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TABLE OF CONTENTS !X! Table of Contents !X! !X! Introduction Page text under image !X! Welcome to the Island of Kagejima and the Kingdom of the Moon. Journey with us to a shadowy land where six clans compete to prove themselves worthy of serving the Moon Princess as protectors of their homeland. Each clan has its own strategies and traditions on how to walk the way of the warrior. Be warned! Things are not always as they seem. The way of the ninja is perilous and deceptive. The honorable ways of the samurai of the Sun Empire are considered naive and quaint by most shinobi. BIRTH OF KAGEJIME !X! Section Header !X! SETUP !X! Section Header !X! Before starting a game at least one player should read through the rulebook in its entirety to understand how the game plays. Follow the steps in this section to prepare the game to be played. 1. Play Janken (Rock, Paper, Scissors) The winner of the round of Janken, has initiative. Many steps in setup and gameplay begin with the player who has initiative, and then moves clockwise around the table. 2. Choose Ninja Team Ninja All-Stars includes the models for two teams, in two different colors of plastic. Each team has a team scroll, with its attributes. Players may choose from one of the eight prebuilt teams, or may build their own custom team. (See Building Teams, page !X!.) All of the ninjas on a player’s team are friendly ninja and all of the ninja that are not on a player’s team are enemy ninja. !X! Candy Callout: !X! For your first game we recommend using the Fire Shrine and Water Shrine prebuilt teams. !X! Candy Callout: !X! 3. Choose Challenge Challenges are unique scenarios that specify the goals players must accomplish to win the game, as well as special rules that affect the game. (See Challenges, page !X!.) Players should decide cooperatively which challenge they would like to play for the game. !X! Candy Callout: !X! For your first game we recommend playing the Brawl challenge!

BIRTH OF KAGEJIME SETUP !X! Section Header !X! OF CONTENTS!X! Table of Contents !X!!X! Introduction Page text under

Apr 16, 2018



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!X! Table of Contents !X! !X! Introduction Page text under image !X! Welcome to the Island of Kagejima and the Kingdom of the Moon. Journey with us to a shadowy land where six clans compete to prove themselves worthy of serving the Moon Princess as protectors of their homeland. Each clan has its own strategies and traditions on how to walk the way of the warrior. Be warned! Things are not always as they seem. The way of the ninja is perilous and deceptive. The honorable ways of the samurai of the Sun Empire are considered naive and quaint by most shinobi.

BIRTH OF KAGEJIME !X! Section Header !X!

SETUP !X! Section Header !X! Before starting a game at least one player should read through the rulebook in its entirety to understand how the game plays. Follow the steps in this section to prepare the game to be played. 1. Play Janken (Rock, Paper, Scissors) The winner of the round of Janken, has initiative. Many steps in setup and gameplay begin with the player who has initiative, and then moves clockwise around the table. 2. Choose Ninja Team Ninja All-Stars includes the models for two teams, in two different colors of plastic. Each team has a team scroll, with its attributes. Players may choose from one of the eight prebuilt teams, or may build their own custom team. (See Building Teams, page !X!.) All of the ninjas on a player’s team are friendly ninja and all of the ninja that are not on a player’s team are enemy ninja. !X! Candy Callout: !X! For your first game we recommend using the Fire Shrine and Water Shrine prebuilt teams. !X! Candy Callout: !X! 3. Choose Challenge Challenges are unique scenarios that specify the goals players must accomplish to win the game, as well as special rules that affect the game. (See Challenges, page !X!.) Players should decide cooperatively which challenge they would like to play for the game. !X! Candy Callout: !X! For your first game we recommend playing the Brawl challenge!

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!X! Candy Callout: !X! 4. Create Tournament Ground The game board has two tournament grounds to choose from, one on each side. Players may choose either tournament ground regardless of the challenge being played. After the game board has been laid out, layout the two dojo boards on either side of the game board. Place the round tracking token on the round one location. Shuffle the Moon Deck and place it on the dojo board. Roll a die to randomly determine what position the Moon Tracker token starts on. Place the token on the space on the Moon Tracker that matches the element rolled. (See Phases of the Moon, page !X!.) The player with initiative then places either a lantern or a shrine onto the game board. Lanterns and shrines may be placed in any space that is at least 2 spaces away from any !X! Deployment Icon !X! deployment zone space. (See below.) Players then take turns placing either lanterns or shrines until at least 4 lanterns have been placed. Once at least 4 lanterns have been placed a player may “pass” on putting out more terrain. The maximum number of lanterns and shrines allowed is 6 lanterns and 4 shrines. Once all players have consecutively passed on placing more terrain, setup continues. Lanterns and shrines are explained in more detail on page !X!. !X! Labeled Lantern and Shrine Tokens !X! Many challenges will require additional elements on the game board, such as medals or sentries. When this is the case, follow the rules as specified in the challenge. 5. Deploy Ninja The player with initiative chooses one player to decide which edge of the game board is their deployment zone. That player will also place the first ninja, and have the first turn. In a two player game, the opposing player’s deployment zone is the opposite board edge. If there are more than two players, the remaining players play Janken, with the winner of each round being the next to choose their board edge. Each player’s board edge has specific spaces marked with a double ring around their dot !X! Deployment Icon !X! icon, their ninja may only be placed in these spaces. Players then take turns setting up one ninja at a time, until all of the ninjas allowed by the challenge have been set up in their respective player’s deployment zones. Place any remaining ninjas on the players’ teams in their Training Ground. Then complete any other setup required by the challenge.

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The Training Ground Ninjas that are in the Training Ground are being kept in reserve for later in the challenge. Challenges normally only allow a few ninja to be on the board at one time. Any excess ninja on a team must wait in their team’s Training Ground. !X! Labeled Image of Training Ground !X! 6. Go Ninja Go! Its time to start round one! The player with the initiative takes the first turn. !X! Game Setup Diagram: Including all components !X!

GAME CONCEPTS !X! Section Header !X!

AFFINITY AND TESTS Ninja All-Stars uses special dice to resolve all in game actions. The Ninja All-Stars dice have 6 different icons on them representing the different sacred elements of Kagejima. !X! Dice Diagram !X! Each ninja has an Affinity with one or more elements listed in the ninja’s attributes under Affinity. The most common use of the Ninja All-Stars dice and Affinity is called an affinity test. When the game requires a ninja to make an affinity test the ninja’s player rolls three dice. If at least one dice shows the icon for the element the ninja has as an Affinity for the affinity test is successful. When a ninja is required to make an opposed affinity test then both players make an affinity test. The player that rolls the most matching Affinity icons wins the opposed affinity test. If there is a tie then players roll again. Players will keep rolling again until there is no tie. Ninja with more than one affinity must choose which element will be used before the ninja takes an affinity test. When making an affinity test for the entire team the player must choose a single element that any ninja from their team, and on the board, has as an Affinity to use for the test. Affinity has additional effects during combat and for keyword abilities. These rules are covered in their relevant sections later in the rules. REROLLS

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Occasionally, dice may be rerolled. Dice that have been rerolled cannot be rerolled again. If an ability or card references an element needing to be rolled this refers to after rerolls have been made. INFLUENCE ZONE The spaces adjacent to a ninja are that ninja’s influence zone. These spaces represent the area close enough to the ninja that they can affect other ninja that are in it. Many abilities only work on ninjas that are within the influence zone of the ninja using the ability. These rules are covered in their relevant sections later in the rules. !X! Influence Zone Facing!X!

FACING In Ninja All Stars each ninja has a facing. There is a shuriken mark on each ninja’s base that shows which direction is forward for them. The three spaces directly away from the space the ninja is facing is their back. All other spaces are their front. LINE OF SIGHT Ninjas require Line of Sight, or LoS, to target enemy ninja with any and all actions, abilities, and attacks, etc., unless otherwise specified. A ninja may only draw LoS through spaces in its front influence zone. To determine if a ninja has LoS to another ninja, draw a straight, imaginary line from any point on a ninja’s base to any point on the base of the intended target. Then look at each space that the line passes closest to. If no models, terrain, or other effects which block LoS occupy these spaces, the ninja has LoS to its target. Ninjas always have LoS to themselves. The following items block LoS:

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● Models, friendly or enemy. ● Some elements of terrain, such as walls or foliage. (See Terrain, page !X!.) ● The ninja’s own back influence zone.

!X! Diagram Line of Site!X!

ATTRIBUTES Each ninja has a set of numbers and keywords that represent how effective they are in the game. These are their attributes. A ninja’s attributes are Movement (MT), Attack (AT), Defense (DF), Affinity (AF), Keyword Abilities and Koban Cost.

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!X! Diagram Fire Shrine Chunin Attributes !X! ABILITY AND CARD TIMING Sometimes, players will want to use abilities, or play Moon Cards, at the same time. So it is necessary for there to be an order for players to play effects in. Players play effects starting with the player that has initiative for the round and continuing clockwise around the table. So after the player with initiative has played all of the effects they wish to, then the player to their left has a chance to do so, and so on, until every player has had a chance to react to a situation, or trigger. In general any conflict of timing is resolved in this way with the player that has initiative getting the chance to play and resolve as many effects as they like before play passes to the player clockwise around the table from them. During an attack it is the attacker that plays the first ability, with play again proceeding clockwise around the table from them. Effects that allow rerolls must be played before eliminations are made during an attack. Effects that look for certain results in a roll check after rerolls have been made but before any eliminations are made. CAN’T VS CAN Sometimes situations within these rules will come into conflict with each other. If something says that a can’t do something or automatically fails at something this will take precedence over situations that state a player can do something or automatically succeeds at something.

