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Form Revised: 1/2018 BOARD OF REGENTS BRIEFING PAPER 1. AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Procedures & Guidelines Manual Revisions, Student Fees MEETING DATE: December 5-6, 2019 2. BACKGROUND & POLICY CONTEXT OF ISSUE: Procedures and Guidelines Manual Chapter 7, Section 12 (Student Fees) and Section 13 (Special Course Fees) The Board of Regents approves Registration Fees and Tuition, Student Fees and Special Course Fees per Board policy. The Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 17, Section 23, sets the conditions under which student fees may be assessed. The language of this section of the Handbook also requires that mandatory fees be reviewed and approved by the Board of Regents. Similarly, the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 17, Section 25, sets the conditions under which Special Course Fees may be assessed. This section of the Handbook requires Board approval for all Special Course Fees greater than $50.00 per course and specifies the activities to which these fees apply. Each of the proposed changes in Student Fees and Special Course Fees has been thoroughly considered at the campus level. In the process of considering changes to the fee structures, students at each of the campuses and at undergraduate and graduate levels as appropriate, have been involved in the fee committee deliberations. As in prior years, Attachment A contains an Executive Summary of the proposed changes in Student Fees. The current list of the Board approved Student Fees, including proposed changes is contained within Attachment B. The proposed changes in Student Fees that have been submitted by the campuses are also presented in a format that includes information about the number of students affected by the proposed changes. Attachment C contains spreadsheets with information regarding proposed changes in Student Fees, Special Course Fees, Residence Hall and Food Service Rates. All fees proposed in the request will be effective the Fall of 2020 semester. 3. SPECIFIC ACTIONS BEING RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED: Chief Financial Officer Andrew Clinger requests approval of proposed Procedures and Guidelines Manual revisions addressing special fee and student fee changes for NSHE institutions. These fees include changes to student fees, special course fees, residence hall rates at UNR and food service rates at UNLV and UNR. 4. IMPETUS (WHY NOW?): To allow for appropriate planning for the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year. 5. CHECK THE NSHE STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL THAT IS SUPPORTED BY THIS REQUEST: Access (Increase participation in post-secondary education) Success (Increase student success) Close the Achievement Gap (Close the achievement gap among underserved student populations) Workforce (Collaboratively address the challenges of the workforce and industry education needs of Nevada) Research (Co-develop solutions to the critical issues facing 21 st century Nevada and raise the overall research profile) Not Applicable to NSHE Strategic Plan Goals INDICATE HOW THE PROPOSAL SUPPORTS THE SPECIFIC STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL 6. BULLET POINTS TO SUPPORT REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION: These fees were identified by the institutions as necessary to support programs and/or level of service for these activities. Please see Attachment C for individual fee rationale. (BOARD OF REGENTS 12/05/19 & 12/06/19) Ref. BOR-28, Page 1 of 75

BOARD OF REGENTS BRIEFING PAPER - Nevada System of Higher ...

May 05, 2022



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Page 1: BOARD OF REGENTS BRIEFING PAPER - Nevada System of Higher ...

Form Revised: 1/2018


1. AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Procedures & Guidelines Manual Revisions, Student Fees

MEETING DATE: December 5-6, 2019

2. BACKGROUND & POLICY CONTEXT OF ISSUE: Procedures and Guidelines Manual Chapter 7, Section 12 (Student Fees) and Section 13 (Special Course Fees) – The Board of Regents approves Registration Fees and Tuition, Student Fees and Special Course Fees per Board policy. The Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 17, Section 23, sets the conditions under which student fees may be assessed. The language of this section of the Handbook also requires that mandatory fees be reviewed and approved by the Board of Regents. Similarly, the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 17, Section 25, sets the conditions under which Special Course Fees may be assessed. This section of the Handbook requires Board approval for all Special Course Fees greater than $50.00 per course and specifies the activities to which these fees apply. Each of the proposed changes in Student Fees and Special Course Fees has been thoroughly considered at the campus level. In the process of considering changes to the fee structures, students at each of the campuses and at undergraduate and graduate levels as appropriate, have been involved in the fee committee deliberations. As in prior years, Attachment A contains an Executive Summary of the proposed changes in Student Fees. The current list of the Board approved Student Fees, including proposed changes is contained within Attachment B. The proposed changes in Student Fees that have been submitted by the campuses are also presented in a format that includes information about the number of students affected by the proposed changes. Attachment C contains spreadsheets with information regarding proposed changes in Student Fees, Special Course Fees, Residence Hall and Food Service Rates. All fees proposed in the request will be effective the Fall of 2020 semester. 3. SPECIFIC ACTIONS BEING RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED: Chief Financial Officer Andrew Clinger requests approval of proposed Procedures and Guidelines Manual revisions addressing special fee and student fee changes for NSHE institutions. These fees include changes to student fees, special course fees, residence hall rates at UNR and food service rates at UNLV and UNR. 4. IMPETUS (WHY NOW?): To allow for appropriate planning for the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year. 5. CHECK THE NSHE STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL THAT IS SUPPORTED BY THIS REQUEST:

Access (Increase participation in post-secondary education) Success (Increase student success) Close the Achievement Gap (Close the achievement gap among underserved student populations) Workforce (Collaboratively address the challenges of the workforce and industry education needs of Nevada) Research (Co-develop solutions to the critical issues facing 21st century Nevada and raise the overall

research profile) Not Applicable to NSHE Strategic Plan Goals

INDICATE HOW THE PROPOSAL SUPPORTS THE SPECIFIC STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL 6. BULLET POINTS TO SUPPORT REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION: These fees were identified by the institutions as necessary to support programs and/or level of service for these activities. Please see Attachment C for individual fee rationale.

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Form Revised: 1/2018

7. POTENTIAL ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION: Fee increases may make it more difficult for students to meet financial obligations.

8. ALTERNATIVE(S) TO WHAT IS BEING REQUESTED/RECOMMENDED: To reduce the number of programs and/or level of service and support for campus services. 9. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE CHANCELLOR’S OFFICE: 10. COMPLIANCE WITH BOARD POLICY:

Consistent With Current Board Policy: Title #__4__ Chapter #__17__ Section #__23, 25 and 27___ Amends Current Board Policy: Title #_____ Chapter #_____ Section #_______ Amends Current Procedures & Guidelines Manual: Chapter #__7__ Section #__12-16___ Other:________________________________________________________________________ Fiscal Impact: Yes__X___ No _______

Explain:_Special fees represent extraordinary costs associated with specific programs, services or summer registration. Special fee supported budgets that meet the reporting threshold of $250,000 will be reported in the Self-Supporting Budget report.

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The following is a list of proposed changes:

Student Fees

UNLV New Fee: • Graduate Professional and Career Development Fee - The new fee will allow the

Graduate College to continue providing outstanding career and professionaldevelopment, skills training, and community building events, workshops, andservices to support graduate student success to expand their free offering throughthe Professional Development Academy, and to increase the types of studentsupport offered in the new Graduate Gateway building space beginning in fall 2019.

• UNLVSOM Visiting Medical Student Application Fee – The new fee is consistent withUNR’s Visiting Student Elective Fee and competitive with other fees at peer schools.Medical schools throughout the U.S. offer visiting four-week clinical elective to recruitapplicants for residency programs. Fees will be used to offset administrative andpersonnel costs.

Revised Fee: • GPSA Graduate Special Fee – This fee has remained constant over approximately

10 years. During this time, the budget for student awards has increased as a result ofdemand from students while the amount of revenue from the fee has not. Theincrease will allow GPSA to continue to provide services, awards, assistance toassociation members as well as staffing and new initiatives.

• University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine Student Research Project Fee,Years 2 & 3 – UNLVSOM is proposing a fee structure change from $500 per yearover four years to $1,000 for just two years. No change to the total amount perstudent.

• William S. Boyd School of Law Student Activity Fee – The Law School StudentActivity Fee funds student orientation and graduation receptions; studentorganization meetings, events, and activities; travel to national organization meetingsand participation in competitions. The fee has not been increased since the lawschool’s inception in 1998. The increase will provide support to expand activities andthe associated higher costs. An additional proposed change is from per semester toper credit which will provide parity between full-time and part-time students.

UNR New Fee: • University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Fitness Fee – The fee is to expand

the collection to include UNR School of Medicine students and will providemembership to the E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center facilities.

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• University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Graduation Fee – Funds to support the cost of hooding and award ceremony for fourth year graduating medical students, which is in addition to the University’s global graduation fee.

Revised Fee: • Counseling Services – The last fee increase occurred 5 years ago. Due to the

additional staff and resources needed to provide services to the significant increase in students, current funding is not sufficient to support the program. The fee increase will be incremental in fall 2020 and fall 2021.

• Student Association Fee – The ASUN fee has not changed since 2008 and there has been significant increase in students and use of programs offered by the ASUN. The increase fee revenue will allow the association to continue current initiatives which include Campus Escort, technology, student publications, clubs & organizations, diversity initiatives, and student officer wages.

• University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine National BME Subject Exam and

Prep Fee Year 1, 2, 3 & 4 – At the request of School of Medicine Students, the increase to the fee is to expand National Board of Medical Examiners’ testing to include prep and testing at all four years for better preparation for national licensing exams. The fee will include NBME exams, assessment tools for progress and performance, and subscription fees.

NSC Revised Fee:

• Technology Fee – Regular – The increase Technology Fee is to cover the rising cost of and upgrades to technology services and infrastructure.

CSN New Fee:

• Application Fee – Limited Entry Health Sciences Programs – The fee will promote qualified and complete applications to be submitted versus the current labor-intensive process. Funds will also be utilized for travel, software, supplies, administrative costs, and professional development for health program advisors.

Revised Fee: • School of Health Sciences – CSN Dental Hygiene Instruments Year 1 (optional to

purchase through CSN) – The fee for instruments is being increased to match the amounts that are currently being charged to students. CSN provides this purchasing option as a convenience.

• School of Health Sciences – CSN Dental Hygiene Instruments Year 2 (optional to

purchase through CSN) – The fee for instruments is being increased to match the amounts that are currently being charged to students. CSN provides this purchasing option as a convenience.

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• Technology Fee – Regular – The Technology Fee is being increased to align with theincreasing cost and need for software applications and hardware to support studentexperience and delivery.

GBC Revised Fee: • Technology Fee – The cost of keeping up with technology in the classrooms, student

computer labs, wireless access, and other related infrastructure is ever increasing.The increase is needed in order to provide adequate technology to the students toassist them in obtaining success of their educational goals.

WNC Revised Fee: • Technology Fee – Regular – Technology has continued to evolve in our classrooms

as well as integrating the classroom with online instruction incorporating the latest technology into our classrooms continues to become more expensive. The fee increase will allow WNC to continue to incorporate cutting edge technology in all facets of the learning environment and provide students with the tools they will need to be successful.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF SPECIAL COURSE FEES Special Course Fees It is the policy of the Board of Regents that the registration fee be the only fee assessed for taking a course except as outlined in this section. The reasons for these exceptions are extraordinary instruction costs due to: (a) individual instruction (e.g., private music lessons), (b) class supplies, course-specific software, and specialized equipment (e.g., welding equipment and materials), (c) third party charges for use of a facility (e.g., golf). (d) special transportation requirements, or (e) extraordinary instructional costs (e.g., intensive supervision, support or additional technical expertise required for the delivery of the course), (f) some combination of these reasons. Responsibility for implementing this policy is delegated to the presidents up to a maximum of $50.00 per course. Courses requiring fees higher than $50.00 require Board of Regents approval and are as follows (institutions may charge up to the amount approved): UNLV New Course Fees:

• EGG 202, Second Year Hands-on Design Experiences; $150.00/course • LAW 790, Comparative Gaming Law: Asia Study Tour; $2,300.00/course • MUS 321, Studio Recording III; $150.00/course • MUS 335, On Location Audio Recording; $150.00/course • MUS 350, The Theory & Application of Microphones; $150.00/course • MUS 433, Advanced HD & Surround Sound; $150.00/course • MUS 434, Mastering Audio; $150.00/course • MUS 435, Large Venue Sound Reproduction; $150.00/course • MUS 439, Advanced Studio Production; $150.00/course • MUS 460, Music Technology Senior Program; $150.00/course • PEX 139, Wilderness Skills; $105.00/course

Revised Course Fees:

• CED 741, Practicum; from $25.00/course to $225.00/course • CED 751, Internship in Counseling; from $25.00/course to $125.00/course • EDSP 691, Student Teaching in Special Education: course prefix correction

(became ESP 691) • PEX 106, Canoeing; catalog change correction • PEX 107, Golf; catalog change correction (became PEX 117) • PEX 116A, Scuba Diving; catalog change correction (became PEX 105) • PEX 120D, Swim Instructor; catalog change correction (became PEX 106) • PEX 120E, Lifeguard; catalog change correction (became PEX 106B) • PEX 143, Rock Climbing; catalog change correction (became PEX 134) • PEX 153, Bowling; from $20.00/course to $65.00/course • PEX 170, Winter Camping and Travel; catalog change correction (became

PEX 181) • PEX 182, Obstacle Course Training (Beginner); course name correction

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• PGM 110, Introduction to PGA Golf Management; from $2,085.00/course to $2,095.00/course and course name correction

• PGM 201, Golf Facility Management Level 1; from $2,455.00/course to $2,200.00/course and course name correction

• PGM 301, Golf Facility Management Level 2; from $2,395.00/course to $2,420.00/course and course name correction

• PGM 401, Golf Facility Management Level 3 (Fall 2020 only); from $2,270.00/course to $2,390.00/course

• PGM 402, Teaching & Coaching Level 3 (Spring 2021 forward); catalog change correction

Deleted Course Fees • PEX 116B, Scuba Diving; course no longer being offered • PEX 126, Desert Hiking & Survival Skills; course no longer being offered • PEX 169 Back Country; course no longer being offered

UNR New Course Fees:

• COLA 109, NevadaFit; $250.00/course • MUSE 117, Precision Drill Workshop; $250.00/course • THTR 121, Stage Make-up; $100.00/course

Revised Course Fees: • ART 141, Introduction to Digital Photography; catalog change correction • ART 212, Ceramics II; catalog change correction • ART 221, Beginning Printmaking: Intaglio; catalog change correction • ART 223: Beginning Printmaking: Screen Printing; catalog change correction • ART 317, Intermediate Sculpture; catalog change correction • ART 416, Advanced Sculpture; catalog change correction • ART 417/617, Problems in Sculpture; catalog change correction • BCH 406/606, Molecular Biology Laboratory; catalog change correction • BIOL 406/606 Molecular Biology Laboratory; catalog change correction • CEP 770, Internship in Counseling; catalog change correction • ECE 493, Supervised Internship in Early Childhood Education; catalog

change correction • EDU 109, NevadaFit, catalog change correction • EDUC 585A, Supervised Internship, Integrated Elementary/Special

Education; catalog change correction • IAFF 300, Model United Nations; catalog change correction • REM 460/660, Rangeland Resource Management; catalog change correction • REM 498/698, Rangeland Restoration Ecology; catalog change correction • NURS 318, Nursing Care of the Individual 1: Practice; catalog change

correction • NURS 750, Advanced Health Assessment; catalog change correction

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NSC New Course Fees: • NURS 308; $120.00/course • NURS 328; $120.00/course • NURS 428; $120.00/course • NURS 484; $100.00/course

Deleted Course Fees: • NURS 304; fee no longer charged for this course • NURS 448; fee no longer charged for this course

CSN New Couse Fees:

• DT 150B, Diesel Hydraulics, $65.00/course • WELD 100B, Introduction to Welding; $85.00/course

Revised Course Fee: • AUTO 105B, Automotive Maintenance I; from $50.00/course to $65.00/course • AUTO 115B, Automotive Electricity and Electronics I; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • AUTO 117B, Advanced Automotive Electronics; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • AUTO 136B, Engine Repair; from $50.00/course to $65.00/course • AUTO 145B, Automotive Brakes; from $50.00/course to $65.00/course • AUTO 155B, Steering and Suspension; from $50.00/course to $65.00/course • AUTO 165B, Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • AUTO 185B, Introduction to Alternative Fueled Vehicles; from $50.00/course

to $65.00/course • AUTO 205B, Manual Drivetrain and Axles; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • AUTO 216B, Automatic Transmissions; $50.00/course to $65.00/course • AUTO 225B, Engine Performance I/Fuel and Ignition; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • AUTO 227B, Engine Performance II/Emission Control; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • AUTO 235B, Engine Performance III/Diagnostics; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • AUTO 240B, Nevada 1G Emission Inspection Preparation; from

