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中文 梵文 英文 1 釋迦牟尼佛 Sakyamuni Buddha 2 毘盧遮那佛 Vairocana Buddha 3 藥師璢璃光佛 Bhaiṣajya-guru-vaiḍūrya-prabhāṣa Buddha Medicine Buddha 4 阿彌陀佛 Amitābha Buddha Boundless radiance Buddha 5 不動佛 Akṣobhya Buddha Unshakable Buddha 6 然燈佛, 定光佛 Dipamkara Buddha 7 文殊菩薩 Bodhisattva Manjusri 8 普賢菩薩 Bodhisattva Samantabhadra 9 觀世音菩薩 Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva Guanyin 10 地藏菩薩 Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Earth Store ,Earth-treasury 11 彌勒菩薩 Bodhisattva Maitreya 12 大勢至菩薩 Bodhisattva Mahāsthāma or Mahāsthāmaprāpta 13 韋陀菩薩 Bodhisattva Veda 14 藥王菩薩 Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajya 15 藥上菩薩 Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyasamudgata 16 舍利佛 Sariputta 17 目犍連 Maudgalyayana 18 大迦葉 Mahakashyapa 19 富樓那,富樓那彌多羅尼子 Pūrṇa,Pūrṇamaitrāyaṇīputra, or Maitrāyaṇīputra 20 阿那律 Aniruddha 21 優婆離 Upāli 22 阿難 Ananda (means)happiness, pleasure, joy, felicity 23 罗睺罗 Rahula 24 須菩提 Subhūti 25 摩訶迦旃延,迦旃延 Mahākātyāyana, Kātyāyana 25-0 二十五圓通 Twenty five perfect penetration; The twenty-five kinds of perfect understanding of the truth 25-1 憍陳那,阿若憍陳那 Kauṇḍinya, Ājñātakauṇḍinya 25-2 優波尼沙陀 Upaniṣad 25-3 香嚴童子 Gandha alaṃkāraka Kumāra(莊嚴 童子) Fragrance adorned pure youth, The Pure youth Exalted by Fragrance

Bodhisattva Maitreya - · 2013-07-07 · 116 大般涅槃經 Mahā parinirvāṇa Sutra, Nirvana Sutra Sutra of the ultimate extinction of Dharma 117 梵網經 Brahmajāla

Apr 15, 2020



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Page 1: Bodhisattva Maitreya - · 2013-07-07 · 116 大般涅槃經 Mahā parinirvāṇa Sutra, Nirvana Sutra Sutra of the ultimate extinction of Dharma 117 梵網經 Brahmajāla

中文 梵文 英文

1 釋迦牟尼佛 Sakyamuni Buddha

2 毘盧遮那佛 Vairocana Buddha

3 藥師璢璃光佛 Bhaiṣajya-guru-vaiḍūrya-prabhāṣa Buddha Medicine Buddha

4 阿彌陀佛 Amitābha Buddha Boundless radiance Buddha

5 不動佛 Akṣobhya Buddha Unshakable Buddha

6 然燈佛, 定光佛 Dipamkara Buddha

7 文殊菩薩 Bodhisattva Manjusri

8 普賢菩薩 Bodhisattva Samantabhadra

9 觀世音菩薩 Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva Guanyin

10 地藏菩薩 Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Earth Store ,Earth-treasury

11 彌勒菩薩 Bodhisattva Maitreya

12 大勢至菩薩Bodhisattva Mahāsthāma or


13 韋陀菩薩 Bodhisattva Veda

14 藥王菩薩 Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajya

15 藥上菩薩 Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyasamudgata

16 舍利佛 Sariputta

17 目犍連 Maudgalyayana

18 大迦葉 Mahakashyapa

19 富樓那,富樓那彌多羅尼子Pūrṇa,Pūrṇamaitrāyaṇīputra, or


20 阿那律 Aniruddha

21 優婆離 Upāli

22 阿難 Ananda (means喜)happiness, pleasure, joy, felicity

23 罗睺罗 Rahula

24 須菩提 Subhūti

25 摩訶迦旃延,迦旃延 Mahākātyāyana, Kātyāyana

25-0 二十五圓通Twenty five perfect penetration; The twenty-five kinds of

perfect understanding of the truth

25-1 憍陳那,阿若憍陳那 Kauṇḍinya, Ājñātakauṇḍinya

25-2 優波尼沙陀 Upaniṣad

25-3 香嚴童子 Gandha alaṃkāraka Kumāra(香 莊嚴 童子)

Fragrance adorned pure youth, The Pure youth Exalted

by Fragrance

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25-4 藥王、藥上二法王子

Bhaiṣajya-rāja and Bhaiṣajya samudgata

Dharma Princes

25-5 跋陀婆羅 Bhadrapàla

25-5-1 威音王佛 Bhīṣma-garjita-ghoṣa-svara-rāja Buddha

25-6 摩訶迦葉 Mahākāśyapa

25-6-1 日月燈佛, 日月燈明佛 Candra-sūrya-pradīpa or Candrārkadīpa Buddha

25-7 阿那律陀 Aniruddha unceasing benefits resulting from his charity如意無貪

25-7-1 螺螄蛤蚌 river snails

25-8 周利槃特伽 Kṣudrapanthaka small road, little path, successor by the road

25-8-1 周利槃特伽 孿生兄 Śuddhipanthaka Purity-path

25-9 憍梵缽提 Gavāṃpati

25-9-1 牛呞病 cow-cud sickness

25-10 畢陵伽婆蹉 Pilindavatsa

25-11 須菩提 Subhuti

25-11-1 善現 Well appearing

25-12 舍利弗 Śāriputra

25-13 普賢菩薩 Bodhisattva Samantabhadra

25-14 孫陀羅難陀 Sundarananda

25-14-1 拘絺羅 Kauṣṭhila

25-14-2 孫陀利 Sundharī (means 艷, wife of 孫陀羅難陀)

25-15 富樓那彌多羅尼子 Pūrṇa, Pūrṇamaitrāyaṇīputra

25-16 優波離 Upāli

25-17 大目犍連 Maudgalyāyana, Maudgalaputra

25-17-1 優樓頻螺 Uruvilvā (means papaya tree)

25-17-2 伽耶 Gayā (means 象頭山Gajaśirṣa)

25-17-3 那提 nadī (means river)

25-17-4 三迦葉波 three brothers of Mahākāśyapa

25-18 烏芻瑟摩 Ucchuṣma 火頭金剛

25-18-1 空王佛 Dharmagahanābhyudgata-rāja Buddha

25-19 持地菩薩 Dharaṇimdhara Bodhisattva

25-19-1 普光如來 Universal Light Tathagata

25-19-2 毗舍浮佛 Vipaśyin Buddha

25-20 月光童子 Candra-prabha Kumāra

25-20-1 水天佛 Varuṇa Buddha

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25-20-2 違害鬼 āghāta or viruddha ghost

25-20-3 山海自在通王如來



25-21 琉璃光法王子 vaiḍūrya-nirbhāsa Dharma Prince

25-22 虛空藏菩薩 Akāśagarbha Bodhisattva

25-23 彌勒菩薩 Maitreya Bodhisattva

25-24 大勢至法王子 Mahāsthāmaprāpta Dharma Prince

25-24-1 無量光佛 apramāṇābha

25-24-2 超日月光佛 Buddha of light surpassing that of sun and moon

25-24-3 香光莊嚴The one whose mind meditates on Buddha becomes

interpenetrated and glorified by Buddha-fragrance and

25-25 觀世音菩薩 Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva

26 無盡意菩薩 Bodhisattva Skshayamati

27 持地菩薩 Bodhisattva Dharanimdhara

28 如來 Tathagata Tathagata

29 應供 Arhat Arhat

30 正遍知 Samyak‐sambuddha perfect in enlightenment

31 明行足 vidyā-caraṇa-saṃpañña perfect in knowledge and behavior

32 善逝 sugata Well departed, Well Gone One

33 世間解 lokavid knower of the world

34 無上士 Anuttara The peerless nobleman, Unsurpassed One

35 調御丈夫 Puruṣa-damya-sārathi Great Regulator, supreme trainer

36 天人師 Śāstā deva-manuṣyāṇām Teacher of gods and people

37 佛世尊 Buddha-lokanātha, or Bhagavān Buddha, World Honored One.