SEQUENCE OF PLAY !X! Section Header !X! During each round, players take turns activating one ninja at a time until all of the ninjas on each team have been activated. On the first turn of the game, the player that has the initiative takes their turn first. During their turn, a player may activate one ninja on their team, that is on the game board, and has not already been activated this round. Once all of the ninjas on the game board from each team have activated, the round is over and a new one begins. When a ninja is activated, the ninja may move and then take an action. Once a ninja takes an action their activation is over. The most common action for ninjas to take is to attack. A ninja cannot take an action and then move again, even if the ninja has unspent movement points. Once a ninja completes its activation it may no longer activate until the next round. Only one ninja may be activated during a turn. !X! Candy Callout: Somewhere near the green text have a candy callout saying “Use the supplied activation tokens to keep track of which ninja have activated during the round.

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At the end of the round remove all of the tokens.” With a picture of the activation tokens !X! Upkeep At the end of each round players perform upkeep. Each step of upkeep begins with the player that has the initiative, and proceeds clockwise around the table. 1. Move two friendly ninjas from the Healing House to the Training Ground. 2. Choose one of the following:

● Draw 1 Moon Card ● Move one additional friendly ninja from the Healing House to the Training Ground. ● Remove all Stun tokens from one friendly ninja.

3. Deploy friendly ninja from the Training Ground to the player’s deployment zone, until the maximum number of ninja allowed by the challenge are on the game board. These are the team’s reinforcements. Each player deploys all of their reinforcements at once. 4. Advance the Moon Tracker token one space, clockwise, to the new phase of the moon. (See Phases of the Moon, page !X!.) 5. Advance the Round Tracker token one space. If it reaches the end of the track, flip the token over and move it to the start of the track. New Round To determine who activates the first ninja in later rounds of the game, play another round of Janken. The winner has the initiative for the turn and will activate the first ninja. The player that won the round of Janken before the game started also has the initiative in the first turn of the game.

MOVEMENT !X! Section Header !X! The Ninja All-Stars game board is made up of a grid of dots. Each dot is a space. Ninja are placed on the game board with their base covering a dot to show that they are on that space. A ninja’s base may only cover a single dot and should be centered over it. When activated, a ninja may move a number of spaces up to their total number of movement points. Whenever a ninja moves a space, they may move onto any of the 8 spaces that are adjacent to the space they are currently on that doesn’t have another ninja on it. Once a ninja has finished moving, the player must turn the model so that its front faces an adjacent space. Even if a ninja does not move, it may change which direction it is facing during its activation, before it takes an action, for free, without spending any movement points. Note that whenever a ninja moves it is turned to face a space by the player that moved it at the end of the movement.

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!X! Movement Diagram !X!

Once a ninja has finished moving they may take an action. A ninja may use their action to run and move up to their movement in spaces again. Some spaces may have terrain which cause special effects, or require additional movement points, when a ninja moves onto them. These spaces have unique dots that represent their terrain type. (See Terrain, page !X!.) DODGING Attempting to leave a space that is in at least one enemy ninja’s influence zone is called dodging. When a ninja attempts to dodge they must make an affinity test. If the affinity test is successful the ninja may move into the new space normally. If the ninja fails the affinity test they get a Stun token, cannot move out of the space, and their activation immediately ends. (See Stun, page !X!.) A ninja must attempt to dodge to be able to leave a space that is in an enemy ninja’s influence zone, even if they wish to move to another space in the same ninja’s influence zone. LARGE-BASED NINJA Some ninja have a larger base than others. Instead of only taking up 1 space, large-based ninjas cover 4 spaces at once. While it might seem that a large-based ninja should spend multiple movement points to move, because they move into multiple new spaces, moving forward, backward, side to side, or diagonally only costs large-based ninja one movement point.

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If any part of a large-based ninja’s base moves over any spaces with terrain, they must deal with the effects of the terrain. If a large-based ninja ends their movement with some of their base on elevated terrain and some of it on non-elevated terrain, the large-based ninja will only count as being on elevated terrain if at least 2 of the 4 spaces of its base are on elevated terrain. Like small-based ninja, large-based ninja can only face 8 directions, as shown in the diagram below. !X!Large base model!X!

COMBAT !X! Section Header !X!

A ninja may use their action to attack another ninja. The activated ninja who initiated the attack is the attacker. The target of the attack is the defender. A ninja may attack any enemy ninja within 1 space of themselves in their front influence zone. The attacker rolls a number of Ninja All-Stars dice equal to their Attack (AT) attribute. The defender rolls a number of dice equal to their Defense (DF) attribute. !X! Candy Callout: !X! The attacker and defender should roll different colored dice to make it easy to identify which dice are each ninja’s.

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!X! Candy Callout: !X! The results of the two rolls are compared, and dice are eliminated based on the following elemental pairs: !X! Diagram of Cancellations !X! Fire and Water eliminate each other. Earth and Air eliminate each other. Spirit and Void eliminate each other. When two dice eliminate each other, remove them from the pool of rolled dice. Dice that the attacker rolled can only eliminate dice that the defender rolled and vice versa. All possible eliminations must be made. !X! Insert diagram showing rolling for an attack and eliminating dice !X! Once all eliminations have been made, the player with the most dice remaining chooses one of the remaining dice as the result of the attack. The player may choose a die from either the attacker’s or defender’s dice. When both players have the same number of dice remaining, the attacker chooses the result. The result of the attack is determined by the element of the die chosen: !X! Combat Results Chart !X! Spirit: The attacker is Injured. Fire: All ninjas in the attacker’s influence zone, including the attacker, are stunned. (See Stun, page !X!) Air: The attacker may move the defender up to 3 spaces in any direction. Water: The player who picked Water as the result may move the attacker up to 3 spaces in any direction. The defending player then places the defender in the attacker’s front influence zone. Earth: The defender is stunned. (See Stun, page !X!) Void: The defender is Injured. !X! Combat Results Chart !X! MOVEMENT AS A RESULT OF COMBAT When a combat result causes the attacker or defender to move, all other ninja’s influence zones and terrain are ignored. All other movement rules apply as normal. INJURED When a ninja is Injured remove their model from the game board and place it in the player’s Healing House. At the end of each round, players may move up to two ninja from their Healing House to the Training Ground on their dojo. !X! Insert labeled picture of Healing House !X!

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ASSISTS Friendly ninja may assist the attacker and defender in a fight, granting them additional dice. A ninja cannot assist if they are Stunned, or if they are in the influence zone of an enemy ninja, other than the attacker or defender. The attacker gains +1 Attack for each additional friendly ninja that is in the defender's influence zone. The defender gains +1 Defense for each additional friendly ninja that is in the attacker's influence zone. BACK STRIKE When an attacker is in any of the three spaces that are in the defender’s back influence zone, the attacker gains +1 Attack. !X! Diagram Assist & Back Strike !X!

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RANGED COMBAT Ninja that have “Ranged” listed in their profile may make a ranged attack. Note that ranged attacks are not the same things as attacks and ranged attacks will only be affected by cards and abilities if they specifically reference ranged attacks. The number listed is the maximum number of spaces away the ninja’s target can be in order to be attacked. Ranged attacks work exactly like normal attacks, except that the only elemental results that cause any effect are Earth and Void. Other elemental results may be chosen, (and usually are when the defender wins) but have no effect, unless the model has an ability which says otherwise.

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A ninja that is in an enemy ninja’s influence zone cannot make ranged attacks. Ranged attacks cannot benefit from assists or back strikes. !X! Insert diagram describing how to count range and make a ranged attack !X!

Shuriken Every ninja has access to small, lightweight, thrown weapons such as shuriken or kunai. These allow every ninja to make a ranged attack with a range of 3 spaces. When using these weapons, the attacker may only roll one die to attack, regardless of what the ninja’s Attack is, and may not claim any bonuses. These ranged attacks are Stealthy.

PHASES OF THE MOON !X! Section Header !X! The phases of the moon and the fickle favor the of the Moon Princess can play an important role in determining the victor of a challenge. These capricious elements are represented by the Moon Tracker and the Moon Deck. The moon will wax and wane over and over in a cycle. !X! Image of Moon Tracker + token on the dojo board !X! MOON DECK !X! Insert an image of Moon Deck back and sample cards !X! The Moon Deck represents the many dirty tricks, strategies, or mystic traps a team of ninja prepare and use to win a challenge.

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A player can never have more than 3 cards from the Moon Deck in their hand at once. If, after they draw a moon card, a player has more than 3 cards they must immediately discard down to 3 cards. Each Moon card outlines when it can be played and what effect it has on the game. Once a Moon Deck card is played and has resolved its effect, the card is discarded. There is only one Moon Deck discard pile shared by all players. If all of the cards from the Moon Deck are drawn then shuffle the discard pile to create a new Moon Deck. Cards in the Moon Deck have more powerful or additional effects that may be used if the card is played while the Moon Tracker is in a specific phase along the track. These additional effects or modifications are listed on each Moon Card.

ADVANCED RULES !X! Section Header !X! KEYWORD ABILITIES Many ninja have one or more Keyword Abilities. These are special abilities that modify the ninja’s performance. Throughout league play ninja can gain new keywords. Once a ninja has a specific keyword they cannot gain it again—multiple instances of the same keyword are not allowed! The specific Keyword Abilities are detailed in the Appendix section, page !X!, for easy reference during your game. STATUS EFFECTS Some rules or abilities will cause an ongoing effect that last for a certain period of time. These are called status effects. When a ninja is affected by a status effect place the appropriate token next to affected model. In Ninja’s are often referred to as being “Stunned, Cursed, etc.” this means that the ninja has a token of the corresponding status effect on them, or that one token of the appropriate type should be given to them.. A ninja may accumulate any number of status effect tokens, even of the same type. Each status effect outlines how long it lasts. The specific status effects are detailed in the Appendix section, page !X!, for easy reference during your game. When a ninja is Injured and goes to their Healing House they lose all Status Effects. The only Status Effect that can be on a ninja in the Healing House is Delay. STEALTH Stealth is similar to a status effect, but it has many effects and is very important to gameplay, so we have given it its own section.

