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The Fit inn all electric 1. ”Look, daddy! i can see the whole city from your office garden!” 2. ”glad to pick up lunch during work time! man, i am hungry!” 5. ”urban forest in real life!” 7. ”it’s just 20 minutes of charge, dude.” 8. ”and to think that people only used to sit in the bu 13. ”i am glad it’s not raining outside!” 12. ”motivate, motivate them.” 11. ”fresh air, sunshine and love all around!” 10. ”talk, meet, discuss, stand.” 4. ”silent phone.” 3. ”#butcher at the office!” 9. ”this work-out in between meetings is great!” 15. ”free bikes for everyone!” 14. ”i really enjoy this daily run track!” 18. ”i’ll be right there, boss! Right After my daily swim!” 19. ”meet, dance,drink, sit, live, work!” 16. ”i’ll teach you salsa, co-worker, it’s easy! ” 17. ”#roofexercise with the team!” 6. ”flex-work!” Amsterdam Academy of Architecture Winterschool 2014 Slim City
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  • N YH


    The Fit inn

    N YH


    The Fit inn



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    town of the fittest

    Rimaan Al-Dujaili | Larissa Oliveira | Robin Adriaanse | Rogier van den Brink | Maarten Vermeulen | Ashkan Ashemkhani | Alvaro Laanen Baca

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    Amsterdam Academy of ArchitectureWinterschool 2014

    Slim City

  • Winterschool 2014

    Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam, Han Wiskerke, Marieke Timmermans, Mark Hendriks, Marjoleine Gadella.

    i.s.m.. Gemeente Amsterdam, AanpakGezond Gewicht, Dimitri Frenken, Marijke Andeweg.

  • Winterschool Slim City20 January - 31 January 2014

    We beleive that designers play a crucial role in combating the most rapidly growing public health epidemics of our time: obesity and its related chronic diseases.

    In this winterschool we developed new ideas for the city of Amsterdam to enable people to be physically more active in their daily lives. Ideas that will improve activity rates at work, at school, at home and in between. Nineteen teams of students made design proposals. Designs on architecture, urban planning, public space, infrastructure, transportation, interior design, food, social media and other. The teams were interdisciplinary (Architecture, Urbanism, Landscape Architecture) and consisted of first -, second - and third year students.The results are presented in this book.

  • 4A healthy city is one that is continually creating and improving opportunities in the built and social environments to enable all its citizens to be physically active in day-to-day life. World Health Organisation


  • 5Overweight and obesity pose a major risk to chronic illness such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

    The prevalence of overweight and obesity is high and still increasing in high income countries, yet it is dramatically on

    the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. Changing diets in combination with lower

    levels of physical activity are generally seen as the primary causes of the obesity epidemic. As a result of this epidemic,

    health care costs are escalating. It is, by now, a common understanding that the incidence of overweight and obesity

    needs to be reduced to improve the quality of life of those suffering from it and to reduce public spending on health


    But how to do this? For a long time the focus has been on changing individuals behaviour by raising awareness about

    the importance of healthy eating and physical exercise, as it was generally believed that overweight was ones own re-

    sponsibility. However, more recently we have come to understand that also our everyday environment has a significant

    impact on the rising prevalence of overweight and obesity. We live in what is labelled as an obesogenic environment,

    which is for instance characterised by the following:

    during work or school hours we are mainly sedentary, the same holds true for the time we spend at home;

    the spatial design of suburban neighbourhoods is based on the use of a car to move from home to work, to school,

    to shopping mall, et cetera;

    there is relatively easy access to bad calories (sugary and fatty processed food), which are also cheap compared

    to the usually less accessible healthy calories;

    in office buildings the central stairs have been replaced by elevators.

    Reducing the incidence of overweight and obesity is thus not simply a matter of raising awareness, but also, or even

    primarily, a matter of redesigning our everyday environment in such a way that physical activity and healthy eating are

    encouraged and sedentary behaviour and unhealthy eating are discouraged. This poses an interesting challenge for

    designers, in particular as it requires them to look at different levels of scale ranging from the building to the entire city

    as well as at different locations where we spend our day: at home, at school or at work and in public space. Together

    these combinations of scale and location proved to be fertile ground for a range of designs that together constitute the

    building blocks for a much needed transition from an obesogenic environment to a slim city. J.S.C. Wiskerke

    Lector Foodscapes Amsterdam Academy of Architecture



  • 6P1 New wild westRadicaal, treffende beelden, je hoeft niet te slopen, architectuur omlijst openbare ruimte. Dat wordt nieuwe identiteit van die buurt.Zeker realistisch, compleet. Goede analyse, onderbouwing, doorwer-king, uitgewerkt. Over de hele linie goed gescoord. Presentatie zet verhaal zeer sterk neer.

    P2 Wait WatchersPoetisch, goede sfeer door de juiste referenties sfeer van rust en roman-tiek. Goede pitchCoherent verhaal, mooi uitgewerkt naar 1 plek. Heel voorstelbaar, inte-ressant om de vele verkeerslichten in de stad aan te pakken. Niet moraliserend ( je moet meer fietsen) maar wat we al doen beter maken.

    P3 Shifting to connectIdee en interventie interessant. De omgeving tussen en rondom scholen krijgt betekenis, looplijnen en pro-grammeren.... Conceptueel sterkLet op wat je poneert: is dat zo? Soci-ale integratie, daar wordt je gezonder van, klopt dat? Pas op dat het geen karikatuur wordt. Uiteindelijke oplos-sing toch te mager.

    P4 Green networkAnalyse is gedegen, maar stap naar oplossingen of heldere ingrepen moeilijk. Teveel willen oplossen. Presentatie ingewikkeld, niet toegan-kelijk.

    P5 Skinny ArchitectureBasisidee met potentie, maar werk het extremer uit. Maak huizen waar echt de voorzieningen ontbreken, zodat je gedwongen wordt om de stad in te gaan.Wel interessant om thematiek te verbreden naar maatschappij en het leven.

    P6 Its about timeGoede titel, geweldige pitch en effec-tieve presentatie goed neergezet. Ze draaien het idee om: focussen op stilstaan en dat benutten om mensen te laten nadenken. Manifest, spotje voor tv. Effect? Bereik je mensen, ja, maar gaan ze gedrag veranderen? Pas op dat de borden in de stad niet te moraliserend zijn, dat kan ave-rechts werken.

    P7 OBCTOriginele invalshoek waarschuwen. Wat als we niets doen? Maar beklijft het, landt het?In pitch presentatie laten groep het liggen, waarom? Dit verleid niet om echt te verdiepen, dan wordt het te grappig.

    C1 Happy StreetHet ontwerp heeft een sociaal karak-ter dat is kansrijk.Maar met het opwaarderen van de Meeuwenlaan worden buurtproble-men niet zomaar opgelost. Welke problemen moeten er eigenlijk wor-den opgelost? In het project is dat niet op scherpe wijze vertaald naar een opgave, waardoor de geboden oplossingen wellicht ook weinig ef-fect hebben.

    C2 Homo RoboticusOriginele aanpak om te beginnen bij de Academie community. Toetsen hoe je gedrag kan benvloeden, en dat extrapoleren naar andere plek-ken.Het effect van de interventies beter meten, beter vastleggen, het is nu niet geregistreerd.

    C3 Shopping is topsportEvent om idee te verspreiden goed, pitch was krachtig.Kansen laten liggen binnen het idee. Het bestaat al, maar wat heeft de groep toegevoegd. Technologie is er, zet het in.

    C4 KidfrastructureSlim uitgangspunt: niet gebrek aan speelplekken, maar juist de ruimte ertussen als opgave bereikbaar-heid, veiligheid is een plus. Architectonische uitwerking is te eenzijdig en overontworpen. De jury twijfelt aan de onderbouwing van het idee. Een betere analyse nodig, het idee verder uitdenken.

    C5 What you eat is who you areMaakt duidelijke dat obesitas een ge-dragsprobleem is, dat wordt veroor-zaakt door combinatie van inrichting woonomgeving en keuzes van indivi-duen op een dagelijkse basis.Veel willen oplossen, maar geen scherpe keuze gemaakt. Wel een plan met een hoog maakbaarheids-gehalte.

