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American Red Cross Washington, DC 20006 Parental Consent for Blood Donation American Red Cross Biomedical Services Page 1 of 2 Process Owner: Senior Director, Blood Collections Form: Parental Consent for Blood Donation 15.4.frm422 v-1.1 Information This form must be completed by a parent or legal guardian for blood donation by a minor when parental consent is required by state law or American Red Cross policy. Please call us at 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit if you have questions or concerns about the blood donation process. In giving consent for your son, daughter, or ward to donate blood, you have two options: 1. You may consent to whole blood donation only, or 2. You may consent to both whole blood donation and apheresis (see back of form for details) Parental Consent I have read and understand The information on the back of this form “A Student’s Guide to Blood Donation” Any research-related study sheets that may be provided Please Complete Section 1 OR Section 2 (Please use medium-point black pen.) 1. Whole Blood Donation Only: I hereby give permission for my son, daughter, or ward to make a whole blood donation to the American Red Cross. Donor Name: (son, daughter, or ward) Print Name Parent/Guardian Name: Print Name Parent/Guardian Signature: Signature Today’s Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Optional Parent/Guardian Phone Number: Where you can be reached on day of donation 2. Whole Blood Donation and Apheresis: I hereby give permission for my son, daughter, or ward to give blood by either whole blood donation or apheresis. Donor Name: (son, daughter, or ward) Print Name Parent/Guardian Name: Print Name Parent/Guardian Signature: Signature Today’s Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Optional Parent/Guardian Phone Number: Where you can be reached on day of donation For American Red Cross Use Only WBN/DIN

Bioarch Parental Consent Packet English No Cover 042913 0

Dec 28, 2015



Amanda Chen

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Page 1: Bioarch Parental Consent Packet English No Cover 042913 0

American Red Cross

Washington, DC 20006 Parental Consent for Blood


American Red Cross Biomedical Services Page 1 of 2

Process Owner: Senior Director, Blood Collections

Form: Parental Consent for Blood Donation 15.4.frm422 v-1.1


This form must be completed by a parent or legal guardian for blood donation by a minor when parental

consent is required by state law or American Red Cross policy.

Please call us at 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit if you

have questions or concerns about the blood donation process.

In giving consent for your son, daughter, or ward to donate blood, you have two options:

1. You may consent to whole blood donation only, or

2. You may consent to both whole blood donation and apheresis (see back of form for details)

Parental Consent

I have read and understand

• The information on the back of this form

• “A Student’s Guide to Blood Donation”

• Any research-related study sheets that may be provided

Please Complete Section 1 OR Section 2 (Please use medium-point black pen.)

1. Whole Blood Donation Only:

I hereby give permission for my son, daughter, or ward to make a whole blood donation to the

American Red Cross.

Donor Name: (son, daughter, or ward)

Print Name Parent/Guardian Name:

Print Name Parent/Guardian Signature:

Signature Today’s Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Optional Parent/Guardian Phone


Where you can be reached on day of donation

2. Whole Blood Donation and Apheresis:

I hereby give permission for my son, daughter, or ward to give blood by either whole blood donation

or apheresis.

Donor Name: (son, daughter, or ward)

Print Name Parent/Guardian Name:

Print Name Parent/Guardian Signature:

Signature Today’s Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Optional Parent/Guardian Phone


Where you can be reached on day of donation

For American Red Cross Use Only WBN/DIN !

Page 2: Bioarch Parental Consent Packet English No Cover 042913 0

American Red Cross Biomedical Services Page 2 of 2

Process Owner: Senior Director, Blood Collections

Form: Parental Consent for Blood Donation 15.4.frm422 v-1.1

Information for Parents

Please read the information below, which supplements the brochure called “A Student’s Guide to Blood


Donor Screening

• We will ask your son, daughter, or ward questions about his or her health and medication use, sexual

behavior, travel, and other risk factors for infectious diseases during a private and confidential


• Every donation is tested for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses, and

other infectious diseases.

• If any test result or response to the questions suggests that your son or daughter is disqualified from

donating blood in the future or may have an infectious disease, his or her name will be added to a

confidential list of people who have similar test results or risk factors. When required, we report

donor information, including test results, to health departments and regulatory agencies.

• The tests are very sensitive and detect most infections. But it is also possible that donors who are not

infected will have falsely positive results. We are required to notify and disqualify donors even when

subsequent test results indicate that the donor is not infected.

• We will communicate test results that disqualify your son or daughter from future donation directly

with your son or daughter. We maintain the confidentiality of information we obtain about a donor

and we will release a donor’s confidential information to his or her parents only with the donor’s


Whole Blood Donation

• Each whole blood donation uses a new, sterile needle to collect about a pint of blood from a vein in

the donor’s arm.

• Most donors feel fine before and after donating blood, but some may have a lightheaded or dizzy

feeling; an upset stomach; a black and blue mark, redness, or pain where the needle was; fainting or

loss of consciousness and injury from related falls; or very rarely, nerve or artery damage.

• Young, first time, and/or low-weight donors are more likely to experience reactions than other


• Blood donation removes iron and may cause or aggravate iron-deficiency anemia.

Apheresis (automated collection procedures, including two-unit (double) red cell collections)

• Apheresis is a type of blood donation in which we collect specific components of the donor’s blood

(platelets, plasma, or red cells). We place a needle in one or both of the donor’s arms and use a

machine to draw blood and separate it into different parts. One or several of the blood components

are removed while the remainder and extra fluids are returned to the donor.

• Apheresis has the same risks as whole blood donation (see above). In addition, citrate is used during

apheresis to prevent blood clotting. Citrate may cause chills, tingling sensations, feelings of anxiety,

tremors, muscle cramping, numbness, nausea, vomiting, and/or convulsions. Donors may be given

oral calcium supplements during the apheresis procedure to manage these symptoms. Very rarely,

donors can experience allergic reactions (for example, skin rashes, hives, localized swelling, and/or

flushing), air in the bloodstream, infection, or other complications.

• Repeated donation may result in iron depletion, anemia, fatigue, or changes in blood cell counts.


• We may confidentially and anonymously use the information or leftover blood samples we collect

from donors for medical research, such as research on ways to increase the safety of the blood


• By giving your son or daughter permission to donate blood, you are also consenting to the use of the

donation and donor information for this type of research.

Page 3: Bioarch Parental Consent Packet English No Cover 042913 0

American Red Cross Biomedical Services

Doc No 15.4.ltr413

Version 1.0

System 15: Collection/Procurement

Letter: A Student’s Guide to Blood Donation

American Red Cross Biomedical Services

Process Owner: Senior Director, Blood Collections Instructions - Page 1 of 1 Letter: A Student’s Guide to Blood Donation 15.4.ltr413 v-1.0

What Guide provided to high school donors and young donors preparing them for

blood donation

Who Staff who assemble or provide written donor information, special consent forms, and fact sheets for donors before donation


Provide a copy of “A Student’s Guide to Blood Donation” with the required donor reading

materials for all donors who are high school students or under age 19.

Revision History

Revision Number

Summary of Revisions

1.0 Initial version. Document converted from 14.4.ref036.

Page 4: Bioarch Parental Consent Packet English No Cover 042913 0

AA Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student'sA Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide to to to Guide Blood Blood Blood Blood Blood Blood Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation

Why ShouldWWWWWhhhhhyyyyyyyy SSSSShhhhhooooouuuuullddddd IIII GiveGGGGGiiiivvvvvvvveeeevvvvveeeee Blood?BBBBBlllooooooooooddddd?????BecauseBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBecacacacacaBeBeBecacacacacacacacaususususususususususususususeeeee You Y Y Y Y Youououou Y YouououououououououBecause Can C C C C Cananananananananananan Make a M M M M Makakakakakakakakakake e e e e e aaaaa Difference! D D D D Difififififififififififfeififfefefefefeififififfefefefefefefeferererererefererererererererererencncncncncncncncncncncncncncnce!e!e!e!ncnce!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!

