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Harold Bloom's Western Canon 46 The Theocratic Age The Ancient Near East 1. Gilgamesh 2. Egyptian Book of the Dead 3. Holy Bible (King James Version) 4. The Apocrypha 5. Sayings of the Fathers (Pirke Aboth) Ancient India 6. Mahabharata 7. Bhagavad-Gita 8. Ramayana The Ancient Greeks 9. Iliad - Homer 10. Odyssey - Homer 11. Works and Days - Hesiod 12. Theogony - Hesiod 13. The Poetry of Archilochos 14. The Poetry of Sappho
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Page 1: Bloom

Harold Bloom's Western Canon 46

The Theocratic Age

The Ancient Near East

1. Gilgamesh

2. Egyptian Book of the Dead

3. Holy Bible (King James Version)

4. The Apocrypha

5. Sayings of the Fathers (Pirke Aboth)

Ancient India

6. Mahabharata

7. Bhagavad-Gita

8. Ramayana

The Ancient Greeks

9. Iliad - Homer

10. Odyssey - Homer

11. Works and Days - Hesiod

12. Theogony - Hesiod

13. The Poetry of Archilochos

14. The Poetry of Sappho

15. The Poetry of Alkman

16. Odes - Pindar

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17. Oresteia - Aeschylus

18. Seven Against Thebes - Aeschylus

19. Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus

20. Persians - Aeschylus

21. Suppliant Women - Aeschylus

22. Oedipus the King - Sophocles

23. Oedipus at Colonus - Sophocles

24. Antigone - Sophocles

25. Electra - Sophocles

26. Ajax - Aeschylus

27. Women of Trachis - Sophocles

28. Philoctetes - Sophocles

29. Cyclops - Euripides

30. Heracles - Euripides

31. Alcestis - Euripides

32. Hecuba - Euripides

33. Bacchae - Euripides

34. Orestes - Euripides

35. Andromache - Euripides

36. Medea - Euripides

37. Ion - Euripides

38. Hippolytus - Euripides

39. Helen - Euripides

40. Iphigenia at Aulis - Euripides

41. The Birds - Aristophanes

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42. The Clouds - Aristophanes

43. The Frogs - Aristophanes

44. Lysistrata - Aristophanes

45. The Knights - Aristophanes

46. The Wasps - Aristophanes

47. The Assemblywomen - Aristophanes

48. The Histories - Herodotus

49. The Peloponnesian Wars - Thucydides

50. Fragments - Heraclitus

51. Extant Fragments - Empedocles)

52. Dialogues - Plato

53. Poetics - Aristotle

54. Ethics - Aristotle

Hellenistic Greeks

55. The Girl from Samos - Menander

56. On the Sublime - Longinus

57. Hymns and Epigrams - Callimachus

58. Idylls - Theocritus

59. Lives - Plutarch

60. Moralia - Plutarch

61. Fables - Aesop

62. Satires - Lucian

The Romans

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63. Pseudolus - Plautus

64. The Braggart Soldier - Plautus

65. The Rope - Plautus

66. Amphitryon - Plautus

67. The Girl from Andros - Terence

68. The Eunuch - Terence

69. The Mother-in-Law - Terence

70. The Way Things Are - Lucretius

71. On the Gods - Cicero

72. Odes - Horace

73. Epistles - Horace

74. Satires - Horace

75. Satires - Persius

76. Attis and Other Poems - Catullus

77. Aeneid - Virgil

78. Eclogues - Virgil

79. Georgics - Virgil

80. Pharsalia - Lucan

81. Metamorphoses - Ovid

82. The Art of Love - Ovid

83. Heroides - Ovid

84. Satires - Juvenal

85. Epigrams - Martial

86. Tragedies - Seneca (particularly Medea and Hercules Furens)

87. Satyricon - Petronius

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88. The Golden Ass - Apuleius

The Middle Ages: Latin, Arabic, and the Vernacular Before Dante

89. City of God - Saint Augustine

90. Confessions - Saint Augustine

91. The Koran (Al-Qur'an)

92. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night

93. The Poetic Edda

94. The Prose Edda - Snorri Sturluson

95. The Nibelungen Lied

96. Parzival - Wolfram von Eschenbach

97. Yvain: The Knight of the Lion - Chrétien de Troyes

98. Beowulf

99. The Poem of the Cid

100. The Book of the City of Ladies - Christine de Pisan

101. Prison of Love - Diego de San Pedro

The Aristocratic Age


102. The Divine Comedy - Dante

103. The New Life - Dante

104. Lyric Poems - Petrarch

105. Selections - Petrarch

106. The Decameron - Giovanni Boccaccio

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107. Orlando Innamorato - Matteo Maria Boiardo

108. Orlando Furioso - Ludovico Ariosto

109. Sonnets and Madrigals - Michelangelo Buonarroti

110. The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli

111. The Mandrake, a Comedy - Niccolò Machiavelli

112. Notebooks - Leonardo da Vinci

113. The Book of the Courtier - Baldassare Castiglione

114. Sonnets and Madrigals - Gaspara Stampa

115. Lives of the PaintersGiorgio Vasari

116. Autobiography - Benvenuto Cellini

117. Jerusalem Delivered - Torquato Tasso

118. The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast - Giordano Bruno

119. Poems - Tommaso Campanella

120. The City of the Sun - Tommaso Campanella

121. Principles of a New Science - Giambattista Vico

122. The Servant of Two Masters - Carlo Goldoni

123. Saul - Vittorio Alfieri


124. The Lusiads - Luis de Camoëns

125. Poetry - Antònio Ferreira


126. Coplas - Jorge Manrique

127. La Celestina - Fernando de Rojas

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128. Lazarillo de Tormes - Anonymous

129. Visions - Francisco de Quevedo

130. Satirical Letter of Censure - Francisco de Quevedo

131. Poems - Fray Luis de León

132. Poems - St. John of the Cross

133. Sonnets - Luis de Góngora

134. Soledades - Luis de Góngora

135. Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes

136. Exemplary Stories - Miguel de Cervantes

137. La Dorotea - Lope de Vega

138. Fuente Ovejuna - Lope de Vega

139. Lost in a Mirror - Lope de Vega

140. The Knight of Olmedo - Lope de Vega

141. The Trickster of Seville - Tirso de Molina

142. Life is a Dream - Pedro Calderón de la Barca

143. The Mayor of Zalamea - Pedro Calderón de la Barca

144. The Mighty Magician - Pedro Calderón de la Barca

145. The Doctor of His Own Honor - Pedro Calderón de la Barca

146. Poems - Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

England and Scotland

147. The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer

148. Troilus and Criseyde - Geoffrey Chaucer

149. Le Morte D'Arthur - Sir Thomas Malory

150. Poems - William Dunbar

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151. Poems - John Skelton

152. Utopia - Sir Thomas More

153. Poems - Sir Thomas Wyatt

154. Poems - Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

155. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia - Sir Philip Sidney

156. Astrophel and Stella - Sir Philip Sidney

157. An Apology for Poetry - Sir Philip Sidney

158. Poems - Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke

159. The Faerie Queene - Edmund Spenser

160. The Minor Poems - Edmund Spenser

161. Poems - Sir Walter Ralegh

162. Poems and Plays - Christopher Marlowe

163. Poems - Michael Drayton

164. Poems - Samuel Daniel

165. A Defence of Ryme - Samuel Drayton

166. The Unfortunate Traveller - Thomas Nashe

167. The Spanish Tragedy - Thomas Kyd

168. Plays and Poems - William Shakespeare

169. Songs - Thomas Campion

170. Poems - John Donne

171. Sermons - John Donne

172. Poems, Plays, and Masques -Ben Jonson

173. Essays - Francis Bacon

174. The Anatomy of Melancholy - Robert Burton

175. Religio Medici - Sir Thomas Browne

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176. Hydriotaphia, or Urne-Buriall - Sir Thomas Browne

177. The Garden of Cyrus - Sir Thomas Browne

178. Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes

179. Poems - Robert Herrick

180. Poems - Thomas Car

181. Poems - Richard Lovelace

182. Poems - Andrew Marvell

183. The Temple - George Herbert

184. Centuries, Poems, and Thanksgivings - Thomas Traherne

185. Poetry - Henry Vau

186. Poems - John Wilmot, Earl of Ro

187. Poems - Richard Crashaw

188. Plays - Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

189. Comedies, Tragedies, Poems - George Chapman

190. 'Tis Pity She's a Whore - John Ford

191. The Malcontent - John Marston

192. The White Devil - John Webster

193. The Duchess of Malfi - John Webster

194. The Changeling - Thomas Middleton and William Rowley

195. The Revenger's Tragedy - Cyril Tourneur

196. A New Way to Pay Old Debts -

197. The Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan

198. The Compleat Angler - Izaak Walton

199. Paradise Lost - John Milton

200. Paradise Regained - John Milton

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201. Lycidas, Comus, and the Minor Poems - John Milton

