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RABBI EFREM GOLDBERG MARAH D’ASRAH RABBI PHILIP MOSKOWITZ ASSISTANT RABBI DAVID WOLGIN, PhD PRESIDENT RABBI JOSH BROIDE OUTREACH RABBI RABBI URI PILICHOWSKI TEEN RABBI RABBI MORDECHAI SMOLARCIK RABBI, BRS WEST RABBI KENNETH BRANDER RABBI EMERITUS MATTHEW HOCHERMAN SYNAGOGUE ADMINISTRATOR ALIZA PILICHOWSKI YOUTH DIRECTOR KERRY PURCELL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF THE WEEKLY WEEKLY Boca Raton Synagogue HAHN JUDAIC CAMPUS • 7900 MONTOYA CIRCLE N. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33433-4912 (561) 394-0394 • FAX (561) 394-0180 • WWW.BRSONLINE.ORG • [email protected] PARASHAT VAYELECH/SHABBAT SHUVA/YOM KIPPUR September 21 - September 28, 2012 • 5 Tishrei - 12 Tishrei 5773 This week’s Weekly is dedicated to Sam Freedman in honor of his special birthday. With love from all the Freedmans. FRIDAY NIGHT Candle Lighting 6:59 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 pm SHABBAT DAY Dessert Reception 5:15 pm Shabbat Mincha 5:50 pm Rabbi’s Shuva Derasha 6:20 pm “Bein Yom Ha’Shevii, L’Sheishet Y’mei Ha’maaseh: Counting Down for Shabbos to Begin Instead of Counting Down For It to End” Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Ma’ariv/Havdalah 7:51 pm Friend us on Facebook Boca Raton Synagogue Follow us on Twitter @RabbiGoldberg @RabbiPhilip @Broide @MatthewJHoch Check out Jewish Pride Films for our latest videos GET CONNECTED FRIEND. FOLLOW. SHARE. On behalf of the entire BRS staff and Board of Directors, we would like to wish you and your entire families a Gmar Chatima Tova. May it be a year filled with health, happiness, and Torah.

Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should

Nov 02, 2019



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Page 1: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should








MATTHEW HOCHERMANsynagOgue aDMinistratOr


KERRY PURCELLeDitOr-in-chief Of the Weekly

WEEKLYB o c a R a t o n S y n a g o g u e

HAHN JUDAIC CAMPUS • 7900 MONTOYA CIRCLE N. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33433-4912(561) 394-0394 • FAX (561) 394-0180 • WWW.BRSONLINE.ORG • [email protected]

PARASHAT VAYELECH/SHABBAT SHUVA/YOM KIPPURSeptember 21 - September 28, 2012 • 5 Tishrei - 12 Tishrei 5773

This week’s Weekly is dedicated to Sam Freedman in honor of his special birthday. With love from all the Freedmans.

FRIDAY NIGHTCandle Lighting 6:59 pmMincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 pm

SHABBAT DAYDessert Reception 5:15 pm Shabbat Mincha 5:50 pmRabbi’s Shuva Derasha 6:20 pm

“Bein Yom Ha’Shevii, L’Sheishet Y’mei Ha’maaseh: Counting Down for Shabbos to Begin

Instead of Counting Down For It to End”Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

Ma’ariv/Havdalah 7:51 pmFriend us on FacebookBoca Raton Synagogue

Follow us on Twitter@RabbiGoldberg@RabbiPhilip@Broide@MatthewJHoch

Check out Jewish Pride Films for our latest videos


On behalf of the entire BRS staff and Board of Directors, we would like to wish you and your entire families a Gmar Chatima Tova. May it be a year filled with health, happiness, and Torah.

Page 2: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

Page 2 Boca Raton SynagogueValuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity

FROM THE RABBI’S DESKA number of years ago, in an effort to create a BRS brand, we decided we needed a logo with a slogan. After much deliberation, we ultimately chose “Valuing Diversity, Celebrating Unity.” After all, the BRS community prides itself on the incredible diversity in our family – diverse ages, diverse religious backgrounds, diverse levels of observance, diverse political orientations, diverse countries of origin and diverse interests. Yet, at the same time, we understand that in the end of the day, the diversity only adds value if we bond together with a sense of unity and allow our differences to complement, rather than to divide. Maintaining diversity in a large community is easy. It comes naturally to welcome and invite people whatever their particular background. Maintaining unity among a large diverse community, however, is a great challenge. Special interest groups develop that lobby for their needs or for the Rabbi to take a particular position or create or eliminate certain practices, procedures or protocols. The challenge of leadership, lay and professional, is to always do what is right for the community as a whole, no matter how passionately a special interest group may present their particular position.

We are always seeking opportunities throughout the year to experience the “Celebrating Unity” part of our slogan. For me personally, and many others have shared the same sentiment, Neilah in the Rand Sanctuary is a highlight of the year. The Shechet Minyan and Rand Sanctuary Minyanim combine. Others from the various minyanim in the Shul join as well for an incredibly spirited and serious davening. The walls shake from the collective singing and the decorum is at an all time high. It is as if the amazingly diverse gathering combines our very distinct and different prayers to form a near perfect prayer and deliver it through the closing gates to on High. A second opportunity for unity presents itself in a couple of weeks when we come together to celebrate Simchas Torah. Different minyanim have their own Shacharis and Torah readings, but we do something on Simchas Torah morning that we don’t do on any other day of the year. Every single minyan comes together for one joint Musaf. After all, we stood as one united nation when we received the Torah and we should stand together as one when we celebrate it as well. And so Neilah and Simchas Torah are among the high points of the year for me, not only because they both close a loop and complete a holiday, but because we do so with a profound sense of unity and togetherness. But something struck me on Rosh Hashana. While we try to artificially create unity moments and opportunities for the community, the most authentic ones come organically and by themselves. Many of the minyanim at BRS let out at approximately the same time on both days of Rosh Hashana. As people began to see friends, acquaintances, neighbors and community members from other minyanim, a remarkable thing began to occur. Everyone was not only greeting, they were blessing one another. The aura and atmosphere of a community sharing blessings together was extraordinary. Usually shy people were transformed into Chassidishe Rebbes as the sweetest blessings flowed from their lips. Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should not be taken lightly. If that is true for an ordinary person, imagine the power of the blessings of a community of ordinary people on one another. As we begin the New Year, let us continue to value diversity and the benefits that come from having a community with all kinds of people. But at the same time let’s never stop celebrating our unity and reaping its blessings.