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andananananananananananananananananananddddd still s s s s stititititi stititititititillllllllllll only o o o o onlnlnlnl onlnlnlnlnlnlnlyyyyy one o o o o onenene onenenenenenenenene only source s s s s sououou s s s sououououou s s sououououououououourcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrceeeercrcrceeeee of o o o o offff o o o offfff blood b b b b b blolololololololoodododododododododod for f f f f fororororororor f f forororororor transfusion t t t t t trarararararararararansnsnsrarararararansnsnsnsnsrararansnsnsnsnsnsnsnsfunsnsnsnsfufufufufufufufufufufufufufusisisisisisisisisionsisisisisionononononononononon — — — volunteer v v v v v v v v v vololololol v v v vololololololununununununununununununununteteteteteteteteteteteteteteerererererererererer —bloodblblblblblblblblooooooooooooooooooooddddooddddd donors. d d d d donononononononononononorororororororororororors.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.

ThisThThThThThThThThThThThThThisisisisisisis guide g g g g g guiuiuiuiuiuiuiuidedededededededededeThis will w w w w w wilil w w wililillll provide p p p p prororororororororororororororovivirorororovivivivivivivivivivividededededededededede you y y y y youououou y y y y yououououou y y yououououououououou with w w w w w wititit w w w witititithhhhhhhh information i infnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnforororornfnfnfnfororororornfnfnfnfororororororororormamaororormamamamamaororormamamamamamamamamamatitititimamamatititiononononononononon about a a a a a a abobobobobo a a aboboboboboboututututututututut measures m m m m m m m m m meaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeasususususueaeaeasusususususurererererererererererererererereresssss

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WhatWWWWWhhhhhaaaaaattttt Happens DuringHHHHaaaaapppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeennnnnsssss DDDDDuuuuurrrrriiiinnnnnggggg thettttthhhhheeeeeBloodBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddd Donation D D D D Donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioatioioioioioioionnnnn Process? P P P P Prororororororororororocececececerororocecececececececececesssssssssscececessssssssssssssssss????? Registration R R R R Reg Regegegegeg R R R R Regegegegegegegegegegegegisisisisisisisisistrtrtrtrtrisisisisistrtrtrtrtrtrtrtratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioatatatioioioioioioioioionnnnnnnnn1.

• Remember R R R R Rememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememembebebebebebebebebebeberrrrr• to bring t t t t t to o o o o brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrinininbrbrbrininininininggggg Remember your y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y youououououourrrr photo p p p p p phohohohohohohohohohohohohotototototototototo your ID I IDDDDD and, a a a a a a a a andndndndnd a andndndndndnd,,,, if i i i i ifffff required, r r r r r reqeqeqeqeq r r reqeqeqeqeqequiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuirererererererererered,d,d,rerererererererered,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d, the t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe

signedsisisisisisisisisisisisigngngngngngngngngngngnedededededededededed parental p p p p pararararar pararararararararararenenenenarararararararenenenenenararararenenenenenenenentatataentatatatatatatatatatallltatata consent c c c c conononon cononononon c conononononononsesesesesesesesesesesesesentntntntntntntnt form. f f f f forororor fororororor f f f fororororororororm.m.m.orm.m.m.m.m.orororm.m.m.m.m.m.

• Bring the B B B B Bririririririririririririringngririringngngngngngngngngng t t t thehehehehehehehehehehehehe• names n n n n n namamamamamamamamamamamamamameseseseseseseseseses of o o o o o offfff names medications m m m m m medededededededededededicicicicicicicicicicicicicicatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioionsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsns that t t t t thahahahahahahahahahattthahatttthahahattt you y y y y yououou y y y y yououououou y y y youououououououou are a a a a a a a arerererere a a arerererererere taking. t t t tak t t t t takakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakinininakakakakakininininininining.g.g.g.g.g.g.

Bring B B B B Bririririririririririririringngririringngngngngngngngngng• a a a a a a list of l l l lisisisisisisisisisisist t t t t ofofofofofofofofofof the t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe places p p p p plalala plalalalalalalalalalalalacececececelalalacecececececececececesssss you y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y yououououou have h h h h havavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavaveeeeeavavav traveled t t t t t trarararararararararaveverararararararaveveveveveraraveveveveveveveveveveveleleleleleleleleleleleleddddd outside o o o o o oututututututututututsisisisisisisisisidededededededededede the t t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe US U U U U U U U U U USSSSSandanananananananananananananananddddd Canada C C C C Canananananananananananananananadadanadadadadadadadadadadadaaaaa in i i innnn the t t t thehehehehehehehehehe last l l las lasasasasasasasasasastasasasasttt 12 1 1 1 1 122222 months. m m m m mononononononononononthththonononththththththththths.s.s.s.s.

Read the R R R R Reaeaeaeaea Reaeaeaeaea R R Reaeaeaeaeaeaeaead d eaeaeaeaead d d d d eaead d thththththththththththeeeee• educational e e e e e e e e e edududududududududududucacacacacacacacacacacacacacatititititicacatititititiononononononononononalalalonalalalalalalalalal materials m m m m matatat m m matatatatatatatatatatatatatererererererererereriaiaiaerereriaiaiaiaerereriaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaialslsiaialslslslsls about a a a a a a abobobobobo a aboboboboboboutututututututututut donating d d d d donononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatininininininininininggggg whole w w w w w whohohohoho w w w whohohohohohoholelelelelele

bloodblblblblblblblblooooooooooooooooooooddddooddddd or o o o o o orrrrr apheresis. a a a a a aphphphphph a a

Ask A A A A Asksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksk• Red R R R R R Rededededed R R R R Rededededed Cross staff if C C C C Crororororororororororororororossssrororossssssssssssssssssss s s s s s s statatata statatatatatatatafffffffffftatataffffffffffffffffff i i i i i ifffff you y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y yououououou have h h h h havavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavaveeeeeavavaveee questions. q q q q q queueueueueueueueueueueuestststststststststioioiostioioioioioioioionsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsns..ns.. Health H H H Heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaealtltltltltltlthhhhh History & H H H Hisisisisisisisisistototototoistototototoisisisisistotototototototototoryryryrytotototoryryryryryryryryryryryryry & & & & & Mini M M M M Mininininininininininiiii Physical P P P P Phyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhysisisisisihyhyhyhysisisisisisisisisicacacacacacacacacacacacal

You Y Y Y Y Youououououououououououououououou• should s s s s s shohohohohohohohohohoululululululululululululddddd feel f f f f feeeeeeeeee feeeeeeeeee f f feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll healthy h h h h heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaealtlteaeaealtltltltlthyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhy and a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndnd healthy well, w w w w welelelelelelelelelelelelelelell,l,l,l,l,l, and a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndnd meet m m m m m meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt other o o o o o o o othththththththththththerererererererererer criteria. c c c c c c cririririririririririririteteteteteteteteteteteriririririririria.a.a.riririria.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.

We W W W W Weeeeeeeee• will w w w w w wililil w w w wililillll take t t t takakakakakakakakakakakakakakeeeakakakakakakakeeeeeakakakeeee your y y y y youou y y y y yououououou y y y youououououououourrrrr temperature, t t t t tememem temememememememememememempepepepepepepepepepeperarararararararararatututurarararararatutututurararatutututututututurererererererererererererererere,,,, your check c c c c cheheheheheheheheheheheheheheckckckckckckckckckck your y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y youououououourrrrr blood b b b b b b blololololololololololoodododododododododod your count, c c c c c c c c c couououououououououououountntntntntntntntnt,,,,,

andananananananananananananananananddddd measure m m m m meaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeasususususueaeasusususususurerererererererererererere your y y y y y yououououou y y y youououououououourrrrr blood b b b b b blololololololoodlololololoodododododododododod your pressure p p p p prererere prerererererererererererereressssssssssssssssssssssurururururururururureeeurururureeeeeurururureee and a a a a and a a andndndndnd a andndndndndndnd pulse. p p p p p pulululululululseulsesesesesesesesesesese...

