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Biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology of glycerol ... · Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology., Microbial Biotechnology,

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Biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology of glycerol utilization in Pseudomonasspecies

Poblete-Castro, Ignacio; Wittmann, Christoph; Nikel, Pablo Ivan

Published in:Microbial Biotechnology

Link to article, DOI:10.1111/1751-7915.13400

Publication date:2020

Document VersionPublisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

Link back to DTU Orbit

Citation (APA):Poblete-Castro, I., Wittmann, C., & Nikel, P. I. (2020). Biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology of glycerolutilization in Pseudomonas species. Microbial Biotechnology, 13(1), 32-53.

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Biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology of glycerolutilization in Pseudomonas species

Ignacio Poblete-Castro,1 Christoph Wittmann2 andPablo I. Nikel3,*1Biosystems Engineering Laboratory, Center forBioinformatics and Integrative Biology, Faculty of NaturalSciences, Universidad Andr�es Bello, Santiago de Chile,Chile.2Institute of Systems Biotechnology, Universit€at desSaarlandes, Saarbr€ucken, Germany.3The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center forBiosustainability, Technical University of Denmark, KgsLyngby, Denmark.


The use of renewable waste feedstocks is an environ-ment-friendly choice contributing to the reduction ofwaste treatment costs and increasing the economicvalue of industrial by-products. Glycerol (1,2,3-propa-netriol), a simple polyol compound widely distributedin biological systems, constitutes a prime example ofa relatively cheap and readily available substrate tobe used in bioprocesses. Extensively exploited as aningredient in the food and pharmaceutical industries,glycerol is also the main by-product of biodiesel pro-duction, which has resulted in a progressive drop insubstrate price over the years. Consequently, glycerolhas become an attractive substrate in biotechnology,and several chemical commodities currently pro-duced from petroleum have been shown to beobtained from this polyol using whole-cell biocata-lysts with both wild-type and engineered bacterialstrains. Pseudomonas species, endowed with a ver-satile and rich metabolism, have been adopted for the

conversion of glycerol into value-added products(ranging from simple molecules to structurally com-plex biopolymers, e.g. polyhydroxyalkanoates), and anumber of metabolic engineering strategies havebeen deployed to increase the number of applicationsof glycerol as a cost-effective substrate. The uniquegenetic and metabolic features of glycerol-grownPseudomonas are presented in this review, along withrelevant examples of bioprocesses based on this sub-strate – and the synthetic biology and metabolic engi-neering strategies implemented in bacteria of thisgenus aimed at glycerol valorization.


Contemporary synthetic biology and metabolic engineer-ing offer the possibility of expanding the substrate rangeof microbial cell factories beyond the sugars typically usedas carbon sources (Calero and Nikel, 2019; Prather,2019). Examples of this sort of metabolic manipulation forbroadening substrate ‘palatability’ of bacteria include sev-eral chemical species, ranging from simple C1 com-pounds such as CO2 or HCOOH (Antonovsky et al., 2016;Yishai et al., 2018) to structurally complex substratessuch as lignocellulosic materials derived from biomass(Beckham et al., 2016; Barton et al., 2018; Kim and Woo,2018). Alcohols conform a special category of alternativesubstrates for biotechnology, and they are currently beingdiscussed as promising renewables for sustainable bio-production (Stowell et al., 1987; Smith, 2004; Dahodet al., 2010; Hoffmann et al., 2018). Glycerol (1,2,3-propa-netriol, C3H8O3), for instance, is a widely available, versa-tile and structurally simple compound that can be used asa carbon source or as a precursor in a variety of chemicaland biological conversions. This polyol has been tradition-ally used in multiple industrially relevant areas, e.g. as aningredient in foods and beverages (by exploiting its sweet-ening properties; in fact, the name glycerol is derived fromthe Greek ckυjeqός, ‘sweet’), as well as pharmaceuticalsand cosmetic products, both as solvent and humectant(Pagliaro and Rossi et al., 2008b).Biodiesel is a fuel comprised of monoalkyl (methyl,

ethyl or propyl) esters of long-chain fatty acids derived

Received 8 January, 2019; revised 17 February, 2019; accepted 23February, 2019.*For correspondence. E-mail [email protected]; Tel. (+4593) 51 19 18; Fax. (+45 45) 25 80 00.Microb Biotechnol (2020) 13(1), 32–53doi:10.1111/1751-7915.13400Funding InformationThis study was supported by The Novo Nordisk Foundation (GrantNNF10CC1016517) and the Danish Council for IndependentResearch (SWEET, DFF-Research Project 8021-00039B) to P.I.N.This work was also supported by CONICYT through the projectFondecyt Inicio 11150174.

ª 2019 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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from vegetable oils or animal fats (Hollinshead et al.,2014). Its value as a fuel has been recognized as earlyas the 19th century: the transesterification of a veg-etable oil catalysed by a base was conducted four dec-ades before the first diesel engine became functional(Henriques, 1898). Biodiesel has promising lubricatingproperties and cetane ratings compared to low sulfurdiesel fuels, with a calorific value of about 37 MJ kg�1.The current transesterification process used for biodie-sel production involves the treatment of yellow grease(recycled vegetable oil), virgin vegetable oil or tallowwith a mixture of NaOH or KOH and CH3OH (van Ger-pen and Knothe, 2010). The main by-product of thisproduction process is glycerol: ca. 10 kg of crude glyc-erol is generated for every 100 kg of biodiesel pro-duced. The fast development of the biofuel industry inseveral countries over the last three decades (with aglobal production volume of 3.8 million tons in 2005)has generated a considerable amount of crude glycerol(Suppes, 2010). Approximately 85% of all the biodieselproduction over the last decade came from the Euro-pean Union (Ntziachristos et al., 2014). In addition, thebioethanol process (using Saccharomyces cerevisiae asbiocatalyst) generates glycerol up to 10% of the totalsugar (usually sucrose) consumed in the fermentation(Hasunuma and Kondo, 2012; Mohd Azhar et al.,2017). As a consequence of this global situation, thelast 10 years have witnessed the rise of glycerol as avery attractive substrate for bacterial fermentations(Mota et al., 2017). The excess of crude glycerol pro-duced in the biofuel industry led to a decrease in glyc-erol price, and some years ago, it was even considereda waste (with an associated disposal cost) by manybiodiesel-production plants. Converting crude glycerolinto value-added products thus became a relevant needto improve the viability of the biofuel economy (Pagliaroand Rossi et al., 2008a), and both chemical and biolog-ical approaches have been explored to convert glycerolinto more valuable products. Considering that crudeglycerol is a non-edible renewable, its use has alsoadvantages in terms of sustainability as it does notcompete with other substrates that could be otherwiseused in the food industry (Stichnothe, 2019). Comparedto chemical routes for transformation of the polyol, bio-logical transformation offers several advantages, rang-ing from less energy use (thus making the processmore environment-friendly) to higher specificity, andincreased tolerance to impurities such as salts andCH3OH, both of which occur at high levels in crudeglycerol (Katryniok et al., 2009). Over the last fewyears, however, global markets have changed and oilprices have stabilized – which has directly impactedbiodiesel production (Pagliaro, 2017). Nevertheless,glycerol continues to attract attention as a substrate for

biotechnology as it can be used by a myriad ofmicroorganisms for the synthesis of a wide range ofbioproducts (da Silva et al., 2009; Dobson et al., 2012;Pettinari et al., 2012; Mattam et al., 2013; Mitrea et al.,2017). Moreover, current trends indicate that biodieselwill become the clean liquid fuel of choice in manycountries, especially in those that have legal require-ments to use alternatives to petrochemical fuels (Guoand Song, 2019). The United States Environmental Pro-tection Agency, for instance, established a fuel standardvolume requirement for biodiesel of 8 millon litres for2019 (Weaver, 2018) – requirements that will inevitablyresult in an increasing availability of raw glycerol.Interestingly, the biotechnological value of glycerol as