38 世尊, 薄伽梵 Bhagavān

39 聲聞 Sravaka hearer

40 辟支佛,獨覺 Pratyekabuddha solitary realizer; solitary enlighted ones

41 菩薩 Bodhisattva

42 羅漢 Arhat

43 方丈 abbot

44 比丘 Bhiksu monk

45 比丘尼 Bhiksuni nun

46 優婆塞 upāsaka

47 優婆夷 upāsikā

48 出家眾 pravraj, Sangha Sangha

49 在家眾 laypersons, laity, lay followers

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50 法師 Dharma Master

51 僧 Sangha

52 沙彌 Shramanera novice

53 沙門 śramaṇa

54 善財童子 Sudhana Kumāra

55 窺基 Kuiji

56 善導大師 Master Shandao

57 賢首 Syan Shou

58 達磨祖師 Bodhidharma Founding master Bodhidharma

59 龙树, 龙树菩薩 Nagauna, Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna

60 無著 asanga

61 世親 vasubandhu

62 戒賢 Śīlabhadra

63 六祖 Sixth Patriarch

64 善知識 kalyāṇa-mitra Good and Wise Advisor

65 惡知識 pāpa-mitra A bad intimate, or friend, or teacher

66 提波達多 Devadatta

67 阿育王 King Aśoka

68 轉輪聖王 Chakravartin wheel-turning monarch; wheel turning king

69 耶輸陀羅 Yaśodharā

70 淨飯王 Śuddhodana-raja father of Śākyamuni and Sundarananda, or Sunanda

71 白飯王 Śuklodana-rāja father of Devadatta and Ananda

72 甘露飯王 Amrtodana-raja father of Anuruddha and Bhadrika拔提

73 斛飯王 Droṇodana rāja father of Mahānāman and 婆娑

74 緣覺, 修十二因緣悟道

the Buddhist enlightenment arises from pondering over

the twelve nidānas; ones enlighted to conditions,

cultivate the Twelve Causes and Conditions and

awaken th Way

75 獨覺

solitary realizer; non-Buddhist enlightenment is illusion,

e.g. from observing the 'flying flowers and falling


76 辟支佛 pratyeka-buddha

77 有學 śaikṣa stage of learning; in training

78 無學 aśaikṣa

beyond learning; No longer learning; no training


79 定性聲聞 fixed-nature sound-hearer

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80 東方青龍佛 Azure Dragon of the East Buddha

81 阿闍世王 King Ajātaśatru

82 善星 Sunaksatra

83 十地 daśa(十)bhūmi(地) Ten Grounds/Stages of the Path of the Bodhisattva

84 歡喜地 Pramuditā

joyful; Happiness; joy at having overcome the former

difficulties and now entering on the path to


85 離垢地 Vimalā

stainless; Leaving Filth; freedom from all possible

defilement, the stage of purity

86 發光地 Prabhākarī radiant; Emitting Light; stage of further enlightenment;

87 焰慧地 Arciṣmatī resplendent; Blazing Wisdom; of glowing wisdom;

88 極難勝地 Sudurjayā

invincible; Difficult Conquest; mastery of utmost or final


89 現前地 Abhimukhī

face-to-face; Manifestation; the open way of wisdom

above definitions of impurity and purity;

90 遠行地 Dūraṁgamā

far-reaching; Traveling Far; proceeding afar getting

above ideas of self in order to save others;

91 不動地 Acalā

unshaking; Not Moving; attainment of calm


92 善慧地 Sādhumatī

Excellent; Wholesome Wisdom; of the finest

discriminatory wisdom knowing where and how to save

and possessed of the 十力 ten powers;

93 法雲地 Dharmamegha

Dharma Cloud; The stage where wisdom is spread

throughout the world like rain from a cloud.

94 加行 prayoga

(four) stages of penetrating insight; Added progress,

intensified effort, earnest endeavour

95 五明 pañca-vidyā Five sciences or studie

96 声明 śabda grammar and composition

97 工巧明 śilpakarmasthāna the arts and mathematics

98 医方明 cikitsā medicine

99 因明 hetu the science of cause, logical reasoning, logic

100 内明 adhyātma

Buddhists reckon the Tripiṭṭaka and the 十二部教 as

their 内明, i. e. their inner philosophy

101 須陀洹 srota-āpanna stream attainer

102 斯陀含 sakṛdāgāmin one returner

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103 阿那含 anāgāmin none returner

104 阿羅漢 arhan arhat

105 初果 ādi-phala, ādya-phala

The initial fruit, or achievement, the stage of srota-

āpanna , illusion being discarded and the stream of

enlightenment entered

106 二果 Sakrdāgāmin The second fruit of the four fruits

107 三果 tri-phala

The third of the Hīnayāna 四果 four fruits or results, i.

e. non-return to mortality

108 三身 TriKayas Three Bodies

109 法身 dharmakāya dharma body

110 报身 Samb Hogakaya reward body

111 化身 Nirmanakaya transformation-body

112 倶舍論 Abhidharma Kośa

113 起信論 Śraddhotpada Śāstra Awakening of Faith

114 大智度論The śāstra or commentary on the Prajñā-


115 大般若經The Mahā prajñā pāramitā-sūtra;

Śatasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra; Maha prajna paramita sutras

116 大般涅槃經 Mahā parinirvāṇa Sutra, Nirvana Sutra Sutra of the ultimate extinction of Dharma

117 梵網經 Brahmajāla Sutra Sutra of Brahma's Net

118 解深密經 Sandhinirmocana Sutra Sutra of the Explanation of the Profound Secrets



便方廣經 Śrīmālādevī Siṃhanāda Sūtra

120 佛说观无量寿佛经;十六觀經 Amitayur-dhyana Sutra sixteen contemplate sutra

120-1 金光明經;金光明最勝王經 Suvarṇa-prabhāsa-uttamarāja Sutra Golden-light Sutra

121 阿含經 Āgama sūtras Agama Sutras

121-1 長阿含 Dīrghāgama

collection of long discourse; 'Long' treatises on


121-2 中阿含 Madhyamāgama

collection of middle length discourse; 'middle' treatises

on metaphysics

121-3 雜阿含 Saṃyuktāgama

miscellaneous collection; grouped collection;

'miscellaneous' treatises on abstract contemplation

121-4 增一阿含 Ekottarāgama numbered collection; 'numerical' treatises

122 金剛般若波羅密多經 Vajracchedika Prajñā Pāramitā Sutra the Diamond Sutra

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123 華嚴經 Avataṃsaka Sutra Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra

124 阿彌陀經Amitābha Sutra; Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra

125 法華經 Saddharma Puṇḍarīka SutraThe Lotus Sutra; Discourse of the Lotus of True

Dharma; Dharma Flower Sutra;

126 楞嚴經 Śūraṅgama Sutra Shurangama Sutra

127 楞伽經 Lankāvatāra Sūtra

128 四十二章經 Sutra in Forty-two Sections

129 地藏菩薩本願經 Kṣitigarbha Sutra Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva

130 心經 ; 般若波羅蜜多心經 The Prajnaparamita Hrdaya Sutra

The Heart Sutra, Heart of Prajñā Pāramitā Sutra



义经Mahāvaipulya pūrṇabuddhasūtra prassanārtha

sūtra Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment

132 維摩詰所說經 Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa sūtra

133 三摩地王经 Samadhi-raja Sutra

134 如來藏 tathāgatagarbha the inherent buddha natue of all beings

135 三千大千世界 tri-sahasra-mahā-sahasra-loka-dhātu Thrice-thousandfold world

136 菩提 Bodhi Absolute eternal wisdom本覺

137 菩提心 Bodhicitta mind of enlightenment

138 三十七道品 saptatriṃśad bodhy-pakṣya-dharmāḥ The thirty-seven conditions leading to bodhi

139 八正道 Āryamārga eightfold noble paths

140 正見 Samyag-dṛṣṭi correct views

141 正思 Samyak-saṁkalpa correct intention, thought and purpose

142 正語 Samyag-vāc correct speech, avoidance of false and idle talk

143 正業 Samyak-karmānta correct deed

144 正命 Smnyag-ājīva correct livelihood or occupation

145 正精進 Samyag-vyāyāma correct zeal

146 正念 Samyak-smṛti

correct mindfulnees; correct thought; correct;

remembrance, or memory, which retains the true and

excludes the false

147 正定 Samyak-samadhi correct meditation

148 七覺支 sapta bodhyaṅga

seven "limbs" of awakening; seven degrees of

enlightenment, or intelligence

148-1 擇法覺支 dharma-pravicaya-saṃbodhyaṇga discrimination of the true and the fa1se

148-2 精進覺支 vīrya-saṃbodhyaṇga zeal, or undeflected progress

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148-3 喜覺支 prīti-saṃbodhyaṇga joy, delight

148-4 輕安覺支 praśrabdhi-saṃbodhyaṇga

Riddance of all grossness or weight of body or mind,

so that they may be light, free, and at ease

148-5 念覺支 smrti-saṃbodhyaṇga

power of remembering the various states passed

through in contemplation

148-6 定覺支 samādhi-saṃbodhyaṇga the power to keep the mind in a given realm undiverted

148-7 行捨覺支 upekṣā-saṃbodhyaṇga or upekṣaka

complete abandonment, auto-hypnosis, or indifference

to all disturbances of the sub-conscious or ecstatic


149 四念處 smṛtyupasthāna

four establishment of mindness; four states of memory,

or subjects of reflection

150 身 kāya body

151 受 vedanā feeling

152 心 citta;hrdaya mind

153 法 Dharma dharma; physical and mental processes

154 四正勤 samyakprahāṇa four right endeavours; four proper lines of exertion

155 四如意足 ṛddhipāda

four bases of success in concentration; four steps

towards supernatural power

156 五根 pañca indriyāṇi five spiritual faculties

157 五力 pañca balāni five spiritual powers

158 四無量心 catvāri apramāṇāni

the four immeasurables, or infinite Buddha-states of


159 慈無量心 maitrī loving kindness; boundless kindness

160 悲無量心 karuṇā Compassion; boundless pity, to save from suffering

161 喜無量心 muditā

Sympathetic joy; boundless joy, on seeing others

rescued from suffering

162 捨無量心 upekṣā

equanimity; limitless indifference, i. e. rising above

these emotions, or giving up all things,

163 三業 trividha-dvāra Three karmas

164 身業 kāya-karman Bodily; Action; Deed

165 意業 Mental; thought

166 口業 vāk-karman Verbal; speech; word

167 妄語 musāvādā lying

168 惡口 hurtful speech, evil mouth

169 綺語 frivolous speech, indecent speech

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170 兩舌 divisive speech, Double tongue

171 四聖諦 catvāri āryasatyāni Four noble truths, Four Holy Truths,

172 苦, 集, 滅, 道 duḥkha, samudaya, nirodha, mārga

suffering, origin of suffering, cessation and the way

lead to cessation

173 十二因緣 Pratītya-samutpāda

twelve nidānas, the chain of Twelvefold Conditioned


174 無明 avidyā ignorance

175 行 saṃskāra action, activity, conception, karmic formation

176 識 vijñāna consciousness

177 名色 nāmarūpa name and form

178 六入 ṣaḍāyatana six entrances of sense organs

179 觸 sparśa contact or touch

180 受 vedanā feeling

181 愛 tṛṣṇā craving

182 取 upādāna grasping

183 有 bhava being, existing, becoming

184 生 jāti birth

185 老死 jarāmaraṇa old age, death

186 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提

anuttara-samyak-saṃbodhi Utmost, Right and Perfect Enlightenment; Supreme,

Orthodox, and Equal Awakening

187 自利利他, 自覺覺他 sva-parārtha

self-benefit for the benefit of others; self enlightened

for the enlightnement of others

188 大乘 Mahāyāna Great Vehicle; the real Vehicle,

189 小乘 Hīnayāna Small Vehicle

190 二乘 dviyāna Two Vehicles

191 一乘 ekayāna The one-vehicle

192 四大 The four tanmātra

The Four Elements, 1) earth, 2) water, 3) fire, and 4)


193 六度 Six Paramitas Six Perfections

194 佈施 dāna generosity; giving, offering

195 持戒 śīla good conduct; moral precepts

196 忍辱 kṣānti patient acceptance; patience under insult

197 精進 vīrya vigour, zeal

198 禪定 dhyāna meditation or contemplation

199 般若 prajna wisdom

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200 方便 Upaya-kausalya skill in means, expedient ways

201 願 Pranidhana determination

202 力 Bala strength

203 智 Jnana knowledge

204 修道 Path of Cultivation

205 見道 Path of Seeing

206 十六心見道sixteen thought moments to see the truth; Path of

seeing in sixteen mental conditions

207 八智 aṣṭa-jñāna eight wisdoms

208 八忍 aṣṭa-kṣānti

Eight tolerances; The eight powers of patient


209 苦法智 duḥkha-dharma-jñāna

The knowledge of the law of suffering and the way of


210 苦類智 duḥkhānvaya-jñāna The wisdom which releases from suffering in all worlds

211 集法智 samudaya-dharma-jñānam the wisdom of the dharma of arising

212 集類智 samudayānvaya-jñāna the wisdom of kinds of arising

213 滅法智 nirodhe dharma Jnanam the wisdom of the dharma of cessation

214 滅類智 nirodhānvaya-jñᾱna the wisdom of kinds of cessation

215 道法智 mārga-dharma-jñāna the wisdom of the Way

216 道類智 mārgānvaya-jñāna the wisdom of kinds of the way

217 苦法忍 duḥkha-dharma-jñāna-kṣānti tolerance of the dharma of suffering

218 苦類忍 duḥkhe ̕ nvaya-jñāna-kṣāntau the tolerance of kinds of suffering

219 集法忍 samudaya-dharma-jñāna-kṣānti the tolerance of the dharma of arising

220 集類忍 samudaya-nvaya-jñāna-kṣānti the tolerance of kinds of arising

221 滅法忍 nirodhe dharma Jnanam ksanti the tolerance of the dharma of cessation

222 滅類忍 nirodhānvaya-jñᾱna ksanti the tolerance of kinds of cessation

223 道法忍 mārge ̕dharma-jñāna-kṣāntim the tolerance of the Way

224 道類忍 mārge ̕ nvaya-jñāna-kṣāntim the tolerance of kinds of the way

225 萬行 myriad practices; all procedures, modes of salvation

226 本覺 Original bodhi; bodhi in the potential

227 始覺 initial enlightenment;beginning of illumination; bodhi in

the active state

228 究竟覺 final or complete enlightenment

229 俗諦 saṃvṛti-satya

Conventional truth; Worldly truth; ordinary statement,

as if phenomena were real

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230 眞諦,第一諦 paramartha-satya Ultimate Truth; Buddha law

