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Bombs & Floods

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/11/2019 Bombs & Floods



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    Three obvious connections stand out immediately:

    the 2005 Ascendant at 2702 Leo exactly opposes

    the position of the 1894 Sun, exact within a minute

    of arc; the 2005 IC at 15 Scorpio is just 10 distantfrom the position of the 1894 Uranus, then appro-

    priately in the same 4thhouse; while the 2005 Uranustransits the place of the 1894 Mercury (orb 13), both

    being close to the cusp of the charts 8th house.

    There are other similaritiesMoons North Node in

    Aries in the 9thhouse and the Moon in the 11thstand

    outbut thats enough for now.

    The 1894 map is interesting of itself. The

    Neptune-Pluto conjunction is present in the sky, here

    closely squared by Mercury; there is a close Grand Trine in the Air signs

    with the Moon, ruler of the house of secret enemies, moving from its

    trine of Saturn to trine the Sun;and the MC almost exactly falls at thePluto/Node midpoint. It would have been completely exact were the

    time 4:50:44 pm and not 4:51. The anarchists failure to blow up the

    first meridian is doubtless due to the protection provided by the elevated

    Jupiter (conjunct Capulus), which closely aspects the rising degree.

    I forecast the potential danger to London in 2005 earlier this year2

    the Aries Ingress at that location (Figure 3) had the Moon-Mars opposi-

    tion across the horizon. But that raises the question of why London and

    2In ConsiderationsXX:1 (February-April 2005)

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    not Paris where the same opposition was even closer to the horizon and it

    was there augmented by the Mercury-Jupiter opposition close to the me-


    In 1912 the English astrologer W. Gorn Old, who wrote under the

    pseudonym of Sepharial, published a little booklet entitled The Laws of

    Values, in which he predicted that a devastating world-wide war would

    commence in 1914. He was correct: World War I began that year.

    One of the chapters in the booklet deals with the sensitive points ofmajor cities. As John Naylor, the father of Sun-sign astrology, pointed

    out when discussing Sepharials work in 1980, very few mundane as-trologers pay much attention to sensitive points although they are a very

    traditional part of astrology. They are often mentioned in medieval

    books on astrology. Nowadays they are largely ignored, overlooked or

    discarded but they appear to have great value.4

    Since the publication in 1988 of Nicholas Campions The Book of

    World Horoscopes5, mundane astrologers have begun to correct this

    omission. Even so the traditional sensitive points associated with major

    cities continue to be mostly ignored, preference being given to degrees

    occupied at those times when a country was founded, became independ-

    ent or experienced a change of government. City, even the capital city,

    3Riots throughout France began at the end of October 2005.4SeeAstrology54: 1 & 2,51stedition 1988 was published by Aquarian Press. The 2ndedition of 1995 was

    published by Cinnabar Books of Bristol, England.

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    and country are not completely synonymous.

    Sepharial gave as the sensitive points for

    London, a MC of 9 Gemini and an Ascendant of

    14 Virgo. They were not occupied at the startof 1801 when Great Britain and Ireland joined to

    become the United Kingdom.

    The conjunction of Neptune and Pluto at the

    time of the 1894 Greenwich bombing frames 9

    Gemini. For the 2005 bombing the connection

    to one of these sensitive points is less obvious,

    although the Sun and Moon are positioned on

    either side of the antiscion of 9 Gemini, namely

    on either side of 21 Cancer.

    Refer back to the 2005 Aries Ingress. Uranus was in the 9thdegree of

    Pisces, squaring this traditional London MC, and Saturn was in the 21st

    degree of Cancer, conjunct the antiscion of this same sensitive point.TheMercury-Jupiter opposition hits the traditional London Ascendant,

    again by antiscion.

    Perhaps a comparison of the 2005 aIngress against the UKs 1801chart (Figure 4) is more meaningful: the Ingress Ascendant is the posi-

    tion of the 1801 Jupiter, transit Saturn is conjunct the 1801 Moon, transit

    Neptune is conjunct the 1801 Venus, and transit Mercury is conjunct the

    1801 Node. Each of these transits is very tight. Saturns transit of the

    1801 Moon stands out among these tight connections: as a result of the

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    bombings there has been some restraint (Saturn), much of which is self-

    imposed, on the populations freedom of movement (Moon).

