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Blades Thing

Oct 15, 2015



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Summoner Spells

Flash= Standard escape tool to creating / closing caps and hopping over walls.Should be tool for creating / closing gaps and hopping.ItemsFirst BacksDepending on what match up you're up against will depend on what items you'll buy first.

Generally you'll want to you'll want to build alot of damage earlyRemove one of the Youll want to.Situational Items

- Tear is good on Jayce, his mana costs are very very high early so you can't combo as much. So a lot of Jayce players do build tear to spam spells and harass their opponents constantly out of lane, laster completinginto. The tear does stack on its own very slowly, but due to the previouse changes, his ultimate no longer counts as a tear stacks so yourtransformation will take a while.Should be later* previous*plus his mana does get better over time dispite it being so sucky early.Should be despite*Against heavy burst AP match-ups. Mid lane Jayce or against AP top lanners, you'll build this quite often early if you're having troubles.Should be Laners*- Great armor pen item ans snowball item, dealing tones of damage especially whe maxing your W and completion of your Muramana, great dueling potential and 100 - 0'ing your opponents.Should be armour pen item and* snowball item, dealing tonnes* of damage especially when* maxing your W- Mix or armor and magic resist and allowing you to revive after deathShould be Mix of* armour* and magic resistDariusHide Notes

Poke, poke poke......still not dead? poke poke poke some more.

It's a pretty easy lanning phase vs Darius, however, don't be too reckless, he will hurt if he catches you with his grab, changed to melee form, Q and knock him away with your E, then go back to poking.

You'll be spending like 70% of your time in ranged form for farming and poking, and changing to Melee when finishing the kills or to straight up combo him.

Kha'ZixHide Notes

Kha Zix is pretty weak early, you can easily poke him out of lane and out damage him early levels.

Level 6 is where it will begin to be a little more tricky, he can jump on you, and turninvisible activating his passive multiple times, and force you to run and becomeisolated.Create as early lead and you can and you should be fine in lane. It rare these days you see a Kha Zix top lane, he's mostly mid or jungle.....or banned ;)

Create an early lead if you canShyvanaHide Notes

You can poke shyvana down with auto attacks repeatedly and force her out of lane.

Shyvana does have movement speed to try and close the gaps when trading with you, change the hammer stance, Q and knock her away with Thundering Blow, then change back to hammer form again for more poking.

Beware some shyvanas will rush, so be careful about your Thundering Blow timings because she has different ways in which she can catch and close gaps.

YasuoHide Notes

This isn't too hard of a match-up. Poke him with an auto attack to rid of his shield, then poke him with a shock blast or To the Skys and Thundering Blow, so non of the damage is blocked by his shield.

Careful timing of his Wind Wall before Shock Blast through your Acceleration Gate will be key when harassing him.

Skies* None*

YorickHide Notes

Not so bad early, but a decent yorick is hell to lane against.He can heavily poke you and block most of your poke with his ghouls.He also has the one thing Jayce doesn't.......sustain! its hard to poke him down.

So you either have to get a kill on him early, buildto spam andto keep up in sustain. One the plus side, his mana sucks just as much as your does, and doesn't apply as much pressure with just athen Jayce does.

You can poke him down and burst him, just be prepared for him to heal it all up again :/


Jayce is a really fun and challenging champion to play, taken me a while to get to play him to a point where Ii don't suck :DShould be where I dont suck **

Early Game - LanningEarly GameLanning Phase

Early on you'll want to focus on CS'ing, and poking your opponents with auto attacks when ever(one word) possible, adding pressure into the lane. Most top laners are melee champions, so they will have a hard time vs a ranged champion like Jayce.

You'll also want to try and harass with Shock Blasts through Acceleration Gate. HOWEVER, try not to shoot the(them?) blindly as you'll most likely miss :D

For example, use your LOW HEALTH ALLY CREEPS and your targeting system as such, as they go for that minion for the last hit, Shock Blast them in the face, PUNISHING them for last hitting, PLUS you know 100% that they're going to be there so you'll hit them more or less all the time.

You can do the same when they're under tower, the range of your Shock Blast through the Gate is so long you can deal damage without taking aggro, yeah......Jayce isn't a lane bully....he's an asshole :D


Begin with+and- Early game damage and sustain, plus a potion to sustain with, chances are you won't get harassed heavily anyway so one's ok :D

DECIDE from here weather(whether*) you want to go DAMAGE or a TEAR build

If you're auser on Jayce, i'd make sure i can get extra damage to back it up on your back, like an extraor a couple ofto build into yourthen, IF NOT, then just grab an extraor aas a component if you're having mana issues.