Gmar Tov and Shabbat Shalom,


Than Just

a Slogan ”

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Page 3: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should

Boca Raton SynagogueValuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity

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Questions and Answers are courtesy of Ohr Somayach.

VAYELECHMoshe’s Charge to Yehoshua. Moshe was 120 years old and announced that his leadership was drawing to its close. He revealed that Yehoshua had been chosen by Hashem as his successor to take command and lead the Jews successfully into Israel.

Public Reading on Sukkot. When there would a king over Israel, he would be charged with reading it publicly on Sukkot (during the year after the Shemitah year).

A Copy of the Law in the Sanctuary. The copy of the Torah written by Moshe was to be placed by the Levi’im at the site of the Aron HaKodesh to bear witness against Israel if they were to deviate from its teachings.

PARSHA Q & AQUESTIONS - PARASHAT VAYELECH1. Moshe said, “I am 120 years old today. I am no longer able to go out and come in...” How do we know this

does not refer to physical inability?2. Which of Moshe’s statements to Yehoshua was later contradicted by G-d’s command?3. Why does the Torah refer to Sukkot of the eighth year as though it occurred during the Shemita year?4. Why does the Torah command that babies be brought to the Torah reading?5. What does it mean that G-d “hides His face?”6. What function does the song Ha’azinu serve?7. Which verse promises that the Torah will never be totally forgotten?8. What is the difference of opinion regarding the placing of the Torah scroll which Moshe gave the levi’im?9. On the day of Moshe’s death, why didn’t Moshe gather the people by blowing trumpets as he normally would

have?10. Moshe said, “For I know that after my death you will act corruptly,” but, in fact, this didn’t occur until after

Yehoshua’s death. What does this teach us?


ANSWERS - VAYELECH1. 31:2 - Because verse 34:7 says “His (Moshe’s) eye never dimmed, and his (youthful) moisture never

departed.”2. 31:7 - Moshe told Yehoshua to share his leadership with the Elders. G-d later commanded Yehoshua to

rule alone.3. 31:10 - Because the laws of the seventh year still apply to the harvest.4. 31:12 - To give reward to those who bring them.5. 31:17 - He ignores their distress.6. 31:21 - It warns what will befall the Jewish People if they abandon Torah.7. 31:21 - “For (the Torah) will not be forgotten from the mouth of their offspring.”8. 31:26 - Whether it was placed outside but adjacent to the Ark, or inside next to the Tablets.9. 31:28 - Blowing the trumpets expressed Moshe’s dominion, and “there is no dominion on the day of

death.” (Kohelet 8)10. 31:29 - That a person’s student is as dear to him as himself. As long as Yehoshua was alive, it was as

though Moshe himself.

BRS OUTREACH REVOLUTION This past week, more than 200 people attended our Rosh Hashana Services, and it was so nice to hear that they can’t wait to come back for more. The following are some tips that may make approaching and developing a relationship with these new Shul attendees a more successful and meaningful experience. Last week, we listed two tips, here are two more.

1. Friendly, polite small talk is the name of the game.When you see somebody unfamiliar in Shul who looks a little lost, welcome them with a smile. After wishing them a Chag Sameach/Shabbat Shalom, politely introduce yourself and chat. Show interest in them. You can also offer them one of the Rosh Hashana guides

attached. If they seem like they might have trouble staying on the right page, you may help them find a seat next to somebody who can help them, as long as the Shul seating guidelines allow. As long as you show respect and speak to the other person as an equal, your efforts will be appreciated. Towards the end of the conversation, you can ask if they have a place to eat. Whether or not they take you up on the invitation, it is very important to find a way to stay in touch with them. Make sure that your contact information is available in the Shul office so that you can tell them to find it there.

2. The way to the Jewish heart is through the stomach…It’s great if they are interested in coming for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal! If they can’t make it for a Rosha Hashana meal, you can invite them for a Shabbat or Sukkot meal. Inviting them to visit your Sukkah may be a great way of giving them a light, yet meaningful experience.

Inspire yourself to inspire others… Josh


Q: If someone needs to eat on Yom Kippur due to illness, medication, pregnancy or for some other reason, do they recite kiddush first? Do they include ya’aleh v’yavo in benching?

A: Kiddush is not recited for one who needs to eat on Yom Kippur, however, ya’aleh v’yavoh is inserted in benching.

Please submit your question of the week on any topic to Rabbi Efrem Goldberg at [email protected]

Page 4: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should


Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pmSephardic Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:55 pmCandle Lighting 6:59 pmMincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:00 pm

SHABBAT DAYNeitz Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:20 amHashkama Minyan (Social Hall) 7:25 amSephardic Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 9:00 amAshkenazi Minyan (Rand Sanctuary) 9:00 amShtiebel Minyan (Social Hall) 9:30 amTeen Minyan (Berdugo Beit Midrash - Room 104 & 105) 9:45 am*Lome Family Explanatory Service (WYHS Library) 10:00 amYouth Tefillah Groups (Jacobs and Rubin Youth & Senior Center) 10:00 amSof Zman Kriat Shema 10:11 amTeen Shabbat Shuva Derasha 4:45 pm

“Counting Down for Shabbos to BeginInstead of Counting Down For It to End”

Rabbi Uri PilichowskiDessert Reception 5:15 pmSephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 5:20 pmAshkenazi Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 5:50 pmRabbi’s Shuva Derasha 6:20 pm

“Bein Yom Ha’Shevii, L’Sheishet Y’mei Ha’maaseh: Counting Down for Shabbos to Begin

Instead of Counting Down For It to End”Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