    Whether one uses the 1801 chart, Sepharials sensitive points or sim-

    ply analyzes the 2005 Aries Ingress without reference to any base chart,there are ample indications that London would be attacked around this

    time. The whenof the terrorist attack is shown by the 21stJuly 2005 full

    moon (square Mars, the Sun conjunct Saturn) smack-dab on the Moon-

    Mars opposition of the a Ingress. This attempted repeat (Figure 5) of

    the 7thJuly attacks failed but it greatly heightened Londoners fears of

    future terrorist attacks. Why did it fail? The rising of the Moons South

    Node seems to be a good enough reason, that and the Moon being about

    to change sign and apply to oppose Saturnindicator of a failed activity.

    Acts of Terrorism in London12thDecember 1867 Clerkenwell Prison: 12 dead, 100 injured

    24thJanuary 1885 House of Commons

    15thFebruary 1894 Greenwich Observatory: 1 dead

    31stOctober 1971 Post Office Tower

    8thMarch 1973 Old Bailey: 1 dead, 174 injured8thSeptember 1973 Victoria Station: 3 injured

    17thJuly 1974 Tower of London: 34 injured

    5thOctober 1974 Guildford pubs: 5 dead, 50+ injured

    5thSeptember 1975 Hilton hotel: 2 dead, 60 injured30thMarch 1979 House of Commons: MP killed

    10thOctober 1981 Chelsea Barracks: 2 dead, 72 injured

    20thJuly 1982 Hyde Park: 11 dead, 58 injured17thDecember 1983 Harrods: 6 dead, 100 injured

    1stAugust 1988 Mill Hill barracks: 1 dead, 8+ injured

    25thJune 1990 Carlton Club: 21+ injured

    20thJuly 1990 Stock Exchange18thFebruary 1991 Victoria Station: 1 dead, 38 injured28thFebruary 1992 London Bridge station: 29 injured

    10thApril 1992 St. Mary Axe: 3 dead, 93 injured

    12thOctober 1992 Covent Garden toilet: 1 dead, 4 injured

    10thDecember 1992 Wood Green shopping centre22ndDecember 1992 Hampstead Underground Station

    27thFebruary 1993 Camden: 18 injured

    24thApril 1993 Bishopsgate truck bomb: 1 dead, 44 injured9thFebruary 1996 Docklands: 2 die

    18thFebruary 1996 Bus in Aldwych: 1 dead, 5 injured

    7thJuly 2005 Underground trains & a bus

    N ADDITION to looking at the Greenwich bombing, the astrol-ogy associated with several other London bombings has been

    examined. As I dont have the exact timings for all of these, sun-

    rise charts were set up for each. In total 27 bombings were examined, of

    which fourteen occurred within a day of a new moon and another four

    within a day of a full moon. Were the dates of these bombings truly ran-

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    dom we would expect a sixth of them, 16.7%, to have occurred within a

    day of a syzygy. The observed incidence of 52.2% more than triples this


    Readers may wish to consider the reason for the 75-year gap betweenthe third and fourth entry in the above table.


    EFORE looking at the astrological indications of the August

    2005 devastation of New Orleans lets consider some earlier

    major floods in the US. In doing so I will ignore eclipses and

    other lunations, even the charts for the times of the floodings

    themselves and rely solely on the appropriate Aries Ingress and cast it for

    the nations capital, Washington DC. Tradition tells us that the ingress is

    all a mundane astrologer needs to accurately predict major events in the

    nation. Well see if this is so.

    The worst flood in US history occurred in 1927when the Mississippi

    broke out of its levee system in 145 places and flooded 27-thousand

    square miles. The area was inundated up to a depth of thirty feet. The

    states of Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Ten-nessee were all affected by the flood, but New Orleans did not experi-

    ence serious damage. 700-thousand people were displaced, including

    330-thousand African-Americans who were placed in 154 relief camps.