you questions during privateinterview.ininininininintetetetetetetetetetetetervrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvieieiervrvrvrvrvieieieieieieieieieiew.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w. This T T T T Thihihihihi T T Thihihihihihihihisssss protects p p p p p prororororororororororororororotetetetetetetetetetetetetectctctctctctctctctctsssss your y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y youououououououourrrrr health h h h h h heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaealteaeaealtltltltlthhhhh your and a a a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndnd the t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe safety s s s s s s s s s safafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafetetetetetafafafetetetetyyyyetetetetetyyyyy of o o o o o o o o offfff safety

patientspapapapapapapapapapapapapapatitititipapapatitititienenenenenenenenenenenenentststststststststs who w w w w w whohohohoho w w w whohohohoho receive r r r r rececec r r r rececececec r r rececececececececeieieieieceieieieieieieieiveveeiveveveveveveveveveveveveveve blood b b b b b b blololololololololoodododododododododod transfusions. t t t t trarararararararararararararararansnsnsnsnsraransnsnsnsnsfufunsnsnsnsfufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufusisisisisisisisisiononsiononononononononononons.s.s.s.s.s.s. Donation D D D D Donononononon D D Donononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioionnnnn

We W W W W Weeeeeeeee• will w w w w w wilil w w w wililillll cleanse c c c c cleleleleleleleleleleleanananananleanananananananananananansesesesesesesesesese an a a a a annn a annnnn a a annn area a a a a a arerererere a a arerererereaaarerererererererereaaaaa of o o o o o o o offfff area your y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y youououououourrrrr arm a a a a a a armrmrmrmrm a a armrmrmrmrmrmrm your and a a a a andnd a a andndndndnd a andndndndndndndnd insert i i i insnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsererererernsnsnserererererererererttttererer a a a a a a needle n n n n n n n n neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedldldldldldldldldleeeee a to t t t t t t t tooooodrawdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrawawawawawdrdrawawawawawaw whole w w w w w whohohohoho w w whohohohoholeleleleholeleleleleleledraw blood. b b b b blolololololololololololoododododododododododod

You Y Y Y Y Youououououououououououououououou• can c c c c canananananananananananananananananan relax, r r r r relelelel relelelelel r r r relelelelelaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxax,,,axaxax,,,axaxax,,,, listen l lisisisisisisisisisisteteteteteisteteteteistetetetetetetennnnn to t t t toooo tooooo music, m m m m m mususususususususususicicususicicicicicicicicicic,,,, talk to t t t t t talalalalalalalalalalalalk k k k k tototototototototo other o o o o o o o o oththththththththththththththerererererererererer donors, d d d d d dononononononononononororonorororororororororors,s,s,ororororors,s,s,s,s,ororors,s,s,s,s,s,s,s, other or o o o o o orrrrr read r r r r reaea r r r r reaeaeaeaea r reaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeadddddeaeaeawhilewhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhilililililileeeee the t t t t thehehe thehehehehehehehehehe blood b b b b blolololo blololololololoodododododododododododod is i i isssssss collected. c c c c c colololololololollelelelelelelelectctctlelelelectctctctctctctctedededctedededededededededed..

After A A A A Aftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftfterererftftfterererererererererer• the t t t t thehehehe thehehehehehehehehehe collection, c c c c cololololol cololololololollelelelelelelelelectctctctctctctctctctioioioioioioioioioioioioion,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n, a a a a a a staff s s s s s s s statatatata s s statatatatatatatatafffffffffftataffffffffffffffffff member m m m m m m m m mememememememememememememembebebebebebebebebebebebeberrrrr will w w w w w w w wililil w w w wililillll member remove r r r r rememem r r r rememememem r r remememememememememovovovovovovovovovovovovovovoveeeeeovovovov the t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe needle n n n n neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedldldldldldldldldldldleeeee

andanananananananananananananananananddddd place p p p p plalalalalalalalalalalalalacecelacececececelalalacececececececece a a a a a a bandage b b b b b bananananananananananananananananandadadadadadadadadadadadadadadagegegegegedadadagegegegege on o o o o o onnnnn your y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y youououououourrrrr arm. a a a a a a a a a armrmrmrmrm a armrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrm.. Refreshments R R R R Refefefefefef R R R R Refefefefefefrererereefefefefefrererererererererereshshshshshrerereshshshshshrerererereshshshshshshshshshshmememememememememementntntntntntntntntntntntntntntssssssssntntntsss

You Y Y Y Y Yououououououououououououououou• should s s s s s shohohohohohohohohohoululululululululululululddddd spend s s s s s spepepepepepepepepependndndndndpendndndndndndndndndnd 15 1 1 1 155555 minutes m m m m m mininininininininutututututututututesesesesuteseseseseseseseseses or o o o o o o orrrrr more m m m m m m m m morororororororororororororororeeeeeorororor enjoying e e e e e enjnjnjnjnjnjnjnjnjnjnjnjnjnjoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyinininoyoyoyinininininininingggggrefreshmentsrerererererererererererererererefrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfresesesesesfrfrfrfreseseseseseseseshmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmenenenenenenenenenenenenenentststststststststs in i i i innnnnrefreshments the t t t thehehehe thehehehehehehehehehe recovery r r r r rececec r r r rececececec r r r rececececececececovovovecovovovovovovovovovovererereroverererererovovererererererererererereryyyyyerereryy area. a a a a a a arerererere a arererererererea.a.rererererererea.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a. recovery

If I Iffff• you y y y y youououou yououououou y yououououououou become b b b b bececececec bececececececececececomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomeeeee dizzy d d d d d dizizizizizizizizzyzyzyzyizzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzy or o o o o o o orrrrr dizzy light-headed, l l ligigigigigigigighththththththththththt-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeadededeeaeaeadededededeeaeaeadedededededededed,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d, stay s s s s s s statatatatatatatatayyytatatatayyyyytatatayyy in i i innnnn the t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe recovery r r r r r r r r rececececec r r r recececececovovovecececececovovovovovovovovovovovovovovoverererererovoverererereryyyerererereryyyyyereryy

areaarararararararararareaeaeaararararararareaeaeaeaeaararareaeaeaeaeaeaeaea and a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndndarea tell t t t t telelelelel telelelelelelellll a staff a a a a a s s s s stata s s statatatatatatatatatatatatafffffffftataffffffffffffffff member m m m m m m m m m mememememememememememememememembebebebebebebebebebebebeberrrrr immediately. i i immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmededededededededededediaiaiaiaiaiaiateteiaiaiateteteteteiaiatetetetetetetetelylylylylylyly.lyly member

AmericanAmericanAmericanAmericanAmericanAmericanAmericanAmericanAmericanRedRedRedRed Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross

AmericanAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmeAmericricricricricricricricricricricricricricricricricricricananananananananananananan Red Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Reddddd Cross Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Crossossossossossossossossossossossossossossossossoss Biomedical Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Biomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomeomedicdicdicomeomeomeomeomedicdicdicdicdicdicdicdicdicdicdicdicdicdicalalaldicalalalalalalal Services Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Servirvirvirvirvirvirvirvirvirvirvirvirvirvirvicescescescescescescescescescescescescescesces

ProcessProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProcescescescescescescescescescescescescescescescescescescescessssss Owner: Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ownernernernernernernernernernernernernernerner::Process Senior Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Senionionionionionionionionionionionionioniorrrr Director, Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Direcrecrecrecrecrecrecrecrecrecrecrecrecrecrectortortortortortortortortortortortortortortor,tor,,,,, Senior Blood Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bloodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodood Collections Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co CollellellellellellellellellellellellellellectictictictictictictictictictictictictictionsonsonsonsonsonsonsonsonsonsonsonsonsonsonsLetter:LetLetLetLetLetLetLetLetLetLetLetLetLetLetterLetLetLetLetterterterterterterterterterterterterterterterterterter:::terterter::: A A A A A A Student's St St St St St St St St Studeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudeudent'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'nt'sssss Guide to Blood Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Guideideideideideideideideideideideideide to to to to to to to to to Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bloodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodoodood Donation Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Donatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnationionionnatnatnationionionionionionionionionion

WhatWWWWWWWWhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaattttt ShouldSSSSSSShhhhhhhhoooooouuuuulddddd III DoDDDDDDDDDooooo ToTTTTTTTTTooooo Prepare?PPPPPPrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeppppppppppaaaaaarrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee?????BeforeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBefofofofofoBeBeBefofofofofofofoforererererererererere Donation D D D D DononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioioioionnnnnBefore

