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Boost Your Profits by Boosting Your Reputation How to Get Your Customers to Bring More Customers & Buy More Via Free Tools James T Pereira Copyright 2013 James T Pereira | All Rights Reserved

Boost your profits by boosting your reputation - How to get customers with free tools in 8 steps.

May 10, 2015



James Pereira

Discover why every company needs to market its reputation in order to keep customers and get these customers to bring new customers along.
The 8 steps to boost your reputation revealed in 35 pages.
These 8 steps will boost your revenue as well as slash your operating costs, therefore increasing your profits.
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Page 1: Boost your profits by boosting your reputation - How to get customers with free tools in 8 steps.

Boost Your Profits by Boosting Your Reputation

How to Get Your Customers to Bring More Customers & Buy More Via Free Tools

James T Pereira

Copyright 2013 James T Pereira | All Rights Reserved

Page 2: Boost your profits by boosting your reputation - How to get customers with free tools in 8 steps.


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About the Author

I am a Business Coach Consultant who specializes in Reputation Marketing.I have spent 26 years marketing in both the B2B and B2C markets.

Among the products I have marketed are drug and non-drug health care products both in brick and mortar corporations and online. I have marketed digital and physical products online and educational books and university academic programmes both locally and internationally.

I have boosted sales by triple-digits and turned around dead-in-the-water pharma organizations by focusing on the essentials of marketing and sales while ditching the shiny object syndrome. I don’t believe in creativity simply because the Harvard professors say that’s the way to go.

I have spent hundreds of hours coaching my clients both locally and internationally to boost their business profits and lead a very fulfilling life because they can do what they enjoy in their work life and personal life.

The most memorable and exciting period I spent was while running an independent community pharmacy and realizing the value of a company’s reputation. Here, I discovered that no matter how much money you spend on marketing your products or services, no one will do business with you, if your reputation sucks.

I hope you enjoy this short report on my experiences and insights about the link between a company’s reputation and its profits.

James T. Pereira

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1! Fundamentals

Let me start of this report by going over some fundamentals of business. You may have been in business for years or decades or just starting out. But I just want to male sure that we are all on the same page.

You know how it is sometimes, when people over each other, simple because their reference points were different. Sometimes a word or phrase can mean different things to different people.

So let’s get that out of the way, shall we?


Now, wether your business is in a B2B or B2C environment, wouldn’t you like to have a queue of customers waiting to buy your product, like the image below?

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Advertising & PR

Now, I guess that in order for these customers to visit your store (if you have a retail outlet) or contact your company to conduct business with you, you probably do one of the following:

✴ advertise your product of business on some media channel✴ do public relations

But do you really know what the difference between these 2 types of promotions are?

I’m going to make it easy for you to remember the difference by showing you a series of cartoons.

This is an example of Advertising...

Honestly, don’t we all relate to this? We go around shouting to the whole world, how good our product or business is. We hope that many people would believe us and come visit. The reality is that advertising is like water on a duck’s back.

Here’s what PR is about...

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Wouldn’t you prefer PR instead? Don’t we all fall prey more to PR than adverts. With adverts there’s the tendency to disregard it as tooting your own horn. It’s inherent in human nature not to believe hype and braggards but to listen to other people’s opinion.

This is ultimately the result of PR, which we all want as business people...

Although this slide says Branding, this is in reality brand recognition. People recognise your brand as something they need to check out.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that advertising is useless. It’s role is limited to simply making people aware of your existence of your products’.

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Once people are aware, they will need to get feedback from other people on their experience in dealing with your business and product to make them tip over to doing business with you.

Hang on one sec.

Word of Mouth

Don’t these cartoons remind you of an ancient concept known as Word of Mouth?

Word of Mouth is the ideal way for a brand to get new customers. And. It. Is. Free!

The second advantage of WOM is that it reveals the passion and enthusiasm of the customer. That is a powerful customer magnet. Body language contributes more than 50% of communication. When people see the positive body language of the enthralled customer, they believe it more than just the words.

The first disadvantage with WOM is that it is slow. Imagine how long it’ll take for you to reach even 10 customers. Each person may take a day, a week or even a month to tell another soul about your fantabulous service. It is very much dependent on their remembering to share the good news.

The next problem is what exactly will they tell others about you? There’s no consistent message you can control. It’s a free for all actually.But I have good news for you. There’s a way to speed up this process and also control the message that other potential customers need to hear from your raving loyal customers.

