. Eachvalue of this object is displayed as a section header, and the table below each section headerdisplays the data concerning that value.

To display an aggregate

1. In theDocument zone, click a cell in the row or column for the object on which you wouldlike to display an aggregate. For example, if you would like to display an aggregate forSales Revenue, click a cell in the Sales Revenue row or column.

2. From theReport Toolbar, click the down arrow to the right of the Insert Sum/Count button,and then select the appropriate aggregation from the drop-down list.

Note: The default aggregation for measures is Sum, and the default aggregation fordimensions is Count. If you want to apply the default aggregation for the object type youhave selected, you can click the Insert Sum/Count button rather than selecting an aggregationfrom the drop-down list.

A new row or column displaying the aggregate is inserted in the table in each section.

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Note: When you display an aggregate in a sectioned report, the overall total is not calculatedand displayed, like it is when you use a break and then apply an aggregation.

3. Optionally, to display the aggregate at the section heading level, click to select the cell withthe aggregate and drag the cell to the section heading level.

To insert a block in each section

1. With a sectioned report open in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow, click theTemplates tab.

2. Click the appropriate template and drag it to one of the sections in your report.An outline displays to show the boundaries of the section towhich youdragged the template.

3. Drop the template in the appropriate location in one of the report sections.The block appears in the same position in each section. You can now add to the block thedata you want to display.

Navigating from section to section

TheMap tab in the Report Manager displays all the reports and sections contained in thedocument. You can navigate from section to section by clicking on the section names in theMap.

To navigate from section to section

1. In the Report Manager, clickMap.

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TheMap tab displays all the reports and sections contained in the document.

2. Click on the + to expand the structure of the report you would like to navigate.

3. Click on the name of the section you would like to navigate to.

TheDocument zone scrolls down to display the selected section within the report.

Note: You can use theMap tab in the Report Manager to jump from one report to another,as well as to navigate from section to section. This feature is useful when you have a largedocument with multiple reports and many sections to navigate through.

To delete a section

Use the View Structuremode to display the report structure when deleting a section.1. InWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow, click View Structure.

The section dividers show the beginning and end of the section.

2. Click the start or end divider line of the section you want to remove.

3. Press theDelete key.

4. Save the document.

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Copying data to other applicationsIn Web Intelligence, you can easily copy data from a report into other applications, such asMicrosoft Excel or Microsoft Power Point. You can also copy the data in a report as text. Thismakes it easier to present and share your analysis in different formats.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Copy a block of data as text• Copy and paste an image of data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet• Copy and paste an image of data into a Microsoft Power Point slide

Copying a block of data as text

To paste a block from aWeb Intelligence report into a Microsoft application as text rather thanas an image, use the Copy as Text function.

To copy data as text

1. Select the block you want to copy.

2. Right-click and select Copy as Text.

3. Paste the text into your target document.

The data from the copied block displays in columns within an Excel spreadsheet or in aWord document.

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4. Save the target document.

Copying an image of data using Microsoft Clipboard

When you use the copy function to copy a block from a Web Intelligence document and pasteit into a Microsoft application, it displays as an image in the target document.

To copy an image of data to an Excel spreadsheet

1. Select the block you want to copy.

2. Press the Ctrl + C keys to copy the block to the Microsoft Clipboard.

3. Launch Microsoft Excel.

4. Click the Editmenu and select Paste.

The block appears as an image file in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

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5. Save the target Excel document.

To copy an image of data to a Power Point slide

1. Select the block you want to copy.

2. Press the Ctrl + C keys to copy the block to the Microsoft Clipboard.

3. Launch Microsoft Power Point and open a file that contains slides into which you want topaste data fromWeb Intelligence.

4. Click the Editmenu and select Paste.

The block appears as an image file in the Power Point slide.

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5. Save the target Microsoft Power Point document.

Activity: Creating sections in a report


• Use sections to organize information in a report.


1. Create a new document showingQuantity sold by State, Quarter, and Year.

2. Insert sections on both Year andQuarter.

3. Include a sum forQuantity sold for Year andQuarter.

4. Create an ascending sort onQuantity sold.

5. Position the sum ofQuantity sold to display beside theQuarter section header.

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Your results should look like:

6. Click View Structure on the Reporting toolbar.

7. Drag the End of Section on: Quarter divider down to expand the section.

8. Insert a Vertical Grouped bar chart using the State andQuantity sold objects.

9. Click View Results on the Reporting toolbar.Your results should look like:

10.Duplicate the table and turn it into a pie chart.

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Your results should look like:

11.Save the document as Activity Sections.

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Quiz: Enhancing the presentation of reports1. What are two advantages of applying breaks to a report?

2. What is the difference between a query filter and a report filter?

3. What is the name of the feature that allows you to display only top or bottom values of thedata returned by a query?

4. When you want optimal flexibilty in creating a report filter, what is the most appropriateway to create the filter?

5. What is the name of the feature you can use to highlight results that meet or fail specificbusiness targets?

6. True or false: You can apply an alerter to tables and charts in a Web Intelligence document.

7. What are the differences between applying breaks and sections to a report?

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Use breaks, calculations• Use sorts• Format breaks and cross tabs• Use report filters• Rank data to see top or bottom values• Track data changes• Use alerters to highlight information• Organize a report into sections• Copy data to other applications

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Lesson 6Formatting Reports

Lesson introductionThis section describes how to display information in tables and charts.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Format documents• Format charts

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Formatting documentsWhen you edit a report in Web Intelligence, the Properties tab in the Report Manager allowsyou to format all the elements in a document.After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Describe the report elements that you can format using the Report Manager Properties tab• Display the Report Manager Properties tab• Modify default report properties• Modify default table properties• Modify default cell properties• Modify default section properties

Displaying the Report Manager Properties tab

You can format your documents at various levels within the body of the report. Using theReport Manager, you can choose to modify the default property settings for all levels withinthe body of the document: the reports contained within the document, the charts and tables inthe reports, and even the cells and chart elements in the tables and charts.

You choose which level you want to format in a document by clicking the appropriate part ofa report, and then changing the default settings in the Properties tab of the Report Manager.

The example below shows where you point your cursor and click in a Web Intelligencedocument, to select and format each different document element.

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To view the report properties

1. In theDocument zone, scroll to the top or bottom of the report for which you want to viewthe properties.

2. Click in the white space well above or below the report blocks, so that you select theDocument zone itself.

A large frame appears, highlighting the margins of the report.

3. Click the Properties tab of the Report Manager.

The Properties tab opens and displays the default properties set for the report you arecurrently viewing.

In theGeneral section, the title of the report you are currently viewing appears in theNamezone.

The Appearance section allows you to change the color of the report background, as wellas to see links that have been both visited and unvisited, when you have links to other webpages in this report.

4. Click the + sign next to the Page layout properties header to expand that section so that youcan see the options available.

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The Page Layout section allows you tomodify defaultmargin settings, page size and headerand footer properties for the report you are viewing.

To apply any changes in the Properties tab, you need to either press the Enter key or clickin theDocument zone.

Changing the display of the Properties tab

The Report Manager Properties tab is organized into different sections. Each section providesvarious properties settings that you canmodify, depending on the document element you haveselected.

Regardless of the report element you are formatting, you can choose to display the Propertiessections using one of following Properties tab navigation buttons.

DescriptionProperties tab button

Displays the properties in a catalog view.

Displays the properties in alphabeticalascending order.

Shows or hides text at the bottom of theReport Manager Properties tab, whichdescribes the property you have selected.

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DescriptionProperties tab button

Automatically expands all sections in theProperties tab.

Automatically collapses all sections in theProperties tab.

Modifying the default report properties

When you highlight a report in a Web Intelligence document, the Report Manager Propertiestab provides options that you can use to change the default formatting of the report.

In this exercise, you will practice using a few of the options available to you for formattingreports.

To modify the report background

1. In theDocument zone, select the report whose background you would like to change, sothat the report margins are highlighted.

2. Click the Properties tab in the Report Manager.The name of the report you are viewing appears in theName zone on the Properties tab.

3. In the Appearance section, click the Background color zone, then select the appropriatecolor from the Color drop-down list to change the color of the report background.

4. To make additional changes to the report properties, expand the relevant areas of theProperties tab by clicking the + buttons next to the properties section headings and makethe appropriate changes to the property values.

The changes made to the report properties display in the document.

Modifying the default table properties

When you highlight a table in a Web Intelligence report, the Report Manager Properties tabprovides options that allow you to change the default formatting of the selected table.

In this exercise, you will practice using a few of the options available to you for formattingtables.

To change table properties

1. In theDocument zone, select the table whose properties youwant to change by positioningyour cursor just outside the table until a gray border appears, and then clicking the border.

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2. Select the Properties tab of the Report Manager.

The Report Manager displays the table properties in the Properties tab.

3. To make changes to the table properties, expand the relevant areas of the Properties tab byclicking the + buttons next to the properties section headings and make the appropriatechanges to the property values.

The changes made to the table properties display in the document.

Modifying the default cell properties

When you highlight a cell in aWeb Intelligence document, theReportManager Properties tabprovides options that allow you to change the default formatting of the selected cell.

For example, you can change the height andwidth of a cell to improve the legibility of the datait contains.

To change the cell properties

1. In theDocument zone, click a cell in any table row or column, or any column header cell.

If you click a cell in a row or column, all the cells in the row or column are highlighted ingray to show that the data is selected. If you click a column header, only the header cell ishighlighted to show that only the header cell is selected.

Note: To modify the properties of several cells, rows, or columns at once, click the first celland then while holding the Ctrl key, click the other cells/rows/columns you would like tomodify. All the selected cells, rows, and columns are highlighted.

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2. Click the Properties tab of the Report Manager.

The Report Manager displays the cell properties in the Properties tab.

3. To make changes to the cell properties, expand the relevant areas of the Properties tab byclicking the + buttons next to the properties section headings and make the appropriatechanges to the property values.

The changes made to the cell properties display in the selected row or column in thedocument.

Note: If you make changes in the cell height in a column, these changes are applied to thewhole table, not just the selected cell. This maintains the visual balance of the report.Similarly, if youmake changes to the width of cells in a row, the changes apply to the wholetable, not just the selected row.

Note: The default text for header cells is the variable or object name. The header cell namescan be modified using the Formula toolbar which is accessed from the Report toolbar.

To insert a page number in the report footer

1. Click theResultsView button on theReporting toolbar to view the document in page layoutmode.

2. Click the Templates tab of the Report Manager.

3. Click + to expand the Free-Standing Cells folder.

4. Click + to expand the Page Number Cells folder.

The Page Number Cell templates are displayed in the Templates tab.

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Scroll to the bottom of the document to display the area of the report where you want toposition the page number.

6. Click in the white area beneath the page margins.

The Footer zone is highlighted.

7. Drag the Page Number template to the bottom of the page and drop it in the page footer.

The page numbers appear in the footer of your document.

Modifying the default section properties

When you highlight a section in aWeb Intelligence document, theReportManager Propertiestab provides options that allow you to change the default formatting of the selected section.

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To change the section format

1. In a sectioned report, click just below a block to select the section.

A dotted gray line appears above the section header and frames the entire section, to indicatethat the section is selected.

2. Click the Properties tab of the Report Manager.

The Properties tab displays the section properties.

3. To make changes to the section properties, expand the relevant areas of the Properties tabby clicking the + buttons next to the area headings and make the appropriate changes tothe property values.

The changes made to the section properties display in the document.

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Preparing documents for PDF and printing

When you prepare documents for a PDF file or printing, you can use the properties at variouslevels of your document to ensure that the data displays on the page in a way that is easy toview and interpret.

For example, you can use the properties to:• Avoid page breaks in a block.• Ensure that sections start on new pages.

Activity: Formatting and printing reports


• In this activity you apply different formatting options to your report to structure your dataand present it in a clear and readable manner.


1. Create a new document showing State, Year, Quarter, and Sales revenue.

2. Insert a section on Year andQuarter.

3. Insert a sum total for eachQuarter and Year using white text on a blue background.

4. Insert a Vertical Group bar chart to show Sales revenue by State at the level ofQuarter.

5. Save the document as Activity Formatting Reports.

6. Insert another report in the same document showing Sales revenue by Year, Quarter, andMonth.

Note: You'll need to addMonth to your data provider.

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7. Insert a break on Year andQuarter.

8. Insert a sum on Sales revenue.

9. At the report level, change the margins to 100 pxwith a landscape page orientation.

10.At the table level, format the alternating rows to display in light yellow.

11.At the cell level, adjust the column widths of all columns. Display the Year value in boldred text with a yellow background.Your table should look similar to this:

12.Insert another report in the same document showing Year, Quarter,Month, State, Storename, and Sales revenue.You need to add Store name to your data provider.

13.Click the Switch Page/Quick Display button to view how the report appears on a printedor PDF page.

14.Insert a break on Year.

15.For the Year column, select the option Avoid page breaks in table.You find this option on the Properties tab under Breaks, then Page layout.

16.Insert a section on State.

17.At the section level, select Start on new page for each state.

18.Select the option Repeat break value on every new page for Year.

19.Insert a break on Quarter and select the Avoid page breaks in table for Quarter.

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The beginning of your report should look similar to this:

20.Save the report.

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Formatting chartsLike reports, tables and cells, charts are composed of a number of elements that can be formattedseparately. Web Intelligence XI provides all the chart formatting features that you are familiarwith when creating professional reports.

In this section of the lesson, you explore a few of the chart formatting features that are available.After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Change the default properties for a bar chart• Change the default properties for a pie chart

Looking at the chart properties

The chart Properties tab allows you to change the default formatting of a chart.

To look at the chart properties

1. In a report containing a chart, click the chart to select it.

A gray border appears around the chart to indicate that it is selected.

2. Click the Properties tab.

The Properties tab opens and displays the default properties set for the chart you haveselected.

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The Properties tab allows you to change the default formatting of the chart.

Formatting a bar chart

You can use the Properties tab to format a bar chart so that it is more attractive and easier toread.

To change bar chart properties

1. In theDocument zone, click the chart whose properties you would like to modify.

2. To modify the height and width of the chart, click + next toDisplay in the Properties tab,and then adjust theHeight andWidth values as required.

3. To modify the text format in the chart:a. Click + in the X Axis or Y Axis zones to expand the X Axis or Y Axis properties.b. In the Text Format zone, click the Browse button to display the Text formatting dialog

box.c. Adjust the default font size as required.

4. ClickOK.

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The values selected are updated to reflect the changes.

To display the value for each bar

1. With a bar chart selected in theDocument zone, click the Properties tab.

2. In theAppearance zone, click + next toData, then click + next toValues to expand theDataValues properties.

3. In Show data values, click Yes.

The data values appear above each bar in the chart.

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Formatting a pie chart

You can use the Properties tab to format a pie chart so that it is more attractive and easier toread.

To change pie chart settings

1. In theDocument zone, click the pie chart whose display settings you want to modify.

A gray border appears around the pie chart to indicate that it is selected.

2. Click the Properties tab.

The Properties tab opens and displays the default properties set for the pie chart you haveselected.

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3. In theDisplay zone, adjust theHeight andWidth of the pie chart as required.

4. To display a background color behind the pie chart, in theAppearance zone, click Yes nextto the Show floor option.

Note: To change the color of the chart background, make changes to theWall color setting.