231 五鈍使 pañca-kleśa

The five dull, unintelligent, or stupid/blunt messangers,

or afflicters or temptations

232 貪 rāga greed; desire, passion

233 嗔 krodha; pratigha; dveṣa anger or resentment, wrath

234 癡 moha stupidity or foolishness, delusion

235 慢 māna arrogance

236 疑 vicikitsā doubt

237 五利使 The five keen, acute messangers or afflicters

238 身見 satkāya-dṛṣṭi the view that there is a real self, an ego

239 邊見 antar-grāha extreme views. e. g. extinction or permanence

240 邪見 mithyā perverse views, which, denying cause and effect

241 見取見 dṛṣṭi-parāmarśa

stubborn perverted views, viewing inferior things as


242 戒禁取見 śīla-vrata-parāmarśa rigid views in favour of rigorous ascetic prohibitions

243 五戒 pañca-veramaṇī Five Precepts, five commandments

244 不殺生 pāṇātipātāveramaṇi no killing; no destroy life

245 不偸盜 adinnādānāver no stealing

246 不婬 abrahmacaryaver no sexual activity

247 不妄語 musāvādāver no lying

248 不飮酒 suramereyya-majjapamādaṭṭhānāver no intoxicating liquors

249 觀 vipaśyanā; vidarśanā. contemplate; To look into, study, examine, insight

250 五蘊, 五陰 pañca-skandhas Five aggregates; Five skandhas

251 色 rūpa

form; Bodily phenomena; matter, the physical form

related to the five organs of sense

252 受 vedana feeling; reception

253 想 saṃjñā conception

254 行 saṃskāra

activities; the functioning of mind in its processes

regarding like and dislike, good and evil

255 識 vijñāna conscious awareness; consciousness

256 六根 The six indriyas The six sense-organs

257 六塵 The six guṇas

The six dusts; the six inherent qualities; qualities

produced by the objects and organs of sense

258 六入,六處 ṣaḍāyatana

the six entrances, or locations, both the organ and the


259 十二處 twelve āyatana six organs and six external objects

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260 十八界 The eighteen dhātu

The eighteen realms of sense: the six organs, their

objects or conditions, and their perceptions

261 唯識 vijñapti-mātratā Consciousness only; mind only

262 菴阿摩識 amala vijnana the ninth consciousness

263 阿頼耶識, 第八識 ālaya vijñāna the eighth consciousness

264 末那識,阿陀那識, 第七識 manas, kliṣṭa-mano-vijñāna the seventh consciousness

265 末那識,第六識 mano vijñāna the sixth consciousness

266 初禪,二禪,三禪,四禪first dhyana, second dhyana, third dhyana, fourth


267 奢摩他 śamatha

quiet, tranquility, calmness of mind, absence of


268 毗鉢舍那 vipaśyanā

269 三昧, 三摩地 samadhi

270 禪那 dhyāna

271 三摩鉢底 samāpatti samāldhi in a balanced and stable state

272 無諍三昧 No strife Samadhi

273 摩訶 Mahā

274 涅槃 Nirvana

275 五十五位菩提路fifty-five Bodhisattva stages;fifty-five sections of the

development of a bodhisattva into bodhi

276 十信 Ten Faiths, The ten grades of bodhisattva faith

277 十住 Ten Dwelling or abidings

278 十行 Ten Practices

279 十回向 Ten Transferences

280 四加行 nirvedhabhagtya

Four stages of penetrating insight; Four Added

progress, intensified effort

281 暖 usmagata heat; glow

282 頂 murdhan summit

283 忍 ksanti acceptance, patience

284 世第一 laukikagra-dharma the highest ordinary state

285 等覺 samyak-saṃbodhi absolute universal enlightenment

286 妙覺Wonderful Enlightenment, self-enlightenment to

enlighten others

287 八萬四千法門 84,000 Dharma-doors

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288 生忍 sattva-kṣānti patience with production, common or ordinary patience

289 法忍 dharma-kṣānti

patience with dharmas,also ability to bear patiently

external hardships, Patience attained through dharma,

to the overcoming of illusion

290 無生法忍 anutpattika-dharma-kṣānti

patience with the non-production of dharmas; The

patient rest in belief in immortality, or no rebirth; Clear

cognition of the unproduced nature of all existences

290-1 柔順忍 anulomikī-dharma-ksānti

The patience of meekness, i. e. in meekness to accord

with the truth. intellectual receptivity (regarding the

nature of Dharmas)

291 三藏 Tripiṭaka

Three scripture collections;The Buddhist canon, which

is traditionally categorized into three divisions ("three


292 經 Sūtra

293 律 Vinaya

294 論 abhidharma, sastras Shastra

295 末法 saddharma-vipralopa Ending Age, decadence of the Law

296 正法 sad-dharma Proper Dharma Age, correct Law

297 像法 saddharma-pratirūpaka semblance of the Law

298 劫 Kalpa aeon

299 业、业报因果 Karma Karmic reward

300 烦恼障 Klesa  hindrance of afflictions

301 三界 Trailokya Three realms

302 無色界 Arūpadhātu Formless realm

303 色界 rūpadhātu Form realm

304 欲界 kāmadhātu desire realm

305 大梵天王 Mahābrahman heaven of Greate Brahma

306 六欲天 the six devalokas Six heavens of desire

307 他化自在天 Paranirmitavaśavarin heaven of Masters of Creations of Others

308 化樂天 Nirmāṇarati heaven of Delight in Creation

309 兜率天 Tuṣita heaven of the Contented

310 夜摩天 Yama heaven of Yama

311 帝釋天;忉利天 Tavatimsa heaven of the Thirty Three;

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312 四天王天 catur-maharāja-kāyikas

heaven of Four Kings; the four heavens of the four

deva-kings; the lowest of the six heavens of desire

313 持國天 Dhṛtarāṣtra east

314 增長天 Virūḍhaka south

315 廣目天 Virūpakṣa west

316 多聞天 Vai śramaṇa north

317 轮回 Samsara reincarnation

318 轮回六道 Six realms of samsara

319 天 deva gods

320 人 manuṣya human

321 阿修罗 asura Jealous gods, Demigods

322 畜牲 tiryagyoni animals

323 餓鬼 preta hungry ghost;hungry spirits

324 地獄 naraka purgatory; hell

325 龍 nāgas serpents

326 夜叉, 藥叉 yakṣas demons

327 乾闥婆 gandharvas celestial musicians

328 迦樓羅 garuḍas mythical birds

329 緊那羅 kinnaras myhtical beings

330 摩睺羅迦 mahoragas large-bellied demons

331 羅剎 Raksa

331-1 鳩槃茶 Kumbhāṇḍa a demon shaped like a gourd, or pot

331-2 毗舍遮 Piśācī female sprites, or demons, said to inhabit privies

331-3 富單那 pūtanā

a female demon poisoning or the cause of wasting in a

child; interpreted as a stinking hungry demon, and the

most successful of demons.