    B1 Vhillage Blue zones, heuvel --- concept en onderbouwing erg goed, dat heuvel-achtige inbrengen. Maar het is niet zinnig om te gaan slopen en een enorme bouwwoede te introduceren

    B2 Cycle of well-beingInteressant om interventies af te stemmen op momenten en plekken waar je gezond gedrag en welbevin-den kan benvloeden. Ook het sociale meenemen is goed.Vertaald naar een onduidelijk ver-haal, de typologien waarmee het well-being benvloed kan worden zijn weinig verassend daar was meer uit te halen

    B3 Neighbourhood as school, school as neighbourhoodDe zienswijze is interessant, om school en buurt beter op elkaar af te stemmenIngreep mist urgentie, het waarom van een zon invloedrijk gebouw wordt te weinig onderbouwd.

    B4 SlimboxIngenieus plan, concreet, slim om in een winkel te gaan zitten, heldere paneelpresentatie, coherent verhaal. Een ingreep met een hoge effectivi-teitDe pitch had het idee sterker neer kunnen zetten.

    B5 Town of the fittestMoeilijke maquette, relatie tus-sen iconen en maquette. Teveel uit de losse pols. Leuk die reeks van mogelijkheden. Hoe effectief zijn de oplossingen. Te schematisch. Gra-fisch mooi.

    B6 SchoolboxGoed om school uiteen te rafelen in plekken en routesWat je daar dan vervolgens kan blijft hangen in een gereeddschapskist met ideen waarvan de effectiviteit maar moet blijken.

    B7 Playing vacancy - Pop up play-groundKoppelen van opgaven, gezond gedrag en leegstand van de vele win-kels, en het pop up (reizend) karakter is kansrijk.Uitwerking is niet verassend en niet realistisch. Kan het ook qua veilig-heid, beheer, etc


  • 7jury report

    Top 5P1 New Wild West

    P6 Its about time

    B4 Slimbox

    P2 Wait Watchers

    C2 Homo Roboticus

    1e prijs

    P1 New wild west

    Vooral op wijkniveau zeer waardevol en kansrijk.

    Zeker gemeentelijke taak, publiek en sociaal effect

    zeer groot. Architectonisch en stedenbouwkundig

    prachtig uitgewerkt. Sterke beelden die vol inhoud

    zijn, meer dan collages. Wild west gaat echt iets in

    gang zetten.

    Gedeelde 2e prijs

    P6 Its about time

    Een manifest zoals een manifest moet zijn. Scherp,

    begrijpelijk, groot bereik.

    B4 Slimbox

    Slim in zijn soort. Kleine ingreep met zeer groot

    effect. Goed doordacht over de hele linie nu de

    winkel vinden die meedoet.


    Han Wiskerke, hoogleraar rurale sociologie Wage-

    ningen Universiteit, lector Foodscapes Academie

    van Bouwkunst Amsterdam.

    Rob Hootsmans, architect, partner Architekten Cie.

    ir Naomi Felder, architect eigenaar bureau FELD,

    oprichter Gezin in de stad.


  • 88

  • 9content


















    A nieuw wild west......................................9


    Its about time...........................................25

    Wait Watchers..........................................37

    Shift to connect........................................45

    Green Network........................................57

    Skinny architecture.................................67


    Happy street = Healthy street...............85

    Shopping = Topsport.............................95


    You are what you eat.............................117


    The neighboorhood as a school.........143

    Town of the fittest..................................155


    Playing vacancy.....................................175



















  • a niew wild west10

    First prizea nieuw wild westspaces of wildernis

    A nieuw-wild-west takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. Therefore we propose to reincarnate the AUP green structure of Amsterdam Nieuw-West by introducing wilderness into its neighbourhoods. We believe that children need to be free to play close to their homes. A free zone - a public space they can explore and shape to their needs. A young world filled by the imagination of the child.

    Playing as a holistic approach health

    Playing is exercising for live.Playing is dreaming alive.Playing is living.

    We start playing within the comfort of our home. Once we feel safe enough we explore the space behind the front door. Day by day this space expands into the courtyard, then into the neighborhood and finally into the wild city. The home and the portal are the first domain for a young child to roam and experience the world around them.

    The playground as a starting point for this exercise derives from a holistic approach to health. Playgrounds are places of activity where a child and its friends are testing their physical boundaries, explore their phantasy and deepen their social understanding. Within a city they are gathering spaces outside, where children, parents, grandparents, neighbours and strangers come together. We believe that for the physical, mental and social health of a child the ability to play in freedom is essential in building a strong personality. And become healthy adults.

    In this workshop we explored the play-spaces between house and neighbourhood. Its a spatial exercise on masterplan scale reasseassing the AUPs green structure. A nieuw-wild-west presents a vision for free public space for children. Contributing to an active public domain for everyone.


  • 11a nieuw wild west

    P1 Student groupDanil BakkerAnna FinkDavid HabetsDennis MeijerinkLaurens SchuitmakerNatalia SulkowskaDavid TolIrma van Weeren

    playground designed by Aldo van Eyck


  • a niew wild west12

    Nieuw-West as a heavy case

    Nieuw-West is one of the areas in Amsterdam that has to deal with the concerns of rising numbers of overweight and obese children. 32% of the 10 year olds have become heavier than regarded healthy.

    How does their heavy environment look like?

    Nieuw-West was built according to the principles of light, air and space. From a modernistic approach various planners applied their vision to building communal life. The affordable housing was put into their ideal green environment. From the living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to district streets (wijkstraten), to city lanes (stadslanen), the route for the car is efficiently organized and designed. The home-, the work- and the recreational functions were carefully split up into planned units. Underneath the housing-stamp-structure and grey-car-grid the green structure is planned into the leftoverspace. The long lines of the old populi and the central lake remind us of if this grand landscape.

    The rise of car use and logic of planning broke the relation between the green spaces planned by Van Eesteren, standing on top of his ladder. The large structure is divided into small fragments and therefore reduced to decorative green. Throughout the years sitting has been reduced to benches. Drinking coffee has been limited to places in shopping malls. Playing has been reduced to the defined playgrounds.

    In between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of Aldos igloos every three hundred meters. Kids used to play in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. Over time the car gained dominance and swallowed more space. This led to less play areas and to fences around the ones left. Limited and standardized, all imagination and freedom seems lost. The wonder of exploration has been replaced by fear. A childs life is not governed by dedicated hours to work, to recreation and time spend at home. A childs neighbourhood should not be organized to these principles.

    With all the best intention we have to conclude that Nieuw-West has grown into an area for adults. People oscillate between their homes and their work, moving in and out of the city by car. In between the spare spaces left, safe from this routine, children still play their games. Their wonder and imagination moves them. Further and further away from the house into the big world.

    We all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the kitchen table of our parents. Safely sharing a cup of tea with a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. Once you feel safe enough to explore the bushes across the street, you grab hammers and nails, find a couple friends and build your first community house out in the wild, defending it from intruders of all age and species.

    Most of us have memories alike. From these we conclude that playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant care by parents and secret places close to home. These are the conditions for free playing.

    What would the design of Nieuw-West look like seen through the eyes of a child?

    Can we design a playing field for children to shape their own world?

    The world from kid perspective


  • 13a nieuw wild west

    Public health and weight problems amongst children

    LanduseIncrease of caruse andpopulation growth

    Overweight and Obesity amongst children and young adults

    a new green structure aiming for wildernis (based on the green structure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

    standardized playgrounds vs. centres of community

    cars shaping our public spaces

    a childs expansion of the exploration area

    L age 5




    R age 10

    L age 5




    R age 10







    age 5 - 19

    age 19>

    202020152013 2025 2030

    x 1000



    1950 1975 2000




    x 1000







    A nieuw-wild-west takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. Therefore we propose to reincarnate the AUP green structure of Amsterdam Nieuw-West by introducing wilderness into its neighborhoods. We believe that children need to be free to play close to their homes. A freezone - a public space they can explore and shape to their needs. A young world filled by the imagination of the child.

    Playing as a holistic aPProach health

    Playing is exercising for live. Playing is dreaming alive. Playing is living.