To display the data values

1. In theDocument zone, click the pie chart whose data values you want to display.

A gray border appears around the chart to indicate that it is selected.

2. Click the Properties tab.

The Properties tab opens and displays the default properties set for the chart you haveselected.

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3. Click + next to theData zone to expand theData values properties.

4. In the Values zone, click Yes next to the Show data option.

The data values appear as labels as shown below:

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5. To display the data values as percentages, in the Values zone, click Yes next to the Showas percentages option.

The percentages appear as labels for the pie sections as shown below:

Activity: Formatting charts


• Format a chart in a document.


1. Create a new query withQuantity sold, State and Year.

2. Add a Query Filter to the State object for California, Colorado, andDC.

3. Run the query.

4. Drag the Vertical Grouped Bar chart template onto the document on top of the verticaltable.

5. Format the Vertical Grouped Bar chart as follows:• Adjust theWidth andHeight of the chart.

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• Display the legend (Years).• Remove the axis names State andQuantity sold.

6. Insert a new report and create a Vertical Stacked Area chart showingQuantity sold byState and Year. Format the chart as follows:• Adjust theWidth andHeight of the chart.• Display the legend to the left of the chart.• Remove the axis names State andQuantity sold.• Show the chart grid.• Show the chart data values in a Bold, dark blue, 10 point font size.• Add a chart title of Vertical Stacked Area Chart.

Your chart should look like the example below.

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7. Insert a new report and create a 3D Pie chart showingQuantity Sold by Year. Format thechart as follows:• Adjust theWidth andHeight of the chart.• Show theQuantity sold data values as percentages.• Create a background color of dark gray andQuantities sold chart data in white.

Your chart should look like the example below.

8. Save the document as Activity Format Charts.

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Quiz: Formatting reports1. What part of the Report Manager is used for formatting a document and its reports?

2. What document elements can I modify using the Properties tab of the Report Manager?

3. How do you access the default properties for the report section you want to format?

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Format documents• Format charts

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Lesson 7Calculating Data with Formulas and Variables

Lesson introductionThis lesson describes how to use formulas to display information or calculate data that youcannot retrieve by using the existing objects in the universe. It also explains how to define aformula as a document variable, so that the formula is available for use in other reports andblocks of data in the document.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Explain formulas and variables• Use formulas and variables

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Explaining formulas and variablesYou can add custom calculations to reports bywriting a formula thatWeb Intelligence evaluateswhen you run the report. A formula can consist of data objects, functions, operators, andcalculation contexts. You can create formulas directly in a report cell, but it is often better tosave a formula as a variable. By saving a formula as a variable you can reuse it throughout thereports in a document without needing to retype it.After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Define formulas and variables• Explain the advantage of saving a formula as a variable• Explain how to get online help on Web Intelligence functions


A formula is a complex calculation that you create to display data that is not retrieved byexisting objects in the universe. You can add formulas in two ways:• Type or drag and drop the formula components into the Formula toolbar.• Use the Formula Editor to build the formula.

The first way is more suitable for experienced users. If you are not familiar with formulas, youshould use the Formula Editor to build them. The Formula Editor is an interface that allowsyou to select the different components of your formula (operators, objects) and add them to it.

You can also use the Formula Editorwhen you are viewing a Web Intelligence document inInfoView, in Interactivemode.

Use a formula when you require a calculation for a table and do not need to use it again.


A variable is a formula that you save with a name and, based on the formula, a qualificationis automatically assigned to it. It acts as an object in the document, and is displayed in theDatatab in the Report Manager just like any other data object. You can then use the variable as youwould any object: to display the results of the calculation in multiple blocks and reportsthroughout the Web Intelligence document.

The advantage to saving a formula as a variable is that you can reuse the formula withouthaving to enter it each time. Variables are defined according to the formula you enter whenyou create them, but they behave like standard objects in the query and document. They aresaved in the document and so can be used in any report within the document.

Variables are useful when you require a calculation and plan to use it more than once and indifferent blocks and report tabs within your document.

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Getting online Help

At any moment, you can access the Web Intelligence online help about creating formulas, aswell as about saving them as variables in the report. The online Help includes a complete listof all the functions that are available for creating formulas in Web Intelligence, as well asexamples on how to use them.

To get online Help on creating formulas

1. From an open document, click theHelpmenu.

2. SelectWeb Intelligence Help from the drop-down menu.

3. In theWeb Intelligence Help list of Contents, open the Performing calculations on databook folder.

4. Open the Calculations, formulas and variables book folder.

5. Open theWorking with formulas book folder.

6. Open the The Formula toolbar book folder.

7. Click the To build a formula using the Formula Editor topic.

The topic contains a procedure for creating formulas in the Formula Editor.

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8. To get helpwith the different functions availablewithinWeb Intelligence, open the Functionsand formulas book folder in the Contents pane.

9. Open theWeb Intelligence functions book folder.

The screen displays links to help with each of the functions available in Web Intelligencefor creating formulas.

10.To see the list of date and time functions, click theDate and Time functions link.A page displays containing links to information about each of the date and time functions.

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11.To see detailed information about theDaysBetween function, click theDaysBetween link.

This page gives you the syntax to use with theDaysBetween function and an example ofhow to use it in a formula.

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Using formulas and variablesThere are many different reasons why youmay choose to create variables and define formulasthat calculate and display data in your report that you cannot retrieve using the objects in theuniverse.

In this section, you learn threemethods for creating newvariables and their associated formulas:• Creating a variable that captures the user's response to a prompt when he or she refreshes

the report, and then displaying that value in a cell or other element in the report.• Creating a variable that calculates data, and then projecting the calculation in a new column.• Using document functions to create a variable that displays information about your

document, such as the author and document name in a report.

Note: When you create a formula, you always begin with the equal (=) sign and report objectsalways appear inside square brackets.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Create a variable that captures the user's response to a prompt• Create a variable to calculate sales tax• Modify a variable• Delete a variable• Create a variable from document functions

Creating a variable as a response to a prompt

If you create a report that prompts users to select the values on which they want to filter thereport data, you can also create a formula that allows you to use the user selected prompt valuesin the title of the report.

To create a prompted filter in a report

1. Build a query with a filter that uses a prompt.

2. Click Run Query.

The Prompts box opens, displaying the list of values returned for the selected object.

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3. Double-click the value on which you would like to run the report.

4. Click Run Query.

The report displays data concerning the value you selected, and automatically inserts a cellcalled Report Title.

5. Save the document.

To create a formula to capture the response to the prompt

Note: To successfully create a formula, youmust enter the exact prompt value text that you enteredwhen you created the prompt. The data provider has stored that value and the text you enter in theformula must match it exactly for the formula to be valid. Before you create the formula, you may

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want to edit the prompt and copy the prompt value text into a text file from which you can copy itwhen you create the formula.

1. In a report that uses a prompted query filter, click the Report Title cell.

A gray border appears around the cell to show that is selected.

2. On the Reporting toolbar, click Show/Hide Formula Toolbar.

The formula toolbar appears above theDocument zone.

3. On the Formula toolbar, click Formula Editor.

The Formula toolbar expands to display the Formula Editor.

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In the Formula Editor, you define the characteristics of a formula by selecting data objects,functions and operators from the lists in the tabs. The formula appears in the Formula textzone as you type it.

4. Press the Backspace key to delete Report Title.

5. Type = (equal sign) to start the formula definition.

6. Type the text you want to appear before the prompt value in the report title. The text mustbe surrounded by quotes. For example:"Quarterly Revenues for "

7. In theOperators list, double-click + (plus sign).

8. In the Functions list, click - to collapse the All folder.

9. Click + to expand the Data Provider folder.

10.Double-click UserResponse.

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11.Within the parenthesis, type the prompt text you used when you created the prompt. Thetext must be surrounded by quotes. For example:

"Enter value(s) for State:"

The text must match the prompt text exactly and is case-sensitive.

12.Click Validate to check the syntax of the formula.


The Report Title cell in theDocument zone displays the title you created as a formula andalso displays the value of the object you last selected in your prompt.

14.Refresh the report selecting a different state. Notice that the title updates automatically.

15.Save the document.

To define the formula as a variable in the document

1. In theDocument zone, select the cell containing the formula youwant to define as a variable.

2. From the Formula toolbar, click Create Variable.

The Create Variable box opens.

3. In theName field, type a variable name.

4. In theQualification field, select the appropriate value.

5. Verify that the formula shown in the Formula box matches the formula in the cell youselected.

6. ClickOK.

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The formula is given a variable name.

The variable now appears in the list of variables in theData tab and can be used in the samemanner as universe-based objects.

7. Refresh the document and select a different prompt value.The title changes to reflect the name of the value you selected.

8. Save the document.

Creating a variable to calculate sales tax

When you create a formula that you want to be able to easily reuse in a document, you needto save it as a variable.

To insert a row or column in a table

1. In theDocument zone, right-click a cell in a row or column beside, above, or below whereyou want to insert a new row or column.

The row or column is highlighted in gray to indicate that it is selected, and the contextmenudisplays.

2. In the context menu, click the arrow to the right of the Insert button.

A drop-down menu appears that allows you to insert columns before and after or rowsabove and below the cell you selected.

3. Click the appropriate item in the drop-down menu.

A column or row is inserted in the location you selected.

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4. Save the document.

To define a formula and project calculated data in a new row orcolumn

1. In theDocument zone, select the empty row or column in which you want to project thedata.

2. On the Formula toolbar, click Formula Editor to define the formula for the data you wantto display in the row or column.

3. In theData area, double-click the measure on which you want to insert a calculation.

The equal sign (=) is automatically inserted in the Formula text box to begin the formula,and the object you selected appears in brackets.

4. In theOperators area, double-click the appropriate operator for the calculation.

5. Complete the formula in the Formula text box.

Your formula should look similar to this:

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6. Click the Validate button to validate that the formula is correct.

7. In the Formula Editor, clickOK.

The Formula Editor closes and the report displays again in theDocument zone. The newrow or column displays data that reflects the values calculated by the formula.

8. Save the document.

To define the formula as a variable

1. Click the row or column in which you have used the formula you would like to save as avariable.

2. On the Formula toolbar, click Create Variable.

The Create Variable box displays.

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Note: Because you selected the column or row that displays the calculated data, thecalculation formula appears automatically in the Formula text box.

3. In theName field, type the name of the variable.

4. In theQualification field, ensure that the qualification is set correctly.

Note: When you create text- (or dimension-) based formula and convert it to a variable, thevariable automatically takes the Dimension value in theQualification field. When youcreate a numeric formula and convert it to a variable, the variable automatically takes theMeasure value in theQualification field.

5. In the Formula area, verify that the formula is correct.

The Create Variablewindow should look similar to the one below.

6. ClickOK.

The Variable Editor closes and the updated table appears in theDocument zone.

7. Verify that theData tab is selected in the Report Manager.

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The new object that you created appears in theData tab along with the other objects andvariables.

8. Save the document.

To name or rename a column or row header

1. Click the column or row header you want to rename.

2. Click the Properties tab in the Report Manager.

The Properties tab displays default properties for the cell.

3. In theGeneral section, next to the Text zone, type the new header name.

4. Click anywhere outside the Cell Format box to accept the new text.

The new name displays in the column or row header.

5. Save the document.

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To create a variable

1. From the Reporting toolbar, click Variable Editor.

2. In theName field, type the variable name.

3. Under Formula, enter the formula that defines the variable.

4. Click the green check mark above the formula to validate what you have entered.

TheQualification value automatically changes to suit the formula.

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5. ClickOK. The Variable Editor closes.The variable now appears on theData tab. You can add it to your document by draggingand dropping the variable.

6. Save the document.

Modifying and deleting a variable

To modify or delete a variable, start by selecting the variable in theData tab in the ReportManager.

To modify a variable

1. Select the variable in the list of report variables.

2. Click the right mouse button and click Edit Variable on the shortcut menu.The Variable Editor appears.

3. Edit the variable.

4. ClickOK to save the new variable definition.

To delete a variable

1. Select the variable in the list of report variables.

2. Click the right mouse button and clickDelete on the shortcut menu.

Note: If the variable you are trying to delete is used in a report, a message box warns thatthis variable is used in reports in the document. Click Yes to delete the variable.

3. Click Yes to delete.Any values using the variable are removed from the report.

4. Save the document.

Creating a variable from document functions

You can use document functions to create a variable that displays information about yourdocument, such as the author and document name in a report.

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To display the author's name as a variable in the report

1. Click the Templates tab in the Report Manager.

2. Click + to expand the Free-Standing Cells folder.

3. Click + to expand Formula and Text Cells .

4. From the Formula and Text Cells options, dragBlankCell on to theDocument zonewhereyou want information on your document displayed.

5. Click the blank cell and resize it as necessary.

6. Verify that the Show/Hide Formula Toolbar is displayed.

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The Formula Toolbar appears above theDocument zone.

7. From the Formula Toolbar, click Formula Editor.

The Formula Editor opens.

8. In the Functions area, click - to collapse the All folder, then click + to expand the Documentfolder.

9. Double-clickDocumentAuthor to insert this function in the Formula text box.

The function selected appears in the Formula text box.

10.Click Validate to check the syntax of the formula.


The Formula Editor closes and the new cell in theDocument zone displays the usernameof the document's author.

12.Save the document.

To display the document name as a variable in the report

1. Click the Templates tab in the Report Manager.

2. Click + to expand the Free-Standing Cells folder.

3. Click + to expand Free-Standing Cells.

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4. From the Free-Standing Cells options, dragDocument name onto theDocument zonewhere you want information on your document displayed.

5. Save the document.

Activity: Creating formulas and variables


• Create a new document that includes a table, prompt, ratio formula, variable, and title cellto display the results from the prompt.


1. Create a new document showingMargin andQuantity sold by Product Lines.

2. Add a column to the table.

3. In the new column, create a formula to display the ratio forMargin andQuantity Sold.(Ratio = Margin/Quantity Sold)

4. Format the column cell header to display Ratio.

5. Save the formula as a variable.

6. Create a prompted query filter on State.

7. Insert a formula in the report title cell to show the State chosen from the prompt. Refreshthe document forNew York.Your results should look like:

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8. Save the document as Activity Formulas.

9. Create a cell showing the name of your document in the report header.

10.Save the document again.

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Quiz: Creating formulas and variables1. Describe the two ways of adding formulas to a report.

2. What are the advantages of using variables?

3. How do you check a formula to make sure the syntax is valid?

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Explain formulas and variables• Use formulas and variables

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Lesson 8Using Multiple Data Sources

Lesson introductionThis lesson describes howWeb Intelligence allows you to include blocks of data from differentdata sources in a single document. It presents concepts of data synchronization, the ability tomerge data from multiple sources into a single block in a document.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Synchronize data from multiple data sources• Create multiple queries in a document• Synchronize data with merged dimensions• Use a personal data provider as a data source

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Synchronizing data from multiple data sourcesYou can include one ormore queries in a singleWeb Intelligence document.When you includemultiple queries, those queries can be based on a single universe or on multiple universesavailable to you in InfoView.

You can also include data in your document that you retrieve from data files, such as Excelspreadsheets, text files and CSV files. These data sources are known as local data providers.

For example, in your organization you may use one universe to access data on product linesales. You also use another universe to access customer data. Typically one universe is builtfor each functional area. Therefore, if you were working with both sales data and customerdemographics, chances are good that the data would come from two separate universes.

