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BIRD Newsletter - Issue #2: UK MP Tables EDM 213

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BIRD Newsletter - Issue #2/ UK MP Tables EDM 213
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Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy View this email in your browser

Wednesday, 9th July 2014, Issue #2

BIRD Weekly Newsletter UK MP tables EDM 213 on Bahraini Justice System

UK Parliament tables EDM 213 on BahrainiJustice System

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This week, Labour MP, Mr. Jeremy Corbyn tabled an Early Day Motion inthe UK Parliament expressing concern for the system of injustice inBahrain. The motion notes "the lack of reform in the administration ofcriminal cases in Bahrain" as well as a general failure of the government"to hold human rights offenders accountable". The EDM comes followinga recent report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) which highlighted thepersistent failures of Bahrain’s justice system since the recommendationsof the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) in 2011. ThisEDM is currently supported by 17 signatories.

Follow this link for the UK parliament EDM 213 officialpublication.Follow this link for more details about the EDM, Bahrain's'injustice system' and the recent report by HRW.

Ask your MP to sign EDM 213

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Weekly Highlights

U.S Assistant Secretary of State TomMalinowski a Persona-non-grata in

Bahrain Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), theBahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) and the Bahrain Institute forRights and Democracy (BIRD) condemn the Government of Bahrain’sdecision to deem unwelcome in the country Tom Malinowski, the U.S.Department of State’s Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Democracy,Human Rights and Labor. (To read full statement by these NGOs, followthis link)

In a statement issued by the Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs, thegovernment deemed Assistant Secretary Malinowski “unwelcome”,claiming that the high level diplomat was interfering in "internal affairs"which the government of Bahrain considered "contrary to diplomaticnorms".

In response to this action by the Bahraini MoFA, the U.S State Departmentdeclared that it was "deeply concerned" by this decision. It further

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expressed that "in violation of international diplomatic protocol" thegovernment of Bahrain had "insisted - without advance warning" onhaving a Foreign Ministry representative at each of Assistant SecretaryMalinowski's private meetings. With reference to Malinowski's meetingwith the Al-Wefaq opposition party, the U.S State Dep. also explained thatall of Malinowski's meeting were held with the objective of "representing abroad spectrum of Bahraini society".

Following the incident, Assistant Secretary Malinowski also commentedfrom his official twitter account, claiming that the decision to declare hima 'persona-non-grata' in Bahrain was less about him and more about"undermining dialogue". Yet, he also expressed that "those committed toreconciliation should not be deterred".

Freedom for the Bahrain 13

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Don't forget to join our campaign! Follow this link to read more aboutBahrain's 13 most prominent political prisoners OR send a letter to the

UK Prime Minister asking him to demand their release.

Bahrain 13 Spotlight: Mohammed Habibal Muqdad

Bahrain 13, Mohammed Habib al Muqdad is aprominent religious leader and president of the Al-

Zahraa Society for Orphans. He was arrested on the 1stof April, 2011. During the period of his detention he

was physically tortured, hung upside down by his anklesand beaten with water hoses. Even more horrifically, he

was forced to gargle his own urine and sufferedthe electrocution of his genitals. To read more on his

case, follow this link.

News Updates

Mr. Cameron, please demand the freedom of the Bahrain 13.

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NGO Review

Science Museum hosting arms dealers Campaign Against Arms Trade - The Science Museum has

agreed to host a networking event for the FarnboroughInternational arms fair, where weapons sales are promoted to

human rights abusers.

Those networking incude military buyers from unstable orauthoritarian regimes. In 2012, Algeria, Bahrain, Indonesia, Libya

and Saudi Arabia sent military delegations.

Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR)

More Minors Detained for ProlongedPeriods of Time Without Conviction

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights noted itsconcern for ongoing targeting of minors less than 15years of age. Jehad Nabeel Al-Sameea, 11yrs (left) is

Join the Petition with CAAT

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just one of many boys under detention. Follow thislink to read more about Jehad and other ongoingcases against minors in Bahrain.

Main FeaturesUS Assistant Secretary

expelled from Bahrain

Financial TimesAP BigstoryBBC News Al Jazeera Washington PostWall Street Journal

US Diplomat says BahrainExpulsion 'not about me'

AP BigstoryBBC News

Disarming our culture: Why theScience Museum must end itssupport for the Arms Trade

Huffington Post

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