331-4 摩醯首羅 Maheśvara the great sovereign ruler

332 有漏 āsrava outflows

333 無漏 anāsrava

non outflows; No drip, leak, or flow; outside the passion-

stream; passionless

334 因緣 hetu pratyaya causal condition

335 緣起 pratityasamudpada dependent arising, dependent origination;

336 五眼 panca caksumsi The five eyes

337 肉眼 mamsa caksus fleshy eye

338 天眼 divya caksus divine eye

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339 慧眼 prajna caksus wisdom eye

340 法眼 dharma eye dharmar eye

341 佛眼 buddha's eye buddha's eye

342 滅盡定 nirodha samapatti

A samādhi in which there is complete extinction of

sensation and thought

343 大圓鏡智 adarśana-jñāna the great perfect mirror wisdom reflecting all things

344 平等性智 samatā-jñāna

wisdom of the equal Buddha nature of all beings;

wisdom in regard to all things equally and universally

345 妙觀察智 pratyavekṣaṇa-jñāna

the wonderful observing wisdom; wisdom of profound

insight, or discrimination

346 成所作智 kṛtyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna

wisdom perfect in action and bringing blessing to self

and others

347 五神通 (or 五神變) pañcabhijñā the five supernatural powers

348 天眼通 divyacakṣṣus abhijñās The supernatural deva-eye; divine sight

349 天耳通 (天耳智證通) divyaśrotra deva-ear, celestial ear

350 他心通 (他心智證通) paracitta-jñāna ability to know the thoughts of all other minds

351 宿命通 (宿命智證通) pūrvanivāsānusmṛti-jñāna knowledge of all formed existences of self and others

352 神足通; 神如意通 ṛddhi-sākṣātkriyā power to be anywhere or do anything at will

353 漏盡通 āsravakṣaya abhijñās

The supernatural insight into the ending of the stream

of transmigration

354 須彌山 Sumeru Mt Sumeru

355 有餘涅槃 sopādhiśeṣa-nirvāṇa nirvana with remainder(of life), incomplete nirvana

356 無餘涅槃 nirupadhiśeṣa-nirvāṇa

nirvana without remainder(of life), remainderless


357 護法 chos skyong protectors of dharma

358 帝釋尊天;釋提桓因 Śakra devānām Indra

Śakra; Indra; King, or emperor of Heaven; ruler of the

thirty-three heavens

359 王舍城 rajagrha

360 舍衛城, 室羅筏城 Sravasti Shravasti

361 十二部經 Twelve divisions of the Mahāyāna canon

362 長行 sūtras the Buddha's sermons

363 重頌 geyas metrical pieces, intermediate verses

364 授記 vyākaraṇas prophecies

365 孤起頌 gāthās chants or poems

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366 無問自說 udāṇas impromptu or unsolicited addresses

367 本事 ityuktas, or itivṛttakas marratives, legends

368 本生 jātakas stories of former lives of Buddha

369 方廣 vaipulyas expanded sūtras

370 未曾有 adbhutadharmas miracles

371 因緣 nidanas introductory teaching

372 比喻 avadāna parables

373 論議 adbhuta-dharma abhidharma

374 空無邊處 ākāśānantyā-yatanam boundless space; no sphere of infinite space

375 識無邊處 vijñānānamtyāyatanam

boundless consciousness; no sphere of infinite


376 無所有處 ākiñcanyāyatana nothingness; no sphere of nothingness

377 非想非非想處 naivasaṁjñānā-saṁjñāyatana

neither thought nor absence of thought; no sphere of

neither awareness nor none awareness

378 祇陀林 Jeta grove, Jetavana

379 塔 stupa

380 娑婆世界 saha Saha world

381 道場 bodhimaṇḍala Bodhimanda, bodhi-site, Way-place

382 大慈大悲 Great loving kindness and great compassion

383 諸法實相, 眞如 bhūtatathatā

the reality behind all things, all things in their real


384 袈裟 kaāṣāya, saṅghāṭī Toga, mantle, ochre robes

385 三十二相 dvātriṃśadvaralakṣaṇa thirty two physical marks

386 八十種好 aśīty-anuvyañjanāni eighty notable physical characteristics

387 八不

eight negations: neither birth nor death, neither end nor

permanence, neither identity nor difference, neither

coming nor going

388 方等 Vaipulya extensive discourse

389 法華 Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Flower Garland; Flower Adornment

390 煩惱 klesa afflictions

391 摩訶 Mahā Great

392 摩訶薩 Mahāsattva perfected bodhisattva

393 菩薩摩訶薩 bodhisattva-mahāsattva greater than any other being except a Buddha

394 咒 mantra protective spells

395 a阿僧祇 asaṅkhyeya timeless period

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396 陀羅尼 Dhāraṇī the power maintaining wisdom or knowledge

397 胎生 jarāyuja viviparous

398 卵生 aṇḍaja oviparous

399 濕生 saṃsvedaja moisture, or water-born

400 化生 aupapāduka metamorphic, transformation

401 阿蘭若 araṇya hermitage

402 五戒 pañca-śīlāni Five Moral Precepts

403 中道 majjhim nikaya the middle path, the middle way

404 空性 Sunyata Emptiness, void

405 假 phenomenal; illusory existence

406 大威德 Mahātejas awe-inspiring power, or virtue

407 止觀 śamatha-vipaśyanā

When the physical organism is at rest it is called 止,

when the mind is seeing clearly it is called 觀

408 妄想 vikalpa Delusion; Polluted thinking

409 實相 tattvasya-lakṣaṇam Reality; True original nature.

410 體相用

substance; characteristics; function; Or entity, form and


411 妙 su, sat, mañju, sūkṣma

Wonderful, beautiful, mystic, supernatural, profound,

subtle, mysterious

412 大悲咒 Mahākārunikacitta-dhāranī the Great Compassion Mantra

413 楞嚴咒 sitātapatroṣṇīṣa-dhāraṇī the white-umbrella mantra (dhāraṇī)

414 一念三千 three thousand [worlds] in one thought

415 十如是ten suchness; ten essential qualities, or characteristics,

of thing;ten reality aspects

416 相 1. Such a Form (phenomenon)

417 性 2. Such a Nature (character)

418 体 3. Such an Embodiment (entity)

419 力 4. Such a Potency (ability)

420 作 5. Such a Function (activity)

421 因 6. Such a Primary Cause (direct cause)

422 缘 7. Such a Secondary Cause (occasion or condition)

423 果 8. Such an Effect (result)

424 报 9. Such a Recompense (karmic reward or retribution)

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425 本末究竟等 10. Such a Complete Fundamental Whole

426 根本無明; 生相無明 mūlāvidyā

Original ignorance;innate ignorance;beginningless


427 住地無明 vasa-bhumi-āvidyā entrenched ignornace; static ignorance

427-1 見一切住地

the delusions arising from seeing things as they seem,

not as they really are

427-2 欲愛住地 the desires in the desire-realm.

427-3 色愛住地 the desires in the form-realm.

427-4 有愛住地 the desires in the formless realm.