You want to present product line sales results and information on customer age groups in thesame report. To do this, you create a single document that includes data retrieved by twoqueries; each query is built using a different universe. You can then include and format theresults from both queries in the same report.• The system administrator assigns rights for access to specific universes.

After completing this unit you will be able to:

• Understand concepts of data synchronization

Working with multiple data providers

When you run a query against a single data source, the results of the query are stored in thedocument's microcube, and the query is identified as a data provider. You can also retrievedata using local data files, such as such as Excel spreadsheets, text files and CSV files. All ofthese data sources, queries as well as local data files, are known as "data providers" in WebIntelligence.

Each data provider only holds data from a single data source.

This is very useful when you want to include data from several sources in a single document- irrespective of the format of the original source. It also means you can present relatedinformation in a way that helps you compare or analyze data more meaningfully.

Once the basic report is built with blocks of related data, you can compare and contrast theinformation in a single table, add calculations across data sources, create new variables anddevelop the analysis further.

The following graphic is an illustration of this concept:

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• Blocks 1 and 2 are different views of the data provider created by a single query using theUniverse A.

• Block 3 displays a view of the data provider created by a second query using the UniverseA.Adocument that displays Blocks 1, 2, and 3 is an example of combining data frommultiplequeries using a single universe.

• Block 4 displays a viewof the data provider created by a query usingUniverse B.Adocumentthat displays block 4 with blocks 1, 2, and 3, views of data from Universe A, is an exampleof combining data from multiple queries on multiple universes.

What is data synchronization?

This lesson describes how to synchronize multiple data providers in a Web Intelligence reportby merging them on common dimensions. After merging common dimensions you can placedimensions from different data providers in the same block.

Merged dimensions and data synchronization enormously increase the power and flexibilityof Web Intelligence by allowing you to synthesize data from different sources in the samereport, rather than simply including the data.

Synchronization is the term used to describe the merging of data from multiple data sourcesinto a single block in a report.

The next graphic illustrates how data frommore than one source is combined in synchronizedblocks in the same document.

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• Block 1 is created by combining data from two different data providers which contain theresults of queries using the Universe A.

• Block 2 is created by combining data fromdata providerswhich contain the results of queriesusing both Universe A and Universe B.

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Creating multiple queries in a documentIn this unit, you will learn to project data from several queries into multiple data blocks in aWeb Intelligence document.After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Project data from a single query in different report blocks• Project data from more than one query using a single universe• Set options to automatically merge dimensions with the same name• Project data from queries using multiple universes and personal data sources

Projecting data from a single query in different blocks

You can use multiple blocks of data to project different views of data from a single query. Forexample, in this image, Block 1 and Block 2 show different sets of data retrieved from the samequery, and the same universe.

To project data from a single query in multiple blocks

1. Create a new document using several objects.The report now displays a single block of data.

2. Select a few of the objects from theData tab and drag them next to the first block of data intheDocument zone.The report now displays two blocks of data. The first shows all the objects in the query, andthe second shows data involving only those objects you just dragged to theDocument zone.

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Both blocks were built using data from a single query.

3. Save the document.

Projecting data from multiple queries using a single universe

If the document contains a set of data returned by an existing query, you have already seenhow to edit the query to include more objects, and expand the data contained in the dataprovider.

You can also choose to add a second query to the document, select different objects from thesame universe, and expand the document's data by using two separate data providers.

To project data from two queries in multiple blocks

1. Click Edit Query to begin adding the second query.TheQuery panel displays.

2. Click the Add Query button on the toolbar.

The Add Query dialog box displays.

3. Select Universe and clickNext.

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The Universe dialog box displays.

4. Select the appropriate universe for the second query.

5. ClickOK.

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A second tab appears in theQuery panel. Note that at the bottom of the panel, there aretwo tabs now:Query 1 andQuery 2. You can use these tabs to toggle back and forth betweenthe two query definitions.

6. Change the default name ofQuery 2 using one of the following methods:

• Click the Properties tab, type a name for the query in theName field, and press theReturn key to replace the default name of this query.

• Right-click the query tab, selectRenameQuery, type a name for the query and press theReturn key to replace the default name of this query.

7. In theName field, type a query name and press the Return key to replace the default nameof this query.

8. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Run Queries button.

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The drop-down menu allows you to decide if you want to run only one of the queries inthe document, or all of them at once. It is a best practice to only run the relevant query.Running all queries can negatively impact the data retrieval time and the accuracy of thedata across multiple data providers.

9. From the Run Queries drop-down menu, select the query or queries you want to run.

TheNew Query dialog box displays. The options to include the data from the new queryin the report are listed.

10.When the query is not the first query in the document, specify in theNew Query box howits data will be displayed.


Display the data on a new report in the document.Insert a table in a new report

Display the data on the currently selected reportin a new table.Insert a table in the current report

Include the data in the document withoutdisplaying the data on a report. (You can add theobjects returned by the query to the report later.)

Include the result objects in the documentwithoutgenerating a table

Note: Not generating a table gives youmore control over where youwant to insert the newdata.When you choose to insert a new table, you cannot determine its position in the report.It can even display on top of the existing tables.

11.In theNewQuery dialog box, select the Include the result objects in the documentwithoutgenerating a table option and clickOK.

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The objects you selected in the new query appear in theData tab.

12.In theData tab, click + next to an object that you included in both queries.The folder expands to display two objects.

This indicates that the same object has been used in two different queries. The top-levelobject is identified by a double-cubed, blue dimension icon, indicating that the two havebeen automatically merged to create a single- dimension object.

Now you are ready to project the data from both queries into a single block in the report.

13.At the bottom of theObjectswindow, click the drop-down arrow for Arranged by:Alphabetic Order.


15.The object listing changes to show the objects grouped by query.

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To project data from a merged dimension into a single block

1. Insert a new report in the document.

2. From theData tab, select all required objects, including a merged object, and drop them intheDocument zone.

The data has been retrieved by two different queries, but you are still able to combine bothin a single block of data.

About automatically merged dimensions

When you use the same object in two different queries, Web Intelligence automatically mergesthe two instances of the same object and creates a combined object, identified by thedouble-cubed dimension icon, as shown here.

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The objects are shown as combined into a single object because the Store name objects comefrom the same universe and, as a result, have the same object and universe ID.

Web Intelligence automatically merges dimensions only when the same object is used in morethan one query in a document. Ideally, a well-designed universe does not have two differentobjects of the same name, or of different data types, but if this does occur and you use them inmore than one query in a document, Web Intelligence will automatically merge them.

If you do not want Web Intelligence to automatically merge multiple instances of the sameobject in a single document, you can clear theAuto-merge dimensions option at the documentlevel, using the Document Properties pane.

In the Document Properties pane, the Auto-merge dimensions option tells Web Intelligencewhether it should automatically merge a dimensionwhen the same object is used inmore thanone query in a single document.

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When you clear this option, your change takes effect the next time you create a document withtwo queries that reference the same object.

To change the automatic merge dimension setting

1. In theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow, display theDocument Properties pane usingone of the following methods:

• Click File > Properties on theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientmenu bar.• Right-click the report tab and selectDocument Properties.

TheDocument Properties pane opens to the right of theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow.

2. Clear or select the Auto-merge dimensions option.

• Select the option to automatically merge a dimension when the same object is used inmore than one query in a single document.

• Clear the option if you do not want the dimensions to be automatically merged.

When you clear this option, the change takes effect the next time you create a documentwith two queries that reference the same object.

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Projecting data from queries using multiple universes

You have used data from a single universe to produce multiple blocks in reports. These blocksare views of data providers with data retrieved using a single universe.

You can also build a query against a different universe and include the data retrieved as a newdata provider in the document.

To display data from two data sources in multiple blocks

1. Click Edit Query to add a new query.

2. Click Add Query.

The Add Query dialog box displays.

3. Select Universe and clickNext.

The Universe dialog box displays.

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4. Select the appropriate data source for the new query.

5. ClickOK.

A new tab appears in theQuery panel.

6. In the new query tab, move the necessary objects into the Result Objects pane.

7. Click the Properties tab.

8. In theName field, type the query name and press the Return key to replace the defaultname of the first query as well.

9. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Run Queries button.

10.Select the new query from the list.

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TheNew Query dialog box displays.

11.In theNew Query dialog box, select the Include the results objects without generating atable option and clickOK.

The objects from the new query now appear in theData tab.

12.In theDocument zone, click the tab for the first report.

13.From the data tab, drag the objects for the new query to the Document zone until they arepositioned next to the existing table.A new table is inserted next to the existing table and the table from the newquery is projectedinto the new table:

14.Save the document.

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Synchronizing data with merged dimensionsIn the previous exercise, you have seen how to project data frommultiple queries in a document,from both single and multiple universes.

So far, you have not tried to merge data from different data sources into a single block (tableor chart). To do this, you need to synchronize the data by merging dimensions. Because thedata comes from two different data providers, if you do not synchronize the dimensions withsimilar data, Web Intelligence cannot know in what way the data is related and your reportwill not show relevant results.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Explain why it is important to merge dimensions that retrieve related data• Synchronize data by manually merging dimensions• List rules that are important to be aware of when merging dimensions

What happens when dimensions are not synchronized

In the previous exercise, you retrieved data concerning stores, but you used two dimensionobjects that had different names, even though they retrieved similar data:• The Store name object in the "Revenue query" and the "Margin query", from the eFashion

universe.• The Store object in the "Employee query", from the eStaff universe.

Because the dimension objects come from different universes, Web Intelligence cannotautomaticallymerge the dimensions. If you try to combine data from the two objects in a singleblock, Web Intelligence will not automatically be able to interpret the relationship betweenthem.

To synchronize data with merged dimensions

1. Insert a new report in the document.

2. From the Report Manager Data tab, select the required objects for your report, includingobjectswhich come fromdifferent data sources but concern related information. For example,the Sales revenue dimension from the eFashion universe, and theNumber of Employees

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dimension from the eStaff universe both concern the same business, so it wouldmake senseto use both objects together in a report.

3. Drag the objects and drop them into the blank report space.

4. The data retrieved by these objects is projected automatically into a vertical table. However,the data is incorrect. The block is projecting data from unsynchronized queries, so WebIntelligence does not know how to properly interpret the data.

Synchronizing queries by manually merging dimensions

You can define the relationship between objects fromdifferent universes bymanuallymergingthe dimensions to synchronize the data they retrieve. Merging dimensions manually allowsyou to identify the objects that retrieve common data in both queries. After you merge thedimension, you can compare information between the queries more accurately.

To manually merge dimensions from different universes

1. In theWeb IntelligenceRichClientwindow, ensure that theReporting toolbar is displayed.

2. Optionally, to view the dimension objects available for merging with dimension you wantto merge, in theData tab, click the dimension you want to manually merge.

The object is highlighted:

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Note that all the dimension objects listed in theData tab are suddenly displayed in italics.These objects are highlighted in italics because they are all the same type of object as theselected object: that is, they are all dimension objects. Web Intelligence indicates that youcould choose to merge the selected object with any of the other dimension objects in thedocument's queries.

3. Click theMerge dimensions button on the Reporting toolbar.

TheMerge Dimensions dialog box displays.

The dimensions that are available to be merged appear in the top zone of this dialog box,categorized by the query that they belong to.

Below and to the left is a list of any merged dimensions that already exist in the document.

4. In the Available Dimensions area, select one of the dimensions you want to merge.

5. In the Available Dimensions area, click the dimension you would like to merge thepreviously selected dimension with.

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6. Optionally, click the Values button to view all the values returned by these dimensions.TheMerge dimensions dialog box expands to display all the values returned by thesedimensions. Depending on the dimension objects you are merging, the values may not beidentical, but they should be of a similar type.

7. Click theMerge button.The Edit Merged Dimension dialog box displays.

The dimensions you selected for merging are listed as the objects included in the mergedobject.

8. ClickOK to close the dialog box.

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Now, you see in theData tab that the merged dimension you created includes both of thedimensions you selected to merge.

This is known as synchronizing data using merged dimensions.

When you project data into a block using thismerged dimension, it retrieves data from bothqueries.

When you merge dimensions, Web Intelligence creates a new dimension that retrieves allthe values from all the original dimensions that make up the merged dimension.The report should appear like this:

9. Save the document.

Some rules about synchronizing with merged dimensions

Merging dimensions is the process of creating a link between two queries based on an objectwith common values so that in effect the objects become one.

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There are a number of rules to remember when merging dimensions from multiple queries:• You can only link on dimension objects, for example, Store name and Store.

• The dimension objects do not have to have the same names.• The dimension objects must have a common data format. For example, if one object is

character-based and the other numeric you cannot link the objects.

• Although the actual values do not have to be the same, all data held in a data provider iscase-sensitive, and therefore any common values must be in the same case.

• The format of the values must be the same. For example, FY04 and 2004 would be seen astwo separate values. Extra spaces in some values can also mean that the objects cannot bemerged.

• Any number of queries can be linked by common dimension objects.• Any number of dimension objects can be merged between two queries.• A measure object can be synchronized successfully only to the lowest level of detail that is

common between the two different data sources. For example, a query with Year can belinked with another query with Year andMonth. However, the synchronized block is onlyable to display data at the Year level.

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Using a personal data providerTheWeb Intelligence Rich Client application allows you to enrich corporate datawith personaldata that you upload to a document.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Upload personal data to a document• Link personal data to universe data

Using personal data

TheWeb Intelligence RichClient application allows you to upload personal data to a documentalong with corporate data. Acceptable personal data formats are:• Excel• Text• CSV

Note: When a query is based on a personal data file and you refresh the query, Web IntelligenceRich Client searches for the personal data file in specific files. When Web Intelligence Rich Clientdoes not find the data file in one of the following locations, an error message displays:• The folder where the local data file was stored when the data provider was created.• The same folder as the Web Intelligence document.• The default user document folder (C:\Documents and Settings\%currentUser%\My

Documents\My Business Objects Documents\userDocs).

To upload personal data to a document

1. How you upload personal data depends on whether you are creating the first query in adocument or adding a query to an existing document:

• To create a new document and its first query, clickDocument ➤ New .• To add a query to a document that already contains at least one query, from the document,

click the Edit Query button in the toolbar and theAddQuery button in theQuery Panel.

2. In the Add Query dialog box, select the Local data source option and clickNext.

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The PDP dialog box appears.

3. In the PDP dialog box, click Browse and select your personal data provider.Depending on the format of your personal data file, thePDPdialog box displays the optionsthat you can define for the data and display.

For a Text or CSV file, the following dialog box appears:

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For an Excel file, the following dialog box appears:

4. Select the values for these options.

5. To display the column heading for your data in the first row of your report, select First rowcontains column names.

6. ClickNext.

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TheQuery panel displays.

In theQuery panel, you see:• In theResult Objects panel, objects corresponding to the column of data in your personal

data provider.• AData Sample panel that displays some of the data in your personal data provider.• TheObject Properties panel where you can define the objects from your personal data


7. To define an object, select it in theResult Objects panel and, in theObject Properties panel,select the appropriate qualification.

8. Click Run Query.Your personal data displays in your Web Intelligence document.

9. Save the document.

Linking personal data to universe data

Generally, personal data allows you to supplement the data from the universe with additional,pertinent information. In some cases, the data from the universe and a local data provider ismost meaningful when you can present it in a single table or data block.