202. Samson Agonistes - John Milton

203. Areopagitica - John Milton

204. Brief Lives - John Aubrey

205. Holy Dying - Jeremy Taylor

206. Hudibras - Samuel Butler

207. Poetry and Plays - John Dryden

208. Critical Essays - John Dryden

209. Venice Preserv'd - Thomas Otway

210. The Way of the World - William Congreve

211. Love for Love - William Congreve

212. A Tale of a Tub - Jonathan Swift

213. Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift

214. Shorter Prose Works - Jonathan Swift

215. Poems - Jonathan Swift

216. The Man of Mode - Sir George Etherege

217. Poems - Alexander Pope

218. The Beggar's Opera - John Gay

219. Life of Johnson - James Boswell

220. Journals - James Boswell

221. Works - Samuel Johnson

222. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward Gibbon

223. A Philosophical Enquiry into...the Sublime and Beautiful - Edmund Burke

224. Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEdmund Burke

225. An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff - Maurice Morgann

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226. Poems - William Collins

227. The Beaux' Strategem - George Farquhar

228. The Recruiting Officer - George Farquhar

229. The Country Wife -William Wycherley

230. The Plain Dealer - William Wycherley

231. Jubilate Agno - Christopher Smart

232. A Song to David - Christopher Smart

233. The Vicar of Wakefield - Oliver Goldsmith

234. She Stoops to Conquer - Oliver Goldsmith

235. The Traveller - Oliver Goldsmith

236. The Deserted Village - Oliver Goldsmith

237. The School of Scandal - Richard Brinsley Sheridan

238. The Rivals - Richard Brinsley Sheridan

239. Poetical Works - William Cowper

240. Poetical Works - George Crabbe

241. Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe

242. Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe

243. A Journal of the Plague Year - Daniel Defoe

244. Clarissa - Samuel Richardson

245. Pamela - Samuel Richardson

246. Sir Charles Grandison - Samuel Richardson

247. Joseph Andrews - Henry Fielding

248. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling - Henry Fielding

249. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker - Tobias Smollett

250. The Adventures of Roderick Random - Tobias Smollett

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251. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne

252. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy - Laurence Sterne

253. Evelina - Fanny Burney

254. The Spectator - Joseph Addison and Richard Steele


255. Chronicles - Jean Froissart

256. The Song of Roland

257. Poems - François Villon

258. Essays - Michel de Montaigne

259. Gargantua and Pantagruel - François Rabelais

260. The Heptameron - Marguerite de Navarre

261. The Regrets - Joachim Du Bellay

262. Délie - Maurice Scève

263. Odes, Elegies, Sonnets - Pierre Ronsard

264. Memoirs - Philippe de Commynes

265. Les Tragiques - Agrippa d'Aubigné

266. Mark Antony - Robert Garnier

267. The Jewesses - Robert Garnier

268. The Cid - Pierre Corneille

269. Polyeucte - Pierre Corneille

270. Nicomède - Pierre Corneille

271. Horace - Pierre Corneille

272. Cinna - Pierre Corneille

273. Rodogune - Pierre Corneille

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274. Maxims - François de La Rochefoucauld

275. Fables - Jean de La Fontaine

276. The Misanthrope-

277. Tartuffe - Molière

278. The School for Wives - Molière

279. The Learned Ladies - Molière

280. Don Juan - Molière

281. School for Husbands - Molière

282. Ridiculous Precieuses - Molière

283. The Would-Be Gentleman - Molière

284. The Miser - Molière

285. The Imaginary Invalid - Molière

286. Pensées - Blaise Pascal

287. Funerary Orations - Jacques-Bénigne Bosuet

288. The Art of Poetry - Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux

289. Lutrin - Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux

290. Phaedra - Jean Racine

291. Andromache - Jean Racine

292. Britannicus - Jean Racine

293. Athaliah - Jean Racine

294. Seven Comedies - Pierre Carlet de Marivaux

295. The Confessions - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

296. Émile - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

297. La Nouvelle Héloïse - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

298. Zadig - Voltaire

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299. Candide - Voltaire

300. Letters on England - Voltaire

301. The Lisbon Earthquake - Voltaire

302. Manon Lescaut - Abbé Prévost

303. The Princess of Cleves - Madame de La Fayette

304. Products of the Perfected Civilization - Sébastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort

305. Rameau's Nephew - Denis Diderot

306. Dangerous Liaisons - Choderlos de Laclos


307. In Praise of Folly - Erasmus

308. Faust, Parts One and Two - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

309. Dichtung und Wahrheit - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

310. Egmont - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

311. Elective Affinities - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

312. The Sorrows of Young Werther - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

313. Poems - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

314. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

315. Wilhelm Meister's Years of Wandering - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

316. Italian Journey - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

317. Verse Plays - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

318. Hermann and Dorothea - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

319. Roman Elegies - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

320. Venetian Epigrams - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

321. West-Eastern Divan - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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322. The Robbers - Friedrich Schiller

323. Mary Stuart - Friedrich Schiller

324. Wallenstein - Friedrich Schiller

325. Don Carlos - Friedrich Schiller

326. On the Naïve and Sentimental in Literature - Friedrich Schiller

327. Laocoön - Gotthold Lessing

328. Nathan the Wise - Gotthold Lessing

329. Hymns and Fragments - Freidrich Hölderlin

330. Selected Poems - Freidrich Hölderlin

331. Five Plays - Heinrich von Kleist

332. Stories - Heinrich von Kleist

The Democratic Age


333. On Sepulchres - Ugo Foscolo

334. Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis - Ugo Foscolo

335. Odes and The Graces - Ugo Foscolo

336. The Betrothed - Alessandro Manzoni

337. On the Historical Novel - Alessandro Manzoni

338. Essays and Dialogues - Giacomo Leopardi

339. Poems - Giacomo Leopardi

340. The Moral Essays - Giacomo Leopardi

341. Roman Sonnets - Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli

342. Hymn to Satan - Giosué Carducci

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343. Barbarian Odes - Giosué Carducci

344. Rhymes and Rhythms - Giosué Carducci

345. Little Novels of Sicily - Giovanni Verga

346. Mastro-Don Gesualdo - Giovanni Verga

347. The House by the Medlar Tree - Giovanni Verga

348. The She-Wolf and Other Stories - Giovanni Verga

Spain and Portugal

349. Poems - Gustavo Adolpho Bécquer

350. Fortunata and Jacinta - Benito Pérez Galdós

351. La Regenta - Leopoldo Alas (Clarín)

352. The Maias - José Maria de Eça de Queirós

353. Adolphe - Benjamin Constant


354. The Red Notebook - Benjamin Constant

355. Attala - François-Auguste-René de Chateaubriand

356. René - François-Auguste-René de Chateaubriand

357. The Genius of Christianity - François-Auguste-René de Chateaubriand

358. Meditations - Alphonse de Lamartine

359. Chatterton - Alfred de Vigny

360. Poems - Alfred de Vigny

361. The Distance, the Shadows: Selected Poems - Victor Hugo

362. Les Misérables - Victor Hugo

363. Notre-Dame of Paris - Victor Hugo

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364. William Shakespeare - Victor Hugo

365. The Toilers of the Sea - Victor Hugo

366. The End of Satan - Victor Hugo

367. God - Victor Hugo

368. Poems - Alfred de Musset

369. Lorenzaccio - Alfred de Musset

370. The Chimeras - Gérard de Nerval

371. Sylvie - Gérard de Nerval

372. Aurelia - Gérard de Nerval

373. Mademoiselle de Maupin - Théophile Gautier

374. Enamels and Cameos - Théophile Gautier

375. The Girl with the Golden Eyes - Honoré de Balzac

376. Louis Lambert - Honoré de Balzac

377. The Wild Ass's Skin - Honoré de Balzac

378. Old Goriot - Honoré de Balzac

379. Cousin Bette - Honoré de Balzac

380. A Harlot High and Low - Honoré de Balzac

381. Eugénie Grandet - Honoré de Balzac

382. Ursule Mirouet - Honoré de Balzac

383. On Love - Stendhal

384. The Red and the Black - Stendhal

385. The Charterhouse of Parma - Stendhal

386. Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert

387. Sentimental Education - Gustave Flaubert

388. Salammbô - Gustave Flaubert

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389. A Simple Soul - Gustave Flaubert