428 枝末無明 Branch and twig illusion;ignorance in detail

429 見思煩惱;見思惑;枝末

The two kinds of affliction developed from view and

deliberation, or external and internal; things

seen and thought, i.e. illusions from imperfect

perception, with temptation to love, hate, etc.; to be rid

of these false views and temptations is the discipline

and nirvāṇa of ascetic or Hīnayāna Buddhists

430 見惑 darśana-heya

seeing afflictions;conceptual errors in perception in

regard to reality

431 思惑,修惑 thought afflictions; the illusion of thought

432 塵沙惑

The lack of ability to correctly discern the true nature of

the numberless phenomena of the world; illusion

and temptation through the immense variety of duties

in saving men

433 無明惑

The illusion arising from primal ignorance which covers

and hinders the truth of the via media;

illusions and temptations that arise from failure

philosophically to understand things in their reality

434 三無漏學Three Non-outflow Studies, Three Aspects of Learning

to Be Without Outflows

435 戒定慧 precepts, samadhi, and wisdom

436 五分法身,無等等五蘊

pañca-dharmakāya; asamasama-pañca-


the five attributes of the dharmakāya or 'spiritual' body

of the Tathāgata

437 戒法身 śīla-skandha morality; above all moral conditions

438 定法身 samādhi-skandha tranquil and apart from all false ideas

439 慧法身 prajñā-skandha wisdom

440 解脫身 vimukti-skandha free, unlimited, unconditioned

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441 解脫知見法身 vimukti-jñāna-darśana-skandha

perfect knowledge of free, unlimited, unconditioned


442 頑空 jada Partial emptiness; void with nothing exist

443 化城 nagaraṃ vinirmitam, nagara-nirmāṇa

illusion city; magic city; temporary or incomplete


444 佛土 Dharma Realm

445 圓通 omnipresent; Universally penetrating

446 七寶  sapta-ratna seven jewels

447 金 suvarna gold

448 銀 rūpya silver

449 琉璃 vaiḍūrya lapis lazuli

450 玻瓈 sphaṭika crystal

451 硨磲 musāragalva agate

452 赤珠 rohita-mukta rubies or red pearls

453 瑪瑙 aśmagarbha cornelian

454 境界風 pavana-viṣaya

The winds, or influences of surrounding environment

which fan the passions

455 世間法 loka-dharma The world law

456 出世間法 lokottara-dharma

other worldly dharma; the way of leaving the world;

supra-mundane; beyond the world; outside the world

457 出世間上上法 the highest other-worldly dharma

458 瓔珞 muktāhāra,hāra, keyūra a festoon of jewels

459 無記 avyākṛta; avyākhyāta neutrality; Moral neutrality in karma; no karmic effect

460 輕毛 As light and unstable as a feather.

461 常見 eternalism

462 斷見 ucchedadarśana annihilationism

463 生老病死 birth, old age, sickness and death

464 生住異滅

The arising, abiding, changing and extinction of all

existences; Birth, stay, change (or decay), death.

465 名聞利養 renowned fame and nourish by gains

466 慳貪 grudging greed

467 一真法界 dharma realm of the one reality

468 金剛三昧 vajrasamādhi

Diamond samādhi. A samādhi on the idea that all

things are of the (same) Buddha-nature

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469 未證謂證 Falsely claiming spiritial realization

470 未得謂得 Falsely claiming spiritial attainments

471 言語道斷 sarva-vāda-caryoccheda

the moment you bring it into language it becomes


472 十方 daśa diśah

east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest,

north, northeast, the nadir, and the zenith

473 下地麤想

the gross or rough delusion in lower lands or regions of

the nine lands

474 一千二百功德 The 1,200 merits or powers of the organs

475 如來法身 tathāgata-dharmakāya The dharma body of the Tathagata

476 天地與我同根, 萬物與我一體Heaven, earth, and myself have the same root; all

things are one corpus with me

477 有為 samskrta

Conditioned; phenomenal;causative;the processes

resulting from the laws of karma

478 無為 asaṃskṛta Unconditioned; non-phenomenal; non-causative

479 資糧 saṃbhāra supplies for body or soul

480 虛空 śūnya space

481 四無礙智 pratisaṃvid the four unhindered or unlimited bodhisattva powers

482 法無礙 dharma

Wisdom or power of explanation in accord with Buddha-


483 義無礙 artha

Unobstructed knowledge of the meaning, or the truth;

complete knowledge

484 辭無礙 nirukti

Unhindered knowledge in any language, or form of


485 樂說無礙 pratibhāna Unobstructed knowledge in eloquence

486 天台五時

the Tiantai five periods of the Buddha's teaching:

Avataṃsaka, Āgamas, vaipulya, prajñā, and

Saddharma Puṇḍarīka and nirvāṇa period

487 不生不滅 Non-production and non-extinction

488 佛法 Buddha dharmas

489 自度 Self enlightenment

490 度他 Enlighten others

491 自覺 Self awakened

492 十門分別(教義) Ten doors of discrimination

493 宗(派) sect, school

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494 因果 Cause and fruition

495 圓融無礙 ominipresent or perfect penetration without obstruction

496 大行大果 A great practice, and a great fruition

497 萬德莊嚴 adorned with myriad kinds of virtuous practices

498 迷 confused

499 果位fruition; attainment; The stage of attainment, or reward

as contrasted with the cause-stage

500 佛性 Buddha-nature

501 執著 attachments; to cling to

502 證覺 realize enligthenment

503 開悟 enlightenment

504 正覺 Proper Enlightenment

505 修證 cultivation and realizationj

506 捨念 (get) rid of false thoughts

507 財佈施 āmiṣa-dāna almsgiving; the giving of wealth

508 法佈施 dharma-deśanā Dharma giving; the giving of Dharma

509 無畏佈施 abhayapradāna courage giving; the giving of fearlessness

510 菩薩道 the Bodhisattva Way

511 三寶 Triple Jewel

512 十重四十八輕 Ten Major and Forty-Eight Minor Bodhisattva Precepts

513 生死 birth and death

514 信解行證faith, understanding, practice and realization; faith,

discernment, performance, and assurance

515 貢高我慢 elevated egoism exalting self and depreciating others

516 所知障The barrier of the known; obstruction of worldly


517 轉大法輪 turning the Great Dharma Wheel,

518 四禪八定 Four Dhyanas and Eight Samadhis

519 九次第定 Nine Successive Stages of Samadhi

520 文字般若 literary prajna

521 觀照般若

contemplative prajna;The prajñā or wisdom of

meditative enlightenment on reality.

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522 實相般若 reality prajna, true-appearance prajna.