Sh’kiah 7:16 pmMa’ariv/Havdalah 7:51 pm

SHABBAT LEARNINGTefillah Insights with Rabbi Josh Broide (Rand Sanctuary) 8:30 amSichot of the Lubavitcher Rebbe with Rabbi Levine (Senders Library) 8:30 amTeachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov (Shtiebel Beit Midrash) 9:00 amParashat Ha’Shauva with Rabbi Zvi Yehuda (Board Room) 9:15 amAdvanced Gemara Chabura 15 minutes after Hashkama MinyanJunior Congregation (Shechet Beit Midrash - Room 205 & 206) 10:00 amYouth Groups (Drop-off begins at 10:00 am) 10:30 amSephardic Roundtable (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 11:00 amDaf Yomi 4:40 PMAdvanced Gemara Chabura 5:05 pmFather & Son Learning (Senders Library) 6:00 pm

PARASHAT HA’AZINUFriday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pmCandle Lighting 6:51 pmMincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 6:55 pmMaariv/Havdalah (Shabbat) 7:43 pm



Boca Raton SynagogueValuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity

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Daf Yomi (Sunday - Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) 7:00 amSlichot and Shacharit (Sunday) (Social Hall) 6:00 amSlichot and Shacharit (Sunday) (Rand Sanctuary) 8:35 amSlichot and Shacharit (Monday) (Social Hall) 5:50 amSlichot and Shacharit (Sunday - Monday) (Rand Sanctuary) 6:35 amSlichot and Shacharit (Monday) (Senders Library) 7:20 amSlichot and Shacharit (Sunday-Monday) (Social Hall) 7:30 amSlichot and Shacharit (Tuesday) see Erev Yom Kippur ScheduleShacharit (Thursday) (Social Hall) 6:15, 7:00, & 8:00 amShacharit (Friday) (Social Hall) 6:25, 7:00, & 8:00 amShacharit (Thursday - Friday) (Senders Library) 7:45 am

SEPHARDIC SHACHARITSelichot & Shacharit (Sunday - Tuesday) 5:30 & 7:00 amShacharit (Thursday & Friday) 5:30 & 7:00 am

MINCHA/MA’ARIVMishna Berura Yomi (Sunday, Monday & Thursday) 6:40 pmSephardic Minyan (Sun, Mon & Thurs) (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:50 pmAshkenazi Minyan (Sun, Mon & Thurs) (Social Hall) 6:55 pmDaf Yomi (Sun, Mon &Thurs) (Board Room) 8:40-9:30 pmLate Ma’ariv (Sun, Mon &Thurs) (Senders Library) 9:30 pm

BRS WEST (At the Hillel Day School, 21001 95th Ave. • (305) 725-2292 •

Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Note NEW time) 6:50 pmCandle Lighting 6:59 pmShacharit (Shabbat) 9:30 amYouth Groups 10:30 amMincha (Shabbat) 6:45 pmMaariv 7:51 pmSunday Morning Shacharit Minyan 8:00 am

Breakfast follows Davening sponsored by the Dvar Torah Club


Slichot and Shacharit - Sephardic Minyan only 5:30 am Slichot and Shacharit 6:10, 6:45, 7:30 & 7:45 amMikvah open for men 11:00 - 4:00 pmMincha Only 3:00 pm & 5:00 pmCandle Lighting 6:55 pmFast Begins 6:55 pmKol Nidre/Kabbalat Yom Tov/Ma’ariv - All Minyanim 6:55 pm

(Please wear shoes without leather)


Shacharit– Sephardic Minyan only 8:00 amShacharit– Shechet Minyan only 8:30 amShacharit– All other Minyanim 9:00 amYizkor (approximately) 11:30 amMincha - Sephardic Minyan 4:25 pm Mincha - Shechet Minyan 4:30 pmMincha - Main & Shtibel Minyanim 4:40 pm Mincha - Social Hall Minyan 5:10 pm Neilah - Rand Sanctuary (Open Seating) 5:55 pmMaariv/Havdalah/Fast Ends 7:47 pm

YOM KIPPUR BREAK FAST Yom Kippur Break Fast Sponsored by Stanley & Ana Haar in memory of his beloved father, Albert Haar.

YOM KIPPUR LEARNING OPPORTUNITIESThere will be three great learning opportunities over Yom Kippur. They are as follows:• After Kol Nidrei on Tuesday night, there will be a class given by Rabbi Allan

Houben titled “Temple Times: The Yom Kippur Experience in the Beit Ha’Mikdash”. The class will be given in the Rand Sanctuary.

• After Kol Nidrei on Tuesday night, there will also be a class given by our Teen Rabbi, Rabbi Uri Pilichowski. Rabbi Pilichowski will cover all of the Mishnayot Yoma on Yom Kippur night and give you a head’s up on understanding the next day’s Musaf Davening. Yoma is an exciting Mesechta that covers the entire Yom Kippur service in the Beit Hamikdash. Take advantage of a perfect time to study with your child, or by yourself, and make this Yom Kippur truly meaningful. Stay for 15 minutes or an hour - each additional Mishna will enhance your Yom Kippur!

• On Yom Kippur Morning at 8:15 am, there will be an advanced Chabura in the Shechet Beit Midrash.

• Daf Yom will be given by Rabbi Ben Sugerman during the break in the Social Hall.

NEILAH - OPEN SEATINGAs was successfully done the last few years and as noted in the High Holidays mailing, the Shechet Minyan will be joining the Rand Sanctuary Minyan for Neilah on Yom Kippur. In order to accommodate the additional people, seating for Mincha and Neilah for men and women will be “open seating”. There are no reserved seats for Mincha and Neilah. In addition, we will be clearing chairs from a portion of both men’s and women’s sections to allow room for people who would like to stand. We welcome congregents from any other Minyan who are interested in joining us for this uplifting community experience, and thank you in advance for your cooperation.


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Boca Raton SynagogueValuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity

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KIDDUSHHashkama Minyan Kiddush sponsored by the Hashkama Minyan Kiddush FundShtiebel Minyan Kiddush sponsored by Eli & Amy Buzaglo in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Amy’s beloved mother, Eveylen Rivkah bat Moshe

MAZAL TOVMatthew & Tova Hocherman on the birth of their son. George & Stephanie Saks on their grandson, Jack Efrayim, becoming a Bar Mitzvah. His proud parents, are Daniel & Nechama Saks of Teaneck, NJ.Dr. Steven Morris on the birth of his grandson, Nadav Abraham Hoffman. Proud parents are Eitan & Jessica Hoffman.