    We start playing within the comfort of our home. once we feel safe enough we explore the space behind the front door. Day by day this space expands into the courtyard, then into the neighborhood and finally into the wild city. The home and the portal are the first domain for a young child to roam and expe-rience the world around them.

    the playground as a starting point for this exercise derives from a holistic approach to health. Playgrounds are places of activity where a child and its friends are testing their physical boundaries, explore their phantasy and deepen their social understanding. Within a city they are gathering spaces outside, where children, parents, grandparents, neighbors and stran-gers come together. We believe that for the physical, mental and social health of a child the ability to play in freedom is essential in building a strong personality. and become healthy adults.

    in this workshop we explored the play-spaces between house and neighborhood. its a spatial exercise on masterplan scale reasseassing the AUPs green structure. A nieuw-wild-west pre-sents a vision for free public space for children. contributing to an active public domain for everyone.

    nieuW-West as a heavy casestuDy

    nieuw-West is one of the areas in amsterdam that has to deal with the concerns of rising numbers of overweight and obese children. 32% of the 10 year olds have become heavier than regarded healthy.

    how does their heavy environment look like?

    nieuw-West was built according to the principles of light, air and space. From a modernistic approach various planners applied their vision to building communal life. the affordable housing was put into their ideal green environment. From the living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to district streets (wijkstraten), to city lanes (stadslanen), the route for the car is efficiently organized and designed. The home-, the work- and the recreational functions were carefully split up into planned units. underneath the housing-stamp-structure and grey-car-grid the green structure is planned into the lefto-ver space. the long lines of the old populi and the central lake remind us of if this grand landscape.

    the rise of car use and logic of planning broke the relation between the green spaces planned by van eesteren, standing on top of his ladder. the large structure is divided into small fragments and therefore reduced to decorative green.throughout the years sitting has been reduced to benches. Drinking coffee has been limited to places in shopping malls. Playing has been reduced to the defined playgrounds.

    in between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of Aldos igloos every three hundred meters. Kids used to play in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. over time the car gained dominance and swallowed more space. this led to less play areas and to fences around the ones left. Limited and standardized, all imagination and freedom seems lost. The wonder of exploration has been replaced by fear. A childs life is not governed by dedicated hours to work, to recreation and time spend at home. A childs neighborhood should not be organized to these principles.

    The worLd from Kid PersPecTive

    With all the best intention we have to conclude that Nieuw-West has grown into an area for adults. People oscillate be-tween their homes and their work, moving in and out of the city by car. In between the spare spaces left, safe from this routine, children still play their games. Their wonder and imag-ination moves them. Further and further away from the house into the big world.

    we all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the kitchen table of our parents. safely sharing a cup of tea with a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. once you feel safe enough to explore the bushes across the street, you grab ham-mers and nails, find a couple friends and build your first com-munity house out in the wild, defending it from intruders of all age and species.

    Most of us have memories alike. From these we conclude that playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant care by parents and secret places close to home. these are the conditions for free playing. What would the design of nieuw-West look like seen through the eyes of a child? can we design a playing field for children to shape their own world?


    A nieuw-wild-west therefore takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. We believe that children need more freedom in their public space. We set out to create a freezone, close to home, that they can explore and shape to their needs.

    We set out to make a public space that extends the safety of the home outwards. Through the courtyard and the living streets, into the rough patches of green, along the heavy infra-structure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are searching for an environment that is able to trigger the childs ingenuity by the simple means of a natural, dynamic surrounding.

    We take the leftovers of the AUP green structure as a base to build up a parallel infrastructure. The childs infrastructure is running as a back alley through Nieuw-West. A wild public space has a life of its own, its space that can grow and age. Our aim is to start redesigning the green frag-ments of the edges into a coherent public space offering the opportunity of play.

    The interventions lead to a public domain consisting of slow & fast infrastructure, diverse & dispersed facilities, big & small centers, meeting points and attractive playgrounds. This green structure is not a decorative element but part of everyday life extending the home from the walls of the house to the garden of the city.

    seeKing for PLAces of

    - Comprehensibility (human scale spaces, safe spaces of certainty)- Community (programming of neighborhood spaces, eyes on the streets, an event, active participants, local heroes, friends to play)- Coherence (linking the green fragments spatially and socially, creating a safe framework for the wilderness to emerge)- Wilderness (as a space of imagination, places where children can test themselves, freezones)

    we can divide the childs route from the house to the playground in several components:

    The house, the courtyard, the street, the destination and the neighborhood as a whole.

    on these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the green structure of nieuw-west and finally introduce a new wilderness.

    the green courtyards of the typical l-shaped stamps need to become completely car-free. new rough vegetation will form a sharp contrast with the city lanes and urban squares. We ban the bushes with thorns and meaningless, forgotten planting beds to stop the green anesthesia of our living environment. We plea for landscapes of sand, earth and grassland roofed by solitary trees, smithsonian hills opening towards the sky and rigid forests as a wood-bank for the future new-nieuw-west. in every courtyard we see a young world emerging.

    Big infrastructure lines like the metro and the highway split nieuw-West from the inner city. they form the rough back-bones of a coherent structure running through the neighbor-hood. Following these mysterious edges one can wander along neighborhoods where kids can conquer the little islands flank-ing the foot of the railway. the structure crosses the lively city lanes. emphasizing the pace of the child the car will have to slow down.

    on the neighborhood scale the playground will become a des-tination again, contrary to the over distributed wipkip. By em-phasizing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds are combined with social activities for the older: coffee bars, teahouses, gardens, sports fields, swimming pools and commu-nity centers. We believe that offering a public space that is free enough to be claimed by playing children close to their homes drives the playground to expand and specialize. To finally become knots in the urban fabric connecting the play areas with the dynamic city life.

    a nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain.

    a nieuw-wild-westsPaces oF WilDerness nieuW-West in Facts a green structure a lanDscaPe oF Play 4 ProPosals to increase WilDerness 2 stuDies

    Playing through the scales

    a PlayscaPe oF olD nieuW-West

    a childs expansion of the exploration area

    cars shaping our public spaces

    standardized playgrounds vs. centres of community playground designed by Aldo van Eyck

    Map of the AUP the green structure of Van Eesteren - a grid landscape greening the modernist city

    a new greenstructure aiming for wildernis (based on the greenstructure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

    january 2014Daniel Bakker, Anna Fink, David Habets, Dennis Meijerink, Laurens Schuitmaker, Natalia Sulkowska, David Tol, Irma van Weeren

    suggestive map of potential playspaces along the mayor infrastructures

    1 the sloterplas - heart of the idealistic gand landscape

    2 chain of contrasting courtyards with different types of vegetation and atmospheres

    3 islands with vegetation surrounded by water are small wild playgrounds at the green route along the metrochildren use them to build huts, collect findings from the street and use restwood as furniture

    4 existing bigger playgrounds should be facilitated as meetingplaces for parents as well - by adding program like a kiosk or a small community center

    5 the gerbrandispark becomes a big cluster where activities of all kinds should invite a bigger range of people - we add adult program like a teahouse and make centers surrounded by playelements for all agegroups

    6 inbetween the blocks we expand the greenspaces and increase their coherence - no cars, lush vegetation, a linear landscape

    7 at the end of this linear playspace we add a cluster

    the dominance of streets a change in mindset

    standardized boredom green chambers of wonder

    planned playing fertile clusters for all ages

    forgotten backside mysterious edge








    a portal connecting the courtyard towards the city lane

    cars moving out of the courtyards

    Nieuwenthyssenstraat, Slotermeera green backbone within a neighbourhood

    Postjesweg, Overtoomseveldclustering city and natural dynamics

    contrasting atmospheres

    diverse, large playground for all age groups

    a landscape of play floating inbetween the blocks

    revive the community center

    broad sidewalk areas connecting the courtyards

    one everchanging continous landscape

    a mysterious edge

    temporary use







    Overweight and Obesity amongst children and young adults

    Public health and weightproblems amongst children

    Increase of caruse and population growth

    L age 5




    R age 10

    L age 5




    R age 10







    age 5 - 19

    age 19>

    202020152013 2025 2030

    x 1000



    1950 1975 2000




    x 1000







    A nieuw-wild-west takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. Therefore we propose to reincarnate the AUP green structure of Amsterdam Nieuw-West by introducing wilderness into its neighborhoods. We believe that children need to be free to play close to their homes. A freezone - a public space they can explore and shape to their needs. A young world filled by the imagination of the child.