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If a ninja is not within LoS of any enemy ninja, they may use their action to go into Stealth. Place a Stealth token next to the ninja’s model. Ninjas in Stealth cannot be attacked or targeted by abilities directly. If a game effect affects an area of the game board that includes the ninja's space, it will affect the ninja normally. Line of sight cannot be drawn to ninjas in Stealth, and LoS can be freely drawn through the space they occupy. Ninja’s in Stealth only have an influence zone during their activation, thus enemy ninja are not required to dodge to move past them, and they cannot assist in combat. When a ninja in Stealth takes an action or takes an affinity check, other than dodging, they lose Stealth. Dodging When a ninja in Stealth dodges they must make an affinity test as normal. If they fail the test, remove the Stealth token instead of suffering the normal effects of failing to dodge. The ninja may then decide whether they wish to continue the attempt to move out of the influence zone, and dodge as normal, or remain stationary. Stealthy Any action, attack, or ability that is Stealthy does not cause a ninja to lose Stealth when used. Stealth Combat When a ninja in Stealth makes an attack they get +1 AT. This bonus does not apply to ranged attacks. After any attack is made, the ninja must remove the Stealth token. Search A ninja may use their action to search for enemy ninjas in Stealth. The ninja must make an affinity test. If the test is successful, all enemy ninjas in the ninja's influence zone must remove their Stealth token. Searching is Stealthy. TERRAIN Terrain represents the effect that trees, buildings, or any other features on the game board have on ninjas and the challenges in which they compete. Terrain is represented by a unique dot on the space showing the type of terrain. This coding helps to show at a glance what effects the terrain has on movement and gameplay. Sometimes the rules will refer to separate “elements” of terrain. This occurs when using the terrain requires players to look at the spaces and the art on the game board. For example, a wall and a tree both use the rules for elevated terrain, but are separate elements, even if they are right next to one another. Since Ninja All-Stars has two unique game board layouts, and will

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have more in the future, we cannot individually diagram every game board. It is always best for players look at their chosen game board before the game starts, and agree to any separate elements. !X! Rough Icon !X! Rough: Moving onto a space of rough terrain costs 2 movement points instead of 1. !X! Obscuring Icon !X! Obscuring: Ninjas cannot draw LoS through obscuring terrain. If a ninja is on a space of obscuring terrain then they may draw LoS, and have LoS drawn to them as normal. !X! Elevated Icon !X! Elevated: Elevated terrain is terrain that provides a ninja with a viewpoint that is higher than the ground, such as the top of a wall, tree, torii arch, or even floating clouds. When drawing LoS, both to and from a ninja on elevated terrain, non-elevated terrain and ninjas are ignored. However, LoS is blocked, both to and from the elevated ninja, if the line crosses another space of elevated terrain that is not within the elevated ninja’s influence zone, or a separate element of elevated terrain. When drawing LoS between two elevated ninja, only ninja or separate elements of terrain that are also elevated along the same line block LoS.

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To move onto a space of elevated terrain from a space of non-elevated terrain a ninja must pay 3 movement points. It only costs 1 movement point, as normal, to move from a space of elevated terrain to a non-elevated terrain space. Moving from 1 elevated space to another adjacent elevated space costs 1 movement point as normal. Influence zones are treated as normal when a ninja is on elevated terrain. i.e. Ninja that are on non-elevated terrain are still adjacent to ninja that are in elevated spaces next to them.

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When counting range for ranged attacks only the horizontal distance in spaces matters and elevation is ignored. Specific Terrain Types Some specific types of terrain require more explanation, as they either function as a hybrid of the above mentioned terrain types, or have special rules that come into play when they are used. !X! Structure Icon !X! Structures: Structures are both obscuring and elevated terrain. Structures block LoS between ninjas that are not on elevated terrain. !X! Foliage Icon !X! Foliage: Foliage is both obscuring and rough terrain. If a ninja in Stealth shrinemoves through a foliage space without ending their movement, they immediately lose Stealth. If a ninja in Stealth moves onto a foliage space and ends their movement, they do not lose Stealth and may move off the foliage space without losing Stealth in later activations. !X! Lantern token !X! Lanterns: Lanterns are a token which represents terrain that challenges allow players to place on the game board. Lanterns may be placed over any other terrain type. Lanterns are obscuring terrain that cannot be moved across. If a ninja in Stealth moves within 1 space of a lantern they lose Stealth due to the lantern’s light. !X! Shrine token !X! Shrines: Shrines are a token which represents terrain that challenges allow players to place on the game board. Shrines may be placed over any other terrain type. Shrines are obscuring terrain that cannot be moved across. When a Shrine is placed on the game board the player chooses one of the following status effects that the Shrine radiates: Curse, Poison, Slow, Haste, Lucky, or Protect. Curse, Poison, and Slow are detrimental status effects. Haste, Lucky, and Protect are positive status effects. When a ninja moves within 1 space of a shrine that radiates a detrimental status effect, they must make an affinity test. If they fail the test, the ninja gets one status effect token of the type of the shrine. While a ninja is within 1 space of a shrine that radiates a positive status effect, they may use their action to make an affinity test. If the test is successful, the ninja gets one status effect token of the type of the shrine.

BUILDING A TEAM !X! Section Header !X! Instead of playing the premade teams that are included in the box, players may build their own teams. A player gets 100 koban to spend to recruit ninja for their team. Each ninja’s entry specifies how many koban the ninja costs to recruit. A player must choose a single clan, and may only recruit ninja from the chosen clan. Additionally, players may recruit Ronin, mercenaries that will join

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any clan. There are 6 clans, presented in these rules before the Ronin, while clans are referenced by some Ronin these are minor clans and they do not send teams to the Moonlight Tournament. this is why they are only represented with Ronin who will join major clan teams. Each ninja has a minimum and maximum listed on their entry, shown as a number range such as 1-3, 0-4, etc. The minimum is the first number, and is how many of the ninja must be on the team for it to be legal. The maximum is the second number, a team may never have more ninja of that type than the maximum number listed. Some ninja have special abilities that are unique to their entry. These are listed under special in their entry. If the special section specifies that a ninja chooses 1 or more of the listed special abilities, the player must choose the ability when the ninja is recruited. Fill out one of the included blank scrolls with your team’s stats as you build it so you can easily remember which ninja you have recruited, and the rules that go along with them. NINJA TYPE While ninja are are a diverse and colorful group of characters and clans, they all fall within a few set types that help define their role on a player’s team. Chunin Aspiring leaders and skilled fighters within the clan are called upon to lead their own team of ninja at the Moonlight Tournament as chunin. This is an incredible honor, and the trials to come will not only test a Chunin’s leadership and skills, but their spirit as well. Kaiken Kaiken are the backbone of the clans. To be a kaiken is not to be relegated to a basic or low role. Training to become a kaiken starts from birth, and is ingrained through hardship, conditioning, and trials that normal people could not withstand. Kaiken are masters of the art of stealth, the sword, the shuriken. As their experience grows they learn to tap the elemental magic of Kagejima, unlocking potent abilities to rival even the great Heroes. Yajiri Yajiri specialize in attacking from afar, their black shafted arrows renowned for striking with deadly accuracy. While the bow is utilized throughout all the clans, many have developed their own unique forms of ranged warfare. The Kitsune's blowguns eliminate sentries with only the sound of a silent rush of wind to mark their use. While the thunder of the Tora's rifle sows confusion among the enemy ranks even as it wreaks terrible devastation. No matter the form it takes, a yajiri's value to their clan cannot be underestimated. Kunoichi Kunoichi are specialized female fighters and scouts for the clans. Though deadly and widely trained in the ninja arts, the kunoichi put particular emphasis on speed and agility. In battle, kunoichi focus on key mission objectives such as scouting targets and carrying vital missives.

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When combat is unavoidable, Kunoichi are especially proficient at eliminating targets with a hail of deadly shuriken or kunai. Oni There is no denying the divine connection with the land that the people of Kageima have. It is said that man and Oni first met as enemies, but soon developed a grudging respect, the Oni for their size and strength, and men for their technology and tenacity. Many Oni, however fickle, will join a team to honor agreements, to demonstrate their strength, or just for the fun of it. They may not be the most stealthy, but their effect on the enemy is remarkable. Madoushi All clans possess the mystics known as Madoushi. In some clans they are revered as sages, alchemists and healers. Other clans regard them as witches and tolerate them with barely concealed mistrust and fear. Whether they are revered or reviled, all Madoushi are able to harness the powers native to the lands of their clan. With training, study, and meditation a Madoushi learns to draw from the lines of Ki that race through the landscapes of Kagejima, summoning the very elements to do their bidding.