a substrate has been recognized since the early times ofindustrial microbiology (Johnson, 1947; Gunsalus et al.,1955). In fact, some of the oldest examples of technical-scale bioreactor fermentations include the transformationof glycerol into biomass and reduced biochemical prod-ucts. Nakas et al. (1983), for instance, described the fer-mentation of glycerol by Clostridium pasteurianum in anattempt to obtain a marketable product [a mixture of n-butanol, 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO) and ethanol] fromglycerol photosynthetically formed by halophilic Duna-liella algae. Due to the more reduced nature of the car-bon atoms in glycerol as compared to sugars (e.g.glucose and xylose, customary substrates in biopro-cesses), the polyol is mostly processed via oxidativemetabolism in aerobic processes. There are, however,several bacteria that can ferment this substrate anoxi-cally, e.g. some clostridia and a few enterobacteria(Hatti-Kaul and Mattiasson, 2016) – a circumstance thathas been also exploited for the design of industrial bio-processes. Until the last decade, for instance, it waswidely accepted that Escherichia coli was unable to useglycerol as a substrate in the absence of external elec-tron acceptors (Booth, 2005). Since then, several studiesdescribing the fermentation of glycerol by different wild-type or mutant E. coli strains have paved the way for theefficient use of this low-cost, readily available substrateto synthesize a variety of biotechnologically relevantproducts under different oxygen availability conditions(Yazdani and Gonz�alez, 2007; Murarka et al., 2008;Nikel et al., 2006, 2008a, 2010a) – thus increasing thesustainability of fermentation processes using this polyolas the substrate. The higher degree of reduction of glyc-erol (c = 4.7) over glucose (c = 4) facilitates the synthe-sis of reduced bioproducts as demonstrated in E. colistrains (Nikel et al., 2008a,b, 2010b). Since less carbonhas to be oxidized into CO2 to generate reducing power,the use of glycerol potentially offers higher yields onsubstrate than when using sugars. Yet, what are thebiotechnological uses of glycerol beyond the so-calledmodel bacterial species?

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Glycerol as a substrate for Pseudomonas 33

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The last decade has witnessed an exponentialincrease in the number of studies exploiting Pseu-domonas species as biocatalysts. In particular, P. putidaKT2440, a non-pathogenic soil bacterium that has beenadapted to laboratory conditions (Nelson et al., 2002;Belda et al., 2016), has emerged as the chassis ofchoice for engineering biochemical pathways whileexploiting its intrinsically high tolerance to different typesof physicochemical stresses (Poblete-Castro et al.,2012a, 2017; Nikel et al., 2014a,b; Nikel and de Lor-enzo, 2018a,b; Abram and Udaondo, 2019). Severalstudies have described the use of glycerol by Pseu-domonas species, and biochemical and genetic studieshave disclosed a rather different metabolic operation,genetic regulation and physiological responses as com-pared to other bacteria. Against this background, in thisarticle, we review our current knowledge on the use ofglycerol by Pseudomonas species either via natural orengineered pathways – with an emphasis on the physiol-ogy and metabolism of P. putida and the many opportu-nities that this substrate brings forth for biotechnologicalapplications.

Biochemistry and genetics of glycerol utilization byPseudomonas

General aspects of glycerol assimilation in bacteria

In a comprehensive review of glycerol metabolism, Lin(1976) had described assimilation pathways present inseveral bacterial species, with a special focus on E. coliand related Enterobacteriaceae. Although glycerol pro-cessing in bacteria can essentially follow only two possi-ble biochemical routes, the reduced nature of its carbonatoms renders catabolism of this substrate difficult in theabsence of external electron acceptors (NO�

3 or fuma-rate). Irrespective of the pathway followed, phosphoryla-tion and dehydrogenation steps ultimately convertglycerol into dihydroxyacetone-P (DHAP), either aerobi-cally or anaerobically (Fig. 1). DHAP is incorporated intothe central carbon metabolism as a key precursor that isfurther processed by the same glycolytic routes deployedwhen bacteria grow on sugars. Apart from the directincorporation of glycerol-derived metabolites into bio-mass, this compound can be also converted into a ser-ies of reduced by-products to meet the redox andcarbon balance. Bouvet et al. (1995) described bacterialspecies, belonging to the genera Citrobacter, Enterobac-ter and Klebsiella, capable of fermenting glycerol. Inthese species, there is a reductive pathway for glycerolutilization, in which the substrate is firstly dehydrated bya vitamin B12-dependent enzyme to form 3-hydroxypro-pionaldehyde that is further reduced to 1,3-PDO by anNADH-linked oxidoreductase (1,3-PDO dehydrogenase),thereby regenerating NAD+. The fermentation of glycerol

with the concomitant formation of 1,3-PDO [and, in somecases, 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PDO)] was also described inLactobacillus and Clostridium species (Biebl et al.,1999).Apart from passive diffusion, glycerol uptake in bacteria

is mediated by glycerol diffusion facilitators, integral mem-brane proteins catalysing the rapid equilibration of glyc-erol concentration gradients across the cytoplasmicmembrane (Stroud et al., 2003). These facilitators are a-type channels that enable the diffusion of small polyolsand related molecules into the cell, and these channelsare known because of their exquisite substrate selectivity.They do not permit the passage of charged compoundsthrough them, a feature essential for the maintenance ofthe electrochemical gradient across the membrane. Oncetransported, intracellular glycerol is converted to sn-gly-cerol-3-P by glycerol kinase (GlpK) using ATP as the

Fig. 1. Conserved pathways for glycerol metabolism in bacteria. Inmost Gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli, alternative catabolicpathways ultimately lead to the generation of dihydroxyacetone-P(DHAP), which is later channelled into key glycolytic intermediatesvia downstream metabolism. Apart from the direct, ATP-dependentphosphorylation of intracellular glycerol (glycerolin) indicated to theleft, the polyol can be oxidized into dihydroxyacetone (DHA), andthen phosphorylated using phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) as the phos-phoryl donor (as shown to the right), thereby generating pyruvate(Pyr). The enzymes involved in glycerol metabolism are GlpF, glyc-erol facilitator (transporter); GlpK, glycerol kinase; GlpABC, (anaero-bic) sn-glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase; GlpD, (aerobic) sn-glycerol-3-Pdehydrogenase; GldA, glycerol dehydrogenase; and DhaKLM, DHAkinase. QH2 denotes a reduced quinone (e.g. ubiquinone or mena-quinone), which serves a cofactor for a flavin-containing enzyme.Enzymatic steps indicated in red are independent of the presenceof oxygen, whereas the two possible sn-glycerol-3-P dehydrogena-tion reactions are identified with different colours depending on theavailability of (alternative) electron acceptors.

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phosphoryl donor. The glycerol diffusion facilitator doesnot recognize sn-glycerol-3-P as a substrate and thisintermediate remains inside the cell, where it is furthermetabolized. The driving force for the uptake of glycerolis thus generated by substrate phosphorylation by GlpK(Voegele et al., 1993). While sn-glycerol-3-P cannotleave the cytoplasm, it can be imported into the cell bythe GlpT transporter, a member of the major facilitatorsuperfamily that couples the import of sn-glycerol-3-P intothe cytoplasm to the export of inorganic phosphates fromthe cytoplasm to the periplasm (Lemieux et al., 2004). InE. coli, sn-glycerol-3-P can be further metabolized toDHAP by either of two membrane-bound enzymes,depending on the growth conditions (Fig. 1). Under aero-bic conditions, a homodimeric aerobic sn-glycerol-3-Pdehydrogenase (encoded by glpD) is produced, whichcan accept either oxygen or NO�

3 as the electron acceptor(Schryvers et al., 1978; Yeh et al., 2008). Under anaero-bic conditions, a different sn-glycerol-3-P dehydrogenaseis preferentially expressed – this tri-heteromeric proteincomplex, which is encoded by the glpABC operon, chan-nels the electrons from sn-glycerol-3-P to either NO�

3 orfumarate (via the quinone pool) since oxygen can nolonger be used as an electron acceptor (Cole et al.,1988). Apart from the obvious role in substrate catabo-lism, the presumed significance of this process is the sal-vage of glycerol and glycerol phosphates generated bythe breakdown of phospholipids and triacylglycerol (Blomet al., 2011).Apart from these main biochemical reactions, the first to

be discovered and collectively known as the glycerol andglycerophospholipid degradation pathway, E. coli K-12possesses an NAD+-linked dehydrogenase, termed GldA,which is able to support glycerol fermentation (Fig. 1).Gonzalez et al. (2008) demonstrated that GldA, annotatedas a dual L-1,2-PDO dehydrogenase/glycerol dehydroge-nase, is involved in glycerol fermentation both as a glyc-erol dehydrogenase (i.e. generating dihydroxyacetone),and as a 1,2-PDO dehydrogenase, in this case regenerat-ing NAD+ by producing 1,2-PDO from hydroxyacetone.GldA is also involved in methylglyoxal detoxification (Koet al., 2005). In this branch of glycerol metabolism, dihy-droxyacetone is phosphorylated into DHAP by DhaKLM,which uses phosphoenolpyruvate (instead of ATP) as thephosphoryl donor (Jin and Lin, 1984).