    Playing as a holistic aPProach health

    Playing is exercising for live. Playing is dreaming alive. Playing is living.

    We start playing within the comfort of our home. once we feel safe enough we explore the space behind the front door. Day by day this space expands into the courtyard, then into the neighborhood and finally into the wild city. The home and the portal are the first domain for a young child to roam and expe-rience the world around them.

    the playground as a starting point for this exercise derives from a holistic approach to health. Playgrounds are places of activity where a child and its friends are testing their physical boundaries, explore their phantasy and deepen their social understanding. Within a city they are gathering spaces outside, where children, parents, grandparents, neighbors and stran-gers come together. We believe that for the physical, mental and social health of a child the ability to play in freedom is essential in building a strong personality. and become healthy adults.

    in this workshop we explored the play-spaces between house and neighborhood. its a spatial exercise on masterplan scale reasseassing the AUPs green structure. A nieuw-wild-west pre-sents a vision for free public space for children. contributing to an active public domain for everyone.

    nieuW-West as a heavy casestuDy

    nieuw-West is one of the areas in amsterdam that has to deal with the concerns of rising numbers of overweight and obese children. 32% of the 10 year olds have become heavier than regarded healthy.

    how does their heavy environment look like?

    nieuw-West was built according to the principles of light, air and space. From a modernistic approach various planners applied their vision to building communal life. the affordable housing was put into their ideal green environment. From the living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to district streets (wijkstraten), to city lanes (stadslanen), the route for the car is efficiently organized and designed. The home-, the work- and the recreational functions were carefully split up into planned units. underneath the housing-stamp-structure and grey-car-grid the green structure is planned into the lefto-ver space. the long lines of the old populi and the central lake remind us of if this grand landscape.

    the rise of car use and logic of planning broke the relation between the green spaces planned by van eesteren, standing on top of his ladder. the large structure is divided into small fragments and therefore reduced to decorative green.throughout the years sitting has been reduced to benches. Drinking coffee has been limited to places in shopping malls. Playing has been reduced to the defined playgrounds.

    in between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of Aldos igloos every three hundred meters. Kids used to play in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. over time the car gained dominance and swallowed more space. this led to less play areas and to fences around the ones left. Limited and standardized, all imagination and freedom seems lost. The wonder of exploration has been replaced by fear. A childs life is not governed by dedicated hours to work, to recreation and time spend at home. A childs neighborhood should not be organized to these principles.

    The worLd from Kid PersPecTive

    With all the best intention we have to conclude that Nieuw-West has grown into an area for adults. People oscillate be-tween their homes and their work, moving in and out of the city by car. In between the spare spaces left, safe from this routine, children still play their games. Their wonder and imag-ination moves them. Further and further away from the house into the big world.

    we all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the kitchen table of our parents. safely sharing a cup of tea with a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. once you feel safe enough to explore the bushes across the street, you grab ham-mers and nails, find a couple friends and build your first com-munity house out in the wild, defending it from intruders of all age and species.

    Most of us have memories alike. From these we conclude that playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant care by parents and secret places close to home. these are the conditions for free playing. What would the design of nieuw-West look like seen through the eyes of a child? can we design a playing field for children to shape their own world?


    A nieuw-wild-west therefore takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. We believe that children need more freedom in their public space. We set out to create a freezone, close to home, that they can explore and shape to their needs.

    We set out to make a public space that extends the safety of the home outwards. Through the courtyard and the living streets, into the rough patches of green, along the heavy infra-structure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are searching for an environment that is able to trigger the childs ingenuity by the simple means of a natural, dynamic surrounding.

    We take the leftovers of the AUP green structure as a base to build up a parallel infrastructure. The childs infrastructure is running as a back alley through Nieuw-West. A wild public space has a life of its own, its space that can grow and age. Our aim is to start redesigning the green frag-ments of the edges into a coherent public space offering the opportunity of play.

    The interventions lead to a public domain consisting of slow & fast infrastructure, diverse & dispersed facilities, big & small centers, meeting points and attractive playgrounds. This green structure is not a decorative element but part of everyday life extending the home from the walls of the house to the garden of the city.

    seeKing for PLAces of

    - Comprehensibility (human scale spaces, safe spaces of certainty)- Community (programming of neighborhood spaces, eyes on the streets, an event, active participants, local heroes, friends to play)- Coherence (linking the green fragments spatially and socially, creating a safe framework for the wilderness to emerge)- Wilderness (as a space of imagination, places where children can test themselves, freezones)

    we can divide the childs route from the house to the playground in several components:

    The house, the courtyard, the street, the destination and the neighborhood as a whole.

    on these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the green structure of nieuw-west and finally introduce a new wilderness.

    the green courtyards of the typical l-shaped stamps need to become completely car-free. new rough vegetation will form a sharp contrast with the city lanes and urban squares. We ban the bushes with thorns and meaningless, forgotten planting beds to stop the green anesthesia of our living environment. We plea for landscapes of sand, earth and grassland roofed by solitary trees, smithsonian hills opening towards the sky and rigid forests as a wood-bank for the future new-nieuw-west. in every courtyard we see a young world emerging.

    Big infrastructure lines like the metro and the highway split nieuw-West from the inner city. they form the rough back-bones of a coherent structure running through the neighbor-hood. Following these mysterious edges one can wander along neighborhoods where kids can conquer the little islands flank-ing the foot of the railway. the structure crosses the lively city lanes. emphasizing the pace of the child the car will have to slow down.

    on the neighborhood scale the playground will become a des-tination again, contrary to the over distributed wipkip. By em-phasizing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds are combined with social activities for the older: coffee bars, teahouses, gardens, sports fields, swimming pools and commu-nity centers. We believe that offering a public space that is free enough to be claimed by playing children close to their homes drives the playground to expand and specialize. To finally become knots in the urban fabric connecting the play areas with the dynamic city life.

    a nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain.

    a nieuw-wild-westsPaces oF WilDerness nieuW-West in Facts a green structure a lanDscaPe oF Play 4 ProPosals to increase WilDerness 2 stuDies

    Playing through the scales

    a PlayscaPe oF olD nieuW-West

    a childs expansion of the exploration area

    cars shaping our public spaces

    standardized playgrounds vs. centres of community playground designed by Aldo van Eyck

    Map of the AUP the green structure of Van Eesteren - a grid landscape greening the modernist city

    a new greenstructure aiming for wildernis (based on the greenstructure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

    january 2014Daniel Bakker, Anna Fink, David Habets, Dennis Meijerink, Laurens Schuitmaker, Natalia Sulkowska, David Tol, Irma van Weeren

    suggestive map of potential playspaces along the mayor infrastructures

    1 the sloterplas - heart of the idealistic gand landscape

    2 chain of contrasting courtyards with different types of vegetation and atmospheres

    3 islands with vegetation surrounded by water are small wild playgrounds at the green route along the metrochildren use them to build huts, collect findings from the street and use restwood as furniture

    4 existing bigger playgrounds should be facilitated as meetingplaces for parents as well - by adding program like a kiosk or a small community center

    5 the gerbrandispark becomes a big cluster where activities of all kinds should invite a bigger range of people - we add adult program like a teahouse and make centers surrounded by playelements for all agegroups

    6 inbetween the blocks we expand the greenspaces and increase their coherence - no cars, lush vegetation, a linear landscape

    7 at the end of this linear playspace we add a cluster

    the dominance of streets a change in mindset

    standardized boredom green chambers of wonder

    planned playing fertile clusters for all ages

    forgotten backside mysterious edge








    a portal connecting the courtyard towards the city lane

    cars moving out of the courtyards

    Nieuwenthyssenstraat, Slotermeera green backbone within a neighbourhood

    Postjesweg, Overtoomseveldclustering city and natural dynamics

    contrasting atmospheres

    diverse, large playground for all age groups

    a landscape of play floating inbetween the blocks

    revive the community center

    broad sidewalk areas connecting the courtyards

    one everchanging continous landscape

    a mysterious edge

    temporary use







    Overweight and Obesity amongst children and young adults

    Public health and weightproblems amongst children

    Increase of caruse and population growth

    L age 5




    R age 10

    L age 5




    R age 10







    age 5 - 19

    age 19>

    202020152013 2025 2030

    x 1000



    1950 1975 2000




    x 1000







    A nieuw-wild-west takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. Therefore we propose to reincarnate the AUP green structure of Amsterdam Nieuw-West by introducing wilderness into its neighborhoods. We believe that children need to be free to play close to their homes. A freezone - a public space they can explore and shape to their needs. A young world filled by the imagination of the child.