CLAN TORA !X! Cool Header !X! 1 CHUNIN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 4 3 Fire Close Combat Master, Fire Master


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Tiger Strike: +3 AT until the end of the turn, for the rest of the round the chunin does not roll any defense dice. Pounce: Before attacking, the chunin may move up to 3 spaces. This move amy only be made if it will result in the chunin being able to attack an enemy model. After the attack, the chunin is Slowed. 0-2 YAJIRI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 2 1 Fire 8

SPECIAL Ranged 5: +2 AT

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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

8 2 1 Fire Nimble 10


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 2 Fire 8

0-2 ONI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

3 2 5 Fire Precision Strike, Resilient



Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 2

Fire Fire Mastery, Engulf


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Volcano Pots: The madoushi may use their action to make an affinity test. If the test is successful one enemy ninja within 6 spaces of the madoushi, and all ninja adjacent to the enmy ninja, are Stunned. Metal to Dust: At the beginning of the round make an affinity test. If the test is successful until the end of the round attacks against the madoushi get -2 AT, to a minimum of 1. 0-1 BYAKKO

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 4 3 Fire, Earth Close Combat Master, Hero, Precision Strike, Regeneration, Resilient, Tora’s Claws


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SPECIAL Vault: Byakko may move over other ninja. 0-1 RYU

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 4 Fire Engulf, Fire Mastery, Hero, Resilient


SPECIAL Dragon’s Breath: Ryu may spend his action to have all ninja that are in Ryu’s front influence zone, take an affinity test. If a ninja fails the test they are Stunned.


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

4 4 4 Earth Close Combat Master, Earth Mastery


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Back Flip: Before the chunin moves, they may move into any empty space in their back influence zone. The chunin automatically succeeds any required dodge rolls and can move on to any terrain type that he could normally move on to. Yama Fist: Before the chunin attacks, their player may give them +2 AT and -2DF until the end of the round. 0-2 YAJIRI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 1 1 Earth 6

SPECIAL Ranged 5: +1 AT, Stealthy 0-2 KUNOICHI

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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 2 2 Earth Nimble



Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 3 Earth 12

0-2 ONI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 4 4 Earth Resilient, Yamazura’s Tail



Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 3 Earth Earth Mastery


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Mountain Flute: Ranged 10: Both Earth and Void results Stun the target. Stealthy. Healing Herbs: When a friendly ninja that is adjacent to the madoushi is Injured, you may Stun the madoushi to have the ninja ignore being Injured. 0-1 SON GOKU

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 3 3 Earth Earth Mastery, Hero, Leap, Resilient


SPECIAL Lucky: Son Goku gets a Luck token every time he activates. 0-1 MIZARU

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

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5 2 4 Earth Close Combat Master, Focus, Guard, Hero, Resilient


SPECIAL Amazing Awareness: Mizaru may use his action to have any ninja within 8 spaces (no LoS needed) lose Stealth.


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 3 4 Spirit Close Combat Master, Spirit Mastery


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Poisoned Weapons: When attacking, if the chunin does not Stun or Injure the target enemy ninja then the ninja is Poisoned. Poisoned Weapons does not affect the chunin’s ranged attacks. Spirit Power: The chunin may spend their action to make ninja’s that attempt to dodge out of their Influence Zone automatically fail to dodge until the end of the round. 1-3 YAJIRI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 1 2 Spirit 8

SPECIAL Range 5: +1 AT, Stealthy, If a Spirit result is rolled (after re-rolls) the target is Poisoned, regardless of the result chosen. 0-2 KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 1 2 Spirit Nimble 9

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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 2 3 Spirit 10

0-2 ONI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 4 3 Spirit Resilient 16

SPECIAL Spirit Senses: After moving, the Kitsune Oni may make an affinity test. If the test is successful, all ninja in the oni’s influence zone lose Stealth. 0-2 MADOUSHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 2 3 Spirit Spirit Mastery, Healing


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Wanderlust: The madoushi may use their action to make an affinity test. If successful move any enemy within 6 spaces of the madoushi up to 4 spaces ignoring influence zones, no LoS needed. Healing Mist: The madoushi may use their action to stun themselves to remove all Stun tokens from up to 2 friendly ninja within 4 spaces of the Madoushi, no LoS needed. 0-1 TAMAMO NO MAE

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 2 2 Spirit Hero, Nimble, Resilient


SPECIAL Allure: At the beginning of each round choose an enemy ninja. Until the end of the turn the chosen ninja cannot dodge while in Tamamo no Mae’s influence zone. 0-1 UZUMAKI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 3 3 Spirit Blink, Close 24

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Combat Master, Hero, Resilient

SPECIAL 9 Tails: At the beginning of the round, if Uzumaki is not Slowed he may become Moon Powered. At the end of the round Uzumaki is Slowed twice.


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 4 Water Close Combat Master, Water Mastery


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Fisherman’s Spear: The chunin may attack ninja up to two spaces away. Net: If the chunin Injures a ninja while defending, the chunin may Stun an enemy ninja within 5 spaces of themselves. 0-2 YAJIRI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 1 2 Water 8

SPECIAL Ranged 5: +1 AT, Stealthy 0-2 KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 1 2 Water Nimble 9


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 2 3 Water 8

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0-2 ONI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 4 Water Entangle, Resilient


SPECIAL Ink Attack: If Ika Oni is Stunned or Injured it may Stun a ninja within the Ika Oni’s influence zone. 0-2 MADOUSHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 2 3 Water Water Mastery, Drown


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Undertow: The madoushi may spend their action to make an affinity test. If successful, move a friendly ninja within 4 spaces of the madoushi into the madoushi’s influence zone, ignoring all other influence zones. Foul Weather: The madoushi may spend their action to make an affinity test. If it is successful, until the end of the round, LoS cannot be drawn farther than 4 spaces and all ninjas in Stealth may reroll their affinity test when they try to leave a ninja’s influence zone. 0-1 MIZUCHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 5 Water Close Combat Master, Sensei, Focus, Hero, Resilient


SPECIAL Flashing Spear: Mizuchi cannot be targeted by ranged attacks. 0-1 AKKOROKAMUI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 4 3 Water Close Combat


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Master, Entangle, Hero, Leap, Resilient

SPECIAL Ika’s Anchor: Akkorokamui can make attacks up to 3 spaces away.


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 4 3 Air Close Combat Master, Air Mastery


SPECIAL Ranged 6 (Choose 1 ability) Wind of Blades: When the chunin attacks they may Stun themselves to make a second attack. Gust of Heaven: After attacking, if all of the enemy ninja in the chunin’s influence zone are Stunned, the chunin may move up to 4 spaces ignoring other models, influence zones, and terrain. 2-4 YAJIRI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 2 1 Air 12

SPECIAL Ranged 6: +1 AT, If the Yajiri chooses [Air] when making a ranged attack it affects the target as normal. 0-2 KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 2 1 Air Nimble 9


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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 3 2 Air 11

0-2 ONI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 4 3 Air Resilient, Tanchyo’s Wings



Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 3 2 Air Air Mastery 14

SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Blessing of the Tengu: The madoushi may use their action to make an affinity test. If the test is successful, until the end of the round, friendly ninja in the madoushi’s influence zone get +1 AT. Wind Walk: Instead of moving normally, the madoushi and any friendly ninja within the madoushi’s influence zone may move 5 spaces, ignoring other models, influence zones, and terrain. Ninja must end this movement in the madoushi's influence zone. At the end of the madoushi’s turn Stun the madoushi. 0-1 KARURA

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

8 2 2 Air Hero, Resilient


SPECIAL Movement Rig: While moving, Karura can move ignoring models, influence zones, and terrain. 0-1 ZENYO RYU

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 4 2 Air Accurate, Hero, Long Shot, Ranged Master


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SPECIAL Ranged 7 Air Dragon’s Breath: Instead of attacking normally, Zenyo Ryu may make three Ranged 5 attacks. At the end of Zenyo Ryu’s activation, he is Stunned.


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 4 3 Void Close Combat Master, Void Mastery


SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Soul Capture: Whenever the chunin injures a ninja the chunin is Hasted. Tyrant: Friendly ninja within 4 spaces of the chunin get +1 AT. If a friendly ninja within the area of this ability attacks an enemy ninja and doesn’t Injure them the attacking ninja is Stunned. 1-3 KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 2 1 Void Backstab, Nimble



Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 1 2 Void 9

SPECIAL Range 6: +2 AT 1-3 KAIKEN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 3 Void 12

0-2 ONI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

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4 5 2 Void Ijin’s Horns, Resilient



Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 3 Void Void Mastery 15

SPECIAL (Choose 1 ability): Skull Hex: The madoushi may use their action to choose an enemy ninja within 6 spaces. Until the end of the round, the chosen ninja and any enemy ninja in the chosen ninja’s influence zone get -1 DF, to a minimum of 1. Blood Frenzy: The madoushi may use their action to Haste a friendly ninja within 4 spaces. 0-1 YOBUKO

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 5 4 Void Close Combat Master, Dirty Fighter, Emptiness, Hero, Nimble, Resilient


SPECIAL Supreme Master of the Fist: If an enemy ninja on the board has an Attack or Defense equal to or greater than Yobuko’s Attack, they are his rival, and he must move towards and attack them during each of his activations. Towards means closer, moving in a straight line isn’t required. While Yobuko must attempt to get closer to his rival he doesn't have to move into or through enemy influence zones if his player does not wish him too. Yobuko gets +1 AT when attacking his rival. If there are multiple ninja that are Yobuko’s rivals, Yobuko’s player may decide which one Yobuko moves towards and attempts to attack each activation. If Yobuko can’t attack a rival after moving then he may take whatever action his player wishes. 0-1 BOMECHAN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 2 2 Void Backstab, Hero, Ijin’s Horns, Nimble, Resilient


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SPECIAL Whirlwind: Bomechan may use her action to attack every enemy ninja in her influence zone. Make separate attack and defense rolls for each ninja before going on to the next enemy ninja in her influence zone. If Bomechan chooses Void then the target is Stunned instead of Injured. If Bomechan is Injured or gets Stunned, then she stops attacking and does not continue to a new target.