523 自性 self-nature

524 觀察智 wisdom of contemplative investigation

525 照 illumine

526 實相無相 Reality is Nullity; the reality of truth is formless

527 無所不相 there is nothing left without an appearance

528 假相 appearance is false

529 眾生 living being

530 本具佛性 inherent Buddha-nature

531 眾生皆有佛性 All living beings have the Buddha-nature

532 皆能成佛 and can realize Buddhahood

533 功德 merit, or virtue

534 人相 the form or appearance of person

535 我相the appearance of self; egoism; the illusion that in the

five skandhas there is a real ego

536 衆生相 sattva-lakṣaṇa the appearance of beings; all beings have an ego

537 壽相 the appearance of life; ego has age

538 凡是有相,皆是虛妄 All that has appearance is empty and false

539 若見諸相非相,即見如來If you see all appearances as no appearance, then you

see the Tathagata

540 開佛知見 reveal the Buddha’s knowledge and vision

541 常住真心,性淨明體pure nature and bright substance of the eternally

dwelling true mind

542 藏教 the Hinayana teaching

543 通教 the interrelated or intermediate teaching

544 別教 the differentiated or separate teaching

545 圓教the Perfect Teaching; the complete teaching; the final


546 方便 tact or skill in teaching according to receptivity

547 眼錯覺,翳 fallacy

548 苦行 austerity

549 觀照,深不可測的理解 fathom, contemplate, meditate

550 索鉤 chained hook

551 開悟 enlightened

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552 依因缘而存在, 即轮回的现象 Conditioned Existence, SamSara

553 生死輪迴 saṃsāra

ever-recurring saṃsāra; wheel of samsara,moving

through birth and death

554 法性 Dharmata the dharma-nature

555 法界 dharmadhātu; dharmakṣetra realm of dharma

556 五无间、五逆 pañcānantarya

The five rebellious acts or deadly sins: parricide,

matricide, killing an arhat, shedding the blood of a

Buddha, destroying the harmony of the sangha, or


557 世俗谛 Relative truth, worldly truth, conventional truth

558 止 Samatha tranquility or calm meditation

559 人空 emptiness of people

560 法空 emptiness of dharmas

561 法執 attachments to dharmas

562 結緣 establish wholesome affinities, Creating affinities

563 隨相門 door of accompanying phenomena

564 唯識門 door of consciousness only

565 歸性門 door of returning to the nature

566 無礙門 door of unobstructedness

567 禪定 dhyāna meditation

568 九法界 nine realms

569 發菩提心 Bodhi resolve [bringing forth]

570 拜佛,頂禮 prostrate

570-1 問訊 bow

571 傳法 Dharma-transmission

572 八識The eight consciousnesses are: 1) eye-consciousness

or seeing,

573 2) ear-consciousness or hearing,

574 3) nose-consciousness or smelling,

575 4) tongue-consciousness or tasting,

576 5) body-consciousness or tactile feeling,

577 第六識 6) mind-consciousness or cognition,

578 七識7) manas, the defiling mind-consciousness which is the

faculty of mind, and

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579 八識 8) ālaya, or storehouse consciousness.

580 十八界Eighteen Realms: six sense organs, six external

objects and six consciousness

581 八十八使見惑 Eighty-Eight Deluded Viewpoints

582 八十一品思惑

Eighty-One Cognitive Delusions; The eighty-one kinds

of illusion, or misleading thoughts, arising out of desire,

anger, foolishness, and pride - nine grades in each of

the nine realms of desire, of form and beyond form.

583 供養 offerings, provisions

584 受具足戒 ordination

585 淨土宗 Pure Land School

586 念佛 recitation of the Buddha's name

587 皈依三寶 refuge with the Three Jewels

588 懺悔 repentance

589 梵文 Brahma language, Sanskrit

590 六道輪迴Six Paths of Rebirth,) gods, 2) humans, 3) asuras, 4)

animals, 5) ghosts, and 6) hell-dwellers

591 六凡法界 Six Mundane Dharma Realms

592 十善Ten Wholesome Deeds; ten wholesome courses of


593 三毒The Three Poisons are 1) greed, 2) anger, and 3)


594 迴向 transference of merit

595 律宗 Vinaya School

596 三輪體空 threefold wheel of essential emptiness

597 三壇大戒 Three Fold ordination

598 內守幽閒 maintain an inner composure

599 常樂我淨

Perpetuity, joy, personality, and purity; eternity, bliss,

personality, purity

600 見分

discriminating such phenomena; subjective view or


601 相分 mental phenomena; object aspect

602 自證分

the power that discriminates; Self-witnessing

aspect;The witnessing of the functioning of the

subjective aspect

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603 證自證分

the proof or assurance of that power;Rewitnessing

aspect;The function of consciousness of cognizing the

fact that it has perceived an object. Also, checking

prior awareness for its validity.

604 普門品 Samanta-mukha-parivarta name of a chapter of the Lotus Sutra

605 八卦 eight trigrams; bagua

606 焰口 a buddhist ritual to feed the starving ghost

607 隨緣

According with, or resulting from conditioning causes,

or circumstances, as waves result from wind; also,

according to circumstances.

608 隨緣不變 Ever changing in conditions yet immutable in essence

609 不變隨緣

The conditioned immutable, i. e. immutable as a whole,

but not in its parts, i. e. its phenomenal activity.

610 魔 Māra

611 陰魔 the skandha-māras

612 摩尼 maṇi pure pearl; a jewel, a crystal, a pearl, symbol of purity

613 聞 sruta

listening; wisdom from reading, listening and


614 思 cinta reflection

615 修 bhavana spiritual practice

616 祇樹給孤獨園 Jetavane Anāthapindikassa ārāma

The Jeta Grove in Anathapindika's Park ; in Jeta

Grove, Anathapindika's Monastery; Jetavana;

617 南瞻部洲,閻浮提 Jambudvīpa south inhabited continent in a world system

618 東勝身洲 Pūrva-videha

619 西牛賀洲 Apara-godānīya

620 北俱盧洲 Uttarakuru

621 楞嚴大定,首楞嚴定 śūraṃgamadhyāna or samādhi

622 獨頭意識distinctive or independent consciousness not arising

with the five sensing organs

623 有覆無記 nivṛta-avyākṛta Impedimentary moral neutrality

624 無覆無記 anivṛta-avyākṛta non-impedimentary moral neutrality

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625 法喜 dharma-prīti, dharma-rati

The bliss of the dharma; the joy one experiences on

receiving the dharma; the joy of hearing or tasting


626 闡提 icchantika

one who has cut off his roots of goodness; One without

desire for Buddha enlightenment

627 三細 The three refined, or subtle conceptions

628 六麤 The six cruder or common concepts

629 中陰;中有 antarabhāva

intermediate being;in-between state; The intermediate

existence between death and reincarnation

630 芥子 sarṣapa Mustard seed

631 頭陀 dhūta

shaken, shaken off, cleansed. To get rid of the trials of

life; discipline to remove them and attain nirvāṇa

632 懺悔 kṣamā confession and repentance

633 穴位 acupuncture points

634 筋脈 muscles and vessels

635 自卑 self-abased; feel oneself inferior

636 毅力 perseverance

637 祥和 auspicious and harmonious

638 對機

To respond to the opportunity, or the capacity of


639 自不量力

not to recognize one's own limited strength or

resources; unaware of one's own limitation

640 八相成道 Eight aspects of the Buddha's life

641 諸根不具 deficient in faculties

642 六根具足 complete in faculties

643 昏沈 styāna sunk in stupor

644 離生喜樂地Paradise after earthly life; The first dhyāna heaven,

where is experienced the joy of leaving the evils of life

645 定生喜樂地 Paradise of cessation of rebirth

646 離喜妙樂地 Land of wondrous joy after the previous joys

647 捨念淸淨地

The Pure Land of abandonment of thought, or

recollection (of past delights)

648 欲界五趣地;五趣雜居地

the desire realm with its five gati, i.e. hells, hungry

ghosts, animals, men, and devas.