    Many African-Americans were detained and forced to labor at gunpoint


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    during flood relief efforts, which was one factor in the Great Migration

    of African-Americans from the south into northern cities. Led Zeppe-

    lins hit song When the Levee Breaksis based on this flood.

    The Aries Ingress for 1927 at the nations capital is shown at Figure6. Neptune close to the IC, Mars (widely opposite Saturn) at the Ascen-

    dant, and the Sun conjunct Uranus stand out as suspects, while Pluto in

    its own less obvious way is also very much involved. Pluto is transiting

    over the US Sun and its antiscion (1613 Gemini) is at the Ingress As-


    In addition to the Great Mississippi Flood the same year saw the city

    of St Louis devastated by a tornado, the appearance of the first talkie,

    and Lindburghs solo flight across the Atlantic. Each of these events

    should be foreseen by the same Aries Ingress.

    By itself Neptune in Leo explains much. Leo, the traditional sign of

    leadership, is related to class war, to divisiveness and master-victim is-

    sues. Herbert Hoover, in charge of flood relief operations, used the dis-aster to vault into the presidency. Reports of the poor situation in refu-

    gee camps were kept out of the media at Hoovers request. He promised

    reforms for blacks after the presidential election. When he failed to keep

    his promise the allegiance of black Americans shifted from the Republi-

    can Party to Roosevelt and the Democrats. Pluto,on the US Sun, alsoseems to have a connection with all of this.

    On 27th June 1957 Hurricane Audrey made landfall near Sabine

    Pass, Texas as a Category 4 Hurricane. Its 12-foot storm surge devas-

    tated the town of Cameron in Louisiana and was responsible for over 500

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    deaths. No storm to hit the US since had caused as many fatalities until

    Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Audrey remains the strongest storm ever to

    form as early as June.

    Figure 7 is the 1957 Aries Ingress at Washington DC. The SagittarianMoon is at the IC closely opposed by Mars, the Moon being part of a

    Grand Trine in Fire with Uranus in Leo and the Sun and Mercury in Ar-

    ies on the 8thPlacidus house cusp. These four bodies closely aspect Nep-

    tune, retrograde in Scorpio in the 3rdhouse, while Neptune is opposing

    Plutos antiscion at 131 Taurus.

    This ingress chart should also foretell other events that year: the con-

    tinuing Cold War with panic building of fallout shelters in the US, the

    National Guard being called out to prevent black students enrolling in the

    Little Rock High School, the Dodgers moving from Brooklyn to LA, and

    the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt. Outside the US this was

    the year the first Sputnik orbited the earth, the Antarctic land mass was

    first crossed, and Bertrand Russell launched the Campaign for NuclearDisarmament.

    1965 was the year of Hurricane Betsy, nicknamed Billion-Dollar

    Betsy because of the damage it caused. Betsy was just short of Category

    5 strength when it made landfall in Louisiana. 76 people were killed,

    which makes it one of the most deadly hurricanes to hit the US.

    Figure 8 illustrates the 1965 Aries Ingress. As in the 1927 ingress,

    Neptune is at the IC. This time the Moon is applying to conjunct Nep-

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    tune. Jupiter squares the Ascendant from the 10thhouse, and in the 2nd

    house the triple conjunction of Mars, Pluto and Uranus is opposed by

    Saturn. The Moon and Neptune are in Scorpio, the transforming sign of

    bottom-line reality, of survival and recovery after a disaster. When em-phasized in any chart, mundane or natal, Scorpio always points to under-

    lying disquiet.

    1965 was the year of the NYC blackout, of Martin Luther Kings

    march on Selma, on LBJs War on Poverty and his escalation of the war

    in Viet Nam.