$50.00/course to $65.00/course • AUTO 245B, Power Train Removal and Replacement; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • AUTO 285B, Hybrid Vehicle Service Techniques; from $50.00/course to

$65.00/course • DT 104, Diesel Equipment Service; from $49.00/course to $65.00/course

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• DT 115, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Electrical Systems; from $49.00/course to $65.00/course

• DT 117, Advanced Diesel/Heavy Equipment Electronics; from $49.00/course to $65.00/course

• DT 136, Diesel Engine Repair I; from $49.00/course to $65.00/course • DT 138, Diesel Engine Repair II; from $49.00/course to $65.00/course • DT 145, Diesel Brake Systems; from $49.00/course to $65.00/course • DT 155, Steering Suspension and Hydraulic Directional Controls; from

$49.00/course to $65.00/course • DT 165, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Heating, Air Conditioning; from

$49.00/course to $65.00/course • DT 205, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Drivetrain and Axles; from $49.00/course to


TMCC New Course Fees:

• EIT 437, Computer and Analog Control; $50.00/course • EIT 468, Advanced Control Systems; $50.00/course • ELM 240, Advanced Manufacturing and Robotic Systems; $50.00/course • ELM 333, Process Control Instrumentation II; $50.00/course • ELM 340, Robotic Programming Offline; $50.00/course • ELM 440, Collaborative Robot Design and Operation; $50.00/course • ME 330, Introduction to System Dynamics; $50.00/course • MPT 311, Laser Scanning Methods/Techniques; $50.00/course • MPT 312, Industry 4.0/Cyber Physical Manufacturing; $50.00/course • MPT 325, Digital Inspection/Quality Control; $50.00/course • MPT 340, Computer Simulations and Analysis; $50.00/course • MPT 343, Design and Manufacturing Process II; $50.00/course • MPT 351, 3D Vision Technology; $50.00/course • MPT 363, Manufacturing Execution Systems; $50.00/course • MPT 412, Advanced Digital Inspection, $50.00/course • MPT 415, Simulation of Manufacturing Systems; $50.00/course • WELD 215, Introduction to Welding Fabrication Techniques; $300.00/course • WELD 280, Introduction to Robotic Welding; $100.00/course

Revised Course Fees: • EMS 115, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician; from $50.00/course to

$100.00/course • EMS 211, Paramedic Care for Medical Emergencies and ACLS; from

$300.00/course to $150.00/course • EMS 212, Paramedic Trauma Emergencies and ITLS; from $300.00/course to

$150.00/course • EMS 214, Pediatrics & Special Consideration for Para/Pals; from

$200.00/course to $100.00/course

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• EMS 217, Field Internship for the Paramedic; from $500.00/course to$300.00/course

• WELD 211, Welding I; from $50.00/course to $80.00/course• WELD 212, Welding I Practice; from $50.00/course to $80.00/course• WELD 221, Welding II; from $50.00/course to $80.00/course• WELD 222, Welding II Practice; from $50.00/course to $80.00/course• WELD 225, Independent Study; from $50.00/course to $100.00/course• WELD 231, Welding III; from $50.00/course to $80.00/course• WELD 232, Welding III Practice; from $50.00/course to $80.00/course• WELD 241, Welding IV; from $50.00/course to $80.00/course• WELD 242, Welding IV Practice; from $50.00/course to $80.00/course• WELD 250, Welding Certification Preparation; from $50.00/course to


Deleted Course Fees: • EMS 216, Hospital Clinical Experience for the Paramedic;

WNC New Course Fees: • AIT 101, Fundamentals of Applied Industrial Technology; $180.00/course• AIT 102, Measurement Tools and Methods; $180.00/course• AIT 103, Introduction to Machine Tool Technologies; $180.00/course• AIT 121, Electrical Control Systems; $180.00/course• ART 214, Introduction to Book Art: Intersection of Art and Design;

$45.00/course• CIT 114, IT Essentials; $30.00/course• CIT 128, Introduction to Software Development; $30.00/course• CSCO 220, Cisco Internetworking Acad III; $30.00/course• CSCO 221, Cisco Internetworking Acad IV; $30.00/course• GRC 116, Introduction to Digital Art and Design; $30.00/course• GRC 200, Design Thinking & Methodologies; $30.00/course• GRC 210, Typography I, $30.00/course• GRC 220, Graphic Design I; $30.00/course• GRC 282, Motion Graphics for Video; $30.00/course

Revised Course Fees: • AIT 200, Applied Industrial Technology Projects; from $50.00/course to

$350.00/course• AIT 250, Mechatronics: Electrical Components; from $50.00/course to

$200.00/course• AIT 270, Mechatronics II: Process Control Technologies; from $50.00/course

to $200.00/course• ART 211, Ceramics I; from $30.00/course to $45.00/course• ART 212, Ceramics II; from $30.00/course to $45.00/course

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• LTE 102, Applied Phlebotomy; from $35.00/course to $60.00/course • WELD 211, Welding I; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 212, Welding I Practice; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 221, Welding II; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 222, Welding II Practice; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 224, Welding Projects; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 231, Welding III; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 232, Welding III Practice; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 241, Welding IV; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 242, Welding IV Practice; from $80.00/course to $100.00/course • WELD 250, Welding Certification Preparation; from $80.00/course to


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Food Service Rate Increases:

• Block 150, Plus 450 Dining Dollars; increase from $2,082.00/semester to $2,165.00/semester

• Block 240, Plus 300 Dining Dollars; increase from $2,412.00/semester to $2,510.00/semester

• Block 224 (14 meals/wk), Plus 375 Dining Dollars; increase from $2,450.00/semester to $2,548.00/semester

• All declining balance, approx. 270 meals, Plus 200 Dining Dollars; increase from $2,650.00/semester to $2,756.00/semester

• Unlimited Block 336, Plus 250 Dining Dollars; increase from $2,623.00/semester to $2,728.00/semester

• Summer Session I 30 Meals; increase from $211.80 to $220.50 • Summer Session I 42 Meals; increase from $296.52 to $308.70 • Summer Session I 57 Meals; increase from $402.42 to $418.95 • Summer Session II 50 Meals; increase from $353.00 to $367.50 • Summer Session II 70 Meals; increase from $494.20 to $514.50 • Summer Session II 95 Meals; increase from $670.70 to $698.25 • Summer Session III 50 Meals; increase from $353.00 to $367.50 • Summer Session III 70 Meals; increase from $494.20 to $514.50 • Summer Session III 95 Meals; increase from $670.70 to $698.25

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Food Service Rate – New

• NevadaFit Week Meal Plan (will be required for all freshman FY21); $135.50 Food Service Rate Increases:

• Wolfie Plan, 18 meals/week, $700 declining balance/year; from $5,600.00/academic year to $5,792.00/academic year

• Luna Plan, 12 meals/week, $300 declining balance/year; from $4,360.00/academic year to $4,509.00/academic year

Food Service Rate – Deletion:

• Premium C Plan, 12 meals/week, $500 declining balance/year; increase from $4,540.00/academic year to $4,700.00/academic year

Residence Hall Rate – New:

• NevadaFit Week Housing (only required for freshman living on campus for fall); $135.19-$203.36 (rate dependent upon hall assignment)

Residence Hall Rate Increases (Academic Year Rates, unless otherwise stated): • Double Occupancy in Nye, Manzanita and Juniper Halls; from $5,650.00 to

$5,850.00 • Double Occupancy in Canada Hall and Double Occupancy (Large) in Sierra Hall;

from $6,320.00 to $6,600.00 • Double Occupancy in Argenta, Living Learning Community, Peavine, Great Basin;

from $7,300.00 to $7,540.00 • Standard Double in Sierra Hall, Triple Occupancy in Argenta, Peavine and Sierra

Halls; from $5,800.00 to $6,060.00 • Single Room in Juniper & Manzanita Halls; from $7,300.00 to $7,540.00 • Single Room in Sierra Hall; from $7,720.00 to $8,060.00 • Single Room in Living Learning Community and Great Basin; from $8,700.00 to

$8,800.00 • Triple Occupancy in Great Basin; from $7,300.00 to $7,540.00 • Double Room Requested Guaranteed Private in Nye and Manzanita; from

$11,300.00 to $11,700.00 • Double Room Requested Guaranteed Private in Canada Hall and Sierra Hall Large

Room; from $12,640.00 to $13,200.00 • Double Room Requested Guaranteed Private in Argenta, Living Learning

Community, Peavine and Great Basin; from $14,600.00 to $15,080.00 • Double Room Requested Guaranteed Private in Sierra Hall Standard Room; from

$11,600.00 to $12,120.00 • Winter Break Rate; from $550.00 to $560.00 • Summer Session Double without Air Conditioning or Triple with Air Conditioning;

from $17.60/day per person to $17.95/day per person • Summer Session Double with Air Conditioning; from $20.15/day per person to

$20.55/day per person • Summer Session Single without Air Conditioning; from $32.90/day per person to

$33.55/day per person

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• Summer Session Single with Air Conditioning; from $36.20/day per person to $36.92/day per person

• Summer Session 19 Meals per Week Plan (Daily Meal Rate); from $26.20/day per person to $27.09/day per person

• Summer Session 14 Meals per Week Plan (Daily Meal Rate); from $21.15/day per person to $21.87/day per person

• Summer Session 10 Meals per Week Plan (Daily Meal Rate); from $15.20/day per person to $15.72/day per person

Apartment Rentals – New:

• Ponderosa Village Graduate Student Housing One Bedroom Apartment Monthly Rate; $1,150.00/month

• Ponderosa Village Graduate Student Housing Two Bedroom Apartment Monthly Rate; $1,370.00/month

• Ponderosa Village Graduate Student Housing Two Bedroom Shared Unit Room Monthly Rate; $705.00/month

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NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual CHAPTER 7, SECTIONS 12-16

Fees and Tuition

Additions appear in boldface italics; deletions are [stricken and bracketed]

Section 12. Student Fees


The following student fees have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Regents (institutionsmay charge up to the amount approved).


Academic Success Initiatives Fee (per undergraduate student enrolled in 1 or more credits)

25.00 25.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Academic Success Initiatives Fee (per graduate student enrolled in 1 or more credits)

N/A 5.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Advance Deposit – Freshman N/A 250.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Advance Deposit – Occupational Therapy Doctoral Student

500.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Advance Deposit – Physical Therapy Doctoral Student

500.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Application or Admission Fee (Except law students at UNLV)

20.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 15.00

Application Fee-Limited Entry Health Sciences Programs

N/A N/A N/A 20.00 N/A N/A N/A

Application Fee-School of Dental Medicine at UNLV

75.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Application Fee-School of Medicine at UNLV

75.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Application Fee-William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV

50.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Application Fee- International Students

N/A N/A N/A 25.00 25.00 25.00 N/A

A+ Certification N/A N/A N/A N/A 334.00 N/A N/A

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Description UNLV UNR NSC CSN GBC TMCC WNC Athletics and Recreation Fee (per

credit) N/A N/A N/A 2.00 N/A N/A N/A

BS-MD & Post Baccalaureate Programs Application Fee

N/A 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Counseling Services, UNR Effective Fall 2020 Effective Fall 2021 (Mandatory for UNR

undergraduate and graduate students with 6 or more credits and for School of Medicine students in Reno. Voluntary for UNR undergraduate and graduate student with less than 6 Credits)

N/A [50.00] 60.00 70.00


Credential Evaluation Fee

U.S. Citizen F-1 Visa Non-Degree Student

40.00 75.00 30.00

40.00 75.00 N/A

20.00 75.00 N/A





Dissertation Fee

N/A 95.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Executive Masters of Healthcare Administration Program Fee

150.00/cr. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Executive Masters of Hospitality Administration Program Fee

510.00/cr. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Executive MBA Program Fee 5,300.00/ semester


Fitness Center Fee (undergraduate, [and] graduate and School of Medicine)

N/A 45.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

GPSA Graduate Special Fee 25.00 [18.00]


Graduate Orientation and Professional Development Fee

35.00 N/A






Graduate Professional and Career Development Fee

35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Graduation, Diploma or Certificate Fee, all programs

75.00 95.00 20.00 N/A 20.00 N/A 25.00

Identification Card








Identification Card Replacement 20.00 N/A 5.00 2.00 N/A N/A N/A

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Description UNLV UNR NSC CSN GBC TMCC WNC International Student Teaching

350.00 N/A 100.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Judicial Thesis Fee

N/A 105.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Late Application for Graduation

20.00 5.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Math Enhancement per course

20.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

MBA Program Orientation Fee

250.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

MD Admissions Secondary Application Fee

N/A 75.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

National Student Exchange Application Fee

100.00 100.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

New Student Fee

N/A 150.00 N/A 20.00 N/A N/A N/A



N/A 20.00





Orientation, new graduate









Performing Arts Fee (per undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in 1 or more credits)

N/A 5.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Rebel Recycling Fee 1.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Reinstatement Fee, per term or

session (for students whose registration or enrollment was cancelled due to non-payment of fees)

75.00 100.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

School of Dental Medicine Deposit


1st deposit due prior to 6/1 2nd deposit due by 6/1 Student accepted after 6/1

750.00 1000.00 1750.00


School of Dental Medicine Special Fee

5,100/sem. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

School of Dental Medicine Student and Resident Activity Fee

50.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Description UNLV UNR NSC CSN GBC TMCC WNC School of Health Sciences –

TMCC – Dental Hygiene Inst. Kits (optional to purchase through TMCC’s Vendors)

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1000.00 to 1500.00


School of Health Sciences – CSN Dental Hygiene Instruments Year 1 (optional to purchase through CSN)

N/A N/A N/A 4,900.00 [4041.00]


Dental Hygiene Instruments Year 2 (optional to purchase through CSN)

N/A N/A N/A 2,500.00[1852.00]


Cardio Respiratory Sciences (TEAS)

N/A N/A N/A 35.00 N/A N/A N/A

CNA Test (Written)

N/A N/A N/A 30.00 30.00 N/A N/A

CNA Test (Skills)

N/A N/A N/A 90.00 90.00 N/A N/A

Dental Hygiene (TEAS)








Dexterity & Spatial Test (Dental/Surgical Tech)

N/A N/A N/A 25.00 N/A N/A N/A

Dexterity & Spatial Test – Retake (Dental Hygiene)

N/A N/A N/A 5.00 N/A N/A N/A

Dexterity & Spatial Test – Retake (Surgical Tech)

N/A N/A N/A 5.00 N/A N/A N/A

Nursing Central Access

N/A N/A 175.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Nursing Pre-entrance Exam

N/A N/A N/A 10.00 N/A N/A N/A

Practical Nursing Pre-Entrance Exam

N/A N/A N/A 10.00 N/A N/A N/A

Special Examination Fee (Pass-Through) An additional $25 administrative charge may be added to the pass-through cost.

25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00-350.00




Student Association Fee Undergraduate/per credit Graduate/per credit Effective Fall 2017 Effective Fall 2018 Effective Fall 2019 Effective Fall 2020

1.97 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00

6.10 [5.00] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A




1.00/cr. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


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Description UNLV UNR NSC CSN GBC TMCC WNC Student Success Fee

N/A N/A 5.00/cr. N/A N/A N/A N/A

Student Support Activities Undergraduate Fee/per credit Effective Fall 2017 Effective Fall 2018 Effective Fall 2019 Effective Fall 2020

1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00


Student Placement Testing Fee

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15.00

Study Abroad Scholarship Fund Fee, per student, per semester

2.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Summer Advising

1.00/cr. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Technology Fee – Regular

8.00/cr. 6.00/cr. 6.00 [4.00]/cr.

7.00 [5.00]/cr.

6.00 [4.00]/cr.

5.00/cr. 7.00 [5.00]/cr.

Technology Fee – iNtegrate

3.00/cr. 3.00/cr. 1.50/cr. 1.50/cr. 1.50/cr. 1.50/cr. 1.50/cr.