Just aswhen you combine data from separate universes, you need to synchronize the data froma universe and local data provider. You can use theMerge Dimensions dialog box to selectcommon dimensions from queries on different data sources and merge them into a singledimension.

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Remember that the dimensions must be the same data type and retrieve semantically-relateddata in order for them to qualify as merged dimensions.

To link personal data to universe data

You can merge the data from a personal data provider with data from a universe from withinthe document that contains objects from these data sources.1. In theData tab, click the dimension you would like to merge with a dimension from a local

data source or universe.

2. Click theMerge dimensions button on the Reporting toolbar.

TheMerge Dimensions dialog box displays.

3. In the Available Dimensions area, select one of the dimensions you want to merge.

4. In the Available Dimensions area, click the dimension with which you want to merge thedimension previously selected.

5. Optionally, click Values to view all the values returned by these dimensions.

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TheMerge dimensions dialog box expands to display all the values returned by thesedimensions. Depending on the dimension objects you are merging, the values may not beidentical, but they should be of a similar type.

6. ClickMerge.The Edit Merged Dimension dialog box displays.

The dimensions you selected for merging are listed as the objects included in the mergedobject.

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7. ClickOK to close the dialog box.

Now, you see in theData tab that the merged dimension you created includes both of thedimensions you selected to merge.

This is known as synchronizing data using merged dimensions.

When you project data into a block using thismerged dimension, it retrieves data from bothqueries.

When you merge dimensions, Web Intelligence creates a new dimension that retrieves allthe values from all the original dimensions that make up the merged dimension.

8. Save the document.

Activity: Synchronizing data


• Create a new document and synchronize data from two different data providers.

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1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query that shows Sales revenue per State.

3. Run the query to view your results.

4. Add a new query to the document using the eStaff universe.

5. Build a query that shows the Salary by State.

6. Run new query so that a new table is inserted in the existing report.

7. Synchronize the data so that you can display both the Sales revenue and Salary per Statein a single data block.Your third table should look like:

8. Save your document as Activity MultiDP.

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Quiz: Using multiple data sources1. What term describes the ability to combine blocks of data from different data sources in a

single report document?

2. How do you combine data from multiple sources into a single block?

3. What is the term to describe where the results of a query run against a universe are stored?

4. Where can you change automatic merge dimension settings for a specific document?

5. True or False: You can only merge dimensions that have a common data format.

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Synchronize data from multiple data sources• Create multiple queries in a document• Synchronize data with merged dimensions• Use a personal data provider

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Lesson 9Analyzing Data

Lesson introductionThis section describes how to create documents that you or other users can analyze in drillmode.

When viewing data at a high summary level, you may also want to analyze the data at lowerlevels to identify the trends or reasons behind that data. By drilling through data, you canquickly and precisely move through data hierarchies to view details at lower levels.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Analyze the data cube• Drill in a Web Intelligence document• Set Web Intelligence drill options

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Analyzing the data cubeDrill mode is a feature that allows you to view data from different levels of detail and zoomin on different trends. If aWeb Intelligence document has been enabled for drill analysis, usersviewing the document either in InfoView or in theWeb Intelligence Rich Client can drill downto get more details on one of the data objects used in a table or chart.After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Describe how data retrieved by a query is stored in the document data cube• Explain scope of analysis

About the Web Intelligence data cube

The data that is returned by a query is stored in the document’s data provider. It is convenientto visualize the returned data as being organized as a cube. In your document, the data isdisplayed as a table. The table is a flat two-dimensional view of the data cube.

Each of the columns in a table represents an axis in the cube. You can edit the document byswapping and manipulating the data within the cube on any axis. When you swap or changedata between different axes, the new result is again projected as a flat table in the resultingdocument.

The data stored in the cube allows you to create a report that corresponds to your businessneeds without having to send another query to the database.

If you want to add information to the document that is not in the data provider, then youmustadd the object to the query and run the query again to get the new information.

What is scope of analysis?

The scope of analysis for a query is extra data that you can retrieve from the database to givemore details about the data returned by each of the objects in the query. This extra data does

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not appear in the initial document results, but it remains available in the data provider, so thatat any time, you can pull this data into the report to allow you to accessmore detail. This processof refining the data to lower levels of detail is called drilling down on an object.

In a BusinessObjects universe, the scope of analysis corresponds to the hierarchical levels belowthe object selected for a query. For example, a scope of analysis of one level down for the objectYear, would include theQuarter object, which appears immediately under Year.

You can set the scope of analysis level when you build a query. It allows objects lower downthe hierarchy to be included in the query,without them actually appearing in theResultObjectspane. The hierarchies built in a universe allow you to choose your scope of analysis, andcorrespondingly the level of drill available.

You can also create a custom scope of analysis by selecting specific dimensions in the Scopeof Analysis pane.

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Drilling in a Web Intelligence documentThe term drill mode in Web Intelligence refers to two related activities:• Setting up aWeb Intelligence document so that you and other users can analyze the reports

in drill mode.• Viewing the document in drill mode, either in one of the Web Intelligence report panels or

while viewing the document in InfoView, and analyzing the data at different levels of detail.

In this unit, you will learn how to create documents so that they are drillable, by yourself orby other users.After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Build a drillable document• Drill down in a data hierarchy while viewing a document• Take a snapshot of the drill report• Drill in charts

Building a drillable document

You can only build drillable documents if your BusinessObjects system administrator hasauthorized your user account to create documents using drill mode.

To build a drillable document

1. Create a new document.

2. In theQuery panel, click the Show/Hide Scope of Analysis Pane button.The Scope of Analysis zone opens just below theQuery Filters zone in theQuery panel.

3. If necessary, resize theQuery Filters pane and the Scope of Analysis pane by clicking anddragging the borders so that you can view the objects displayed there. By default, the levelof the scope of analysis for this query is set toNone.

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The Scope of Analysis pane displays the hierarchical dimension objects from the ResultObjects pane.

Note: The objects included in the Scope of Analysis pane are the dimension objects in yourResult Objects pane that are part of a hierarchy in the universe.

4. Click theDisplay by hierarchies option located below theData tab pane.

TheHierarchies view shows all the predefined hierarchies that have been defined in theuniverse.

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5. Expand the hierarchy folders to see how the universe objects are organized in hierarchies.

6. In the Scope of Analysis pane, click the drop-down arrow to display the menu options.A list of levels appears in the drop-down list.

7. Select the appropriate number of drillable levels for the report from the Scope of Analysisdrop-down list.

All the objects that are at the selected number of hierarchical levels below the dimensionobjects you selected for your query appear in the Scope of Analysis pane.

When you run the query, only the objects you selected for the query appear in the table thatis generated. The remaining objectswill appear in theData tab, but theywill not be projectedinto the report automatically.

Thismeans that the documentwill containmore data than is shown in the report. The querywill retrieve values for all the objects in the Scope of Analysis pane. That data will beavailable for your analysis, though it is not displayed immediately in the table.

8. Click Run Query.

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TheQuery panel closes and values retrieved display in a vertical table.

Note: The objects listed in the document'sData tab include all objects referenced by thelevel chosen for the scope of analysis. The values returned by those objects are not yetprojected in the report but are available in the document for drill down.

Note: Inmost circumstances, it'smore effective to use a cross tab table to display informationfor drilling.

9. To change the table into a cross tab, click outside the table to highlight it, right-click thehighlighted gray border around the table and select Turn To from the shortcut menu.

10.Select Crosstab from the Tables tab of the Turn To box.

11.ClickOK.The block has been changed to a Cross tab table.

12.Save the document.

Drilling down in the data in a hierarchy

You must activate drill mode to be able to drill down the data in the hierarchy of a drillablereport.

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To activate drill mode

1. With a drillable document open, click theDrill button on the Report toolbar.

All the values in the cells appear underlined with hypertext links. These hypertext linksallow you to drill down the hierarchies to see data at a more detailed level.

2. Position your mouse pointer over the cell you would like to drill on.

A tooltip appears below the hypertext link displaying the next level of detail in this hierarchyof data.

3. Click the cell to drill down to the next level of data.

The table is refreshed to display rows of data applicable only to the cell selected and at thenext level of the hierarchy.

Note: An arrow displays next to the drilled-down data. To drill back up, simply click onthe arrows beside each cell.

As you are drilling, a new toolbar appears at the top of the document, called theDrill toolbar.This toolbar displays the values you have selected to drill down into more detail.

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To drill across data in a hierarchy

1. After drilling down in a report, click the drop-down arrow in theDrill toolbar to view theother values you can drill across to.

2. From the drop-down list, select the value you would like to drill across to.The report displays data concerning the value you selected.

To drill down two hierarchies at once

1. In a drillable report, position your cursor over a cell in a row or column displaying valuesfor a measure object, for example Sales revenue.

Note: Clicking in a cell displaying a dimension value will only drill down for the selecteddimension. Clicking in a cell displaying ameasure value allows you to drill downonmultiplehierarchies at once.

A tooltip appears to indicate that by clicking the cell, you drill down on multiple values atonce.

2. Click the cell to drill down.

To edit the scope of analysis

When you are drilling on a hierarchy, you may discover that you need to drill to a lower levelthan you had previously allowed for when setting the scope of analysis.

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1. Edit the scope of analysis by returning to theQuery panel and changing the level of detailthat you defined in the Scope of Analysis pane.

Taking a snapshot of the drill report

You can save a version of your drilled results by taking a snapshot of the report. This is usefulif you want to isolate certain drilled results, but continue working in drill mode.

When you take a snapshot, Web Intelligence inserts a new report after your last report in thedocument. You can continue working in your current report, but can switch to the snapshotby clicking the new report tab.

The snapshot button appears next to theDrill button in theReporting toolbar. It is only availablewhen you are viewing a report in Drillmode.

When you take a snapshot, Web Intelligence inserts a new report after your last report in thedocument. The new report is a sectioned, filtered report which you can modify. You can workon the new report or the drill report by clicking the relevant report tab.

To take a snapshot of your analysis

1. Click the Take Snapshot of Drilled Report button on the Reporting toolbar.

A copy of the report is inserted in the document.

Note: An additional report tab displays at the bottom of the report.

2. Click the new report tab to view the copied report.

A copy of the table is inserted in the snapshot report but without the drillable hyperlinks.

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3. Save the document.

Drilling in charts

You can drill in charts as well as in tables and cross tabs.

To drill in charts

1. Create a new query.

2. Click the Show/Hide Scope of Analysis Pane button on theQuery panel toolbar.

3. In the Scope of Analysis pane, click the drop-down arrow to display the menu options.

A list of levels appears in the drop-down list.

4. Select the appropriate number of drill levels from the drop-down list.

Note: Resize theQuery Filters and Scope of Analysis panes as needed to display all objectsin these panes.

5. Click Run Query.

6. Click the gray border around the table to select it.

7. Right-click the highlighted table.

8. Select Turn to from the shortcut menu.

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The Turn To box displays.

9. Select the type of chart you want to display and clickOK.

The table displays as a chart block.

Note: You can see from the Report ManagerData tab that additional levels of objects areavailable in the document.

10.From the Properties tab of the Report Manager, click + to expand theData section.

11.Click + to expand the Values section.

12.In the Show data zone, select the Yes check box.

The data values are displayed and identify each section in the chart.

13.ClickDrill on the Reporting toolbar.

TheDrill toolbar is displayed just above theDocument zone. The filters drop-down listappears in this area as you drill, so that you can drill across to other values at the same levelof detail.

14.Position your mouse pointer over the sections of the chart.

A tooltip appears indicating that you can drill down to the next level of detail.

15.Click the appropriate section in the chart to drill down to the next level.

The chart is refreshed and displays the drilled-down data.

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A filter drop-down list appears above the chart, which allows you to drill across to see otherdata.

16.Click the arrow next to the drop-down list and select a different value from the list.

The chart is refreshed and now breaks down the chart sections to display the new valuesselected.

Tip: Drilling down, across and up can also be accomplished from a shortcut menu thatdisplays when right-clicking on drillable data.

17.Save the document.

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Setting Web Intelligence drill optionsBefore you begin a drill session, you specify how reports will change each time you drill bysetting your drill options in theWeb Intelligence Rich Client application, in InfoView, or at thedocument level. This unit tells you:• About the drill options available to you• How to select the drill options appropriate for your analysis

When you modify your drill options, the modifications are implemented the next time youstart drill mode.After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Set general drill options• Define query drill mode• Set a Web Intelligence document to query drill mode

Setting general drill options in Web Intelligence Rich Client

TheWeb Intelligence Rich ClientOptions dialog box provides a number of settings that allowyou to determine how drill mode is activated when you view Web Intelligence documents.These settings apply when the document is opened inWeb Intelligence Rich Client, in the JavaReport Panel, or if you simply view the document in the InfoView main window.

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You can use this dialog box to set drill preferences according to the following guidelines:


Select this option if you want InfoView to create aduplicate of the current report when you launchdrill mode.

Start drill on a duplicate reportYou drill on the duplicate report. When you enddrill mode, both the original report and the drilledreport remain in the document.

Select this option if you want the current report tobecome drillable when you launch drill mode.

Start drill on the existing reportWhen you end drill mode, the report displays thedrilled values.

When you drill in a Web Intelligence report, youmay want to drill to higher- or lower-level

Prompt if drill requires additionaldata

information that is not included in the query's scopeof analysis. Select this option if you want WebIntelligence to prompt you with a message everytime a new query is necessary.

The prompt message asks you to decide whetheryou want to run the additional query or not. Inaddition, the prompt allows you to apply filters tothe extra dimensions you include in the newquery.This means you can restrict the size of the query tojust the data necessary for your analysis.

Select this option if you want Web Intelligence tosynchronize drilling across all the blocks in a report.

Synchronize drill on report blocks

The next dimension in the drill path replaces theprevious dimension in all blocks of the report, notjust the block you have selected.

If you do not select this option when drilling in areport, the drill operation is applied only in theselected block of the report.

Select this option if you do not want to display theDrill toolbar as you drill.Hide drill bar

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By default, theDrill toolbar appears at the top ofthe drilled report. It displays the value on whichyou drilled, and allows you to select other valuesto filter the results differently.

For example, if you drill down on the year 2003, thevalue 2003will appear in theDrill toolbar and thevalues displayed in the report blockwill beQ1,Q2,Q3 andQ4 for 2003.

If you change the default settings, the next time you create a Web Intelligence document anddefine the scope of analysis for drilling, the settings you defined will apply, regardless of theWeb Intelligence report panel you have chosen to use for creating documents.

To set general drill options

1. Click Tools ➤ OptionsTheOptions dialog box opens.

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2. In theOptions dialog box, click theDrilling tab.

3. Modify the default settings as required.

4. ClickOK to accept the new settings.

The next time you create a Web Intelligence document and define the scope of analysis fordrilling, the settings you definedwill apply, regardless of theWeb Intelligence report panelyou have chosen to use for creating documents.

Using query drill

When you create, edit or view a Web Intelligence document, you can set Web Intelligence todrill in “query drill” mode, which behaves differently from the standard drill mode describedso far in this lesson.

When you activate query drill, Web Intelligence drills by modifying the underlying query(adding and removing dimensions and query filters) in addition to applying drill filters.

When can you use query drill?

