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Bonded Labour Sarpam Irular Thozhilalar Sangam conducted an survey regarding the conditions of Bonded Labours in Red hills during 2004. Bonded Labours were also sensitised to liberate from the bondages .The condition of the bonded labours in 25 rice mills were miserable and number of complaints about the conditions was also increased day by day. Hence we conducted a detail study about the bonded labours. The situation of bonded labours in rice mills were given below, SITUATION OF BONDED LABOUR IN RICE MILLS There are nearly 10,000 bonded labourers in rice mills of Red hills. Many thousands of Irula tribal families are kept as bonded labour in hundreds of paddy processing units of rice mills located at Red hills, Thiruvallur District. They are illiterate and live at the work premises for generations and are indebted to the employers. The living conditions in many rice mills are without basic amenities of drinking water, light, toilet, bathrooms. The loan is carried from one generation to another. Thus even children are made to work to return the debt incurred by parents. There is no childcare and no safety measures hence leading to fatal accidents of even children. The adult labour had been working from childhood. Work of cleaning the paddy, boiling it in boilers, drying the wet paddy, packing and carrying are done by the adult workers. The children do cleaning work and assist the parents in drying paddy. No child is allowed to go to school and have to work compulsorily. They work from 11pm till 6pm on the next

Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

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Page 1: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

Bonded Labour

Sarpam Irular Thozhilalar Sangam conducted an survey regarding the conditions of Bonded Labours in Red hills during 2004. Bonded Labours were also sensitised to liberate from the bondages .The condition of the bonded labours in 25 rice mills were miserable and number of complaints about the conditions was also increased day by day. Hence we conducted a detail study about the bonded labours. The situation of bonded labours in rice mills were given below,

SITUATION OF BONDED LABOUR IN RICE MILLS There are nearly 10,000 bonded labourers in rice mills of Red

hills. Many thousands of Irula tribal families are kept as bonded labour in hundreds of paddy processing units of rice mills located at Red hills, Thiruvallur District. They are illiterate and live at the work premises for generations and are indebted to the employers. The living conditions in many rice mills are without basic amenities of drinking water, light, toilet, bathrooms. The loan is carried from one generation to another. Thus even children are made to work to return the debt incurred by parents. There is no childcare and no safety measures hence leading to fatal accidents of even children. The adult labour had been working from childhood. Work of cleaning the paddy, boiling it in boilers, drying the wet paddy, packing and carrying are done by the adult workers. The children do cleaning work and assist the parents in drying paddy. No child is allowed to go to school and have to work compulsorily. They work from 11pm till 6pm on the next day, and get hardly any sleep. Wages are given every four days, at the rate of Rs.8 per bag, roughly as Rs.240 for four persons for 4 days. This works out to be Rs.15 for 19 hours of hard labour, in violation of the minimum wages fixed by the State Govt. Labour Dept. for rice mill workers being Rs.84 for 8 hours of work. Marriages and deliveries take place inside the work premise. The women workers have to start working on the fourth day after delivery. When a worker dies, only after the process is over at 6 pm, burial can take place. Physical beating, locking them up, sexual harassment of women workers have been taking place in these rice mills for decades. Vasantha a woman worker in one week after child birth when she was forced to work, especially since her husband was injured and could not work. She develop fever in a week and was admitted to a Govt. hospital and she could not recover and discharged and she died.

Page 2: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

Thus the bonded labour system, in the rice mills & the paddy processing units of the Red hills has eight aspects:

1) Debt bondage, carried on from one generation to another starting with 100 to 300 rupees and multiplying up to Rs.50,000

2) Physical bondage, they are made to live on the work premises and when a worker goes out to buy vegetables or for any other reason, the other members of the family are forcibly detained on the work premises until the worker returns. If a labourer falling sick or attending funeral etc goes to village leaving other members in the mill, does not return in 2 days, the employer will send a vehicle with rowdies to bring the worker and all those expenses are also added on to the debt.