Thesis Fee

N/A 85.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Toxicology Screen


University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine Lab Support Fee

2,000.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine Student Research Project Fee, Years 2 & 3

1,000.00 [500.00]


University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine NBME Exam Fee, Years 1, 2 & 3

640.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine USMLE Board Exam Preparation Fee

468.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine Simulation Lab, Years 1, 2 & 3

1,500.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine Medical School Student Administrative Fee

950.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine

150.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Visiting Medical Student Application Fee

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Student Administrative Fee

N/A 548.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine National BME Subject Prep and Exam Fee Year 1, 2, 3 & 4

N/A 560.00 [450.00]


University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Visiting Student Elective Fee

N/A 150.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Simulation Lab Fee, per year

N/A 700.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Anatomy Lab Fee, Year 1

N/A 250.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Multidisciplinary Lab Fee, Year 2

N/A 150.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Wellness Fee, per year

N/A 25.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Graduation Fee

N/A 200.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

William S. Boyd School of Law Deposit (non-refundable) 1st deposit due no sooner than April 1 2nd deposit due June 10

500.00 500.00







Student accepted after May 10

1000.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

William S. Boyd School of Law Student Activity Fee, per credit [semester]

9.00 [50.00] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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B. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FEE The recruitment, admission and advising of international students represents a tremendous cost to the University of Nevada, Reno, and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The logistical and administrative burdens of international students on the university are complex and expensive. Increased costs of international mailing, phone, facsimile, recruitment, specialized printing, translations and highly trained personnel forces the university to make difficult budgetary choices. These choices often leave international students short of receiving the proper levels of attention. Because of the limited resources of the Admissions and International Student Office, the need for funding aimed directly at the international students is essential. These funds will be directly used to support programs pertaining to international students. Additionally, it is not proper to use funds dedicated to benefit university student as a whole, to support activities that benefit only international students. International students will pay a semester International Student Fee. The revenue from this fee will be used to sustain enrollment functions in the Admissions, Graduate, and International Student offices, supporting only international students. Distribution of Revenue Amount UNR Admissions Office $12.50 per student per semester Graduate School $12.50 per student per semester International Students and Scholars $120.00 per student per semester

$145.00 per student per semester UNLV Admissions Office $12.50 per student per semester Graduate School $12.50 per student per semester International Students and Scholars $120.00 per student per semester $145.00 per student per semester CSN $120.00 per student per semester TMCC $120.00 per student per semester


The following fee shall support the planning, construction, and operations of a new student recreation center and a renovation and expansion of the Moyer Student Union. All students have access to the Moyer Student Union. Students required to pay the fee will have full access to the recreation center; students taking three or fewer credits during fall or spring will be required to pay a user fee in order to use the Student Recreation Center; this fee will be 125% of the fee charged those students taking more than three credits. Fall and Spring Semester All students taking more than three credits will be charged the following fee per semester: Effective Fall Semester, 2017 $198.00 Effective Fall Semester, 2018 $223.00 Summer Terms Effective summer, 2006 $14.50 per credit hour (Up to six credits per summer)

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D. STUDENT UNION FEE, UNR Effective Fall Semester 2006, the following fee shall support the construction of a new student union at the University of Nevada, Reno. The fee shall be assessed to all students, per semester, according to the following schedule.

Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Session Undergraduate Students

Taking more than 3 credits $94.00 $94.00 $3.00/credit Taking 3 credits or less $25.00 $25.00 $3.00/credit

Graduate Students

Taking 7 credits or more $97.00 $97.00 $3.00/credit Taking less than 7 credits $49.00 $49.00 $3.00/credit


The following fee shall support the planning, construction, and operations of new academic and student activities/administrative services buildings on the Nevada State College campus. Fall and Spring Semester Only

All students taking more than three credits will be charged the following fee per semester (TESL Endorsement Program excluded):

Effective Fall Semester, 2014 up to $75.00 Effective Fall Semester, 2015 $150.00


Effective Fall 2017, the following fee shall support the planning and construction of student union(s) at the College of Southern Nevada. The fee shall apply to all students, per semester. (Fall and Spring) – $8.00/credit

(Summer) – $3.00/credit Effective Fall 2019, the following fee shall support the operations, maintenance and ongoing support of the student union(s) at the College of Southern Nevada. The fee shall apply to all students, per semester. $1.00/credit


Effective Fall 2018, the following fee shall support the planning and construction of health and sports facilities at Truckee Meadows Community College. The fee shall apply to all students, per semester. $4.50/credit

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Effective Fall 2018, the following fee shall support the operation of competitive athletic teams at Truckee Meadows Community College. The fee shall apply to all students, per semester. $.50/credit


The following per credit fees are charged in addition to the subsequent fall registration fees that are approved as of March 1 of the current year. They do not apply to Nevada students participating in the prepaid tuition plan.

Description UNLV UNR NSC CSN GBC TMCC WNC Summer School Registration

Surcharge, per credit

Undergraduate courses 10.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Graduate courses 10.00 3.00 3.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Non-Resident Summer Fee 100.00/cr N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I. HEALTH SERVICE/INSURANCE FEES UNR Graduate Undergraduate International Health Service Fee: Per semester

(MANDATORY for students with six or more credits, VOLUNTARY for students with fewer than six credits & summer school students)

$93.00 $93.00 $93.00

Student Health and Accident Insurance: MANDATORY1 (All International Students and Graduate & Professional Students taking six credits or more per semester.)

Annual $3,404.44 $2,026.67 Fall $1,427.07 $849.53 Spring $766.25 Spring/Summer $1,977.38 $1,177.13 Summer $699.54 $416.44 Monthly $283.70 $168.89


Annual fee for life and disability insurance $77.44 Student Health Insurance (MANDATORY1)

Fall $1,790.83 Spring/Summer $1,622.94 Summer $494.34

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UNLV Graduate Undergraduate International Health Service Fee – Fall & Spring

(MANDATORY) $82.50* $82.50* $82.50*

Summer School $42.00* $42.00* $42.00*

Mental Health Fee – Fall & Spring (MANDATORY)

$25.00 $25.00 $25.00

Summer School $12.50 $12.50 $12.50

Student Health and Accident Insurance, (MANDATORY1 for International Students; Law Students taking a minimum of twelve credits per semester; Graduate & Professional Students taking a minimum of nine credits per semester; six credits if a graduate assistant; and undergraduate Nursing students) OPTIONAL for Graduate Students not on Assistantships.

Annual $2,646.78 $2,646.78 Fall $1,080.02 $1,080.02 Spring/Summer $1,566.77 $1,566.77 Fall-Nursing $928.19 Spring/Summer-Nursing $1,718.60 Annual-Nursing $2,646.78


Annual $2,496.97 SOD DMD Spring/Summer $1,614.22 SOD Ortho/Ped/Grad Spring/Summer $1,238.22


Health Insurance (MANDATORY1) Annual $2,496.97 Spring/Summer $1,238.22

NSC Student Health and Accident Insurance, for

International Students ONLY, MANDATORY1.

Annual $2,646.78 Fall $1,080.02 Spring/Summer $1,566.77

1 Mandatory Coverage definition: when coverage is indicated as mandatory, the student must purchase the coverage or provide proof of equivalent coverage.

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NOTES: • *UNLV Health Fee would increase to $82.50 Fall/Spring and $42.50 Summer for FY20 and to $93.00 Fall/Spring

and $47.00 Summer for FY21. • NSC International students are enrolled in UNLV’s policy at no impact to costs. • CSN (domestic), GBC, TMCC, WNC students have available health services on a voluntary basis through a third

party entity. These institutions facilitate the availability of student health services; however, students who contract for these services pay the third pay entity directly.

• CSN International Students purchase mandatory health coverage through a third-party entity designated by CSN. Proof of equivalent coverage will be accepted on a limited basis. No fees are paid to CSN.

• Amounts represent total charges and include insurance premium, ACA taxes and fees, broker commission and fees, and institution fees.

• Some NSHE Allied Health and Nursing programs require students provide evidence of coverage. The coverages indicated above may be used to satisfy this programmatic requirement.


a Late Registration Fee: A late registration fee of up to $50 per course may be assessed to students who don’t meet the course registration deadline. Late registration fee exceptions may be granted by the institution when registration was delayed due to circumstances beyond the student’s control.

b. Late Payment Fee: A late payment fee of up to $25 may be assessed for payments received after the payment deadline. An additional fee of up to $25 may be assessed daily after the payment deadline up to $250 for past due balances greater than $100.

(B/R 4/92, 5/93, 3/94, 2/95, 6/95, 4/96, 4/97, 9/97, 5/98, 4/99, 6/99, 4/00, 3/02, 3/03, 8/03, 1/04, 3/04, 2/05; Added 6/05; A. 8/05, 1/06, 4/06, 7/06, 2/07, 7/07, 12/07, 6/08, 2/09, 4/09, 6/09, 12/09, 4/10, 6/10, 12/10, 4/11, 6/11, 12/11, 6/12, 9/12, 11/12, 6/13, 9/13, 12/13, 3/14, 6/14, 12/14, 6/15, 12/15, 6/16, 12/16, 3/17, 6/17, 9/17, 12/17, 3/18, 6/18, 9/18, 11/18, 06/19) Section 13. Special Course Fees

It is the policy of the Board of Regents that the registration fee be the only fee assessed for taking a course except as outlined in this section. The reasons for these exceptions are extraordinary instruction costs due to: (a) individual instruction (e.g., private music lessons), (b) class supplies, course-specific software, and specialized equipment (e.g., welding equipment and materials), (c) third party charges for use of a facility (e.g., golf), (d) special transportation requirements, or (e) extraordinary instructional costs (e.g., intensive supervision, support or additional technical expertise required for the delivery of the course), (f) some combination of these reasons. Responsibility for implementing this policy is delegated to the presidents up to a maximum of $50.00 per course. Courses requiring fees higher than $50.00 require Board of Regents approval and are as follows (institutions may charge up to the amount approved):

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1. University of Nevada, Las Vegas

ART 135, Photography I $100.00/course ART 211, Introduction to Ceramics I $100.00/course ART 216, Introduction to Sculpture $100.00/course ART 317, Intermediate Sculpture $100.00/course ART 333, Photography for the Graphic Designer $100.00/course ART 337, Intermediate Black & White Photography $100.00/course ART 342, Digital Photography $125.00/course ART 347, Commercial Photography $100.00/course ART 416, Advanced Sculpture $100.00/course ART 437, Advanced Black & White Photography $100.00/course ART 447, Advanced Studio Practice: Photography $100.00/course B.S. Hotel Administration, International Option $544.00/course CED 741, Practicum $225.00/course CED 751, Internship in Counseling $125.00/course Counseling Internship $250.00/course Credit-By-Examination $60.00/course CIS 602, Secondary School Practicum $100.00/course CMI 355, Ultrasound Practicum $100.00/course CMI 490, Comprehensive Medical Imaging Clinical

Education $100.00/course

CPE 100L, Computer Logic Design 1 Lab $100.00/course CPE 200L, Computer Logic Design 2 Lab $100.00/course CS 117, Programming for Sci/Eng $100.00/course CS135L, Computer Science I Recitation $100.00/course CS 202, Computer Science II $100.00/course CS 218, Intro to Systems Programming $100.00/course Developmental Course Fee $75.00/course DEN 7244, General Clinic $380.00/course DEN 7340, General Clinic $425.00/course DPT 744, Gross Human Anatomy I $450.00/course DPT 745, Gross Human Anatomy II $450.00/course DPT 750, Prosthetics and Orthotics $25.00/course DPT 757, Wound Care $100.00/course ECE 299, Practicum for Infants/Toddlers $100.00/course ECE 481, Internship in Early Childhood Education

Management/Administration $250.00/course

ECE 482, Preschool Fieldwork in Early Childhood Education


ECE 483, Pre-Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education


ECE 491, Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education $400.00/course ECE 781, Early Childhood Education Field Experience $400.00/course EDEL 311, Elementary Practicum 1 $100.00/course EDEL 313, Elementary Practicum 2 $250.00/course EDEL 481, Elementary Supervised Student Teaching $400.00/course EDSC 311, Secondary Practicum 1 $100.00/course EDSC 313, Secondary Practicum 2 $250.00/course EDSC 481, Secondary Supervised Student Teaching $400.00/course EDSP 481, Practicum in a Resource Room $100.00/course EDSP 487, Pre-Student Teaching in Special Education $250.00/course EDSP 491, Student Teaching in Special Education $400.00/course [EDSP 691, Student Teaching in Special Education] [$400.00/course]

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University of Nevada, Las Vegas (continued)

EDWF 454, Student Teaching – Workforce Education and Development (6 credits)


EDWF 454, Student Teaching – Workforce Education and Development (12 credits)


Educational Administration Internship $250.00/course EE 221L, Circuits II Laboratory $100.00/course EE 450L, Solid State Characterization Lab $70.00/course EGG 202, Second Year Hands-on Design Experiences $150.00/course ESP 691, Student Teaching in Special Education (was listed as EDSP 691)


ESP 720, Filed Experience in Special Education $250.00/course ESP 7371, Advanced Practicum with Exceptional children $100.00/course ESP 780, Field Experience in Early Childhood Special

Education: Infancy (3 credits) $100.00/course

ESP 780, Field Experience in Early Childhood Special Education: Preschool/Kindergarten (6 credits)


ESP 781, Field Experience in Early Childhood Special Education: Preschool/Kindergarten (3 credits)


ESP 781, Field Experience in Early Childhood Special Education: Preschool/Kindergarten (6 credits)


FAB 159, Food Service Operations Fundamentals $165.00/course FAB 333, Culture and Cuisine $85.00/course FAB 362, Distilled Spirits and Liqueurs $100.00/course FAB 364, New World Wines $100.00/course FAB 365, Old World Wines $100.00/course FAB 367, Beers $100.00/course FAB 467, Quantity Food Management $200.00/semester GEOL 348, Field Geology I $150.00/course CEOL 370, Intermediate Field Geology $150.00/course GEOL 372, Advanced Field Geology $300.00/course HOA 757, Restaurant Management Instruction $265.00/course HOA 758, Advanced Culinary Instructional Techniques $300.00/course HOA 759, Advanced Foodservice Management Instruction


HON 103H, SAGE Academy Seminar $488.00/course Interactive Video Courses/Distance Education Fee

(Discretionary Fee) Up to $34.00/credit

LAW 790, Comparative Gaming Law: Asia Study Tour $2,300.00/course MUS-Sec 4 CDT, Graduate Applied Music

MUS-Sec 1001-4 CDT, Graduate Applied Music $500.00/semester

MUS-Sec 2 CDT, Graduate Applied Music MUS-Sec 1002-2 CDT, Graduate Applied Music


MUS-Sec 4-2 CDT, Graduate Applied Music MUS-Sec 1003-2 CDT, Graduate Applied Music


MUS 321, Studio Recording III $150.00/course MUS 335, On Location Audio Recording $150.00/course MUS 350, The Theory & Application of Microphones $150.00/course MUS 433, Advanced HD & Surround Sound $150.00/course MUS 434, Mastering Audio $150.00/course MUS 435, Large Venue Sound Reproduction $150.00/course MUS 439, Advanced Studio Production $150.00/course MUS 460, Music Technology Senior Program $150.00/course MUS 481E, Student Teaching: Elem $400.00/course

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MUS 481S, Student Teaching; Secondary $400.00/course MUS 502, School Music Practicum $100.00/course For MUSA 101 through MUSA 448 (Music Majors/Minors) Section 1001, 4 credits, $500 fee (Performance Majors) $500.00/semester Section 1002, 2 credits, $500 fee (Music Ed

Majors/Minors/Secondary Inst) $500.00/semester

Section 1003, 2 credits, $500 fee (Jazz Studies Majors) $500.00/semester For MUSA 151 through MUSA 174 (Non-Music Majors) Section 1001, 1 credit, $250 $250.00/semester Section 1002, 2 credits, $500 $500.00/semester University of Nevada, Las Vegas (continued)

For MUSA 300 Section 1001, 1 credit, $250 $250.00/semester For MUSA 451 through MUSA 461 Section 1001, 2 credits, $250 $250.00/semester Section 1002, 4 credits, $500 $500.00/semester Section 1003, 2 credits, $500 $500.00/semester NURS 305, Patient Centered Care: Basic Principles $60.00/course NURS 307, Health Assessment of Diverse Populations $60.00/course NURS 313, Nursing Care of Older Populations (effective

January 1, 2012) $120.00/course

NURS 319, Nursing Care of Older Populations (effective until January 1, 2012)


NURS 329, Physical Assessment Skills (effective until January 1, 2012)


NURS 329, Physical Assessment Skills (effective January 1, 2012)


NURS 338, Fundamental Nursing Skills (effective until January 1, 2012)


NURS 342, Fundamental Nursing Skills (effective January 1, 2012)


NURS 401, Nursing Care of Older Populations (effective January 1, 2012)


NURS 415, Nursing Care of the Acutely Ill Populations (effective until January 1, 2012)