390. The Haunted Pool - George Sand

391. Flowers of Evil - Charles Baudelaire

392. Paris Spleen - Charles Baudelaire

393. Selected Poetry and Prose - Stéphane Mallarmé

394. Selected Poems - Paul Verlaine

395. Complete Works - Arthur Rimbaud

396. Les Armours Jaunes - Tristan Corbière

397. Selected Writings - Jules Laforgue

398. Selected Short Stories - Guy de Maupassant

399. Germinal - Émile Zola

400. L'Assommoir - Émile Zola

401. Nana - Émile Zola


402. Brand - Henrik Ibsen

403. Peer Gynt - Henrik Ibsen

404. Emperor and Galilean - Henrik Ibsen

405. Hedda Gabler - Henrik Ibsen

406. The Master Builder - Henrik Ibsen

407. The Lady from the Sea - Henrik Ibsen

408. When We Dead Awaken - Henrik Ibsen

409. To Damascus - August Strindberg

410. Miss Julie - August Strindberg

411. The Father - August Strindberg

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412. The Dance of Death - August Strindberg

413. The Ghost Sonata - August Strindberg

414. A Dream Play - August Strindberg

Great Britian

415. Poems - Robert Burns

416. Complete Poetry and Prose - William Blake

417. Poems - William Wordsworth

418. The Prelude - William Wordsworth

419. Waverley - Sir Walter Scott

420. The Heart of Midlothian - Sir Walter Scott

421. Redgauntlet - Sir Walter Scott

422. Old Mortality - Sir Walter Scott

423. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

424. Emma - Jane Austen

425. Mansfield Park - Jane Austen

426. Persuasion - Jane Austen

427. Poems and Prose - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

428. The Grasmere Journal - Dorothy Wordsworth

429. Essays and Criticism - William Hazlitt

430. Don Juan - Lord Byron

431. Poems - Lord Byron

432. Poems - William Savage Landor

433. Imaginary Conversations - William Savage Landor

434. Confessions of an English Opium Eater - Thomas De Quincey

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435. Selected Prose - Thomas De Quincey

436. Essays - Charles Lamb

437. Castle Rackrent - Maria Edgeworth

438. The Entail - John Galt

439. Cranford - - Elizabeth Gaskell

440. Mary Barton - Elizabeth Gaskell

441. North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell

442. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner -James Hogg

443. Melmoth the Wanderer - Charles Maturin

444. Poems - Percy Bysshe Shelley 

445. A Defence of Poetry - Percy Bysshe Shelley

446. Frankenstein - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

447. Poems - John Clare

448. Poems and Letters - John Keats

449. Death's Jest-Book - Thomas Lovell Beddoes

450. Poems - Thomas Lovell Beddoes

451. Nepenthe - George Darley

452. Poems - George Darley

453. Poems - Thomas Hood

454. Poems - Thomas Wade

455. Poems - Robert Browning

456. The Ring and the Book - Robert Browning

457. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club - Charles Dickens

458. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens

459. The Adventures of Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens

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460. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens

461. Bleak House - Charles Dickens

462. Hard Times - Charles Dickens

463. Nicholas Nickleby - Charles Dickens

464. Dombey and Son - Charles Dickens

465. Great Expectations - Charles Dickens

466. Martin Chuzzlewit - Charles Dickens

467. Christmas Stories - Charles Dickens

468. Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens

469. Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens

470. The Mystery of Edwin Drood - Charles Dickens

471. Poems - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

472. Poems and Translations - Dante Gabriel Rossetti

473. Poems - Matthew Arnold

474. Essays - Matthew Arnold

475. Poems - Arthur Hugh Clough

476. Poems - Christina Rossetti

477. Nightmare Abbey - Thomas Love Peacock

478. Gryll Grange - Thomas Love Peacock

479. Poems and Prose - Gerald Manley Hopkins

480. Selected Prose - Thomas Carlyle

481. Sartor Resartus - Thomas Carlyle

482. Modern Painters - John Ruskin

483. The Stones of Venice - John Ruskin

484. Unto This Last - John Ruskin

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485. The Queen of the Air - John Ruskin

486. Studies in the History of the Renaissance - Walter Pater

487. Appreciations - Walter Pater

488. Imaginary Portraits - Walter Pater

489. Marius the Epicurean - Walter Pater

490. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Edward FitzGerald

491. On Liberty - John Stuart Mill

492. Autobiography - John Stuart Mill

493. Apologia pro Vita Sua - John Henry Newman

494. A Grammar of Assent - John Henry Newman

495. The Idea of a University - John Henry Newman

496. The Barsetshire Novels - Anthony Trollope

497. The Palliser Novels - Anthony Trollope

498. Orley Farm - Anthony Trollope

499. The Way We Live Now - Anthony Trollope

500. Complete Works - Lewis Carroll

501. Complete Nonsense - Edward Lear

502. New Grub Street - George Gissing

503. Poems and Letters - Algernon Charles Swinburne

504. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë

505. Villette - Charlotte Brontë

506. Poems - Emily Brontë

507. Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë

508. Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray

509. The History of Henry Esmond - William Makepeace Thackeray

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510. Poems - George Meredith

511. The Egoist - George Meredith

512. Poems - Francis Thompson

513. Poems - Lionel Johnson

514. Poems - Robert Bridges

515. Collected Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

516. The Man Who Was Thursday - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

517. Erewhon - Samuel Butler

518. The Way of All Flesh - Samuel Butler

519. Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan - W. S. Gilbert

520. Bab Ballads - W. S. Gilbert

521. The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins

522. The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins

523. No Name - Wilkie Collins

524. Odes - Coventry Patmore

525. The City of the Dreadful Night - James Thomson (Bysshe Vanolis)

526. Plays - Oscar Wilde

527. The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

528. The Artist as Critic - Oscar Wilde

529. Letters - Oscar Wilde

530. Ballads and Songs - John Davidson

531. Complete Poems - Ernest Dowson

532. Adam Bede - George Eliot

533. Silas Marner - George Eliot

534. The Mill on the Floss - George Eliot

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535. Middlemarch - George Eliot

536. Daniel Deronda - George Eliot

537. Essays - Robert Louis Stevenson

538. Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson

539. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson

540. Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson

541. The New Arabian Nights - Robert Louis Stevenson

542. The Master of Ballantrae - Robert Louis Stevenson

543. Weir of Hermiston - Robert Louis Stevenson

544. Early Romances - William Morris

545. Poems - William Morris

546. The Earthly Paradise - William Morris

547. The Well at the World's End - William Morris

548. News from Nowhere - William Morris

549. Dracula - Bram Stoker

550. Lilith - George Macdonald

551. At the Back of the North Wind - George Macdonald


552. Hymns to the Night - Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenburg)

553. Aphorisms - Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenburg)

554. Fairy Tales - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

555. Selected Poems - Eduard Mörike

556. Mozart on His Way to Prague - Eduard Mörike

557. Immensee - Theodor Storm

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558. Poems - Theodor Storm

559. Green Henry - Gottfried Keller

560. Tales - Gottfried Keller

561. The Devil's Elixir - E. T. A. Hoffmann

562. Tales - E. T. A. Hoffmann

563. The Black Spider - Jeremias Gotthelf

564. Indian Summer - Adalbert Stifter

565. Tales - Adalbert Stifter

566. Criticism and Aphorisms - Friedrich Schlegel

567. Danton's Death - Georg Büchner

568. Woyzeck - Georg Büchner

569. Complete Poems - Heinrich Heine

570. The Ring of the Nibelung - Richard Wagner

571. The Birth of Tragedy - Friedrich Nietzsche

572. Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

573. On the Genealogy of Morals - Friedrich Nietzsche

574. The Will to Power - Friedrich Nietzsche

575. Effi Briest - Theodor Fontane

576. Selected Poems - Stefan George


577. Complete Prose Tales - Aleksandr Pushkin

578. Complete Poetry - Aleksandr Pushkin

579. Narrative Poems - Aleksandr Pushkin

580. Boris Godunov - Aleksandr Pushkin

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581. The Complete Tales - Nikolay Gogol