3) Extraction of slave labour, long working hours from 11pm to 6pm in the following day leads to exhaustion and illnesses. Since the labourer can go to a Doctor only after 6pm they have to get into further debt for treatment.

4) Low wages in violation of minimum wages: are paid to the workers hence forced labour as per the judgement of the Asiad case and Bandua mukthi morcha cases of the Supreme court of India. For escaping from the provisions of the Bonded Labour Act, the employers and the administration state that there is a 12(3) settlement for piece rated wage of Rs.8 per bag, but since it is much below minimum wages such a settlement can not be considered to be valid.

5) Sale of bonded labour: When any paddy processing unit closes down, the labourers are sold to a new employer, invariably with an increase in the quantum of debt.

6) Forced child labour: majority of the children of the rice mill workers are pressurised to drop out of school and made to sweep the floors of the work premises and assist the parents in the work. Thus it is equivalent to forced child labour.

Page 3: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

7) Physical harassment and verbal abuse: the workers are physically beaten and harassed and subjected to constant threats by the employers to extract inhuman quantum of work using the debt as a ploy.

8) Harassment of women labour and denial of rights: the women labourers suffer sexual harassment at the work place and most of the deliveries take place inside the work premises and the women have to work from the fourth day after delivery and are denied any maternity entitlement. The unfortunate death of Valli is an example of unnatural fatality due to extraction of slave labour and violation of Maternity Benefit Act.

REPRESENTATIONS Following representations were given by the Sarpam Irular Thozhilar

Sangam and along with the bonded labourers to the authorities:1. 2.8.04 individual representations were made by nearly 300 bonded labours to the District Collector of Thiruvallur District2. 16.8.04 - 300 bonded labourers directly represented to Revenue Divisional Officer, Ponneri 3. 16.8.04 Commissioner for Bonded Labour Release, Chennai4. 16.8.04 Chief Inspector of Factories, Chennai5. 17.8.04 Secretary for Labour, TN-Govt.6. 17.8.04 Secretary for Adi Dravider Welfare, TN-Govt.(in charge of release of bonded labour)

BACKLASH SUFFERED BY THE WORKERS After the bonded labourers made representation in numbers to the RDO, the

employers started beating the labourers. 1. On 18.8.04 Balu a bonded labourer was beaten up by Gopal owner of RR Rice mill. When the representatives went with the labourer to Red hills police station, over 1000 employers and rowdies collected and gheraoed the police station and threatened the representatives. The SI saved the representatives and sent them back.2. On 20.8.04 of the bonded labourer families in 2 rice mills, one from each family was locked up and rest were sent out to bring money for repayment of debt. 3. Mannar a bonded labour in Padmavathi rice mill was locked up and beaten by the employer and made to sign on blank paper.4. This is followed by employers of various rice mills beating and forcing the labourers to sign on blank paper.5. On 24.8.04 Mani and Venkatesan bonded labourers in Raja kalam were locked up and beaten up.6. On 26.8.04 Chandra a bonded woman labourer of Shakthi Murugan kalam was beaten up and hand broken as a result.

Page 4: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

DISTRICT OFFICIAL APATHYEven though the suffering bonded labourers and the backlash by the

employers were represented to the Collector, DRO and RDO on 19.8.04, the RDO went to Red hills for inspection and met the workers after meeting the owners and told the bonded labourers in RR rice mill and Padmavathy rice mill that unless they paid back the loans they would have to work and be locked up.

On 23.8.04, the DRO told the representatives that they would not release bonded labour since there was no money.

AGITATION DEFERED DUE TO ASSURANCE A mass demonstration was to be held on 6.9.04 at Red hills and it was deferred due to the promise of the new RDO that she would make enquiries and release the bonded labourers before 6th Sep. 2004 and asked us to defer the agitation. On 5.9.04 the new RDO cum Sub Collector along with the subordinates took statements of more than 450 bonded labourers who had run away from the rice mills (leaving their belongings in the rice mills) due to fear of getting beaten and attacked by the rowdies of employers, walked 70kms to Thiruvallur to Sarpam Irular Thozhilalar Sangam which has organised them to stay in the open and fed with rice gruel in Gundelimedu village, near Matharpakkam, Gummidipoondi taluk.