    Playing as a holistic aPProach health

    Playing is exercising for live. Playing is dreaming alive. Playing is living.

    We start playing within the comfort of our home. once we feel safe enough we explore the space behind the front door. Day by day this space expands into the courtyard, then into the neighborhood and finally into the wild city. The home and the portal are the first domain for a young child to roam and expe-rience the world around them.

    the playground as a starting point for this exercise derives from a holistic approach to health. Playgrounds are places of activity where a child and its friends are testing their physical boundaries, explore their phantasy and deepen their social understanding. Within a city they are gathering spaces outside, where children, parents, grandparents, neighbors and stran-gers come together. We believe that for the physical, mental and social health of a child the ability to play in freedom is essential in building a strong personality. and become healthy adults.

    in this workshop we explored the play-spaces between house and neighborhood. its a spatial exercise on masterplan scale reasseassing the AUPs green structure. A nieuw-wild-west pre-sents a vision for free public space for children. contributing to an active public domain for everyone.

    nieuW-West as a heavy casestuDy

    nieuw-West is one of the areas in amsterdam that has to deal with the concerns of rising numbers of overweight and obese children. 32% of the 10 year olds have become heavier than regarded healthy.

    how does their heavy environment look like?

    nieuw-West was built according to the principles of light, air and space. From a modernistic approach various planners applied their vision to building communal life. the affordable housing was put into their ideal green environment. From the living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to district streets (wijkstraten), to city lanes (stadslanen), the route for the car is efficiently organized and designed. The home-, the work- and the recreational functions were carefully split up into planned units. underneath the housing-stamp-structure and grey-car-grid the green structure is planned into the lefto-ver space. the long lines of the old populi and the central lake remind us of if this grand landscape.

    the rise of car use and logic of planning broke the relation between the green spaces planned by van eesteren, standing on top of his ladder. the large structure is divided into small fragments and therefore reduced to decorative green.throughout the years sitting has been reduced to benches. Drinking coffee has been limited to places in shopping malls. Playing has been reduced to the defined playgrounds.

    in between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of Aldos igloos every three hundred meters. Kids used to play in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. over time the car gained dominance and swallowed more space. this led to less play areas and to fences around the ones left. Limited and standardized, all imagination and freedom seems lost. The wonder of exploration has been replaced by fear. A childs life is not governed by dedicated hours to work, to recreation and time spend at home. A childs neighborhood should not be organized to these principles.

    The worLd from Kid PersPecTive

    With all the best intention we have to conclude that Nieuw-West has grown into an area for adults. People oscillate be-tween their homes and their work, moving in and out of the city by car. In between the spare spaces left, safe from this routine, children still play their games. Their wonder and imag-ination moves them. Further and further away from the house into the big world.

    we all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the kitchen table of our parents. safely sharing a cup of tea with a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. once you feel safe enough to explore the bushes across the street, you grab ham-mers and nails, find a couple friends and build your first com-munity house out in the wild, defending it from intruders of all age and species.

    Most of us have memories alike. From these we conclude that playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant care by parents and secret places close to home. these are the conditions for free playing. What would the design of nieuw-West look like seen through the eyes of a child? can we design a playing field for children to shape their own world?


    A nieuw-wild-west therefore takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. We believe that children need more freedom in their public space. We set out to create a freezone, close to home, that they can explore and shape to their needs.

    We set out to make a public space that extends the safety of the home outwards. Through the courtyard and the living streets, into the rough patches of green, along the heavy infra-structure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are searching for an environment that is able to trigger the childs ingenuity by the simple means of a natural, dynamic surrounding.

    We take the leftovers of the AUP green structure as a base to build up a parallel infrastructure. The childs infrastructure is running as a back alley through Nieuw-West. A wild public space has a life of its own, its space that can grow and age. Our aim is to start redesigning the green frag-ments of the edges into a coherent public space offering the opportunity of play.

    The interventions lead to a public domain consisting of slow & fast infrastructure, diverse & dispersed facilities, big & small centers, meeting points and attractive playgrounds. This green structure is not a decorative element but part of everyday life extending the home from the walls of the house to the garden of the city.

    seeKing for PLAces of

    - Comprehensibility (human scale spaces, safe spaces of certainty)- Community (programming of neighborhood spaces, eyes on the streets, an event, active participants, local heroes, friends to play)- Coherence (linking the green fragments spatially and socially, creating a safe framework for the wilderness to emerge)- Wilderness (as a space of imagination, places where children can test themselves, freezones)

    we can divide the childs route from the house to the playground in several components:

    The house, the courtyard, the street, the destination and the neighborhood as a whole.

    on these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the green structure of nieuw-west and finally introduce a new wilderness.

    the green courtyards of the typical l-shaped stamps need to become completely car-free. new rough vegetation will form a sharp contrast with the city lanes and urban squares. We ban the bushes with thorns and meaningless, forgotten planting beds to stop the green anesthesia of our living environment. We plea for landscapes of sand, earth and grassland roofed by solitary trees, smithsonian hills opening towards the sky and rigid forests as a wood-bank for the future new-nieuw-west. in every courtyard we see a young world emerging.

    Big infrastructure lines like the metro and the highway split nieuw-West from the inner city. they form the rough back-bones of a coherent structure running through the neighbor-hood. Following these mysterious edges one can wander along neighborhoods where kids can conquer the little islands flank-ing the foot of the railway. the structure crosses the lively city lanes. emphasizing the pace of the child the car will have to slow down.

    on the neighborhood scale the playground will become a des-tination again, contrary to the over distributed wipkip. By em-phasizing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds are combined with social activities for the older: coffee bars, teahouses, gardens, sports fields, swimming pools and commu-nity centers. We believe that offering a public space that is free enough to be claimed by playing children close to their homes drives the playground to expand and specialize. To finally become knots in the urban fabric connecting the play areas with the dynamic city life.

    a nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain.

    a nieuw-wild-westsPaces oF WilDerness nieuW-West in Facts a green structure a lanDscaPe oF Play 4 ProPosals to increase WilDerness 2 stuDies

    Playing through the scales

    a PlayscaPe oF olD nieuW-West

    a childs expansion of the exploration area

    cars shaping our public spaces

    standardized playgrounds vs. centres of community playground designed by Aldo van Eyck

    Map of the AUP the green structure of Van Eesteren - a grid landscape greening the modernist city

    a new greenstructure aiming for wildernis (based on the greenstructure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

    january 2014Daniel Bakker, Anna Fink, David Habets, Dennis Meijerink, Laurens Schuitmaker, Natalia Sulkowska, David Tol, Irma van Weeren

    suggestive map of potential playspaces along the mayor infrastructures

    1 the sloterplas - heart of the idealistic gand landscape

    2 chain of contrasting courtyards with different types of vegetation and atmospheres

    3 islands with vegetation surrounded by water are small wild playgrounds at the green route along the metrochildren use them to build huts, collect findings from the street and use restwood as furniture

    4 existing bigger playgrounds should be facilitated as meetingplaces for parents as well - by adding program like a kiosk or a small community center

    5 the gerbrandispark becomes a big cluster where activities of all kinds should invite a bigger range of people - we add adult program like a teahouse and make centers surrounded by playelements for all agegroups

    6 inbetween the blocks we expand the greenspaces and increase their coherence - no cars, lush vegetation, a linear landscape

    7 at the end of this linear playspace we add a cluster

    the dominance of streets a change in mindset

    standardized boredom green chambers of wonder

    planned playing fertile clusters for all ages

    forgotten backside mysterious edge








    a portal connecting the courtyard towards the city lane

    cars moving out of the courtyards

    Nieuwenthyssenstraat, Slotermeera green backbone within a neighbourhood

    Postjesweg, Overtoomseveldclustering city and natural dynamics

    contrasting atmospheres

    diverse, large playground for all age groups

    a landscape of play floating inbetween the blocks

    revive the community center

    broad sidewalk areas connecting the courtyards

    one everchanging continous landscape

    a mysterious edge

    temporary use







    Overweight and Obesity amongst children and young adults

    Public health and weightproblems amongst children

    Increase of caruse and population growth

    L age 5




    R age 10

    L age 5




    R age 10







    age 5 - 19

    age 19>

    202020152013 2025 2030

    x 1000



    1950 1975 2000




    x 1000







    A nieuw-wild-west takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. Therefore we propose to reincarnate the AUP green structure of Amsterdam Nieuw-West by introducing wilderness into its neighborhoods. We believe that children need to be free to play close to their homes. A freezone - a public space they can explore and shape to their needs. A young world filled by the imagination of the child.