582. Dead Souls - Nikolay Gogol

583. The Government Inspector - Nikolay Gogol

584. Narrative Poems - Mikhail Lermontov

585. A Hero of Our Time - Mikhail Lermontov

586. A Family Chronicle - Segey Aksakov

587. My Past and Thoughts - Aleksandr Herzen

588. From the Other Shore - Aleksandr Herzen

589. The Frigate Pallada - Ivan Goncharov

590. Oblomov - Ivan Goncharov

591. A Sportsman's Notebook - Ivan Turgenev

592. A Month in the Country - Ivan Turgenev

593. Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev

594. On the Eve - Ivan Turgenev

595. First Love - Ivan Turgenev

596. Notes from the Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky

597. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky

598. The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoevsky

599. The Possessed (The Devils) - Fyodor Dostoevsky

600. The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky

601. Short Novels - Fyodor Dostoevsky

602. The Cossacks - Leo Tolstoy

603. War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy

604. Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy

605. A Confession - Leo Tolstoy

Page 27: Bloom

606. The Power of Darkness - Leo Tolstoy

607. Short Novels - Leo Tolstoy

608. Tales - Nikolay Leskov

609. The Storm - Aleksandr Ostrovsky

610. What is to Be Done? - Nikolay Chernyshevsky

611. The Twelve and Other Poems - Aleksandr B

612. The Tales - Anton Chekhov

613. The Major Plays - Anton Chekhov

The United States

614. The Sketch Book - Washington Irving

615. Collected Poems - William Cullen Bryant

616. The Deerslayers - James Fenimore Cooper

617. Collected Poems - John Greenleaf Whittier

618. Nature - Ralph Waldo Emerson

619. Essays, first and second series - Ralph Waldo Emerson

620. Representative Men - Ralph Waldo Emerson

621. The Conduct of Life - Ralph Waldo Emerson

622. Journals - Ralph Waldo Emerson

623. Poems - Ralph Waldo Emerson

624. Complete Poems - Emily Dickinson

625. Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman

626. Specimen Days - Walt Whitman

627. The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

628. Tales and Sketches - Nathaniel Hawthorne

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629. The Marble Faun - Nathaniel Hawthorne

630. Notebooks - Nathaniel Hawthorne

631. Moby-Dick - Herman Melville

632. The Piazza Tales - Herman Melville

633. Billy Budd - Herman Melville

634. Collected Poems - Herman Melville

635. Clarel - Herman Melville

636. Poetry and Tales - Edgar Allan Poe

637. Essays and Reviews - Edgar Allan Poe

638. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym - Edgar Allan Poe

639. Eureka - Edgar Allan Poe

640. Essays and Poems - Jones Very

641. The Cricket and Other Poems - Frederick Goddard Tuckerman

642. Walden - Henry David Thoreau

643. Poems - Henry David Thoreau

644. Essays - Henry David Thoreau

645. Two Years Before the Mast - Richard Henry Dana, Jr.

646. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave - Frederick Douglass

647. Selected Poems - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

648. Poems - Sidney Lanier

649. France and England in North America - Francis Parkman

650. The California and Oregon Trail - Francis Parkman

651. The Education of Henry Adams - Henry Adams

652. Mont Saint-Michel and Chartres - Henry Adams

653. Collected Writings - Ambrose Bierce

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654. Little Women - Louisa May Alcott

655. The Short Fiction - Charles W. Chesnutt

656. The Awakening - Kate Chopin

657. The Rise of Silas Lapham - William Dean Howells

658. A Modern Instance - William Dean Howells

659. The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane

660. Stories and Poems - Stephen Crane

661. The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James

662. The Bostonians - Henry James

663. The Princess Casamassima - Henry James

664. The Awkward Age - Henry James

665. Short Novels and Tales - Henry James

666. The Ambassadors - Henry James

667. The Wings of the Dove - Henry James

668. The Golden Bowl - Henry James

669. The Damnation of Theron Ware - Harold Frederic

670. Complete Short Stories - Mark Twain

671. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain

672. The Devil's Racetrack - Mark Twain

673. Number Forty-Four: The Mysterious Stranger - Mark Twain

674. Pudd'nhead Wilson - Mark Twain

675. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain

676. The Varieties of Religious Experience - William James

677. Pragmatism - William James

678. The Octopus - Frank Norris

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679. The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories - Sarah Orne Jewett

680. Poems - Trumbull Stickney

The Chaotic Age

681. Italy

681. Naked Masks: Five Plays - Luigi Pirandello

682. Maia: In Praise of Life - Gabriele D'Annunzio

683. Orphic Songs - Dino Campana

684. Stories and Recollections - Umberto Saba

685. Poems - Umberto Saba

686. The Leopard - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

687. Selected Poems - Giuseppe Ungaretti

688. The Buried Harbour: Selected Poems - Giuseppe Ungaretti

689. The Storm and Other Things: Poems - Eugenio Montale

690. The Occasions: Poems - Eugenio Montale

691. Cuttlefish Bones: Poems - Eugenio Montale

692. Otherwise: Last and First Poems - Eugenio Montale

693. The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays - Eugenio Montale

694. Selected Writings: Poems and Discourse on Poetry - Salvatore Quasimodo

695. Gogol's Wife and Other Stories - Tommaso Landolfi

696. Day of the Owl - Leonardo Sciascia

697. Equal Danger - Leonardo Sciascia

698. The Wine-Dark Sea: Thirteen Stories - Leonardo Sciascia

699. Poems - Pier Paolo Pasolini

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700. Hard Labor: Poems - Cesare Pavese

701. Dialogues with Leucò - Cesare Pavese

702. If Not Now, When? - Primo Levi

703. Collected Poems - Primo Levi

704. The Periodic Table - Primo Levi

705. The Confession of Zeno - Italo Svevo

706. As a Man Grows Older - Italo Svevo

707. The Heron - Giorgio Bassani

708. Family - Natalia Ginzburg

709. Women of Messina - Elio Vittorini

710. 1934 - Alberto Moravia

711. Selected Poetry - Andrea Zanzotto

712. Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino

713. The Baron in the Trees - Italo Calvino

714. If on a Winter's Night a Traveler - Italo Calvino

715. t zero - Italo Calvino

716. Kisses from Another Dream: Poems - Antonio Porta


717. Three Exemplary Novels - Miguel de Unamuno

718. Our Lord Don Quixote - Miguel de Unamuno

719. Selected Poems - Antonio Machado

720. Invisible Reality: Poems - Juan Ramón Jiménez

721. My Voice Because of You: Poems - Pedro Salinas

722. Guillén on Guillén: The Poetry and the Poet - Jorge Guillén

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723. A Longing for the Light: Selected Poems - Vicente Aleixandre

724. Selected Poems - Federico Garcia Lorca

725. Three Tragedies: Blood Wedding, Yerma, The House of Bernardo Alba - Federico Garcia Lorca

726. The Owl's Insomnia: Poems - Rafael Alberti

727. Selected Poems - Luis Cernuda

728. Selected Poems - Miguel Hernández

729. Selected Poems - Blas de Otero

730. The Hive - Camilo José Cela

731. Space in Motion - Juan Goytisolo


732. Selected Poems - Carles Ribá

733. Selected Poems - J. V. Foix

734. Natural History - Joan Perucho

735. The Time of the Doves - Merce Rodoreda

736. Selected Poems - Pere Gimferrer

737. La Pell de Brau: Poems - Salvador Espríu


738. The Keeper of Sheep - Fernando Pessoa

739. Poems - Fernando Pessoa

740. Selected Poems - Fernando Pessoa

741. Always Astonished: Selected Poems - Fernando Pessoa

742. The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa

743. Selected Poems - Jorge de Sena

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744. Baltasar and Blimunda - José Saramago

745. Ballad of Dogs' Beach - José Cardoso Pires

746. Selected Poems - Sophia de Mello Breyner

747. Selected Poems - Eugénio de Andrade


748. Penguin Island - Anatole France

749. Thaïs - Anatole France

750. Le Grand Meaulnes - Alain-Fournier

751. Remembrance of Things Past (In Search of Lost Time) - Marcel Proust

752. The Immoralist - Andre Gide

753. Corydon - Andre Gide

754. Lafcadio's Adventure (The Caves of the Vatican) - Andre Gide

755. The Journals - Andre Gide

756. Collected Stories - Colette

757. Retreat from Love - Colette

758. Blue of Noon - Georges Bataille

759. Journey to the End of Night - Louis-Ferdinand Céline

760. Mount Analogue - René Daumal

761. Our Lady of the Flowers - Jean Genet

762. The Thief's Journal - Jean Genet

763. The Balcony - Jean Genet

764. Four Plays - Jean Giraudoux

765. Selected Works - Alfred Jarry

766. The Infernal Machine and Other Works - Jean Cocteau

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767. Selected Writings - Guillaume Apollinaire

768. Poems - André Breton

769. Manifestoes of Surrealism - André Breton

770. The Art of Poetry - Paul Valéry

771. Selected Writings - Paul Valéry

772. Poems - René Char

773. Selected Poems - Paul Éluard

774. Selected Poems - Louis Aragon

775. The Horseman on the Roof - Jean Giono

776. Manhood - Michel Leiris

777. Count d'Orgel's Ball - Raymond Radiguet

778. No Exit - Jean-Paul Sartre

779. Nausea - Jean-Paul Sartre

780. Saint Genet - Jean-Paul Sartre

781. The Words - Jean-Paul Sartre

782. The Family Idiot: Gustave Flaubert - Jean-Paul Sartre

783. The Second Sex - Simone de Beauvoir

784. The Stranger - Albert Camus

785. The Plague - Albert Camus

786. The Fall - Albert Camus

787. The Rebel - Albert Camus

788. Selected Writings - Henri Michaux

789. The Book of Questions - Edmond Jabès

790. Selected Poems - Edmond Jabès

791. Anabasis - Saint-John Perse

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792. Birds - Saint-John Perse

