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Bipolar Disorder

May 31, 2021



Peter Maurer

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental condition that causes major abnormalities in mood, thoughts, energy, and behavior—the kind of changes that cause noticeable impairments to your day-to-day life. We all have ups and downs, but people with bipolar disorder experience these in extreme states, called mania and depression (though they may also go for stretches when they have no symptoms at all). These intense mood shifts can interfere with personal relationships, harm careers, and disrupt your ability to just get through the day.

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Are you wondering what this is? How can anyone feel such extreme emotions one after the other? Well, these are the classic symptoms of a mental illness known as Bipolar disorder. And this is not a rare illness that affects a small number of people in the world. Actually, around 0.6% of people in the world are officially diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, which is a huge 46 million people!