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649 莊嚴 alaṃkāraka Adorn, adornment, glory, honour, ornament, ornate

650 莊嚴劫 The glorious kalpa

651 賢劫 Bhadrakalpa

652 星宿劫 the constellations kalpa

653 經脈 meridians

654 任督二脈 conception and governor vessel(CV, GV)

655 弗圖澄, 佛圖澄 Buddhacinga

656 五不還天,五淨居天

five heavens of no return; The five pure-dwelling

heavens in the fourth dhyāna heaven, into which arhats

are finally born

656-1 無煩天 Avṛhās the heaven free from all trouble

656-2 無熱天 Atapās the heaven of no heat or distress

656-3 善現天 Sudṛsās the heaven of beautiful presentation

656-4 善見天 Sudarśanās the heaven beautiful

656-5 色究竟天 Akaniṣṭhās the highest heaven of the form-realm

657 香海 (香水海) The scented ocean surrounding Sumeru

658 童子 kumāra

a boy, youth, son; a prince; a neophyte; a bodhisattva

as son of the Tathāgata

659 開示悟入

revealed, proclaimed, understood, and entered;The

four reasons for a Buddha's appearing in the world: to

open up the treasury of truth; to indicate its meaning; to

cause men to apprehend it; and to lead them into it.

660 四倒 The four viparyaya

impermanent, suffering, impersonal, and impure;

inverted or false beliefs in regard to 常, 樂, 我, 淨

661 凡聖同居土

Realms where all classes dwell: men, devas, Buddhas,

disciples, non-disciples

662 方便有餘土

Temporary realms, where the occupants have got rid

of the evils of 見思 unenlightened views and thoughts,

but still have to be reborn

663 實報莊嚴土

Realms of permanent reward and freedom, for those

who have attained bodhisattva rank

664 常寂光土

Realm of eternal rest and light (i. e. wisdom) and of

eternal spirit (dharmakāya), the abode of Buddhas

665 五停心觀 five-fold procedure for quieting the mind

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666 意生身

A body mentally produced, or produced at will; A body

that is arisen from mind only. Arisen from mind-only.

I.e., the body of a buddha is not arisen from the five

skandhas--it is created out of consciousness only

667 三大阿僧祇劫 The three great asaṃkhyeya kalpas

the three timeless periods of a bodhisattva's progress

to Buddhahood

668 西方極樂世界 Sukhāvāti Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss

669 五濁惡世 The five kaṣāya periods of turbidity Evil Time of Five Turbidities

670 劫濁 the Kalpa Turbidity 

671 見濁 the View Turbidity 

672 煩惱濁 the Affliction Turbidity 

673 眾生濁 the Living Beings Turbidity 

674 命濁 the Life Turbidity

675 殊勝 Sudarśana Rare, extraordinary, surpassing

676 如幻三昧 maya-upamā-samādhi

A samādhi wherein one observes that all phenomena,

like an illusion, lack inherent existence

677 七情六欲 Seven emotions and six sensory pleasures(desires)

678 根塵

The (six) cognitive faculties and their objects. The six

objects are considered to be the external cause of

affiction, and are therefore referred to negatively as

'dust', or 'dirt'; the objects or sensation of any sense


679 四維八德 four social bonds and eight virtues

680 法塵

A mental object, any direct mental perception, not

dependent on the sense organs

681 外道四句論 The heretical four tenets

682 不可思議 Beyond thought or discussion

683 依正二報 The dual reward of karma resulting from one's past

684 依報The material environment on which a person depends,

resulting from former karma

685 正報direct reward, i. e. his body, or person;The direct

retribution of the individual's previous existence

686 百界千如 the thousand qualities of the hundred realms

687 扶塵根,浮塵根 indriya The external organs

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688 勝義根

The surpassing organ, i.e. intellectual perception,

behind the ordinary organs of perception

689 惑業苦

Illusion, accordant action, and suffering; the pains

arising from a life of illusion

690 初禪天 the first dhyana heavens

690-1 梵衆天 Brahmapāriṣadya heaven of assembly of brahmadeva s

690-2 梵輔天 Brahmakāyika heaven of retinue of Brahmā

690-3 大梵天 Mahābrahmā. heaven of Brahman

691 二禪天 the second dhyana heavens

691-1 少光天 Parīttābha

691-2 無量光天 Apramāṇābha heaven of boundless light

691-3 光音天 Ābhāsvara

light-sound heaven; the heaven of utmost light and


692 三禪天 the third dhyana heavens

692-1 少淨天 Parīttaśubha

The first and smallest heaven (brahmaloka) in the third

dhyāna region of form

692-2 無量淨天 Apramāṇaśubha heaven of boundless purity

692-3 徧淨天 Śubhakṛtsna

693 四禪天 The fourth dhyāna heavens

693-1 無雲天 Anabhraka

693-2 福生天 Puṇyaprasava heaven of Born of or to happiness

693-3 廣果天 Bṛhatphala

693-4 無想天 Asañjñisattva the no-thinking or no-thought heaven

693-5 無煩天 Avṛha heaven free from all trouble

693-6 無熱天 Atapa the heaven of no heat or distress

693-7 善現天 Sudṛśa the heaven of beautiful presentation

693-8 善見天 Sudarśana the heaven beautiful

693-9 色究竟天 Akaniṣṭha

the highest heaven of the form-realm;the highest of the

material heavens

693-10 和音天 Aghaniṣṭha

693-11 大自在天 Mahāmaheśvara heaven of great sovereign deva

694 四天王 the four mahārājas

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695 無作 akṛta, akṛtaka, anabhisaṃskāra; avijñapti;

(1) Non-functioning, non-active; no activity. (2) Not

artificial or contrived. Natural. (3) Uncreated,

unconditioned. (4) Without effect. (5) To differ in

quality; dissimilar. (6) The absence of a desiring

mind. (7) The name of a Korean monk.

696 心王

The mind, the will, the directive or controlling mind, the

functioning mind as a whole, distinct from its 心所 or


697 心所

Mental conditions, the attributes of the mind, especially

the moral qualities, or emotions, love, hate, etc.; also


698 心地

Mind, from which all things spīng; the mental ground,

or condition;

699 法財 dharmic property

700 成劫 vivarta kalpa kalpa of formation

701 住劫 vivarta-siddha kalpa kalpa of abiding or existence

702 壞劫 saṃvarta kalpa kalpa of destruction or decay

703 空劫 saṃvarta-siddha kalpa kalpa of annihilation; the empty kalpa

704 百法

The hundred divisions of all mental qualities and their


705 百法明門 The door to the knowledge of universal phenomena

705-1 心法 the eight 識 perceptions, or forms of consciousness

705-2 心所有法 the fifty-one mental ideas

705-3 色法

the five physical organs and their six modes of sense,

e. g. ear and sound

705-4 不相應行法 twenty-four indefinites, or unconditioned elements

705-5 無爲

Unconditional; not subject to cause, condition or

dependentce; transcendental

706 三德秘藏 The profound treasures of three virtues

706-1 法身德 The virtue or potency of the Buddha's dharma body

706-2 般若德 The virtue or potency of the Buddha's prajna

706-3 解脫德 The virtue of the Buddha's freedom from all bonds

707 卍字 Srivatsa swastika symbol

708 三自性 three aspects of the nature of a thing

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708-1 依他起性Not having an independent nature, not a nature of its

own, but constituted of elements

708-2 遍計所執性 The nature that maintains the seeming to be real

708-3 圓成實性 The complete and perfect real nature, or reality.

709 三七日first period in three divisions each of seven days, after


710 能所

These two terms indicate active and passive ideas,

e.g. ability to transform, or transformable and the

object that is transformed.

711 回小向大 To turn from Hīnayāna to Mahāyāna

712 五臟六腑 five viscera and six bowels