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boomers’ billions: the spending habits of marketing’s most valuable generation

boomers’ billions - thinkTV...millennials are many … millennials have surpassed boomers as the largest demographic group 8,226 7,249 7,742 6,367 A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ POPULATION

Jul 08, 2020



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Page 1: boomers’ billions - thinkTV...millennials are many … millennials have surpassed boomers as the largest demographic group 8,226 7,249 7,742 6,367 A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ POPULATION

boomers’ billions:the spending habits of marketing’s most valuable generation

Page 2: boomers’ billions - thinkTV...millennials are many … millennials have surpassed boomers as the largest demographic group 8,226 7,249 7,742 6,367 A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ POPULATION

The hype about millennials in marketing circles goes on, but if you think you think they’re “marketing’s most valuable generation”, you’d

be wrong. That honour goes to the boomers*.

“marketing’s most valuable generation”

Source: * Nielsen Report “Marketing’s Most Valuable Generation”; Yearly Income: Numeris | RTS, Canada | Fall 2018


Boomers have billions of dollars to spend - so why don’t they get more of advertisers’ attention? Perhaps

because we continue to market based on decades’ old assumptions.

Boomer Myths: Boomers are saving, not spending

Boomers are set in their ways and unlikely to switch brands

Boomer Truth: Boomers not only make the most money, they spend the most money

Boomers are just as likely to experiment with new products, and

Boomers have brand loyalty levels equivalent to other age groups*

Boomers spend close to 50% of all CPG dollars* and spend billions of dollars in other categories annually.

Might you be leaving money on the table?



A18-34 A50-64


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millennials are many …m i l l e n n i a l s h a v e s u r p a s s e d b o o m e r s a s t h e l a r g e s t d e m o g r a p h i c g r o u p




A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+


Source: Numeris | RTS, Canada | Fall 20184

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… but they can’t compete with boomers’ billions

69% higher


+ $176 billion



A18-34 A50-64



A18-34 A50-64

Source: Numeris | RTS, Canada | Fall 20185

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millennials & boomers by the numbers

54% work full-time25% work part-time

57% work full-time12% work part-time

$296 billion in personal income annually $472 billion in personal income annually

investments/savings* $271 billion investments/savings* $1.5 trillion

31% own their home 82% own their home


Source: Numeris | RTS, Canada | Fall 2018 | * Excludes real estate 6

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cashing in


Page 8: boomers’ billions - thinkTV...millennials are many … millennials have surpassed boomers as the largest demographic group 8,226 7,249 7,742 6,367 A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ POPULATION

$63.7 B

$48.3 B

$22.8 B

New & Used Vehicles Groceries Home Improvement

hungry? boomers spend $15 billion more on groceries alone

b o o m e r s s p e n d m o r e t h a n m i l l e n n i a l s a c r o s s n u m e r o u s c a t e g o r i e s


Source: Numeris | RTS, Canada | Fall 2018

+ $20 billion + $14 billion + $5 billion

A18-34 A50-64


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boomers are on the moves p e n d i n g $ 4 b i l l i o n m o r e i n t r a v e l

$18.0 B

$14.7 B

Non-Grocery Retail Travel (last vacation)


Source: Numeris | RTS, Canada | Fall 2018

+ $1.2 billion + $4 billion

A18-34 A50-64


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the brand loyalty myth

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So, boomers have the money, but are they actually spending that money?

You bet.

In fact, when it comes to brands, it’s young families who are the most entrenched, and for most CPG categories it’s the boomers – “generation wealth” - that are most willing to try different and multiple brands.

the brand loyalty myth

Source: Kantar Worldpanel consumer survey, 2017 11

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33% 33%


UNDER-28 28-44 45-64 OVER-65

Average brand loyalty by age of principal buyer (% share of requirements)


Household Goods


boomers are consistently less brand loyal than other age groups

Source: Kantar Worldpanel consumer survey, 2017, A45-64 12

Page 13: boomers’ billions - thinkTV...millennials are many … millennials have surpassed boomers as the largest demographic group 8,226 7,249 7,742 6,367 A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ POPULATION

target the spenders with


Page 14: boomers’ billions - thinkTV...millennials are many … millennials have surpassed boomers as the largest demographic group 8,226 7,249 7,742 6,367 A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ POPULATION

target the spenders withT V r e a c h e s 8 8 % o f b o o m e r s d a i l y

Boomers watch a lot of TV

• boomers spend 30 hours a week watching TV

• that’s 53% more time than they spend on the Internet

Sources: Television: Numeris PPM, Total Canada, Total TV, A50-64, Mo-Su 2a-2a, Fall 2018 (weeks 3-16, Sept 10 to December 16, 2018) | Internet, Radio, Daily Newspaper, Magazine: Numeris RTS, Canada, A50-64, Fall 2018

8881 79



19.4 18.3

1.9 0.5

TV Internet Radio Newspaper Magazine

Daily Reach %

Average Weekly Hours


Page 15: boomers’ billions - thinkTV...millennials are many … millennials have surpassed boomers as the largest demographic group 8,226 7,249 7,742 6,367 A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ POPULATION

51% 51%


20% 21%


13%10% 9%



4% 4% 4%4%1%


Most Engaging Most Influential Most Trustworthy

Adults 50-64







target the spenders witht e l e v i s i o n i s a g r e a t w a y t o d e l i v e r y o u r m e s s a g e - T V a d s a r e r a t e d t h e m o s t e n g a g i n ga n d i n f l u e n t i a l f o r m o f a d v e r t i s i n g

Source: Nlogic OmniVu | National | Dec 2016 (trustworthy) | March 2018 (Engaging/Influential)


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in summary:• Boomers earn $472B per year - $176B more than millennials -

with an average annual income 69% greater than millennials

• Boomers spend significantly more than millennials in a number of key categories, including groceries, vehicles, home improvements and travel

• Boomers watch a lot of TV: 30 hours per week (53% more than time spent online)

• Boomers find advertising on TV the most engaging and influential

b o o m e r s s p e n d t h e m o s t m o n e y – r e a c h t h e m w i t h t e l e v i s i o n

target the spenders with

“The Boomer is a dynamic consumer and a very valuable one. It’s clear that taking their loyalty for granted, or forsaking them for being too loyal or set in their ways, are both risky approaches.”

-Nielsen Report: “Marketing’s Most Valuable Generation”


Page 17: boomers’ billions - thinkTV...millennials are many … millennials have surpassed boomers as the largest demographic group 8,226 7,249 7,742 6,367 A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ POPULATION

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