Reason for this is thatdoesn't give you any combat stats in lane at all, other than extra mana so its not a good idea to just straight up rush it on your first back unless you can afford some extra damage items toback it up.

Generally I like to build into myfirst for the armor pen, CDR and damage, then build intostraight(straight*) after, so that then when you're(your*) stacks are complete, you don't have to mess around buying it afterwards, it's there straight away.

Back to Top Mid - End GameI decided to link these two together since you're pretty much going to be doing the same things.

Lanning phase and all of that should be done, so, group together with your team and try to siege. Poke with Shock Blasts through Acceleration Gate over and over again, to wither down your opponents adding pressure making it easier for your front line and everyone else to siege towers and objectives.

If you're behind, Poke when you can, and use your combo to clear waves, Jayce is very good at defending at(and*) stopping sieges. Poke when possible, withering your opponents down before deciding to fight, like nidalee, poking down opponents getting them low applying pressure can change the game around at anytime.

In team fights, DON'T just change into hammer stance and charge in recklessly as you'll just drop. You're positioning should be similar to how it is when playing as an ADC, poke from the back line, fighting in ranged form, then changing into melee stance to finish your target, and repeat this cycle through out.(one word)

Worst thing you can do is charge in, get CC'd and be focused because then you can't do a thing.

So 4 Key things:- Poke- Positioning- Smart stance changes- Keeping an eye on your Cool Downs

ITEMS- Non Tear Build -

After yourbuilding intofollowed bywill give you insane damage output. Complete yourby going intoor.I honestly would recommend that you go, gives you better damage with pokes and with your Hyer(hyper?) Charge (W) you can apply your stacks pretty quickly .

Then from there as explained in the Items section, how you decide to finish your build will depend on the enemy team comp and how well you're doing.


- Tear Build -

This is one of my favourite(favourite*) ways to build Jayce

After yourpurchase, complete yourthenor the way around, which ever(one word) works for you.With this build you'll want to rush a lot of armor penetration to back up the damage from your completedon active.

Your item purchases should look like this:


++++ OR++if tear and Damage cannot be afforded






Back to Top Few Little TipsSo here's a few little tips before we conclude this guide :)

Wall HoppingYes, Jayce can wall hop lool ;)

If there's vision over a wall and an enemy unti(unit*), ''To The Skys(skies*)'' can leap towards the target, hopping over the wall.

''Shock Blast'' grants vision for a few short seconds when it detonates, so you can Shock Blast over a wall like on Blue Buff for example, Transform, and use To the Skys to leap towards it, hopping over the wall......OR place a Ward for the vision and use To The Skys to jump over :D


Shock BlastHarassAs said in the ''early game'' section, you'll want harass your opponents in lane with shock blasts.

REMEMBER, Jayce's Shock Blast not only does damage to the hit target, but ALL enemies caught in theexplosion, so its pretty easy to hit enemies when bundled together.

What you'll want to do when landing Shock Blasts on opponents in lane, is to aim the projectile at a low health creep your opponent is about to last hit, you know for sure 100% that he's going to be there, punishing your opponent for going for last hits, because people don't just randomly miss last hits for 0 reason, so you give them choice to hit creeps but get forced out or to just stay close to exp and farm under tower if the pressure is being applied.


Shock Blast ComboEveryone knows about Jayce's Shock Blast through Acceleration Gate combo, it's what makes Jayce who he is :D

This is a tip on to execute a fast and effective way of using this combination.

What a lot of players do, is they'll fire the Shock Blast, it'll go out and then it'll hit the gate placed out in the open, and then it speeds up the Shock Blast.

Now..........there's no right or wrong way of doing this combo however, doing it this way is lazy and bad for a few reasons:- The projectile of the Shock Blast alone is pretty slow- It gives opponents more time to react and dodge the blast- You can't use the gate as a form of escape or kiting ability, because it's so far away from you

So, what you want to do is place the Gate directly on yourself whilst you cast the Shock Blast, so theprojectileof your Shock Blast is moving fast the whole time.

By doing this:- The blast and yourself instantly gains the movement speed buff from your Gate- The Blast moves fast the whole time so its less predicable(predictable*) and gives your opponents no time to react- Plus you can use the Gate as an escape tool because it's right there on top of you- You can also kite and poke back and forth each time you pass through the gate