RABBI SHMUEL RABINOVICI Rabbi Rabinovici will be joining us this Shabbat. He will be delivering a Chabura on Shabbat morning after the Hashkamah Minyan Kiddush and Shabbat afternoon at 5:05 pm in the Senders Library.

CHAZAN IN RESIDENCE: SHIMON CRAIMERThis Shabbat, Shabbat Shuva, Shimon Craimer will be our Chazan in Residence. He will be leading Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday night, as well as Shacharit and Mussaf on Shabbat Day in the Rand Sanctuary. Shimon Craimer is a graduate of London’s Trinity College of Music, and served as Cantor of Edgware United Synagogue. He currently serves as Ba’al Tefillah of the Riverdale Jewish Center.

Shimon will lead a spirited, informal concert/Melaveh Malka on Saturday night, September 22, at 9:15 pm at the home Dr. Barry & Dana Schechter, 7814 Tennyson Court in Boca Hamlet. Join us for light refreshments and incredible music and singing.

BRIDGE LESSONS The Shul is looking to offer free bridge lessons beginning after Sukkot. If you are interested in participating, please contact Simone in the Shul office at (561) 394.0394

ISRAEL BONDS If you want to buy Israel Bonds but did not get a chance to make a pledge during the appeal, go on-line to, or call the Israel Bonds office at (561) 939-1363.

SUKKAH DECORATING PARTYPlease join us next Sunday, September 30, from 10:00 am -12:00 pm for an amazing program for the children of our community ages 5 - 12 to make decorations to help beautify the Shul Sukkah! Parents are encouraged to stay and decorate with their children. We look forward to seeing you there!

SHALOM ZACHAR & BRIT ANNOUNCEMENT The Hocherman Family warmly invites you to a Shalom Zachor this Friday night, September 21, at 9:30 pm at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Philip Moskowitz, 7630 Lago Del Mar Drive Apt. #4 in Lago.ANDAnnounce the Brit of their son on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, September 26, at Boca Raton Synagogue, after the Torah reading in the Shechet Minyan.

LULAV & ETROG PICK UPLulavim and Etrogim purchased through the Shul will be available to pick up from BRS this Thursday, September 27, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm as well as on this Sunday, September 30, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.

MEN’S MIKVAHThe Men’s Mikvah will be open for 15 minute private appointments from 6:30 am through 11:00 am on Erev Yom Kippur. If you would like to make an appointment, please call Linda at (561)394-0394. There is a $50 donation for all private appointments. The Mikvah will be open for walk-ins beginning at 11:00 am for a minimum donation of $10. Reserve now while space is available.

THANK YOU!To our amazing group leaders who volunteered their time on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur at groups and gave our youth a Rosh Hashana experience.

RABBI YISSOCHER FRANDAnnual Teshuva Derasha via satelliteThis Monday night, September 24, at 8:00 pm in the Social Hall


4:45 pm - Teen Shabbat Shuva Derasha by Rabbi Uri Pilichowski“Counting Down for Shabbos to Begin Instead of Counting Down For It to End”

5:15 pm - Dessert Reception5:50 pm - Mincha

6:20 pm - Shabbat Shuva Derasha by Rabbi Efrem Goldberg (Childcare will be provided. Advanced registration is required)

“Bein Yom Ha’Shevii, L’Sheishet Y’mei Ha’maaseh: Counting Down for Shabbos to Begin

Instead of Counting Down For It to End”Sponsored by Dr. Avraham and Elana Belizon as a Zechus for a

Refuah Shlaymah for Avraham’s beloved father, Dr. Yitzchak BelizonMa’ariv/Havdalah – 7:51 pm

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Boca Raton SynagogueValuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity

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Rabbi Shmuel Jarashow Shmuel Tzvi ben ShaynaCantor Lazar Wax Eliezer ben Sara GoldaSol Feldman Shlomo Dov ben ChanaAbraham Katzman Abraham Yehoshua Ha’Cohen ben ChaiaBernard Struhl Binyamin Eliyahu ben ChikahMerv Jacobs Meir ben SarahMark Blisko Mordechai ben Brendel

Helen Ijac Alta Haita bat DevorahRuth Sherman Rochel bat BatshevaJoan Noven Rochel Tova bat MalkaBeverly Kassirer Briendle bat PesselAriella Berman Ariella Sarah bat Elisheva MalkaLian Sae Bloom Leah Sura bat Machla FeigelaCarol Kahn Sara Fayge bat Bluma

REFUAH SHLAYMAHFor members of BRS Community.

For all other Refuah Shlaymah needs, please see Tehillim Circle

BIRTHDAYSKeren Galbut Jerry Kaminetzky Yose f Marcu s Natanyah Siegel Jamie Berger Avi TansmanShari Hirth Sam Freedman Ariella Sides