Sleep:SlSlSlSlSlSlSlSleeeeeeeeeeSleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep:p:p:p:p:p:p:p: Get G G G G Getetetetetetetetet at a a a a a a attt a a a least l l l l leaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeastststststeaeaeastststst eight e e e e e e e e eigigigigigigigigigighththththththththt hours h h h h h h h h h hououououououououououououoursrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs of o o o o o o o o offfff sleep s s s s s s s sleleleleleleleleleleepepepepepepepepepep the t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe night n n n n n n n n nigigigigigigigigigighththththththththt before b b b b b b b b b befefefefefefefefefefefefefefeforororororefefefororororororororororeeeeeoror your y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y youououououououououourrrrdonation.dodododododododododododonananananananananananananatitititinatititititionononononononononon

Eat:EaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEat:t:t:t:t:t:t: Eat E E E E E E E Eatatatatatatatatatatat a a a a a a healthy h h h h h h h h heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaealtltltltltltlthyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhy a breakfast b b b b b b b brerererererererererererererererererereakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakfafafafafaakakakakfafafafafafafafafafafafafastststststfafastststst healthy or o o o o o o o o orrrrr lunch l l l l lunununununununununununununununchchchchchchchchchch - - or o o o o o o o o orrrrr both b b b b b b b b b bototototototototototothhhhh if i i i i i ifffff your y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y yououououououououourrrrr

appointmentapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapappopopopopopopopopopopopoininininininintmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmenenenenenenenenenenenenentttt is i i i i i i isssssappointment later l l l l l latatatatatatatatatatatatatatataterererererererererer in i i innnnn the t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe in day. d d d d d d d d d dayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay..ay

• Don't skip D D D D D D D D Dononononononononononon't't't't't't't't s s s s s skikikikikikikikikikikikikikippppp• meals m m m m m m m m m meaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaealseaeaeaealslslslsls on o o o o o o o o onnnnn the t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe day d d d d d d d d d dayayayayayayayayayayayayay of a o o o o o o o o of f f f f aaaaa day donation. d d d d d d d d d donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioion.n.n.n.n.n.

• Make M M M M Makakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakeeeeeakake• healthy h h h h h h h h h heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaealteaeaealtltltltlthyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhy food f f f f f f f f f foooooooooo f f fooooooooooooooooooooddddd healthy choices. c c c c c c chohohohohohohohohohohoiciciciciciciciciciciciciceseseseseseseseseseseses. Eat E E E E E E E E E Eatatatatatatatatatatatat proteins p p p p p p p p prororororororororororororororoteteteteteteteteteteteteteininininininininininininsssss (lean ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (le (leleleleleleleleleleanananananananananananan meat, m m m m m m m m m meaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeat,t,t,t,eaeaeat,t,t,t,

cheese,chchchchchchchchchchchchchchcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesesesesesesesesesesesesese,,,, and a a a a a a a andndndnd a a andndndndnd yogurt) y y y y y y y y y yogogogogog y y y yogogogogogogogogogurururururururururururururt)t)t)t)ururt)t)t)t)t) or o o o o o o orrrrr complex c c c c c c c c c comomomomomomomomomomomomplplplplplplplplplplplplexexexexexexexexexex carbohydrates c c c c c c c c c cararararararararararararararararboboboboboararbobobobobobobobobobohyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhydrdrdrdrdrhyhyhyhydrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdratatatatatdrdrdratatatatatatatatatatatateseseseseseseseseses complex (bread, ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (brbrbrbrbr (brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbreaeaeaeaeabrbrbrbreaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaead,d,d,d,d,eaeaead,d,d,d,d,cereal,cecececececececececececececerererererererererererererererererealalalalalalalalalalalalal,,, and a a a a a a a a andndndndnd andndndndnd fruit). f f f f f f frururururu f f frururururururururuititititititititititit).).).).).).).



Drink:DrDrDrDrDrDrDrDrDrDrDrDrDrDrinininininininininink:k:k:k:k:k:k:k: Drink few glasses of fluids in the daysbeforebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebefofofofofofofofofofobebebefofofofoforererererererererererere you y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y yououououou donate. d d d d d donononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatate.e.e.e.e.e.e.e. Start the S S S S S S S S Statatatatatatatatatatartrtrtrtrttatatartrtrtrtrtrt t t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe day d d d d d d d d d dayayayayayayayayayayayayay with w w w w w w wititit w w w witititititititithhhhh day a a a a a a bottle b b b b b b b b b bototototototototototototottltltltltltltltltltltltleeeee a of o o o o o o o offfff water w w w w w w w w w watatatatat w w w watatatatatatatatatatatataterererererererererer or o o o o o o o o o orrr water a a a a a a

glassglglglglglglglglglglglglasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasassssss of o o o o o o o o offfffglass orange o o o o o o orarararararararararararararararangngngngngrararangngngngngngngngngeeeee juice. j j j j j j juiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuicececececececececececece.

If you drinkIfIfIfIfIfIf y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y yououououou d d d d d d dririririririririririnknknknknknknknknknk water w w w w w w w w w watatatatatatatatatatatatatataterererereratatatererererer within w w w w w w w wititititititititititithihihihihihihihihinnnnn 10-30 1 1 1 1 10-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-30303030300-3030303030 minutes m m m m m m m mininininininininininutututututututututututututututesesesesesututututeseseseseseseseseses before b b b b b b b b b befefefefef b b b b befefefefefefefefefefefefefeforororororefefefororororororororororeeeeeororor donation, d d d d d d d d d donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioion,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,

youyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyouuuuu may m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayay be b b b b b b b b b beeeee may less l lesesesesesesesesesesesesesessssss likely l l likikikikikikikikikikikikikelelelelelikikikikikelelelelelelelyyyyy to t t t t t t t t tooooo likely experience e e e e e e e e e expxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpererererererererererererererererererieieieieieieieiencncncncncncncncncncncncncncnceeeee dizziness d d d d d d d dizizizizizizizizizizizizizzizizizizizizizizizinenenenenenenenenenenenenenenessssssssssssssssssssssssssss and a a a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndnd light- l ligigigigigighthththththththththththt-headedness.heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadedededededededededededednenenenenenenenenenenenenenenessssssssssssssssssss

DuringDuDuDuDuDuDuDuDuDuDuDuriririririririririringngngngngngngngngng Donation D D D D D D Dononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioionnnnn

Most people relax during donation and feel fine

afterwards.afafafafafafafafafafafafafafafteteteteteafafafteteteteteteteterwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwararararararararararardsdsdsdsdsararardsdsdsdsdsdsds. Sometimes S S S S S Somomomomomomomomomomometetetetetetetetetetetetimimimimimimimimimimimimimeseseseseseseseseses it i i i i i itttt helps h h h h h h h h h helelelelelelelelelelelelpspspspspspspspspsps to think t t t t t t t t to o o o o ththththththththththththininininininininininkkkkk about a a a a a a a a a abobobobobo a a aboboboboboboboboboboututututututututut something s s s s s s s s s somomomomomomomomomomomomomomometetetetetetetetetetetetetethihihihihihihihihihihingngngngngngngngng about else e e e e e e elslslslslslslslslslslseeeeels

totototototototototo distract d d d d d d d disisisisisisisisisisisistrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtracacacacactrtracacacacacacacacacacacactttt your y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y y youououououououououourrrr attention a a a a a a a a atttttt a a a a a attttttttttttttttttenenenenenenenenenenenenenentititititititititititititionononononononononon from f f f f f f f frororororo f f frorororororororommmmm the t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe blood b b b b b b blo blolololololololololoodododododododododod being b b b b b b b beieieieieieieieieieieingngngngngngngngng drawn. d d d d d d d drarararararararararararararararararawnwnwnwnwnrarawnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwn.