But before that, let’s settle a few more fundamental issues.

Word of Mouth can be both positive and negative. You definitely don’t want negative WOM as studies have indicated that a pissed-off customer will tell 10 of their friends. Imagine that, in an instant, you’ve lost 10 potential customers who may have visited your store, if that irate customer hadn’t instigated them.

So you definitely need to develop positive WOM. And how do you do that?

By making sure you deliver a very pleasant customer experience. Now you know why the business world is abuzz about customer experience. The phrase may be recent, but the concept is ancient. All customers want to be treated nicely.

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Reputation Marketing and Branding

Now I will introduce the concept of reputation marketing.

Reputation Marketing is the process of building and promoting your reputation in order to retain current customers and get new customers through them.

Earlier I pointed out the power of WOM and how you get positive WOM with an awesome customer experience. Customer experience is a concept every customer can relate to.

If you ask a customer how their experience with a business was they can easily mark off on a scale between bad and great. But ask them what the brand equity or brand value of the business of product is and they’ll answer you with a “Huh?”

Don’t talk about branding. No one really knows what branding is except the professors and analysts. Real people, like your customers (the only people who matter to a business) are lost with that word, branding.

If I ask you what you think of McDonald’s branding, your brain will be stunned for a while trying to compute an acceptable answer. What will you answer? It’s a good brand or lousy brand. The next question I’ll ask if why you think so. Then you will get to the cruz of the matter, which is that you think they have a good or bad brand because of your experience with them over a period of time.

On the shop floor, the only thing a business owner or manager needs to keep her eyes on is customer experience. You manage customer experience to get repeat business. Customers can wrap their heads around the phrase “customer experience” very easily without needing an MBA, unlike branding, brand equity, brand value and brand promise. Phew!

Managing a business shouldn’t be complicated. Leave that to the Harvard researchers. Focus on the nuts and bolts all the time and sometimes you can look at whether the shape of the head of the nuts should be circular, squarish, triangular or elliptical.

Business Profits

Let’s now look at the final fundamentals of any business.

From a Profit & Loss statement point of view, how many ways can you increase profits?

Did you say two?

These two are via:

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✴ increasing sales ✴ slashing costs

Let’s focus on the more challenging of the two. What can you do to increase sales?

You’re limited to only a few things you can manipulate:✴ increasing new customers✴ increasing per transaction value (from new and current customers)✴ increasing frequency of purchase (only from current customers)✴ increasing price (from both customer types)

This is a trick question, which is cheaper, retaining customers or acquiring customers?Yes, it’s retaining customers. Research has shown that it can cost anywhere from 5 to 10 times (or more) to get new customers than retaining current customers. This cost of getting new customers is determined by the type of promotions you undertake.

Furthermore, current customers spend up to 67% more than new customers. Now you begin to see the importance of current customers. And when you do an analysis of all your customers, you’ll find that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers. So, focus on your top 20%.

One more trick question. Which is better, retaining customers or getting new customers? You need both. When you start off, you focus on getting new customers, because you don’t have any to retain in the first place. As your business grows you tend to focus more on retaining than acquiring customers. But never in your business life cycle do you abandon customer acquisition.

Now to link all the fundamentals I took you through, it’ll look like this:

! You can boost your revenues and profits by increasing sales and slashing costs. ! You can advertise for new customers or use WOM (PR) to retain customers and ! get customers through them. When you use WOM, it’s free and therefore you can ! ditch or reduce advertisements to get customers and your profits go up.

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2! How to build loyal customers

In order for you to get free word of mouth from your customers, you need to build loyalty among them. The best way is to engage them. It’s not by giving then an everyday-low-price for your products. Think Wal-Mart and you’ll know that low price doesn’t create loyalty.

Engaging your customers is much, much more than being pleasant to them when they are interacting with you while trying to buy your stuff.

Here are ways that you could engage your customers, outside of the purchasing moments and therefore build loyalty.


Conduct surveys of your customers at regular intervals. I would suggest that at a minimum, you should do this at least once a year and ideally, twice a year.

You could conduct the surveys quarterly, if you wish and that should be the absolutely maximum. Anything more than that and you hit the point of diminishing returns as your customers will have survey fatigue syndrome.

