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Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

Aug 18, 2020



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Page 1: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

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Page 2: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

The Atchafalaya BasinFloodway System is designed toprotect south Louisiana fromMississippi River floods, as welas retain and restore uniqueenvironmental features and lonterm productivity of the naturalenvironment.

The U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers, in cooperation withother federal, state and localagencies, works cooperatively tprovide flood control, navigatioenvironmental protection,recreation, and public access tothe Atchafalaya Basin FloodwaSystem.

The Indian Bayou Area ia 28,000-acre public access aremanaged by the U.S. Army Corof Engineers.

Photo by Lane Lefort ©

Emergency Contact Numbers:Acadian Ambulance 911

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ABFS Office (337) 585-0853

Emergency Contact Numbers:Acadian Ambulance 911

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ABFS Office (337) 585-0853

The Atchafalaya BasinFloodway System is designed toprotect south Louisiana fromMississippi River floods, as welas retain and restore uniqueenvironmental features and lonterm productivity of the naturalenvironment.

The U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers, in cooperation withother federal, state and localagencies, works cooperatively tprovide flood control, navigatioenvironmental protection,recreation, and public access tothe Atchafalaya Basin FloodwaSystem.

The Indian Bayou Area ia 28,000-acre public access aremanaged by the U.S. Army Corof Engineers.

Page 3: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

The Corps manages the area to promote unique wildlife and habitats ofthe Atchafalaya Basin. Several threatened and endangered speciesinhabit the basin. A large portion of thearea has been restored from agricultural development into swamp and bottomland hardwood forest habitat.

Average annual rainfall in thebasin is about 54 inches. The climate is mild with subtropical weather throughout much of the year.

Many opportunities exist for birding in the area. The AtchafalayaBasin has been identified as a GloballyImportant Bird Area by the AmericanBird Conservancy. The bottomlandhardwood forests and the mix of bayous,oxbow lakes, sloughs and swamps create a diversity of habitats important toa wide range of bird species.

Photo by Lane Lefort ©

The Corps manages the area to promote unique wildlife and habitats ofthe Atchafalaya Basin. Several threatened and endangered speciesinhabit the basin. A large portion of thearea has been restored from agricultural development into swamp and bottomland hardwood forest habitat.

Average annual rainfall in thebasin is about 54 inches. The climate is mild with subtropical weather throughout much of the year.

Many opportunities exist for birding in the area. The AtchafalayaBasin has been identified as a GloballyImportant Bird Area by the AmericanBird Conservancy. The bottomlandhardwood forests and the mix of bayous,oxbow lakes, sloughs and swamps create a diversity of habitats important toa wide range of bird species.

Neotropical migrants abound durinthe fall and spring migrations and manyspecies nest here. Several thousandwaterfowl winter in the area. TheSwallow-tailed Kite, Mississippi Kite andWhite-tailed Kite have been observed.Unusual wading birds that can be sightedduring the summer months include RoseaSpoonbill and Wood Stork.

The following bird list contains 20species, representing observations byCorps and state personnel, local birders,researchers and volunteers. Sightings ofunlisted species should be reported to:

Park ManagerIndian Bayou AreaU.S. Army Corps of EngineersAtchafalaya Basin Floodway System112 Speck LanePort Barre, LA 70577(337) 585-0853

Neotropical migrants abound durinthe fall and spring migrations and manyspecies nest here. Several thousandwaterfowl winter in the area. TheSwallow-tailed Kite, Mississippi Kite andWhite-tailed Kite have been observed.Unusual wading birds that can be sightedduring the summer months include RoseaSpoonbill and Wood Stork.

The following bird list contains 20species, representing observations byCorps and state personnel, local birders,researchers and volunteers. Sightings ofunlisted species should be reported to:

Park ManagerIndian Bayou AreaU.S. Army Corps of EngineersAtchafalaya Basin Floodway System112 Speck LanePort Barre, LA 70577(337) 585-0853

Page 4: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

Parking Areas


Boundary Line

Non-Corps Property


ATV Trails

Physically Challenged ATV Trails

Foot Trails

No Access/No Hunting

No Hunting

Reforested Agricultural Fields

Bottomland Hardwood Forest

Bottomland Hardwood Swamp

Butte La Rose

Page 5: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

Indian Bayou Area Bird Check List

SeasonsSpring March-MaySummer June-JulyFall August-NovemberWinter December-February

Frequencya-abundant Many individuals per day in

appropriate habitat and season (>100/day)c-common Certain to be seen in suitable

habitat (10-100/day)u-uncommon Usually present in suitable habitat (<10/day)r-rare Seen only a few times during a

season (<1/day)o-occasional Only seen every few years

Habitat where found (H)W - Open Water A - Aerial/flyoverS - Swamp f - forestF - Field s - scrub-shrubM - Marsh/Mud Flat E- Forest Edge