Metabolism of glycerol in Pseudomonas species:substrate transport, trunk and auxiliary metabolicpathways

Although the glycerol metabolism indicated in the previ-ous section prevails in most Gram-negative species(especially in Enterobacteria), members of the Pseu-domonas genus display relevant differences both in

terms of the biochemical and genetic architecture ofglycerol utilization. Pseudomonas species possess over300 known and putative nutrient uptake systems, whichenable them to metabolize a large number of organiccompounds and inhabit many diverse ecological niches(Silby et al., 2011). The outer membrane of these bacte-ria acts as a semi-permeable barrier – excluding manyclasses of potentially toxic molecules from the cell. Nutri-ents use specialized water-filled channels called porinsto traverse this physical barrier (Chevalier et al., 2017);the actual entry into the Pseudomonas cell is mediatedby one of four classes of cytoplasmic membrane trans-porters as follows: glycerol/water facilitators, phospho-transferase systems, primary active transporters andsecondary active transporters (Tamber and Hancock,2003). The first GlpF transporter to be identified in aPseudomonas species was described in P. aeruginosaPAO1 by Schweizer et al. (1997). The authors alsodescribed a second gene within the same cluster, glpK,encoding glycerol kinase – and functionally linking sub-strate transport with metabolism with the genomic archi-tecture of the cluster. While the GlpT protein of E. coli isa sn-glycerol-3-P/inorganic phosphate antiporter(Lemieux et al., 2005), the GlpT transporter present insome Pseudomonas species (such as P. aeruginosaPAO1 and P. fluorescens SBW25) seems to act as adual sn-glycerol-3-P/fosfomycin symporter (Hirakawaet al., 2018). Such a mechanism has not been identifiedin P. putida KT2440.By gathering genetic information, the pathway for glyc-

erol metabolism was reconstructed for both P. aeruginosaand P. putida, and it was found to be similar to the set ofaerobic biochemical reactions for glycerol processing inE. coli (shown in Fig. 2A for P. putida KT2440). Thesequence of reactions catalysed by the ATP-dependentGlpK kinase and the ubiquinol-dependent GlpD dehydro-genase generates DHAP, serving both as the point ofentry of glycerol into central carbon metabolism and thedriving force for substrate transport and consumption.DHAP, in turn, is split essentially into gluconeogenesis(via fructose-1,6-P2) and downward catabolism (via glyc-eraldehyde-3-P, GA3P; see also Fig. 2A). No enzymessimilar to either GlpABC or GldA of E. coli (see Fig. 1)have been identified thus far in Pseudomonas species,indicating that oxygen-dependent pathways for glycerolutilization is the preferred route in this genus [character-ized by the abundance of strictly-aerobic species (Silbyet al., 2011; Nikel et al., 2014a, b)].The relatively simple biochemistry underlying glycerol

utilization is reflected in a rather conserved genetic archi-tecture of the glp genes across species, with P. putidaKT2440 as an archetypal example (Fig. 2B). In strainKT2440, the genes deemed essential for glycerol metabo-lism are arranged in a genomic cluster that includes glpF

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Glycerol as a substrate for Pseudomonas 35

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(PP_1076, aquaglyceroporin), glpK (PP_1075, glycerolkinase), glpR (PP_1074, a transcriptional regulatorbelonging to the DeoR family) and glpD (PP_1073, themain sn-glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase). Other genes withplausible roles in glycerol processing and metabolism andannotated as such in the Pseudomonas database aregpsA [PP_4169, encoding a soluble, NAD(P)+-dependentsn-glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase, poorly studied in microor-ganisms but likely involved in glycerophospholipid break-down as a glyceroneogenic enzyme (Reshef et al., 2003)]and several glycerol/sn-glycerol-3-P acyl transferases(Winsor et al., 2016). The structural organization of theglp gene cluster is highly conserved in both P. putidaKT2440 and P. aeruginosa PAO1 – although the relativeorientation of the genes is inverted. Furthermore, the glpgene cluster of strain KT2440 (i.e. PP_1076 to PP_1073)exhibits a high degree of sequence identity with glpF(83%), glpK (82%), glpR (80%) and glpD (72%) ofP. aeruginosa PAO1 (PA_3581 to PA_3584). As indicatedin the next sections, there is an intimate relationshipbetween the genetic organization of the glp genes, thetranscriptional regulation exerted by the GlpR protein, and

the biochemical network deployed by Pseudomonas whencells are growing on glycerol.

Growth on glycerol promotes a mixed gluconeogenicand glycolytic regime in the metabolism ofPseudomonas

With the onset of considering glycerol as a relevant sub-strate for biotechnological processes, several studieshave examined how Pseudomonas species react to thiscompound at different levels. Nikel et al. (2014a) anal-ysed the similarities and divergences in the use of glyc-erol by P. putida with respect to other bacteria byadopting a transcriptomic approach based on deepsequencing of mRNA transcripts complemented by tradi-tional biochemical assays. The main conclusion of thatstudy is that growth on glycerol imposes a particularmetabolic response in P. putida characterized by theactivation of both glycolytic and gluconeogenic routes(Fig. 3). The most salient features of the genome-wideresponse to the substrate include (i) the transcriptionalupregulation of glycerol transport and catabolic genes

Fig. 2. Biochemical pathways and genetic organization of genes involved in glycerol metabolism in Pseudomonas putida KT2440.A. Main biochemical reactions relevant for glycerol transport, phosphorylation and oxidation of metabolic intermediates thereof. The incorpora-tion of fructose-1,6-P2 and glyceraldehyde-3-P (GA3P) into central carbon metabolism via gluconeogenesis and downward catabolism, respec-tively, is indicated by a wide shaded arrow. The question mark (?) denotes a potential sn-glycerol-3-P transporter, yet to be identified in strainKT2440. DHAP, dihydroxyacetone-P; UQ8 and UQ8H, oxidized and reduced forms (respectively) of ubiquinone 8; and Pi, inorganic phosphate.B. Genetic organization of the glp locus in P. putida KT2440. The genomic region encompasses glpF [PP_1076, major intrinsic protein (MIP)family channel protein, aquaglyceroporin], glpK (PP_1075, glycerol kinase), glpR (PP_1074, DeoR family transcriptional regulator) and glpD(PP_1073, aerobic sn-glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase). The glp cluster is flanked upstream by PP_1072, which encodes an uncharacterized leu-cine-rich repeat-containing protein, and downstream by PP_1077, encoding an YbaK/EbsC-type protein [prolyl-tRNA editing protein, probably aCys-tRNA(Pro) deacylase] (Nelson et al., 2002; Belda et al., 2016). The elements in this outline are not drawn to scale.

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(i.e. the glp gene cluster), (ii) the downregulation of alter-native routes for carbon processing, (iii) the activation ofa general gluconeogenic response and (iv) the concomi-tant slow-down of activities through the tricarboxylic acid(TCA) cycle and the gluconate/2-ketogluconate loop foroxidative processing of hexoses. The glycerol-consum-ing status seems therefore to favour biomass build-upwhile preventing loss of carbon as CO2 or during the for-mation of oxidized by-products [e.g. some organic acidstypically produced when Pseudomonas cells are grownon sugars (Fuhrer et al., 2005)]. Apart from these gen-eral physiological features, several regulatory nodes canbe identified in the biochemical network that enable effi-cient and tightly-controlled substrate utilization.

The Mg2+- and ATP-dependent phosphorylation ofglycerol to sn-glycerol-3-P catalysed by GlpK is the keyregulatory and rate-limiting step in glycerol utilization inE. coli (Zwaig et al., 1970). In this species, GlpK activityis modulated by multiple factors, e.g. ATP concentration,allosteric inhibition mediated by fructose-1,6-P2, anddirect inhibition by the IIAGlc cytosolic component of thesugar phosphotransferase system (Applebee et al.,2011). It is plausible that some of these regulatory fea-tures are kept in Pseudomonas species – with the likelyexception of the interplay with the sugar phosphotrans-ferase system, since glucose transport in Pseudomonasproceeds through a different mechanism (del Castilloet al., 2007; Daddaoua et al., 2009; Pfl€uger-Grau and de

Fig. 3. The metabolism of glycerol in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 involves a combination of special processing pathways coupled to bothglycolytic and gluconeogenic routes. Reactions within the upstream central carbon metabolism in strain KT2440 affected by growth on glycerolas indicated by transcriptome and metabolic flux analyses are shown in this scheme. The biochemical network sketches the main pathwaysinvolved in carbon processing along with the enzymes catalysing the corresponding conversions. In some cases, reactions have been lumpedto simplify the diagram (e.g. within the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway), and only some isoforms of the corresponding enzymes areshown. Further metabolism of acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) is indicated by a wide shaded arrow. Glyceraldehyde-3-P (GA3P) is highlightedas a key node connecting the main metabolic blocks (indicated in the diagram as ‘initial processing steps’, ‘gluconeogenesis and anabolism’

and ‘catabolism’) active in glycerol-grown cells. DHAP, dihydroxyacetone-P; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate. The transcriptomic and fluxomic dataused in this diagram have been gathered from Nikel et al. (2014a), Nikel et al. (2015b) and Beckers et al. (2016).