Surveys are super-strong loyalty builders because everybody has an opinion about everything and customers love it when their feedback is requested.

In order to achieve high response rates, always reward your respondents. Some ideas could be a discount coupon or voucher to be redeemed with your product. It could also be a gift card or coupon to redeem in another (non-competing) outlet.

Make your survey instrument short. Maximum should be 10 questions and have most of them multiple choice with a couple of comment-type questions.

Electronic survey tools are excellent as your cost for distribution is free. Electronic surveys also make it hassle free for customers to fill. One simple to use tool I recommend is Survey Monkey.

If the investment is too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll help you create one using my account, at an affordable rate.


Far too many businesses fail to ask their customers how they fared. Surveys are fine, but they are always after the fact. Asking your customers immediately after a transaction has concluded it the best way to get feedback because it’s fresh in their mind.

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Moreover, you can enquire with deep questions to clarify unclear answers.

The number reason most businesses don’t check in with their customers is that they are afraid to hear bad news, so they behave like ostriches and pretend the problems will evaporate the longer they stick their head into the ground.

What have you got to lose by asking? Bad feedback? At least you know to work on. And if your soul id tortured when you get nasty feedback, then you shouldn’t even be running a business.

Even the most irritated customer of yours can be wooed by asking how you could improve your service. This alone will change the mind of the customer to continue doing business with you, because you indicated you’re willing to listen and improve.


How often do you reward your customers? I’m only referring to your most profitable customers.

Everybody loves some sort of appreciation. It doesn’t have to be a diamond or a BMW. Once again a simple discount voucher or gift card will work miracles.


Educating your customers, either about the products they bought or any other relevant information that will have a beneficial impact on their lives, build loyalty. It’s like after sales service.

There are many ways you can educate your customers. If it’s about how to use a product, a video demo is an excellent method.

You could also just write an article on your blog and ask your customers to go read that masterpiece of yours. You could even send them an email with a snippet of information.

You could organise a seminar or even a webinar.

Social Media

Use social media to engage customers and even prospects. This is a viral method to get other promote awareness about you and your products, provided it’s viral worthy.

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To get your message viral, it has to be useful and memorable for your fans and it should also make them look cool or intelligent when they share it. Nobody wants to share something and end up looking like the 3 Stooges.

Within social media, you have several media to choose from. Among the most favoured are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Youtube.

When you use social media, it shouldn’t be with the intent of making it viral, but more importantly educational for your customers and prospects.


I’m putting email as a separate category because you should use email as a method of continuously keeping in touch with your customers. Do you recall the saying, “out of sight, out of mind”?

You don’t want them to forget you, especially when the re-purchase cycle is a long one that could be many months or even years.

When you use email system, you can set it up to deliver emails automatically to subscribers at an interval you set. Or you could also just send a message to all subscribers at the same time.

Whatever you choose, just make sure that there is some consistency. It could be daily, weekly or monthly.

Your emails could include updating your subsribers about new arcicles on your blog or announcements about promotions, birthday greetings, anniversary wishes etc.


When I refer to the phone, I don’t mean using a call-centre but more like using it to touch base with some customers.

Too many people think that phone communication is redundant with the advent of email. Nothing is further from the truth. People generally like to receive calls with relevant information but hate spammy solicitors.At the end of the day, phone calls produce a cognitive dissonance because it disrupts the minds’ familiarity of voice communcation.

Due to the cost of this tool, you could target just your top customers. Or use SMS to reach out to a larger group.

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Direct Mail

This tool is far from dead, despite the existence of email for over 3 decades. Many pundits were predicting the extinction of direct mail, but direct mail still plays a major role in sales for many companies.

Direct mail is another tool that creates cognitive dissonance, simply because we all love to receive mail and we tend to open more paper mail than email today. The open rates for email are declining in some instances.

Using it sparingly for promotional announcements will work well.

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3! 8 Steps to Get Free Customers (aka How to Market Your ! Reputation)

Step #1 - Create a Website

Creating a website is a no brainer. How can anyone in this age, conduct business without a website? It’s like running a business without an address.

First thing to remember about developing websites is that it has to be developed from the viewpoint of the customer and not the company. Many corporate websites are built with the intention of the company not customer.

Building it for the customer means the website has to be useful to the customer. You must be able to answer the question as to why the customer is visiting your site. Is it to find your location or to get more information about your products or to learn about your company.