URGENT MESSAGES WERE SENT TO THE HIGHER AUTHORITIES FOR IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION1. 26.8.04 The Secretary for Labour, Central Govt. New Delhi, 2. 26.8.04 The Prime Minister of India3. 26.8.04 Director General for Labour Welfare, New Delhi4. 26.8.04 Secretary for Adi Dravidar Welfare, TN-Govt (in charge of release of bonded labour)5. 26.8.04 The Secretary of Labour, TN-Govt

BETRAYAL BY THE NEW RDOFurther, we were suddenly called for a discussion on 8.6.04 at 3pm at the

RDO cum Sub Collector's office, Ponneri. (The RDO had a separate meeting with the employers from 12 to 3 pm). The 4 hours of discussion on 8.6.04 from 3pm to 7pm with the new RDO, representatives of the rice mill owners association and us (two representatives of Sarpam and 8 bonded labourers) was most shocking. During the discussion the new RDO declared that the labourers suffering in bondage in rice mills of Red hills were not bonded labourers, since they were not chained like in Bihar. She also stated that the superiors had right to even scold or beat her (RDO) and since the labourers were indebted, they should tolerate beatings and abuse of the employers. She said that the women tolerated beatings

Page 5: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

by husband so why not accept beatings by employers to whom they were indebted. She said that the loan had been taken voluntarily by worker so they were not bonded labourers. Further she said that the past should be forgotten and that the worker must follow the following rules:

1) Labourers must repay the debt and only then they could leave the rice mill.

2) Otherwise, police complaint will be filed by her and they would be arrested and jailed.

3) She would arrange to take photos and hand over to police and stick them in public places.

4) The labourers must work with the same employer and then the loan could be waived at the rate of Rs.2000 per annum.

As far as the employers, who had kept the labourers in bondage, they were advised by the RDO to do social work by providing half kg rice and Rs.20 per day during the monsoon and Rs.200 per annum per child for education. The employers were asked to give literacy lessons to workers to teach them to put their signatures. She requested the employers not to beat or abuse the workers. She told the workers to approach the rice mill owners association and not to police station for filing complaint about beating or non payment.

She said that if workers went back to the same employers to work, then she would form a committee to over see the implementation of the above. The committee would include representatives of employers. She finally declared that only if the labourers go back to the same employers, she would provide ration cards, ST certificate or SSA scheme, otherwise she would not give them any Govt benefits.

There was separate enquiry about the beating of Balu by the RR rice mill owner. Balu described the incident and even though he had a medical certificate, the owner completely denied it. The RDO said that since Balu was in debt, he should forget the beating. Balu challenged the employer that he had never taken any money from the employer to which the employer became silent. Then the RDO asked him whether he expected the employer to pay for not filing the complaint. Balu rejected her suggestion and said that he wanted only justice.

Thus the assurance given by the new RDO for release of the bonded labourers was a total betrayal and she had in fact taken the side of the employers


We held a demonstration against the bonded labourers system in Red hills on 20.9.04 at 9am to 1pm at Red hills Bus Stand, Red hills, in which Irula bonded labourers, Irula villagers and representatives of Tamilnadu Manual Workers Union, Unorganised Workers Federation, Women's Rights Movement, Domestic Workers Union, Human Rights Movements, Working People's Council, Nirman Mazdoor Panchayat Sangam etc participated and lent

Page 6: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

their support. It was also announced at end of dharna that next phase of struggle would be in front of the Thiruvallur collectorate. On 21.9.04 the representatives were called by the RDO and told that she would take appropriate action within 2 days and that they should withdraw the proposed agitation before the collectorate. The representatives agreed to the withdrawal. But a gang of hoodlums in Thiruvallur on 22.9.04 around 8.30pm attacked Balu a labourer in RR rice mill, who was beaten earlier by the owner, with knives. Also, the beatings and harassments of the bonded labourers inside the rice mills are continuing, unabated.