YAHRZEITS Dr. David Brudnoy in memory of his father Simon Brudnoy, 5 TishreiRabbi Samuel Fox in memory of his father Isaac Fox, 5 TishreiMrs. Chayi Cohen in memory of her mother Rivka Naumberg, 5 TishreiMr. Howard Block in memory of his mother-in-law Sonia Prager, 5 Tishrei Mr. Jack Zwick in memory of his mother Leah Zwick, 5 TishreiMrs. Sheryl Strauss in memory of her stepmother Helene Shapiro, 6 TishreiRabbi Dr. Zvi Yehuda in memory of his father Jacob Yehuda, 6 Tishrei Mrs. Martha Griner in memory of her mother Rita Gila Arevalo, 7 TishreiMr. Channon Band in memory of his father Rubin Band, 7 Tishrei Mrs. Fay Wolkowicz in memory of her father Gedale Elbaum, 7 Tishrei Mr. Irving Malinowitz in memory of his sister Esther Kessler, 7 TishreiMrs. Georgina Rice in memory of her sister Suzanne Lilley, 7 Tishrei Mrs. Grace Rindsberg in memory of her father Meir Welwart, 7 TishreiMrs. Etoile Volin in memory of her brother Chaim Zrihen, 7 TishreiMr. Robert Strauss in memory of his grandmother Ethel Greenfield, 8 TishreiMrs. Doris Kurtzer in memory of her mother Leah Sadowsky, 8 Tishrei Mrs. Gabrielle Meyerowitz in memory of her father Arnold Valkin, 8 TishreiMr. Chayim Dimont in memory of his father Rabbi Albert Dimont, 9 Tishrei Dr. Harold Eisenman in memory of his mother Dorothy Eisenman, 9 TishreiMrs. Marilynne Mechanic in memory of her father Michael Weg, 9 TishreiMr. Stanley Haar in memory of his father Albert Haar, 10 Tishrei Mr. Leo Ehrlich in memory of his father Berish Ehrlich, 11 Tishrei Mrs. Shirley Eschwege in memory of her husband Henry Eschwege, 11 TishreiMr. Steve Lowenkron in memory of his mother Rella Lowenkron, 11 TishreiRabbi Leonard Small in memory of his father Israel Small, 11 TishreiMr. Avi Tansman in memory of his father Yechezkel Tancman, 11 TishreiMr. Lou Miller in memory of his grandmother Mrs. Sadie Goldberg, 12 TishreiDr. Cynthia March in memory of his father Eli March, 12 TishreiMrs. Ruda Berkowitz in memory of her mother Miriam Plewinski, 12 Tishrei Mr. Irv Smokler in memory of his mother Toba Smokler, 12 Tishrei

WELCOME NEW MEMBERSGil & Rachelle OvadiaMarco & Caroline RevahYossi & Chana RutmanYosef & Bella Mulayev

WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITYLeonard and Ilana PerlesJason Hocherman

APPRECIATIONJonathan (Yoni) Abrams would like to thank the Boca Raton Synagogue, Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Moskowitz, and all the members of the Shul and friends who helped and comforted him during his recent period of mourning.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDTo operate the page turners in the Rand Sanctuary and Social Hall on Yom Kippur If you are willing to help, please contact Matthew at [email protected]

MACHZORIM FOR HIGH HOLIDAYSWe highly encourage everyone to bring their own Machzor to Shul for Yom Kippur, as we do not have enough to service the entire community. Please make sure to put your name on the inside.

NEVER SPEND A YOM TOV MEAL ALONEBRS seeks to ensure that none of our single members spend a Yom Tov meal by themselves. To join our database and receive regular invitations, please email [email protected]. We are also putting together a Hachnasat Orchim committee of host homes. To volunteer to host, please email [email protected].


MOTHER’S CARE ROOMPlease be advised the mother’s care room will be open for Yom Kippur and available for mothers ONLY. No one should be entering this room for any other purpose than to nurse or change a baby’s diaper. We also ask that you keep the room clean for the next person.

SAFETYBaby carriages and strollers are not allowed in the Synagogue during High Holiday Services.

PLEASE DRESS WARMLYPlease note that the air conditioning has been lowered in all Minyan rooms due to the exceeding large crowd, please dress accordingly.

Women’s Night Out

BRS Salute on 9/11

Page 7: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should

ADULT EDUCATIONCLASS UPDATES• SICHOT OF THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE given by Rabbi Samuel Levine this Shabbat at 8:30 am in the Shtiebel Beis Midrash.• TEACHINGS OF THE BA’AL SHEM TOV Every Shabbat in the Shtiebel Beit Midrash, given by Bentzion Meltzer at 9:00 am.• RABBI ZVI YEHUDA weekly Parashat Ha’shavua class will take place this Shabbat at 9:15 am in the Board Room. • RABBINIC MIND with Rabbi Zvi Yehuda will be held this Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 7:45-8:45 am in the Board Room.• RABBI MOSKOWITZ’S Tuesday morning class will not be held this week. • ZUMBA CLASS for women will take place this Monday. For more information, please call (561) 394-5854. • PARSHAT HA’SHAVUA Parsha class will not be held this week. • ADVANCED KABBALAH: THE INNER, SPIRITUAL WISDOM OF THE TORAH Given by Shoshana Deakter will not be held this week. • MALKA MORRIS class on in-depth study of Sefer Yehoshua class will not be held this week. • MAKE TIME FOR LEARNING will resume next week with Rabbi Ben Gonsher.• JUDAISM A-Z with Rabbi Josh Broide on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm in the Board Room.• DAF YOMI class with Rabbi Ben Sugerman can be listened to any time of the day by visiting • MISHNA BERURA YOMI Every day, 15 minutes prior to Mincha, there will be a brief class studying that day’s portion of the Mishna Berura.• KARATE CLASS with Sensei Allen Girnun will resume after Sukkot.

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HALACHA YOMIBe part of thousands around the world learning a page of Mishna Berura each day. Join Rabbi Goldberg 15 minutes before Mincha, Sunday through Thursday. It is never too late to join and complete this amazing project.

SHALSHELET BAT MITZVAH PROGRAM BRS presents the 8th year of Shalshelet Bat Mitzvah program, starting Sunday morning, October 14, for Bat Mitzvah age girls and their mothers. Check your mail for more information, coming soon. Teachers are Michal Schochet and Rina Lanner. Any questions? Email [email protected].

RABBI GOLDBERG’S PARSHA CLASS will be on recess. The class will resume on Tuesday, October 16.




Coming Events from the Premiere Orthodox Jewish Youth Organization 

Oneg at the Zians’ residence this Friday night, September 21st at 9:15 PM.  The Zians are located at 7750 Lago Del Mar 

Dr. apt# 708, everyone is cordially invited. 

NCSY Shabbaton in Tampa bay Nov 9 – 11

NCSY is putting together their chapter board, anyone who is interested in joining should please speak with Rabbi

Zians, 516 451 2123 


Page 8: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should

Boca Raton SynagogueValuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity

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Pillar Society information brochures with additional information are available in the lobby. Please contact Matthew Hocherman at

[email protected] or (561) 491-2336.