Therefore, websites don’t need 10 or 20 pages. The essential pages are:✴ Home (default page)✴ About Us (include history, Vision, Mission, Values)✴ Products/Services provided✴ Blog/Articles✴ Contact Us

Google loves a dynamic template and the one I recommend if Wordpress. It’s free and it comes with thousands of templates that are very user friendly in terms of navigation. Wordpress makes navigation for customers a joy.

Furthermore, Wordpress comes with many plugins that help it rank high on Google’s search results.

Make sure the design is a responsive one, meaning that it can be viewed on a tablet and smartphone without having to scroll horizontally. Mobile usage is exploding and you want your website to be viewable on such devices too and not lose out on eyeballs.

Why am I only talking about ranking on Google and not Bing and Yahoo? Because Google is used by 60 - 80% of people for search. So focus on the big boy.

Also ensure that make each page easily shareable on social media, but installing social share buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

Here’s an example of a simple, elegant, responsive, Wordpress website.

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Make it easy for visitors to share your website pages with their friends and family by installing share buttons on every page.

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Step #2 - Create Customer Reviews Page

I’ve purposely listed this as a separate step although it’s part of Step 1, because this is how important it is.

You must ensure that you create a Customer Reviews or Client Testimonials page. This is where you showcase all the testimonials from customers glorifying your excellent service.

This page is also where your customers can key in their reviews. You can insert the reviews into this page youself, after collecting them from customers from emails, customer feedback or review cards, phone messages, SMS, letters or even hand written notes. And it’s mandatory that you retain all these forever. You will have to present this to anyone to who challenges the veracity of the testimonials on your site.

Never ever put up fictitious testimonials. I know you are honest, but it’s my duty to make sure I put it in here, so there’s no ambiguity. You can be hauled to court for misrepresentation, if you’re caught displaying false reviews.

Here’s an example of a Client Review Tab on a website...

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Step #3 - Capture Visitor Info

Do customers buy stuff during the first visit to your shop or first interaction with you?

Unfortunately, no. In the B2B environment it can take up to 6 visits before a deal is secured. In the B2C scene, it can be with fewer visits, but still the majority of customers don’t buy the very first time they see your face or step into your store.

So, do you just ignore these visitors who don’t buy?

A bright business person will capture their contact info, so that you could send them information to educate them and build a relationship in the process. Then eventually they’ll come around and buy from you when they’re ready. But you have to proactive in preparing them.

Remember that people buy from people they have a relationship with. Even with an e-commerce site, people buy shop there when they have a relationship with that store, despite not having any face to face interactions with anyone. Amazon is the best example. No Amazon customer every speaks to anyone there before buying something.

Very, very few brick and mortar businesses ever collect any contact details of those who stop by their shop.

In the online space, it’s so easy to collect customer data, by creating a landing page that offers something of value to a visitor in exchange for their information. The most important information you need is the email. There’s some debate about whether asking for the name would act as a scarecrow. My take is that it’s good to at least collect the first name, so you have a name you could use in your communications with the subscriber.

And definitely, the more fields of data you request (phone, address, age), lesser number of people will subscribe.

You could make your capture page your landing page or have your visitors navigate there from your home page.

Below is an example of a capture page...

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Step #4 - Create Google + Page

Google+ is Google’s social media channel. Although it’s a social media site, it behaves very differently from Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It looks quite like a website as you have an About Us page. But just like FB you can post updates, photos and videos.

But the number 1 thing about G+ for a business is that it makes posting of customer reviews so brain-dead easy. You can either post these reviews yourself or your customers can post the reviews themselves.

If your customers send you reviews directly via email, sms, phone, letter or some other means, you can also upload them onto G+ on behalf of your customers. However, in order to do this, you must make sure that you create a profile for each customer.

There’s a catch though. Google will be able to identify the IP address of your computer and will block it from posting a handful of reviews with different G+ profiles. But there are tools out there you can use to circumvent this Google block.

Your customers can also post their reviews on Facebook, but these reviews will never show on search engines. And with G+ reviews, your reviews are going to be visible to the whole world when your business shows up in the search results.

If your business has been around for some time, it’s highly probable that Google has already created a G+ page for you and you just have to claim it.

If it doesn’t exist yet, you will have to create it yourself and Google will validate the information before approving it.

This is what a G+page will look like...