The National Commission for Women, New Delhi held a Public Hearing on the Bonded Laborers in Rice Mills of Red hills on 4.10.04 from 9.30 am to 2 pm at TRS Marriage Hall, Thiruvallur 602 001, Thiruvallur District, TamilNadu. Women’s Struggle Committee and Sarpam Irular Thozhilalar Sangam organized the Public Hearing. Sarpam Irular Thozhilalar Sangam as association of Tribal Workers with its headquarters in Thiruvallur has been identifying the bonded labourers and sensitising them to get released from their bonded condition. On receiving a representation from Women's Struggle Committee, a Chennai based organisation, the National Commission for Women decided to conduct a Public Hearing at Thiruvallur with the following Members: Dr.Poornima Advani, Chairperson, National Commission for Women, Justice A.Ramamoorthy, Former Judge of Chennai High Court, Swami Agnivesh, President of Bonded Labour Liberation Front, Dr. Smt. Sarala Gopalan IAS (Retd), Dr.Vasanthi Devi, Chairperson, Tamil Nadu - State Commission Women. About 500 persons, men, women and children, working as bonded laborers in rice mills had assembled and about 9 women, 2 men and 9 children among the victims and the representatives of the Sangam deposed. In addition, 8 more written affidavits of victims had been filed. Ms.R.Geetha, Women's Struggle Committee welcomed the participants and Ms.Siddamma explained the background. Sarpam Irular Thozhilalar Sangam had made a survey on the Irula bonded labourers numbering 12 thousand in rice mills of Red hills, the bondage of families for generations, exploitation of women, forced labour of children, the wages being much lower than minimum wages, illiteracy of Irulas and awareness given by the Sangam, inaction of the authorities over the complaints of the bonded labourers, leading to the beatings of the complainants and running away from the mills and Sarpam Irular Thozhilalar Sangam sheltering them.

Page 7: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

Hence we reiterated the following demands to release the bonded labourers in rice mills:As per sections 4,6,8,9 of the Bonded Labour System(Abolition) Act 1976 we urged all the authorities concerned to take immediate steps,to release the bonded labourers and prosecute the owners in the rice mills at Red hills as per the Act.2) to provide rehabilitation through provision of housing, agricultural land and milch animals 3) to secure arrears under minimum wages 4) to provide free and compulsory education of children of rice mill workers 5) to secure regulation of employment wages and working conditions in rice mills of Red hills as per Factories Act 1948, ESI Act, EPF Act and Maternity Benefit Act 1956.6) to book the culprits who were responsible for the sexual exploitation of women labourers, for the unfortunate and unnatural death of Vasantha and the attack on Balu.

AFTER PEOPLES STRUGGLE Due to Sarpam’s effort and people struggle, Ponneri RDO conducted an enquiry and found 650 family (family who escape from rice mills) working as bonded labours, in 250 rice mills. At present 120 families have been rehabilitated by the government and provided land in pallavakkam, Uttukkotai taluk- Thiruvallur district. Only 120 received the release order from government and Rs20000 for rehabilitation. We are yet to receive release orders and rehabilitation packages to 530 families who were initially enquired by the RDO.

Palavakkam Released Bonded Labourers village.