NURS 425, Managing Complex Nursing Care in Diverse Population (effective until January 1, 2012)


NURS 425, Managing Complex Nursing Care in Diverse Population (effective January 1, 2012)


PED 450, Supervised Teaching Physical Education (Major Field, 6 credits)


PED 450, Supervised Teaching in Physical Education (Major Field, 8 credits)


PED 450, Supervised Teaching in Physical Education (Major Field, 12 credits)


PED 451, Supervised Teaching in Physical Education (Minor Field)


[PEX 116A, Scuba Diving] [$100.00/ course] [PEX 116B, Scuba Diving (Advanced)] [$100.00/course] [PEX 107, Golf] [$65.00/course] PEX 101, Backpacking and Camping $100.00/course PEX 103[106], Canoeing $100.00/course PEX 105[116A], Scuba Diving $100.00/course

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PEX 106[120D], Swim Instructor Training (WSI) $110.00/course PEX 106B[120E], Lifeguard Training $100.00/course PEX 117, Golf $65.00/course [PEX 126, Desert Hiking & Survival Skills] [$105.00/course] PEX 134[143], Rock Climbing $65.00/course PEX 139, Wilderness Skills (replaces PEX 126) $105.00/course PEX 153, Bowling $65.00/course [PEX 182, Obstacle Course Training] [$65.00/course] PEX 165, Outdoor Boot Camp [Bootcamp] $65.00/course [PEX 169, Back Country Camping] [$306.00/course] [PEX 170, Winter Camping and Travel] [$170.00/course] PEX 175A, CrossFit-Beginner $65.00/course PEX 175B, CrossFit-Intermediate $65.00/course University of Nevada, Las Vegas (continued)

PEX 177, Canoeing the Black Canyon $250.00/course PEX 181, Winter Camping and Travel $170.00/course PEX 182, Obstacle Course Training (Beginner) $65.00/course PEX 182A, Obstacle Course Training (Intermediate) $65.00/course PGM 101, Golf: for Business and Life $65.00/course PGM 102, Introduction to Player Development $125.00/course PGM 103, Player Development I $85.00/course PGM 110, Introduction to Golf Management [Operations] $2,095.00[$2,085.00]/course PGM 201, Golf Facility Management Level 1 [PGA PGM Level 1]


PGM 301, Golf Facility Management Level 2 [PGA PGM Level 2 continued]


PGM 401, Golf Facility Management Level 3 [PGA PGM Level 3 continued]

$2,390.00[$2,270.00]/course (Fall 2020 only)

PGM 402, Teaching & Coaching Level 3 $2,390.00/course (Spring 2021)

Special Education Internship $250.00/course Supervised Student Teaching, 12 Credit Course $250.00/course Supervised Student Teaching, 8 Credit Course $125.00/course SW 419, Field Practicum $225.00/course SW 429, Field Practicum II $225.00/course SW 7005A, Field Practicum-Forensic Social Work $15.00/course SW 719, Foundation Practicum Internship I $15.00/course SW 729, Foundation Practicum II $15.00/course SW 739, Field Practicum I (DP) $15.00/course SW 749, Field Practicum II (DP) $15.00/course SW 759, Field Practicum I (MCP) $15.00/course SW 769, Field Practicum II (MCP) $15.00/course 2. University of Nevada, Reno

ABNR 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course ACE 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course ANTH 710, Gross Anatomy $250.00/course ART 124, Intro to Printmaking $80.00/course ART 141[R], Introduction to Digital Photography $125.00/course ART 201, Life Drawing I $100.00/course ART 211, Ceramics I $70.00/course ART 212[R], Ceramics II $70.00/course ART 216, Sculpture I $70.00/course

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ART 217, Sculpture II $70.00/course ART 221[R], Beginning Printmaking: Intaglio $80.00/course ART 223, Beginning Printmaking: Screen Printing [Serigraphy]


ART 224, Beginning Printmaking: Relief $80.00/course ART 235, Photography II-Lighting $125.00/course ART 237, Photography II Color $125.00/course ART 312, Intermediate Ceramics $70.00/course ART 317[R], Intermediate Sculpture $70.00/course ART 338, Advanced Photography I $125.00/course ART 411, Advanced Ceramics I $70.00/course ART 413/613, Problems in Ceramics $70.00/course ART 416[R], Advanced Sculpture $70.00/course ART 417[R]/617[R], Problems in Sculpture $70.00/course ART 438, Advanced Photography II $125.00/course ART 440/640, Problems in Photography $125.00/course BCH 303, Biochemical Analysis $105.00/course BCH 406/606, Molecular Biology Laboratory $215.00/course University of Nevada, Reno (continued)

BIOL 251, General Microbiology $165.00/course BIOL 322, Experimental Field Ecology $100.00/course BIOL 395, Laboratory in Genetics & Cell Biology $80.00/course BIOL 406/606, Molecular Biology Laboratory $215.00/course BIOL 446/646, Desert and Montane Ecosystems $85.00/course BIOT 607, Biotechnology Laboratory $350.00/course BUS 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course CEP 770, Internship in Counseling $250.00/course [CEP 770A, Internship, Elementary School] [$250.00/course] [CEP 770B, Internship, Secondary School] [$250.00/course] CHS 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course COLA 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course CTL 699A, Supervised Internship, Elementary Education $250.00/course CTL 699B, Supervised Internship, Secondary Education $250.00/course Distance Education, Online & Independent Learning, and

Weekend & Late Start Fee $34.00/credit

ECE 493, Supervised Internship[,] in Early Childhood Education


EDEL 483, Elementary Supervised Teaching Internship $250.00/course EDES 487, Supervised Internship in Elementary and

Special Education $250.00/course

EDSC 483, Secondary Supervised Teaching Internship $250.00/course EDSP 493, Supervised Internship in Special Education $250.00/course EDU[C] 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course EDUC 585A, Supervised Internship, Integrated

Elementary/Special Education $250.00/course

EDUC 585B, Supervised Internship, Special Education $250.00/course EDUC 585C, Supervised Internship, Early Childhood

Education $250.00/course

ENGR 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course GEOG 314, Field Methods $130.00/course GEOG 470/670, Geographic Explorations $50.00/credit (1-3 credits) IAFF 300[R], Model United Nations $275.00/course Interactive Video Courses (Discretionary Fee) Up to $15.00/credit

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JOUR 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course MICR 276L, Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory $65.00/course MICR 300, Medical Microbiology and Immunology $100.00/course MICR 301, Microbial Physiology $100.00/course MUSA–All private instrument and voice instruction courses

$250.00/credit to maximum of $500.00 per semester

MUSE 117, Precision Drill Workshop $250.00/course NRES 345, Range and Forest Plants $65.00/course REM [NRES] 460/660, Rangeland Resource Management


REM [NRES] 498/698, Rangeland Restoration Ecology $65.00/course NURS 318, Nursing Care of the Individual [Part] 1: Practice


NURS 750[R], Advanced Health Assessment $75.00/course NVTC 492, Apprentice Teaching B $250.00/course PSY 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course SCI 109, NevadaFIT $250.00/course THTR 121, Stage Make-up $100.00/course VM 328 Veterinary Physiology and Applied Anatomy $70.00/course 3. Nevada State College

Credit by Examination $60.00/course Distance Education (Except TESL Students) $25.00/credit NURS 301 $160.00/course [NURS 304] [$360.00/course] [NURS 448] [$100.00/course] NURS 308 $120.00/course NURS 328 $120.00/course NURS 428 $120.00/course NURS 484 $100.00/course SPA 441, Speech Pathology Practicum $250.00/course Special Education Internship $250.00/course Speech Pathology, Clinical $300.00/course Supervised Student Teaching (Education) $250.00/course 4. College of Southern Nevada

ABDY 101B, Collision Repair Fundamentals and Estimating


ABDY 110B, Paint and Refinish I $90.00/course ABDY 120B, Non-Structural Welding $90.00/course ABDY 122B, Non-Structural Body and Panel and Trim $90.00/course ABDY 150B, Structural I $90.00/course ABDY 152B, Structural II $90.00/course ABDY 180B, Non-Structural Advanced Body Panel $90.00/course ABDY 220B, Paint and Refinish II $90.00/course AUTO 105B, Automotive Maintenance I $65.00/course AUTO 115B, Automotive Electricity and Electronics I $65.00/course AUTO 117B, Advanced Automotive Electronics $65.00/course AUTO 136B, Engine Repair $65.00/course AUTO 145B, Automotive Brakes $65.00/course AUTO 155B, Steering and Suspension $65.00/course

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AUTO 165B, Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning


AUTO 185B, Introduction to Alternative Fueled Vehicles $65.00[$55.00]/course AUTO 205B, Manual Drivetrain and Axles $65.00/course AUTO 216B, Automatic Transmissions $65.00/course AUTO 225B, Engine Performance I/Fuel and Ignition $65.00/course AUTO 227B, Engine Performance II/Emission Control $65.00/course AUTO 235B, Engine Performance III/Diagnostics $65.00/course AUTO 240B, Nevada 1G Emission Inspection

Preparation $65.00/course

AUTO 245B, Power Train Removal and Replacement $65.00/course AUTO 285B, Hybrid Vehicle Service Techniques $65.00/course AC 103B, Introduction to HVAC Mechanical Theory and

Application $75.00/course

AC 106B, Residential Gas Heating $75.00/course AC 110B, Intermediate HVAC Electrical Theory and

Application $75.00/course

AC 111B, Heat Pumps $75.00/course AC 115B, Troubleshooting $75.00/course AC 116B, Copper Fundamentals $75.00/course AC 120B, Air Conditioning Duct Work Fabrication $75.00/course AC 200B, Commercial Refrigeration I $75.00/course AC 201B, HVAC Automatic Controls $75.00/course AC 202B, Commercial Refrigeration II $75.00/course AC 210B, Boiler Operation and Maintenance $75.00/course AC 212, Equipment Cooling $75.00/course AC 220B, Chiller Operations and Maintenance $75.00/course CUL 110, Basic Cookery $95.00/course CUL 125, Principles of Baking $95.00/course CUL 130, Garde Manger 150.00/course CUL 135, Breads of the World 150.00/course CUL 175, Cake Design 150.00/course CUL 200, Aromatics/Restaurant Experience 150.00/course CUL 215, Plated Desserts 150.00/course CUL 220, International Cuisine 150.00/course CUL 225, Advanced Baking 150.00/course CUL 230, Pastry Arts 150.00/course CUL 235, Advanced Garde Manger 150.00/course CUL 240, French Cuisine 150.00/course CUL 250, Saucier 150.00/course College of Southern Nevada (continued)

CUL 255B, Retail Bakery Management 150.00/course CUL 260, Introduction to Chocolate 150.00/course CUL 265, Introduction to Sugar Arts 150.00/course CUL 280B, Principles of Quantity Baking 150.00/course DT 104, Diesel Equipment Service $65.00/course DT 115, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Electrical Systems $65.00/course DT 117, Advanced Diesel/Heavy Equipment

Electronics $65.00/course

DT 136, Diesel Engine Repair I $65.00/course DT 138, Diesel Engine Repair II $65.00/course DT 145, Diesel Brake Systems $65.00/course DT 150B, Diesel Hydraulics $65.00/course

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DT 155, Steering, Suspension and Hydraulic Directional Controls


DT 165, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Heating, Air Conditioning


DT 205, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Drive Train and Axles


FLOR 102B, Introduction to Floral Design $75.00/course FLOR 106B, Permanent Botanicals $75.00/course FLOR 108B, Event Balloon Sculptures $75.00/course FLOR 202B, Tributes and Traditions $75.00/course FLOR 204B, Traditional Weddings $75.00/course FLOR 206B, Beginning Ikebana $75.00/course FLOR 208B, Creativity and Competition $75.00/course FLOR 216B, Advanced Ikebana $75.00/course FLOR 220B, Events and Display $210.00/course FLOR 240B, Advanced Weddings $75.00/course Private Music and Voice Instruction (formerly MUSA

prefix) $255.00/course

WELD 100B, Introduction to Welding $85.00/course WELD 132B, Oxy/Fuel, Plasma and Carbon Arc-Air

Cutting Operations $85.00/course

WELD 133B, SMAW (Stick) $85.00/course WELD 134B, GTAW (Tig) $85.00/course WELD 135B, GMAW (Mig) $85.00/course WELD 137B, FCAW (Flux Core) $85.00/course WELD 214B, Fabrication Layout $85.00/course WELD 218B, Pipe Welding Procedures $85.00/course WELD 219B, Ornamental Iron $85.00/course WELD 223B, Special Topics in Welding Technology $85.00/course WELD 240B, Advanced GTAW $85.00/course WELD 270B, Welding Certification Preparation $85.00/course 5. Great Basin College ANTH 448A, Field School in Archeology $75.00/course Archeological Site Monitor $410.00/student ART 106, Jewelry I $100.00/course ART 111, Beginning Ceramics $75.00/course ART 206, Jewelry II $100.00/course ART 211, Ceramics I $75.00/course ART 212, Ceramics II $75.00/course ART 141, Introduction to Digital Photography $75.00/semester ART 142, Introduction to Digital Photography II $75.00/semester ART 299, Special Topic in Studio Art $250.00/semester BIOL 190, Introduction to Cell & Molecular Biology $150.00/course BIOL 191, Introduction to Organismal Biology $150.00/course BIOL 223, Human Anatomy & Physiology I $150.00/course BIOL 224, Human Anatomy & Physiology II $150.00/course BIOL 251, General Microbiology $150.00/course BIOL 299, Special Topics in Biology $150.00/course BIOL 300, Principles of Genetics $150.00/course BIOL 320, Invertebrate Zoology $150.00/course BIOL 331, Plant Taxonomy $140.00/course BIOL 400, Field School in Biology $150.00/course BIOL 434, Mammalogy $150.00/course

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Great Basin College (continued)

CHEM 121, General Chemistry I $150.00/course CHEM 122, General Chemistry II $150.00/course CHEM 241, Organic Chemistry I $135.00/course CHEM 242, Organic Chemistry II $135.00/course CHEM 392, Special Topics in Chemistry $150.00/course CMI 350, Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation $200.00/course CMI 351, Abdominal Ultrasound $150.00/course CMI 352, Obstetric Ultrasound $150.00/course CMI 353, Gynecologic Ultrasound $150.00/course CMI 486, Diagnostic Medical Imaging Clinical Experience I


CMI 487, Diagnostic Medical Imaging Clinical Experience II


CMI 488, Diagnostic Medical Imaging Clinical Experience III


Distance Education/Internet $5.00/credit EDEL 483, Elementary Supervised Teaching Internship $500.00/course EDEL 483 Out-of-Area Fee $1,300.00/course EDSC 483, Secondary Supervised Teaching Internship $500.00/course EDSC 483 Out-of-Area Fee $1,300.00/course EDSP 495, Student Teaching Internship in Special

Education $500.00/course

EDSP 495 Out-of-Area Fee $1,300.00/course EIT 233, Introduction to Instrumentation $70.00/course EIT 240, Advanced Topics in Instrumentation $70.00/course EIT 315, Pressure, Level and Configuration $70.00/course EIT 323, Installation and Configuration $70.00/course EIT 333, Process (Piping) and Instrument Diagrams

(P&IDs) $70.00/course

EIT 336, Control Valves and Regulators $70.00/course EIT 348, Temperature Measurement and Control $70.00/course EIT 368, Measurement Systems Analysis $70.00/course EIT 437, Computer Analog Control $100.00/course EIT 468, Advanced Control Systems $70.00/course ELM 112, Electrical Theory, DC $122.00/course ELM 120, Low Voltage Systems $122.00/course ELM 121, Circuit Design $122.00/course ELM 122, AC Theory $122.00/course ELM 123, Solid State $122.00/course ELM 124, DC Generators, Motors and Controls $122.00/course ELM 125, AC Motors and Alternators $122.00/course ELM 126, Motor Maintenance $122.00/course ELM 127, Introduction to AC Controls $122.00/course ELM 128, Transformers and Industrial Lighting $122.00/course ELM 131, National Electric Code $122.00/course ELM 132, Digital Concepts $122.00/course ELM 133, Advanced AC Controls $122.00/course ELM 134, Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers $122.00/course ELM 135, National Electric Code 430 $122.00/course ELM 136, Programmable Controllers Applications $122.00/course

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Great Basin College (continued)