Boca Raton Synagogue launched the Pillar Society four years ago to enable our synagogue to continue to offer the highest possible educational, religious, and social programming to our community. Your support of the Pillar Society will enable BRS to continue to offer these outstanding programs and services to our community and beyond. In these difficult economic times, when many of our members are struggling to even pay basic dues to the synagogue, your help is more critical than ever.


Lynn HahnDaniel & Caroline Katz

GOLDDr. Steven & Yael Charlap

Nachman & Jaime FeigHensha GansbourgGary & Judi Krasna

Lenoff FamilyDr. Michael & Dana Petrover

Mike SendersAnonymous

Joseph & Lisa BensmihenHoward & Bonnie Block

Mark & Tilda FisherDr. Ben & Cara FreedmanMichael & Barbara Frenkel

Drs. Charles & Simone GriffRabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg

Glen & Rosa GolishDr. Mervin & Elaine JacobsDr. David & Sharona Kay

Rabbi Tsvi & Shaindle KilsteinDrs. Joseph & Seema Loskove

Stephen & Linda MelcerDavid & Joyce Muller

Robert & Penny PearlmanDr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky

Zorik & Ellen SpektorTeddy & Linda Struhl

Michael & Risa ZimmermanAnonymousAnonymous

PLATINUMStanley & Ana Haar

Bernie & Melanie KaminetskyMartin & Ileana Flics

Lothar & Carlyn MayerMichael & Jill Rose

Larry & Deborah SilverENHANCED GOLD

List in formation


SILVERDr. Avraham & Elana Belizon

Dr. Hillel & Chayi CohenDr. Chanoch & Rachel HarowDr. Yehuda & Michal Marcus

Friday Night’s

at 6:00pm

in the

Senders Library


BASIC JUDAISMTuesday at 7:30pm

October 16th

Register at



October 17th

7:30pmRegister at

JUDAISM A-Z: This Thursday Night7:30pm In The BRS Board Room


Crash Course in


10/15/2012 At 7:30pm

in the BRS

Board Room


Page 9: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should

Please have in mind children and grandchildren of members of our community currently serving in the IDF: Amiel Abir, Julian Gordon, Ben Weiss, Asher Kaplan, Orelia Elkaim, Menachem Kaplan, Shabtai Kaplan, Jeremy Siegman, Noam Ivri (Makover), Evan Pelz, Charlie Pollack, Yakov Simcha ben Moshe Yisroel, Yehuda Strauss, Liel Reinfeld, Amichai Berman, Matt Firestone, and

Mordechai Wolfson. If you have children or grandchildren currently serving in the IDF, please let us know their names so we can include them.

Please have in mind our missing in action Israeli Soldiers



WOMEN’S MIKVAH The hours for the Women’s Mikvah are Sunday through Thursday, 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm (last appointment is at 9:30 pm). For Friday and Yom Tov appointments, please call three days in advance. On Saturday and Fast Days, open an hour after Havadalah, for only 1 hour thereafter. In order to better assist you every day, appointments are strongly advised. Please

call (561) 394-5854. BOCA RATON COMMUNITY ERUV

The Boca Raton Community Eruv is in need of funds. It is now possible to sponsor the Eruv for a particular Shabbat for $360. Donations can now also be made through our website or by contacting Chani Salamon at (561) 392-1026 for more information. Please help, as we ALL benefit from the Eruv. The Eruv is something we all rely on and often take for granted. If you have not yet contributed, please consider doing so in order to ensure that the Eruv can be checked and maintained.

CHESEDIf you are in need or would like to volunteer for our Chesed committee, please contact Michal Marcus at (917) 804-6924. Many volunteer opportunities are available, including helping new moms, rides to doctors, and meals for the bereaved.

MUSICAL CHEVRAThe Musical Chevra meets monthly to listen and enjoy classical and popular music. For details, please contact Moshe Leib or Ruth Stuart at [email protected]

MAIMONIDES SOCIETY The Caring Doctors Project aims to pair medically uninsured people of South Palm Beach County with doctors who have agreed to care for them free of charge. Created by Jewish Family Services and sponsored by Project Access of the Palm Beach County Medical Society and the BRS Maimonides Society, it offers participating doctors sovereign immunity for their work.

YOUNG BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS The Young Business Professionals (YBP) is a new initiative for young members of our community ages 25-35, who are looking to grow in their professional and business skills, and for a chance to participate in community leadership opportunities. For more information and registration, please contact Gil Stein at [email protected].


SOCIAL ACTIONIn 2009, American development worker Alan Gross was arrested, convicted in a sham trial, and sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Castro regime for trying to help Cuba’s Jewish Community connect to the internet. The White House and State Department’s repeated calls for the release of Mr. Gross have been ignored.

Write or call President Obama and Secretary Clinton to press for stronger support to free Alan Gross. President Barack Obama (202) 456.1111 Hillary Clinton (202) 647.4000 the date: On Thursday evening, October 25, the SAC will be honored to host Caroline Glick, our first guest speaker of 5773. Ms. Glick is an American-Israeli journalist for Makor Rishon and is the Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post. She is also the Senior Fellow for Middle East Affairs of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy. Details to follow.


BIKUR CHOLIMWanted: Kind, good listener, dependable, volunteer(s) needed to visit patients in a hospital setting. One day/wk. Will train. Benefits: No 401(k) or paid vacation, just Mitzvot in the bank and a good feeling about yourself. Call Stan (561) 362-7345.

Boca Raton SynagogueValuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity

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Sisterhood Membership Forms have been mailed out, and should have arrived in your mailbox. If you would like more information about or to become involved with the Sisterhood, please email [email protected]. Looking forward to a great year.

Rachel Harow and Lysee Stein.

PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERSAba Chonah ben Hava Chana - Alan GrossAmerican Jew Alan Gross has been wrongly held in a Cuban prison since December 2009. Since that time, Alan’s physical and emotional state has deteriorated. He has lost over one hundred pounds and has suffered partial paralysis. Join us to call upon the Cuban government and the international community for the immediate release of Alan on humanitarian grounds. For more information and to get involved, visit

Yehonatan ben Malka - Jonathan PollardJonathan Pollard has been imprisoned in the United States since 1987. While working as an American civilian intelligence analyst, Pollard has admitted to passing classified information to Israel. Although even his most ardent supporters agree that he was in the wrong and guilty, the nature and length of his imprisonment is disproportionate and unparalleled. Join a multitude of prominent politicians, officials from the national intelligence world and the legal world who have called for Pollard’s sentence to be commuted. For more information and to sign a petition, visit

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GEMARA FOR BEGINNERS WITH RABBI YAAKOV DRANG Rabbi  Yaakov  Drang  gives  a  Gemara Brachot  Shiur  after  Shabbat  Mincha  for boys in grades 5‐7. On summer break!  

 JUNIOR CONGREGATION  Make sure to come on time this week to JuCo.  The  fun begins  every  Shabbat  at 10:00  am.   Get  ready  for  amazing Davening, Parsha, guest speakers, games, talent, and of course great prizes.  KIDS HASHKAMA CHABURA Rabbi Gershon Eisenberger, Boca’s new star Rebbe, will be conducting a post Hashkama Minyan  Chabura  for  boys  at  9:30  am  in Room  102  in  the  Jacobs  and  Rubin  Youth and  Senior Center.  Make  sure  to  come on time for the special kids Kiddush!  


Why should teens have a Minyan on Yom Kippur?

Although this might be a shock to some readers, teens have trouble sitting through a six hour Davening – especially when they don’t understand what they’re saying. This year we aim to educate and inspire with a teen centered Minyan. It’s the same Davening…only one where the teens will want to be there!

This coming Yom Kippur will be different.

BRS High Holiday Teen Minyan SIGN UP TODAY!

Celebrating Our Teens by Rabbi Uri PilichowskiThis Week We Celebrate Our BRS Group Leaders How does one get invited to a leader dinner? If your answer is by leading, your answer is incomplete. As a metric, leadership is very hard to measure. One needs to act in a manner befitting modeling. To lead, one must have followers, and, most importantly, to lead one must take on a leadership position. Our BRS group leaders have done all three. One onlyhad to stop by groups on Rosh Hashana to see our superb leaders taking time out of their own Tefilot toteach our BRS youth all about Rosh Hashana to see excellent modeling. They followed up the amazing Shofar blowing by Rabbi Yaakov Green, with lessons on the three different sounds, explanations of the special Tefilot, and games specifically designed with Rosh Hashana in mind. What was especially gratifying was the excitement our children showed when the leaders entered the room. Unlike their weekly Shabbat experience, on Rosh Hashana our children were met in their rooms by strangers who were there to babysit. Our children desperately wanted their leaders to come play and teach. When our leaders entered the room, the smiles – sometimes sixty in a room – showed just how connected our children are to their group leaders. Most impressive is how each and every one of our group leaders have taken on a leadership position each Shabbat morning. These leaders give up their personal Shabbat for the benefit of our community and we should celebrate them. In fact we are – this Friday night at our home with a leader dinner!


Sounds pretty simple, right? It actually isn't. How do we advertise all the wonderful events for our teens? One way is through mass texting. We're asking all teens and their parents to text their names, cell #'s and grade to 561.739.2150. Thanks!


Boca Raton, FL - Boca Raton Synagogue is encouraging all teenagers, from grades 7 through 12, to attend the teen Shabbat Shuva Drasha this Shabbat, September 22 at 4:45 pm in the Berdugo Beit Midrash. The title of the Drasha is “Shabbat: Counting Down for Shabbos to Begin Instead of Counting Down For It to End” The Drasha will focus on whether or not Shabbat is a day of no’s or yeses. The

contention will be that Shabbat is a day of yeses and will begin by asking if a person who sleeps through an entire Shabbat has fulfilled the Mitzvah of Shabbos or is there more required of them? The goal of the Drasha will be to create an appreciation of Shabbat among our teens. The hope is that the uniqueness of Shabbat can carry throughout the week.

Pro‐Israel Teens with Ambassador Bolton   


Page 11: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should

Sponsor the BRS Weekly in honor of a special Simcha, or in memory of a loved one. The cost is only $54. Business card size ads Only $50 a week or $180 for a month.

Full and Half page Ad’s are also available. Call Kerry in the Shul office (561)394-0394.

Are you looking to give Tzedaka on a virtual Pushka? THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT!

Are you looking to ask Anonymous halachic questions?

THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT!Need a list of Kosher restaurants in our area?

What time is Mincha? THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT!Want to listen to a recent class or see pictures from a recent event?


Get the BRS app for Android and Apple products in the APP store by searching BRS!


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Dinners • Any Simcha • Any Occasion


ALAN S. VEINGRADFinancial & insurance strategies

2255 Glades Rd., Suite 324ABoca Raton, FL

Office: (561) 988-8737

Page 12: Boca Raton Synagogue · Our Rabbis teach us, birchos hedyot, al tiheye kalla b’einecha. Even the blessing of a regular person should

Dr. & Mrs. Prosper AbitbolMr. & Mrs. Jonathan AbramsMr. Daniel & Dr. Liora Adler

Mr. & Mrs. Michael AdlerMs. Andrea Alpern

Mr. & Mrs. Steve ArbeitmanMr. & Mrs. Joshua Ballew

Mr. & Mrs. Barry BardMr. & Mrs. Z’ev Bari

Dr. Mark & Lisa Barnett Barbara Barry

Dr. Albert & Mrs. Evelyn BegasDr. & Mrs. Avi Belizon

Mr. Kenneth BenderMr. & Mrs. Ariel BerdugoMr. & Mrs. Ron Berman

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph BensmihenAri & Andrea Bernstein