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Glycerol as a substrate for Pseudomonas 37

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Lorenzo, 2014). In addition to the enzymatic regulationof the components of glycerol catabolism themselves,more general regulatory patterns are at play in centralcarbon metabolism.As indicated in the previous section, DHAP is a key

metabolite connecting glycerol with the core metabolism.Downstream catabolism proceeds through the process-ing of GA3P via the activity of GA3P dehydrogenase.The genome of P. putida KT2440 encodes two bona fideGA3P dehydrogenase isozymes, i.e. GapA (PP_1009)and GapB (PP_2149), which are easily identified giventheir similarity to the same enzyme counterparts inrelated microorganisms. Because of the reversibility ofthe oxidation step of GA3P into glycerate-1,3-P2, GA3Pdehydrogenase plays a pivotal role acting either on itsdownward mode [i.e. glycolysis, funnelling GA3P intothe Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway] and ingluconeogenesis (Lessie and Phibbs, 1984). This bio-chemical step lies at the very core of both glycolytic andgluconeogenic metabolic pathways in most microorgan-isms, deciding the direction in which the carbon flowproceeds. Apart from GapA and GapB, strain KT2440possesses two other GA3P dehydrogenase isozymes(encoded by PP_0665 and PP_3443). RNA sequencingindicated that gapB, PP_0665 and PP_3443 are tran-scriptionally affected by the presence of glycerol. WhilePP_0665 does not seem to contribute to the total GA3Pdehydrogenase activity in glycerol-grown P. putida,in vitro biochemical analyses with a DPP_3443 deriva-tive of strain KT2440 accredits a role for PP_3443 asthe source of a GA3P dehydrogenase activity relevantfor glycerol metabolism, and its cofactor dependence(NADP+) points to a likely gluconeogenic role (Nikelet al., 2014a).Glycerol metabolism relies on functional and active

sugar catabolic pathways in P. aeruginosa PAO1 (Ble-vins et al., 1975; Heath and Gaudy, 1978). One of thekey nodes for metabolic regulation of glycerol utilizationis the activity of GA3P dehydrogenase, which appears torequire an active hexoses-P metabolism. Accordingly,genes encoding enzymes within the gluconeogenicbranch of the EDEMP cycle and the pentose phosphate(PP) pathway in P. putida KT2440 were found to betranscriptionally stimulated by growth on glycerol (Fig. 3).Furthermore, since HexR (PP_1021) is a transcriptionalrepressor controlling genes encoding key steps of theseroutes, including gapA (Udaondo et al., 2018), there is aclose connection between the use of sugars and glycerolas carbon sources. The metabolite 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate, an intermediate of the Entner-Dou-doroff (ED) pathway (Nikel et al., 2015a), acts as anspecific effector of the HexR protein (del Castillo et al.,2008) – which further supports the role of an activeEDEMP cycle in enabling glycerol utilization.

The characteristic growth phenotype of Pseudomonasputida in glycerol cultures

When P. putida KT2440 is grown in a minimal mediumcontaining glycerol, the specific growth rate attained bythe cultures is ca. 30% lower than that of glucose-growncultures; conversely, the yield of biomass on substrateincreases by ca. 24% (Nikel et al., 2014a). Hintermayerand Weuster-Botz (2017) simulated growth parametersof strain KT2440 in silico considering 57 individual car-bon sources, and experimentally validated their predic-tion on six of them (acetate, glycerol, citrate, succinate,malate and CH3OH). Glycerol was found to promote thehighest biomass yield on substrate (0.61 C-mol C-mol�1).This feature indicates that this substrate can promote highyields not only of cell components, but also metabolitesand products derived from actively growing cells (i.e. pri-mary metabolites).A phenomenon consistently observed in glycerol cul-

tures is a considerable lag phase (Escapa et al., 2012a;Nikel et al., 2014a), which has been interpreted as themacroscopic consequence of a substantial re-arrange-ment of the whole metabolic network prior to reachingan optimum for growth on this substrate. Closer exami-nation of the phenomenon revealed a stochastic tran-scriptional response of the glp genes as explained laterin this article. In any case, RNA sequencing in cells har-vested from these cultures indicated a general decreasein the transcription of genes encoding stress responsecomponents, further accompanied by the differentialexpression of elements of the respiratory chain. Thisraises interesting questions on the relationship betweengrowth rate, stress and the general fitness in Gram-negative bacteria. It has been suggested that microor-ganisms are subjected to the general biological principleof caloric restriction, i.e. highly energetic carbon sub-strates lead to transient fast growth – but also to physio-logical stress and a relative loss of individualreproductive capacity (Skinner and Lin, 2010). The over-all physiology of glycerol-grown P. putida is consistentwith such a perspective: by avoiding to overrun the reac-tions within the TCA cycle and peripheral (oxidative)metabolic loops, and by recycling carbon equivalents tobiomass building blocks, cells may grow slower in glyc-erol and be less energized. Yet, under these circum-stances, the impact of metabolism would not be highlystressful – and the population as a whole should beeventually more successful in terms of final numbers.The fact that glycerol itself acts as an osmoprotectant(Sleator and Hill, 2002) indicates that growth on thepolyol determines a less stressful cell physiology ascompared to the use of sugars as a carbon source.Accordingly, the maintenance coefficient of P. putidaKT2440 growing on glycerol has been determined to be

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0.039 mmolsubstrate gcell dry weight�1 h�1 (Beckers et al.,

2016), ca. 35% lower than that observed in cells grownon glucose (Ebert et al., 2011). In all, such physiologicalsituation is reflected in a decreased swimming motility, acoarse descriptor of the energy load of the cells, whenP. putida KT2440 is grown on glycerol as compared tosugars or TCA cycle intermediates (Nikel et al., 2014a).Scoffield and Silo-Suh (2016) recently reported that glyc-erol metabolism promotes biofilm formation by both achronic cystic fibrosis isolate and a wound isolate ofP. aeruginosa, linking caloric restriction to pathogenesis(La Rosa et al., 2018). Moreover, loss of the GlpR regu-lator, enhanced biofilm formation through the upregula-tion of genes encoding enzymes needed to synthesizethe Pel polysaccharide – with a concomitant decrease ofenergy-expensive motility. Similarly, when P. fluorescenswas subjected to an oxidative challenge with hydrogenperoxide in a mineral medium containing glycerol as thesole carbon source, the bacterium reconfigured its meta-bolism to generate ATP primarily via substrate levelphosphorylation, with the concomitant synthesis of largeamounts of phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate (Alha-sawi et al., 2016). The overall phenomenon of metabolicreconfiguration, which deserves further investigationacross different bacterial species, seems to constitute anevolutionary trait that enables Pseudomonas species totune the balance prevalence-versus-niche explorationdepending on the available carbon sources. Both thespecific and general physiological and metabolicresponses to glycerol have been explored in P. putidaalso under different growth schemes, including chemo-stat cultures, as disclosed in the next section.

