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Book of daniel

Nov 14, 2014



Church Presentation On the Book Of Daniel - For Preaching.
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  • 1. The Book Of Daniel

2. Introduction Of Daniel Specialty of Daniel All the prophets prophesized the events Daniel was the only prophet to set time lines on the events Daniel is the only book to carry the autobiography of a king Daniel also covers what usually called the silent years time between last OT book and first NT book 3. Authenticity of the Book of Daniel Original Hebrew texts (vorlage) assembled during the days of Ezra & Nehemiah 500 years before Christ By 3rd BC Septuagint translation was done Daniel is present this Septuagint version was Christians bible in 1st century The Hebrew text ( masoretic text) was done only on 90 AD. Most of it we have today is from 9th century texts. So if OT bible texts are quoted taken from Hebrew its mostly from this 4. Chapter 1 Background on Daniels life & faith Background On Daniel Israel was destroyed Jeremiah 20:4, 25 : 11 , 2 King20: 14 - 18 Daniel was taken as a slave & most probable made a Eunuch Isa 39: 6, 7/ 2 Kings 20: 18 / Dan 1: 3,7,8 ( Eunuchs were class apart Isa 56:4,5 / Mat 19: 12) 5. Chapter 2 - Kings Dream, Daniels Challenge & Daniels intersession 6. Chapter 3 - Kings Pride, Slaves Faith & Where is Daniel ? 7. Chapter 4 - Kings witness & Praise to God (Jer 27:6) 8. Chapter 5 : Belshazzars Sin 9. Chapter 5 : Belshazzars Judgment Dan 5 : 30 - 31 10. Chapter 6 : Daniels Promotion & Gods Providence & Kings Reverence 11. Chapter 7 :Daniels Vision of Kingdoms The Vision Daniel saw during the days of Belshazzar : the first year We will come back to this in detail 12. Chapter 8 : Vision Continues The Vision Daniel saw during the days of Belshazzar : the 3rd year year of its defeat to the hands of Media Persians We will come back to this in detail 13. Chapter 9 : Daniels Interrupted Prayer Daniel comes to know their time is coming to an end Jeremiah 25 : 11 Daniels burden & cry of corporate repentance Daniel prays for the reconciliation of Israel Gabriel interrupts and gives the famous 70- weeks prophecy We will come back in detail 14. Chapter 10 : Daniels Sorrow Third year of Cyrus 534 B.C. The prophetic time of 70 years given was crossed Daniel mourns in Gods presence for 3 weeks Appreciation form God 10 : 11 12 The angelic conflict 10: 13 Is it a message from future 10 : 14 / Rev 12: 7 End Time Vision Given troubles of future ( times of great tribulation ? Rev 12: 6 8) 15. Chapter 10 : Continuation Gabriel returns to fight ( is it future) He says after he leaves, in Daniels present times Greece shall conquer 16. Leaner Time The one we use Start ___________________________________________________ End The linear view : There was a past. We are in present. We will go to future. We can look into past. We can move into future. We cant move into past. And we cant look into the future. 17. Outside the Dimension of our Time Isa 44:10 Declaring the end from the beginning . God writes the History before it happens. That is prophecy. Eg : watching a parade from a helicopter . 18. Example Normal View Helicopter View 19. Time Travel ? National Institute of Standards & Technology, Boulder , Colorado, USA 20. Atomic Clock 2 Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England 21. The Difference 5 micro seconds Both are correct . The clocks are not inaccurate, but the altitudes are different. Boulder = 5400 ft/ altitude above sea level Greenwich = 84 ft/ altitude above sea level The higher the place the lesser the time. Time is not constant, time varies. 22. Chapter 11 : Visions of Future Daniel is given vision of future starting from the silent years on wards till antichrist coming to stage in a jumbled manner 23. Chapter 12 : Vision Extends Vision connects back with Rev 12: 6 -8 the great tribulation Vision of Judgment Sealing of the Book Revealing of times Revealing of purification Revealing of Abomination of Desolation Referred by Jesus in Mathew 24 ; 15, 16