    Hurricane Camillearrived in 1969, the year US troops began being

    withdrawn from Viet Nam. The same Aries Ingress (Figure 9) also warns

    of the death of Eisenhower (MC ruler horrendously afflicted), of the first

    man to step on the moon (Jupiter conjunct Uranus), of the Woodstock

    rock concert and all those anti-war rallies (Venus in Aries, with Saturn),

    of the My Lai massacre and the trial of William Caley, of the Mansonmurders, and of income tax reform in the US.

    The Ingress occurred just two days after a solar eclipse at 2725 Pi-sces. The Sun is with the North Node, opposing Jupiter and Uranus.

    Venus, Saturn and the Moon are at the MC. Mercury squares Mars,which trines the Ascendant. Pluto transiting the US Neptune is a re-

    minder that both Neptune and Pluto appear to be significant in Aries in-

    gresses for years that contain major floods. That apart, transit Neptunedoes hold a prominent place in this 1969 Aries Ingress for its antiscion at

    132 Aquariusis closely squared by the Moon from the Midheaven.

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    Now to New Orleans. Figure 10 is the 2005 Aries Ingress cast for

    Washington DC. We have seen this chart earlier, located to London, at

    Figure 3. The Moon-Mars opposition, an aspect also present in the 1957

    AriesIngress (Figure 7) to herald Hurricane Audrey, is doubtless the sig-

    nificator of the London bombings. Hurricane Katrina and the flooding ofNew Orleans appear to be due to Saturn in Cancer opposing the MC.

    Among its many significations Saturn involves structure, engineering,

    responsibility, order, government and the bureaucracy. It constricts and

    squeezes things into shape, it moderates and blocks. It works through the

    threat of failure; it engenders discipline by way of respect and fear. Sat-

    urn prompts us to be organized or suffer by not being so.

    Saturn is weak in Cancer. It cannot function correctly in this sign, it

    is disorganized. It is also retrograde, which suggests that the order and

    discipline it should bring about will fail because of a lack of planning

    and people taking responsibility.

    As Cancer is the sign ruled by the Moon it is connected with the un-

    derprivileged, with the needy and the helpless, those on the receivingend, specifically the poor and the ethnic minorities.

    Saturn retrograde in Cancer and closely opposing the MC in an In-

    gress chart indicates that the true plight of the underprivileged will be

    brought into the public view and this will undermine the nations confi-

    dence in its leaders.

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    New Orleans is said to have been founded in 1718. It was purchased

    by Napoleon in 1803 and incorporated as a city on 17thFebruary 1805,

    reportedly at 12:10 p.m.

    Figure 11 is cast for sunrise at New Orleans on 30thApril 1803, the

    day it was bought as part of the Louisiana Purchase. Note the position of

    Pluto at 805 Pisces. Two years later, when the city was incorporated,

    Pluto had advanced to 853 Pisces. In 2005 Uranus arrived in this de-

    gree of Pisces.

    Hurricane Katrina, a Force 4 killer hurricane, came ashore just east of

    the city of New Orleans at 6:10 am on the morning of 29thAugust 2005.

    It had begun as a Tropical Depression, yet another swirl of tropical

    turbulence in the southeastern Bahamas. But then it began to over-

    achieve. It hit Florida with more power than expected, killing nine peo-

    ple and knocking out electricity for a million more. It crossed over into

    the Gulf of Mexico, intensifying into one of the strongest storms on re-

    cord as, by a horrific bit of timing, it churned directly over the loop cur-

    rent, a great, deep whorl of tropic-hot seawater that pulses between the

    Yucatan and Cuba each year and then stays south of Louisiana into late

    summer. Storms usually weaken as they suck up cool water that liesstratified beneath the warm surface; but in the loop even the depths are


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    Figure 12 is cast for sunrise on 31stAugust 2005. The hurricane had

    caused terrible damage but as most of the 1.3-million people in the met-

    ropolitan area had evacuatedleaving just those who had no choice but

    to stay: the 50-thousand households with no car, the poor, the elderly, the

    undereducated and disabledthere was no great loss of life. Then on

    31st August, two days after the storm hit the city, the levees were

    breached and water from Lake Pontchartrain poured into New Orleans.