ELM 141, Blueprint Reading $117.00/course ELM 142, Raceways $122.00/course ELM 143, Wiring Techniques $122.00/course EMS 108B, Emergency Medical Technician Training $150.00/course EMS 118, Advanced EMT $200.00/course EMS 119, Advanced EMT Refresher $110.00/course EMS 204, Principles of Anatomy & Pathophysiology $200.00/course EMS 206, Principles of Pharmacology/Medication and

Venous Access for the Paramedic $200.00/course

EMS 207, Airway Management and Ventilation for Paramedics


EMS 209, Patient Assessment for Paramedics $100.00/course EMS 210, Principles of Cardiology for Paramedics $150.00/course EMS 211, Paramedic Care for Medical Emergencies and

ACLS $200.00/course

EMS 212, Paramedic Trauma Emergencies and International Trauma Life Support (ITLS)


EMS 214, Pediatrics and Special Considerations for the Paramedic and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)


EMS 215, Assessment Based Management and Operations for the Paramedic


EMS 216, Hospital Clinical Experience for the Paramedic $200.00/course EMS 219, Paramedic Field Internship $200.00/course GEOL 101, Exploring Planet Earth $125.00/course GEOL 102, Earth/Life Through Time $75.00/course GEOL 299, Special Topics in Geology $150.00/course Interactive Video Course $5.00/credit IT 303, Industrial Pump Technology $65.00/course IT 105, Mechanical Power Transmission $65.00/course IT 106, Millwright and Process Terminology $65.00/course IT 201, Blueprint Reading & Measurement Fundamentals $65.00/course IT 207, Boiler, Conveyor and Pneumatic Systems $65.00/course IT 208, Fluid Power $65.00/course IT 209, Principles of Rigging $65.00/course IT 210, Failure Analysis & Predictive/Preventative Maintenance


IT 214, Basic Electrical Theory for Industrial Mechanics $65.00/course IT 216, Basic Metallurgy $65.00/course IT 220, Alignment Principles $65.00/course IT 299B, Special Topics in Industrial Technology Up to $600.00/student MTL 101, Basic Machine Shop I $75.00/course MTL 102, Basic Machine Shop II $75.00/course NURS 135, Fundamental Concepts in Nursing (effective

until Fall 2016) $200.00/course

NURS 158, Nursing Care of Adults in Health and Illness (effective until Fall 2016)


NURS 159, Nursing Care of Individuals with Mental Health Problems (effective until Fall 2016)


NURS 252, Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family (effective until Fall 2016)


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Great Basin College (continued)

NURS 253, Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents (effective until Fall 2016)


NURS 257, Nursing Care of Adults with Acute and Chronic Illness (effective until Fall 2016)


NURS 258, Patients with Complex Health Problems (effective until Fall 2016)


NURS 312, Health Assessment and Promotion $150.00/course NURS 326, Transition to Professional Nursing $250.00/course NURS 337, Pathophysiology $150.00/course NURS 417, Information Systems & Quality Management $65.00/course NURS 420, Evidence-Based Practice & Research in

Nursing $75.00/course

NURS 437, Diversity and Healthcare Policy in Rural Environments


NURS 443, Nursing Leadership and Management Theory $200.00/course NURS 449, Nursing Leadership & Management Practicum


NURS 456, Senior Synthesis Seminar $250.00/course Private Instrument and Voice Instruction $180.00/course SUR 280, Fundamentals of Geomatics I $90.00/course SUR 281, Fundamentals of Geomatics II $90.00/course SUR 290, Intro to Urban Development $90.00/course SUR 340, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing $90.00/course WELD 105, Drawing and Weld Symbol Interpretation $50.00/course WELD 110, Basic Arc Welding Principles and Practices $75.00/course WELD 115, Welding Inspection and Testing Principles $75.00/course WELD 150, Metallurgy Fundamentals for Welding $50.00/course WELD 160, Welding Design/Layout and Pipefitting $100.00/course WELD 198, Special Topics in Welding $75.00/course WELD 210, Advanced Welding Principles and Practices $75.00/course WELD 211, Welding I $75.00/course WELD 220, Gas metal (GMAW) and Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW)


WELD 221, Welding II $75.00/course WELD 224, Welding Projects $75.00/course WELD 231, Welding III, Gas Metal and Flux Cored Arc Welding


WELD 240, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) $125.00/course WELD 241, Welding IV, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding $75.00/course WELD 250, Welding Certification Preparation $125.00/course WELD 260, Pipe Welding $125.00/course 6. Truckee Meadows Community College ART 135, Photography I $75.00/course ART 141, Introduction to Digital Photography I $75.00/course ART 142, Introduction to Digital Photography II $75.00/course ART 235, Photography II $75.00/course ART 236, Photography III $75.00/course BIO 251L, General Microbiology Lab $74.00/course

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Truckee Meadows Community College (continued)

CUL 106, Understanding Culinary Techniques I $100.00/course CUL 108, Understanding Culinary Techniques II $100.00/course CUL 130, Garde Manger $75.00/course EIT 437, Computer and Analog Control $50.00/course EIT 468, Advanced Control Systems $50.00/course ELM 240, Advanced Manufacturing and Robotic

Systems $50.00/course

ELM 333, Process Control Instrumentation II $50.00/course ELM 340, Robotic Programming Offline $50.00/course ELM 440, Collaborative Robot Design and Operation $50.00/course EMS 115, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician $100.00/course EMS 206, Principles of Pharmacology/Medication

Administration and Venous Access for the Paramedic $100.00/semester

EMS 207, Airway Management and Ventilation for Paramedics


EMS 209, Patient Assessment for Paramedics $100.00/semester EMS 210, Principles of Cardiology for the Paramedic $100.00/semester EMS 211, Paramedic Care for Medical Emergencies and

ACLS $150.00[$300.00]/semester

EMS 212, Paramedic Trauma Emergencies and ITLS $150.00[$300.00]/semester EMS 214, Pediatrics and Special Considerations for the

Paramedic $100.00[$200.00]/semester

EMS 215, Assessment Based Management Operations for the Paramedic


[EMS 216, Hospital Clinical Experience for the Paramedic]


EMS 217, Field Internship for the Paramedic $300.00[$500.00]/semester EMS 218, Field Internship for the Paramedic II $200.00/semester EMS 285B, Selected Topics in EMS $100.00/credit FT 106, Firefighter I Academy $200.00/course FT 206, Firefighter II Academy $125.00/course FT 260, Firefighter Rescue/Hazmat Academy $175.00/course ME 330, Introduction to System Dynamics $50.00/course MPT 311, Laser Scanning Methods/Techniques $50.00/course MPT 312, Industry 4.0/Cyber Physical Manufacturing $50.00/course MPT 325, Digital Inspection/Quality Control $50.00/course MPT 340, Computer Simulations and Analysis $50.00/course MPT 343, Design and Manufacturing Process II $50.00/course MPT 351, 3D Vision Technology $50.00/course MPT 363, Manufacturing Execution Systems $50.00/course MPT 412, Advanced Digital Inspection $50.00/course MPT 415, Simulation of Manufacturing Systems $50.00/course MUSA 101, Bass-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 103, Bassoon-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 105, Cello-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 107, Clarinet-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 109, Drum Set-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 113, Flute-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 115, Guitar-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 121, Horn-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 123, Oboe-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 127, Percussion-Lower Division $250.00/credit MUSA 129, Piano-Lower Division $250.00/credit

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$250.00/credit $250.00/credit $250.00/credit $250.00/credit $250.00/credit $250.00/credit $250.00/credit $250.00/credit $80.00/course $80.00/course


$80.00/course $80.00/course

$100.00/course $80.00/course $80.00/course $80.00/course $80.00/course

$100.00/course $100.00/course

$401.00/course $180.00/course

$180.00/course $180.00/course $180.00/course $350.00/course $200.00/course $200.00/course

$75.00/course $45.00/course $45.00/course $45.00/course

$75.00/course $30.00/course $30.00/course $30.00/course $30.00/course $75.00/course


$30.00/course $30.00/course $30.00/course $30.00/course

MUSA 131, Saxophone-Lower Division MUSA 135, Trombone-Lower Division MUSA 137, Trumpet-Lower Division MUSA 139, Tuba-Lower Division MUSA 141, Viola-Lower Division MUSA 143, Violin-Lower Division MUSA 145, Voice-Lower Division MUSA 147, Voice for Theater Majors-Lower Division WELD 211, Welding I WELD 212, Welding I Practice WELD 215, Introduction to Welding Fabrication Techniques WELD 221, Welding II WELD 222, Welding II Practice WELD 225, Independent Study WELD 231, Welding III WELD 232, Welding III Practice WELD 241, Welding IV WELD 242, Welding IV Practice WELD 250, Welding Certification Preparation WELD 280, Introduction to Robotic Welding

7. Western Nevada College

ACC 290B, Course Registration AIT 101, Fundamentals of Applied Industrial Technology AIT 102, Measurement Tools and Methods AIT 103, Introduction to Machine Tool Technologies AIT 121, Electrical Control Systems AIT 200, Applied Industrial Technology Projects AIT 250, Mechatronics: Electrical Components AIT 270, Mechatronics II: Process Control Technologies ART 141, Introduction to Digital Photography ART 211, Ceramics I ART 212, Ceramics II ART 214, Introduction to Book Art: Intersection of Art and Design ART 237, Photography II – Color CIT 114, IT Essentials CIT 128, Introduction to Software Development CSCO 220, Cisco Internetworking Acad III CSCO 221, Cisco Internetworking Acad IV EMS 108B, Emergency Medical Technician-Basic EMS 115, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician

Western Nevada College (continued)

GRC 116, Introduction to Digital Art and Design GRC 200, Design Thinking and Methodologies GRC 210, Typography I GRC 220, Graphic Design I GRC 282, Motion Graphics for Video


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Interactive Video Courses (Discretionary Fee) Up to $20.00/credit PLUS any other lab fees

Interactive Video Courses (Fast Track) $15.00/course LTE 101, Fundamental Phlebotomy $100.00/course LTE 102, Applied Phlebotomy $60.00/course MUSA 101, Bass-Lower Division $200.00/course MUSA 146, Voice II $200.00/course NURS 130, Nursing Assistant $65.00/course PEX 105, Scuba $95.00/course PEX 183, Weight Training $60.00/course PEX 199, Special Topics $60.00/course Private Instrument and Voice Lessons $200.00/course CRJ 266B (POST Academy) $500.00/course WELD 211, Welding I $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 212[B], Welding I Practice $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 221, Welding II $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 222[B], Welding II Practice $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 224, Welding Projects $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 231[B], Welding III $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 232[B], Welding III Practice $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 241[B], Welding IV $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 242[B], Welding IV Practice $100.00[$80.00]/course WELD 250 [B], Welding Certification Preparation $100.00[$80.00]/course 8. The above fees are in all cases in addition to the per-credit-hour registration fee. (B/R 5/76, 10/91, 4/92, 3/93, 12/93, 3/94, 4/96, 4/97, 5/98, 4/00, 4/01, 3/02, 3/03, 3/04, 10/04, 2/05; Added 6/05; A. 4/06, 2/07, 3/07, 12/07, 2/09, 4/09, 12/09, 12/10, 12/11, 11/12, 12/13, 3/14, 12/14, 12/15, 12/16, 12/17, 3/18, 11/18)

Section 14. Residence Hall and Food Service Rates, UNLV Residence hall and food service rates for UNLV require Board approval and are as follows:

Room Rates Per Semester

Room and Phone

Hall Single Double Dayton Hall & Tonopah Hall $3,720/ Semester $2,940/ Semester UCC $3,520/ Semester $2,800/ Semester South (Rodman) $3,320/ Semester $2,700/ Semester Block 150, Plus 450 Dining Dollars $2,165.00[$2,082.00] Block 240, Plus 300 Dining Dollars $2,510.00[$2,412.00] Block 224, 14 meals/wk., Plus 375 Dining Dollars


Declining Balance, Plus 200 Dining Dollars


Block 336, Unlimited, Plus 250 Dining Dollars


A non-refundable fee of $125.00 is due with application.

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Summer Session I (3 week session) Double: $504

Single: $630 Summer Session II and III (5 week session) Double: $840

Single: $1,050 Plus one of the following mandatory meal plans:

Meals Session I 30 meals $220.50[$211.80] 42 meals $308.70[$296.52] 57 meals $418.95[$402.42] Meals Session II & III 50 meals $367.50[$353.00] 70 meals $514.50[$494.20] 95 meals $698.25[$670.70]

(B/R 4/93, 3/02, 3/03; Added 6/05; A. 4/06, 2/07, 12/07, 2/09, 12/10, 12/11, 12/13, 12/15, 12/17) Section 15. Residence Hall and Food Service Rates, UNR 1. Food Service

The following meal plan options are available to all students, but freshmen under 21 years of age living in residence halls during the Fall and Spring Semesters are required to purchase an academic year meal plan.

a. Fall and Spring Academic Year Rate

1. Wolfie[Premium A] Plan 18[19] meals/week $700[$300] declining balance/year

$5,792.00 [$5,600.00]

2. Alphie[Premium] B Plan 15 meals/week $500[$400] declining balance/year


3. [Premium C Plan 12 meals/week $500 declining balance/year]


3. Luna[Premium D] Plan 12[10] meals/week $300[$700] declining balance/year

$4,509.00 [$4,360.00]

The above academic year meal plan rates are payable fifty-five percent in the Fall Semester and forty-five percent in the Spring Semester. The spring-only rate is fifty percent of the annual rate. NevadaFit Week Meal Plan (will be required for all freshman FY21) $135.50 b. Summer Programs Summer School residents and other students may purchase meals on a daily cash basis or purchase a more economical meal plan. The UNR/Tokyo Program students in residence must purchase a meal plan. Summer conferences will ordinarily include a meal plan tailored to the program and clientele.

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2. Residence Hall Rates a. Fall and Spring Academic Year Rate Nye/Juniper

Halls/ Manzanita

Canada Hall

Argenta Hall

Sierra Hall Living/ Learning Community

Peavine Hall

Great Basin

Double Occupancy $5,850

[$5,650] $6,600 [$6,320]

$7,540 [$7,300]

$6,600 [$6,320] (Large)

$7,540 [$7,300]

$7,540 [$7,300]

$7,540 [$7,300]

$6,060 [$5,800] (Standard Dbl/triple)

Single room (where available)

$7,540 [$7,300] (Juniper/ Manzanita)

$8,060 [$7,720]

$8,800 [$8,700]

$8,800 [$8,700]

Triple Occupancy $6,060 [$5,800]

$6,060 [$5,800]

$6,060 [$5,800]

$7,540 [$7,300]

Guaranteed Private Double Room Requested

$11,700 [$11,300] (Nye/ Manzanita)

$13,200 [$12,640]

$15,080 [$14,600]

$12,120 [$11,600] Standard $13,200 [$12,640] Large

$15,080 [$14,600]

$15,080 [$14,600]

$15,080 [$14,600]

Accidental Private (Now including Premium Suite and Premium Singles) Additional/semester


4 Bed/1 Bath Suite $7,300 2 Bed/1Bath Suite $7,300 4 Bed/1 Bath Suite, Requested, Guaranteed Private


2 Bed/1 Bath Suite, Requested, Guaranteed Private


Note: These rates do not include the $125 security deposit. Full refund of the deposit is made only to those students who fulfill the license agreement.