You use query drill when your report contains aggregate measures calculated at the databaselevel. It is designed in particular to provide a drill mode adapted to databases which containaggregate functions thatWeb Intelligence either does not support, or cannot calculate accuratelyat the report level during a drill session.

The kinds of aggregate functions that are candidates for drilling in query drill mode are:percentages, distinct counts, ranks, standard deviations and variances, running aggregates,lead and lag functions. Because query drill modifies the query at each drill operation, it ensuresthat these aggregates are recalculated by the server each time you drill.

Query drill is also useful for reducing the amount of data that Web Intelligence must storelocally during a drill session. Because query drill reduces the scope of analysis when you drillup, Web Intelligence is able to purge unnecessary data.

Understanding the impact of query drill on performance

In standard drill mode, you can drill into the detail level contained in the Scope of Analysis.Generally, when you use the standard drill mode, you do not generate and run a new querybecause the data is present in the data provider. When you drill, Web Intelligence aggregatesand displays information at the required detail level.

When you use standard drill mode, your report may store more data than the end user wantsto see. Often, a large report using the standard drill mode takes time to load, but requires onlyone refresh.

Note: When you modify the Scope of Analysis, you generate and run a new query to retrieve newdata.

However, many databases contain aggregate functions thatWeb Intelligence does not supportor cannot calculate correctly when you use the standard drill mode. For such a database, you

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can use query drill mode to use the aggregates from the database. To do this, you modify thequery and allow the server to process the aggregates at each drill level.

In query drill mode, the server processes all aggregate calculations at each level when drillingdown. Consequently, reports load faster than the report with standard drill mode and theaggregates may calculate more quickly. On the other hand, the report requires multiple queryrefreshes, depending on the detail level required.

To set query drill

1. Create a new document or edit an existing document.

2. Display theDocument Properties pane:

• Right-click the report tab at the bottom of theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindowand selectDocument Properties from the drop-down menu.

• Click File ➤ Properties.

TheDocument Properties pane appears on the right side of theWeb Intelligence RichClientwindow.

3. In theDocument Options section, select the Use query drill option.The next time you or another user switches to drill mode in this document, query drill willbe activated.

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Activity: Analyzing data


• Create a drillable document by defining a scope of analysis in the report.


1. Create a new document showing Lines and Sales revenue.

2. Define the Scope of Analysis using the Lines hierarchy to display the following levels:Category, SKU desc and Color.


When you set the scope of analysis level, select theCustom option and drag the objects youwant to include into the Scope of Analysis zone to create a custom scope.

3. Run the query to view your results.Your report should look like the example below:

Note: Activate drill mode to enable drill down.

4. Save the document as Activity Drilling.

5. Drill on the report to answer the following questions:

Which jacket category has the highest revenue?

List the SKU descriptions for the items under theOutdoor category.

Which color under the Canvas Jacket SKU has the highest sales revenue?

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Quiz: Analyzing data1. What is a Scope of Analysis for a query?

2. Drill mode in Web Intelligence refers to two activities. Which two activities are these?

3. How is query drill mode different from the standard drill mode?

4. Under what circumstances are you most likely to use query drill mode instead of standarddrill mode?

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Analyze the data cube• Drill in a Web Intelligence document• Set Web Intelligence drill options

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Lesson 10Managing and SharingWeb Intelligence Documents

Lesson introductionUsing Web Intelligence Rich Client, or from within InfoView, you can share your documentswith colleagues - both BusinessObjects users and non-users. You can also use InfoView toschedule a document so that it is refreshed automatically at specified times.After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• Export documents from the Web Intelligence Rich Client to the CMS• Log onto InfoView and view the document you exported• Manage documents in InfoView folders and categories• Share Web Intelligence documents with InfoView users• Set InfoView preferences• Describe the Web Intelligence report panels• Log off from InfoView

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Exporting documents to the CMSSo far you have been working in the Web Intelligence Rich Client, a standalone applicationthat can be operated either connected to or disconnected from the BusinessObjects EnterpriseCentral Management Server (CMS). All the documents that you have saved have been storedon your local computer, and are therefore accessible only to you.

In this lesson, you are going to work with Web Intelligence files in InfoView, a portal that youaccess via your internet browser. One of the advantages of InfoView is that it allows WebIntelligence documents to be published, accessed, and shared by multiple users.

To make a Web Intelligence document that you created with the Web Intelligence Rich Clientavailable via InfoView, you must first export the document to the CMS.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Export a Web Intelligence document to the CMS

Exporting a Web Intelligence document

Documents are exported to the CMS in their current state, including all modifications madesince they were created or opened. This means that in addition to locally-saved documents,you can export a document to the CMS without saving it locally. A newly created documentthat is exported before being saved will be given the name "Document X", where X is thedocument creation order in the session.

Folders and Categories

When you export a document to the CMS, you need to select the folder in which you want tosave the document, and can optionally select a category with which you want to associate thedocument.Folders:• Are used as containers for documents to store and organize information within the system.• Can hold many documents. A document can only belong to one folder. However, you can

create shortcuts to documents and place the shortcuts in other folders.• Can be Public (Public Folders) or Personal (My Favorites).

Files stored to Public Folders are available to other InfoView users. Files stored to folderswithin My Favorites are only accessible to you.

Categories:• Are used to tag documents in ameaningfulway to classify them for organizational purposes.• Allow users to view documents across the system because a category is not constrained by

the document's storage location.• Can be Corporate (Corporate Categories) or Personal (Personal Categories).

Corporate categories are accessible to other users, but Personal categories are accessibleonly to you, for instance, for organizing documents associated with a particular project.

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The folders and categories that you see in the Export Document dialog box are the same asthose you will encounter in theNavigation Panel in InfoView.

To export a Web Intelligence document to the CMS

1. From the document you want to export, click File ➤ Export to CMS.

2. In the Export Document dialog box, click the Folders tab, then select the folder in whichyou want the document to be published.

3. To associate a category with the document, click the Categories tab and select one or moreavailable categories.

4. Click Export.After you start the export, you cannot cancel it.An "Export Successful"message appears at the bottom to indicate the exportwas successful.

5. Click Close.The document is exported to the CMS,where it is available in the folder you chose, associatedwith the categories you chose.

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Logging onto InfoViewEach time you log onto InfoView, the BusinessObjects Enterprise server checks your useraccount name and details to see that you are an authorized user.

To log on, you first need to view the InfoView Log On page. InfoView is the part of WebIntelligence that acts as a portal to all the information available to you.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Access the InfoView Log On page• Describe the InfoViewHome page and what activities you can use it for

Accessing the InfoView Log On page

To use InfoView, you must start your web browser.

To access the InfoView Log On page

Before you can use InfoView and Web Intelligence you need the following information:• Your user name and password

Contact your administrator for these details if you do not already know them.

You access Web Intelligence by using your web browser to log onto InfoView, the corporatebusiness intelligence portal. Once you are in InfoView, you can analyze and enhance WebIntelligence reports.1. Launch your web browser.

2. Point your browser to the InfoView bookmark or URL.

Tip: When you have one ormore BusinessObjects client tools installed, you can also launchInfoView via the Startmenu.

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The InfoView Log On page appears.

3. In the User Name box, type your user name.

4. In the Password box, type your password.

5. Click Log On.The InfoViewHome page appears.

The Home page

The first time you start InfoView, theHome page opens by default. Depending on how yoursystem administrator or you configure InfoView, your ownHome page may not differ inappearance from the following screen capture:

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From theHome page, clickDocument List,My Favorites, orMy Inbox to access the foldersin which documents are stored.

You can return to theHome page at any time by clicking theHome button in theNavigationBar.

About InfoView folders

In My Favorites, you can choose to store any documents or subfolders that you create yourself.

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The Inbox contains documents that have been sent to you by other users.

Public Folders are created by administrators and may contain subfolders created by userswho are authorized to do so.

About InfoView categories

In InfoView, documents can also be organized in Personal or Corporate Categories. Usingcategories in InfoView is a way of grouping documents together, regardless of which foldersthey are actually stored in.

Folders and subfolders are used to organize documents, while categories are a way to classifyyour information. For example, you could place your financial reports and documents into afolder named Finance and you could classify or tag your reports that dealwith specific financialmatters as Payroll, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable.

Creating new documents

From theDocument List view, you can create new documents using Web Intelligence, if yoursystem administrator has authorized your user account to do so.

Setting InfoView Preferences

You can access InfoView options to define document viewing settings by clicking Preferenceson the InfoViewHome page.

How the InfoView Document List view is organized

The InfoViewDocument List view is organized into the following areas:

• Title Bar: This area contains the desktop logo and a message displaying your user accountname.

• Navigation Bar: This area contains buttons forHome, Document List, Open, Send To (tosend a document to various locations),Dashboards, Log Out, Preferences, About, andHelp.

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• Navigation Panel: This area displays folders, when the Switch to Folders is active, orcategories, when the Switch to Categories button is active. The area also displays buttonsfor Refresh , New, Add, Organize, Actions, Search and Page navigation. TheNavigationPanel displays a My Favorites folder, your Inbox, and Public Folders.

Note: Under Public Folders you can find sample reports and documents.

The Categories area contains all the Public or Personal categories that an administrator oran end user has created.

• Workspace Panel: This area displays the documents connected with a specific folder orsubfolder as well as the documents associated with specific categories.

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Managing documents in InfoViewInfoView is the part of BusinessObjects that acts as a portal to all the information available toyou. With InfoView, you can access three different document storage areas:• Public Documents - a catalog of all the documents that you are authorized to access in the

BusinessObjects Central Management Server. These documents have been published byother BusinessObjects users. You can access these documents from your InfoView Public

Folders or Corporate Categories.• My Favorites - a catalog of all the documents that you have chosen to save for your own

personal use. These documents are stored in space on the BusinessObjects server that hasbeen reserved for your own use.

• Inbox - a catalog of documents that other InfoView users have sent to you.

• Please note that, depending on the constraints of your rightswithin the learning environment,you and learners may not have access to all folders and categories that appear in the screencaptures in this unit.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Describe InfoView folders and categories.• Manage folders and categories• Manage documents in folders and categories

Folders and categories in InfoView

InfoView provides you with two main ways to navigate through documents and organizeinformation: folders and categories. Each of these navigationmethods is hierarchical, meaningInfoView displays them in a tree in theNavigation Panel .

Creating folders

Folders are a way of organizing your documents. In the InfoViewNavigation Panel, you cancreate new folders to organize your documents. Depending on the access rights granted youby the BusinessObjects administrator, you may also be authorized to create new folders inPublic Folders.

To create a new folder

1. In theNavigation Panel , click + to expand the folders and select the location you want toadd a new folder to.

2. Click theNew button on theNavigation Bar.

3. Select Folder from the drop-down list.

The Create a New Folder page opens in theWorkspace Panel.

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4. Type an appropriate folder name in the Folder Name field.

5. ClickOK.

The new folder appears in theNavigation Panel. You can now save documents or otherobjects to this new folder.

Note: You may need to click the Refresh button in order for the new folder to show.

Copying and moving documents and folders

Using theWorkspace Panel andNavigation Panel toolbars, you can copy andmove documentsand folders to new locations. You can copy a document into a different folder and also copy asubfolder into a different folder. When you move a document or folder, it is deleted from itsoriginal location.

To copy documents and folders

1. In theNavigation Panel, locate the document or folder you want to copy and select it.

2. Click theOrganize button from the toolbar located above the document list.

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3. Select Copy from theOrganize drop-down menu.

4. In theNavigation Panel, select the location to which you want to paste the document orfolder you just copied.

5. ClickOrganize.

6. Select Paste from theOrganize drop-down menu.The screen refreshes and the copied document or folder displays in the folder's documentlist.

To move documents

1. In theWorkspace Panel, select the document you want to move.

2. To move the document to a new folder, click theOrganize button from the toolbar locatedabove the document list.

3. Select Cut from theOrganize drop-down menu.

4. In theNavigation Panel, select the location to which you want to move the document.

5. Click theOrganize button.

6. From theOrganize drop-down menu, click Paste.The document has been moved to the location you selected.

Deleting documents and folders

You can delete documents and folders by using theDelete function in theOrganizedrop-downmenu from theNavigation Panel.

Creating categories

Categories allow you to reference documents. You can assign related documents to a specificcategory, regardless of where the documents are actually stored. Categories make it easier tosort and find documents in document lists.

For example, you may have a number of documents that report annual sales figures. Thedocuments are stored in folders that have been organized according to quarter and year.However, you would like to group together all the documents that concern each different

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region in your organization. You can create a category per region, and then associate thedocuments to the appropriate regional category. The documents are still stored in foldersorganized by quarter and year, but they are also referenced in a category for each region.

By creating categories that are appropriate to your business, you create a reference system, inwhich each category lists documents that are related to a certain aspect of your business, suchas region, marketing, or sales.

In this section, you will learn how to create a new personal category, as well as how to add adocument to an existing category.

To create a personal document category

1. Select the Switch to Categories button from theNavigation Panel toolbar.

TheNavigation Panel view switches to display categories.

2. Select Personal Categories as the location for your new subcategory.

3. From theNavigation Bar, clickNew to view the drop-down menu.

The list of available options displays.

4. Select Category from theNewmenu.

The Create Category dialog box displays.

5. Type a name for the new category in the Enter a new category name: field.

6. ClickOK .

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The new subcategory displays in theNavigation Panelwithin Personal Categories.

Note: You can use the same procedure to create Corporate Categories and subcategories,when your BusinessObjects administrator grants you access to this functionality.

Managing documents in folders and categories

Using InfoView, you can save documents to folders and categories. You can also use InfoViewto:• Search for specific documents.

• Create a shortcut to a document.

• Filter documents in a list.

Searching for documents

The Search feature in InfoView enables you to search for documentswithin categories or foldersby the document title, keywords, or all fields. There is also an Advanced Search feature thatallows you to be more specific in your search criteria.

To search for documents in InfoView

1. Click the folder that you want to search.

2. On theNavigation Bar, type your search term in the field.

3. Click the Execute search button.

Any object with your search term in the title displays in theWorkspace Panel.

To search using complex search criteria

1. Click the Search title drop-down arrow and select Advanced Search.

The Advanced Search page opens.

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2. In the Search by Location area, select the check box next to the name of the folder(s) inwhich you want to search.

3. In the appropriate Search by field, type your search text.

4. Click Search.

Any documents matching your search are displayed in theWorkspace Panel.

Filtering documents in a list

By default, all documents that you are authorized to view are displayed in your folder andcategory lists. If you want to temporarily limit the type of documents displayed to improvesearch capabilities, you can add a filter. Applying a filter to your document lists allows you toview only documents of a certain type.

The various document types that you can filter include documents fromWeb Intelligence andother BusinessObjects end-user querying tools, Microsoft Excel, Power Point, program objects,object packages, and text files.

To filter documents in a list

1. Click the folder containing the documents you want to list.

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2. Click the Filter type tab button on theWorkspace Panel toolbar to view the available filtertypes.

3. Select the appropriate filter type from the menu, scroll to the bottom of the list and clickOK.The documents list displays only those files matching the filter type you selected.

4. To remove the filter, select All Types from the Filter type drop-down menu and clickOK.

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Viewing a Web Intelligence document in InfoViewIn InfoView, you can view documents that were created with Web Intelligence and otherBusinessObjects end-user querying tools if the administrator has authorized you to view thoseformats, as well as documents created with other non-BusinessObjects applications.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Open and view a Web Intelligence document• Refresh the data in a Web Intelligence document• Save a Web Intelligence document to a personal folder• Print a Web Intelligence document when viewing it in PDF format• Close a Web Intelligence document.