793. Exile and Other Poems - Saint-John Perse

794. Selected Poems - Pierre Reverdy

795. Seven Dada Manifestoes - Tristan Tzara

796. Selected Poems - Max Jacob

797. Selected Poems - Pierre-Jean Jouve

798. Things: Selected Writings - Francis Ponge

799. Paroles - Jacques Prévert

800. Selected Poems - Philippe Jacottet

801. The Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc - Charles Péguy

802. Selected Poems - Bejamin Péret

803. The Conquerors - Andé Malraux

804. The Royal Way - Andé Malraux

805. Man's Fate - Andé Malraux

806. Man's Hope - Andé Malraux

807. The Voices of Silence - Andé Malraux

808. Therese - François Mauriac

809. The Desert of Love - François Mauriac

810. The Woman of the Pharisees - François Mauriac

811. Becket - Jean Anouilh

812. Antigone - Jean Anouilh

813. Eurydice - Jean Anouilh

814. The Rehearsal - Jean Anouilh

815. The Bald Soprano - Eugène Ionesco

816. The Chairs - Eugène Ionesco

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817. The Lesson - Eugène Ionesco

818. Amédée - Eugène Ionesco

819. Victims of Duty - Eugène Ionesco

820. Rhinoceros - Eugène Ionesco

821. Thomas the Obscure - Maurice Blanchot

822. The Laws of Hospitality - Pierre Klossowski

823. The Baphomet - Pierre Klossowski

824. Locus Solus - Raymond Roussel

825. Selected Writings - Antonin Artaud

826. Tristes Tropiques - Claude Lévi-Strauss

827. The Voyeur - Alain Robbe-Grillet

828. Jealousy - Alain Robbe-Grillet

829. In the Labyrinth - Alain Robbe-Grillet

830. The Erasers - Alain Robbe-Grillet

831. Project for a Revolution in New York - Alain Robbe-Grillet

832. For a New Novel - Alain Robbe-Grillet

833. The Use of Speech - Nathalie Sarraute

834. The Planetarium - Nathalie Sarraute

835. The Grass - Claude Simon

836. The Wind - Claude Simon

837. The Flanders Road

838. The Lover - Marguerite Duras

839. Four Novels - Marguerite Duras

840. Fable - Robert Pinget

841. The Libera Me Domine - Robert Pinget

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842. That Voice - Robert Pinget

843. The Ogre - Michel Tournier

844. Friday - Michel Tournier

845. Coup de Grace - Marguerite Yourcenar

846. Memoirs of Hadrian - Marguerite Yourcenar

847. Transparence of the World: Poems - Jean Follain

848. Words in Stone - Yves Bonnefoy

Great Britain and Ireland

849. The Collected Poems - William Butler Yeats

850. Collected Plays - William Butler Yeats

851. A Vision - William Butler Yeats

852. Mythologies - William Butler Yeats

853. Major Critical Essays - George Bernard Shaw

854. Heartbreak House - George Bernard Shaw

855. Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw

856. Saint Joan - George Bernard Shaw

857. Major Barbara - George Bernard Shaw

858. Back to Methuselah - George Bernard Shaw

859. Collected Plays - John Millington Synge

860. Juno and the Paycock - Sean O'Casey

861. The Plough and the Stars - Sean O'Casey

862. The Shadow of a Gunman - Sean O'Casey

863. House with the Green Shutters - George Douglas Brown

864. The Well-Beloved - Thomas Hardy

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865. The Woodlanders - Thomas Hardy

866. The Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy

867. The Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy

868. Far From the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy

869. Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy

870. Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy

871. Collected Poems - Thomas Hardy

872. Kim - Rudyard Kipling

873. Collected Stories - Rudyard Kipling

874. Puck of Pook's Hill - Rudyard Kipling

875. Complete Verse - Rudyard Kipling

876. Collected Poems - A. E. Housman

877. Zuleika Dobson - Max Beerbohm

878. Seven Men and Two Others - Max Beerbohm

879. Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad

880. The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad

881. Nostromo - Joseph Conrad

882. Under Western Eyes - Joseph Conrad

883. Victory - Joseph Conrad 

884. Five Novels - Ronald Firbank

885. Parade's End - Ford Madox Ford

886. The Good Soldier - Ford Madox Ford

887. Collected Short Stories - W. Somerset Maugham

888. The Moon and Sixpence - W. Somerset Maugham

889. Wolf Solent - John Cowper Powys

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890. A Glastonbury Romance - John Cowper Powys

891. The Short Stories - Saki

892. The Time Machine - H. G. Wells

893. The Island of Dr. Moreau - H. G. Wells

894. The Invisible Man - H. G. Wells

895. The War of the Worlds - H. G. Wells

896. The Collected Short Stories - H. G. Wells

897. A Voyage to Arcturus - David Lindsay

898. The Old Wives' Tale - Arnold Bennett

899. Collected Poems - Walter De la Mare

900. Memoirs of a Midget - Walter De la Mare

901. Collected Poems - Wilfred Owen

902. Collected Poems - Isaac Rosenberg

903. Collected Poems - Edward Thomas

904. Collected Poems - Robert Graves

905. King Jesus - Robert Graves

906. Collected Poems - Edwin Muir

907. In Parenthesis - David Jones

908. The Anathemata - David Jones

909. The Forsyte Saga - John Galsworthy

910. Howards End - E. M. Forster

911. A Passage to India - E. M. Forster

912. Collected Stories - Frank O'Connor

913. Complete Poems - D. H. Lawrence

914. Studies in Classic American Literature - D. H. Lawrence

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915. Complete Short Stories - D. H. Lawrence

916. Sons and Lovers - D. H. Lawrence

917. The Rainbow - D. H. Lawrence

918. Women in Love - D. H. Lawrence

919. Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf

920. To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf

921. Orlando: A Biography - Virginia Woolf

922. The Waves - Virginia Woolf

923. Between the Acts - Virginia Woolf

924. Dubliners - James Joyce

925. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce

926. Ulysses - James Joyce

927. Finnegans Wake - James Joyce

928. Murphy - Samuel Beckett

929. Watt - Samuel Beckett

930. Molloy - Samuel Beckett

931. Malone Dies - Samuel Beckett

932. The Unnameable - Samuel Beckett

933. Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett

934. Endgame - Samuel Beckett

935. Krapp's Last Game - Samuel Beckett

936. How It Is - Samuel Beckett

937. Collected Stories - Elizabeth Bowen

938. The Siege of Krishnapur - J. G. Farrell

939. Nothing - Henry Green

Page 41: Bloom

940. Loving - Henry Green

941. Party Going - Henry Green

942. A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh

943. Scoop - Evelyn Waugh

944. Vile Bodies - Evelyn Waugh

945. Put Out More Flags - Evelyn Waugh

946. Nothing Like the Sun - Anthony Burgess

947. The Book of Ebenezer Le Page - G. B. Edwards

948. The Good Apprentice - Iris Murdoch

949. Bruno's Dream - Iris Murdoch

950. Brighton Rock - Graham Greene

951. The Heart of the Matter - Graham Greene

952. The Power and the Glory - Graham Greene

953. The Berlin Stories - Christopher Isherwood

954. South Wind - Norman Douglas

955. Collected Essays - Aldous Huxley

956. Antic Hay - Aldous Huxley

957. Point Counter Point - Aldous Huxley

958. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

959. Alexandria Quartet - Lawrence Durrell

960. Pincher Martin - William Golding

961. The Golden Notebook - Doris Lessing

962. The Gormenghast Trilogy - Mervyn Peake

963. The Passion - Jeanette Winterson

964. Collected Poems - W. H. Auden

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965. The Dyer's Hand - W. H. Auden

