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BOOKING - The Lord Mayor's Appeal › library › PoD › Power... · 2016-04-25 · According to the Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2016, 79% of employers are struggling to recruit

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Page 1: BOOKING - The Lord Mayor's Appeal › library › PoD › Power... · 2016-04-25 · According to the Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2016, 79% of employers are struggling to recruit


COMING SOON: 1st event 26 APRIL

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The Lord Mayor’s 2016

Six themed Power of Diversity Breakfasts


“The format is excellent and the speakers and topics, very relevant”

“A few short punchy

presentations really

works”With 98% of attendees recommending the 2015 breakfast series, this year’s programme will confront some of the key issues identified by City companies and the challenges they face. Whether it is recruitment and how to tackle the talent pipeline, inclusive leadership or how to prevent mental ill health in the workplace, the breakfasts are not talk shops but showcase success stories and initiatives, provide new ideas and real solutions.

With the Lord Mayor in attendance at each breakfast, the programme is a real chance for Senior Leaders and D&I experts and practitioners to collaborate and develop the tools their business needs to address its talent and diversity challenges.

Each breakfast typically has around 40 attendees to keep them intimate and interactive giving everyone a chance to get involved. Continuing with the success of the 2015 format, the seminars will include:

• Three speakers including an expert in the field of the theme and two speakers sharing how their organisations have succeeded in addressing the topic in question.

• Questions to the panel and discussion.

• Questions to the audience – sharing experiences and solutions amongst ‘friends’.

• Networking.

T: 020 7332 3777 E: [email protected]

“Inclusion and diversity is a critical part of our culture. We recognise that to sustain our diversity efforts, we must continually encourage the adoption of fresh ideas and different perspectives. That’s where the Power of Diversity Programme comes in, showcasing the energy and innovation that diversity can bring to all levels of business. We look forward to playing our part in what promises to be an inspirational programme.”

Elizabeth Corley CBE, Vice-Chair, Allianz GI

Page 3: BOOKING - The Lord Mayor's Appeal › library › PoD › Power... · 2016-04-25 · According to the Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2016, 79% of employers are struggling to recruit

Launching in April 2016, the Lord Mayor is delighted to attend each one of this year’s breakfast series:

The Breakfast Series

Inclusive Leadership – is now a business performance imperative, it is not about being ‘nice’ Chaired by Lord Davies of Abersoch CBE

The thinking is moving away from diversity stats and facts about ‘difference’ it’s more about how you include everyone to capture and benefit from ‘difference’. Culture change is key and organisations are focusing on how they create a leadership approach which is inclusive to recruit, retain and develop from a diverse talent pipeline for success both now and in the future.

So how do you instil an inclusive leadership mind-set across the business to benefit and develop from all talent rather than some of it?

The concept of inclusive leadership has grown in currency over the last few years. And whilst some work has explored this concept, how we do we ‘really’ know what are the core competencies of an inclusive leader are?

Dan Robertson from The Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei) seeks to answer this question. Drawing on a new piece of research that sought to test current thinking, Dan will provide actual evidence of both expected and unexpected competencies. Dan will also touch upon what tools organisations can use to enable its leaders and managers to develop turn these competencies into meaningful and lasting behaviour.

Given the structural changes facing the Financial Sector, Inclusive leadership has been identified as a key advantage to stay competitive for the future. Hear from Laure Fraval from Citi and how the concept of inclusive leadership has been implemented as a model throughout the business. She will share some of the various initiatives that Citi has instigated as a result to help change the culture. She will also highlight the impact of the shift to Inclusive leadership on employees and talent pipeline.

Including personal insights, Liz Bingham OBE from EY, will highlight how they are changing the culture and showcase how they are getting their leaders to genuinely understand insider/outsider perspectives and also how they focus on celebrating and promoting D for Difference through role models and the impact it is having.

Changing the recruitment lens – how do we find the untapped talent pool?

According to the Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2016, 79% of employers are struggling to recruit suitable candidates whilst 59% of professionals are looking to move jobs in the next year. This is fuelling a talent shortfall across the UK and action is urgently needed to reach a wider talent pool. What are the barriers that need removing to better enable access to the world of work and what are the opportunities that are currently being missed?

David Johnston, CEO of the Social Mobility Foundation and a member of the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission, will share some of the best practices employers are using to attract and recruit the best untapped talent from ignored and disadvantaged backgrounds. Hear about some of the key innovations and adjustments which have positively helped widen their talent pool. He will also talk about the next steps for business to attract ‘hidden’ talent.

Often it is the people, systems and processes in the recruitment cycle that are biased. Senior Consultant at KPMG, Claire Harvey, will discuss how to ensure there is proportionality across all strands of diversity when recruiting experienced hires.

Finally, hear from Managing Director Kashif Zafar, on how the investment arm of Barclays has significantly increased the number of BAME and female graduates they recruit and the key interventions they have made over the past three years to attract and recruit from these untapped talent pools.

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11 MAY The Mansion House

T: 020 7332 3777 E: [email protected]

“At Hays, we’re passionate about placing people in a role where they can flourish and succeed...The breakfasts have provided a fantastic insight into how we can really make change happen.”Yvonne Smyth, Group Head of Diversity, Hays

Page 4: BOOKING - The Lord Mayor's Appeal › library › PoD › Power... · 2016-04-25 · According to the Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2016, 79% of employers are struggling to recruit

Disability – a desirable disadvantage

Four in 10 disabled people say they’ve lost out on a job because of how employers perceived their impairments. 11 per cent of graduates have a disability yet less than 2 per cent of graduates applying for jobs have a declared disability. How do you access this untapped talent pool and how do you maximise what this talent has to offer?