YouYoYoYoYoYoYoYoYoYoYoYoYouuuuu may m m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayay also a a a a a a als a a a alslslslslslslslslslsooooo may be b b b b b b b b b beeeee told to t t t t t t t t tolololololololololololold d d d d tototototototototo try t t t t t tryryryryryryryryryryryryry a a a a a a simple s s s s s s simimimimimimimimimimplplplplplplplplplplplplpleeeee a technique t t t t t t t t tececececececececececececececechnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhniqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqueueueueueueueueue to t t t t t t t t tooooo tense t t t t t t t t tenenenenenenenenenenenenenensesesesesesesesesese and a a a a a a a a andndndnd a a andndndndnd

relaxrerererererererererererererelalalalalalalalalalaxxxxxlalala the t t t t t theheheheheheheheheherelax muscles m m m m m m musususususususususususususususclclclclclclclclclclcleseseseseseseseseses in i i i i i innnnn your y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y yououououououououourrrrr legs: l l l l legegegegegegegegegegegegegegegs:s:s:s:s:s:s:s:s: your

• Lift L L L Lififif L Lifififififttifififtttttifififttt• your y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y yououououououououourrrrr legs l l l l l legegegegegegegegegegegegegegegsssss your (one ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ononononon (ononononononononononeeeee at a a a a a a a a attttt a a a a a a a a time) t t t t t t t timimimimimimimimimimimimime)e)e)e)e)e)e)e)e)e) a off o o o o o o o offffffffffffffffffffffffff the t t t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe donor d d d d d d d d d donononononononononononononononorororororororororor bed. b b b b b b b b b bededededededededededededed.

• Hold H Hololololololololololololddddd• for a f f f f f f f f f fororororor f f fororororor a a a a a few f f f f f f f f f fewewewewew f f f fewewewewew seconds, s s s s s s s s s secececececececececececececececonononononononononononononondsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsds,,,, few then t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehehehehennnn repeat. r r r r r r r r r repepepepep r repepepepepepepepepeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeat.t.t.t.eaeaeat.t.

• Breathe B B B B B Brerererererererererererererereatatatatatatatatatatatatatathehehehehehehehehehe• normally. n n n n n n n n n nororororororororororororororormamamamamaororormamamamamamamamamamamalllllllllllllllly.y.y.y.y.y.y.y.

IfIfIfIfIfIf you y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y youououououIf practice p p p p p prararararararararararararararararararactctctctctrararactctctctcticiciciciciciciciciciciciceeeee this t t t t t thihihihihihihihihihihihihihisssss technique t t t t t t t t tecececececececececececechnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhniqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqueueueueueueueueueue to t t t t t t t t tooooo tense t t t t t t t t tenenenenenenenenenenenenenensesesesesesesesesese and a a a a a a a a andndndnd a a andndndndnd relax r r r r r r r r r relelelelel r relelelelelelelaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxax the t t t t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe relax muscles m m m m m m m m musususususususususususususususclclclclclclclclclclclcleseseseseseseseseses in i i i innnnn

youryoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyourururururururururur legs l l l l l legegegegegegegegegegegegegegegsssssyour during d d d d d d d durururururururururururururinininurururinininininininininggggg the t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe donation, d d d d d d d d d donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioion,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n, you y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y yououououou may m m m m m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayay be b b b b b b b b b beeeee may less l l l l lesesesesesesesesesesesesesesessssss likely l l likikikikikikikikikikikikikelelelelelikikikikelelelelelelyyyyy to t t t t t t t t tooooo likely have h h h h h h h h h havavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavaveeeeeavavav a a a a a areaction.rerererererererererererererererereacacacacacacacacacacacacacactititiactitititititititionononononononononon

Tell Red CrossTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTellllllll R R R R R R R Rededededed R R R R Redededededededededed C C C C C C C C Crororororororororororororororororororossssssssssrororororossssssssssssssssssss staff s s s s s s s s s statatatata s s s s statatatatatatatatataffffffffffffffffffffffffff immediately i i i i i immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmedededededededededededededededededediaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiatetetetetetetetetetetetetetetelylylylylyly what w w w w w w whahahahahahahahahahahahahahahattttt you y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y y yououououou are a a a a a a a arerererererererererererere

experiencingexexexexexexexexexexexexexexexexexexpepepepepepepepepepepepepepepepepeririririririririririenenenenenenenenenenenenenenencicicicicicicicingngngngngngngngngng and a a a a a andndndndndndndndndnd they t t t t t t t theheheheheheheheheheheheheheheyyyyyhehehehe will w w w w w w wilililililill take t t t t t t t t t takakakakakakakakakakakakakakakeeeeeakakakakak care c c c c c c c c c cararararararararararararararareeeeearar of o o o o o o o o o offfff o o o you. y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y youououououou. There T T T T T Thehehehehehehehehehehehehererererererererererererere are a a a a a a a arererererererererererere

wayswawawawawawawawawawawawawawawaysysysysysysysysysysysysysys to t t t t t t t t t tooooo t t t t help h h h h h h h h h helelelelelelelelppppp prevent p p p p p prerererererererererererererererererevevevevevererererereveveveveveveveveveveveventntntntntntntntnt or o o o o o o o o orrrrr limit l l l limimimimimimimimimimimitititititititit discomfort d d d d d d d d disisisisisisisisisisisisiscococococoisisisisiscococococococococococococomfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfororororormfmforororororororororttttororor with w w w w w w w w wititititititititititithhhhh donation. d d d d d d d d d dononononon d dononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioion.n.n.n.n.n.

AfterAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfteteteteAfAfAfteteteteteteterrrrr Donation D D D D D D D D D Dononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioionnnnn

BeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBe sure to s s s s s s s surururururururururururururure e e e e urur tototototototototototototoBe sit s s s s s s s sititititititit and relax a a a a a a a andndndndndndndndndnd r r r r r r r r r relelelelel r relelelelelelelaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxax in i i innnnn the t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe refreshment r r r r r r r r r refefefefef r refefefefefefefefefefrerererererererererererererererereshshshshshrerererereshshshshshshshshmememememememememememememementntntntntntntntntnt area a a a a a a a arerererererererererererererererereaaaaa for f f f f f f f f fororororor f f fororororor

15151515151515 minutes m m m m minininininininininutututututututututututututesesesesesututeseseseseseseseseses15 or o o o o o o o o orrrrr more m m m m m m m m m morororororororororororororororeeeeeororor and have a a a a a a a a a andndndndndndndndndnd h h h h h h h h h havavavavavavavavavavavavavavavave e e e e avavavav aaaaa drink d d d d dririririririririririririnknknknknknknknknknk and a a a a a a a a andndndndndndndndndnd a snack. a a a a a s s s s s snananananananananananananananackckckckckckckckckckck.

Afterward, glasses stay well-hydrated. stay

MostMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoststststststststststststst donors d d d d d donononononononononononononononorororororororororororororororsssssorororMost have h h h h h h h h h havavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavaveeeeeavavav uneventful u u u u u uneneneneneneneneneneneneneneneveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveventntntntntntntntntntntntntfufufufufufufufufufufufufufufuful donations d d d d d d d d donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioioionsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsns and a a a a a a a a a andndndndnd a andndndndnd feel f f f f f f f f f feeeeeeeeee f f f feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good g g g g g g g g gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddd about a a a a a a a a a abobobobobo a aboboboboboboboboboutututututututututut

donating.dodododododododododododonanananananananananananananatitititinananatitititititingngngngngngngngngngng. Some S S S S S Somomomomomomomomomomomeeeee people p p p p p p p p p peoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoplplplplplplplplplpleeeee may m m m m m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayay experience e e e e e e e e e expxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxperererererererererererererererererieieieieieieiencncncncncncncncncncncncncncnceeeee may light-headedness, l l l ligigigigigigigigigighththththththththththt-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeadededededeeaeaeadededededededededededndndndndndndndndndndndndndnesesesesesesesesesesesesesesess,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,

dizziness,dididididididididididididizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzininininininininininesesesesesesesesesesesesesess,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s, or o o o o o o orrrrr an a a a a a a a a a annnnn a a upset u u u u u u u upspspspspspspspspspspspspspspsetetetetetetetetet stomach s s s s s s s s stotototototototototototomamamamamamamamamamamamamamamachchchchchmamamachchchchch that t t t t t thahahahahahahahahahahahahahatttthahaha resolves r r r r r r r r r reseseseses r resesesesesesesesesesololololololololololololvevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevesssss soon s s s s s s s s s soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnn after a a a a a a a a aftftftftft a a aftftftftftftftftftftftfterererererererererer