    With the flood waters came terror and despair. Thousands lost theirhomes and all their possessions, many drowned. Television pictures of

    despairing people combined with an obvious lack of competent aid fromFederal and State authorities shocked the world. It was difficult to be-

    lieve that these were pictures from the richest

    country in the world, not from somewhere in

    the impoverished third world.

    The opposition of the Sun to Uranus, with

    Uranusat the place of the 1805 Pluto, goes a

    long way to explaining why this disaster

    occurred at this time. This transit is one that

    forces change. One can add to this the tran-

    siting South Nodeconjunct the 1805 position

    of Saturnthe necessity for change is shown

    by the disintegration of what had beenthought of as permanent structures.

    The associated lack of planning and organization, together with the

    subsequent loss of confidence in the nations leaders, is shown in the

    2005 Aries Ingress by the retrograde Saturn in Cancer opposing the Mid-


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    But perhaps these examples are misleading. They give the impression

    that the meaning inherent in an Aries Ingress is obvious, that these mun-

    dane charts are simple to interpret. Sadly, not all floods and other disas-

    ters, whether natural or terrorist inspired, are as easily explained as thosewe have been considering. Were they so, mundane astrologers would be

    held in much higher esteem than they obviously are.

    Lets consider two more natural disasters that baffled me for some

    time. The first is the only one in which Ive had some involvement.

    This was the 1953 flooding that devastated the Netherlands, bursting 50

    dykes and drowning 1,800 people. Another 307 people, including my

    schools music teacher and the man who had taught me to swim, were

    killed along Englands east coast.

    Figure 13 is the relevant Aries Ingress, cast for Amsterdam. No plan-

    ets are close to angles, and the only obvious aspects to the angles are two

    weak semi-sextiles: Uranus to the MC, and Saturn to the ASCno, the

    rotation of the earth will not make this pair simultaneously angular for

    when Saturn is at the ASC, Uranus has still 6 to go to get to the MC,

    which is too wide.

    It is a difficult chart nonetheless: the Moon forms a T-square with

    Jupiter (conjunct Mercury) and Neptune (conjunct Saturn), and the diffi-cult Mars-square-Pluto aspects Mercury, who is in turn with Jupiter,

    which connects back to the T-square configuration. Ones immediate

    interpretation is that there will be major difficulties somewhere in the

    world but not in or near the Netherlands. What have we missed?

    Uranian planets, the Dark Moon and sundry other planetoids and

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    mythical objects were added to the ingress chart, all of which have their

    fervent advocates, but none are close to an angle. What gives?

    I thought I had the answer with the antiscions of the Moon and MC.

    The Moons antiscion is 9 23 Sagittarius, where it is conjunct the IC,and the MCs at 21 47 Cancer is at the empty arm of the Moon-Jupiter-

    NeptuneT-square, converting it into a Cardinal Cross. Impressive, eh?

    Unfortunately not enough to cut the ice in sodden London for there the

    MC antiscion is 26 34 Cancer, much too distant from the necessary 21 st

    degree of Cancer.

    The 1952 a ingress at Amsterdam had a mutable sign rising. Tradi-

    tion says that it therefore rules for just six months and that the Libra in-

    gress is needed to cover the remainder of the year. The disaster occurred

    on the 31stJanuary 1953, well within the authority of the Libra ingress,

    which is shown at Figure 14.

    Does this explain what occurred? A retrograde Jupiter is at the MC, a

    weak Moon is at the IC, and Pluto is within orbs of the Ascendant. For

    what its worth Saturn is again 30 from an angle: semisextile to the IC.

    At London the MC is 10 03 Taurus and the ASC is 23 15 Leo,

    which places Pluto somewhat closer to the rising degree.

