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CSC 134 : COMPUTER AND INFORMATION PROCESSING  BIOGRAPHY Name : Group: Date : Signature ………………….

Biography of Mine Auto Saved)

Apr 07, 2018



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n the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful, I start this

biography about myself. My name is Aiman or as known as

Maovwvee, that’s how to pronounce. But I have no idea what

does that mean. Basically, I am going to classify my stories into a

few subtopics, that is:

I• about myself and my family

• about my friends, school and UiTM

• and about my hobbies, interest, etc


Firstly, my name is Muhammad Aiman Firdaus b Noor Azman. I wasborned on the 14th of July 1993 in Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. I am

currently stay in Perindu College as a student of law in Universiti T

eknologi Mara (UiTM), here in Shah Alam, Selangor. I came all the way

from from Kuantan, Pahang, the place where I was borned and raised

by Noor Azman Hj. Mohd. Ariffin and Faridah Ariffin, my beloved

parents. My father is working as a architecture consultant in Kuantan.

He always goes outstation to see the working progress of a project and

I always follow him when I am free. He studied in ITM (the former name

of UiTM) back in the 70’s as a sudent of Quantity Surveyer (QS). He

played football for a long time, that’s why my brothers and I have thetalent to play football back in school. He played for ITM, Malaysia Youth

Football Club and Pahang Football Club back in 70’s and 80’s. We

always spent time together in the weekend playing sports, especially

football. He had always encouraged me to do what you thing that is

right. Next is about my mother. She studied law in Universiti

Kebangsaan or Universiti Malaya that I cannot remember. Before she

temporarily retired in 2009 because of some unknown illness, she

worked as the manager and she trains the new lawyer in the company.

She is my inspiration to become a lawyer, or a kind of. She always said

that if you want something, then work for it. That is when I started to

work as a part-timer during the holidays. Back to my mother, though

she seems strict, she is still soft and gentle with her clients and

employee and that what made people likes her. Besides that, she is the

best cook in our family and she can cook everything, just say it. I have

four siblings which all are boys and I am the third one and we always

argued with each others, sometimes. My oldest brother is currently

working as an engineer in the Petronas Company in Kerteh,

Terengganu. He studied in Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) and

graduated in 2009. Then, my second brother is currently studying his

last semester in Universiti Putra Malaysia . People said that we look 

alike, but I don’t think so because we always fight each other like cats

and dogs with no reason that I could remember of. I think that’s normal

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because not every family is perfect. Lastly, my youngest brother is

studying in Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) Kuantan as a Form 4

student. He is a bit different from the rest of my brothers because he is

kind of bigger than me and my second brother.


I enrolled Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Alor Akar (SMKAA), a bestari

school, for 5 years since 2006, that is when I was in Form 1. The school

was just great in many ways except for its not-much-a football field but

more like a motocross track. The field have not change much since the

first day until the last day I was in the school except for much biggerholes in it. Besides that, the school are famous for its marching team

that is PKBM Darat and Police Cadet as well as the Choir and Chorus

Speaking Club. They have won in many competition especially the Choir

Group that competed and was broadcasted from the RTM studio. Other

than that, the school had conceived many good students as well as

athletes and musician that we can proud of. Thanks to all the great

teachers, we all have become educated people, though we dont like

some teachers especially the discipline teacher, but we still owe them

big time. Literally, I was not a really good academics especially that

involves mathematical stuffs, but more to curriculum person.

I had joined many camps and competitions back in school. I was a

member of Police Cadet before I joined Kader Remaja Sekolah when I

was in Form 4 because of some reason. The main reason was because

there was no senior or elite group member in the group and only God

knows how much I don’t like being under-management  of any newbies.

However, I was chosen to be the squad leader of KRS and that when I

was bald and that was when I got my nickname. Isn it funny, all of 

sudden, a bald guy was chosen to lead a group of hairy students, and

that’s weird. I also joined the football team before I quit and joined the

woodball team which I was the vice-president of the club. I got manyfriends back in the school, whether they are juniors or seniors,

sportsmen, skaters, musician or even from the school next door. I was

kind of wild child years ago and that when I started to skate and play

music. But as I growing up, I have become more mature, mentally but

not physically and that what I hate about myself. People always said

that I look like an immature kid and that just piss me off in a wonderful

ways. But who cares, nothing is perfect in this world. We just haveto

thank God for what thou has given us.

On top of everything, I love every my friends whether they are myclassmates, roommates and etc. When I was in school, my class only

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have 14 students because we were the only art stream in the school.

We all were all bond together and were like a big family, a 1Malaysia

family. In my class, we have some Chinese and an Indian students. We

do many things together although we got argued with each other

sometimes. But, its all was a memory, an unforgetful one. But now, I

have such wonderful friends, although they just a few, but I still proud

to be their friends.

Picture of My Class in 2010

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Actually, I am an active, in fact a very hyper-active person. I

  joined and played many kind of sports including extreme sports and

ordinary sports. I might be the weirdest person in the world with no

good reason, that’s what I think. I like to try and explore new things

because it can help us widen our view towards something. I play

football, handball, woodball and I also skates. For me, I do all these

kind of things just to express myself as well as release my tension from

works and other stuffs. I have skated for more than a year now, but I

still need to learn more.

I worked in a company that starts with letter ‘P’ in a mall back in

Kuantan for almost 2 months, that includes holidays. Its all started

when my friends asked me to join them to work, I did not think much

because my parents encouraged me to do so rather than wasting my

time doing nothing during the break. The things that was in my mind

when I was working was “when its gonna be over” and “money-money-

money”. But, as day passes, I found that I was not actually want themoney but I wanted the experience of working and handling new

people. I worked in the gents department, that was the clothing area

and also the ladies, the bag and stuff area. At first it seems very odd

for a guy to work in the ladies department, but who cares? I got many

friends working in the same department. I also become so close with all

the other stuffs and also the boss, not the major boss. But, finally, its

all are worth it. I got above 1k as a salary for the working time

We just haveto thank God for what thou has given to us.

Foremost, I love everything I have now, especially my family andfriends. For me, being humble and respective person is a must for a

Muslim because it shows the goodness in Islamic as well as it teaches

us to be a better person in the context of akidah, iman and sahsiah.