    Playing as a holistic aPProach health

    Playing is exercising for live. Playing is dreaming alive. Playing is living.

    We start playing within the comfort of our home. once we feel safe enough we explore the space behind the front door. Day by day this space expands into the courtyard, then into the neighborhood and finally into the wild city. The home and the portal are the first domain for a young child to roam and expe-rience the world around them.

    the playground as a starting point for this exercise derives from a holistic approach to health. Playgrounds are places of activity where a child and its friends are testing their physical boundaries, explore their phantasy and deepen their social understanding. Within a city they are gathering spaces outside, where children, parents, grandparents, neighbors and stran-gers come together. We believe that for the physical, mental and social health of a child the ability to play in freedom is essential in building a strong personality. and become healthy adults.

    in this workshop we explored the play-spaces between house and neighborhood. its a spatial exercise on masterplan scale reasseassing the AUPs green structure. A nieuw-wild-west pre-sents a vision for free public space for children. contributing to an active public domain for everyone.

    nieuW-West as a heavy casestuDy

    nieuw-West is one of the areas in amsterdam that has to deal with the concerns of rising numbers of overweight and obese children. 32% of the 10 year olds have become heavier than regarded healthy.

    how does their heavy environment look like?

    nieuw-West was built according to the principles of light, air and space. From a modernistic approach various planners applied their vision to building communal life. the affordable housing was put into their ideal green environment. From the living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to district streets (wijkstraten), to city lanes (stadslanen), the route for the car is efficiently organized and designed. The home-, the work- and the recreational functions were carefully split up into planned units. underneath the housing-stamp-structure and grey-car-grid the green structure is planned into the lefto-ver space. the long lines of the old populi and the central lake remind us of if this grand landscape.

    the rise of car use and logic of planning broke the relation between the green spaces planned by van eesteren, standing on top of his ladder. the large structure is divided into small fragments and therefore reduced to decorative green.throughout the years sitting has been reduced to benches. Drinking coffee has been limited to places in shopping malls. Playing has been reduced to the defined playgrounds.

    in between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of Aldos igloos every three hundred meters. Kids used to play in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. over time the car gained dominance and swallowed more space. this led to less play areas and to fences around the ones left. Limited and standardized, all imagination and freedom seems lost. The wonder of exploration has been replaced by fear. A childs life is not governed by dedicated hours to work, to recreation and time spend at home. A childs neighborhood should not be organized to these principles.

    The worLd from Kid PersPecTive

    With all the best intention we have to conclude that Nieuw-West has grown into an area for adults. People oscillate be-tween their homes and their work, moving in and out of the city by car. In between the spare spaces left, safe from this routine, children still play their games. Their wonder and imag-ination moves them. Further and further away from the house into the big world.

    we all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the kitchen table of our parents. safely sharing a cup of tea with a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. once you feel safe enough to explore the bushes across the street, you grab ham-mers and nails, find a couple friends and build your first com-munity house out in the wild, defending it from intruders of all age and species.

    Most of us have memories alike. From these we conclude that playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant care by parents and secret places close to home. these are the conditions for free playing. What would the design of nieuw-West look like seen through the eyes of a child? can we design a playing field for children to shape their own world?


    A nieuw-wild-west therefore takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. We believe that children need more freedom in their public space. We set out to create a freezone, close to home, that they can explore and shape to their needs.

    We set out to make a public space that extends the safety of the home outwards. Through the courtyard and the living streets, into the rough patches of green, along the heavy infra-structure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are searching for an environment that is able to trigger the childs ingenuity by the simple means of a natural, dynamic surrounding.

    We take the leftovers of the AUP green structure as a base to build up a parallel infrastructure. The childs infrastructure is running as a back alley through Nieuw-West. A wild public space has a life of its own, its space that can grow and age. Our aim is to start redesigning the green frag-ments of the edges into a coherent public space offering the opportunity of play.

    The interventions lead to a public domain consisting of slow & fast infrastructure, diverse & dispersed facilities, big & small centers, meeting points and attractive playgrounds. This green structure is not a decorative element but part of everyday life extending the home from the walls of the house to the garden of the city.

    seeKing for PLAces of

    - Comprehensibility (human scale spaces, safe spaces of certainty)- Community (programming of neighborhood spaces, eyes on the streets, an event, active participants, local heroes, friends to play)- Coherence (linking the green fragments spatially and socially, creating a safe framework for the wilderness to emerge)- Wilderness (as a space of imagination, places where children can test themselves, freezones)

    we can divide the childs route from the house to the playground in several components:

    The house, the courtyard, the street, the destination and the neighborhood as a whole.

    on these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the green structure of nieuw-west and finally introduce a new wilderness.

    the green courtyards of the typical l-shaped stamps need to become completely car-free. new rough vegetation will form a sharp contrast with the city lanes and urban squares. We ban the bushes with thorns and meaningless, forgotten planting beds to stop the green anesthesia of our living environment. We plea for landscapes of sand, earth and grassland roofed by solitary trees, smithsonian hills opening towards the sky and rigid forests as a wood-bank for the future new-nieuw-west. in every courtyard we see a young world emerging.

    Big infrastructure lines like the metro and the highway split nieuw-West from the inner city. they form the rough back-bones of a coherent structure running through the neighbor-hood. Following these mysterious edges one can wander along neighborhoods where kids can conquer the little islands flank-ing the foot of the railway. the structure crosses the lively city lanes. emphasizing the pace of the child the car will have to slow down.

    on the neighborhood scale the playground will become a des-tination again, contrary to the over distributed wipkip. By em-phasizing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds are combined with social activities for the older: coffee bars, teahouses, gardens, sports fields, swimming pools and commu-nity centers. We believe that offering a public space that is free enough to be claimed by playing children close to their homes drives the playground to expand and specialize. To finally become knots in the urban fabric connecting the play areas with the dynamic city life.

    a nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain.

    a nieuw-wild-westsPaces oF WilDerness nieuW-West in Facts a green structure a lanDscaPe oF Play 4 ProPosals to increase WilDerness 2 stuDies

    Playing through the scales

    a PlayscaPe oF olD nieuW-West

    a childs expansion of the exploration area

    cars shaping our public spaces

    standardized playgrounds vs. centres of community playground designed by Aldo van Eyck

    Map of the AUP the green structure of Van Eesteren - a grid landscape greening the modernist city

    a new greenstructure aiming for wildernis (based on the greenstructure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

    january 2014Daniel Bakker, Anna Fink, David Habets, Dennis Meijerink, Laurens Schuitmaker, Natalia Sulkowska, David Tol, Irma van Weeren

    suggestive map of potential playspaces along the mayor infrastructures

    1 the sloterplas - heart of the idealistic gand landscape

    2 chain of contrasting courtyards with different types of vegetation and atmospheres

    3 islands with vegetation surrounded by water are small wild playgrounds at the green route along the metrochildren use them to build huts, collect findings from the street and use restwood as furniture

    4 existing bigger playgrounds should be facilitated as meetingplaces for parents as well - by adding program like a kiosk or a small community center

    5 the gerbrandispark becomes a big cluster where activities of all kinds should invite a bigger range of people - we add adult program like a teahouse and make centers surrounded by playelements for all agegroups

    6 inbetween the blocks we expand the greenspaces and increase their coherence - no cars, lush vegetation, a linear landscape