Glycerol utilization analysed from a systems biologyperspective

Environmental bacteria have developed remarkable reg-ulatory systems, which allow them to thrive and copewith various environmental conditions such as extremetemperatures, exposure to metals and nutrient availabil-ity, to name but a few of them (Dom�ınguez-Cuevaset al., 2006; Daniels et al., 2010; Krell et al., 2012; Tri-belli et al., 2013; de Lorenzo et al., 2015; Belda et al.,2016; Chavarr�ıa et al., 2016). Bacteria display an exqui-sitely fine-tuned modulation of gene expression with theaim to maintain cellular functions, with this regulationoccurring both at the transcriptional and the post-tran-scriptional level (Arce-Rodr�ıguez et al., 2016). Theseregulatory programs control hundreds of enzymatic reac-tions, fuelling metabolism and sustaining bacterial growthon a variety of nutritional situations (Schuetz et al.,2012). How nutrient availability drives global geneexpression in bacterial species has been an importantarea of study in the last decade (Chubukov et al., 2013;

Kohlstedt et al., 2014; Vital et al., 2015). As indicatedabove, Pseudomonas species have received specialattention when grown on glycerol as the sole carbonsource under different fermentation modes (Wang andNomura, 2010; Kim et al., 2013; Licciardello et al.,2017). It is important to highlight that the physiology ofcells growing in batch cultures (i.e. in the presence ofexcess substrate) highly differs from that in continuouscultivation setups in terms of gene expression (transcrip-tome), protein abundance (proteome) and conversionrates in biochemical reactions (fluxome) – which ulti-mately define growth patterns and macroscopic pheno-types. Chemostats are an excellent tool to evaluatephysiological parameters since constant growth ratescan by externally adjusted by the operator through thedilution rate (D) while maintaining other relevant parame-ters strictly controlled (e.g. pH, oxygen levels and nutri-ents concentration).Against this background, Beckers et al. (2016) recently

elucidated gene expression and metabolic flux patterns inP. putida KT2440 grown on glycerol under differentgrowth regimes and nutrient-limiting conditions. Genesbelonging to the oxidative PP pathway (zwfA), ED path-way (eda) and the pyruvate node (acoABC, encoding thecomponents of a dual dehydrogenase) showed higherexpression levels by changing the imposed specificgrowth rate (from 0.044 to 0.12 h�1) under carbon limita-tion conditions – echoing the results previously observedin batch cultures with glycerol (Nikel et al., 2014a).Remarkably, this was not the case for the same genes ofthe PP and ED pathways when their expression wasexamined under nitrogen limitation: when shifting fromcarbon to nitrogen limitation, the mRNA levels of genesof the PP and ED pathways showed no changes, andgene encoding elements of both the pyruvate node andisocitrate dehydrogenase (encoded by icd, PP_4012)were downregulated (Beckers et al., 2016); see alsoFig. 3. Analysis of the metabolic flux via the PP and EDpathways corroborated the findings from the transcrip-tome analysis, with a strong dependence on the activityof the EDEMP cycle when cells were grown under nitro-gen limitation at D = 0.12 h�1.The scenario described above is somewhat different

to the one observed in P. putida LS46 grown in glycerol-containing batch cultures (Fu et al., 2015). By comparingnitrogen versus carbon limitation, the authors have foundthat the transcription of genes encoding pyruvate dehy-drogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase was upregu-lated, and proteomic analysis supported this observationat the enzyme abundance level. In addition, carbonfluxes through the glyoxylate shunt (usually inactive inthe presence of glucose) were found to be extremelyhigh under nitrogen limitation, giving rise to two industri-ally important by-products, succinate and malate. These

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observations indicate that the pattern of metabolic regu-lation differs among strains, and furthermore highlightthe relevance of glycerol as a substrate for the synthesisof reduced bioproducts. The next relevant question ishow the overall cell physiology in glycerol-grownP. putida is tied to the unique transcriptional signatureimposed by the GlpR regulator – an issue examined inthe following section.

The transcriptional activation of the glp gene clusterfollows a bimodal regime and defines the glycerol-dependent growth pattern of P. putida: a unique case ofmetabolic persistence

The emergence of methodologies designed to study bac-teria at the single cell level revealed a complete reper-toire of responses of individual microorganisms tospecific environmental cues (Ackermann, 2015; Rober-froid et al., 2016; Osella et al., 2017). These observa-tions challenge the customary view of prokaryotic growthand metabolism as a homogeneous, co-occurring pro-cess in space and time. The phenomenon broadlyknown as persistence, i.e. the occurrence of a live butnon-growing fraction of cells within a bacterial population(van den Bergh et al., 2017), is a prime example in thisrespect. While the lack of microbial growth may appearnegative at a first glance, persistence ensures the sur-vival of cells exposed to agents hitting developing bacte-ria, e.g. antibiotics. Once the selective pressure ceases,persistent bacteria can resume growth and fully restorethe original population (Balaban et al., 2004). Regardlessof the mechanisms behind this phenomenon, the stand-ing question is whether persistence is to be consideredas an adaptive trait or a casual occurrence. What wequalify as persistence may just be a particular case of amore common situation in which a starting populationstochastically splits between growing and non-growingcell types when facing a new set of environmental orphysicochemical conditions (Cabral et al., 2018). Envi-ronmental bacteria are also subjected to clonal and phe-notypic variability (van den Broek et al., 2005; Volke andNikel, 2018; Schiessl et al., 2019), especially whengrowing on alternative substrates such as aromatic com-pounds (Nikel et al., 2014c) – but our studies on glycerolutilization by P. putida revealed that simpler carbon sub-strates can likewise elicit a similar stochastic response.A noteworthy feature consistently detected in glycerol

cultures is an anomalously long lag phase (typicallylasting > 10 h) before any noticeable growth is evident(Escapa et al., 2012a; Nikel et al., 2014a) – an occur-rence not observed when the cells are cultured on glu-cose or succinate under the same conditions. Exposureof strain KT2440 to glycerol leads to the appearance oftwo sub-populations that differ in their level of metabolic

activity towards the carbon substrate, and the relativeproportion of these bacterial sub-populations (i.e. activeand inactive) changes over time (Nikel et al., 2015b).The phenomenon has been studied by defining the so-called time of metabolic response, which identifies thestretch needed for single-cell cultures to reach an opti-cal density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.3 units, i.e. corre-sponding to mid-exponential growth (Nikel and deLorenzo, 2018a). By systematically recording OD600 val-ues in 1000 independent, single-cell microtitre-plate cul-tures of P. putida KT2440 grown on either glucose orglycerol, the distribution of times of metabolic responsewas plotted as a function of the time elapsed sinceinoculation (Fig. 4A) – clearly identifying the existenceof more than one bacterial sub-population in glycerolcultures. Flow cytometry-assisted analysis of the overalllevel of metabolic activity in these cultures supportedthis notion: glycerol cultures were characterized by thepresence of a dormant fraction of bacterial cells coexist-ing with a metabolically active sub-population, whereasa single, uniform and metabolically active P. putida pop-ulation was observed when cells were grown in thepresence of glucose. This phenomenon seems to repre-sent the mirror counterpart of persistence, i.e. thestochastic rise of individual cells able to metabolize thesubstrate amidst a majority of glycerol-unresponsivebacteria, followed by the eventual take-over of the entireP. putida population.Elucidation of the functional interactions between glyc-

erol-derived metabolites and the transcriptional architec-ture of the glp gene cluster in strain KT2440 provided anexplanation for the macroscopic phenotype of cellsgrown on glycerol cultures (Fig. 4B). While virtually allprokaryotic promoters are subject to a degree of noise(Elowitz et al., 2002), certain regulatory devices translatesuch noise into bi/multi-modal or bi-stable manifestationof the corresponding phenotypes in single cells. Cellswill start growing only if the low-probability effector-inde-pendent stochastic lifting of the GlpR-mediated repres-sion allows for the expression of glpF and glpK (thelatter gene encoding the kinase responsible of sn-gly-cerol-3-P formation). Once this repression is stochasti-cally defeated, the full expression of the glp genes canproceed – finally returning to an OFF state when thesubstrate is completely depleted. Different levels ofmetabolic activity are observed in the cells, reflectingtheir ability to catabolize glycerol, while the transcrip-tional derepression process is undergoing. This situation,in turn, explains the very long lag phase in P. putida cul-tures on glycerol. Further confirmation of this hypothesiscomes from (i) deletion of glpR and (ii) controlled overex-pression of glpFK – both manipulations resulting in thedisappearance of the protracted lag phase on glycerol,and in the uniform distribution of growth phenotypes

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(Nikel et al., 2015b). The prolonged unresponsiveness ofcells exposed to glycerol could enable carbon source-dependent metabolic bet-hedging to explore new chemi-cal and nutritional landscapes; a concept reminiscent offoraging in animal ecology, in which some members ofthe population (but not the entire population) take risksto broaden the search for alternative food sources.Under this scheme, the cost of randomly expressingmetabolic genes in P. putida is outweighed by the poten-tial benefit of locating (and being prepared to utilize)alternative carbon sources such as glycerol, which is notusually present at high concentration in environmental

niches colonized by Pseudomonas. After discussing theintricate combination of biochemical and genetic mecha-nisms of regulation in glycerol-grown Pseudomonas, wenow move onto another relevant aspect of this com-pound, i.e. its value as a carbon substrate in biotechno-logical processes.