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

3 3 4 Earth Earth Mastery, Dauntless, Resilient, Ronin


SPECIAL Immovable: If Benkei has not activated during the round he gets +2 DF. BLIND SWORDSMAN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 2 Air, Spirit Close Combat Master, Fortune, Gale of Blows, Resilient, Ronin


SPECIAL Uncanny Awareness: For all purposes, the Blind Swordsman treats ninja that are in Stealth as though they were not in Stealth. DARK KITSUNE

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 2 2 Spirit, Void Blink, Nimble, Resilient, Ronin, Sicken



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Deadly Poison: Ranged 6, If a Void result is rolled (after re-rolls) the target is Poisoned, regardless of the result chosen. HOWL & YIP

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 4 Earth, Fire Close Combat Master, Precision Strike, Resilient, Ronin, Tough


SPECIAL Master Swordsman: Ninjas attacking Howl and Yip cannot get assists or back strike bonuses. INU CLAN KAIKEN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 2 3 Earth Dauntless, Leap, Resilient, Ronin


SPECIAL Best Friends: Choose a ninja on your team before the game begins. Whenever Inu Clan Kaiken gives or gets an assist bonus due to the chosen ninja, the assist bonus is +2 instead of +1. JOROGUMO

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 2 2 Void, Water Emptiness, Entangle, Resilient, Ronin, Water Mastery,


SPECIAL Spider Legs: The Jorogumo only pays 1 movement point to move onto elevated terrain. Binding Bride: When an enemy ninja enters the Jorogumo’s influence zone the ninja must immediately stop moving. The ninja may not move until their next activation.

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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

4 2 4 Earth, Water, Void

Backstab, Entangle, Resilient, Ronin, Sneaky


SPECIAL From the Deep: If Kappa attacks when in Stealth it gets +2 AT. KOMUSO

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 1 2 Earth, Spirit Healing, Resilient, Ronin, Tough


SPECIAL Resolute Melody: Friendly ninja within the Komuso’s influence zone get +1 DF. Elixir of Courage: If the Komuso successfully makes an affinity test for Tough, it may give the protection token to another ninja within 4 spaces. MIYAMOTO MUSASHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 4 3 Fire Close Combat Master, Precision Strike, Resilient, Ronin


SPECIAL Indomitable: The first time that Miyamoto Musashi is injured in a round, he is Stunned instead. MOCHIZUKI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 2 2 Air, Fire, Water

Longshot, Ranged Attack


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Master, Resilient, Ronin

SPECIAL Ranged 5: +2 AT Firearm Flurry: Instead of attacking normally, Mochizuki may make 4 ranged attacks. At the end of Mochizuki’s activation, she is Stunned and rolls no defense dice for the remainder of the round. MOMOTARO !X! Fiction !X!

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 5 4 Earth, Fire Focus, Resilient, Ronin


SPECIAL Spirit Hunter: When attacking or defending against a ninja with Spirit or Void affinity, Momotaro gets +1 AT if attacking or +1 DF if defending. MOON PRINCESS

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

7 2 2 All Emptiness, Engulf, Fortune, Guard, Redirection, Resilient* , Ronin, Sprint


SPECIAL Zenith: At the beginning of any round that the phase of the moon is a Spirit Moon, the Moon Princess gets a Moon Power token. The Moon Princess may give the Moon Power token to any ninja in her influence zone instead of taking it for herself. *While the Moon Princess has every affiinity, Resilient only works for her when Spirit, Air, or Earth are rolled. ONDORI CLAN KAIKEN

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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 3 2 Air Resilient, Ronin, Sprint


SPECIAL Ondori’s Beak: If Ondori Clan Kaiken has not been activated this round and an enemy ninja moves into their influence zone, they may immediately attack the moving ninja. Once the fight is resolved the moving ninja may continue their activation. ONIBABA

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 2 2 Void Void Mastery, Resilient, Ronin


SPECIAL Dark Curse: At the beginning of each round, Onibaba may give up to 2 Cursed tokens, split up in any manner, to any ninjas within 6 spaces of Onibaba. No LoS to the ninjas is required. SHOJO

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

6 2 2 Earth, Water Close Combat Master, Nimble, Redirection, Resilient Ronin


SPECIAL Yopparai: At the beginning of each round, choose Attack or Defense. Shojo gets +2 to the chosen attribute until the end of the round. Shrewd Negotiator: If shojo is in the Healing House at the end of a game, her team makes 2 additional Koban. SUN EMPIRE WANDERING SAMURAI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

4 4 4 Earth, Fire Close Combat


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Master, Sensei, Focus, Resilient, Ronin

SPECIAL Honor: The Sun Empire Wandering Samurai cannot attack a ninja from behind. TENGU

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

8 2 2 Air, Fire Combined Attack, Ronin, Tanchyo’s Wings


SPECIAL Wind Gust: For the first round of the game, every ninja on the Tengu’s team gets +2 Movement. YAGYU JUBEI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 5 4 Air, Earth Close Combat Master, Earth Mastery, Sensei, Resilient, Ronin


SPECIAL Banzai: When Yagyu Jubei attacks, he may move 1 space before attacking, ignoring influence zones.

LEAGUES !X! SECTION HEADER !X! While one off games of Ninja All-Stars are exciting and very enjoyable. Building a team and playing them through a series of games, during which they gain experience, change and grow as a team is one of the best ways to play Ninja All-Stars. In a league players must triumph tactically in each game, as well as build a team that can succeed in ongoing, consecutive games. With the right decisions players can build their team of

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ninjas into a powerhouse rightly feared throughout Kagejima. Running a league requires extra work, but the glory of leading a team ninjas through all of the Moon Princess’s challenges to glory is worth it! STARTING LEAGUE A league is made up of a group of players, each with their own team of ninjas. These players play games against each other over the time period that the league will run. Once a master has been picked, and the participants have been determined, each player must build a team to use in the league using the team building rules outlined in the previous Building a Team section of these rules, Page !X!. NINJA MASTER One of the players in the league must be chosen as the Ninja Master. Ideally, this should be the most experienced or organized player in the group. The master has the responsibility of making sure that the league runs smoothly and organizing any tournaments or playoffs that will occur during the league. The ninja master has total control of the league. They may change or modify any of the rules of Ninja All-Stars as they see fit. However, we recommend that a master clearly outline what rules changes there are before a league starts, and keep later rules changes to a minimum as it tends to upset players’ plans when the rules are changed on them mid-league. That being said, the master is the final arbiter of decisions that have to do with the league. Arguing with them is not allowed. The master may also keep track of how well each team is doing, and can even write a league newsletter featuring challenge reports, league tables, facts, stats, and anything else they can think of to enhance the experience. While the master may also have a team of their own participating in the league, they should not take advantage of their position to give their team an unfair advantage. GAME RECORDS On the back of the team scroll is an area for keeping notes about games that the team plays during the league. Keep a record of opponent’s played, points scored, koban earned, or notable information such as which ninja earned the All-Star award. Other brief notes on memorable plays or events can also be immortalized on the team’s scroll. DOWNTIME The challenges of the Moon Princess are a dangerous test and not a game. Ninjas are often injured or incapacitated. Luckily, mental tenacity, amazing physical condition, and mystic healing arts allow most ninja to continue participating despite injuries that would be fatal for those less capable. Even with all these advantages there is some chance that ninja that were Injured in a game may suffer some ill effects that carry over into later games in a league. For each ninja that was in the Healing House at the end of a game, roll one die and consult the downtime table to see if anything happens to them:

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[Spirit icon] Another ninja that ended the game in the Healing House does not roll on this table.

[Water icon] Gets 1 XP.

[Earth icon] No effect

[Air icon] Starts the next game in the Healing House.

[Fire icon] Cannot play in the next game.

[Void icon] Cannot play in the next 2 games.

EXPERIENCE Ninjas are able to earn experience points (XP) in league games. The amount of XP a ninja has represents their expertise and the hard learned lessons that allow them to change and grow as a ninja. When a ninja accumulates enough XP they get to roll on the Advancement Table to potentially upgrade their Attack, Defense, or gain new Keywords. Earning XP Each challenge outlines XP Awards that can be earned during the challenge. Additionally, ninja earn XP for accomplishing the following feats: Ninja earn XP as outlined in the challenge’s XP Awards section or for accomplishing the following feats:

Injuries: Each time a ninja, whether attacking or defending, Injures an enemy ninja they get 1 XP.

Stunning a Chunin: Each time a non-chunin Stuns a chunin, whether attacking or defending, they get 1 XP.

Reveal: Each time a ninja successfully searches, and causes a ninja in Stealth to lose Stealth, they get 1 XP.

Ninja All-Star: At the end of the game, each player selects one friendly ninja as the game’s Ninja All-Star (NAS). Players cannot select a ninja that was never on the board during the game. The Ninja All-Star gets 3 XP.

When a ninja gets experience during a match mark off a box on the XP tracker for the ninja on the team scroll. At the end of the game erase the XP tracker marks and update the ninja’s total XP.