NevadaFit Week Housing (only required for freshman living on campus for fall) $135.19-$203.36 Rate charged is dependent upon the hall assignment and room configuration of given resident. Winter Break Rate $560 [$550] License Cancellation Charge $250 Improper Checkout $50 Room Charge to be Assessed on 2nd and Subsequent changes


Lockout fee after 3 lockouts/semester $5

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These rates are payable fifty-five percent in the Fall Semester and forty-five percent in the Spring Semester. The spring-only rate is fifty percent of the academic year rate. Failure to pay the amount due on or before the due date will result in action by the University including, but not limited to, eviction, exclusion from meals, academic holds, payment due in full, and the assessment of a late fee. The account may be turned over to a collection agency with the collection fees added to the unpaid balance. Telephone: Individual arrangement with the telephone company required.

b. Weekly rate is prorated against above fees. A daily rate will be assessed for early arrivals.

c. Summer Session Students Summer session rates for students are for room only and are $17.95 [$17.60] for a non-air conditioned double room, $20.55 [$20.15] for an air conditioned double room, $17.95 [$17.60] for an air conditioned triple room, $33.55 [$32.90] for a non-air conditioned single room and $36.92 [$36.20] for an air conditioned single room per night per person. There will be an additional charge of $5.20 per night for linens. Meal plans rates are 19 meals per week $27.09 [$26.20]/day, 14 meals per week $21.87 [$21.15]/day, and 10 meals per week $15.72 [$15.20]/day.

d. Ponderosa Village Ponderosa Village apartments rental prices for 2020-2021 are as follows: One-bedroom apartment: $1,150.00 per month Two-bedroom apartment: $1,370.00 per month Two Bedroom Shared Unit Room Rate (1 bedroom & bathroom within a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom unit): $705.00 per month, per unit

(B/R 3/94, 4/00, 5/95, 5/98; Added 6/05; A. 4/06, 2/07, 12/07, 2/09, 12/09, 12/11, 12/14, 12/15, 12/16, 12/17, 11/18) Section 16. Residence Hall Rates, GBC The following residence hall rates for Great Basin College are subject of approval of the Board of Regents:

1. Dorm Room Semester Rates a. Regular Semester

$1,350.00 Double Occupancy $2,016.00 Guaranteed Private Room

b. Weekly Rate


2. Residence Suites Semester Rates

a. Regular Semester


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Two to three students will share a suite consisting of 2-3 bedrooms, a kitchen, living area, and bathroom. Each student will have his/her own bedroom. All utilities are included except for telephone and cable television.

b. Other fees associated with the Residence Suites

Deposit-Griswold Hall $250.00 Deposit-College Parkway $350.00 Housing Agreement Process Fee $50.00 Cancellation Charge $100.00 Winter Break $200.00 Key Replacement $50.00 Mail Key Replacement $50.00 Lock Out Fee $10.00

Note: These additional fees are not included in the residence hall rates described above. The application-processing fee is non-refundable. Full refund of the deposit is made only if the housing agreement contract is fulfilled.

Students may choose to pay in full before the start of the semester or they may choose to pay in four scheduled installments. Students that pay in full before the start of the semester will receive a $50.00 discount. Students who choose to make installment payments will be charged a $25.00 late fee if they are 5 or more days late.

c. Refund of Residence Suite and Dorm Room Fees

Fees are non-refundable after the beginning of the semester.

3. Married and Family Apartment Rates

Two-bedroom apartment $700.00 per month Three-bedroom apartment $775.00 per month (Utilities are not included)

Deposit $500.00 Housing Agreement Process Fee $50.00 Key Replacement Charge $50.00 Mail Key Replacement Charge $50.00 Lock Out Fee $10.00

Students will pay fees on a monthly basis. If payment is five or more days late, a late fee of $25.00 will be assessed. Students will sign a month to month lease. No refunds will be given.

4. Summer Session

Students in the residences suites and dorm rooms will pay a prorated amount dependent upon the amount of time they occupy the room. Married and family residents will pay on a monthly basis and may stay through the summer as long as they intend to register for classes in the subsequent Fall semester. Non-student individuals or groups will pay $20/night for one to seven nights stay per person, or $15/night per person for longer stays.

(B/R 3/03, 2/05; Added 6/05; 2/07, 12/07, 2/09, 12/09, 12/11, 11/12, 12/17)

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Special Fees: Student Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNLV GPSA Graduate Special Fee

sponsorship awards revised $18.00 $25.00 The GPSA Student Fee has remained constant over approximately 10 years. During this time, the budget for student awards has increased as a result of demand from students while the amount of revenue from the GPSA fee has not. Furthermore in order to keep up with the increase in sponsorship award requests, the GPSA has been unable to continue to provide new benefits and programs to our association members. Use of fees include: travel/research sponsorship, student researcher award, book award; cap/gown program, event sponsorship, GPSA events/socials, council representative, new initiatives/other, and staffing

12,858 $90,006.00

UNLV Graduate Professional and Career Development Fee

student development new $0.00 $35.00 To allow the Graduate College to continue providing outstanding career and professional development, skills training, and community building events, workshops, and services to support graduate student success, to expand our free offering through the Professional Development Academy, and to increase the types of student support we offer in our new Graduate Gateway building space beginning in fall 2019. Current services were provided to students by spending down high dollar account reserves. As we spend down these accounts, we need to either scale back the services offered by the Professional Development Academy, or approve a fee to support continuation of existing services and expand the services that the Professional Development Academy provides to meet student needs and requests. Every proposed use of funds generated by this new fee reflects significant and repeated requests from graduate students. Expenses include but not limited to Grad Rebel Gateway-Phase 2 E-Systems expanded content, staffing, Gateway technology and software, badges, and badging support. Student involvement included communication via RAVE emails, GC weekly newsletter, social media, campus flyers, GPSA, surveys, and three town halls. Student feedback was positive and willing to pay a fee to support professional and career development opportunities.

10,450 $365,750.00

UNLV University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine Student Research Project Fee, Years 2 & 3

research project revised $500.00 $1,000.00 UNLVSOM is wanting to move the fee structure from a fee of $500.00 per year over four years to a $1,000.00 fee for just two years. The total amount will remain the same at $2,000 for the student over the four years of instruction.

60 $30,000, no difference

from original proposal in Dec. 2016

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Special Fees: Student Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNLV UNLVSOM Visiting Medical Student Application Fee

application new $0.00 $150.00 UNLVSOM's Visiting Medical Student Application Fee is consistent with UNR's Visiting Student Elective Fee at $150, and competitive with other fees at peer schools ranging up to $300. Medical schools throughout the U.S. offer these visiting four-week clinical elective to recruit applicants for residency programs. Many of the visiting medical students are selected for Nevada's residency programs. Fees will be used to offset administrative costs which include third party charges for host institutions through the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities program (VSLO) via the Association of American Medical Colleges (AMCAS). Fees will also be used to offset personnel costs for a program officer level position to coordinate the visiting student application process.

225 $33,750.00

UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law Student Activity Fee

student activity revised $50 per semester

$9 per credit The Law School Student Activity Fee funds student orientation and graduation receptions; student organization meetings, events, and activities; travel to national organization meetings and participation in competitions. This fee is currently $50 per semester and has not been increased since the law school's inception in 1998. The proposal has two objectives; to increase the student fee revenue to support expanded activities and higher costs since the original fee was approved; and to change the fee to a per credit basis for parity between full-time and part-time students. The current per semester charge results in a higher total fee paid by part-time students as they attend more semesters than full-time students for the same credit hours. Both full-time and part-time students would pay $801 over their academic career.

405 $40,100.00

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Special Fees: Student Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR Counseling Services

Service Fee Revised $50.00 $70.00 The last fee increase request occurred 5 years ago. Since that time, the University has seen an increased in 65% of students served. Due to additional staff and resources needed to provide students access to counseling services current funding is not sufficient to support the program. A $20 increase per semester, incrementally increasing by $10 in fall of 2020, and the additional increase of $10 going into effect in fall 2021 taking the fee to $70 per semester for students enrolled in at least 6 credits.

18,450 $2,667,000.00

UNR University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Fitness Fee

Service Fee New $0.00 $45.00 Fee collected to provide fitness membership to UNR School of Medicine Students. Currently the fee is collected for both campus undergraduate and graduate students, this is to expand the collection to include School of Medicine students. This will provide students assess to the E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center facilities, classes and the pool located in Lombardi Recreation Center.

280 $12,600.00

UNR Student Association Fee

Student Association Fee Undergraduate

Revised $5.00 $6.10 The per-credit ASUN fee charged to undergraduates has remained at $5 since the NSHE Board of Regents approved that amount in 2008. In the 2008-2009 school year, UNR’s student population was approximately 16,867. In 2018-2019, the population was 21,463. These amounts include graduate students as they too are served by ASUN programs and services. ASUN Senators, by vote of the entire student body via referendum, received permission for a pay raise in 2010. Funds have never been available for that pay raise. The ASUN President and Vice President have not received an increase in pay in 20 years. Student Publications funding has remained stagnant or diminished. The request is to increase the ASUN fee by $1.10/credit hour to $6.10/credit. This would allow the association to continue to fund current initiatives at a 2020 level. These programs include Campus Escort, Technology, Student Publications, Clubs & Organizations, Diversity Initiatives, Student Officer wages, These current programs have either been cut, received no increase or received minimal increase in funding since 2009 when the fee was initiated.

17,703 $492,744.00

UNR University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine National BME Subject Exam and Prep Fee Year 1, 2, 3 & 4

Testing Fee Revised $450.00 $560.00 Expand National Board of Medical Examiners' (NBME) testing to include prep and testing at all four years, as requested by School of Medicine Students to better prepare students for national licensing exams. These fees include NBME exams, assessment tools for progress and performance, and subscription fees. Fees for Year 1 are $559 (70 students), Year 2 are $531 (70 students), Year 3 are $322 (70 students), and Year 4 are $60 (70 students).

280 $103,040.00

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Special Fees: Student Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Graduation Fee

Graduation Fee New $0.00 $200.00 Funds to support the cost of hooding and award ceremony for fourth year graduating medical students, which is in addition to the University's global graduation fee.

70 $14,000.00

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Special Fees: Student Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (eg: orientation, late registration, etc)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


NSC Technology Fee - Regular

Technology Fee Revised $4.00 $6.00 Increase Technology Fee to cover the rising cost of and upgrades to technology services and infrastructure

5,600 $220,000.00

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Special Fees: Student Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of Students Impacted

Anticipated Annual


CSN Application Fee - Limited Entry Health Sciences Programs

Application fee new $0.00 $20.00 Currently, the review of the limited entry program application is labor intensive due to many incomplete and duplicate applications being submitted to the limited entry office. This fee will promote qualified and complete applications to be submitted, which will allow less time spent on application review and more time spent on quality advising. The revenue will be utilized for travel, software, and supplies, and professional development for health program advisors. In addition, revenue will be used for the copying and printing of advising materials, limited entry policies and procedures, and program brochures.

850 $17,000.00

CSN School of Health Sciences - CSN Dental Hygiene Instruments Year 1 (optional to purchase through CSN)

Fee for Instruments revised $4,041.00 $4,900.00 20 $17,180.00

CSN School of Health Sciences - CSN Dental Hygiene Instruments Year 2 (optional to purchase through CSN)

Fee for Instruments revised $1,852.00 $2,500.00 15 $9,720.00

CSN Technology fee - Regular

Technology fee revised $5.00/cr $7.00/cr Technology fee is being increased to align with the increasing cost and need for software applications and hardware to support student experience and delivery.

35,000 $1,080,000.00

The fee for instruments is being increased to match the amounts that are currently being charged to students. The fee hasn't been increased in several years, while the cost of instruments has increased. The College provides the instruments to the students to buy as a convenience. Instruments are used during courses and can also be taken with them upon completion of the program.

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Special Fees: Student Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


GBC Technology Fee - Regular

Technology Fee revised $4.00/credit $6.00/credit The cost of keeping up with technology in the classrooms, student computer labs, wireless access, and other related infrastructure is ever increasing. GBC needs to increase this fee in order to provide adequate technology to our students to assist them in obtaining success of their educational goals. The increase of $2.00 per credit is estimated to generate an additional $120,000 per year in revenue.

3,500 $360,000

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Special Fees: Student Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


WNC Technology Fee- Regular

tech fee revised $5.00 $7.00 Technology has continued to evolve in our classrooms as well as integrating the classroom with on‐line instruction.  Incorporating the latest technology into our classrooms continues to become more expensive.  Approval of this increase will allow WNC to continue to incorporate cutting edge technology in all facets of our learning environment and provide our students with the tools they will need to be successful as they move on with their education or into their chosen career field. 

4,826 $463,736.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNLV CED 741, Practicum

special course fee revised - increase

$25 $225 36 $7,200.00

UNLV CED 751, Internship in Counseling

special course fee revised - increase

$25 $125 36 $3,600.00

UNLV EDSP 691, Student Teaching in Special Education

special course fee revised $400/course $400/course Correcting a catalog change from EDSP 691 to ESP 691 0 $0.00

UNLV EGG 202, Second Year Hands-on Design Experiences

special course fee new $0 $150 EGG 202 is a new course within the College of Engineering. This course seeks to build upon the theories and outcomes of EGG 101, First Year Experience, by the continuation of their experience within a multicultural community of learning, while developing a greater depth and breathe of understanding of the disciplines within the College via the use of hands-on laboratory experiences. Fees generated will be used to purchase equipment for various hands-on projects specific to EGG 202, fund department-specific mentoring and college-wide social activities each semester for students enrolled in EGG 202.

400 $60,000.00

National Accreditation, The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), Ethical standards and legal mandates, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) requires the use of software for maintaining counselor/client confidentiality and HIPPA compliant software storage. The CED program will be using the supervisor assist program for this purpose. The recording of counseling session by counselors in training is central to the learning experience of practicum and internship. Best practice in the profession and core standards of CACREP accreditation require students in practicum to be recording over 40 hours of counseling sessions. These recorded sessions are viewed weekly by the student, the student and site supervisor (for a minimum of 1 hour per week), and the class together (known as group supervision scheduled for 2.5 hours per week). The recorded sessions are the primary materials used to soliciting feedback from peers, site supervisors, and group supervisors/course instructors.

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNLV LAW 790, Comparative Gaming Law: Asia Study Tour

special course fee new $0 $2,300 REQUEST FEE EFFECTIVE FOR SUMMER 2020. The goal of the international travel course is to give students a more global perspective of gaming law, and exposure to speakers in the field from law firms, industry, and academia during the tour. A group tour will provide the opportunity to pre-book local accommodations and internal flights at a discounted group rate. The course fee is calculated at $2,300 to cover all travel costs upon arrival in Asia, including lodging, regional airfare, ferry transportation, and the welcome and closing dinners. Students will pay for their own airfare from the US to Asia as well as additional meals, local transportation, travel insurance, and other incidental travel costs.

15 $34,500.00

UNLV MUS 321, Studio Recording III

special course fee new $0 $150 10 $1,500.00

UNLV MUS 335, On Location Audio Recording

special course fee new $0 $150 10 $1,500.00

UNLV MUS 350, The Theory & Application of Mi h

special course fee new $0 $150 10 $1,500.00

UNLV MUS 433, Advanced HD & Surround Sound

special course fee new $0 $150 10 $1,500.00

UNLV MUS 434, Mastering Audio

special course fee new $0 $150 10 $1,500.00

UNLV MUS 435, Large Venue Sound Reproduction

special course fee new $0 $150 10 $1,500.00

UNLV MUS 439, Advanced Studio Production

special course fee new $0 $150 10 $1,500.00

UNLV MUS 460, Music Technology Senior Program

special course fee new $0 $150 10 $1,500.00

UNLV PEX 106, Canoeing

special course fee revised $100/course $100/course Correcting a catalog change from PEX 106 to PEX 103 0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 107, Golf special course fee revised $65/course $65/course Correcting a catalog change from PEX 107 to PEX 117 0 $0.00

The fee is required due to the growing cost of equipment and licensing fees, and repair and maintenance of said equipment, without which the course cannot be taught. This is a high-demand program with high usage of our resources. The demand has outstripped the cost of delivering this program to the students. This Music Technology Minor program of study is operating at near-capacity. In this new digital age, we must be able to afford to keep our students current with the best practices. This is essential for student success at the professional level, especially as technology advances at such a rapid rate. Use of fees include but not limited to software licenses, computers, microphones, cabling, sound recording equipment, speakers, and mixing boards.