Mr. & Mrs. Howard BlockSelma Bonchek

Rabbi & Mrs. Josh BroideMr. & Mrs. Keith Brooks

Dr. & Mrs. Issy BrukMr. & Mrs. Jonathan Charm

Mr. Donny & Dr. Freyda CohenDr. Mark & Helen Cohan

Mrs. Jean CohenDrs. Eli & Orlie Cohen

Mrs. Susan CristinaDr. & Mrs. Daniel Deakter

Mr. & Mrs. Chayim DimontMr. & Mrs. Leo Ehrlich

Mr. & Mrs. Murray EisenbergRabbi & Mrs. Gershon Eisenberger

Dr. Harold EisenmanRabbi & Mrs. Adam Englander

Mr. & Mrs. Dimitry FeiginRabbi & Mrs. Reuven Feinberg

Mr. & Mrs. David FeldanMr. & Mrs. Libo FinebergMr. & Mrs. Martin FlicsRabbi & Mrs. Josh Flug

Dr. & Mrs. Ben FreedmanRabbi & Mrs. Simcha Freedman

Dr. Samuel & Lisa Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frenkel


Harold & Mimi FurstDiane Geffen

Jonathan Gildin Allen & Shirley Girnun

Rabbi & Mrs. Efrem GoldbergMr. & Mrs. Murray GoldbergMr. & Mrs. Ralph Goldberg

Rabbi Benjamin & Mrs. Aviva GonsherDaniella Greer

Mr. & Mrs. Joshua GrajowerMr. & Mrs. Steven Greenfield

Mr. Jeff GreenmanDrs. Charles & Simone Griff

Mr. & Mrs. Shaya GrinerMr. & Mrs. Steven Gross Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Haar

Mrs. Lynn HahnLarry & Debra Halperin

Mr. & Mrs. Brauch Harris Drs. Samuel & Anita Heering

Mr. & Mrs. Zev HermanMr. & Mrs. Dani Hiller

Lawrence HirschRabbi & Mrs. Avi Hochman

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew HochermanArnold & Carol Hordish

Rabbi & Mrs. Benjamin HorowitzDr. & Mrs. Mervin Jacobs

Sharon Jason Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Jarashow

Dr. Saul & Mrs. Carol Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Shimmie Kaminetsky

Dr. & Mrs. Bernie KaminetskyMr. & Mrs. Jerry Kaminetzky

Mr. & Mrs. Noam KaminetzkyMr. & Mrs. Daniel Kaskel

Rabbi Yosef & Mrs. Shoshana KassorlaMr. & Mrs. Daniel Katz

Dr. Aaron & Mrs. Yvette KaweblumDr. & Mrs. David Kay

Dr. Jay & Melissa Keehn Rabbi David & Mrs. Donna Kinberg

Ms. Susan King

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey KleinMr. Theo Klewansky & Mrs. Jacquie Padow

Mr. Steven KohlhagenMr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kranzler

Mr. Yaakov KronfeldDr. & Mrs. Evan Landau

Lenoff FamilyDr. David & Mrs. Marissa Levenson

Dr. & Mrs. Stuart LevineMr. & Mrs. Elliot Levontin

Ms. Linda LevyDr. & Mrs. Gary Lieber

Mr. & Mrs. Alan LiebermanMr. & Mrs. Nosson Lord

Ira & Jackie Lome Mr. & Mrs. Daniel LunskiMr. & Mrs. Jeremy Lurie

Dr. Eytan & Mrs. Devorah MarcusDr. & Mrs. Yehuda MarcusDavid & Reena Makover

Drs. Michael & Merna MatilskyMr. & Mrs. Lothar Mayer

Marcus Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Bentzion Meltzer

Mr. & Mrs. Max MerguiMr. & Mrs. Trevor Meyerowtiz

Mr. & Mrs. Lou MillerRabbi & Mrs. Moshe MintzMr. & Mrs. Simon Mirsky

Mr. & Mrs. Norman MordkofskyRabbi Joel & Mrs. Malka Morris

Dr. Steve MorrisMs. Haya Mosheioff

Rabbi Philip & Mrs. Arielle Moskowitz

Mr. & Mrs. David MullerMr. Steven Nichol

Mr. & Mrs. Howard NovenKen & Elana Ostroff

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Ostrofsky Rabbi Dr. Avi & Mrs. Ahava Oppenheimer

Mr. & Mrs. Tzvi PearlsteinMs. Bonnie Pesacov

Mr. & Mrs. Leo PetroverDov & Tammy Pickholt

Mr. Jacob & Mrs. Beth Plotkin Mrs. Rosa Polen & Family

Kian PurcellMs. Jill Putney

Lowell RabinowitzMr. & Mrs. Gene Rice

Dr. Harold & Mrs. Donna RichterRabbi & Mrs. Joseph Rischall

Mr. & Mrs. Michael RoseDr. & Mrs. Jonathan Rosman

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel RubinMr. & Mrs. George Saks

Dr. Bennett & Mrs. Chani SalamonMrs. Cindy Schaeffer

Mr. & Mrs. Martin SchandelsonMs. Andrea Scharlat

Mr. & Mrs. Michael ScheinerDr. Steven & Mrs. Andreia Schwartz

Mr. Mike SendersMs. Shelley Senfeld

Mr. & Mrs. Joe SharpMr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheinbein

Mr. Joel SherrowDr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Siegel

Mr. & Mrs. Larry SilverMr. & Mrs. Robert Silver

Ms. Natalie Oppenheim SilvermanMr. & Mrs. Stuart Silverman

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander SkoczylasMrs. Rosalie Somsky

Dr. Zorik & Mrs. Ellen SpektorDr. & Mrs. Carmi StadlanMr. & Mrs. Robert Strauss

Mrs. Agneta StengelRabbi & Mrs. Ben Sugerman

Dr. MonicaWendy SwireMs. Andrea Tait

Mr. & Mrs. Hommy TannenbaumMrs. Ellyn Tanenberg

Rabbi Perry & Mrs. Miriam TirschwellDrs. Amiel & Edna Tokayer

Dr. Fred & Flora Tow Mr. & Mrs. Howard Trachtenberg

Mr. Alan VeingradMrs. Hanna WagnerCantor & Ida Wax

Stuart Wax Dr. & Mrs. Neal Weinreb

Mr. & Mrs. Solomon WolffDr. David & Mrs. Maxine Wolgin

Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey WolkowiczBarry Yeckes

Mr. & Mrs. Michael ZimmermanMr. & Mrs. Philip Zimmerman

Mrs. Janet Zwiebel