966. Collected Poems - Roy Fuller

967. Selected Poems - Gavin Ewart

968. Collected Poems - Basil Bunting

969. Collected Poems - William Empson

970. Milton's God - William Empson

971. Some Versions of Pastoral - William Empson

972. The Wheel of Fire - George Wilson Knight

973. The Burning Oracle - George Wilson Knight

974. Poems - R. S. Thomas

975. The Sense of an Ending - Frank Kermode

976. Collected Poems - Stevie Smith

977. Collected Poem - F. T. Prince

978. Collected Poems - Philip Larkin

979. Selected Poems - Donald Davie

980. Collected Poems - Geoffrey Hill

981. The Death of Woman Wang - Jonathan Spence

982. The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci - Jonathan Spence

983. Selected Poems - Elizabeth Jennings

984. The Complete Poems - Keith Douglas

985. Complete Poems - Hugh MacDiarmid

986. Collected Poems - Louis MacNeice

987. The Poems - Dylan Thomas

988. Cards of Identity - Nigel Dennis

989. Selected Poems: 1969-1987 - Seamus Heaney

Page 43: Bloom

990. Field Work - Seamus Heaney

991. Station Island - Seamus Heaney

992. Peppercanister Poems - Thomas Kinsella

993. Selected Poems - Paul Muldoon

994. Selected Poems - John Montague

995. Plays - John Arden

996. The Complete Plays - Joe Orton

997. The Dalkey Archive - Flann O'Brien

998. The Third Policeman - Flann O'Brien

999. Travesties - Tom Stoppard

1000. The Caretaker - Harold Pinter

1001. The Homecoming - Harold Pinter

1002. The Fool - Edward Bond

1003. Saved - Edward Bond

1004. Collected Essays - George Orwell

1005. 1984 - George Orwell

1006. A Fanatic Heart - Edna O'Brien


1007. Poems and Verse Plays - Hugo von Hofmannsthal

1008. Selected Prose - Hugo von Hofmannsthal

1009. Selected Plays and Libretti ino Elegies) - Hugo von Hofmannsthal

1010. Selected Poetry - Rainer Maria Rilke

1011. The Sonnets to Orpheus - Rainer Maria Rilke

1012. The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge - Rainer Maria Rilke

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1013. New Poems: First Part and Other Part - Rainer Maria Rilke

1014. The Sleepwalkers - Hermann Broch

1015. The Death of Virgil - Hermann Broch

1016. Hugo von Hofmannsthal and His Time - Hermann Broch

1017. Selected Poems - Georg Trakl

1018. Selected Poems - Gottfried Benn

1019. Amerika - Franz Kafka

1020. The Complete Stories - Franz Kafka

1021. The Blue Octavo Notebook - Franz Kafka

1022. The Trial - Franz Kafka

1023. The Diaries - Franz Kafka

1024. The Castle - Franz Kafka

1025. Parables, Fragments, Aphorisms - Franz Kafka

1026. Poems, 1913-1956 - Bertolt Brecht

1027. The Threepenny Opera - Bertolt Brecht

1028. The Good Woman of Setzuan - Bertolt Brecht

1029. Mother Courage and Her Children - Bertolt Brecht

1030. Galileo - Bertolt Brecht

1031. The Caucasian Chalk Circle - Bertolt Brecht

1032. Plays and Stories - Arthur Schnitzler

1033. Lulu Plays - Frank Wedekind

1034. Spring Awakening - Frank Wedekind

1035. The Last Days of Mankind - Karl Krauss

1036. Moles - Günter Eich

1037. The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann

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1038. Stories of Three Decades - Thomas Mann

1039. Joseph and His Brothers - Thomas Mann

1040. Doctor Faustus - Thomas Mann

1041. Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man - Thomas Mann

1042. Berlin Alexanderplatz - Alfred Döblin

1043. The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi) - Hermann Hesse

1044. Narcissus and Goldmund - Hermann Hesse

1045. Young Törless - Robert Musil

1046. The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil

1047. The Radetzky March - Joseph Roth

1048. Poems - Paul Celan

1049. Woodcutters - Thomas Bernhard

1050. Billiards at Half-Past Nine - Heinrich Böll

1051. In the Storm of Roses - Ingeborg Bachmann

1052. Poems for People Who Don't Read Poems - Hans Magnus Enzensberger

1053. Illuminations - Walter Benjamin

1054. Selected Stories -Robert Walser

1055. Cassandra - Christa Wolf

1056. Slow Homecoming - Peter Handke

1057. I'm Not Stiller - Max Frisch

1058. Man in the Holocene - Max Frisch

1059. The Tin Drum - Günter Grass

1060. The Flounder - Günter Grass

1061. The Visit - Friedrich Dürrenmatt

1062. Shadow Lands - Johannes Bobrowski

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1063. Poems - Anna Akhmatova

1064. Selected Tales - Leonid Andreyev

1065. Petersburg - Andrey Bely

1066. Selected Poems - Osip Mandelshtam

1067. The King of Time - Velimir Khlebnikov

1068. The Bedbug and Selected Poetry - Vladimir Mayakovsky

1069. The Master and the Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov

1070. Alexandrian Songs - Mikhail Kuzmin

1071. Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Andreev - Maksim Gorky

1072. Autobiography - Maksim Gorky

1073. Selected Stories - Ivan Bunin

1074. Collected Stories - Isaac Babel

1075. Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak

1076. Selected Poems - Boris Pasternak

1077. Envy Marina - Yury Olesha

1078. Selected Poems - Tsvetayeva

1079. Nervous People and Other Satires - Mikhail Zoshchenko

1080. The Foundation Pit - Andrei Platonov

1081. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

1082. The Cancer Ward - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

1083. The Gulag Archipelago - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

1084. August 1914 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

1085. A Part of Speech: Poems - Joesph Brodsky

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1086. Winter's Tales - Isak Dinesen

1087. Seven Gothic Tales - Isak Dinesen

1088. Pelle the Conqueror - Martin Andersen Nexø

1089. Hunger - Knut Hamsun

1090. Pan - Knut Hamsun

1091. Kristin Lavransdatter - Sigrid Undset

1092. Guide to the Underworld - Gunnar Ekelöf

1093. Selected Poems - Tomas Tranströmer

1094. Barabbas - Lars Gustafsson

1095. Selected Poems - Pär Lagerkvist


1096. The Bridge on the Drina - Ivo Andric

1097. Selected Poems - Vasko Popa

1098. A Tomb for Boris Davidovich - Danilo Kis


1099. War with the Newts - Karel Capek

1100. R.U.R. - Karel Capek Vaclav Havel

1101. Largo Desolato - Vaclav Havel

1102. The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera Jaroslav Seifert

1103. Selected Poetry - Jaroslav Seifert

1104. The Fly - Miroslav Holub

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1105. The Street of Crocodiles - Bruno Schulz

1106. Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass - Bruno Schulz

1107. Selected Poems - Czeslaw Milosz

1108. Three Novels - Witold Gombrowicz

1109. The Investigation - Stanislaw Lem

1110. Solaris - Stanislaw Lem

1111. Selected Poems - Zbigniew Herbert

1112. Tremor - Adam Zagajewski


1113. Attila József - Perched on Nothing's Branch

1114. Ferenc Juhasz - Selected Poems

1115. Laszlo Németh - Guilt

Modern Greek

1116. C. P. Cavafy - Collected Poems

1117. George Seferis - Collected Poems

1118. Nikos Kazantzakis - The Greek Passion

1119. Nikos Kazantzakis - The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel

1120. Yannis Ritsos - Exile and Return

1121. Odysseas Elytis - What I Love: Selected Poems

1122. Angelos Sikelianos - Selected Poems

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1123. Sholem Aleichem - Tevye the Dairyman and The Railroad Stories

1124. Sholem Aleichem - The Nightingale

1125. Mendele Mokher Seforim - The Travels and Adventures of Benjamin the Third

1126. I. L. Peretz - Selected Stories

1127. Jacob Glatstein - Selected Poems

1128. Moshe-Leib Halpern - Selected Poems

1129. H. Leivick (Leivick Halpern) - Selected Poems

1130. Israel Joshua Singer - The Brothers Ashkenazi

1131. Israel Joshua Singer - Yoshe Kalb

1132. Chaim Grade - The Yeshiva

1133. S. Ansky - The Dybbuk

1134. Mani Leib - Selected Poems

1135. Sholem Asch - East River

1136. Isaac Bashevis Singer - Collected Stories

1137. Isaac Bashevis Singer - In My Father's Court

1138. Isaac Bashevis Singer - The Manor, the Estate, the Family Moskat

1139. Isaac Bashevis Singer - Satan in Goray


1140. Hayyim Nahman Bialik - Shirot Bialik: The Epic Poems

1141. S. Y. Agnon - In the Heart of the Seas

1142. S. Y. Agnon - Twenty-One Stories

1143. Aharon Appelfeld - The Immortal Bartfuss

1144. Aharon Appelfeld - Badenheim 1939

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1145. Yaakov Shabtai - Past Continuous

1146. Yehuda Amichai - Selected Poetry

1147. Yehuda Amichai - Travels

1148. A. B. Yehoshua - A Late Divorce

1149. Amos Oz - A Perfect Peace

1150. T. Carmi - At the Stone of Losses

1151. Nathan Zach - Selected Poems

1152. Dalia Ravikovitch - A Dress of Fire

1153. Dan Pagis - Selected Poems

1154. David Shahar - The Palace of Shattered Vessels

1155. David Grossman - See Under: Love

1156. Yoram Kaniuk - His Daughter


1157. Najib Mahfuz - Midaq Alley

1158. Najib Mahfuz - Fountain and Tomb

1159. Najib Mahfuz - Miramar

1160. Adunis - Selected Poems

1161. Mahmud Darwish - The Music of Human Flesh

1162. Taha Husayn - An Egyptian Childhood

Latin America

1163. Rubén Dário - Selected Poetry

1164. Jorge Luis Borges - The Aleph and Other Stories

1165. Jorge Luis Borges - Dreamtigers (The Maker)

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1166. Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones