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Advancement Rolls As ninja earn XP they gain experience levels and make advancement rolls. All ninja start with their basic profile and no XP. Once a ninja earns 8 XP they become “Experienced” and get to make their first roll on the advancement table. As the ninja earns more XP they will continue to gain experience levels as outlined by this chart:

0-7 XP New Recruit

8-21 XP Experienced

22-42 XP Veteran

43-70 XP Shinobi

71-105 XP Clan Champion

106-245 XP Infamous

246+ XP Legendary

Whenever a ninja makes it to a new experience level they make an advancement roll. Roll 2 dice and choose one result from the advancement table below:

Roll 2 dice and choose the result. Advance Doubles

[Spirit icon] New Keyword +1 Defense

[Water icon] New Keyword +1 Defense

[Earth icon] New Keyword Gain an additional Affinity

[Air icon] New Keyword +1 Movement

[Fire icon] New Keyword +1 Attack

[Void icon] New Keyword +1 Attack

New Keywords When a ninja gets a new Keyword from an advancement roll, the player may choose any Keyword from the General category or a category that the ninja has an Affinity for. Rolling Doubles When doubles are rolled, the ninja has the option to either increase one of a ninja’s attributes: Movement (MV), Attack (AT), Defense (DF), add a new Affinity, or the ninja may choose a Keyword from any category, except unique, regardless of their Affinity. !X! Candy Callout !X!

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Remember to record the results of the ninja’s advancement roll on the team scroll! !X! Candy Callout !X! REVENUE After each game in a league, each team earns a certain amount of koban. This represents prizes given by the Moon Princess and monies earned by the team and clan to keep the team competing at the highest level possible in the challenges. The team’s treasury can be used to recruit new ninjas from their clan or Ronin mercenaries. Additionally, some ninja must be paid each game to stay with the team for the next game. See page !X!. Teams earn a number of koban as outlined by the following table:

Team won the game Earns 10 koban

Team lost the game Earns 6 koban

!X! Somewhere in this section have a picture of a team scroll that is mid-league !X! TEAM RATING Team rating is a value used to track the power and effectiveness of a ninja team. This is tracked so that when teams of varying power level meet to play a game the underdog will get some help to allow them to have a fighting chance against their more advanced foes. While this may seem contrary to the vicious nature of the challenges of the Moon Princess, it represents the underdog ninjas digging deep to try and compete on a new level and the fact that the Moon Princess doesn’t like any challenge to be easy for any team. To figure a team’s rating take the total amount of koban that the players on the team are worth and divide it by 10 rounding down. Then add +1 for each advancement that ninja on the team have earned. Then add +1 for each Hero or Ronin on the team. The total is the team’s rating. Most starting teams will have a rating between 10 and 12. At the beginning of a league game compare the team ratings of the two teams being used. If one team has a rating that is 6 or more higher than the enemy team’s rating then the lower rated team will receive bonuses to help level the playing field. !X! Reroll Token Image !X! For every point above 5 points the lower rated team receives a reroll token. Reroll tokens may be spent at any point during the game to reroll any roll of the player’s choice, friendly or enemy. All dice must be rerolled. !X! Moon Power Token Image !X! If the higher rated team has a rating that is 10 or higher than the lower rated team’s, the lower rated team gets a single Moon Power token. At the beginning of one ninja's activations the player may give the ninja the Moon Power token, which the ninja may spend as normal. For every 10 rating points that the higher rated team is higher than the lower rated team, the lower rated team gets a Moon Power token. So if the higher rated team is 20 up then the lower rated team will get 2 Moon Power tokens.

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Each contest that the Moon Princess holds to determine the strength of the clans is called a challenge. Over time the Moon Court has held many different and difficult contests pitting teams from the clans against each other. Each challenge is won in a different way and has its own unique rules. While the Moon Princess’s challenges can seem capricious and cruel it is imperative that the best shinobi are found to protect Kagejima. Ninjas Allowed: This is the maximum number of ninja from each team that may be on the game board at one time. Any ninja on the team in excess of this number must be kept in reserve. Setup: All special components, if any, that must be setup for the challenge are listed here. Note that lanterns and shrines are placed in all challenges, as detailed in Setup page !X!. Special Rules: Each challenge has special rules that dictate how the challenge is played. Challenge Length: The challenge is played for the specified number of rounds, or until one player satisfies the conditions to win the challenge as specified in the Special Rules, or cedes the game. Additional XP Awarded: This is how ninjas can earn experience (XP) during league play. If the challenge is not being played as part of a league XP may be ignored. These XP are awarded in addition to any of the standard ways to earn XP. Sentries: If Sentries are used in a challenge, what they are guarding will be outlined in the special rules of the challenge. After player’s deployment zones are determined in step 5 of setup, before any ninja are setup, players take turns deploying 1 sentry at a time. This deployment happens before any ninja are deployed. All 6 sentries will be deployed in any challenge that uses them. Sentries may only be deployed within 2 spaces of an object they are guarding. Once all of the sentries are deployed then setup continues as normal. Sentries have the following attributes:

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords Koban

5 3 3 * None NA

* Affinity - Sentries may use any affinity of ninjas on the team of the player that activated, or is controlling them, when required. After each player has had a turn during a round the player’s make an opposed affinity test. The winner of that test chooses one sentry and activates them. If the test is tied then the player with the initiative activates a sentry.

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When a sentry is activated check to see if they have LoS to any ninja within 5 spaces of themselves. If they do, then they must move towards and attempt to get adjacent to the closest ninja that they have LoS to and attack them with their action if possible. If multiple ninja are in LoS and equidistant than the activating player decides which ninja the sentry attempts to get adjacent with and attack. If they do not have LoS to any ninja then the player that activated them may move them up to 3 spaces and search with their activation. When a sentry searches each ninja in Stealth in the sentry’s influence zone dodges. If their dodge fails then they lose Stealth. Sentries will assist each other when attacking and defending if possible. During a sentry’s activation the player that activated them will roll dice for them and make and decisions for them. When a sentry is being attacked the player to the left of the attacking player rolls for and makes any decisions for the sentry. If all of the player’s ninjas have activated and there are still sentries that haven’t activated in a round then all of the sentries will activate one after the other at the end of the round. If a sentry is injured then they are put to the side of the board and treated as though there were a sentry Healing House and Training Ground. When a sentry is injured they go to the Healing House delayed twice. At the beginning of a round if there are any sentry in the Training Ground then they are deployed as outlined above before any ninja are re-deployed for that turn. Playing the game with 3 or 4 players: Since all 4 sides of the board have deployment zones on them it is possible (and awesome!) for the game to be played with 3-4 players. In a 3-4 player game determine which player has initiative as normal. They choose which side of the board they will deploy on and the board is oriented towards them. Each other player then uses the board edge closest to them as their deployment zone and challenges are played as normal. Play starts with the player that has initiative and proceeds clockwise around the table for setup, deployment, activations etc … We would recommend that Intercept the messenger not be played in a 3-4 player game, unless the players can determine some kind of split between attackers and defenders that they can all agree on. The chaos of a full 4 player game is an exciting site to behold!

Capture the Medal In Capture the Medal each team must steal the enemy team’s medal and return it to their Goal Space to score points, while defending their own medal at the same time. Ninjas Allowed: 6 Setup: Both player’s place their medal on the space that is 10 spaces from their left side of

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the board and 4 spaces on to the board from their board edge. The space the medal is in is their goal space. This is done before any lanterns or shrines are put out. All small-base ninja start the game in Stealth. Special Rules: A team scores points by stealing the enemy team's medal and bringing it to their own goal space. To pick up and carry a medal, a ninja in an adjacent space must spend 1 movement point. Place the medal token beside their model. The medal moves with the ninja, and the ninja may move and fight normally. If a ninja carrying a medal is injured, place the medal in the space the injured ninja occupied. Picking up a medal is stealthy. If a ninja picks up their own team's medal it is immediately returned to their goal space. If a ninja picks up the enemy team’s medal they score 1 point. While in a space adjacent to their own team's goal space a ninja carrying an enemy team's medal may spend 1 movement point to score 4 points. Once the points are scored the medal is returned to the enemy team's goal space. The team with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. Goal spaces and spaces with medals may not be moved into or occupied. Challenge Length: 9 Rounds Additional XP Awarded: Picking up a medal is worth 1 XP. Returning the ninja’s own team medal to their goal space is worth 1 XP. Capturing the enemy’s medal is worth 3 XP.

King of the Hill In King of the Hill both teams attempt to dominate the center of the board to score points. Ninjas Allowed: 6 Set-up: All small-base ninja start the game in Stealth. Special Rules: A team scores points by having more ninja in the scoring area at the center of the board at the end of each round will score a team a point. The 4 spaces at the very center of the board and the 12 spaces adjacent to them are the scoring area. At the end of a round if a team has more ninja in the scoring area than the enemy team they score 1 point. The team with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. Challenge Length: 8 Rounds. Additional XP Awarded: Whenever a team scores a point its player may choose one ninja

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that is in the scoring area at the center of the board to get 2 XP.

Brawl Brawl is a test of strength to determine which team of ninjas are the mightiest warriors. The teams battle each other with no victory conditions other than Injuring their opponents. Ninjas Allowed: 8 Special Rules: A team scores 1 point whenever they Injure an enemy ninja. If a non-chunin Injures a chunin then 2 points are scored instead of 1. The team with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. If one team scores 12 points they win immediately and the challenge is over. Challenge Length: 6 Rounds. Additional XP Awarded: Each time a ninja Injures an enemy ninja they get 1 XP.

Protect the VIP In Protect the VIP each team tries to injure the enemy VIP to score points. Once a VIP is injured a new VIP is chosen and the challenge continues. Ninjas Allowed: 6 Special Rules: After setup Player 1 chooses a single enemy ninja on the board, as the enemy’s VIP. Player 2 then selects their enemy’s VIP. If a VIP leaves the board for any reason then the enemy player chooses another of their opponent’s ninja to become the new VIP. In a 3-4 player game the player to the left of the player that needs a new VIP chooses the new VIP. Whenever the VIP is injured the enemy team scores 3 points. The team with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. Challenge Length: 7 rounds Additional XP Awarded: Each time a ninja on your team Injures the enemy VIP they get 2 XP.