    A Scorpionic Moon at IC was present in the ingress prior to Hurri-cane Betsy; then it was with Neptune,now it is afflicted by the mundane

    square from Pluto. An angular Pluto can mean the breaking down of

    resistance in order to create needed change. Its involvement with the

    debilitated Moon may point to recovery after a disaster. And at Amster-

    dam the IC is fairly close to the Mars/Saturn midpoint, but is 1 06 close

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    Unless Im missing something, this Libra ingress is less difficult than

    the previous Aries one. Looking at it at the time, I would have thought

    that any difficulties would now be in the past.Figure 15 is the total eclipse of the Moon that occurred early in the

    morning of 30th January 1953. At Amsterdam the eclipsed Moon is at

    the MC, while Saturn and Neptune rise on the eastern horizon. At Lon-

    don the MC is 3 12 Leo, ASC 24 58 Libra.

    Within hours of the eclipse an unremarkable depression just south of

    Iceland deepened rapidly and headed east. It arrived in the North Sea at

    noon the next day. At 1:45 pm the first loss of lives occurred (133 of

    them) as the Princess Victoria ferry sunk. By 6 pm winds had driven the

    storm surge southwards, causing devastating floods along Britains east

    coast (waves were over eighteen feet high)6. The next day the storm

    swirled around the North Sea basin to devastate the Netherlands. It was

    the worst peacetime disaster to hit either country. The sea reclaimed

    500-thousand acres from the Netherlands; almost 250-thousand acres of

    eastern England including London were flooded.7

    The lunar eclipse tells the story that the ingresses, at best, only hint at.

    The 1953 floods were described as a once-in-250 year eventa6The east coast of Britain has always been at risk of coastal flooding, and thishas been resisted since the Romans first built earthen banks to protect the coast

    2,000 years ago.7Source:

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    Figure 16 is the 1703 Aries ingress at London. Eight planets are in

    the 12thhouse, squared by Uranus and trined by Neptune. This ingress

    has a fixed sign rising and thus operates for the full twelve months.The Great Storm occurred on 26th November, according to the old

    style Julian calendar (7thDecember by the new fangled Gregorian one),

    the day before the new moon, shown at Figure 17. The key aspect in

    Figure 17 is the exact trine from the new moon at 15 56 Sagittarius to

    Saturn (conjunct Neptune) at 15 56 Aries (exact, 0 orb)part of a

    Grand Trine with Pluto in Leoin the4thhousewhich is related to the

    weak Venus (opposing Jupiter, square Pluto) at 15 12 Scorpio. Mars,

    the ruler of the signs containing Saturn and Venus, squares the MC from

    its own sign in the 6thhouse.

    Both the Aries ingress and the new moon are difficult charts but nei-

    ther, as I read them, fully foretells the immensity of this unique storm.

    Instead the astrological culprit seems to be the prior total lunar eclipseof 29thJune 1703, new style (Figure 18), five planets are in the 4 thhouse,

    with Mars and Uranus (squaring Saturn and semisquare the Sun) close to

    the IC and Jupiter at the Ascendant.

    From an examination of Figures 6-10, the ingresses associated with

    major US floods due mainly to hurricanes, we have come to expect an

    afflicted IC in the map signifying such disasters. Mars and Uranus at the

    IC in London at the time of the July 1703 total lunar eclipse is therefore

    appropriate, especially when Mars conjunct Uranus (an aspect that is fre-

    quently connected with sudden, unexpected violence) occurs in Cancer,

    a sign in which Mars can be especially irritable and brutal; when the con-

    junction squares Saturn in the sign of its fall; and when the Moon, the

    ruler of Cancer, the sign containing the IC, Uranus and Mars, is locatedin Capricorn, the sign in which she is most out of sorts. The Moons

    conjunction with its own South Node further adds to the problems this

    chart foresees. And then theres that close Neptune trine to Pluto, with

    Pluto closely conjunct the Ascendant-ruler Venus. More than enough.

    It had appeared from examining the ingress charts associated with

    several major US floods that ingresses contained sufficient information

    for the mundane astrologer to predict whether a natural disaster would

    occur within the ensuing year. This is not confirmed by the natural dis-asters of 1953 and 1703. In both of these North Sea disasters the infor-

    mation contained in the charts of prior total lunar eclipses is seen to be

    essential for their prediction.

    * * *