1167. Jorge Luis Borges - Labyrinths

1168. Jorge Luis Borges - A Personal Anthology

1169. Alejo Carpentier - Explosion in a Cathedral

1170. Alejo Carpentier - The Lost Steps

1171. Alejo Carpentier - Reasons of State

1172. Alejo Carpentier - The Kingdom of This World

1173. Guillermo Cabrera Infante - Three Trapped Tigers

1174. Guillermo Cabrera Infante - View of Dawn in the Tropics

1175. Severo Sarduy - Maitreya

1176. Reinaldo Arenas - The Ill-Fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando

1177. Pablo Neruda - Canto General

1178. Pablo Neruda - Residence on Earth

1179. Pablo Neruda - Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair

1180. Pablo Neruda - Fully Empowered

1181. Pablo Neruda - Selected Poems

1182. Nicolás Guillén - Selected Poems

1183. Octavio Paz - The Collected Poems

1184. Octavio Paz - The Labyrinth of Solitude

1185. César Vallejo - Selected Poems

1186. César Vallejo - Spain, Take This Cup from Me

1187. Miguel Angel Asturias - Men of Maize

1188. José Lezama Lima - Paradiso

1189. José Donoso - The Obscene Bird of Night

1190. Julio Cortázar- Hopscotch

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1191. Julio Cortázar- All Fires the Fire

1192. Julio Cortázar- Blow-up and Other Stories

1193. Gabriel García Márquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude

1194. Gabriel García Márquez - Love in the Time of Cholera

1195. Mario Vargas Llosa - The War of the End of the World

1196. Carlos Fuentes - A Change of Skin

1197. Carlos Fuentes - Terra Nostra

1198. Carlos Drummond de Andrade - Travelling in the Family

The West Indies

1200. C. L. R. James - The Black Jacobins

1201. C. L. R. James - The Future in the Present

1202. V. S. Naipaul - A Bend in the River

1203. V. S. Naipaul - A House for Mr. Biswas

1204. Derek Walcott - Collected Poems

1205. Wilson Harris - The Guyana Quartet

1206. Michael Thelwell- The Harder They Come

1207. Aimé Césaire - Collected Poetry


1208. Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart

1209. Chinua Achebe - Arrow of God

1210. Chinua Achebe - No Longer at Ease

1211. Wole Soyinka - A Dance of the Forest

1212. Amos Tutuola - The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Dead's Town

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1213. Christopher Okigbo - Labyrinths, with Path of Thunder

1214. John Pepper Clark (-Bekederemo) - Casualties: Poems

1215. Ayi K. Armah - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born

1216. Wa Thiong'o Ngugi - A Grain of Wheat

1217. Gabriel Okara - The Fisherman's Invocation

1218. Nadine Gordimer - Collected Stories

1219. J. M. Coetzee - Foe

1220. Athol Fugard - A Lesson from Aloes

1221. Léopold S. Senghor - Selected Poems

India (in English)

1222. R. K. Narayan - The Guide

1223. Salman Rushdie - Midnight's Children

1224. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala - Heat and Dust1225. 1226. Canada

1225. Malcolm Lowry - Under the Volcano

1226. Robertson Davies - The Deptford Trilogy

1227. Robertson Davies - The Rebel Angels

1228. Alice Munro - Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You

1229. Northrop Frye - Fables of Identity

1230. Anne Hébert - Selected Poems

1231. Jay Macpherson - Poems Twice Told

1232. Margaret Atwood - Surfacing

1233. Daryl Hine - Selected Poems

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Australia and New Zealand

1234. Miles (Stella) Franklin - My Brilliant Career

1235. Katherine Mansfield - The Short Stories

1236. A. D. Hope - Collected Poems

1237. Patrick White - Riders in the Chariot

1238. Patrick White - A Fringe of Leaves

1239. Patrick White - Voss

1240. Christina Stead - The Man Who Loved Children

1241. Judith Wright - Selected Poems

1242. Les A. Murray - The Rabbiter's Bounty: Collected Poems

1243. Thomas Keneally - The Playmaker

1244. Thomas Keneally - Schindler's List

1245. David Malouf - An Imaginary Life

1246. Kevin Hart - Peniel and Other Poems

1247. Peter Carey - Oscar and Lucinda

1248. Peter Carey - Illywhacker

The United States

1249. Edwin Arlington Robinson - Selected Poems

1250. Robert Frost - The Poetry

1251. Edith Wharton - Collected Short Stories

1252. Edith Wharton - The Age of Innocence

1253. Ethan Frome - The House of Mirth

1254. Ethan Frome - The Custom of the Country

1255. Willa Cather - My Ántonia

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1256. Willa Cather - The Professor's House

1257. Willa Cather - A Lost Lady

1258. Gertrude Stein - Three Lives

1259. Gertrude Stein - The Geographical History of America

1260. Gertrude Stein - The Making of Americans

1261. Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons

1262. Wallace Stevens - Collected Poems

1263. Wallace Stevens - The Necessary Angel

1264. Wallace Stevens - Opus Posthumous

1265. Wallace Stevens - The Palm at the End of the Mind

1266. Vachel Lindsay - Collected Poems

1267. Edgar Lee Masters - Spoon River Anthology

1268. Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie

1269. Theodore Dreiser - An American Tragedy

1270. Sherwood Anderson - Winesburg, Ohio

1271. Sherwood Anderson - Death in the Woods and Other Stories

1272. Sinclair Lewis - Babbitt

1273. Sinclair Lewis - It Can't Happen Here

1274. Elinor Wylie - Last Poems

1275. William Carlos Williams - Spring and All

1276. William Carlos Williams - Paterson

1277. William Carlos Williams - Collected Poems

1278. Ezra Pound - Personae: Collected Poems

1279. Ezra Pound - The Cantos

1280. Ezra Pound - Literary Essays

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1281. Robinson Jeffers - Selected Poems

1282. Marianne Moore - Complete Poems

1283. Hilda Doolittle (H.D.) - Selected Poems

1284. John Crowe Ransom - Selected Poems

1285. T. S. Eliot - The Complete Poems and Plays

1286. T. S. Eliot - Selected Essays

1287. Katherine Anne Porter - Collected Stories

1288. Jean Toomer - Cane

1289. John Dos Passos - U.S.A.

1290. Conrad Aiken - Collected Poems

1291. Eugene O'Neill - Lazarus Laughed

1292. Eugene O'Neill - The Iceman Cometh

1293. Eugene O'Neill - Long Day's Journey Into Night

1294. e. e. cummings - Complete Poems

1295. John B. Wheelwright - Collected Poems

1296. Robert Fitzgerald - Spring Shade: Poems

1297. Louise Bogan - The Blue Estuaries: Selected Poems

1298. Léonie Adams - Poems: A Selection

1299. Hart Crane - Complete Poems and Selected Letters and Prose

1300. Allen Tate - Collected Poems

1301. F. Scott Fitzgerald - Babylon Revisited and Other Stories

1302. F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby

1303. F. Scott Fitzgerald - Tender is the Night

1304. William Faulkner - As I Lay Dying

1305. William Faulkner - Sanctuary

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1306. William Faulkner - Light in August

1307. William Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom!

1308. William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury

1309. William Faulkner - The Wild Palms

1310. William Faulkner - The Collected Stories

1311. William Faulkner - The Hamlet

1312. Ernest Hemingway - Complete Short Stories

1313. Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms

1314. Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises

1315. Ernest Hemingway - The Garden of Eden

1316. John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath

1317. Zora Neale Hurston - Their Eyes Were Watching God

1318. Nathanael West - Miss Lonelyhearts

1319. Nathanael West - A Cool Million

1320. Nathanael West - The Day of the Locust

1321. Richard Wright - Native Son

1322. Richard Wright - Black Boy

1323. Eudora Welty - Collected Stories

1324. Delta Wedding - The Robber Bridegroom

1325. Delta Wedding - The Ponder Heart

1326. Langston Hughes - Selected Poems

1327. Langston Hughes - The Big Sea

1328. Langston Hughes - I Wonder as I Wander

1329. Edmund Wilson - The Shores of Light

1330. Edmund Wilson - Patriotic Gore

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1331. Kenneth Burke - Counter-statement