Biotechnology of glycerol valorization byPseudomonas species

Microbial fermentations using glycerol as the main car-bon source have been exploited for the production of a

Fig. 4. The genetic wiring of genes involved in glycerol utilization in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 sets a bimodal metabolic regime in the bac-terial population.A. A protracted lag phase is observed when cells are grown on glycerol (which is not detected on glucose). The time of metabolic response isdefined as the period needed to reach an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) = 0.3 (i.e. mid-exponential growth), and its frequency distribution isshown here for 1,000 independent single-cell batch cultures run in microtitre plates with either glycerol or glucose as the carbon source. Notethe bimodal nature of the distribution of times of metabolic response in glycerol cultures. As indicated in the inset plots, the BacLightTM

RedoxSensorTM Green (RSG) reagent in combination with flow cytometry enables the identification of different bacterial populations by their levelof metabolic activity (Corona et al., 2018). The grey rectangle in each histogram plot identifies the region considered negative for the RSG fluo-rescence signal. Data taken from Nikel et al. (2015b) and Nikel and de Lorenzo (2018a).B. The lag phase observed in glycerol cultures can be traced to the regulatory architecture of the glp gene cluster, as the product of the firstreaction [sn-glycerol-3-P (G3P)] is needed to release the repression exerted by GlpR. As the expression of glpF and glpK is also repressed bythe regulator, the only way to form G3P is through the low-probability effector-independent stochastic lifting of the GlpR-mediated repression.This particular transcriptional wiring thus translates into different levels of metabolic activity. DHAP, dihydroxyacetone-P.

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wide variety of value-added compounds, ranging fromsimple molecules to structurally complex polymers(Fig. 5A). In some practical cases, glycerol has beenused to promote Pseudomonas-based biotransformationprocesses (Fig. 5B), in which the biocatalyst executes agiven biochemical reaction fuelled by the addition of acarbon source besides the substrate being transformed.While all the examples available in the literature describeaerobic processes for glycerol valorization, the possibilityof engineering a micro- or anaerobic metabolism inP. putida remains a fascinating – and challenging (Nikeland de Lorenzo, 2013) – possibility that could open newavenues for biotechnological production (Fig. 5B). Inthe sections below and Table 1, we present some of themost relevant examples on the use of glycerol asthe main substrate for the production of value-addedmolecules by Pseudomonas species.

Polyhydroxyalkanoates – industrial biopolymers

There is little doubt that one of the biggest challenges thatmodern society is facing is the use of non-renewablematerials for the production of fine and bulk chemicals atthe industrial scale (Becker and Wittmann, 2018; de Lor-enzo et al., 2018; Dupont-Inglis and Borg, 2018). Whenglycerol emerged as a promising feedstock for bacterialfermentation in the last decade, the bioconversion of thissubstrate into polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), a family ofbiopolymers with similar mechanical and physical proper-ties to that of synthetic thermoplastics, became an imme-diate goal. Many bacterial species synthesize PHAs ascarbon and energy storage compounds under growth con-ditions characterized by an abundance of carbon sourceswith respect to other nutrients, such as nitrogen or phos-phorus (Anderson and Dawes, 1990; Gomez et al., 2012;L�opez et al., 2015). The physicochemical properties ofthese polymers (e.g. thermoplastic properties, and hence,industrial applicability) largely depend on the size (i.e.chain length) of the monomer (Meng and Chen, 2018).The most common and widespread PHA is poly(3-hydro-xybutyrate), but several bacteria are known to accumulatePHAs with monomers of lengths between 3 and 20 carbonatoms when fed with specific substrates (Leong et al.,2014). Polymers composed by C3-C5 monomers arecalled short-chain-length PHAs (scl-PHAs), whereas med-ium-chain-length PHAs (mcl-PHAs) contain C6-C14monomers. Long-chain-length PHAs have monomerslonger than C14. These polymers continue to attractincreasing industrial interest as renewable, biodegradable,biocompatible, and extremely versatile thermoplastic andelastomeric materials (Suriyamongkol et al., 2007; Kolleret al., 2017). The biochemistry and molecular biology ofPHA synthesis and degradation in several bacterial spe-cies has been elucidated (Kessler and Witholt, 2001).PHAs are deposited intracellularly as complex inclusionbodies or granules (Grage et al., 2009). Polymer granulesinclude, among other proteins, PHA synthase, depolymer-izing enzymes, regulatory proteins, and structural proteinstermed phasins (Mezzina and Pettinari, 2016).Pseudomonas species are natural producers of mcl-

PHAs (Prieto et al., 2016; Poblete-Castro et al., 2017),and these polyesters can be accumulated under nutri-ent imbalance conditions using a broad array of car-bon sources, e.g. fatty acids, sugars, waste materialsand glycerol (Poblete-Castro et al., 2014). When Pseu-domonas is used as a cell factory for PHA production,the monomer composition can be tuned depending onthe carbon source and the fermentation mode chosenfor biopolymer synthesis (Meng et al., 2014; Chen andJiang, 2017; Meng and Chen, 2018), since the class IIPhaC polymerase enzyme of Pseudomonas accepts abroad range of substrates (Prieto et al., 2016). Once

Fig. 5. Glycerol as a substrate for biotechnology using Pseu-domonas.A. Several Pseudomonas species have been adapted as the biocat-alyst for the bioproduction of a number of products derived fromglycerol, using either wild-type strains or engineered variantsthereof. Several products that could be obtained from this substrateare listed, and those already synthesized from glycerol in Pseu-domonas species are highlighted in green (see also Table 1 and itsdescription in the text for further details). Note the (relativelyuntapped) potential of micro- and anaerobic metabolism for biopro-duction of value-added compounds from glycerol – some of whichare likewise produced in aerobic bioprocesses.B. Apart from its prominent role as a carbon source, glycerol canalso be used to fuel energy metabolism in resting cells to mediatespecific biotransformations. In this case, glycerol-grown, wild-type orengineered Pseudomonas cells execute a biotransformation (e.g. astereoselective reduction) on an externally added substrate.

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glycerol is converted into acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) inseveral steps (Fig. 3), this intermediate is redirected tothe de novo synthesis of fatty acids, resulting in vari-ous precursors for the PHA biosynthesis route (Beck-ers et al., 2016). One of the key enzymes of thisprocess is PhaG (a transacylase), which converts (R)-3-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesters into(R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA, the substrate of PHA poly-merase – thus linking the de novo synthesis of fattyacids with the PHA cycle (Rehm et al., 1998; Escapaet al., 2012b). The biopolymer obtained thereby con-sists of a mixture of various monomers, but it wasfound to be particularly enriched in the 3-hydroxyde-canoate (C10) fraction.Pseudomonas strains can accumulate > 30% of its

cell dry weight as PHA when grown on glycerol(Escapa et al., 2012a), yet PHA productivities andyields are rather low as compared to those observedwhen fatty acids are used as substrates (Fu et al.,2014). Most studies of mcl-PHAs synthesis from glyc-erol have focused on the use of raw glycerol (i.e. theby-product of the biodiesel industry) as the carbon sub-strate. Given its high capacity to cope with toxic com-pounds, e.g. CH3OH, present in raw glycerol atrelatively high concentrations, Pseudomonas cells exhi-bit essentially the same growth pattern as compared tocultures containing pure glycerol. Fed-batch culture pro-duction of mcl-PHA in P. putida GO16 on raw glycerolresulted in a PHA titre of 6.8 g l�1 after 48 h of

cultivation (Kenny et al., 2012). Various P. putidastrains have been evaluated for their capacity of pro-ducing mcl-PHA on raw glycerol, and P. putida KT2440was found to be the best performer. Interestingly,citrate was observed to accumulate as a by-product inthe culture broth during the fermentation period, reach-ing a titre of > 20 g l�1 in bioreactor cultivations(Poblete-Castro et al., 2014). By-product formation iscertainly an undesired feature for the efficient produc-tion of biopolymers, but citrate seems to be regularlypresent in glycerol fermentations due to the high amountof carbon used during the process. In an attempt toincrease the amount of carbon available for PHA synthe-sis, metabolic engineering strategies have been appliedin P. putida with the aim of reducing by-product formation,e.g. by model-driven engineering of strain KT2440, whichyielded as much as twice mcl-PHA content as comparedto the parental strain (Sohn et al., 2010; Poblete-Castroet al., 2012b). In a separate study, knocking out glpR wasshown to result in a ca. twofold increment in the mcl-PHAcontent produced by strain KT2440 in shaken-flask culti-vations with glycerol as the carbon source (Escapa et al.,2012a). Moreover, deletion of phaZ, encoding a PHAdepolymerase, resulted in ca. 1.4-fold higher levels ofmcl-PHA content than the wild-type strain when using rawglycerol as the only carbon substrate (Poblete-Castroet al., 2014). Based on elementary mode analysis, sev-eral genetic targets have recently been proposed attempt-ing to enhance PHA accumulation in Pseudomonas

Table 1. Selected examples of bioprocesses for the production of value-added biochemicals using Pseudomonas strains and glycerol as themain carbon substrate.