Species Spring Summer Fall Winter HGrebesPied-billed Grebe r c c WPelicansAmerican White Pelican r c c WCormorants & Ahingas Double-crested Cormorant c o c c WNeotropic Cormorant c o c c W


√√ Species Spring Summer Fall Winter HAnhinga c c u r WHerons & BitternsGreat Blue Heron c c c c SGreat Egret a a c c SSnowy Egret c c c u SLittle Blue Heron* c c c o STricolored Heron* c c r SCattle Egret a a a r FGreen Heron u u u SBlack-crownedNight-Heron* u u u r MYellow-crownedNight-Heron a a SIbisesWhite Ibis a c c c MWhite-faced Ibis a a c c MRoseate Spoonbill o o o o MStorksWood Stork* u c MAmerican VulturesBlack Vulture c c c c ATurkey Vulture c u c c AWaterfowlGreater White-fronted o o o WGooseSnow (Blue) Goose o o u WWood Duck c c c a SGadwall u r u WAmerican Wigeon u u c WMallard c c c WMottled Duck c c c c WBlue-winged Teal u o u u WNorthern Shoveler u u c WNorthern Pintail u u c WGreen-winged Teal r o o WCanvasback r r u WRedhead r r u WRing-necked Duck u u c WLesser Scaup c c c WBufflehead r r u WHooded Merganser u r u c WRed-breasted Merganser o o o W

Page 6: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

√√ √√ Species Spring Summer Fall Winter HDovesEurasian Collared-dove c c c c AMourning Dove c c c c FCuckoosBlack-billed Cuckoo r r r sYellow-billed Cuckoo* c c c sOwls Barn Owl o o o o FEastern Screech-Owl u u u u fGreat Horned Owl u u u u FBarred Owl c c c c SNightjarsCommon Nighthawk c u c AChuck-will's-widow* u u fWhip-poor-will* o o fSwiftsChimney Swift c c c AHummingbirdsRuby-throatedHummingbird* c c c ERufous Hummingbird u EKingfishersBelted Kingfisher c u c c WWoodpeckersRed-headed Woodpecker* u u u r fRed-bellied Woodpecker c c c c fYellow-bellied Sapsucker u c c fDowny Woodpecker c c c c fHairy Woodpecker u u u u fNorthern Flicker c r c c EPileated Woodpecker c c c c fFlycatchersOlive-sided Flycatcher o o fEastern Wood-Pewee* u u fAcadian Flycatcher c c c fAlder Flycatcher u sLeast Flycatcher u sEastern Phoebe c c c sVermilion Flycatcher r r r EGreat Crested Flycatcher c c u EEastern Kingbird* c c r EScissor-tailed Flycatcher o o F

Species Spring Summer Fall Winter HRuddy Duck c c c WHawksOsprey c c c u WSwallow-tailed Kite* c c u AWhite-tailed Kite* r AMississippi Kite* a a c ABald Eagle* r r r WNorthern Harrier* u u u FSharp-shinned Hawk* u u u fCooper's Hawk* u u u fRed-shouldered Hawk c c c c SBroad-winged Hawk c u c fRed-tailed Hawk c o c c FFalconsAmerican Kestrel* c c c FMerlin o o r FPeregrine Falcon* r r o FTurkeysWild Turkey c c c c FRailsKing Rail c u c c SVirginia Rail u u u MSora u u c MCommon Moorhen u u r MAmerican Coot c c c WPloversBlack-bellied Plover r r MSemipalmated Plover o o MKilldeer c c c c FStiltsBlack-necked Stilt c c c u MSandpipersGreater Yellowlegs c c c MLesser Yellowlegs u u u MSolitary Sandpiper* u u u SSpotted Sandpiper u u u SCommon Snipe u u c MAmerican Woodcock u u c c sGulls & TernsForster's Tern u u u u A

Page 7: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

√√ Species Spring Summer Fall Winter H

Wood Thrush* c c c sAmerican Robin a a a FShrikesLoggerhead Shrike* u u u u FMockingbirds &ThrashersGray Catbird* c c u sNorthern Mockingbird c c c c FBrown Thrasher* u u u sStarlingsEuropean Starling(exotic) c c c a FPipitsAmerican Pipit u u u FWaxwingsCedar Waxing a u a fWood WarblersBlue-winged Warbler u u sGolden-winged Warbler r r sTennessee Warbler c c sOrange-crowned Warbler u u c sNashville Warbler u sNorthern Parula* a a fYellow Warbler u o c sYellow-throated Warbler u u r SChestnut-sided Warbler u u sMagnolia Warbler u c sYellow-rumped Warbler a a a sBlack-throated Green Warbler u c fBlackburnian Warbler u r fPine Warbler r r r fPrairie Warbler o r sPalm Warbler* o u u FBay-breasted Warbler u r fCerulean Warbler* u fBlack-and-White Warbler u u o fAmerican Redstart a c c fProthonotary Warbler* a a r fWorm-eating Warbler* u u sSwainson's Warbler* c c r sOvenbird u u s