    7 at the end of this linear playspace we add a cluster

    the dominance of streets a change in mindset

    standardized boredom green chambers of wonder

    planned playing fertile clusters for all ages

    forgotten backside mysterious edge








    a portal connecting the courtyard towards the city lane

    cars moving out of the courtyards

    Nieuwenthyssenstraat, Slotermeera green backbone within a neighbourhood

    Postjesweg, Overtoomseveldclustering city and natural dynamics

    contrasting atmospheres

    diverse, large playground for all age groups

    a landscape of play floating inbetween the blocks

    revive the community center

    broad sidewalk areas connecting the courtyards

    one everchanging continous landscape

    a mysterious edge

    temporary use







    Overweight and Obesity amongst children and young adults

    Public health and weightproblems amongst children

    Increase of caruse and population growth

    300 m



    > refereerd aan tekst: alleen kids spelen alleen - nu cluster

    > elke 300 m speelplek in nieuw west

    > refereerd aan tekst: klein kind speeld bij huis/courdyard, als je goter wordt spel je verder weg enz

    > toename auto, eerst bijna geen nu meer heel veel meer autos

    300 m



    > refereerd aan tekst: alleen kids spelen alleen - nu cluster

    > elke 300 m speelplek in nieuw west

    > refereerd aan tekst: klein kind speeld bij huis/courdyard, als je goter wordt spel je verder weg enz

    > toename auto, eerst bijna geen nu meer heel veel meer autos

    300 m



    > refereerd aan tekst: alleen kids spelen alleen - nu cluster

    > elke 300 m speelplek in nieuw west

    > refereerd aan tekst: klein kind speeld bij huis/courdyard, als je goter wordt spel je verder weg enz

    > toename auto, eerst bijna geen nu meer heel veel meer autos

    300 m



    > refereerd aan tekst: alleen kids spelen alleen - nu cluster

    > elke 300 m speelplek in nieuw west

    > refereerd aan tekst: klein kind speeld bij huis/courdyard, als je goter wordt spel je verder weg enz

    > toename auto, eerst bijna geen nu meer heel veel meer autos

    L age 5




    R age 10

    L age 5




    R age 10







    age 5 - 19

    age 19>

    202020152013 2025 2030

    x 1000



    1950 1975 2000




    x 1000







    A nieuw-wild-west takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. Therefore we propose to reincarnate the AUP green structure of Amsterdam Nieuw-West by introducing wilderness into its neighborhoods. We believe that children need to be free to play close to their homes. A freezone - a public space they can explore and shape to their needs. A young world filled by the imagination of the child.

    Playing as a holistic aPProach health

    Playing is exercising for live. Playing is dreaming alive. Playing is living.

    We start playing within the comfort of our home. once we feel safe enough we explore the space behind the front door. Day by day this space expands into the courtyard, then into the neighborhood and finally into the wild city. The home and the portal are the first domain for a young child to roam and expe-rience the world around them.

    the playground as a starting point for this exercise derives from a holistic approach to health. Playgrounds are places of activity where a child and its friends are testing their physical boundaries, explore their phantasy and deepen their social understanding. Within a city they are gathering spaces outside, where children, parents, grandparents, neighbors and stran-gers come together. We believe that for the physical, mental and social health of a child the ability to play in freedom is essential in building a strong personality. and become healthy adults.

    in this workshop we explored the play-spaces between house and neighborhood. its a spatial exercise on masterplan scale reasseassing the AUPs green structure. A nieuw-wild-west pre-sents a vision for free public space for children. contributing to an active public domain for everyone.

    nieuW-West as a heavy casestuDy

    nieuw-West is one of the areas in amsterdam that has to deal with the concerns of rising numbers of overweight and obese children. 32% of the 10 year olds have become heavier than regarded healthy.

    how does their heavy environment look like?

    nieuw-West was built according to the principles of light, air and space. From a modernistic approach various planners applied their vision to building communal life. the affordable housing was put into their ideal green environment. From the living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to district streets (wijkstraten), to city lanes (stadslanen), the route for the car is efficiently organized and designed. The home-, the work- and the recreational functions were carefully split up into planned units. underneath the housing-stamp-structure and grey-car-grid the green structure is planned into the lefto-ver space. the long lines of the old populi and the central lake remind us of if this grand landscape.

    the rise of car use and logic of planning broke the relation between the green spaces planned by van eesteren, standing on top of his ladder. the large structure is divided into small fragments and therefore reduced to decorative green.throughout the years sitting has been reduced to benches. Drinking coffee has been limited to places in shopping malls. Playing has been reduced to the defined playgrounds.

    in between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of Aldos igloos every three hundred meters. Kids used to play in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. over time the car gained dominance and swallowed more space. this led to less play areas and to fences around the ones left. Limited and standardized, all imagination and freedom seems lost. The wonder of exploration has been replaced by fear. A childs life is not governed by dedicated hours to work, to recreation and time spend at home. A childs neighborhood should not be organized to these principles.

    The worLd from Kid PersPecTive

    With all the best intention we have to conclude that Nieuw-West has grown into an area for adults. People oscillate be-tween their homes and their work, moving in and out of the city by car. In between the spare spaces left, safe from this routine, children still play their games. Their wonder and imag-ination moves them. Further and further away from the house into the big world.

    we all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the kitchen table of our parents. safely sharing a cup of tea with a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. once you feel safe enough to explore the bushes across the street, you grab ham-mers and nails, find a couple friends and build your first com-munity house out in the wild, defending it from intruders of all age and species.

    Most of us have memories alike. From these we conclude that playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant care by parents and secret places close to home. these are the conditions for free playing. What would the design of nieuw-West look like seen through the eyes of a child? can we design a playing field for children to shape their own world?


    A nieuw-wild-west therefore takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. We believe that children need more freedom in their public space. We set out to create a freezone, close to home, that they can explore and shape to their needs.

    We set out to make a public space that extends the safety of the home outwards. Through the courtyard and the living streets, into the rough patches of green, along the heavy infra-structure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are searching for an environment that is able to trigger the childs ingenuity by the simple means of a natural, dynamic surrounding.

    We take the leftovers of the AUP green structure as a base to build up a parallel infrastructure. The childs infrastructure is running as a back alley through Nieuw-West. A wild public space has a life of its own, its space that can grow and age. Our aim is to start redesigning the green frag-ments of the edges into a coherent public space offering the opportunity of play.

    The interventions lead to a public domain consisting of slow & fast infrastructure, diverse & dispersed facilities, big & small centers, meeting points and attractive playgrounds. This green structure is not a decorative element but part of everyday life extending the home from the walls of the house to the garden of the city.

    seeKing for PLAces of

    - Comprehensibility (human scale spaces, safe spaces of certainty)- Community (programming of neighborhood spaces, eyes on the streets, an event, active participants, local heroes, friends to play)- Coherence (linking the green fragments spatially and socially, creating a safe framework for the wilderness to emerge)- Wilderness (as a space of imagination, places where children can test themselves, freezones)

    we can divide the childs route from the house to the playground in several components:

    The house, the courtyard, the street, the destination and the neighborhood as a whole.

    on these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the green structure of nieuw-west and finally introduce a new wilderness.

    the green courtyards of the typical l-shaped stamps need to become completely car-free. new rough vegetation will form a sharp contrast with the city lanes and urban squares. We ban the bushes with thorns and meaningless, forgotten planting beds to stop the green anesthesia of our living environment. We plea for landscapes of sand, earth and grassland roofed by solitary trees, smithsonian hills opening towards the sky and rigid forests as a wood-bank for the future new-nieuw-west. in every courtyard we see a young world emerging.