It’s not just the responsibility of HR. Learn how it is leading from the top that changes the culture to embrace disability. The Business disability forum will share learnings, initiatives and case studies of organisations that are succeeding in recruiting and retaining their talent, which is crucial in such a tight marketplace.

Hear first-hand experience of ‘The Desirable Disadvantage’ from having a disability and the positive capabilities disabled candidates bring to the table, whose life is prefaced by ‘swimming against the tide’.

How do you create a culture of self examination to make your organisation more inclusive?

Hear from Fujitsu that has looked at removing barriers to fully utilise the talent its workforce has to offer and their strategy to focus on the recruitment, retention and development of the disabled talent pool.

Mental Health – prevention in the workplace

Chaired by Paul Farmer, CEO, MindFollowing on from one of our most popular topics in 2015, what more can be done to prevent mental health problems at work?

Hear about how a business has created an infrastructure that enables employees to support their colleagues who are struggling or concerned with their mental health and well-being.

Mental Health First Aid – hear from their CEO, Poppy Jarman about an evidence based workplace initiative which helps spot early warning signs of employees at risk and how to act on it.

‘This is Me – in the City’ – sharing the impact of the City-wide initiative to help change workplace cultures and reduce the stigma of mental health through storytelling and improve people mental health and well-being.

3 522 JUNE Standard Chartered

6 OCTOBER Mayer Brown

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6The Multigenerational Workplace – how to make it work

This last breakfast in the series will tackle one of the hottest topics of our times, the multi-generational workforce.With a rapidly ageing population and a shortage of young people to fill jobs, it is crucial to not only retain employees across the generations but also, to enable the different generations to work in harmony and gain from the diversity of thought and experience each brings to the table.

Hear how a business has been getting multi-generational teams to work together to impact on business success.

Hear from Barclays how it’s business leaders are turning to the young millennials to get a competitive edge.

Re-thinking age – over 50s, a liability or your greatest asset- innovative ideas how this undervalued resource will add value to your business.

Sponsored by:1 NOVEMBER Barclays

Building a gender diverse business

Chaired by Dame Fiona Woolf

Building a gender diverse pipeline at all levels is both a key business challenge and imperative.

Organisations have worked hard to increase the number of women at board level but are facing challenges with retention and returners. Three expert speakers, including MasterCard, will share how they have addressed these challenges to build a more gender diverse business. More information coming soon.

4 4 OR 5 JULY (TBC) Mastercard

Sponsored by:

T: 020 7332 3777 E: [email protected]


“This excellent series is a great opportunity to share best practice. If you

are serious about addressing diversity

issues, why wouldn’t you attend?”Nicholas Cheffings, Chair, Hogan Lovells

Page 5: BOOKING - The Lord Mayor's Appeal › library › PoD › Power... · 2016-04-25 · According to the Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2016, 79% of employers are struggling to recruit


The Lord Mayor’s 2016

Additional opportunities included for 2016:


Three leadership forums – a steering group with a focus on making a step change on diversity and inclusion in the City. The future of the City powerhouse relies on it. Chaired by the Town Clerk/CEO of the City of London Corporation and ex Lord Mayor Dame Fiona Woolf DBE, it includes CEOs, Senior Directors & Partners and Chairs of City related companies.

Participate in research being undertaken by Ashridge and Cass business schools looking to develop a toolkit in how to measure D&I and how to motivate the middle management to embed D&I.

This is Me – in the City Be part of a City-wide collaboration to reduce the stigma around mental health in the workplace and to raise awareness of well-being. This pioneering City-wide mental health campaign, is being delivered in partnership with Barclays, Business Healthy, City Mental Health Alliance and Mind.

Videos from each breakfast will ensure ideas and discussions from our breakfasts can be shared with your colleagues back in the office, in workshops, meetings and training sessions.

Video sponsors

Mental health –The Marketplace 19 September

With 70 million working days lost to mental health illness last year and the numbers increasing annually, mental health and well-being is top of the agenda for many City companies.

For the first time, the Power of Diversity Programme presents a unique opportunity to hear bite sized presentations from a range of organisations and practitioners that provide support and interventions to business and its employees on their mental health and wellbeing.

Based on a speed networking concept, in just one morning come away with more than just a list of providers that you can follow up to improve and protect the mental health and wellbeing of your employees.

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T: 020 7332 3777 E: [email protected]

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IN 2016

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will enable small/medium companies to have an attendee* at each of the events

will enable your company to have two attendees* at each of the events

will enable your company to have three attendees* at each of the

will enable your company to host one of the above breakfasts and benefit from having four people attending

will ensure your company are one of two key joint sponsors – where you will have the opportunity to host one of the above events and have your profile throughout the whole series of events and promotional communications.

* does not have to be the same people attending all the events.


The Lord Mayor’s 2016

To secure a place for your company or enquire about sponsorship opportunities:

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To sign up to the whole series the options are:£3,000


£10,000 -




T: 020 7332 3777 E: [email protected] more information go to @LMAppeal

Senior Business Leaders – leading from the top As well as the senior leadership forum, the 2016 breakfast series is keen to attract senior business leaders who are crucial in facilitating the culture change a business needs to go through to succeed in this space.

To encourage this, the Lord Mayor will be in attendance at all six breakfasts and we have included an additional free place based on the 2015 programme.

In 2015 approx. 30% of the audience were senior business leaders


Businesses need to develop a culture where all talent thrives, and create an innovative environment that encourages us all to be ourselves. By sharing learnings and experiences, together we can implement sustainable change so that the next generation views business diversity issues as a relic from the past.

Michael Cole-Fontayn, Executive Vice President and Chairman, EMEA, BNY Mellon