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BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1 By SIDDHANT AGNIHOTRI B.Sc (Silver Medalist) M.Sc (Applied Physics) Facebook: sid_educationconnect

BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier

Jun 28, 2020



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Page 1: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


PART - 1



B.Sc (Silver Medalist)

M.Sc (Applied Physics)

Facebook: sid_educationconnect

Page 2: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier






Page 3: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• Lenin was not born, Lenin was constructed. The child who

was to become Lenin, Vladimir Il’ich Ulyanov, was born on

22 April 1870 in the town of Simbirsk on the Volga.

• He was the fourth child of a moderately prosperous, teacher

and public official, Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov (1831–86) and

his wife Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova (1835–1916) .

• Volodya was a brilliant child and became a passable piano

player but gave up when he was ten years old. The children

themselves were successful learners and the Ulyanov

sisters, Maria, Anna and Olga, were also intelligent and


• Like Alexander, Volodya shone at school. At the end of his

secondary school he was given a glowing report by his

headmaster and achieved top marks in almost all his


Page 4: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier

• The question was: could Russia bypass capitalism and go straight to the

construction of a socialist society?Marxism was very much established untill then.

• It was not Marx who made the greatest impact on Volodya.The didactic novel What

is to be Done? Tales of the New People (1864), written by the academic economist

Nikolai Chernyshevsky (1828–89), had a greater effect.

• The first key problem was his educational career. As a top student Volodya would

have been entitled to walk into the best of universities. However, it took a long

struggle for his headmaster, Fyodor Kerensky, to get him admitted to the local

university in Kazan.

• The young Volodya had received a number of severe jolts. In January 1886 his

father had died unexpectedly of a brain haemorrhage. Following that there was

Alexander’s arrest in March 1887, followed by his execution two months later

• In 1890 and 1891 the pace of his qualification as a lawyer speeded up. He was

granted permission to visit St. Petersburg to take his exams as an external student.

He took his firsIn his finals he obtained first place with excellent marks and was

awarded a first-class degree in law in January 1892.


Page 5: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered

at the age 25.

• Hitler was an unusual soldier and but he was a good runner

and hence took messages back and forth from the command

staff in the battlefield.He also was awarded with “iron cross”.

• Geermany lost the war in 1919 and signed the humiliating

treaty of VERSAILES and paid huge reparations of war.Also

some of the areas were taken from them and cannot extend

his territory also cannot expand his army.

• Seeing all this hitler was very depressed but this was the start

he wanted because they didn’t had an effective leader and

political unstability was also there.Hitler took full advantage of

this and joins German workers party which later known as

the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche

Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) in short, Nazi

Page 6: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier

• The young Volodya had received a number of severe jolts. In January

1886 his father had died unexpectedly of a brain haemorrhage. Following

that there was Alexander’s arrest in March 1887, followed by his execution

two months later

• In 1890 and 1891 the pace of his qualification as a lawyer speeded up. He

was granted permission to visit St. Petersburg to take his exams as an

external student. He took his firsIn his finals he obtained first place with

excellent marks and was awarded a first-class degree in law in January



Page 7: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• Hitler was furious about TREATY OF VERSAILES and criticized everything

responsible for defeat and he conducted various public meetings and started giving

speeches which proved very effective.

• Hitler realized one thing the movement lacked was a recognizable symbol or flag.

In the summer of 1920, Hitler chose the symbol which to this day remains perhaps

the most infamous in history, the swastika which helped him a lot.

• In July 29, 1921, Adolf Hitler was introduced as Führer of the Nazi Party, marking

the first time that title was publicly used to address him. By 1923 it has 55,000


• Hitler made a plan in which they would kidnap the leaders of the government and

force them at gunpoint to accept Hitler as their leader.In 8 November 1923 Nazi

troops under the direction of Hermann Göring surrounded the place. They

accpeted Hitler”s demand and assured that they would become part of the new


Page 8: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• State Commissioner Kahr broke his promise to Hitler and he was put on

trial,charged for treason sent to jail but he was treated like a celebrity in jail also.

• With the collapse of the Nazi revolution, it now appeared to most observers that

Hitler's political career and the Nazi movement itself had come to a crashing, almost

laughable end but that was the beginning.

• Hitler had been forbidden to speak in public until 1927 but

elections were held but NAZI could not win but in 1930

elections it became the second largest party aquiring 107

seats in Reichstag.

• On july 1932,Nazi party became the largest party in

Germany by aquiring 230 seats.Now the dark era begin

which took millions of life in the coming years and history

bleeded itself to its highest limits.

Page 9: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier

“I was not going to follow the beaten track, come what may; I

was going to lead a life conducive to my spiritual welfare and

the uplift of humanity; I was going to make a profound study of

philosophy so that I could solve the fundamental problems of

life ; in practical life I was going to emulate Ramakrishna and

Vivekananda as far as possible and, in any case, I was not

going in for a worldly career. This was the outlook with which I

faced a new chapter in my life”.


Page 10: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


PART - 2



B.Sc (Silver Medalist)

M.Sc (Applied Physics)

Facebook: sid_educationconnect

Page 11: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• Hindenburg now 85, was elected by an absolute majority to another seven-year term. But no

one was at ease. Hitler and the Nazis had shown massive popularity. Berlin was now a swirling

mess of fear, intrigue, rumors, and disorder. Out of that mess arose a man named Kurt von

Schleicher, a highly ambitious Army officer, driven by the idea that he, not Hitler, might possibly

rule Germany.