    Big infrastructure lines like the metro and the highway split nieuw-West from the inner city. they form the rough back-bones of a coherent structure running through the neighbor-hood. Following these mysterious edges one can wander along neighborhoods where kids can conquer the little islands flank-ing the foot of the railway. the structure crosses the lively city lanes. emphasizing the pace of the child the car will have to slow down.

    on the neighborhood scale the playground will become a des-tination again, contrary to the over distributed wipkip. By em-phasizing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds are combined with social activities for the older: coffee bars, teahouses, gardens, sports fields, swimming pools and commu-nity centers. We believe that offering a public space that is free enough to be claimed by playing children close to their homes drives the playground to expand and specialize. To finally become knots in the urban fabric connecting the play areas with the dynamic city life.

    a nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain.

    a nieuw-wild-westsPaces oF WilDerness nieuW-West in Facts a green structure a lanDscaPe oF Play 4 ProPosals to increase WilDerness 2 stuDies

    Playing through the scales

    a PlayscaPe oF olD nieuW-West

    a childs expansion of the exploration area

    cars shaping our public spaces

    standardized playgrounds vs. centres of community playground designed by Aldo van Eyck

    Map of the AUP the green structure of Van Eesteren - a grid landscape greening the modernist city

    a new greenstructure aiming for wildernis (based on the greenstructure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

    january 2014Daniel Bakker, Anna Fink, David Habets, Dennis Meijerink, Laurens Schuitmaker, Natalia Sulkowska, David Tol, Irma van Weeren

    suggestive map of potential playspaces along the mayor infrastructures

    1 the sloterplas - heart of the idealistic gand landscape

    2 chain of contrasting courtyards with different types of vegetation and atmospheres

    3 islands with vegetation surrounded by water are small wild playgrounds at the green route along the metrochildren use them to build huts, collect findings from the street and use restwood as furniture

    4 existing bigger playgrounds should be facilitated as meetingplaces for parents as well - by adding program like a kiosk or a small community center

    5 the gerbrandispark becomes a big cluster where activities of all kinds should invite a bigger range of people - we add adult program like a teahouse and make centers surrounded by playelements for all agegroups

    6 inbetween the blocks we expand the greenspaces and increase their coherence - no cars, lush vegetation, a linear landscape

    7 at the end of this linear playspace we add a cluster

    the dominance of streets a change in mindset

    standardized boredom green chambers of wonder

    planned playing fertile clusters for all ages

    forgotten backside mysterious edge








    a portal connecting the courtyard towards the city lane

    cars moving out of the courtyards

    Nieuwenthyssenstraat, Slotermeera green backbone within a neighbourhood

    Postjesweg, Overtoomseveldclustering city and natural dynamics

    contrasting atmospheres

    diverse, large playground for all age groups

    a landscape of play floating inbetween the blocks

    revive the community center

    broad sidewalk areas connecting the courtyards

    one everchanging continous landscape

    a mysterious edge

    temporary use







    Overweight and Obesity amongst children and young adults

    Public health and weightproblems amongst children

    Increase of caruse and population growth


  • a niew wild west14

    A nieuw-wild-west therefore takes up the responsibility to design living space for chil-dren and everybody they meet and need. We believe that children need more freedom in their public space. We set out to create a free zone, close to home, that they can explore and shape to their needs. We set out to make a public space that extends the safety of the home outwards. Through the courtyard and the living streets, into the rough patches of green, along the heavy infrastructure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are search-ing for an environment that is able to trigger the childs ingenuity by the simple means of a natural, dynamic surrounding.

    We take the leftovers of the AUP green struc-ture as a base to build up a parallel infrastruc-ture. The childs infrastructure is running as a back alley through Nieuw-West. A wild public space has a life of its own, its space that can grow and age. Our aim is to start redesign-ing the green fragments of the edges into a coherent public space offering the opportunity of play.

    The interventions lead to a public domain con-sisting of slow & fast infrastructure, diverse & dispersed facilities, big & small centers, meet-ing points and attractive playgrounds. This green structure is not a decorative element but part of everyday life extending the home from the walls of the house to the garden of the city.

    A nieuw wild west

    - Comprehensibility (human scale spaces, safe spaces of certainty)- Community (programming of neighbourhood spaces, eyes on the streets, active partici-pants, local heroes, friends to play)- Coherence (linking the green fragments spa-tially and socially, creating a safe framework for the wilderness to emerge)- Wilderness (as a space of imagination, places where children can test themselves, free zones)

    We can divide the childs route from the house to the playground in several components: The house, the courtyard, the street, the destina-tion and the neighbourhood as a whole. On these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the green structure of Nieuw-West and finally introduce a new wilderness.

    The green courtyards of the typical L-shaped stamps need to become completely car-free. New rough vegetation will form a sharp con-trast with the city lanes and urban squares. We ban the bushes with thorns and meaning-less, forgotten planting beds to stop the green anaesthesia of our living environment plea for landscapes of sand, earth and grassland roofed by solitary trees, Smithsonian hills opening towards the sky and rigid forests as a wood-bank for the future new-nieuw-west.

    In every courtyard we see a young world emerging. Big infrastructure lines like the met-ro and the highway split Nieuw-West from the inner city. They form the rough backbones of a coherent structure running through the neighbourhood. Following these mysterious edges one can wander along neighbourhoods where kids can conquer the little islands flanking the foot of the railway. The structure crosses the lively city lanes. Emphasizing the pace of the child the car will have to slow down.

    On the neighbourhood scale the playground will become a destination again, contrary to the over distributed wipkip. By emphasiz-ing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds are combined with social activi-ties for the older: coffee bars, tea houses, gardens, sports fields, swimming pools and community centres. We believe that offering a public space that is free enough to be claimed by playing children close to their homes drives the playground to expand and specialize. To finally become knots in the urban fabric con-necting the play areas with the dynamic city life.

    A nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain.

    The world from kid perspective


  • 15a nieuw wild west

    L age 5




    R age 10

    L age 5




    R age 10







    age 5 - 19

    age 19>

    202020152013 2025 2030

    x 1000



    1950 1975 2000




    x 1000







    A nieuw-wild-west takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. Therefore we propose to reincarnate the AUP green structure of Amsterdam Nieuw-West by introducing wilderness into its neighborhoods. We believe that children need to be free to play close to their homes. A freezone - a public space they can explore and shape to their needs. A young world filled by the imagination of the child.

    Playing as a holistic aPProach health

    Playing is exercising for live. Playing is dreaming alive. Playing is living.

    We start playing within the comfort of our home. once we feel safe enough we explore the space behind the front door. Day by day this space expands into the courtyard, then into the neighborhood and finally into the wild city. The home and the portal are the first domain for a young child to roam and expe-rience the world around them.

    the playground as a starting point for this exercise derives from a holistic approach to health. Playgrounds are places of activity where a child and its friends are testing their physical boundaries, explore their phantasy and deepen their social understanding. Within a city they are gathering spaces outside, where children, parents, grandparents, neighbors and stran-gers come together. We believe that for the physical, mental and social health of a child the ability to play in freedom is essential in building a strong personality. and become healthy adults.

    in this workshop we explored the play-spaces between house and neighborhood. its a spatial exercise on masterplan scale reasseassing the AUPs green structure. A nieuw-wild-west pre-sents a vision for free public space for children. contributing to an active public domain for everyone.

    nieuW-West as a heavy casestuDy

    nieuw-West is one of the areas in amsterdam that has to deal with the concerns of rising numbers of overweight and obese children. 32% of the 10 year olds have become heavier than regarded healthy.

    how does their heavy environment look like?

    nieuw-West was built according to the principles of light, air and space. From a modernistic approach various planners applied their vision to building communal life. the affordable housing was put into their ideal green environment. From the living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to district streets (wijkstraten), to city lanes (stadslanen), the route for the car is efficiently organized and designed. The home-, the work- and the recreational functions were carefully split up into planned units. underneath the housing-stamp-structure and grey-car-grid the green structure is planned into the lefto-ver space. the long lines of the old populi and the central lake remind us of if this grand landscape.

    the rise of car use and logic of planning broke the relation between the green spaces planned by van eesteren, standing on top of his ladder. the large structure is divided into small fragments and therefore reduced to decorative green.throughout the years sitting has been reduced to benches. Drinking coffee has been limited to places in shopping malls. Playing has been reduced to the defined playgrounds.

    in between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of Aldos igloos every three hundred meters. Kids used to play in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. over time the car gained dominance and swallowed more space. this led to less play areas and to fences around the ones left. Limited and standardized, all imagination and freedom seems lost. The wonder of exploration has been replaced by fear. A childs life is not governed by dedicated hours to work, to recreation and time spend at home. A childs neighborhood should not be organized to these principles.

    The worLd from Kid PersPecTive

    With all the best