Strain ProductTitre(g l�1)

Yield(g g�1)

Productivity(gproduct l

�1 h�1)Fermentationmode References

P. putida GO16 mcl-PHAa 6.3 0.16 0.13 Fed-batch Kenny et al. (2012)P. putida KT2440 mcl-PHA 1.5 0.05 0.02 Batch Poblete-Castro et al. (2014)P. putida KT2440 DphaZ mcl-PHA 2.0 0.07 0.03 Batch Poblete-Castro et al. (2014)P. putida LS46 mcl-PHA 0.6 0.02 0.01 Batch Fu et al. (2014)P. mosselii TO7 mcl-PHA 1.3 N.A. 0.03 Batch Liu et al. (2018)P. aeruginosa Rhamnolipids 8.9 0.08 0.04 Batch Sodagari et al. (2018)Engineered P. putida KT2440 Rhamnolipids 1.1 N.A. 0.05 Batch Tiso et al. (2017)Engineered P. putida KT2440 2-Oxocarboxylatesb 8.2 N.A. 1.4 Batch Wang et al. (2015)Engineered P. putida S12 p-Hydroxybenzoate 1.8 0.39 0.03 Fed-batch Verhoef et al. (2007)Engineered P. taiwanensis Phenol 0.4 0.09 0.005 Batch Wynands et al. (2018)Engineered P. chlororaphis cis,cis-muconate 3.4 0.19 0.03 Fed-batch Wang et al. (2018)Engineered P. chlororaphis Phenazine-1-carboxamide 9.2 N.A. 0.19 Batch Peng et al. (2018)Engineered P. chlororaphis Phenazine-1-carboxamide 4.1 0.23 0.12 Batch Yao et al. (2018)Engineered P. denitrificans 3-Hydroxypropionate 5.0 0.67 0.12 Batch Zhou et al. (2013)Engineered P. putida S12 Butanol 0.2 0.04 0.01 Batch Nielsen et al. (2009)Engineered P. putida KT2440 N-Methylglutamate 17.9 0.11 0.13 Fed-batch Mindt et al. (2018)P. fluorescens DmucA Alginate 7.9 N.A. 0.11 Batch Maleki et al. (2017)P. putida PCL1445 Lipopeptide N.A. N.A. N.A. Batch Dubern and Bloemberg (2006)

PutisolvinP. fluorescens BD5 Pseudofactin 1.2 N.A. 0.01 Batch Biniarz et al. (2018)

N.A., not available.a. In this context, mcl-PHA indicates any type of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate, although the exact composition of the polymersdiffers in different studies according to culture conditions.b. Biotransformation.

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putida in the presence of glycerol (Beckers et al., 2016).A novel programmable genetic circuit for cell autolysiswas developed and tested in glycerol-grown in P. putidaKT2440 cells when accumulating mcl-PHAs at highlevels (Borrero de Acu~na et al., 2017). This efficient celllytic system was based on the heterologous expressionof a peptidoglycan-disrupting enzyme lysozyme, whichwas further translocated to the periplasm using a signalpeptide of P. stutzeri. Upon induction under nitrogen-lim-iting conditions, > 95% of the cell population showedmembrane disruption and ca. 75% of the PHA could berecovered at the end of the fermentation period. Theapplication of synthetic biology and systems metabolicengineering approaches in Pseudomonas strains, cou-pled to in-depth analysis of the phenotypic outcome ofthese manipulations, is expected to further boostbiopolymer production from glycerol towards economicfeasibility.

Rhamnolipids and other biosurfactants

Some Pseudomonas strains can thrive on water-immisci-ble substrates, such as alkanes and lipids, by secretingspecific amphiphilic compounds called biosurfactants,which reduce the tension and interfacial surface betweenthe immiscible substance and water (di Martino et al.,2014; Patel et al., 2019). The best-studied biosurfactantsare rhamnolipids, i.e. a glycolipid in which one or twomolecules of rhamnose are linked to one or two b-hydro-xydecanoate moieties (Desai and Banat, 1997; Wittgensand Rosenau, 2018). Pseudomonas aeruginosa andP. fluorescens have both been reported to producerhamnolipids at high titres (up to 100 g l�1) using variouscarbon substrates (Schmidberger et al., 2013). Glycerolhas been proposed as an efficient feedstock for rhamno-lipid production in P. aeruginosa (Sodagari et al., 2018;Zhao et al., 2018). Despite these advances, there is stilla major drawback in employing P. aeruginosa as a rham-nolipid-producing platform because of its human-patho-gen nature. To circumvent this problem, a metabolicallyengineered P. putida strain, carrying the rhamnolipidbiosynthesis pathway from P. aeruginosa, has beendeveloped and achieved a rhamnolipid yield of0.15 g g�1 on glucose (Wittgens et al., 2011). The samestudy also indicated that the maximum theoretical rham-nolipid yield that could be achieved when cells are grownon glycerol is similar to the one attained using glucose,which highlights the use of this carbon source for biosur-factant production.Bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas also produce

several lipopeptide biosurfactants that display antimicro-bial and emulsifying properties. This structurally complexgroup of lipopeptides is composed of viscosin, amphisin,surfactin, putisolvin and massetolide A, to name but a

few of them, and they vary in the number of amino acidresidues present in the chemical structure (de Bruijn andRaaijmakers, 2009). Pseudomonas fluorescens andP. putida strains have been described as producers oflipopeptides, and their biosynthesis is governed by multi-modular, non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, enzymesthat catalyse synthesis of important peptide productsfrom a variety of standard and non-proteinogenic aminoacid substrates (de Bruijn et al., 2008). P. putidaPCL1445, for instance, has been shown to synthesizehigh levels of putisolvin on various carbon sources atlow temperature (11°C), and glycerol promoted the high-est titres among all substrates tested (Dubern andBloemberg, 2006).

Production of aromatic compounds

Like many other value-added products, aromatic com-pounds are mainly produced from fossil and other non-renewable resources using processes that involve toxicprecursors (e.g. benzene or toluene), high temperaturesand complex reaction sequences (Gosset, 2009; Leeand Wendisch, 2017). Pseudomonas species have beenproposed as biocatalysts for the production of aromaticcompounds (Kuepper et al., 2015; Molina-Santiagoet al., 2016), partially in view of the fact that members ofthis bacterial genus are known to be outstanding degra-ders of the same chemical species (Dvo�r�ak et al., 2017).Several examples from the literature indicate thatP. putida has been engineered for the production of aro-matic compounds that are often extremely toxic to behandled by other microbial hosts, e.g. cinnamate, p-cou-marate, p-hydroxybenzoate and phenol (Calero et al.,2018). One of the pioneering works in engineeringP. putida for the biosynthesis of aromatic chemicals wasthe construction of heterologous pathways leading to L-tyrosine and p-hydroxybenzoate using the solvent-toler-ant P. putida S12 as the biocatalyst (Verhoef et al.,2007). When cells were grown on glycerol, p-hydroxy-benzoate titres of 0.24 and 1.78 g l�1 were attained inbatch and fed-batch processes, respectively. Morerecently, P. taiwanensis VLB120 was engineered byknocking in and out genes of the L-tyrosine pathway andother routes of aromatic degradation (Jim�enez et al.,2002), and a phenol-producing strain was obtained viathe heterologous expression of an efficient tyrosine phe-nol-lyase in a plasmid-free strain that bears 22 geneticmodifications in total (Wynands et al., 2018). Inactivationof pykA (encoding pyruvate kinase) in the engineeredP. taiwanensis strain further increased the yield ofphenol on glycerol up to an unprecedented 18.5% C-mol C-mol�1. The potential of Pseudomonas species asplatforms for aromatic compound production from glyc-erol is expected to be further explored in the future, as

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the wealth of catabolic pathways for these chemicalstructures in the Pseudomonas genus offers uniqueopportunities for engineering novel biosynthesis routes.