Intercept the Messenger One team will be the attacker and the other team the defender. The Attacker scores points by getting their messenger off of the enemy board edge. The Defender scores points by Injuring messengers. Ninjas Allowed: 6 Set-up: All small-base ninja start the game in Stealth. Special Rules: Player 1 is the attacker. Player 2 is the defender. After setup the attacker

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chooses one friendly ninja to be the messenger. If the messenger leaves the board for any reason the attacker chooses another friendly ninja to be the messenger. Only ninja that are in a deployment zone space along the attacker’s board edge can be chosen as a new messenger. If there are no ninja that can be chosen the next ninja of the attacker’s that enters one of the deployment zone spaces becomes the new messenger. If the attacker moves the messenger off of the board from one of their opponent’s deployment zone spaces they score 2 VP and the messenger is put into the attacker’s reserve box. If the defender KO’s the messenger they score 1 point. The team with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. Challenge Length: 9 rounds Additional XP Awarded: Whenever a ninja Injures the messenger they get 2 XP. Whenever a messenger gets off the defender’s board edge they get 2 XP.

Champion In Champion each team chooses a champion. A team's champion is the only ninja that can score points by injuring enemy ninja. Ninjas Allowed: 5 Special Rules: Player 1 chooses one non-chunin ninja as their champion. Player 2 chooses one non-chunin ninja as their champion. If a champion leaves the board for any reason its player must choose another non-chunin ninja as their new champion. Whenever a champion injures an enemy ninja their team scores 3 points. Whenever a champion Stuns an enemy ninja their team scores 1 point. The team with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. Challenge Length: 8 rounds Additional XP Awarded: Whenever a ninja is chosen as a champion they get 2 XP.

Search In Search each team will attempt to search crates to score points while avoiding the sentries. Set-up: All ninja start the game in Stealth. Ninjas Allowed: 8 Special Rules: In Step 4 of Setup, before lanterns and shrines are placed, flip the 6 crates so that they have the elemental symbol side down and mix them up off to the side of the board. Then players take turns, starting with the player that has initiative, placing one crate at a time on the board. This challenge uses sentries and these crates are the objects that they are guarding. Crates can be placed anywhere on the board that isn’t within 2 spaces of a board edge and isn’t within 2 spaces of another crate. Crates can’t be moved on to or over and are obscuring terrain. A ninja may spend their action to check a crate in their influence zone. To check a crate turn it

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face up and roll one die. If the roll matches the elemental symbol of the crate then the ninja has found one of the objectives of the challenge and the crate is removed. Turning a crate face up scores a ninja 1 point. Finding an objective scores a ninja 3 points. Checking a crate isn’t a stealthy action so ninja in stealth will lose it when they check a crate. Challenge Length: 9 rounds Additional XP Awarded: When a ninja checks a crate they get 1 XP. If a ninja finds an objective they get 2 XP.

Infiltration In Infiltration each team will attempt to steal the medals out from under the noses of the sentries. Set-up: All ninja start the game in Stealth. Ninjas Allowed: 7 Special Rules: A team scores points by stealing a medal from the sentries and returning it to one of their deployment zone spaces. In Step 4 of Setup, before lanterns and shrines are placed, place one medal 6 spaces to the right of the left hand side of the board for the player with the initiative and 8 spaces on to the board. Then place another medal, again counting to the right from the left hand side of the player with the initiatives side of the board, 15 spaces over and 13 spaces in. The spaces each medal is in are medal start spaces. To pick up and carry a medal, a ninja in an adjacent space must spend 1 movement point. Place the medal token beside their model. The medal moves with the ninja, and the ninja may move and fight normally. If a ninja carrying a medal is injured, place the medal in the space the injured ninja occupied. Picking up a medal is Stealthy. If a sentry moves adjacent to a medal that isn’t currently being carried then the medal is returned to its medal start space. Sentries will move to retrieve a medal if they have LoS to it and it is the closest thing to them. If a sentry retrieves a medal and still has movement left over they will attempt to attack the closest ninja that they have LoS to within 5 spaces of themselves as normal. If a ninja picks up a medal they score 1 point. When a ninja carrying a medal moves into one of their deployment zone spaces the medal is immediately returned to its medal starting space and the ninja scores 2 points. Medal start spaces and spaces with medals may not be moved into or occupied. Challenge Length: 8 rounds Additional XP Awarded: Picking up a medal is worth 1 XP. Taking a medal to a friendly

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deployment zone space is worth 2 XP.

APPENDIX !X! Section Header !X!

STATUS EFFECTS The rules for Status Effects are detailed on page !X!. Curse: When a Cursed ninja makes a roll, an enemy player may remove the token to force the ninja to reroll all of the dice. Delay: Only ninja in the Healing House can be Delayed. A Delayed ninja cannot be moved to the Training Ground. At the beginning of a new round, remove one Delay token from each ninja that has one. Haste: A Hasted ninja removes one Haste token at the beginning of their activation and may either move another time or take another during that activation. Lucky: When a Lucky ninja makes a roll, they may remove a Lucky token to reroll all of their dice. Moon Power: A Moon Powered ninja cannot be Stunned and cannot be Injured. In addition, the ninja ignores models and influence zones when moving. At the end of the ninja’s activation remove one Moon Power token. When a ninja become Moon Powered remove any Stun tokens they have. Poison: When a ninja is Poisoned, roll a die at the end of their activation. If the result is Water, the ninja is stunned. If the result is Spirit, the ninja is Injured. After the roll is made remove one Poison token. Stuns and Injuries caused by Poison do not earn XP or score Points. Protect: When a Protected ninja is Injured, they may remove one Protect token to be stunned instead. When the ninja is Stunned, they may remove one Protect token to ignore the result completely. Slow: At the beginning of a Slowed ninjas activation remove one Slow token. During that activation the ninja may only move half of their movement, rounded up. Stun: A Stunned ninja may only move or take an action, they may not do both. In addition, they cannot assist. At the beginning of a ninja’s activation remove all Stun tokens on them they still have to give up either moving or acting during that activation. When a ninja gets 3 Stun tokens they are immediately Injured. KEYWORD ABILITIES The rules for Keyword Abilities are detailed on page !X!.

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GENERAL Close Combat Master: A ninja with Close Combat Master may reroll one of their dice during an Attack. Expert Climber: A ninja with Expert Climber only pays 2 movement to move up onto elevated terrain instead of 3. Focus: A ninja with Focus may give up moving to roll an additional die when they attack in the same turn. Leap: While moving, once per turn, a ninja with Leap may move up onto elevated terrain by paying only 1 movement point. Nimble: When a ninja with Nimble dodges they may reroll any of their dice. Ranged Master: A ninja with Ranged Master may reroll one of their dice during a Ranged Attack. Sensei: Once per round, one die rolled by any ninja on the same team as the ninja with Sensei may be rerolled. Sneaky: A ninja with Sneaky begins the game in Stealth, regardless of the challenge’s special rules. A ninja with Sneaky may go into Stealth by paying with either all of their movement or action. Surefoot: A ninja with Surefoot only pays one movement to move on to a rough terrain space and may move through foliage and remain in Stealth. Vigilance: If an enemy ninja in Stealth enters the influence zone of a ninja with Vigilance, the moving ninja immediately loses Stealth. Wind in the Forest: A ninja with Wind in the Forest may stop during their movement to make an attack against an enemy ninja. If the target of the attack is Stunned or Injured, the ninja may continue their movement as normal. After using this ability, the ninja cannot take an action. FIRE Combined Attack: When a ninja with Combined Attack assists a friendly ninja that is attacking, the attacker gets +2 AT instead of +1. Engulf: When a ninja with Engulf attacks, if there is a Fire element in the dice pool that was not chosen as the combat result, the defender is Poisoned.

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Fire Mastery: Once per round, after a ninja with Fire Mastery makes a roll, they may reroll any dice that did not result in Fire. Frenzy: Whenever a ninja with Frenzy attacks they must attack twice against the same target. For the rest of the round after they attack they will roll half the number of Defense dice that they normally would, rounded down. A ninja with Frenzy must attack an enemy ninja if they are able to. Precision Strike: When a ninja with Precision Strike chooses Fire as the combat result, only enemy ninja within the attacker’s Influence Zone get Stunned. Tora’s Claws: A ninja with Tora’s Claws gets +1 AT when attacking ninja with a Stun token. EARTH Earth Mastery: Once per round, after a ninja with Earth Mastery makes a roll, they may reroll any dice that did not result in Earth. Dauntless: When a ninja with Dauntless defends, if their Defense is lower than the attacker’s Attack, after any bonuses, they roll the same number of dice as the attacker. Guard: When a ninja with Guard assists a friendly ninja that is defending, the defending ninja gets +2 DF instead of +1. Regeneration: When a ninja with Regeneration is in the Healing House, at the end of the round they make an affinity test. If the test is successful they are moved into the Training Ground. This test happens before the player decides which ninja to move into the Training Ground. Tough: At the beginning of their activation a ninja with Tough may make an affinity test. If the test is successful they get a Protect token. Yamazaru’s Tail: Attacks made against a ninja with Yamazaru’s Tail do not get the back strike bonus. SPIRIT Blink: Before a ninja with Blink moves, they may make an affinity test. If the test is successful the ninja ignores all models, terrain, and influence zones when moving. The ninja must end its movement in a legal space. If the test fails then the testing ninja halves their movement, rounding down, for the activation. Fortune: At the beginning of their activation, a ninja with Fortune may make an affinity test. If the test is successful the ninja may get a Lucky token, or give a Lucky token to any friendly ninja within their Influence Zone.