Viewing Web Intelligence documents

InfoView allows you to open Web Intelligence documents for easy access.

Within InfoView, you can edit Web Intelligence documents if you are authorized to use one ofthe Web Intelligence report panels (the Interactive HTML querying and/or reporting panels,or the Java Report Panel).

You can modify the document's underlying query if you are authorized to access the universethat was used to create the document.

To open a Web Intelligence document

1. Locate the document you want to open and double-click the document name. Clicking thedocument name opens the most current version of the report.The document opens in theWorkspace Panel.

2. Click theDocument drop-down arrow on theDocument toolbar to view the menu.

This menu allows you to close and save the document. If you are authorized to create andedit Web Intelligence documents in one of the report panels, the Edit option appears on theDocumentmenu as well.

3. Click the View drop-down arrow on the document toolbar to view the menu.

Thismenu allows you to view the document in differentmodes:QuickDisplaymode,Pagemode, Draft mode and PDF mode. It also allows you to display the Left Panel .

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4. If the Left panel option is not already selected, click Left Panel on the View drop-downmenu.The Left Panel opens in the InfoViewWorkspace, next to the document you are currentlyviewing.

By default, theNavigation Map pane appears in the Left Panel.

5. In theNavigation Map pane, click + next to the report.The report folder expands and displays all the sections in the report.

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6. Navigate the report by clicking items in theGroup Tree.The report repositions to show the details on the item you selected.

Refreshing a Web Intelligence document

When you refresh a Web Intelligence document it retrieves the most recent data from thedatabase and returns the updated values to the report(s).

You can update the data in a document while keeping the same presentation and formatting.

Note: You can modify the data displayed in a document when you are authorized to create andedit documents using one of the Web Intelligence report panels, and when you have a connectionto the data source. Refreshing the document does not change the query definition used to createthe document; it merely retrieves the most recent data from the database that corresponds to theunderlying query.

You can refresh documents in the following ways:• Manually, whenever you choose.

• Every time you or another user open a document.

To refresh a document manually

1. Click Refresh Data from the toolbar in an open document.

The data is updated in the document.

To refresh a document every time it is opened

When you save a document, in the Save As dialog box, you can select theRefresh on openoption to automatically refresh the data every time a user opens it.

When you do not select the option, the users benefit from always seeing the data that wasretrieved when the document was created or last refreshed, and which was stored in thedocument when it was saved.

When you select the option, depending on how much data the underlying query retrieves,users may notice that the report takes longer to display than they expect. Consequently, as abest practice, only use this option when you have a specific reason for automating the refresh.

To save a document in InfoView

1. Click theDocument drop-down arrow on theNavigation toolbar to view the menu.

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You can choose to either save the document to a folder in InfoView, or to save it to a locationon your computer, in one of several different formats.

The Save to my computer as command allows you to save the complete document to yourcomputer in Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat PDF, or CSV format, while the Save Reportto my Computer As saves only the report you are currently viewing, in either Excel or PDFformat.

2. Select Save as from the menu, to save the document to an InfoView folder.The Save As dialog box opens:

3. You can replace the default document title by typing the document name in the Title field.

4. Click Advanced to see additional saving options.

5. Optionally, type a description of the document in theDescription field.

6. When you want the data in this document to be automatically refreshed every time you oranother user opens it, select the Refresh on open option.

Note: As a best practice, only use this option when you have a specific reason for doing so.When you do not use it, you ensure that users always see the original data that was retrievedwhen the document was created or last refreshed, and which was stored in the documentwhen it was saved.

7. On the Folders tab, select the folder to which you want to save the document.

8. Click theCategories tab, and select check box beside the category youwant to use to referencethe document.

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9. ClickOK.The document is now saved to the selected folder and referenced by the selected category.To verify that the document has been saved, close the document in theWorkspace paneland, in theNavigation Panel, browse to the folder to which you saved the document. Toensure that the document is associated with the correct category, view the contents of theappropriate category folder.

Printing a Web Intelligence document

To print Web Intelligence documents, you need to display the document in PDF format andprint it from Acrobat Reader. To ensure quality printing, never print using the browser printbutton.

To print a Web Intelligence document

1. From the document you want to print, click the Export to PDF for printing button on theReporting toolbar.A dialog box displays asking you to open or save the file.

2. Click Save.

3. In the Save As dialog box, specify the file name and location for the PDF.

4. To print the document, open the PDF in a PDF reading application and set the appropriateprint settings.

Note: Each reportwithin theWeb Intelligence documentwill need to be printed individually.

Closing a Web Intelligence document

To close theWeb Intelligence document, you can either select theClose option on theDocumentmenu or click the X button in the upper right-hand corner of theWorkspace Panel.

Clicking any of the folders or categories in theNavigation Panelwill immediately replace theopen document with the list of documents contained in that folder or category, effectivelyclosing the document.

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Sharing Web Intelligence documentsIf you are sharing documents with InfoView users, you can send your documents directly totheir InfoView Inbox folder, or you can choose to save themas public documents in the corporaterepository, if your BusinessObjects system administrator has authorized you to do so.

BusinessObjects stores sent and public documents allowing others to retrieve them.

If your colleagues are not InfoView users, you can save your reports in Microsoft Excel orAdobe PDF so that they can easily view and print them using Excel or Adobe Acrobat Reader.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Send documents to other InfoView users

Sharing documents with InfoView users

To share documents with other InfoView users, you can either send a document to a user'sInbox, or you can save it as a public document, if you are authorized to do so.

Sending a document to users

Sending documents is the ideal method for communicating information to individual usersand groups of users. The documents are sent through the corporate repository and users canthen retrieve the document from their InfoView Inbox.

Note: You can only send documents to users that have been set up in the system by theadministrator.

Saving a public document

When you save a document to a public folder or category, you aremaking it available to awideaudience of users. When given the appropriate access rights, your colleagues can then refreshor modify the document and save it again, making it easy to collaborate with one another.

Public documents remain in the repository until removed by the BusinessObjects systemadministrator. This method is ideal for communicating information across an organization.

Note: You can only save documents to public folders if you have been authorized to do so bythe system administrator.

To send a document to another InfoView user

1. From theNavigation Panel, click + to expand the folder containing the document youwantto send to another user.

The available objects display in theWorkspace.

2. Select the document you want to send.

3. Click the Send to drop-down button on theNavigation Bar to activate the menu.

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The available send options display on the menu. You can send documents to another user'sInfoView Inbox, a user's email, and to an FTP or File location.

4. Select Business Objects Inbox from the drop-down menu.

Note: Sending a document to a user’s Business Objects Inboxwill send the document tothat user’s Inbox folder. To send documents to another user’s email address, select Email.

The Business Objects Inbox page displays.

5. Clear the Use default settings check box to view the full page.

6. Select the user(s) you want to send the document to and move them to the Selected area byusing the > button.

7. Select the appropriate Target Name.Leave theAutomatically generated option selected to send the documentwithout changingits filename. To specify a new filename, clear theAutomatically generated option and typea new name in the Specific name field.

Note: If you create a new target name for the document, you must also add the FileExtension placeholder at the end, otherwise the file name will have no extension and willnot be sent properly.

8. In the Send As area, select Shortcut to send a shortcut link to the document, or Copy tosend a copy of the document.

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9. Click Submit.The document is sent to the inbox of the user(s) you selected.

Sharing beyond Web Intelligence

To share with colleagues who are not users of Web Intelligence or other BusinessObjectsquerying tools, you can save your reports in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Excel or CSV format. Thatway, you and your colleagues can easily view and print them using Adobe Acrobat Reader orExcel. When you save a document in PDF format, the page layout and formatting of the WebIntelligence document is retained in the PDF file.

To send a document to email

1. From theNavigation Panel, click + to expand the folder containing the document youwantto send to another user.

The available objects display in theWorkspace.

2. Select the check box beside the document you want to send.

3. Click the Send to drop-down button on theNavigation Bar to activate the menu.

4. Click Email... from the list.

5. Clear the Use default settings check box to view the full page.

Note: You can select the Destination as default if your system administrator has set a defaultemail recipient for you to send your documents. Otherwise you can send the document toa specific email address.

6. Type your email address in the From field.

7. Type the recipient's email address in the To field.

8. Click the Add placeholder... drop-down button to activate the menu.

9. Click Title from the list.

Note: A placeholder is used to add information specific to the report.

10.Type a message in theMessage field.

11.Select the Add attachment check box.

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Note: If you justwanted to send an email about this document and not include the documentas an attachment, you would clear this box.

12.Click the Submit button to send the email.

Note: Unless the email server portion has been configured by the administrator, the emailwill not be successfully sent.

Scheduling documents in InfoView

Scheduling a document lets you run it automatically at specified times. When a scheduleddocument runs successfully, an instance is created. An instance is a version of the objectcontaining the data available at the time it was run. Therefore, instances created later containmore recent data.

You can see a list of instances by looking at a document's history, and you can click the link toany historical instance. If you have the rights to view objects on demand, you can view andrefresh any Web Intelligence document to retrieve the latest data from the database.

By scheduling and viewing instances, you can ensure you have the latest information availablefor viewing, printing, anddistributing. For example, you can schedule a report object (document)to run every night so it's available for you first thing in the morning.

Note: Before scheduling objects, check your time zone setting on the Preferences page in InfoView.The default time zone is local to the web server that is running BusinessObjects Enterprise.

To schedule a document

1. Navigate to the document you would like to schedule, and select it.

2. From the Actionsmenu, click Schedule.

TheSchedulepage appears. The links on the left of the screen allowyou to view andmodifydifferent schedule settings.

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3. Click Recurrence.The Recurrence page displays.

4. Click the Run Object drop-down arrow and select the appropriate recurrence schedulefrom the list.

Note: After you select the recurrence schedule, the additional information required on theRecurrence page depends on the schedule you selected.

5. Based on your access rights, you canmodify the Formats andDestinations,Caching,Events,and Scheduling Server Group settings as required.

6. When you have entered all the required information, click Schedule.

TheHistory page for the document displays, indicating the report instance times, and thestatus of each instance.

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Setting InfoView preferencesInfoViewprovides youwith the ability to determine your preferences for viewing and creatingdocuments. From the Preferences page, you can alter InfoView general preferences, alterdocument viewing preferences for documents, and change your password.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Set general InfoView preferences• Set Web Intelligence preferences

Setting general InfoView preferences

You can set general InfoView preferences by using the Preferences button on theNavigationBar.

To set general InfoView preferences

1. On theNavigation Bar click Preferences.The Preferences dialog box opens.

From theGeneral preferences area, you can modify the following options:

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• The initial view that displays after logging onto InfoView includes theHome page,MyInfoView, Favorites, your Inbox, or a specified folder/category/dashboard.

• The default view in theNavigation panel (either Folder or Category).• The maximum number of objects displayed on each page.

• For each document list, you can determine which document properties are displayed,including the description, owner, date, and instance count. You can also change wheredocuments are viewed: either in the InfoViewwindow or in separate browser windows.

• Product locale, viewing locale, and time zone settings are also determined on this page.

2. Set preferences and clickOK.

The preferences are now applied.

About document preferences in InfoView

Web Intelligence documents and documents from other BusinessObjects end-user queryingtools all have different view options that can be set as default. The default determines the viewthat is applied when a document is first opened. The view format can always be changed afterthe document has been opened.

In general, the different views are aimed at satisfying one of two things:• Quality in Viewing - These options are aimed at users that primarily view the reports over

the web. These formats are not ideal for printing. Web Intelligence provides HTML andInteractive modes that are intended for users that usually look at reports online.

• Quality in Printing - These options are aimed at users that primarily print their reports.These reports print exactly as they appear on the screen and provide much better printquality than HTML. Web Intelligence provides PDF for the users that primarily print theirdocuments.

Setting the specific Web Intelligence view options is covered in the next section.

Setting Web Intelligence preferences

The Web Intelligence Preferences area in InfoView preferences allows you to set a number ofoptions that define:• How you view Web Intelligence documents in InfoView.• Which interface you will use to create Web Intelligence documents.• How you will perform multi-dimensional analysis in Web Intelligence documents.

About Web Intelligence viewing settings

InfoView provides a number of formats for viewing Web Intelligence documents. You candefine one viewing format as the default option for your user account by setting the appropriateoption in the InfoView Preferences page.

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You can choose to view Web Intelligence documents in the following formats:• HTML - useful if you want to navigate reports to view results and refresh the report data

to see the latest figures. Values displayed in report tables and charts are static.• Interactive - useful if you want to filter, sort, add simple calculations or drill on the values

displayed in the reports. This feature will be presented in detail later in this course.

Note: The availability to use this feature depends on how InfoView was installed and what userrights you have. Ask your administrator if you have the rights to this feature.

• Portable Document Format (PDF) - useful if you want to print a document or save thedocument to sharewith someonewhodoes not have access to InfoVieworWeb Intelligence.

You can experiment with all of the formats described by changing the default view options inInfoView. The settings that are most appropriate for you depend on your organization'srequirements as well as your own preferences.

To define your locale format settings

1. On theNavigation Bar, click Preferences.

The Preferences page opens.

2. Scroll to the bottom of theGeneral Preferences area.

The Product Locale setting determines the locale that InfoView uses by default. This affectstheway that InfoViewdisplays data, for example, the formatting of numbers and the defaultsort order. By default, the Product Locale is set to use your browser locale.

The Preferred Viewing Locale is the locale that you choose to display data. The PreferredViewing Locale overrides the product locale if it is different from the product locale andyour settings give the preferred viewing locale priority. By default, the Preferred ViewingLocale is set to use your browser locale.

3. Select the appropriate Product Locale and Preferred Viewing Locale.

4. ClickOK.Your preferences settings are applied.

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Describing the Web Intelligence report panelsWeb Intelligence offers four different interfaces that report designers can use to create queriesand reports. Three of these interfaces are accessible as web applications from within theBusinessObjects Enterprise portal, InfoView. The fourth is a stand-alone application availableon your desktop.

All four of these query and report panels are described in this unit, as well as how to choosewhich panel you wish to work with, if your BusinessObjects system administrator has notalready defined this for all your organization's users.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Describe the differences among the four report panels available in Web Intelligence• Discuss the functionality of the Web Intelligence Rich Client application

About the Web Intelligence report panels

Web Intelligence offers four different interfaces that report designers can use to create queriesand reports:• Java Report Panel, available within InfoView, which offers extended querying, reporting,

and formatting functionality.• Web Intelligence Rich Client , a Windows-based, standalone application, which provides

the same extended functionality available in the Java Report Panel. It also allows you towork offline, to create and save Web Intelligence documents locally, and to use personaldata files to retrieve data for your reports.

• Interactive HTML, available within InfoView, that provides most of the querying andreporting functionality available in the other two panels. If you choose to use this panel,you can use all the reporting and formatting features available in Interactive Viewmode.

• Web Accessibility HTML, also available within InfoView, that is designed to simplify theprocess of creating and deploying a customized version ofWeb Intelligence in the enterprise.

Note: You used Web Intelligence Rich Client for the activities presented in this course.