Biosynthesis of other value-added chemicals

The production of cis,cis-muconic acid [(2E,4E)-2,4-hex-anedioic acid] has been the subject of intense research,as this dicarboxylic acid is a relevant platform chemicaland precursor to terephthalic acid, 3- and 2-hexenedioicacid, 1,6-hexanediol, e-caprolactam and e-caprolactone –

all of which are building blocks of commercial plastics,resins and polymers (e.g. Nylon-6,6 via adipic acid). Thesynthesis of cis,cis-muconic acid from glycerol has beenexplored using P. chlororaphis, a plant growth promotingspecies, as the platform strain (Wang et al., 2018).The engineering strategy consisted of blocking cis,cis-muconic acid conversion into end products that could befurther metabolized, and augmenting the supply of meta-bolic precursors by overexpressing catA, the geneencoding the rate-limiting step of the pathway (catechol1,2-dioxygenase). The resulting plasmid-free P. chloro-raphis strain was able to synthesize cis,cis-muconic acidto a maximal titre of 3.4 g l�1 in a fed-batch process,accompanied with a product yield on glycerol of0.19 g g�1. Although this performance is far below thecis,cis-muconic acid titre of 65 g l�1 achieved inmetabolically engineered P. putida from aromatics and aco-feed of glucose (Kohlstedt et al., 2018), synthesisfrom glycerol remains an interesting possibility for thefuture if further improvements in product yield and titreare achieved.Metabolic engineering strategies have also been

applied in P. putida for the glycerol-dependent produc-tion of biofuels. For instance, an engineered variant ofthe solvent-tolerant P. putida S12 strain capable of pro-ducing butanol from glycerol was developed by Nielsenet al. (2009). This strain synthesized 220 mg l�1 of buta-nol in batch cultures. Although still far from the high titrereached by natural butanol-producing strains, e.g. fromthe genus Clostridium, the potential of these engineeredPseudomonas strains is very high due to their productionperformance in bioreactors and high tolerance to the tox-icity exerted by biofuels to the cells (R€uhl et al., 2009;Vallon et al., 2015; Cuenca et al., 2016).Another industrially relevant chemical recently

obtained from engineered P. fluorescens is alginate,which is widely used in both the food and pharmaceuti-cal industry. This agent is added to food products as anemulsifier, stabilizer and texture-improver (Bonnichsenet al., 2015). In the pharmaceutical manufacturing sec-tor, alginate is compounded into tablets to speed up theirdisintegration with the aim to release the medicallyactive components in a more controllable fashion as well

as to help protecting the stomach mucosa. The non-pathogenic P. fluorescens SBW25 DmucA has beenreported to produce alginate from a wide variety of car-bon sources such as glucose, fructose and glycerol. Dis-ruption of this anti-r factor regulator (encoded byPFLU_1468) enables the transcription of algU, essentialfor alginate biosynthesis. This co-polymer of (1?4)-linked b-D-mannuronate and its C5-epimer a-L-guluronatehas been obtained at high titres in both batch and che-mostat cultures of P. fluorescens SBW25 DmucA, reach-ing up to 8 g l�1 of polysaccharide (Maleki et al., 2017).3-Hydroxypropionate is another important platform

chemical that has received increasing attention in the lastfew years, given its use for the production of acrylic acidand acrylamides. Production of this compound from glyc-erol was obtained by overexpressing a glycerol dehy-dratase of K. pneumoniae into P. denitrificans, a naturalproducer of vitamin B12 (Lago and Demain, 1969) – whichis needed for the biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionatefrom glycerol (Zhou et al., 2013). Yet, there is still a majordrawback in using P. denitrificans as a host for engineer-ing biosynthetic pathways for 3-hydroxypropionate sincethis species can consume the product (a common meta-bolic signature of many Pseudomonas species). Inactiva-tion of the uptake system for 3-hydroxypropionate inP. denitrificans appears to be a straightforward strategyto advancing the production of this valuable chemical inPseudomonas – an approach that has been also adoptedfor the production of butanol in P. putida (Cuenca et al.,2016).

Conclusions and outlook

Over the last few years, glycerol has become an appeal-ing choice for bioproduction, especially in processesdesigned for the synthesis of reduced chemicals. Pseu-domonas species display a unique combination ofgenetic and metabolic architectures when growing onglycerol as the main carbon substrate, in particular,P. putida and P. aeruginosa, where the issue has beenexamined to some extent. As indicated in the first part ofthis article, multi-omic strategies have strongly helped toelucidate the regulatory networks that rule glycerol uti-lization in P. putida KT2440 (including stochastic activa-tion of genes encoding key enzymes needed for glycerolprocessing). In silico-guided metabolic engineeringstrategies have also been implemented to increase theproduction of PHAs from this substrate. Admittedly, thefull potential of glycerol as a biotechnological substratefor Pseudomonas has not been fully realized yet, butpromising avenues can be envisioned in the near future– including novel strategies merging synthetic biologydesigns and laboratory evolution of engineered strains(Nørholm, 2019). First, once regulatory constraints for

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expression are overcome (e.g. by eliminating the GlpRrepressor, as discussed above), core metabolic reac-tions linked to glycerol can be manipulated to foster syn-thesis of value-added C3 compounds. For example, theconnection of glycerol to biomass formation could besevered, and enzymatic sub-networks could be set upfor generating molecules of biotechnological interest,e.g. DHAP and derivatives thereof in resting cells [or, inany case, uncoupled from growth (Durante-Rodr�ıguezet al., 2018; Volke et al., 2019)]. Along the same lines,glycerol metabolism could be refactored to reduce car-bon loss as CO2, while either concomitantly or sepa-rately, adjusting the redox balance to provide a betterintracellular environment for hosting transformations ofinterest on other substrates. Furthermore, several meta-bolic routes could be rewired for fuelling the EDEMPcycle bottom-up by means of a synthetic C3 neogenesis,empowering NADPH overproduction from glycerol pro-cessing, particularly useful for biosynthesis of reducedbioproducts. To this end, genetic editing of the Pseu-domonas metabolism will benefit from systems biologyapproaches for simulating and predicting the effects ofgiven mutations on specific carbon fluxes and pathways(Cho and Palsson, 2009; Gray et al., 2015; Galardiniet al., 2017).A second, considerable challenge is the further adap-

tation to meet the composition of industrial-grade crudeglycerol from biodiesel production. Typically, the glycerolstream has a polyol content in the range of 30-65% (wt/vol), with the rest of the stream being CH3OH, fatty acidmethyl esters, free fatty acids and glycerides togetherwith ashes (Hu et al., 2012). The waste also has a highpH due to the residual KOH or NaOH carried on fromupstream transesterification of oils and fats that generatebiodiesel. Industrial-grade glycerol, often available as anon-homogeneous oily mixture, is obviously quite differ-ent to what one can have in the controlled and pure-sub-strate conditions of a shaken-flask cultivation in thelaboratory. While pre-treatment (i.e. purification) mayhelp improving the physical characteristics of this carbonsource, bacteria have to ultimately face a mixture ofcompounds – some of them toxic and others not easilymetabolizable. This offers again an opportunity to geneti-cally knock in heterologous traits for the whole-cell cata-lyst to endure the stressful conditions imposed by theuse of crude glycerol. The issue here includes bothendurance to the toxic effect of the non-glycerol com-pounds of the mixture and the introduction of additionalpathways for degrading or even growing on the addi-tional carbon sources present in the medium. Some par-tial successes using industrial glycerol waste inbioproduction have been reported (see Table 1), yet theroom for improvement in this field is still considerable.

Glycerol-based bioprocesses have to be run in biore-actors, with a very large liquid-to-biomass ratio and ster-ile culture media that, after the operation takes place,need to be processed for purification of the molecules ofinterest. This scenario makes the production of suchcompounds costly and only appealing when the pricetag of the thereby-generated chemical is sufficiently high.The third avenue for improving glycerol valorization istherefore (re)designing the industrial engineering part ofthe bioprocesses better, and easing the downstreamoperations for reducing fermentation costs. This chal-lenge not only applied to fermentations using this partic-ular substrate, but to Microbial Biotechnology as a whole(de Lorenzo and Couto, 2019). Yet, even marginalimprovement in bioprocess performance can make aconsiderable difference in the choice of substrates forfeeding industrial-scale production. In each of thesefronts, synthetic biology and metabolic engineering arebound to contribute to the overarching goals of sustain-able production from renewable resources, zero waste,and circular management of feedstocks and products, inthe frame of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution (Sch-wab, 2017).


The authors are indebted to Prof. V. de Lorenzo (CNB-CSIC, Madrid) for inspiring discussions and critical read-ing of the manuscript. This study was supported by TheNovo Nordisk Foundation (Grant NNF10CC1016517)and the Danish Council for Independent Research(SWEET, DFF-Research Project 8021-00039B) to P.I.N.This work was also supported by CONICYT through theproject Fondecyt Inicio 11150174 to I.P.C. C.W.acknowledges support by the German Ministry for Edu-cation and Research (LignoValue, Project 01DN17036).The funding bodies were not involved in the design, col-lection, analysis or interpretation of this study.

Conflicts of interest

None declared.


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