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Healing: A ninja with Healing may use their action to make an affinity test. If the test is successful then the ninja may remove all status effect tokens from one friendly ninja in their influence zone. Kitsune’s Bite: When a ninja with Kitsune’s Bite attacks, if there is a Spirit element in the dice pool that wasn’t chosen as the combat result, the defender gets a Curse token. Sicken: A ninja with Sicken may use their action to make an affinity test. If the test is successful any enemy ninja within their influence zone is Poisoned. Spirit Mastery: Once per round, after a ninja with Spirit Mastery makes a roll, they may reroll any dice that did not result in Spirit. WATER Entangle: A ninja with Entangle has an influence zone that extends to 2 spaces away from themselves. They can still only attack and assist ninja that are adjacent to them. Their back influence zone extends to the 5 spaces behind the 3 spaces of the normal back influence zone. !X! Diagram Entangle Influence Zone Small and Large Base !X! Drown: A ninja with Drown may use their action to make an affinity test. If the test is successful, any enemy ninja in their influence zone is Slowed. Ika’s Tentacles: When an enemy ninja attempts to dodge out of a space in the influence zone of a ninja with Ika’s Tentacles, they must roll one additional affinity element than they would normally need to dodge successfully. Redirection: When a ninja with Redirection is targeted by a Ranged attack they may make an affinity test. If the test is successful, the ninja may pick any friendly or enemy ninja within range of the attacker as the new target of the attack. Tidal Wave: Once per round, a ninja with Tidal Wave gets +2 DF against a single attack. Water Mastery: Once per round, after a ninja with Water Mastery makes a roll, they may reroll any dice that did not result in Water. AIR Accurate: When a ninja with Accurate makes a ranged attack they get +1 AT. Air Mastery: Once per round,after a ninja with Air Mastery makes a roll, they may re-roll any dice that did not result in Air.

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Gale of Blows: After a ninja with Gale of Blows attacks, they may make a second attack at -2 AT. They may continue to make attacks at an additional -2 AT per attack, until their Attack attribute reaches 0. Long Shot: A ninja with Long Shot can spend their entire movement to increase the range of any Ranged attacks they make during that activation by +2. Sprint: When a ninja with Sprint runs they may move an additional +2 spaces, i.e. double movement + 2 spaces. Tanchyo’s Wings: A ninja with Tanchyo’s Wings can move through spaces that are occupied by other ninja. If they attempt to move across an enemy ninja’s space they must attempt to dodge. If they fail to dodge they are placed in an empty space in the enemy ninja’s Influence Zone chosen by the enemy ninja’s player, and get Stunned. A ninja with Tanchyo’s Wings cannot end their movement in a space occupied by another ninja. VOID Backstab: A ninja with Backstab gets +2 AT, instead of +1, when making a back strike. Blood Lust: At the beginning of their activation a ninja with Blood Lust may make an affinity test. If the test is successful, they are Hastened. Dirty Fighter: When a ninja with Dirty Fighter attacks, after eliminations, the defender must have at least 2 more dice than the attacker in order to choose the result of the attack. Emptiness: A ninja with Emptiness gets +1 AT if the ninja they are attacking gets an assist bonus and they do not. Ijin’s Horns: If a ninja with Ijin’s Horns moves 3 or more spaces before attacking they get +1 AT. Void Mastery: Once per round, after a ninja with Void Mastery makes a roll, they may reroll any dice that did not result in Void. UNIQUE Unique keywords are a little different than the other keyword abilities in the game. There is no way to gain them by getting XP and advances through league play. The ninjas that have them come with them and that’s it. Hero: Ninja with Hero cannot gain XP, cannot increase their attributes, and cannot get new Keywords during league play. Heroes are unique characters and can only be included in a team once.

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Resilient: When a ninja with Resilient is Injured or Stunned by an attack, or an ability or card used by an enemy, roll a die. If any of the ninja’s affinities are rolled then Injured is downgraded to Stunned, or Stunned is downgraded to nothing happening to the Resilient ninja. Ronin: Ninja with Ronin follow all of the rules for ninja with Hero. Additionally, a team must pay Ronin a fee after each game before rolls are made on the down time table so that they will stay with the team. If a team cannot or doesn’t want to pay a Ronin’s upkeep then they leave the team and are erased from the roster. A Ronin’s upkeep must be paid after every game for them to stay on the team even if the Ronin had to miss the game. This fee is a number of Koban listed after the slash on the model’s cost.


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 4 3 Fire Close Combat Master, Precision Strike

Close Combat Master: A ninja with Close Combat Master may reroll a single die when making a Close Combat Attack. Precision Strike: When a ninja with Precision Strike attacks, if they choose fire as the combat result the attacker is Stunned instead of Injured. KAIKEN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 3 2 Fire


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

6 1 1 Fire

Ranged 5: +2 AT KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

8 2 1 Fire Nimble

Nimble: When a ninja with Nimble dodges they may reroll any of their dice. MADOUSHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

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5 3 2 Fire Fire Mastery

Fire Bomb: The madoushi may spend their action, slow themselves, and make an affinity test. If the affinity test is successful, Stun an enemy ninja within 5 spaces of the madoushi. If it is the Fire Moon, Stun all enemy ninja that are adjacent to the target of this ability as well.


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 3 4 Water Close Combat Master, Tidal Wave

Close Combat Master: A ninja with Close Combat Master may reroll one of their dice during an Attack. Tidal Wave: Once per round, a ninja with Tidal Wave gets +2 Defense for a single attack. KAIKEN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 2 3 Water


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

6 1 2 Water

Ranged 5: +1 AT KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

7 1 2 Water Nimble

Nimble: When a ninja with Nimble dodges they may reroll any of their dice. MADOUSHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 2 3 Water Water Mastery

Sea’s Blessing: When the madoushi activates make an affinity test. If the affinity test is successful, a friendly ninja within the madoushi’s influence zone becomes Lucky. If it is the Water Moon, then any number of friendly ninja within the madoushi’s influence zone become Lucky.

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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 4 3 Void Emptiness, Close Combat Master

Emptiness: A ninja with Emptiness gets +1 AT if the ninja they are attacking gets an assist bonus and they do not. Close Combat Master: A ninja with Close Combat Master may reroll one of their dice during an Attack. KAIKEN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 3 2 Void


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

6 1 1 Void

Ranged 5: +2 AT KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

7 2 1 Void Backstab, Nimble

Backstab: A ninja with Backstab gets +2 AT, instead of +1, when making a back strike. Nimble: When a ninja with Nimble dodges they may reroll any of their dice. MADOUSHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 3 2 Void Void Mastery

Void Curse: The madoushi may use their action to make an affinity test. If the affinity test is successful, Curse an enemy ninja within 5 spaces of the madoushi. If it is the Void Moon, Curse all enemy ninja that are adjacent to the target of this ability as well.

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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 4 3 Air Close Combat Master, Sprint

Close Combat Master: A ninja with Close Combat Master may reroll one of their dice during an Attack. Sprint: When a ninja with Sprint runs they may move an additional +2 spaces, i.e. double movement + 2 spaces. KAIKEN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 3 2 Air


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

6 1 1 Air

Ranged 5: +2 AT, If the Yajiri chooses air when making a ranged attack then the result does affect the target. KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

7 2 1 Air Nimble

Nimble: When a ninja with Nimble dodges they may reroll any of their dice. MADOUSHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 3 2 Air Air Mastery

Cloud Walk: When the madoushi activates make an affinity test. If the affinity test is successful, choose another friendly ninja, the chosen ninja gets +2 movement until the end of the round. If it is the Air Moon, then choose up to 3 friendly ninja. This ability does not require LoS.

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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 3 4 Earth Close Combat Master, Guard

Close Combat Master: A ninja with Close Combat Master may reroll one of their dice during an Attack. Guard: When a ninja with Guard assists a friendly ninja that is defending, the defending ninja gets +2 DF instead of +1. KAIKEN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 2 3 Earth


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

6 1 1 Earth

Ranged 6: +2 AT KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

7 1 2 Earth Nimble

Nimble: When a ninja with Nimble dodges they may reroll any of their dice. MADOUSHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 2 3 Earth Earth Mastery

Stronghold: When the madoushi activates make an affinity test. If the affinity test is successful, Protect a friendly ninja within the madoushi’s influence zone. If it is the Earth Moon, then Protect any number of friendly ninja within the madoushi’s influence zone.



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Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 3 4 Spirit Close Combat Master, Fortune

Close Combat Master: A ninja with Close Combat Master may reroll one of their dice during an Attack. Fortune: At the beginning of their activation, a ninja with Fortune may make an affinity test. If the test is successful the ninja may get a Lucky token, or give a Lucky token to any friendly ninja within their Influence Zone. KAIKEN

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 2 3 Spirit


Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

6 1 1 Spirit

Ranged 6: +2 AT KUNOICHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

7 1 2 Spirit Nimble

Nimble: When a ninja with Nimble dodges they may reroll any of their dice. MADOUSHI

Movement Attack Defense Affinity Keywords

5 2 3 Spirit Spirit Mastery

Choking Cloud: The madoushi may spend their action, slow themselves, and make an affinity test. If the affinity test is successful, Poison an enemy ninja within 6 spaces of the madoushi. If it is the Spirit Moon, Poison all enemy ninja that are adjacent to the target of this ability as well.