donation.dodododododododododododonanananananananananananananatitititinananatitititionononononononononononon. Less L L L L L L L Leseseseses L Lesesesesesesesesesessssss commonly, c c c c c c c c comomomomomomomomomomomomomommomomomomomomomomomomomomomonlnlnlnlnlnlnlnlnlnlnly,y,y,y,y,y,y,y,y,y,y, a a a a a a donor d d d d d d d d d dononononononononononononononorororororororororor may m m m m m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayay donor faint f f f f f f f faiaiaiaiai f f f faiaiaiaiaiaiaiaintntntntntntntnt may after a a a a a a a aftftft a aftftftftftftftftftftftfterererererererererer blood b b b b b b blo blolololololololololoodododododododododod

donation.dodododododododododododonanananananananananananananatitititinananatitititionononononononononononon. If I I I I Ifff you y y y y y y y y y yououououou y yououououou feel f f f f fee f f f f feeeeeeeeee f f feeeeeeeeeeeeeel faint, f f fai f f f f faiaiaiaiai f f f faiaiaiaiaiaiaintntntntntntntntntntntntnt,,,, stop s s s s s s s s stototototototototototoppppp what w w w w w w whahahahaha w whahahahahahahahahahatttthahaha you y y y y y y y y yououououou y yououououou are a a a a a a a arerererere a arererererererere doing d d d d d d d d d doioioioioioioioioioingngngngngngngngngng and a a a a a a a a andndndndnd a andndndndnd sit or s s s s s s sitit sitititit o o o o o o orrrrr lie l l lieieieieieieie

downdododododododododododododododownwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwn until u u u u u u u untntntntntntntntntntntntililililil you y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y yououououou feel f f f fee f f f f feeeeeeeeee f f feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell better. b b b b b b b b b betetetetetetetetetteetetetteteteteteteteteteteter.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.

CallCaCaCaCaCaCaCaCaCaCaCaCaCallllllll the t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe American Red Cross A A A A A A A Amememememememememememeriririririririririririricacacacacacacacacacacan n n n n ReReReReReReReReReRed d d d d ReReRed d d d d CrCrCrCrCrCrCrCrCrCrosososCrCrCrCrCrosososososososososososososososossssssososososos toll-free t t t t t t tolololololololololl-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-frfrfrfrl-frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee number n n n n n n n n numumumumumumumumumumumumumbebebebebebebebebebebebebeberrrrr

providedprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprovovovovovovovovovovovovovovovovididididididididididididedededededededededed to t t t t t t t t tooooo you y y y y y y y y y youououououououououou after a a a a a a aftftftft a a a aftftftftftftftftftfterererererererererer your y y y y y y y y y youououououououououououourrrrr donation d d d d d d d d d donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioioionnnnn if i i i i i ifffff you y y y y y y y y y youououououououououou have h h h h h havavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavaveeeee

questionsquququququququququququququququesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesestititititiesesesesestititititititionononononononononononononononsssssonononon or o o o o o orrrrr concerns. c c c c c c c c c conononononononononononcececececececececececececernrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrns.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.

PagePagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPagPageeeeePagPagPagPagPagPag 1 1 1 1Page of of of of of of of of of of 2 2 2 2 2 215.4.1tr41315. v-1.0 v- v- v- v- v- v- v- v- v- v- v-

Page 5: Bioarch Parental Consent Packet English No Cover 042913 0

AA Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student's Student'sA Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide to to to Guide Blood Blood Blood Blood Blood Blood Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation

StudentSSSSSSSStttttuuuddddddeeeeeennnnntttt AthletesAAAAAAAAtttthhhhhlleeeeettteeettttttteeeeeesssss

StudentStStStStStStStStStStStStStudududududududududududenenenenenenenenenenenenttttt athletes a a a a a aththth a aththththththleleleleleleleleteteteteleleletetetetetetetetetetesssss should s s s s s shohohohohohohohohohohoululululululululddddd wait w w w w waiaiai waiaiaiaiai w w waiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaittt about a a a a a a abobobobobo a aboboboboboboboboboutututututututut 12 1 1 1 1 122222 hours h h h h hououou h h hououououououououououoursrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs or o o o o o orrrrr more m m m m m m m m m morororororororororororororeeeeeorororor to t t t t t t t tooooo resume r r r r reseses r r r reseseseses r r resesesesesesesesumumesesesumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumeeeee strenuous s s s s strtr s s strtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrenenenenentrtrenenenenenenenenenuouououououououououououououousususususususususus exercise e e e e e e e e e exexexexexexexexexexexexexexexexexercrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcisisisisisisisisisisiseeeee after a a a a a a a a a aftftftftft a aftftftftftftftftftftftfterererererererererer blood b b b b b b blolololololololololoodododododododododod donation, d d d d d donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioion,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n, depending d d d d d d d d depepepepepepepepepepepepepepepenenenenenenenenenenenenenenendididididididididingngngngngngngngng on how o o o o o o on n n n n hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohowwwww they t t t t t t t theheheheheheheheheheheheheheheyyyyy feel. f f f f f f f f f feeeeeeeeee f f feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel.l.l. they

You temporarily lose temporarily fluid after donation which body replaces body within 24 hours if drink extra fluids. extra As a precaution,dododododododododododo not n n n n notot notototototototototdo donate d d d d dononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatateeeee blood b b b b blolololololololololoodododododododododod on o o o o onnnnnnnn the t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe same s s s s samam s s s s samamamamamamamamamamamamamameeeee day d d d d d dayayayayayayayayayayayayay of o o o o o o o o offfff day a a a a a a competition c c c c comomom c c c comomomomomomomomomomomompepepepepepepepepepepepepepetititititititititititititititititititiononontionononononononononon a or o o o o o orrrr strenuous s s s s strtr s s strtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrenenenenentrtrtrenenenenenenenenenuououououououououououousususususususususus practice. p p p p p p prarararararararararararararararararactctctctctrararactctctctcticicicicicicicice.e.e.icicicice.e.e.e.e.e.e.

AfterAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfteteteteAfAfAfAfteteteteteterrrrr a a a a a aAfter whole w w w w w w whohohohoho w w w whohohohohoholelelelelele blood b b b b blololololololololololoodododododododododod donation, d d d d dononononononononononononatatatatonatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioion,n,n,n,n,ion,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n, your y y y y yououou y y y y yououououou y y y yououououououououourrrrr body b b b b b b b b b bodododododododododododyyyyy replaces r r r r repepep r r r r repepepepep r r repepepepepepepepepeplalalalalalalalalalalalacececececelalacececececececesssss body the t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe red r r r r r r r r r rededededed r r rededededed blood cells b b b b b blolololololololoodododododododododod c c c c c celelelelelelelelellslslslslsls (the ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ththththth ( ( (ththththththththththeeeee cells c c c c c c c c c celelelelelelelelellslslslslslsls that t t t t t t thahahahahahahahahahahahahatttthaha deliver d d d d d d d d d deleleleleleleleliviviviviviviviviviviviviverererererivivivivererererer oxygen o o o o o o o o o oxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxygegegegegexyxyxygegegegegegegegennnnn deliver

totototototototototo muscles m m m m m musususususususususususususclclclclclclclcleseseseseseseseseses and a a a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndnd tissues) t t t tisisis tisisisisisisisissususususuissususususususususususueseseseseseseseseseses))))) within w w w w w witititit w w w wititititithihihihihihihihihinnnnn about a a a a a abobobobobo a a aboboboboboboboboututututututututut 5 5 5 5 5 5 weeks, w w w w weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksks,,,, depending d d d d depepep depepepepepepepepepepenenenepepenenenenenenenenenenendidididididingdididididididididingngngngngngngngngng on o o o o o onnnnn nutrition n n n n n nutututututututututututriririririririririririririrititititititititiononononononononon and a a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndnd iron i i i i irororororororororororororororonnnn status. s s s s s s s statatatatatatatatatatatatututututatatatututututututututututututus.s.s.s.s.s.s.s. h- High- H H Higigigigigigigigigigh-h-h-h-h-h-h-

performancepepepepepepepepepepepepeperfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrforororrfrfrfrfrfrforororororrfrfrforororororororormamaororormamamamamaorormamamamamamamamamamamancncncncncmamamancncncncncnceeeee competitive c c c c comomomomom comomomomomomomomomomompepepepepepepepepepetititititititititititititititititititititiveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveve athletes a a a a a a athththth a a aththththththleleleleleleletetetetetetetetetetetetetetesssss may m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayay notice n n n n n n n n nototototototototototototiciciciciciciciciciciciciceeeee may a a a a a a marginal m m m m m m m m marararararararararararararararararargigigigigiarargigigiginanananananalnalnananananananallnanana a d decrease d d d d d decececececececececececrerererererererererererereasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasaseeeee i in i i i innnnn is exercise e e e e e exexexexexexexexexexexexexexexexexercrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcisisisisisisisisisisisisisiseeeeeisisisis tol tolerance t t t t t t tololololololololololololerererererererererererererereranananananererananananananananananananancececececececececececece for for f f f f f f f f f fororororor f f f forororororaboutababababababababababababababababababououououououououtouououttt 1 1 1 1 1 1about week w w w w weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk after a a a a aft a a aftftftftft aftftftftfterererftftftftftftfterererererererererer a a a a a a after whole w w w w w w whohohohoho w w w whohohohohoholelelelelele blood b b b b b blololololololololololoodododododododododod d d d d d dononononononononononatatatatatatatatioioioatatioioioioioioioioion.n.n.n.n.

PlanPlPlPlPlPlPlPlPlanananananananananan ahead a a a a aheheheheheheheheheheheheheheadadadadadadadadadadadadadadad to t t t tooooooooo best b b b b beseses b besesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesttttteseseseses schedule your donation s s s s s s s s s schchchchchchchchchchchedededededededededededulululululululululule e e e e yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyourururururururururur d d d d d d d d d donononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioionnnnn with with w w w w witititititititititithhhhh sports and sports and s s s s s spopopopopopopopopopopopoportrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrts s s s s rtrtrt anananananananananandddddother activities.ototototototototototototototheheheheheheheheheheheheher r r r r acacacacacacacacacacactititititiacacacactititititivivivivivivivivivivititititititititieseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseses

InformationIInnnnnnnffffffffffoooooooorrrrrrrrmmmmmaaaaataatttiiioooooonnnnn forfffffooooooorrrrr ParentsPPPPPPPPPPaaaaaarrrrrreeeeeennnnnttttsssss

ParentalPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaParerererererererererererererentntntntntntntntntntalalalntntntntntalalalalalalalal permission p p p p p pererererer p p pererererermimimimimimimimimimimimimimissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssioioioioioioioioionnnnn is i i i issssssss required r r r r req r r r reqeqeqeqeq r r r reqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqequiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuirerererererererereredddrererereredddddrerererereddddd for f f f f for fororororor f fororororororor all a a a a allllllllllll 16-year-olds 1 1 1 1 16-6-6-6-6-6-6-yeyeyeyeye6-yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeararararararararararar-o-o-o-o-o-o-old-olds-o-o-o-o-oldldldldldldldldldldldsssss to t t t t t t t t t tooooo t t t d at donate d d d d d d d d d donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatateeeeeatatatat blood. blood. b b b b b b b blololololololololololoodododododlololoodododododododod. It It I I I I Ittttt may m m m m m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayay or o o o o o o o orrrrray may m m m m m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayayr not not n n n n n n n n n nototototototototototay be be b b b b b b b b b beeeeeotot

requiredrerererererererererererererererererequququququququququququiriririririririrededediriririrededededediririredededededededed for 17-year-olds f f f f forororor fororororor f f forororororororor 1 1 1 1 17-7-7-7-7-7-7-yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeararararararararararararararar-oar-o-o-o-o-o-o-oldldldldldldldldldldldsssss depending d d d d d depepepepepepepepepepepenenenenenenenenenenenenenenendididididididididingngngngngngngngngng on o o o o o onnnnn state s s s s statatata s s statatatatatatatatatatatatetetetetatatetetetete laws l lawawawawawawawawawawssawawawawawawawsssssawawawssss and a a a a a a a andndndndnd a andndndndndndndndndndndnd ch l school s s s s s s s schchchchchchchchchchchchchchooooooooooooooooooooooooll ui nt requirements. r r r r reqeqeqeq r r r reqeqeqeqeq r r reqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqequiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuirerererererererererererererememememememememememememementntntntntntntntntntntntntntnts.s.s.s.s.s.s.

When weWhWhWhWhWhWhWhWhWhWhWhenenenenenenenenenen w w w w w weeeee w w w w wee are a a a a arerererererererererere required r r r reqeq reqeqeqeqeq r reqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqeqequiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuirerererererererererererereredddddrererereddd to t t t tooo t t tooooo t t toooo obtain o o o o o obtbtbtbtbtbtbtbtbtbtaiaiaibtbtbtbtbtaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiainnnnn parental p p p p parararar p p parararararararararenenarararararenenenenenararenenenenenenenentatatatatatatatatatatatal consent, c c c c con c c c c cononononon c c c c cononononononononononononononsesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesentntnt,nt,ntntntntntntntntntnt,,,,,,, your y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y youououououououourrrrr son s s s s s s s s s sononononononononononr or o o o o o orrrrron d ghte daughter d d d d d d d d d dauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauaughghghghghghghghghghghghghghteteteteteteteteteteteteteteterrrrrr ill will w w w w w w w wililil w w wililililllr d need n n n n n n n n n neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd to t t t t t t t t t tooooo turn t t t t t t t t t tururururururururururururururnnnnnururur i in i i i i innnnnn a a a a a a a

signedsisisisisisisisisigngngngngngngngngngngngngnedededededededededed consent c c c c cononononononononononononononsesesesesesesesesesesesesesentntntntntntntntnt form f f f f forororororororororor f f forororororororormmmmormmmmmorororormmmm to the t t t to o o to o o o o ththththththththththeeeee donation d d d d don donononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioionnnn site s s s s s sitititititititititeeeee each e e e e e eacacacacacacacacacacacacacachhhhh time t t t t t timimimimimimimimimimeeeee he h h h h h h h h heeeee or o o o o o o orrrrr he she s s s s s s shehehehehehehehehehe la plans p p p p p plalalalalalalalalalansnsnsnsnslalalansnsnsnsns to t t t t t t t t tooooo d at donate. d d d d d donononononononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatate.e.e.e.e.e.e.

Most donors have uneventful donations and do fine fin ft rd S Some S S S S S S S S S Somomomomomomomomomomomomomomeeeee donors d d d d d d d d d donononononononononononononononorororororororororororororororsssssororore ay may m m m m m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayays

becomebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebecocococococococococomemememecomemememememememememe light-headed l ligigigigigigigighthththththththththththt-h-h-h-hht-h-h-h-h-h-h-heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeadededededeeaeaeadedededededededededdddd or o o o o orrrrr dizzy d d d d diziz dizizizizizizizzyizizizizzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzy during d d d d d dururururururururururururinininururininininininininggggg dizzy or o o o o o orrrrr after a a a a a a a aftftftftft a a aftftftftftftftftftftftftfterererererererererer the t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehe after donation d d d d d donononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatatatatioationatatatatatioioioioioioioioionnnnn or o o o o o orrrr may m m m m m m m m m mayayayayayayayayayayayayay faint faint f f f f f f f f f faiaiaiaiai f f f faiaiaiaiaiaintntntntntntntntntay or o o o o o o orrrrr experience experience e e e e e e e e e expxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpererererererererererererieieerererieieieieieieieiencncncncncncncncncncncncncnceeeee an an a a a a a a a a annnnn

injury requiringinjury Young, imee and/or and/or lowow weight donorss are aremoremomomomomomomomomomomomorererererererererererererere likely l l l likikikikikikikikelikikikikikelelelelelikikikelelelelelelyelelelelyyyyymore to t t t t t tooooo likely experience e e e e expxpxpxpxp e e e expxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxperererererererererererererieieieerererieieieieieiencncncncncncncncncnceeeee reactions r r r r r reaeaeaeaea r r reaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeactctctctcteaeaeactctctctctctctioioioioioioioioionsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsns than t t t t thahahahahahahahahahannnhahannnnhahahannn other o o o o o oththththththththththththerererererererererer donors. d d d d d d d dononononononononononororororororororororors.s.s.s.s.orors.s.

EveryEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvEverererererEvEvEvEverererereryyererereryyyyyerereryyy donation is d d d d d dononononononononononatatatatatatatatatatioioioioioioioioioioioioion n n n n n n n isisisisisisisisisEvery tested t t t t tesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesteteteteteesesesesesesteteteteteesesesesestetetetetetetetetetetetetetetedddddteteteteteddd for f f f f fororor f f fororororor f f forororororororor HIV H H H HIVIVIVIVIVIV (the ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ththththth ( ( ( ( (ththththththeeeee virus v v v v v v viririririririririrusususususususususus that t t t t t t thahahahahahahahahahahahahahahattttt causes AIDS), c c c c c causes AIDS), c c c c c c c c c cauauauauauauauauauauauauauauauseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseses s s s s sesesesese AIAIAIAIAIAIAIDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDS),),DSDSDSDSDSDSDSDS),),),),),DSDSDSDS),),),),),),),),),), hepatitis h h h h h hepepepepepepepepepepepepepatatatatatatatatatatatatatititititititititisisisisisisisisisis nd B and B B B B B a a a a a a andndndndndndndndndnd

hepatitishehehehehehehehehehehehehepapapapapapapapapapapapapapatitititititititititititititititititititititititititissssstititisss C C C C C C viruses, v v v v viririririr v v v viririririririririrususususiririrususususususususususesesususususesesesesesusususususeseseseseseseses,,eseseseses,,,,, and a a a a andndndndndndndndndnd other o o o o oth oththththth o o o othththththththththerererererererererer infectious i i infnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfecececececnfnfecececececececececececectititititiececececectitititiououtiouououououououououououououousssss diseases. d d d d d If I I I I Ifffff ny any a a a a a a a a anynynynyny a a anynynynynyf test t t t t t t t t tesesesesesesesesesesesesesesttttny result r r r r r r r r r reseseseses r r resesesesesesesesesesulululululululululttttt or o o o o o o o orrrrrt po response r r r r r r r r r reseseseses r r resesesesesesesespopopopopopopopopopopopoponsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnseeeeer o to t t t t t t t t toooooe

questions suggests your daughter disqualifiedisqualifiedisqualified from donating donating blood in

may amee will bee added added to a to confidentiallistlilililililililistststststststststst of o o o o offff o o offffflist people p p p p peoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoplplplplplplplepleeeee who w w w w whohoho whohohohoho w w w whohohohohohohohoho have h h h h havavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavaveeeeeavavav similar s s s s simim s simimimimimimimimimimilililililililarararararararararararar test t t t t t t t t t tesesesesesesesesesesesesesttttt similar results r r r r reseses r r r r reseseseses r r resesesesesesesesesesesulululululululululultstststststststststs or o o o o o o o orrrrr risk r r r r r r risisis r r risisisisisisiskkkkk or factors. f f f f fac f f f f facacacacac f f facacacacacactototoacacacacactototototototototototors.tototorsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs.. risk When W W W W Whehehehehehehehehehehehehehehennnnn eq d, required, r r r r r r r r r reqeqeqeqeq r r reqeqeqeqeqequiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuirererererererererererererered,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d, we report we report w w w w w w w w w we e e e e w w w w rerererererererererererererererepopopopopopopopopopopopopoportrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt

donordododododododododododononononononononononononorrrrr information, i i i infnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfornfnfnfnfnfororororornfnfnforororororororororormamamamamaorormamamamamatititimamamatitititimamamatititititionontiononononononononon,,,,donor including i i i incncncncncncncncncnclululunclulululululululudididiludidididididididingngngngngngngngngng test t t t teseseses t tesesesesesesesesesestttesesestttt results r r r r reseses r r reseseseses r r r resesesesesesesesesululululululululululultststststststststs to t t t t t t t t t tooooo health h h h h h heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaealteaeaealtltltltlthhhhh departments d d d d d depepepepepepepepepeparararararepepeparararararartmentsararararararararararararararararartmtmtmtmarartmtmtmtmtmtmtmenenenenenenenenenenenenenentststststststststs and a a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndnd regulatory regulatory r r r r r r r r r regegegegeg r r regegegegegegululululululululululululatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatorororororororororororororororyyyyyororor


very specific butpecific butpecific it i i i i i i ittttt i i i is i i i i i i i isssss p possible p p p p p p p p p p p p pososososos p p posososososososososososososossisisisisiososososossisisisisisisiblblblblblblblblbleeeeethat donorsththththththththththatatatatatatatatatat d d d d donon dononononononononononororororororororororororssorororororsssssorororsss who w w w w whohohohohohohohohohohohoho are a a a a arerererererererererererere not n n n n nototototototototototototot infected i i infnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfececnfnfnfnfnfecececececnfnfnfececececececececteecececececececececteteteteteecececectetetetetetetetetedddddtetetetetedddddteteteteteddddd will w w w w wilililililililillll have h h h h havavavavavavavavavavaveeeeeavavavavav falsely f f f f falalalalalalalseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseselyselyseseseselylylylylylyly positive results. We positive results. p p p p p p p p pososososos p p p posososososososososososititititititititititititivivivivivivivivivivivivive e e e e iviviviviv rererererererererererererererereresususususurererereresususususususultltltltltltltltltltlts.s.s.s.s.ltltlts.s. We W W W W We W W W Weeeee We are are a a a a a a a arerererere a arererererererere

requiredrererererererererererererererererequququququququququququiriririririririrededediriririrededededediririredededededededed to t t t toooo tooooo notify n n n n notototototototototifififotifififififififififyyyyifyyyyyififyy and a a a a a a a andndndndnd a a andndndndnd disqualify d d d d d disisisisisisisisisquququququququququququququalalalalalalalalalalififififififififyyyyififyyyyyififyy donors d d d d d donononononononononononorororororororororororororororsssssorororor disqualify even e e e e e evevevevevevevevevevevevevevevennnn when w w w w whehehe w whehehehehe w w w whehehehehehehehennnnn subsequent s s s s s s s s subububububububububub quubsequentububububububsesesesesesesesesesesesesesesequququququququququququenenenenenenenenenenenenenentttt test t t t t t tesesesesesesesesesesesesesestttt results r r r r r r r r r reseseseses r resesesesesesesesesesulululululululululultststststststststs e indicate i i i i indndndndndndndndndndndndndicicicicicicicicicicicatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatateeeeethatththththththththatatatatatatatat the t t thehehehehehehehehehethat donor d d d d d donononononononononononononononorororororororororor is i i isssssss donor not n n n n n nototototototot infected. i i i infnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfecececececnfnfnfecececececteteececteteteteteteteted.d.d.d.teteted.d.d.d.d.

WeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWe will w w w w wilililililililililililllll communicate c c c c comomomomom c c comomomomom c c c c comomomomomomomomomommumumumumumumumumumuninininininininininicacacacacacacacacacacacacacatetetetetetetetetetetetete test results t t t t tes teseseseses t tesesesesesesesesesesesesesest t t t eseseseses rerererererererereresusususurerererererereresususususurererereresusususususususususultltltltltltltltsltsssssltltsss directly d d d d diririririririririreciriririrecececececiriririrecececececececectlecececececececectltltltlececececectltltltltltltlyyyyy with w w w w w wititititititititithhhhh your son or daughter. y y y y y y y y y y your son or daughter. your son y y y y y y y y y y y y yououououou y y y yououououour r r r r sosososososososososososososososososon n n n n n or daughter. d d d d d d d dauauauauauauauauauauaughghghghghghghghghghghteteteteteteteteteteteteteter.r.r.r.r.r. We We W W W W Weeee Weeeee We maintain maintain m m m m m m m m m maiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaintntntntntntntntntntntntntntaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiainnnn

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parents only thehe donor's's consent.

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