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Below is how your business will appear on Google search, if a customer punches your business name into the search bar.

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Note that the business’ details are prominently displayed on the right of the search engine page. Moreover, it’s obvious that what draws your eyes are the yellow stars indicating the reputation of the business.

This is the power of G+ and why every business needs to get their customer reviews there to draw more customers. People prefer to deal with winners and not losers. The more stars you have, the more you look like a winner.

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Step #5 Upload Reviews on Website

Upload reviews on your website’s customer review or testimonials page. This is how it will look after you’ve uploaded them...

Note the yellow stars next to the reviews themselves. These are eyeball magnets that make a visitor want to read them.

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Step #6 Upload Reviews on G+ Page

Similar to step #5, upload the reviews on to your business G+ and this is how the result will look like...

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Step #7 - Create Facebook Page

If you truly want to engage your customers, then you should create a Facebook page, which will look like this...

FB pages have been shown to effectively engage customers of B2C companies. There are people who argue that for B2B, FB engagement is unsuccessful.

Well, I have to say, that it’s success is determined by the type of engagement you conduct on FB. Although your fans could be professionals, you can still use FB to educate them and use FB as a platform for customers to educate each other and exchange business related information. Your FB page can act as a collaboration floor.

Using the FB page you could run competitions and special offers and even to get feedback on any activity or event you want to organise.

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Step 8 - Create YouTube Channel

Videos have exploded since You Tube was launched several years ago. Videos have become so popular as educational tools and You Tube is actually a search engine by itself. In fact You Tube is the second most popular search engine after Google - it’s not Yahoo or Bing.

What does this mean for you as a business?

It means this is another powerful tool you should use to engage customers and prospects. You create a loyal following among these people.

The best way to use You Tube for businesses is to use video to educate people about your company, people and products and services.

Videos are so easy to create now with the multitude of free tools available for computers, tablets and smartphones. Here’s an example of a video created using TouchCast on an iPad.

This is what a YouTube channel would look like when you’ve created it...

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4.! Where’s The Data

Now that you’ve learned the ninja tricks to bring in new customers without spending on advertisements and burning a hole in your pocket, you’re probably wondering if I can back up my claims.

This chapter is to prove what customers think about.

Here’s some data from a study that Nielsen conducted globally in 2011 and published in 2012. This the global overview...

9 out of 10 people buy stuff upon recommendations of people they know and 7 out of 10 people buy based on online reviews.

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This is the North American/European perspective...

Consumers buy from friends’ recommendations as well as strangers’ online reviews. People don’t believe ads anymore.

So, is this data consistent with other regions or is this a developed economy phenomenon?

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Here’s the picture for Asia-Pacific...

The data is almost a mirror image of North America and Europe. Ok, maybe Asians are still suckers for ads a tad bit more than the developed countries.

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Just for fun, what did Nielsen discover in Middle East and Africa?

Ok, these people are definitely more gullible and fall for ads.

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And the last region is Latin America...

Alright, Latinos are definitely more suseptible to ads compared to North Americans, Europeans and Asians.

But one common theme among all cultures is that the number 1 influencer of people’s purchasers is someone they know.

So who says we humans are so different from each other?

The most powerful way to get customers is also the cheapest. Shall we say, FREE!

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5.! How to Build Your Reputation

So far, we have seen that you can build loyalty among your customers if you have a good reputation and you engage your customers frequently and consistently. This will create an awesome customer experience and they will share their wonderful experiences with their friends and kin.

This results in your business getting new customers for free, because Word-of-Mouth is free.

I wonder if by now, your wondering how to build your reputation? I mean what should you do and what should you focus on to build it?

Very simply (I always like to make things simple), you just need to focus on these 3 areas:

✴ Product✴ People✴ Process


Product here refers to the actual item or service you provide, the price, the packaging and also where it’s located in the store. It may also include lighting, layout of your gondolas and music too. It includes the promotions you undertake for the product or service.

Each one of these elements will influence your customer to buy or not buy. So look into them with a microscope and not a magnifying glass. The best way to find out is to ask your customers what they like and what they don’t like.

Approach your business scientifically and always remember to take heed of the views of the top 20% of your customers who give you 80% of the business revenue.

You can survey all your customers and you can supplement this with a focus group session with the top 20%. You may even want to consider creating an advisory panel made up of the top 5 or 10 customers.