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNLV PEX 116A, Scuba Diving

special course fee revised $100/course $100/course Correcting a catalog change from PEX 116A to PEX 105 0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 116B, Scuba Diving

special course fee delete $100/course $0 Deleting course from catalog, no longer needed 0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 120D, Swim Instructor

special course fee revised $110/course $110/course Correcting a catalog change from PEX 120D to PEX 106 0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 120E, Lifeguard

special course fee revised $100/course $100/course Correcting a catalog change from PEX 120E to PEX 106B 0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 126, Desert Hiking & Survival

special course fee delete $105/course $0 Deleting course from catalog, replaced by PEX 139, Wilderness Skills

0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 143, Rock Climbing

special course fee revised $65/course $65/course Correcting a catalog change from PEX 143 to PEX 134 0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 153, Bowling special course fee revised - increase

$20 $65 $65 per student will be paid to Bowling facility for lane rental and shoe rental over the course of the semester

36 $1,620.00

UNLV PEX 169, Back Country

special course fee delete $306/course $0 Deleting course from catalog 0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 170, Winter Camping and

special course fee revised $170/course $170/course Correcting a catalog change from PEX 170 to PEX 181 0 $0.00

UNLV PEX 182, Obstacle Course

special course fee revised $65/course $65/course Adding (Beginner) to the title 0 $0.00

UNLV PGM 110, Introduction to PGA Golf Management

special course fee revised - increase

$2,085 $2,095 25 $250.00

UNLV PGM 201, Golf Facility Management Level 1

special course fee revised - decrease

$2,455 $2,200 22 -$5,610.00

UNLV PGM 301, Golf Facility Management Level 2

special course fee revised - increase

$2,395 $2,420 20 $500.00

Revised curriculum reduced and shifted material and testing fees associated with delivering the PGA curriculum among the PGM course fee portfolio (PGM 110, 201, 301, and 401). An additional fee to cover expenses associated with the upkeep of equipment and technology for newly acquired lab spaces was added. Students were involved in discussions for the rationale of an increase in PGM program course fees. The Program Director met with PGM concentration students in-class, during a PGM student association meeting, and issued an online survey to gauge the level of support for proposed increases. The PGM program requires enrolled students to matriculate in cohorts with each fall semester PGM course being assigned a course fee to cover associated concentration costs. Given this scenario, a PGM student needs to consider all courses within the concentration that have a course fee since all are required for completion of the concentration. With this being said, four courses within the concentration are affected by these proposed course fee changes (PGM 110, 201, 301, and 401). The net effect of the proposed course changes to the student is $135 over the life of the concentration (4.5-year plan of study). This increase is 1.4% of the total concentration costs, and is the first increase in 10 years. Course fee changes are as follows: PGM 110 an increase of $10, PGM 201 a decrease of $255, PGM 301 an increase of $25, and PGM 401 an increase of $355 (aggregate increase of $135). During the in-class and student

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNLV PGM 401, Golf Facility Management Level 3 (Fall 2020 only)

special course fee revised - increase

$2,035 $2,390 18 $6,390.00

UNLV PGM 402, Teaching & Coaching Level 3 (Spring 2021 forward)

special course fee revised - name and numbering

$2,390 $2,390 The curriculum of the PGA Golf Management program is being revised. PGM 401 will need the $2,390 fee for Fall 2020 only. The PGM 402 course will become active Spring 2021 and will need the $2,390 fee assigned to this course and no longer attached to PGM 401. We request the $2,390 to be approved for PGM 401, Fall 2020 only and PGM 402 from Spring 2021 forward.

18 $0.00

association discussions the overall sentiment was in support of the increase to help cover costs associated with new lab space designed to improve upon applied learning of course objectives. PGM 401 to be effective only for Fall 2020. The fee will move from PGM 401 to PGM 402, in Spring 2021, due to a change in the curriculum and course numbering and naming.

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR ART 141 Introduction to Digital Photography

Special Course Fee Revised $125.00 $125.00 Correcting catalog change for course numbering update from 141R to 141

UNR ART 212 Ceramics II

Special Course Fee Revised $70.00 $70.00 Correcting catalog change for course numbering update from 212R to 212

UNR ART 221 Beginning Printmaking: Intaglio

Special Course Fee Revised $80.00 $80.00 Correcting catalog change for course numbering update from 221R to 221

UNR ART 223 Beginning Printmaking: Screen Printing

Special Course Fee Revised $80.00 $80.00 Correcting a catalog change from Serigraphy to Screen Printing

UNR ART 317 Intermediate Sculpture

Special Course Fee Revised $70.00 $70.00 Correcting catalog change for course numbering update from 317R to 317

UNR ART 416 Advanced Sculpture

Special Course Fee Revised $70.00 $70.00 Correcting catalog change for course numbering update from 416R to 416

UNR ART 417/617 Problems in Sculpture

Special Course Fee Revised $70.00 $70.00 Correcting catalog change for course numbering update from 417R/617R to 417/617

UNR BCH 406/606 Molecular Biology Laboratory

Special Course Fee Revised $215.00 $215.00 Correcting a catalog change from Lab or Laboratory. Cross listed with BIOL 406/606

UNR BIOL 406/606 Molecular Biology Laboratory

Special Course Fee Revised $215.00 $215.00 Correcting a catalog change from Lab or Laboratory. Cross listed with BCH 406/606

UNR CEP 770 Internship in Counseling

Special Course Fee Revised $250.00 $250.00 It was suggested by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs that CEP 770A (Internship School Counseling: Elementary) and CEP 770B (Internship School Counseling: Secondary. Those two courses have been combine as suggested, this request is to apply the fee that had previously been associated with CEP 770A and 770B, to the replacement course CEP 770.

17 $4,250.00

UNR COLA 109 NevadaFIT

Special Course Fee New $250.00 $250.00 Cross listing COLA 109-NevadaFit for College of Liberal Arts with ACE 109-NevadaFit, thus separating the fees paid by COLA students direction into an account for support of the COLA program. At this time the fees are collected centrally and disbursed to the College of Liberal Arts

250 $62,500.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR ECE 493 Supervised Internship in Early Childhood Education

Special Course Fee Revised $250.00 $250.00 Correcting catalog change for course name structure removing comma and adding the word 'in"

UNR EDUC 585A Supervised Internship, Integrated Elementary/Special Education

Special Course Fee Revised $250.00 $250.00 Correcting catalog change for course name structure adding the language "Integrated Elementary/Special Education"

UNR IAFF 300 Model United Nations

Special Course Fee Revised $275.00 $275.00 Correcting catalog change for course numbering update from 300R to 300

UNR MUSE 117 Precision Drill Workshop

Special Course Fee New $0.00 $250.00 The Precision Drill Workshop exists as a comprehensive offering of the University Band Program. The culminating activity for this course is live performance through participation at several regional contests. As a result, the need for student travel (including transportation, hotel, registration fees, and per diem) is required to successfully offer the course. The University Bands strategic plan includes widening the impact of this course (University reputation, recruiting, and training of students for the marching band) which will require additional travel to contests and therefore more funding. Students participating in similar independent groups (non-university sponsored) are often required to pay over $1250 in fees per year. This requested fee will provide students with an improved experience with personal contribution that is significantly below market.

15 $3,750.00

UNR REM 460/660 Rangeland Resource Management

Special Course Fee Revised $475.00 $475.00 Correcting catalog change from NRES to REM

UNR REM 498/698 Rangeland Restoration Ecology

Special Course Fee Revised $65.00 $65.00 Correcting catalog change from NRES to REM

UNR NURS 318 Nursing Care of the Individual 1: Practice

Special Course Fee Revised $200.00 $200.00 Correcting catalog change for course name structure to remove the word "Part"

UNR NURS 750 Advanced Health Assessment

Special Course Fee Revised $75.00 $75.00 Correcting catalog change for course numbering update from 750R to 750

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR THTR 121 Stage Makeup

Special Course Fee New $0.00 $100.00 This course requires the purchase of a theatrical makeup kit and supplies. The University will receive a 30% education discount by purchasing the kits through course fees. That discount reduces to 10% when students are directed to purchase the kits through the bookstore. Incorporating the kits into a course fee will allow the best discount and cost to be provided to the students.

6 $600.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


NSC NURS 304 Course Revised $360.00 $0.00 Curriculum change splits this fee between NURS 308, NUURS 328 and NURS 428. The supplies needed for NURS 304 are now used in these three new course sections.

270 $0.00

NSC NURS 308 Course New $0.00 $120.00 Curriculum change splits this fee between NURS 308, NUURS 328 and NURS 428. The supplies needed for NURS 304 are now used in these three new course sections. This fee will be eliminated if the proposed increase to the Nursing Differential Fee is approved.

270 $32,400.00

NSC NURS 328 Course New $0.00 $120.00 Curriculum change splits this fee between NURS 308, NUURS 328 and NURS 428. The supplies needed for NURS 304 are now used in these three new course sections. This fee will be eliminated if the proposed increase to the Nursing Differential Fee is approved.

270 $32,400.00

NSC NURS 428 Course New $0.00 $120.00 Curriculum change splits this fee between NURS 308, NUURS 328 and NURS 428. The supplies needed for NURS 304 are now used in these three new course sections. This fee will be eliminated if the proposed increase to the Nursing Differential Fee is approved.

270 $32,400.00

NSC NURS 448 Course Revised $100.00 $0.00 Curriculum change replaces this course with NURS 484. The supplies needed for NURS 448 will be needed for NURS 484.

270 $0.00

NSC NURS 484 Course New $0.00 $100.00 Curriculum change replaces this course with NURS 484. The supplies needed for NURS 448 will be needed for NURS 484. This fee will be eliminated if the proposed increase to the Nursing Differential Fee is approved.

270 $27,000.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


CSN AUTO 105B, Automotive Maintenance I

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 170 $2,550.00

CSN AUTO 115B, Automotive Electricity and Electronics I

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 108 $1,620.00

CSN AUTO 117B, Advanced Automotive Electronics

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 72 $1,080.00

CSN AUTO 136B, Engine Repair

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 72 $1,080.00

CSN AUTO 145B, Automotive Brakes

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 60 $900.00

CSN AUTO 155B, Steering and Suspension

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 60 $900.00

CSN AUTO 165B, Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 60 $900.00

CSN AUTO 185B, Introduction to Alternative Fueled Vehicles

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 10 $150.00

CSN AUTO 205B, Manual Drivetrain and Axles

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 45 $675.00

CSN AUTO 216B, Automatic Transmissions

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 45 $675.00

CSN AUTO 225B, Engine Performance I/Fuel and Ignition

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 45 $675.00

CSN AUTO 227B, Engine Performance II/Emission Control

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 40 $600.00

CSN AUTO 235B, Engine Performance III/Diagnostics

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 40 $600.00

Student fees will cover increased costs in consumable supplies like emission test station controlled gases, engine oil, engine components, brake parts, electrical components and other automotive parts and supplies as well as replacement tools that students use.

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


CSN AUTO 240B, Nevada 1G Emission Inspection Preparation

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 40 $600.00

CSN AUTO 245B, Power Train Removal and Replacement

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 20 $300.00

CSN AUTO 285B, Hybrid Vehicle Service Techniques

special course fee revised $50.00 $65.00 10 $150.00

CSN DT 104, Diesel Equipment Service

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 Student fees will cover increased costs in consumable supplies like engine oil, brake parts, electrical components, etc., as well as replacement tools that students burn through.

36 $576.00

CSN DT 115, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Electrical Systems

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 Student fees will cover increased costs in consumables supplies like electrical wires and supplies, batteries, diagnostic systems upgrades or maintenance, etc., as well as replacement tools that students burn through.

30 $480.00

CSN DT 117, Advanced Diesel/Heavy Equipment Electronics

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 Student fees will cover increased costs in consumables supplies like electrical components and supplies, hydraulic oil and supplies, etc., as well as replacement tools that students burn through.

30 $480.00

CSN DT 136, Diesel Engine Repair I

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 30 $480.00

CSN DT 138, Diesel Engine Repair II

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 26 $416.00

CSN DT 145, Diesel Brake Systems

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 Student fees will cover increased costs in consumable supplies like hydraulic and air brake system components, maintenance items, and replacement tools, etc.

26 $416.00

CSN DT 150B, Diesel Hydraulics

special course fee new $0.00 $65.00 Student fees never assessed. New fees will cover costs for consumable supplies like hydraulic oil, hydraulic electrical components, diesel parts and supplies, and replacement tools, etc.

24 $1,560.00

CSN DT 155, Steering, Suspension and Hydraulic Directional Controls

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 Student fees will cover increased costs in consumable supplies like diesel engine parts, maintenance supplies, tools, etc.

24 $384.00

Student fees will cover increased costs in consumable supplies like diesel engine parts, maintenance supplies, tools, etc.

Student fees will cover increased costs in consumable supplies like emission test station controlled gases, engine oil, engine components, brake parts, electrical components and other automotive parts and supplies as well as replacement tools that students use.

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


CSN DT 165, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Heating, Air Conditioning

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 Student fees will cover increased costs in consumable supplies like diesel engine parts and refrigerant, air conditioning parts and maintenance supplies, and tools.

24 $384.00

CSN DT 205, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Drive Train and Axles

special course fee revised $49.00 $65.00 Student fees will cover increased costs in consumable supplies like diesel engine parts, maintenance supplies for service procedures, and tools.

20 $320.00

CSN WELD 100B, Introduction to Welding

special course fee new $0.00 $85.00 This course was approved through curriculum for fall 2018. The fees for this course will be utilized to pay for student use of consumable welding gases, steel, aluminum, electrode, and replacement/maintenance of lab equipment.

36 $3,060.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (eg: orientation, late registration, etc)

Fee Status - new, revised or continu-ing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of Students Impacted

Anticipated Annual


TMCC EIT 437, Computer and Analog Control

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC EIT 468, Advanced Control Systems

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC ELM 240, Advanced Manufacturing and Robotic Systems

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC ELM 333, Process Control Instrumentation II

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC ELM 340, Robotic Programming Offline

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC ELM 440, Collaborative Robot Design and Operation

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC EMS 115, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician

Lab REVISED $50.00 $100.00 Number of AEMT students have more than doubled, thus more than doubling lab supply needs.

110 $11,000.00

TMCC EMS 211, Paramedic Care for Medical Emergencies and ACLS

Lab REVISED $300.00 $150.00 FT/Lab/Equip Coordinator has produced more efficient use and accounting of supplies

18 $2,700.00

TMCC EMS 212, Paramedic Trama Emergencies and ITLS

Lab REVISED $300.00 $150.00 FT/Lab/Equip Coordinator has produced more efficient use and accounting of supplies

18 $2,700.00

TMCC EMS 214, Pediatrics & Special Consideration for Para/Pals

Lab REVISED $200.00 $100.00 FT/Lab/Equip Coordinator has produced more efficient use and accounting of supplies

18 $2,700.00

TMCC EMS 216, Hospital Clinical Experience for the Paramedic

Lab DELETION $250.00 $0.00 Supplies and equipment are no longer used in this class. 18 $0.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (eg: orientation, late registration, etc)

Fee Status - new, revised or continu-ing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of Students Impacted

Anticipated Annual


TMCC EMS 217, Field Internship for the Paramedic

Lab REVISED $500.00 $300.00 Review of fee and fee uses dictated reducing the lab fee for students.

18 $5,400.00

TMCC ME 330, Introduction to System Dynamics

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 311, Laser Scanning Methods/Techniques

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 312, Industry 4.0/Cyber Physical Manufacturing

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 325, Digital Inspection/Quality Control

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 340, Computer Simulations and Analysis

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 343, Design and Manufacturing Process II

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 351, 3D Vision Technology

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 363, Manufacturing Execution Systems

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 412, Advanced Digital Inspection

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC MPT 415, Simulation of Manufacturing Systems

Lab NEW $0.00 $50.00 Annual renewals of student programming software, maintenance of equipment, and consumable supplies.

20 $1,000.00

TMCC WELD 211, Welding I

Lab REVISED $50.00 $80.00 Increase in consumables (shielding gas and base metal) 151 $12,080.00

TMCC WELD 212, Welding I Practice

Lab REVISED $50.00 $80.00 Increase in consumables (shielding gas and base metal) 151 $12,080.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (eg: orientation, late registration, etc)

Fee Status - new, revised or continu-ing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of Students Impacted

Anticipated Annual


TMCC WELD 215, Introduction to Welding Fabrication Techniques

Lab NEW $0.00 $300.00 Cover cost of materials for special fabriucation project to ensure all topics are covered in class.

20 $6,000.00

TMCC WELD 221, Welding II

Lab REVISED $50.00 $80.00 Increase in consumables (shielding gas and base metal) 53 $4,240.00

TMCC WELD 222, Welding II Practice

Lab REVISED $50.00 $80.00 Increase in consumables (shielding gas and base metal) 53 $4,240.00

TMCC WELD 225, Independent Study

Lab REVISED $50.00 $100.00 Consumable cost increases plus cost of test material 9 $900.00

TMCC WELD 231, Welding III

Lab REVISED $50.00 $80.00 Increase in consumables and alloy welding demos to meet industry needs.

29 $2,320.00

TMCC WELD 232, Welding III Practice

Lab REVISED $50.00 $80.00 Increase in consumables and alloy welding demos to meet industry needs.

29 $2,320.00

TMCC WELD 241, Welding IV

Lab REVISED $50.00 $80.00 Increase in consumables and alloy welding demos to meet industry needs.

30 $2,400.00

TMCC WELD 242, Welding IV Practice

Lab REVISED $50.00 $80.00 Increase in consumables and alloy welding demos to meet industry needs.