Page 8: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

On 15th August 2005 Ponneri, R.D.O, distributed 460 community certificates to the released bonded labourers.71 families received land patta in Palavakkam. Due to RDO’s slow action, Sarpam approached high court with a request to give direction to Tamilnadu government to release and rehabilitate all the bonded labour working in rice mills. High court has given direction to Tamilnadu government. On January 20th 2006, meeting regarding the bonded labour issue was conducted in Thiruvallur collector office. Mr.Krishnadas Gandhi I.A.S, Mr.Senthil Kumar Loyola College Professor, and District collector have participated. The current situation of the people were discussed and list of 530 left out people who did not receive the release order was given to Mr. Krishnadas Gandhi I.A.S. Out of the 530 families, 126 & 265 families were enquired by R.D.O from 6th to 10th February 2006. Bonded Labours meeting was held in collector office on 2nd March 2006, and the wage problems were discussed. Mr. Senthil Kumar, professor Loyola Collage with his student’s team reviewed the status of the bonded labourers in rice mills. They visited Arumugaswamy rice mill, Bagyaraj rice mill, S. M. J rice mill, Karuppaya rice mill, Krishna rice mill, S.M.S. rice mill, and S.M.J.rice mill. They found the difficulty in the loan repayment procedures inside the rice mills. On 29 th and 30th March 2006 two meetings were held in B.D.O office and A.E. office, Thiruvallur District. The problems and the various solutions to relieve from bondage were discussed. In the month of April 2006 all the necessity steps were taken to get electricity for the bonded labour village pallavakkam. Expected to avail electricity line installation by next week.

Page 9: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

ASHA BONDED LABOUR SCHOOL : This school Runs for the Released Bonded Labours who were previously engaged in Rice mill, and denied for going to school. We concentrate mainly to motivate and support the children to learn and relieve from the mental suppression created inside the rice mills. We Successfully carried our work by enrolling the teacher from the release-bonded labourers. The local teacher according to the needs of the children develops curriculum .In the month of February the school is taken over by government under S.S.A Scheme. The government authorities appreciated our work.


In Vellore District we freed three bonded labour families from the Brick Kiln. The Brick kiln belong to Duraikannu.He hired these families before twenty years with initial amount of two thousand rupees. They agreed as they hoped to repay the amount by working in the brick kiln. They recognised the trap only when they asked about the repayment. It was difficult to clear the debt as a family was paid only Rs 125 for making 1000 bricks. Even if the entire family worked together, it would take around three days. The owner continuously abused them. Two of them escaped from the place and approached the Sarpam Irular Thozhilalar Sangam. We filed petition to the collector office. As per the order from the collector the three families including 15 persons were released from the brick kiln.

Brick kiln unit in Vellore

Page 10: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

News paper clippings

ACEIVEMENTSAll the rice mills are now registered and obtained license from the government (not even a single rice mill was registered with the license before this issue has been exposed).The rice mill owners have written off debt.The 12 A agreement has been cancelled by the labour department (Agreement between owner & government to pay under minimum wages).The piece rate has been increased from Rs 8 to Rs 15 per gunny bag of paddy.Less harassment in the rice mills the employees are treated with human dignity. Land for the released bonded labours in Palavakkam,Basic amenities like bore well for drinking water was installed.71 people received patta in Palavakkam

Page 11: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

Group housing for these families are expected to begin.In Vellore District three families comprising of 15 members were rescued from the brick kiln on March 13th 2006.


Awareness camps are organised and conducted in the bonded labour Irula villages. We have insisted on the various steps to be taken for relieving the Irulas from the bondages. Steps have also been taken to train them on Labour law, human rights issue, Civil rights and various laws related to women. The details regarding the awareness camps are given below,

S.No. Dates District Number of participants

INGO Contributed

1. 07.06.05 Vellore 150 HIVOS2. 11.06.05 Thiruvallur 200 Action Aid International3. 28.07.05 Thiruvallur 150 Action Aid International4. 03.08.05 Thiruvallur 140 HIVOS5. 04.09.06 Thiruvallur 200 Action Aid International6. 30.09.06 Vellore 160 HIVOS7. 13.10.05 Thiruvallur 140 HIVOS8. 24.10.05 Thiruvallur 150 Action Aid International9. 25.11.05 Vellore 140 HIVOS10. 04.12.05 Thiruvallur 150 Action Aid International11 30.12.05 Thiruvallur 130 HIVOS12 05.01.06 Thiruvallur 150 Action Aid International13 13.01.06 Vellore 140 HIVOS14 02.02.06 Thiruvallur 150 Action Aid International15 21.02.06 Thiruvallur 160 HIVOS16 2.03.06 Vellore 130 HIVOS17 20.03.06 Thiruvallur 150 Action Aid International