• On May 8, 1932, Schleicher held a secret meeting with Hitler and offered a proposal. The ban

on the SA and SS would be lifted, if Hitler would support him in a conservative nationalist

government. Hitler agreed.

• High political struggle had started for chancellor position and everyone was getting tired of

elections by now. Kurt von Schleicher became Chancellor of Germany on December 2, 1932.

• Hitler tried everything but still no result.On January 30, 1933, as a teary-eyed Adolf Hitler

emerged from the presidential palace as Chancellor of the German Nation.Hitler became

chancellor of the Germany.Hermann Göring was Minister without Portfolio .He also ordered the

police not to interfere with the SA and SS under any circumstances. This meant that anybody

being harassed, beaten, or even murdered by Nazis, had nobody to turn to for help.

Page 12: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• Skirmishes of JEWS began.Hitler had a brutal

ruling force known as GESTAPO founded by SS

leader HEINRICH HIEMMLER who also opened

first concentration camp in DACHAU.

• GESTAPO became above the law. . Gestapo used

horrifying interrogating methods.Troopers also set

books on fire and wanted to crush Germany

intellectually.Jail became wild prisons and

swamped with prisoners.

• There was night of long knives which made hitler to

kill his own members due to treason and Rohm was

one of them who was very loyal to him.

• On 2 august 1934 President Hindenburg dies.Now

Germany was Hitler and he violeted treaty of

VERSAILES by issuing conscription law and

rearmament.He was about to disclose his war


Page 13: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• Hilter took RHINELAND .France and British were quite.

The whole world waited to see how the French and

British would react.Germany also hosted 1936 olympics.

• Hosting of Olympics was a diplomatic move.Till now

nobody knew that Hitler will initiate a war.However

various opposed Olympics but Avery Brundage(head)

claimed that the Olympics were meant for "athletes not


• Olympics went very well and people were stunned by

over friendliness of German.Hitler also supported athletes

as part of their strategy.One of them were “JESSE


Page 14: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• Hitler openly violated the Treaty of Versailles by reintroducing

military conscription and began rapidly rebuilding the German Army.

Hitler then managed to negotiate a naval pact with Britain allowing

Germany to have a Navy totaling 35 percent of Britain's fleet, along

with a submarine fleet equal in size.

• Hitler had two choices In the first scenario, Hitler would wait until

1943 when rearmament was complete and France and Britain would

be heavily outgunned. In the second, he would act sooner by

keeping a close eye on France's internal political problems, waiting

for a chance to strike at Czechoslovakia.

• His very first victim was Dr. Kurt von Schuschnigg, Chancellor of

Austria whom he captured later by a pact without firing a single shot.

March 12, 1938, German soldiers in tanks and armored vehicles

roared across the German-Austrian border on schedule

• Britain PM Neville Chamberlain wanted peace and he would go limits

to restore it and therefore Hitler had promised British Prime Minister

Neville Chamberlain and the German people that the Sudetenland

would be his "last territorial demand" in Europe. In reality, it was only

the beginning.

Page 15: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• Hitler now wanted to grab the remainder of Czechoslovakia due to its strategic

importance and he broke all the promises. Now, for the first time in the history of the

Third Reich, Great Britain had finally declared it would stand up to the German

dictator and was willing to fight.

• Hitler made a plan for war and also promised ITALY AND RUSSIA that it will share

the conquered area with them if they becomes an ally.Hitler had gotten what he

needed. And Stalin got what he wanted.

• Stalin was granted a free hand in Eastern Europe to steal back several areas lost to

Russia at the end of World War I, including the countries of Latvia, Estonia and

Finland, the province of Bessarabia in Romania, and most importantly, the entire

eastern portion of Poland.

• The war started with the sudden attack on POLAND.France came to the rescue but

captured. With the conquest of France, nine countries had now fallen to Hitler

including Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium,

Luxembourg, and Holland. Two countries, Spain and Italy, had forged political

alliances with Hitler. Only Great Britain remained free among the major European


Page 16: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier


• FRANCE and BRITAIN just escaped from DUNKIRK.

Over the next two weeks, the British suffered terribly, losing

466 planes. Fighter Command was desperately low on planes

and pilots, flying its very last reserves.

• The death toll of British civilians steadily mounted, surpassing

15,000 by the end of 1940 but turn around happened and

royal airforce fought back with Luftwaffe and ultimately

causing huge loss to Germany.

• The invasion plan for Russia was named Operation

Barbarossa but again Hitler misjudged it and thought that this

will be easy but it was not due to vast area and turning of

weather which defeated Germany.

• Due to losses one after another Hitler lost his heart and

commited suicide in FUHRER BUNKER with his mistress EVA

BROWN on april 30 1945.USA dropped atom bomb on JAPAN

ending the war of blood finaly.

Page 17: BIOGRAPHY OF LENIN AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PART - 1HITLER IN WORLD WAR 1 • Hitler knew that something will happen and volunteered at the age 25. • Hitler was an unusual soldier

Study iq

Against the odds, the young fighter pilots of the

Royal Air Force had withstood everything the

Germans could throw at them and saved Britain,

inspiring Winston Churchill to say, "Never in the field

of human conflict was so much owed by so many to

so few."