1332. Kenneth Burke - A Rhetoric of Motives

1333. Joseph Mitchell - Up in the Old Hotel

1334. Abraham Cahan - The Rise of David Levinsky

1335. Kay Boyle - Three Short Novels

1336. Ellen Glasgow - Barren Ground

1337. Ellen Glasgow - Vein of Iron

1338. John P. Marquand - H. M. Pulham, Esquire

1339. John O'Hara - Collected Stories

1340. John O'Hara - Appointment in Samarra

1341. Henry Roth - Call It Sleep

1342. Thornton Wilder - Three Plays

1343. Robert Penn Warren - All the King's Men

1344. Robert Penn Warren - World Enough and Time

1345. Robert Penn Warren - Selected Poems

1346. Delmore Schwartz - Selected Poems: Summer Knowledge

1347. Weldon Kees - Collected Poems

1348. Elizabeth Bishop - The Complete Poems

1349. John Berryman - Collected Poems

1350. Paul Bowles - The Sheltering Sky

1351. Randall Jarrell - Complete Poems

1352. Charles Olson - The Maximus Poems

1353. Charles Olson - Collected Poems

1354. Robert Hayden - Collected Poems

1355. Robert Lowell - Collected Poems

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1356. Theodore Roethke - Collected Poems

1357. Theodore Roethke - Straw for the Fire

1358. James Agee - Permit Me Voyage

1359. James Agee - Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

1360. Jean Garrigue - Selected Poems

1361. May Swenson - New & Selected Things Taking Place

1362. May Swenson - In Other Words

1363. Robert Duncan - Bending the Bow

1364. Richard Wilbur - New and Collected Poems

1365. Richard Eberhart - Collected Poems

1366. M. B. Tolson - Harlem Gallery

1367. Kenneth Koch - Seasons on Earth

1368. Frank O' Hara - Selected Poems

1369. James Schuyler - Collected Poems

1370. James Baldwin - The Price of a Ticket

1371. Saul Bellow - Seize the Day

1372. Saul Bellow - The Adventures of Augie March

1373. Saul Bellow - Herzog

1374. John Cheever - The Stories

1375. John Cheever - Bullet Park

1376. Ralph Ellison - Invisible Man

1377. Truman Capote - In Cold Blood

1378. Carson McCullers - The Ballad of the Sad Cafe

1379. Carson McCullers - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

1380. Flannery O'Connor - Complete Stories

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1381. Flannery O'Connor - The Violent Bear It Away

1382. Flannery O'Connor - Wise Blood

1383. Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita

1384. Vladimir Nabokov - Pale Fire

1385. Gore Vidal - Myra Breckenridge

1386. Gore Vidal - Lincoln

1387. William Styron - The Long March

1388. J. D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye

1389. J. D. Salinger - Nine Stories

1390. Wright Morris - Ceremony in Lone Tree

1391. Bernard Malamud - The Stories

1392. Bernard Malamud - The Fixer

1393. Norman Mailer - Advertisements for Myself

1394. Norman Mailer - The Executioner's Song

1395. Norman Mailer - Ancient Evenings

1396. John Hawkes - The Cannibal

1397. John Hawkes - Second Skin

1398. William Gaddis - The Recognitions

1399. Tennessee Williams - The Glass Menagerie

1400. Tennessee Williams - A Streetcar Named Desire

1401. Tennessee Williams - Summer and Smoke

1402. Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman

1403. Edwin Justus Mayer - Children of Darkness

1404. Harold Brodkey - Stories in an Almost Classical Mode

1405. Ursula K. LeGuin - The Left Hand of Darkness

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1406. Raymond Carver - Where I'm Calling From

1407. Robert Coover - Spanking the Maid

1408. Don DeLillo - White Noise

1409. Don DeLillo - Libra

1410. Don DeLillo - Running Dog

1411. Don DeLillo - Mao II

1412. John Crowley - Little, Big

1413. John Crowley - Aegypt

1414. John Crowley - Love and Sleep

1415. Guy Davenport - Tatlin!

1416. James Dickey - The Early Motion

1417. James Dickey - The Central Motion

1418. E. L. Doctorow - The Book of Daniel

1419. E. L. Doctorow - World's Fair

1420. Stanley Elkin - The Living End

1421. William H. Gass - In the Heart of the Heart of the Country

1422. William H. Gass - Omensetter's Luck

1423. Russell Hoban - Riddley Walker

1424. Denis Johnson - Angels

1425. Denis Johnson - Fiskadoro

1426. Denis Johnson - Jesus' Son

1427. Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian

1428. Cormac McCarthy - Suttree

1429. Cormac McCarthy - Child of God

1430. William Kennedy - Ironweed

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1431. William Kennedy - The Albany Cycle

1432. Toni Morrison - Song of Solomon

1433. Gloria Naylor - The Women of Brewster Place

1434. Joyce Carol Oates - Them

1435. Walker Percy - The Moviegoer

1436. Grace Paley - The Little Disturbances of Man

1437. Thomas Pynchon - V.

1438. Thomas Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49

1439. Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow

1440. Cynthia Ozick - Envy, or Yiddish in America

1441. Cynthia Ozick - The Messiah of Stockholm

1442. Ishmael Reed - Mumbo Jumbo

1443. Philip Roth - Portnoy's Complaint

1444. Philip Roth - My Life as a Man

1445. Philip Roth - Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy and Epilogue

1446. Philip Roth - The Counterlife

1447. Philip Roth - Patrimony

1448. Philip Roth - Operation Shylock

1449. James Salter - Solo Faces

1450. James Salter - Light Years

1451. James Salter - Dog Soldiers

1452. James Salter - A Flag for Sunrise

1453. John Barth - The Floating Opera

1454. John Barth - The End of the Road

1455. John Barth - The Sot-Weed Factor

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1456. Walter Abish - Alphabetical Africa

1457. Walter Abish - How German Is It

1458. Walter Abish - Eclipse Fever

1459. Walter Abish - I Am the Dust Under Your Feet

1460. Donald Barthelme - Forty Stories

1461. Donald Barthelme - The Dead Father

1462. Thomas M. Disch - On Wings of Song

1463. Paul Theroux - The Mosquito Coast

1464. John Updike - The Witches of Eastwick

1465. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - Cat's Cradle

1466. Edmund White - Forgetting Elena

1467. Edmund White - Nocturnes for the King of Naples

1468. James McCourt - Time Remaining

1469. James Wilcox - Modern Baptists

1470. A. R. Ammons - Collected Poems

1471. A. R. Ammons - Selected Longer Poems

1472. A. R. Ammons - Sphere: The Form of a Motion

1473. John Ashbery - The Double Dream of Spring

1474. John Ashbery - Houseboat Days

1475. John Ashbery - Selected Poems

1476. John Ashbery - Flow Chart

1477. John Ashbery - Hotel Lautréamont

1478. John Ashbery - And the Stars Were Shining

1479. David Mamet - American Buffalo

1480. David Mamet - Speed-the-Plow

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1481. David Rabe - Streamers

1482. Sam Shepard - Seven Plays

1483. August Wilson - Fences

1484. August Wilson - Joe Turner's Come and Gone

1485. Anthony Hecht - Collected Earlier Poems

1486. Edgar Bowers - Living Together: New and Selected Poems

1487. Donald Justice - Selected Poems

1488. James Merrill - From the First Nine

1489. James Merrill - The Changing Light at Sandover

1490. W. S. Merwin - Selected Poems

1491. James Wright - Above the River: The Complete Poems

1492. Galway Kinnell - Selected Poems

1493. Philip Levine - Selected Poems

1494. Irving Feldman - New and Selected Poems

1495. Donald Hall - The One Day

1496. Donald Hall - Old and New Poems

1497. Alvin Feinman - Poems

1498. Richard Howard - Untitled Subjects

1499. Richard Howard - Findings

1500. John Hollander - Reflections on Espionage

1501. John Hollander - Selected Poetry

1502. John Hollander - Tesserae

1503. Gary Snyder - No Nature: New and Selected Poems

1504. Charles Simic - Selected Poems

1505. Mark Strand - Selected Poems

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1506. Mark Strand - The Continuous Life

1507. Mark Strand - Dark Harbor

1508. Charles Wright - The World of the Ten Thousand Things

1509. Jay Wright - Dimensions of History

1510. Jay Wright - The Double Invention of Komo

1511. Jay Wright - Selected Poems

1512. Jay Wright - Elaine's Book

1513. Jay Wright - Boleros

1514. Amy Clampitt - Westward

1515. Allen Grossman - The Ether Dome and Other Poems: New and Selected

1516. Howard Moss - New Selected Poems

1517. James Applewhite - River Writing: An Eno Journal

1518. J. D. McClatchy - The Rest of the Way

1519. Alfred Corn - A Call in the Midst of the Crowd

1520. Douglas Crase - The Revisionist

1521. Rita Dove - Selected Poems

1522. Thylias Moss - Small Congregations: New and Selected Poems

1523. Edward Hirsch - Earthly Measures

1524. Tony Kushner - Angels in America