Details of awareness camp


The Awareness camp helped us to liberate the people and sensitise them to relieve from the bondages .In Vellore we were able to release three families from the Brick kiln unit.Thiruvallure district people were motivated and acquired the strength to struggle against the bondages levied on them by the owners.

Page 12: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

CULTURAL MELACultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural team has fifteen released bonded labourers comprising 50 % of women involved in campaign work to bring out the bonded labour issue. The programme includes bonded labour issue based songs, Street drama and Role-play. The poster, and pamphlet on Bonded Labour, Laws regarding the wages, SC/ST act was distributed in the villages

The cultural mela is an effective method of reaching the people. 90% of the target people are illiterate. The cultural mela was conducted in Villupuram, Vellore, Thiruvannamalai and Cuddalore districts. 10 days mela was conducted in these districts. As the members of the cultural Team belong to Irula scheduled tribe, they were able to reach their community well and convey the ideas in an effective manner. 15 staff members and 15 bonded labourers visited the target villages and organised the cultural melas. This was an extempore event based on their village issues performed by the trained team of 30 members. They highlighted the need for unity among the Irulas, formation of their own Sangams, pathetic situation various government schemes, Bonded labour issues etc.The following are details regarding the cultural Mela,

Cultural MelaSl.No Date Districts Number of

villagesINGO contributed

01. 06.06.05 Thiruvallur 50 Villages Action Aid International02. 07.07.05 Cuddallore,

Villupuram& Pondichery

40 Villages HIVOS

03. 08.08.05 Vellore& Thiruvannamalai

35 Villages HIVOS

04. 21.11.05 Vellore& Thiruvannamalai

30 Villages HIVOS

05. 19.12.05 Cuddallore, Villupuram& Pondichery

35 Villages HIVOS

06. 25.03.06 Vellore& Thiruvannamalai

50 Villages HIVOS

07. 05.02.06 Cuddallore, Villupuram& Pondichery

45 Villages HIVOS

07. 11.02.06 Thiruvallur 40 Villages Action Aid International

Page 13: Bonded Labour - Amazon Web Services€¦  · Web viewCultural Mela was performed to create awareness and to sensitise the people regarding the bonded labour issues. The cultural

Outcome:The Irulas in the targeted villages expressed their willingness to form the Sangam

which is the ultimate goal of cultural melas. The people became emotional and offered their donation to the group and the teams were offered food by the villagers. The main focus of the mela was on gender issues, alcoholism, women beating and suppression.

There was a separate cultural mela held on “plight of bonded labourers” and the awareness was created through cultural activities on the condition of how most of the people from Villupuram and Vellore district come to Chennai for the survival purpose and become bonded labourers unknowingly. They shared their experience on their sufferings in the rice mill and Brickkilne to the Irula people. The cultural team is named Viduthalai (Freedom).

ECONOMICAL DEVELOPMENT : Embroidery shed was put up for women to learn and do embroidery work in saries to earn money .Now 20 women are being trained in embroidery work. Action Aid International supported to build this Embroidery shed. The land, which was given by the government, was not suitable for habitation. So we have levelled up the land to put up temporary shelters for 150 released bonded labours. (Supported by Action Aid International)Food and cloth have been provided immediately for 150 bonded labourers. (Supported by Action Aid International)Two families have been provided shelter and livelihood at Pallipatu, in Thiruvallur district where the organisation has got a community resource centre.Teacher of the bonded labour school, was also selected from the families of, released bonded labourers. Asha supported school for Education.