Species Spring Summer Fall Winter HVireosWhite-eyed Vireo* a a a r EYellow-throated Vireo c c c EBlue-headed Vireo u c fPhiladelphia Vireo r u fRed-eyed Vireo a a a fJays and CrowsBlue Jay c c c c fAmerican Crow a a a a FFish Crow a c c c FSwallowsPurple Martin c c o ATree Swallow c c c ANorthern Rough-winged Swallow* c c c ABank Swallow u u ACliff Swallow u u u ABarn Swallow c c c ATitmiceCarolina Chickadee* c c c c fTufted Titmouse c c c c fNuthatchesRed-breasted Nuthatch o o fCreepersBrown Creeper u u u fWrensCarolina Wren a a a a sHouse Wren u u u sWinter Wren u u u sSedge Wren u u u sMarsh Wren u u u u MKinglets Golden-crowned Kinglet u c u fRuby-crowned Kinglet a a a sGnatcatchersBlue-gray Gnatcatcher c c c u fThrushesEastern Bluebird c c u u FVeery u u fGray-cheeked Thrush u u fSwainson's Thrush u u fHermit Thrush u c c f


Page 8: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

√√ Species Spring Summer Fall Winter HNorthern Waterthrush u u SLouisiana Waterthrush* u u SKentucky Warbler* c c u sMourning Warbler u sCommon Yellowthroat c c c c MHooded Warbler c c c sWilson's Warbler u u r sCanada Warbler r u sYellow-breasted Chat* a a c o sTanagersSummer Tanager c c c fScarlet Tanager u uGrosbeaks, Sparrows& BuntingsEastern Towhee c c c c sFox Sparrow r r u sSong Sparrow u u c sSavannah Sparrow c c c sGrasshopper Sparrow u u u sLincoln's Sparrow r c c sSwamp Sparrow c c c MWhite-throated Sparrow a a a EWhite-crowned Sparrow u r u sDark-eyed Junco u r u ENorthern Cardinal a a a a fRose-breasted Grosbeak u u fBlue Grosbeak u u c u sIndigo Bunting c c c sPainted Bunting* c c u EDickcissel* u r u FBlackbirds and Orioles Bobolink u FRed-winged Blackbird a a a a MEastern Meadowlark* c c c c FRusty Blackbird* u r u SCommon Grackle a a a a FBrown-headed Cowbird a a c a FOrchard Oriole* u u o sBaltimore Oriole* u u fPurple Finch u r u fHouse Finch u o u u sAmerican Goldfinch c u a F* Species of concern, due to declining populations

Sighting Notes

Date: Time: To:


No. Of Species:

Route or Area:



Ethics of BirdingEthics of Birding

TTakake care not to disturb nesting birds, exposing e care not to disturb nesting birds, exposing eggs and young to extreme temperatures and eggs and young to extreme temperatures and predation.predation.

Do not litter! Many birds die when they become Do not litter! Many birds die when they become entangled in fishing lines, 6-pack rings and other entangled in fishing lines, 6-pack rings and other trash, or when they mistaktrash, or when they mistake garbage for food.e garbage for food.

FFor further information, contact:or further information, contact:PPark Managerark ManagerIndian Bayou AreaIndian Bayou AreaU.S. Army Corps of EngineersU.S. Army Corps of EngineersAAtchafalaya Basin Floodway Systemtchafalaya Basin Floodway System112 Speck L112 Speck LaneanePPort Barre, Lort Barre, L A 70577A 70577(337) 585-0853(337) 585-0853

Page 9: Birding on Indian Bayou - · Summer Tanager c c c f Scarlet Tanager u u Grosbeaks, Sparrows & Buntings Eastern Towhee c c c c s Fox Sparrow r r u s Song Sparrow

DIRECTIONSDIRECTIONSLocated in St. Landry and St. Martin parishes,

the Indian Bayou Area is 40 miles west of BatonRouge, Louisiana, north of Interstate Hwy 10 andjust west of the Atchafalaya River.

To access from Interstate 10, take the Butte LaRose exit (exit 121) and follow the levee road north.From U.S. Hwy 190, exit at Krotz Springs and takeLA Hwy 105 south.

There are several public parking areas along thelevee road. The most popular hiking trails on IndianBayou can be accessed from the main parking area.Please follow the driving directions below.

From Interstate 10 take the Butte La Rose exit(exit 121) and follow the levee road north about 5.6miles to the sixth parking area on the left. From U.S.Hwy 190 exit at Krotz Springs and take LA Hwy 105south about 11.5 miles to the fifth parking area onthe right.

Photo by Michael Murphree ©