Look, I can tell you to go with the views of the majority of your customers but common sense will say that you have to evaluate each idea and make a decision yourself. It’s your business not theirs. You may have to run simulations for each idea and choose the most profitable option.

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Asking your customers is basically what crowdsourcing is all about. A grand buzzword for a process that has existed for thousands of years.


When it relates to people, there are 4 areas you must absolutely pay attention to, if you want customers who leap to their in joy over your service level. I call it the 4Rights FormulaTM for Superior Performance.

It goes like this:

Superior Performance = ! Right Employee x Right Training x Right Performance x Right Reward

This is common sense and is not a magic formula. When you just read that, you may have thought, I know that.

The bigger issue is whether you have the discipline to implement it, every day. Most people will give up after 30 days and start looking for some band-aid being promoted by some professor. That’s the shiny-object syndrome.

These are tried and tested techniques that will make sure your reputation soars.

What this formula calls is to simply make sure that you employ the person who best matches the job specs. It means you don’t employ someone who doesn’t fir the profile. Don’t say you can’t leave a position vacant. Better to leave it unfilled that to have an ill-fitting person who’s going to sabotage your business by providing service that angers your customers. I’m sure you don’t want bad reviews online, do you?

Next, you will have to provide training. Look, nobody is born a super hero. So, if you want your staff to leap tall buildings in a single bound and run faster than a speeding bullet, you better have the patience to train her and train her and train her. Training is not a one-off event but recurs.

Types of training you should consider are technical skills development and soft skills. Technical skills could be using supply chain software, CRM usage, sales force automation software. Soft skills are much broader and can include coaching skills, interviewing skills, selling skills, communication skills, crisis communication skills, etc.

It’s recurring because some skills may require several sessions before it’s internalised by the staff. Other times you may to train them on new skills, especially if you have a new product or new processes in place or even new technology.

Thirdly, you need to measure their performance and manage it to make sure it meets the objectives either you have set or you and your employee have mutually agreed to.

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You need to have this documented and have frequent sessions to document progress and discuss what counter measures to deploy to correct deficiencies. What you do don’t measure can’t be improved.

Finally, when someone performs, you need to reward them. These rewards have to be set in place during the setting of the objectives. No one plays a game without knowing what the reward is.

A happy staff is contagious and it rubs of onto your customers through the excellent service he provides. A happy staff also lifts the spirits of his peers.


The easiest way to look at processes is to look at each function within your business. Each function will have it’s own process, so that’s the place to start.

If you’re a relatively medium sized business, you probably have functional heads, like a finance manager, human resource executive, supply chain exec, sales person or marketing manager. If you’re a single person business, then look at these core functions, even though your the head of everything.

Once again, ask your customers what peeves they have with your ordering process. Ask your supplier what can be improved, your staff too. Ask everyone who comes into contact with your business for their ideas on what can be improved. Remember crowdsourcing.

Why crack your head when there people who are willing to help you for free.

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6. Conclusion

The images below carry a hidden message about having a superb reputation.

The secret messages in these messages are that you should build your reputation with: • customers (image on left)• suppliers (image top right)• employees (image bottom right)

We have already seen that building your reputation with customers will increase your revenue and even lower costs because you can slash your customer acquisition costs.

We have also seen that building reputation with your staff will motivate them and they will serve customers better. Do you know that a high employee reputation translates into lower costs as well? Your staff will spread the word that your company is a great place to work. You will begin getting applications and you can file them all until you need to employ again. You can thus reduce your recruitment costs.

How do you build reputation with suppliers? Pay them on time. Do you think that suppliers would prefer to deal with good pay masters or delay-tactics types? When you

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have a great reputation with your suppliers, don’t you think that you will be their favoured customer, when you need supplies fast or when items are in short supply that you will be given preference over a slimy customer? Don’t you think a happy supplier will also help you out when times are tough.

There are other parts of the external business environment that a business should also work to build their reputation. You can the NGOs that may have an interest in your business, the government and the list can go on.

Can you see that you are setting up a virtuous cycle that keeps expanding?

Put this into practice after you finish reading this special report. Tackle one area at a time.

Need help? Click this link to find out how we could help you Boost Your Reputation and Boost Your Profits.

Write to me at [email protected] or call me at 909-999-1618 (if you’re in North America) or +6012-2829156 (if you’re anywhere else in the world).

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