Java Report Panel

The JavaReport Panel is designed for userswho need flexibilitywith building complex queries,designing report layout, and defining formulas and variables. It has a drag-and-drop interfacethat allows you to create sophisticated documents containing multiple reports, tables andcharts. You can create complex filters, custom formulas, and highly formatted documents withpersonalized page layouts.

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The Java Report Panel requires Java installation. When you first use the Java Report Panel inInfoView, the Java applet downloads.

When you require advanced query and formula features and work in InfoView, it isrecommended that you use the Java Report Panel.

Web Intelligence Rich Client

Web Intelligence Rich Client is a locally installed Microsoft Windows application that lets youwork with Web Intelligence documents (.WID) that are stored locally or in a CMS. Whenworking without a CMS connection, you can work on your local machine with eitherCMS-secured or unsecured documents.

Web Intelligence Rich Client is based on the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel and providesequivalent document creation, editing, formatting, printing and saving capabilities.

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There are a number of reasons for using the Web Intelligence Rich Client application to workwith Web Intelligence documents:• Youwant toworkwithWeb Intelligence documents but you are unable to connect to a CMS

(while traveling, for example).• You want to improve calculation performance: Web Intelligence Rich Client performs

calculations locally, rather than on the server, and local calculations can perform better thanserver calculations.

• Youwant toworkwithWeb Intelligence documentswithout installing a CMS or applicationserver.

You use Web Intelligence Rich Client for the majority of this course.

Interactive HTML

Designed for users requiring a pure HTML environment to build queries, Web IntelligenceInteractive HTML offers the ability to define the data content of documents on multiple datasources. You can use Interactive HTML to create new documents from scratch or edit thequeries in documents created using any of the other Web Intelligence tools.

Once you have run the queries to generate a standard report, you can leverageWeb IntelligenceInteractive on-report analysis features to format multiple reports, add formulas, and createvariables.

There is no need to download additional software to your workstation to use this panel.

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Note: Web Intelligence Interactive HTML and on-report analysis in Interactive view formatare only available if your administrator has deployed Web Intelligence in JSP mode.

Web Accessibility HTML

TheWeb Accessibility HTML panel is similar to the Interactive HTML panel in that nosoftware is downloaded to your workstation. It is a simplified interface, which is essentiallymade available for developers who want to deploy a customized version of Web Intelligencein their company.

Note: The Web IntelligenceWeb Accessibility HTML panel is only available if youradministrator has deployed Web Intelligence in JSP mode.

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Checking the report panel settings

If you are working in InfoView and your system administrator has not defined which reportpanel you are authorized to use, you can choose whichever one is most appropriate to yourneeds.

On the Web Intelligence Preferences page in InfoView, you can set how you want to create,view and interact with Web Intelligence documents.

The creation and editing options are as follows:

DescriptionDefault creation/editing tool

You create documents using the Java ReportPanel, a Java applet that launches in yourWeb browser.


The Java Report Panel is a combined querybuilding, report editing and data analysisenvironment. If you choose Advanced asyour document creation option, you also usethe Java Report Panel for working with thedata returned by the query. The setting forthe default View format is not taken intoaccount.

The Java Report Panel provides the richestfeature set of all Web Intelligence querybuilding, report editing and data analysisenvironments.

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DescriptionDefault creation/editing tool

Youbuild queries using the Interactive querypanel, an HTML-based query editor.


You build queries, edit reports and analyzedata using Web Intelligence Rich Client , aDesktopstandalone version of the Java Report Panelthat runs outside your web browser.

You create documents using theWebAccessibility HTML panel, a 508-compliantWeb Accessibilityquery-building and report-viewingenvironment.

You can use the following view formats to select how you want to view and interact withexisting Web Intelligence documents, or documents that you have just created using a queryeditor:

DescriptionDefault view format

UseWeb formatwhenyouwant to openWebIntelligence documents from within

Web InfoView, to answer prompts, navigate inWeb Intelligence reports, and/or performdrill analysis.

Use Interactive format when you want toopen Web Intelligence documents from


within InfoView, as well as to apply filters,sorts, calculations, modify formatting anddata displayed in tables and charts, createformulas and variables, and/or performdrillanalysis.

Use Interactive format if you are usingInteractive query panel to define queries, andyou want to format reports based on thosequeries.

Interactive format is only available if youradministrator has deployedWeb Intelligencein JSP mode.

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DescriptionDefault view format

UsePDFmodewhen youwant to view staticWeb Intelligence documents from withinInfoView.


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Logging off from InfoViewWhen you finish using InfoView, you should log off rather than close your browser window.By using theLogOut button, you terminate your session and this improves server performance.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Log off from InfoView

Closing your InfoView session

By logging off from InfoView, you can save any settings you may have changed. Logging offalso helps the InfoView system administrator keep track of which users are logged onto thesystem at any given time. This allows the administrator to configure the system and handletransaction loads most efficiently.

Note: There is a default time-out setting, afterwhich a user is automatically logged off from InfoView.For more information, see your BusinessObjects administrator.

To log off from InfoView

1. From theNavigation Bar, click the Log Out button.

The Log On page now displays in your browser and you have logged off.

Note: If you havemade any changes to your options and have not saved them, or are closinga document without saving changes, a log off confirmation page displays.

Activity: Managing and sharing Web Intelligence documents


• Log onto InfoView.

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• View the documents that are available to you.• Open an existing document.• Create a new folder.• Save the document as a personal document.


1. From within Web Intelligence Rich Client, select a document that you have created duringthis class and export it to the CMS.To do this, create a new folder in yourMy Favorites folder called Activity Documents .

2. Log onto InfoView with the user name and password supplied by the instructor.

3. Browse to the Activity Documents folder to see the document you exported in the list ofdocuments.

4. View the documents in Public Folders that are available to this user.

5. Send a document to your own Inbox and open the Inbox folder to verify that the documentis present.

6. Schedule the document to refresh and view the document instance.

7. Save the document you exported to your computer as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

8. Log off from InfoView.

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Quiz: Managing and sharing Web Intelligence documents1. In InfoView,what are the three different storage areaswhere documents aremade available

to you?

2. What are the two kinds of categories and folders?

3. What are the differences between categories and folders?

4. Which types of documents can you view in InfoView?

5. Describe three ways for sharing Web Intelligence documents with other InfoView users.

6. What formats can you save your document to for sharingwith userswho do not have accessto Web Intelligence?

7. Which of the four Web Intelligence panels is a Windows-based standalone application thatoffers you the choice of savingWeb Intelligence documents locally on your PC or exportingthem to the CMS repository?○ Java Report Panel○ Web Intelligence Rich Client○ Interactive HTML○ Web Accessibility HTML

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Lesson summaryAfter completing this lesson, you are now able to:

• Export documents from the Web Intelligence Rich Client to the CMS• Log onto InfoView and view the document you exported• Manage documents in InfoView folders and categories• Share Web Intelligence documents with InfoView users• Set InfoView preferences• Describe the Web Intelligence report panels• Log off from InfoView

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Appendix AWeb Intelligence Toolbar Reference

Web Intelligence toolbarsStandard toolbar buttons


New Document

Creates a new document on the currently selected Universe.

Open Document

Opens an existing document.


Allows you to save documents to Personal and Public folders or tosave documents on your own computer.


Enables you to print a copy of your report.


Allows you to find specified text on the displayed report page.

Configure Views

Allows you to show and hide the different Report Manager tabs,as well as show and hide each of the three toolbars.

Edit Query

Allows you to define data content of the document. Opens theQuery panel.

Refresh Query button

Allows you to regenerate the query and retrieve the most recentdata from the database.

Purge Data

Allows you to remove the data retrieved by one or more queriesfrom your document.

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Activate Data Tracking

Allows you to display the difference between the most recent dataand either the data before the last refresh, or fixed reference data.

Show Changes/Hide Changes

Allows you to turn the display of data tracking information on oroff.

Data Tracking Options

Allows you to select the types of data changes youwant to display,and set the display format for each data type.


Starts and ends drill mode. Allows you to analyze report values bydrilling down or across the dimensions displayed in the tables andcharts.

Show/Hide Report Filter Toolbar

Allows you to drag objects into the toolbar where you can create asimple filter that applies to the entire report.

Take Snapshot of Drilled Report

Allows you to make a duplicate of a drilled report so that you cankeep a copy of the drilled values in the same document.

Reporting toolbar buttons


Show/Hide Filter Pane

Allows you to drag objects into the filter pane to create simple andcomplex filters that restrict the amount of data displayed in theglobal report or in a specific data block in the report.

Show/Hide Formula Toolbar

Allows you to create custom formulas using a graphical editor andsave them as variables for reuse in the document.

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Variable Editor

Allows you to create a new variable by building a formula anddefining it with a name in the Variable Editor.

Merge dimensions

Allows you tomerge dimensions frommultiple queries into a singledimension. You can then use thatmerged dimension to project datain a block.

Show/Hide Drill Toolbar

When you switch to drill mode, you can use this button to eitherdisplay or hide the drill toolbar that displays drill filters as youanalyze data in different levels of detail.


Allows you to cancel the previous action.


Allows you to redo the previous undone action.


Allows you to create, edit or delete alerters. Alerters allow you tohighlight results that meet or fail specific targets.

Apply/Remove Ranking

Allows you to show only the extreme ranges of data, by rankingthe top or bottom values of a given dimension on the basis of agiven measure.

Add Quick Filter

Activatedwhen you select an object in theResult Objects pane andallows you to select a value to filter data on.

Insert/Remove Break

Insert or remove a break on a table column or row.

Apply/Remove Sort

Apply to or remove a sort from a column of data. Clicking the downarrow displays the descending sort option as well.

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Insert Sum

Insert sum or display the list of calculations you can apply to acolumn of data. Clicking the down arrow displays the additionalcalculations.

Insert Row Above

Insert a new table or row above the selected row. Clicking the downarrow displays additional insert options.


Allows you define the order in which overlapping blocks displayin a report.

Align blocks and cells

Allows you to align positioning of blocks and cells in a report.

Switch Page/Quick Display

Allows you to toggle between the normal view of a report, and apreview of how the report will appear when printed.

View Structure

Toggles between viewing the structure of the report and the results.

Formatting toolbar buttons


Font name

Allows you to change the font used to display text in the selectedreport element.

Font size

Allows you to change the font size used to display text in theselected report element.


Allows you to change the text style in the selected report elementto bold.

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Allows you to change the text style in the selected report elementto italic.


Allows you to change the text style in the selected report elementto underlined.

Text color

Allows you to change the text color of the selected report element.

Background color

Allows you to change the background color of the selected reportelement.

Background image

Allows you to select an image to use as the background for thereport.

Border size

Allows you to define the border appearance for the selected block.

Border color

Allows you to select the border color for the selected block.


Allows you to align the text in the selected report element to theleft.


Allows you to align the text in the selected report element in thecenter.


Allows you to align the text in the selected report element to theright.

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Allows you to align the text in the selected report element to thetop.


Allows you to align the text in the selected report element to themiddle.


Allows you to align the text in the selected report element to thebottom.

Wrap text

Allows you to turn text wrapping on and off for the selected reportelement.

Merge/Split cells

Allows you to merge multiple cells or columns into a single cell orcolumn.

Format Painter

Allows you to apply the formatting of a selected report element toanother element in the report.

Page Navigation toolbar buttons



Allows you to zoom your view of the report in or out.

Page navigation

Allows you to quickly navigate to specific pages in the document.

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Appendix BOptional Activities

Optional Practice, Lesson 2Activity: Building queries


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the State, City, Store name, Address, and Sales revenue objects.

3. Run the query.Your report should appear as follows:

a. At which level are the sales revenue values aggregated?b. Does the order of the columns in the table correspond to the order of the objects in the

Result Objects pane?

4. Edit the query so that only theQuarter, Category, Store name, and Sales revenue objectsare included.

5. Run the query again.a. At which level are the revenue values aggregated now?b. Does the order of the columns in the table correspond to the order of the objects in the

Result Objects pane?

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6. Save the document as Activity Query1.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 3Activity: Using query filters


• Apply query filters to limit the data returned by objects in a query.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the Year, State, Store name, andQuantity sold objects.

3. Apply three query filters to:• Return results only for California, Florida, andNew York.• Return results forQuantity sold between 2,000 and 5,000.• Return results only for 2004.

4. Run the query.a. Which stores appear in the results?

5. Save the document as Activity Query Filters1 and close it.

6. Create a new document and build a query using the Year, Store name, Lines, and Salesrevenue objects.

7. Run the query.

8. Save the document as Activity Query Filters2.

9. Edit the query and apply two query filters to:• Prompt to select the City.

Tip: Be sure to select an operator that allows you to select more than one city.

• Return only Lineswith the characters ea inside the line name.

a. Which operator do you need to use to combine these filters?

10.Run the query and selectNew York andHouston.

11.Save the document and run the query.a. Which Year, Store, and Line earned the highest revenue?

Tip: Use the scroll bar to browse and find the row with the highest value.

b. What was the revenue earned?

12.Refresh the report and change the cities to Austin andMiami.a. Now which Year, Store, and Line earned the highest revenue?b. What was the revenue earned?

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13.Edit the query and remove all the query filters.

14.Add theWeek object to theResult Objects pane and theChristmas period predefined filterto theQuery Filters pane, then run the query.a. Which weeks are returned by this query?

15.Edit the query to:• Remove the predefined filter.• Add a query filter to display all stores except theMagnolia stores.

16.Edit the query again by removing all query filters.

17.Add new query filters to return:• Only data for eFashionMiami Sundance stores.• Jacket lines or lines that return negative Sales revenue.

18.Run the query.a. How many rows have returned negative revenue?

19.Save the document.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 4Activity: Designing Web Intelligence reports


• Present your data effectively by using the different table and chart formats available inWebIntelligence.


1. Create a new document using all the objects in the eStaff universe.

2. Delete the table from the report.

3. Insert five additional reports in the document

4. InReport 1, create one vertical table that shows Store and Total Salary and another verticaltable that shows Store andNumber of Employees.Your results should look like this:

5. In Report 2, create a horizontal table with Store, Store Code, andNumber of Employees.Your results should look like this:

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6. InReport 3, create a table that showsEmployeeName,Gender,StoreCode, JobDescription,Personnel Number, and Address.

7. To try a different presentation, click the Templates tab, expand the Table folder and dragthe Form template over the vertical table in Report 3.

8. Organize the data so the form table matches the results shown here:

9. In Report 4, create a table that shows Employee Name, Job Description, and Total Salary.

10.Right-click the table and select Turn to.

11.In the Tables tab, select Crosstab then clickOK.

12.Verify that Employee Name appears as the column header, Job Description appears as therow header and Total Salary values appear in the table body.Your results should look like this:

13.InReport 5, create a vertical grouped bar chart that showsNumber of Employees, andCity.

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Your results should look like this:

14.In Report 6, create a 3D Pie Chart that shows Region andNumber of Employees.Your results should look like this:

15.Save the document as Activity Tables & Charts.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 5Activity: Enhancing the presentation of reports


• Use breaks, calculations, and sorts to organize the presentation of data in a report.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the Year, Category, SKU desc, and Sales revenue objects.a. How many different SKU desc values do you find in the Long sleeve category in 2005?b. And in 2006?

3. Remove the SKU desc object from the table.a. Which category earned the highest revenue in 2004?b. And in 2005?c. Which two categories earned the lowest revenue in 2006?