30 $2,400.00

TMCC WELD 250, Welding Certification Preparation

Lab REVISED $50.00 $100.00 Consumable cost increases plus cost of test material 39 $3,900.00

TMCC WELD 280, Introduction to Robotic Welding

Lab New $0.00 $100.00 Consumables required for class. 20 $2,000.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


WNC AIT 101 - Fundamentals of Applied Industrial Technology

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $180.00 Covers cost of instructional materials 25 $4,500.00

WNC AIT 102 - Measurement Tools and Methods

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $180.00 Covers cost of instructional materials 20 $4,500.00

WNC AIT 103 - Intro to Machine Tool Technologies

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $180.00 Covers cost of instructional materials 20 $4,500.00

WNC AIT 121 - Electrical Control Systems

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $180.00 Covers cost of instructional materials 20 $4,500.00

WNC AIT 200 - Applied Industrial Technology Projects

Expendable Supplies REVISED $50.00 $350.00 Increase covers cost of instructional materials & exam bundle 40 $14,000.00

WNC AIT 250 - Mechatronics: Electrical Components

Expendable Supplies REVISED $50.00 $200.00 Increase covers cost of instructional materials. 30 $6,000.00

WNC AIT 270 - Mechatronics 2: Process Control Technologies

Expendable Supplies REVISED $50.00 $200.00 Increase covers cost of instructional materials. 20 $4,000.00

WNC ART 211 - Ceramics I

Expendable Supplies REVISED $30.00 $45.00 The increase would help to cover the cost of clay, glazes, tools and lab assistant needed for the ceramics classes

60 $2,700.00

WNC ART 212 - Ceramics II

Expendable Supplies REVISED $30.00 $45.00 The increase would help to cover the cost of clay, glazes, tools and lab assistant needed for the ceramics classes

20 $900.00

WNC ART 214 - Introduction to Book Art: Intersection of Art and Design

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $45.00 Fee to cover expendable lab supplies 15 $675.00

WNC CIT 114 - IT Essentials

Computer Lab Fee NEW $0.00 $30.00 Student use of the lab Laptops and Teaching Assistant for assistance in online classes.

60 $1,800.00

WNC CIT 128 - Introduction to Software Development

Computer Lab Fee / Expendable Lab Fee

NEW $0.00 $30.00 Maintenance and replacement costs for supplies for 3D Printers. Maintenance and replacement costs for LEGO Mindstorm Robots and maze material.

25 $750.00

WNC CSCO 220 - Cisco Internetworking Acad III

Computer Lab Fee NEW $0.00 $30.00 Utilization of NDG Netlab and TA resources to maintain Netlab.

10 $300.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


WNC CSCO 221 - Cisco Internetworking Acad IV

Computer Lab Fee NEW $0.00 $30.00 Utilization of NDG Netlab and TA resources to maintain Netlab.

10 $300.00

WNC GRC 116 - Introduction to Digital Art and Design

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $30.00 For ink and paper, and other supplies for student graphic design to print out graphic design projects.

30 $900.00

WNC GRC 200 - Design Thinking & Methodologies

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $30.00 For ink, paper, and other supplies for students to print out their graphic design projects.

30 $900.00

WNC GRC 210 - Typography I

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $30.00 For ink, paper, and other supplies for student to print out their graphic design projects.

30 $900.00

WNC GRC 220 - Graphic Design I

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $30.00 For ink, paper, and other supplies for student to print out their graphic design projects.

30 $900.00

WNC GRC 282 - Motion Graphics for Video

Expendable Supplies NEW $0.00 $30.00 For ink, paper, and other supplies for student to print out their graphic design projects.

30 $900.00

WNC LTE 102 - Applied Phlebotomy

Expendable Supplies REVISED $35.00 $60.00 The LTE 102 course requires six weeks of intensive laboratory experiences. As a result of a cost analysis, it was determined the increase of the total amount to $60 per student for supplies is warranted.

18 $1,080.00

WNC WELD 211 - Welding I

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

WNC WELD 212 - Welding I Practice

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

WNC WELD 221 - Welding II

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

WNC WELD 222 - Welding II Practice

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

WNC WELD 224 - Welding Projects

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

WNC WELD 231 - Welding III

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

WNC WELD 232 - Welding III Practice

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

WNC WELD 241 - Welding IV

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

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Special Fees: Special Course Fees

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


WNC WELD 242 - Welding IV Practice

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

WNC WELD 250 - Welding Certification Preparation

Expendable Supplies REVISED $80.00 $100.00 Increases in welding consumables and instructional materials. 30 $3,000.00

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Special Fees: Res Hall / Food Svc

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNLV Residence Hall & Food Service Rates

meal plans revised Semester Semester

UNLV Block 150, Plus 450 Dining Dollars

meal plans revised $1,632 Plus 450 $2,082

$1,715 Plus 450 $2,165

UNLV Block 240 , Plus 300 Dining Dollars

meal plans revised $2,112 Plus 300 $2,412

$2,210 Plus 300 $2,510

UNLV Block 224 (14 meals/wk), Plus 375 Dining Dollars

meal plans revised $2,075 Plus 375 $2,450

$2,173 Plus 375 $2,548

UNLV All declining balance, approx. 270 meals, Plus 200 Dining Dollars

meal plans revised $2,450 Plus 200 $2,650

$2,556 Plus 200 $2,756

UNLV Unlimited Block 336, Plus 250 Dining Dollars

meal plans revised $2,373 Plus 250 $2,623

$2,478 Plus 250 $2,728

UNLV Summer Session I 30 Meals

meal plans revised 211.80 220.50

UNLV Summer Session I 42 Meals

meal plans revised 296.52 308.70

UNLV Summer Session I 57 Meals

meal plans revised 402.42 418.95

UNLV Summer Session II 50 Meals

meal plans revised 353.00 367.50

UNLV Summer Session II 70 Meals

meal plans revised 494.20 514.50

UNLV Summer Session II 95 Meals

meal plans revised 670.70 698.25

UNLV Summer Session III 50 Meals

meal plans revised 353.00 367.50

UNLV Summer Session III 70 Meals

meal plans revised 494.20 514.50

UNLV Summer Session III 95 Meals

meal plans revised 670.70 698.25

Meal Plan rates were held constant from FY 19 to FY 20 this request for an increase in FY 21 is to cover food, labor (increase in the minimum wage) and direct cost increases (utilities, repairs, and insurance).

These meal plan changes have been shared with CSUN and GPSA and presented to and accepted by the Residence Hall Association.

1,710 $7,488,350 Net increase


Summer meal plans adjusted to reflect the FY21 proposed lowest per meal rate, which is $7.35 per meal, a $.29/meal increase

230 $115,327 Net increase


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Residential Meal Plans‐ UNLVResidential Student Meal Plans Only   Presented to RHA and approved.


Meals Dining Dollars Cost Cost Per Meal Guest Meals Dining Dollars Cost Cost Per Meal $ Increase per plan Guest

Unlimited $250.00 $2,623.00 $7.06 10 Unlimited $250.00 $2,728.00 $7.35 $105.00 10

240 Block $300.00 $2,412.00 $8.80 10 240 Block $300.00 $2,510.00 $9.15 $98.00 10

All DB  $2,650.00 $2,650.00 $9.07 N/A All DB  $2,756.00 $2,756.00 $9.43 $106.00 N/A

Weekly 14 $375.00 $2,450.00 $9.26 2 Weekly 14 $375.00 $2,548.00 $9.63 $98.00 2

150 Block $450.00 $2,082.00 $10.88 5 150 Block $450.00 $2,165.00 $11.25 $83.00 5

Cost Increases:

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) -Food Away from Home rose to 2.9% in FY18 and estimated 2.6% for FY19

Direct Costs- Increased cost for Risk Management, Utilities, Insurance will average a 4% increase per year FY18 & FY19

Labor Costs- Nevada Minimum Wage increase from FY18 $8.25 to FY20 $8.75

Value Added Options:Adding a New Starbucks to the North side of Campus, adding Wicked Eats to the Student union, Expanding the SU POD Market, Relocating Jamba Juice and Greens to GoImplementation of Food truck Friday's within the Dining hallCreated the Rebel Kitchen Cooking Classes within the Dining HallWorked with Rebel Card and OIT to implement new POS system Created and implemented meal donation program- allowing students to donate meals and UNLV dining to match the donation

Current  FY20 Proposed FY21

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Special Fees: Res Hall / Food Svc

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR Food Service Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (1a)

Wolfie Plan, 18 meals/ week, $700 declining balance/year.

Revised $5,600 $5,792 This is a 3.42% increase due to inflation, utility costs, and consistency with CPI. This increase has been presented to the student Residence Hall Association. Formally the A plan. The meal plan options were improved to allow students increased flexibility with food bucks and a balancing of meal swipes based on an analysis of prior usage for this plan.

Full-time residence hall

freshman under the age

of 21 and other students

choosing a meal plan,

totaling about 375 students.

$72,000 increase totaling


UNR Food Service Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (1a)

Alphie Plan, 15 meals/ week, $500 declining balance/year.

Revised $5,330 $5,330 No increase enables alignment with other meal plan types. This has been presented to the student Residence Hall Association. Formally the B plan. The meal plan options were improved to allow students increased flexibility with food bucks and a balancing of meal swipes based on an analysis of prior usage for this plan. Rename and declining balance adjustment only.

Full-time residence hall

freshman under the age

of 21 and other students

choosing a meal plan,

totaling about 1450 students.

$0 increase

UNR Food Service Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (1a)

Premium C Plan, 12 meals/ week, $500 declining balance/year.

Remove $4,700 We are removing this meal plan option as it was not a popular option. The meal plan options were improved to allow students increased flexibility with food bucks and a balancing of meal swipes based on an analysis of prior usage for this plan.

Not offered

UNR Food Service Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (1a)

Luna Plan, 12 meals/ week, $300 declining balance/year.

Revised $4,360 $4,509 This is a 3.42% increase due to inflation, utility costs, and consistency with CPI. This increase has been presented to the student Residence Hall Association. Formally the D plan. This was improved to allow students increased flexibility with food bucks and a balancing of meal swipes based on an analysis of prior usage for this plan.

Full-time residence hall

freshman under the age

of 21 and other students

choosing a meal plan,

totaling about 1100 students.

$163,900 increase totaling


UNR Food Service Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (1a)

NevadaFit Week Meal Plan (will be required for all freshman FY21)

New $135.50 NevadaFit will be required next year for incoming freshman. Students living on campus and those commuting will need meal plans. Estimated number of students is based on freshman class statistics FY19.

3,651 $494,710.50

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Double Occupancy in Nye, Manzanita & Juniper Halls

Revised $5,650/ academic year

$5,850/ academic year

3.55% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

630 $126,000 increase, totaling


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Special Fees: Res Hall / Food Svc

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Double Occupancy in Canada Hall and Double Occupancy (Large) in Sierra Hall

Revised $6,320/ academic year

$6,600/ academic year

4.45% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

270 $75,600 increase, totaling

$1,782,000UNR Residence Hall

Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Double Occupancy in Argenta, Living Learning Community, Peavine, Great Basin

Revised $7,300/ academic year

$7,540/ academic year

3.3% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

925 $222,000 increase, totaling

$6,974,500UNR Residence Hall

Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Standard Double in Sierra Hall; Triple Occupancy in Argenta, Peavine and Sierra Halls

Revised $5,800/ academic year

$6,060/ academic year

4.5% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

1042 $270,920 increase, totaling

$6,314,520UNR Residence Hall

Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Single Room in Juniper & Manzanita Halls

Revised $7,300/ academic year

$7,540/ academic year

3.3% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

75 $18,000 increase, totaling

$565,500UNR Residence Hall

Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Single Room in Sierra Hall Revised $7,720/ academic year

$8,060/ academic year

4.41% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

8 $2,720 increase, totaling $64,480

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Single Room in Living Learning Community

Revised $8,700/ academic year

$8,800/ academic year

1.15% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

4 $400 increase, totaling $35,200

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Single Room in Great Basin Revised $8,700/ academic year

$8,800/ academic year

1.15% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

40 $4,000 increase, totaling

$352,000UNR Residence Hall

Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Triple Occupancy in Great Basin

Revised $7,300/ academic year

$7,540/ academic year

3.3% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

15 $3,600 increase, totaling

$113,100UNR Residence Hall

Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Double Room Requested Guaranteed Private in Nye and Manzanita Doubles

Revised $11,300/ academic year

$11,700/ academic year

3.55% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Upon request

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Double Room Requested Guaranteed Private in Canada Hall and Sierra Hall Large Room

Revised $12,640/ academic year

$13,200/ academic year

4.443% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Upon request

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Double Room Requested Guaranteed Private in Argenta, Living Learning Community, Peavine and Great Basin

Revised $14,600/ academic year

$15,080/ academic year

3.3% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Upon request

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Special Fees: Res Hall / Food Svc

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

Double Room Requested Guaranteed Private in Sierra Hall Standard Room

Revised $11,600/ academic year

$12,120/ academic year

4.49% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Upon request

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2a)

NevadaFit Week Housing (only required for freshman living on campus for fall)

New $135.19-$203.36

NevadaFit will be required next year for incoming freshman. Only those living on campus for the fall will be charged this rate for early arrival. Estimated number of students is based on Fall 2019. Rate charged is dependent upon the hall assignment and room configuration of given resident.

1,774 If highest rate is assumed $360,760.64

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2)

Winter Break Rate Revised $550 $560 1.85% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Upon request $10 increase

UNR Summer Session, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2b)

Summer Session double without air conditioning or triple with air conditioning

Revised $17.60/day/ person

$17.95/day/ person

2% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

120 $2,016 increase, totaling

$103,392UNR Summer Session,

UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2b)

Summer Session double with air conditioning

Revised $20.15/day/ person

$20.55/day/ person

2% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Limited availability

UNR Summer Session, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2b)

Summer Session single without air conditioning

Revised $32.90/day/ person

$33.55/day/ person

2% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Limited availability

UNR Summer Session, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2b)

Summer Session single with air conditioning

Revised $36.20/day/ person

$36.92/day/ person

2% increase enables alignment with similar room types andcontributes to an overall 3.39% increase. This increase has beenpresented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Limited availability

UNR Summer Session, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2b)

Summer Session 19 Meals per Week Plan (Daily Meal Rate)

Revised $26.20/day/ person

$27.09/day/ person

This is a 3.4% increase due to inflation, utility costs, and consistency with CPI. This increase has been presented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Full-time residence hall

freshman under the age

of 21 and other students

choosing a meal plan,

totaling about 100 students.

$6,052 increase totaling


UNR Summer Session, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2b)

Summer Session 14 Meals per Week Plan (Daily Meal Rate)

Revised $21.15/day/ person

$21.87/day/ person

This is a 3.42% increase due to inflation, utility costs, and consistency with CPI. This increase has been presented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Full-time residence hall

freshman under the age

of 21 and other students

choosing a meal plan,

totaling about 20 students.

$979 increase totaling $29,743

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Special Fees: Res Hall / Food Svc

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR Summer Session, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2b)

Summer Session 10 Meals per Week Plan (Daily Meal Rate)

Revised $15.20/day/ person

$15.72/day/ person

This is a 3.42% increase due to inflation, utility costs, and consistency with CPI. This increase has been presented to the student Residence Hall Association.

Full-time residence hall

freshman under the age

of 21 and other students

choosing a meal plan,

totaling about 20 students.

$707 increase totaling $21,379

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Special Fees: Apartment Rentals

Institution Fee NameType of Fee (e.g.:

orientation, late registration, etc.)

Fee Status - new, revised or continuing

Current Fee Amount

Proposed Fee Amount Narrative/ Rationale

Annual Number of students impacted

Anticipated Annual


UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2d)

Ponderosa Village Graduate Student Housing One Bedroom Apartment Monthly Rate

New $1,150.00 These monthly rates have been approved by the Ponderosa Village Advisory Board and are contingent upon BOR approval of purchase Ponderosa Village. Lease term is 12 months.

37 $510,600.00

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2d)

Ponderosa Village Graduate Student Housing Two Bedroom Apartment Monthly Rate

New $1,370.00 These monthly rates have been approved by the Ponderosa Village Advisory Board and are contingent upon BOR approval of purchase Ponderosa Village. Lease term is 12 months.

31 $509,640.00

UNR Residence Hall Rates, UNR, Chapter 7, Section 15 (2d)

Ponderosa Village Graduate Student Housing Two Bedroom Shared Unit Room Monthly Rate

New $705.00 These monthly rates have been approved by the Ponderosa Village Advisory Board and are contingent upon BOR approval of purchase Ponderosa Village. Lease term is 12 months.

123 $1,040,580.00

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