4. Remove all filters and insert the SKU desc object in the table again.a. In 2004, which categories earned the highest and lowest revenue for all products whose

names start with the letter B?

5. Remove all filters and display only the four highest earning categories.

6. Filter for the year 2005.

7. Edit the query by adding theQuarter object and by removing the SKU desc object.

8. Save the document as Activity Presentation1.

9. Create a duplicate report and in the new report, turn the table into a Vertical Grouped barchart with Category on the X-axis andQuarter shown in the chart legend.a. Quarter after quarter, how does the Jewelry category revenue evolve?b. And for the T-shirt category?

10.Insert a new report and create a cross tabwith Sales revenue in the body,Year in the columnheaders and Category in the row headers.a. Which category earned the lowest revenue?b. For which Years and Categories is there a null result?

11.Display only the four categories that earned the lowest revenue.

12.Turn the cross tab into a 3D chart.a. Which kind of 3D chart is the best for this kind of data?

13.Edit the query by adding theMargin object.

14.Insert a new report.

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15.In the new report, insert a Scatter Radar chart that shows the relationship between Salesrevenue andMargin for all categories.a. Which two categories had the highest margins in relation to revenue earned?

16.Save the document.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 5Activity: Creating alerters


• Use alerters to highlight important information.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the Year, Quarter, Lines, and Sales revenue objects.

3. Apply breaks on the Year andQuarter columns.

4. Create an alerter including two sub-alerters to:• highlight Sales revenue less than $40,000 per quarter• highlight Sales revenue greater than $1,000,000• highlight Sales revenue between $100,000 and $600,000

5. Apply the alerter to the Lines column.

6. Insert a new column to the right of the Sales revenue column.

7. Duplicate the alerter you just created and edit the new one to display the following textvalues in the new column:• Revenue < 40,000: Low results• Revenue > 1,000,000: High results• Revenue between 100,000 and 600,000: Target

8. Edit the new column header cell to indicate the purpose of the column.Your results should look like this:

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9. Save the document as Activity Presentation2.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 5Activity: Working with sections


• Organize a report using sections.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the Year, Quarter, State, andQuantity sold objects.

3. Set Year andQuarter as sections.

4. Apply a Sum on theQuantity sold column.

5. While pressing theCTRL key, drag the value in the Sum cell and position it next to theYearsection.

6. Repeat the step to position the Sum next to theQuarter section.Your results should look like this:

7. Duplicate the table and turn the copied table into a 3D Pie chart.

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Your results should look like this:

8. Save the document as Activity Presentation3.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 5Activity: Creating a professional report


• Structure and enhance a report using filters, sections, calculations, and alerters.


1. On the basis of what you have learned in the previous exercises, use all the tools availableto you to create the report shown here:

2. Save the document as Activity Presentation4.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 6Activity: Formatting tables


• Format the different elements in a table.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the Year, Quarter,Month, Lines, andQuantity sold objects.

3. Using breaks and formatting options, create a report that appears like this:

4. Save the document as Activity Formatting.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 7Activity: Calculating data with formulas and variables


• Use formulas and variables to display information or calculate data that you cannot retrieveby using the existing objects in the universe.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the Lines andQuantity sold objects.

3. Restrict the query so that you are prompted to select the Year and State.

4. Remove the title cell from the report and insert two new blank cells.

5. Use the UserResponse() function to capture the answers to both prompted query filters andto display them in the blank cells.

6. Insert a blank cell in the lower right-hand corner next to the table.

7. Use the DocumentAuthor() function to display the user's name in the blank cell.

8. Create a new variable called PLUS to display 20% of theQuantity sold value.

9. Insert the PLUS variable into a new column in the table.

10.Create a second variable called TOTAL to calculate the values forQuantity sold plus thevalues returned by the PLUS variable.

11.Insert the TOTAL variable into a new column in the table.The table should appear like this:

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12.Save the document as Activity Formulas Variables.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 8Activity: Synchronizing blocks of data


• Merge data from multiple sources into a single block in a document.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. In a single document, build four queries using the following objects:• Store name and Sales revenue (eFashion universe)• Store and Total salary (eStaff universe)• Store name andQuantity sold (eFashion universe)• Store andNumber of Employees (eStaff universe)

3. Select Run all queries.

4. Rename this first report Unsynchronized blocks.The report appears like this:

5. Insert a new report and name it Synchronized block.

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6. Synchronize the four queries using Store name as the base object.

7. In the new report, insert a table displaying Store name, Number of Employees, Quantitysold, Sales revenue, and Total Salary.The report appears like this:

8. Save the document as Activity Synchronized.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 9Activity: Analyzing data using the Drill toolbar


• Use drill mode and theDrill toolbar to filter values.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the Year andQuantity sold objects.

3. Set the scope of analysis to Three levels.

4. Run the query and using drill mode, analyze the data to answer the following questions:a. How many products were sold in Q1 2004? And in Q1 2005? And in Q1 2006?b. How many products were sold in December 2004? And 2005? and 2006?c. How many products were sold in all of 2004?d. Which was the worst week during Q1 2005?e. Which was the second best month in Q1 2004?

5. Drill down to view theHoliday (y/n) values in January 2004.

6. Show all the weeks in January 2004.

7. Drill across to view the same data for each Year.a. Which is the only Year that returns both Y and N values in theHoliday (y/n) column?)

8. Save the document as Activity Drill1.

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Optional Practice, Lesson 9Activity: Analyzing data using a custom scope of analysis


• Create a custom scope of analysis and use drill mode.


1. Create a new document using the eFashion universe.

2. Build a query using the Year, Lines, and Sales revenue objects.

3. In the Scope of Analysis pane, create a custom scope by adding the Category and Colorobjects to the Lines dimension.

Note: You do not need to add any objects to the Year scope because, when you drill downthrough Year in the report, the next available dimension in the Time hierarchy will beappended to the query and displayed in the table.

4. Run the query.

5. Turn the table to a cross tab with Year positioned as the column headers, Lines as the rowheaders and Sales revenue in the body.

6. Add a Sum to both the columns and rows.

7. Save the document as Activity Drill2.

8. Close the Rich Client and open the document in InfoView.

9. Turn on drill mode and analyze the data to answer the following questions:a. What was the Sales revenue in Q1 2005? In Q2? In Q3? In Q4?b. For which lines and in which quarters were there no results in 2004?c. Which line had the worst results in November 2006?d. Which color had the worst results in all of 2005?e. Only one category in theDresses line had no revenue in 2005. Which category?f. For that category, which colors were sold in 2004?g. These two colors were sold only one month out of three in Q1 2004. Which month was

that?h. In this month, there is only week with revenue. Which week is that?

10.Save the document as Activity Drill2.

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Answer Key

This section contains the answers to the reviews and/or activities for the applicable lessons.

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Quiz: Introducing Web IntelligencePage 12

1. True or False: Web Intelligence is a single tool for understanding, controlling, and sharingbusiness information.

Answer: True.

2. What is a universe?

Answer: A universe is the BusinessObjects semantic layer that maps to data in a databaseand is used for creating queries in Web Intelligence.

3. What is the core functionality of Web Intelligence?

Answer: Querying, reporting, and analyzing data.

4. Describe three ways for sharing Web Intelligence documents with others.

Answer: Exporting the document to the BusinessObjects CMS, sending to a user's Inboxfrom within InfoView, saving a document locally as a Web Intelligence document (.wid),as an Excel, or PDF file.

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Quiz: Creating Web Intelligence documents withqueriesPage 40

1. What is a BusinessObjects universe?

Answer: A universe is the BusinessObjects semantic layer that maps objects and classes todata in a database, using everyday business terms. It is used for creating queries in WebIntelligence, and other BusinessObjects end-user querying tools.

2. List the object types used in a BusinessObjects universe, and the kind of data returned byeach type.

Answer:○ Dimension objects: Character-type data, dates, and non-aggregated numeric data, for

example telephone numbers. Dimensions are the key elements of a query.

○ Measure objects: Numeric- or fact-type data○ Detail objects: Character- or date-type data (supplementary information)

3. What is the name of the interface element in the Web Intelligence Rich Client applicationthat allows you to build queries?

Answer: TheQuery panel

4. What are the advantages of using theWeb Intelligence Rich Client application to create newdocuments?

Answer:○ You can choose to work in three different operating modes: connected, offline, and

standalone.○ You can choose to work with documents locally or to import and export them to and

from the CMS.

5. When you interrupt data retrieval, what can you choose to display in your document?

Answer: You can choose to display:○ The results from the previous data retrieval.○ Nothing. You purge the document.○ The partial results returned before you interrupted the data retrieval.

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Quiz: Restricting data returned by a queryPage 69

1. Name some of the advantages of using query filters to restrict data in queries.


Using query filters limits the amount of data retrieved from the database and can improveprocessing time and the time that it takes to refresh a document. They allow you to be moreprecise and accurate in the data that you are retrieving.

2. What three components make up a query filter?

Answer: Object, Operator, and Operand

3. What types of query filters can you apply to a Web Intelligence document?

Answer: Single-value, Multiple-value, Prompted, and Complex query filters

4. Which logical operators must be used when applying more than one filter?


Queries that contain multiple filters use logical operators (AND/OR) to combine the filtersand to create specific querying scenarios.

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Quiz: Designing Web Intelligence reportsPage 111

1. What are the three components that make up a Web Intelligence document?


Reports, blocks (tables and charts), and the microcube of data

2. How can you verifywhich toolbars are displayed in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientmainwindow?

Answer:○ Select View > Toolbars.○ Click Configure Views on the Standard toolbar and display the Toolbars drop-down


3. List the types of tables available in Web Intelligence.

Answer: Vertical, Horizontal (Financial), Cross tab, and Form tables

4. List the types of charts available in Web Intelligence.

Answer: Pie, Bar, Area, Line, and Radar charts

5. Where are templates located in theWeb Intelligence Rich Clientwindow?


Available table, chart and cell templates are located in the Templates tab of the ReportManager (left-hand panel).

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Quiz: Enhancing the presentation of reportsPage 167

1. What are two advantages of applying breaks to a report?

Answer:Breaks can be used to subgroupdatawithin a block and to easily apply and displaysubtotals.

2. What is the difference between a query filter and a report filter?


A query filter is created in theQuery panel to limit the data retrieved from the database; areport filter is created in theWeb IntelligenceRichClientwindowand allows you to restrictthe data shown in the report simply by hiding the data you are not interested in.

3. What is the name of the feature that allows you to display only top or bottom values of thedata returned by a query?

Answer: Ranking

4. When you want optimal flexibilty in creating a report filter, what is the most appropriateway to create the filter?

Answer: The Filter Pane offers the most flexibility in the definition of your report filter.

5. What is the name of the feature you can use to highlight results that meet or fail specificbusiness targets?

Answer: Alerters

6. True or false: You can apply an alerter to tables and charts in a Web Intelligence document.

Answer: False. Alerters cannot be applied to charts.

7. What are the differences between applying breaks and sections to a report?


The difference is that the grouped value appears as a header outside the block instead ofremainingwithin the block. A break only groupswithin a block, whereas sectioning groupsthe entire report.

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Quiz: Formatting reportsPage 190

1. What part of the Report Manager is used for formatting a document and its reports?


The Properties tab is used for formatting a document and all of its elements. You can alsouse the Formatting toolbar to apply some of the same formatting features.

2. What document elements can I modify using the Properties tab of the Report Manager?

Answer: Report, Table, Chart, Cell, Section

3. How do you access the default properties for the report section you want to format?


Select anywhere in the section whitewashes and then modify the properties displayed inthe Properties tab of the Report Manager.

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Quiz: Creating formulas and variablesPage 214

1. Describe the two ways of adding formulas to a report.


You can add formulas to a report by selecting the location for the formula (cell, column, andso on) and then creating the formula in the Formula Toolbar or using the Formula Editorand inserting it into the location.

2. What are the advantages of using variables?


By creating variables, you can easily reuse the variable throughout the document by draggingand dropping it into blocks in the reports.

3. How do you check a formula to make sure the syntax is valid?


By clicking the Validate button in either the Formula toolbar or the Formula Editor.

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Quiz: Using multiple data sourcesPage 247

1. What term describes the ability to combine blocks of data from different data sources in asingle report document?

Answer: Synchronization

2. How do you combine data from multiple sources into a single block?

Answer: By merging dimension objects that retrieve related data

3. What is the term to describe where the results of a query run against a universe are stored?

Answer: Data provider

4. Where can you change automatic merge dimension settings for a specific document?

Answer: In theDocument Properties panel

5. True or False: You can only merge dimensions that have a common data format.

Answer: True

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Quiz: Analyzing dataPage 268

1. What is a Scope of Analysis for a query?


The scope of analysis for a query is extra levels of data in an object's hierarchy that you canretrieve from the database to give more detailed data returned by each of the objects. Thisextra data does not appear in the initial document results, but it remains available in thedata cube, or data provider, so you can pull this data into the report to allow you to accessmore detail at any time.

2. Drill mode in Web Intelligence refers to two activities. Which two activities are these?

Answer: The two activities are:○ Setting up a Web Intelligence document so that you and other users can analyze the

reports in drill mode.○ Viewing the document in drill mode, either in the Web Intelligence Rich Client, Java

Report Panel, or in InfoView, and analyzing the data at different levels of detail.

3. How is query drill mode different from the standard drill mode?


Using query drill mode means that when you drill down in a document, Web Intelligencemodifies the underlying query and executes it each time you move from one level to thenext level down in the hierarchy. This means that all the data required for the scope ofanalysis levels defined in the query is not returned and stored in the data provider, as is thecase in standard query mode.

4. Under what circumstances are you most likely to use query drill mode instead of standarddrill mode?


1.) When your report contains aggregate measure calculated at the database level.

2.)When you are interested in reducing the amount of data thatWeb Intelligencemust storelocally during a drill session.

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Quiz: Managing and sharing Web IntelligencedocumentsPage 308

1. In InfoView,what are the three different storage areaswhere documents aremade availableto you?

Answer: Public Folders, Favorites Folders, Inbox

2. What are the two kinds of categories and folders?

Answer: Personal and Corporate

3. What are the differences between categories and folders?

Answer: Categories allow users to classify documents across the system, regardless of thedocuments’ actual storage location. Folders are used as containers for documents to storeand organize informationwithin the system. They can holdmanydocuments but a documentcannot belong to more than one folder.

4. Which types of documents can you view in InfoView?


The types of documents available to you in InfoView depend on the installation ofBusinessObjects in your organization. However, the principle document types for WebIntelligence users include: BusinessObjects reporting and querying documents, such asWebIntelligence and Crystal Reports documents, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Exceldocuments, AdobeAcrobat PDF documents, text files, program objects and object packages.

5. Describe three ways for sharing Web Intelligence documents with other InfoView users.


Documents can be shared by sending to a user's inbox, saving to PDF or Excel format, orsaving to a corporate folder or category.

6. What formats can you save your document to for sharingwith userswho do not have accessto Web Intelligence?

Answer: Excel, CSV document or PDF

7. Which of the four Web Intelligence panels is a Windows-based standalone application thatoffers you the choice of savingWeb Intelligence documents locally on your PC or exportingthem to the CMS repository?○ Java Report Panel○ Web Intelligence Rich Client○ Interactive HTML○ Web Accessibility HTML

Answer:Web Intelligence Rich Client

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