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Bio Mel i Oration

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    BiomeliorationLiving in Harmonywith Nature

    Harnessing Bio-

    Methanation forEnergy Generation &Environment



    Generat ion

    of Organic




    Methane +

    Soi l

    Amendment Re-Mediated


  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    Introduction: Most of the worlds public water has

    become undrinkable due to sewage

    infiltration into groundwater. Unlesssomething is done now to restorethe environment and curb pollution,

    the future will be very challenged interms of meeting the worlds waterdemands

  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    Sewerage Statistics: It is estimated that a community of 10,000

    people can generate 40-acre inches of

    sewage effluent per day or an equivalent of 1

    million gallons of wastewater. Sewage: 1 person = 100 gallons pd = 1.46

    acre inches pa

    25 persons = 2,500 gallons pd = 8 kWhrs pd

    2.4 kWhrs = 1 x 100 W Bulb = 24 hrs

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    Types of LiquidWaste

    Rural Sewage

    Municipal Liquid Waste

    Agro-Industrial Effluent

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  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    Definitions: Environment:Encompasses the

    Inorganic Biosphere that we inhabit; theinter-dependent Organic Life Forms and

    the Life Supporting Ecological Systemsthat have evolved to work in harmony inorder to sustain Life.

    Biological: Taken to mean all living

    creatures be they zoological or botanical.

    Bioenvironmental Management: Theattempt to minimize the impact on the

    environment of Biological activity can be

    termed as Bioenvironmental


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    Biological amelioration/ remediation or usingBiological means to improve or rectify existing

    harmful conditions. A more cost effective method ascompared to incineration or physical and chemicalremediation methods.


    The amelioration of our degraded environment is

    best carried out by employing biological remedialmeasures that are low-cost and ecologically

    sustainable. Solid and Liquid Waste is increasingly being

    processed by Microbial Agents (Bioaugmentation)and Plants (Phytoremediation) to provide recycled

    water for aqua, horti and agriculture. Disposal of

    waste is more effective where there is partial

    recovery of energy and salvageable material.

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    History of Biogas 10th century BC - Used to heat water inAssyria

    16th centuryUsed to heat water inPersia

    17th century - Flammable gases found tobe emitted from decaying organic matter

    1776-1778Methane discovered andisolated by Alessandro Volta.Relationshipbetween the amount of decaying organicmatter and the amount of flammable gasproduced

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    History, contd. 1970s - Energy crisis renewed interest in


    1970s - 80s - Lack of understanding and

    overconfidence resulted in numerous


    China, India and Thailand reported 50%

    failure rates

    Failures of farm digesters in U.S.

    approached 80%

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    Reasons for Failures

    Inadequate operator training. Managemen t fai lures.

    Benefits oversold.

    Operations too small to justify digester.

    High costs of Infrastructure.

    Excessive operating costs.

    Unreliable market for biogas.

    Impurity of Gas produced.

    Lack of appropriate microbial inoculation.

    Prevailing Contractor System.

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    Whats Different Now:

    Improved designs and better understanding of O&M

    requirements. Cogeneration to raise volume of Methane captured.

    High prices for liquid fuel & natural gas.

    Market evolving for biogas energy.

    Microbe culture in Laboratories. Methods of scrubbing gas produced along-with

    valuable by-products evolved.

    Possibility of deploying Multi-Use, Integrated Plant to

    address different problems simultaneously. Revolutionary new Low-cost, Low-carbon, Super-

    Insulated, Disaster-proof Construction developed inPakistan.

    System of CDM/ Carbon Credits created.

  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    Advantages. The odor potential of a well digested

    waste is considerably reduced.

    Further Treatment & Bioaugmentationcan eliminate foul odors.

    Digested waste has slightly less fertilizer

    value than non-digested waste, but it ismore readily available to plants. It is

    simply converted to a more useful form.

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    Disadvantages. A methane digester is large and

    expensive. The expense stems from the

    fact that it must be well-insulated, air-tightand supplied a source of heat. The size

    of a conventional digester is equal to 15-

    20 times the daily waste volumeproduced.

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    A very high level of management is required.

    A methane digester can be extremely sensitive toenvironmental changes, and a biological upset

    may take months to correct. Methane generationceases or is very low during an upset.

    Start-up--usually the most critical phase ofmethane generation-is difficult. Methane-

    producing bacteria are very slow-growing, andseveral weeks are required to establish a largebacterial population.

    Methane is difficult to store, since at normal

    temperatures the gas can be compressed but notliquefied without special, very expensiveequipment.

    Methane can form an explosive mixture if

    exposed to air.

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    Environmental Benefits

    Reduces odor from

    land application

    Protects water


    Reduces pathogens

    Weed seed reduction

    Disease vector control

    after digestion

    Greenhouse Gas


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  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    Biological treatment is the most

    economical of waste treatments available

    today. In biological systems, the dynamics are

    biochemical as opposed to chemical, and

    the active agents are living entities.

    Where one would have to increase the

    quantity of chemicals proportionally to

    deal with a higher load of reactant, in abiological system the biological additive

    can grow to help compensate for

    increased loadings.

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    We must NurtureNature in order toensure that itcontinues tonurture US21stCenturyChallenges haveto be faced withlo-cost,innovative andeco friendly, Hi-Tech.Interventions.

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  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration





    Amino Acids

    Fatty Acids


    Carbonic Acid



    Carbon Dioxide



    Acetic Acid

    Carbon Dioxide


    Carbon Dioxide

    Hydrolysis Acidogenesis Acetogenesis Methanogenesis

  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    The septic system is abiological process. Like any living thing, it has certain

    nutritional requirements to function

    properly and functions best in a suitableenvironment.

    However, the best first step in optimizing

    the performance of a septic system is tohave a complete ecosystem of the

    organisms required for the most

    complete breakdown of the waste.

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    Successful BioaugmentationTotal System Management If the microbiological population can be viewed

    as a workforce, then the consultant or systemmanager is responsible for keeping the

    workforce productive. He must maintain the integrity of the microbial


    The system manager must provide anacceptable work environment by controlling thekey system managers such as pH, temperatureand oxygen levels.

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    He has to know when to lay off workers

    through wasting to keep the population

    young and vital. The successful system manager knows

    when to hire new workers to provide

    special skills not found in his workforce. Finally, he must compensate them with

    nutrients to ensure good growth and a

    healthy population. Bioaugmentation is the mechanism to

    provide these skills workers.

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  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    Tensegrity is a contraction of

    tensional integrity structuring.Tensegrity describes a structural-relationship principle in which

    structural shape is guaranteed by thefinitely closed, comprehensivelycontinuous, tensional behaviors of

    the system and not by thediscontinuous and exclusively localcompressional member behaviors.

  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    The Mongol Tent was named Ger,

    which gave rise to our Urdu word Ghar

    and was adapted by the Turks as theYurt, the source of our language Urdu

    arising from the plural Yurtu or group of


  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    Sizing a Plant:REQUIREMENTS

    Small Large





    Amount & Type

    Of Raw

    Material Used






    Heating &





    Heating &


    Operating Cycle of

    the Plant

    Size of Digester

    Availability of

    Raw Material

    Suitability of

    R aw Material

  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    Benefits of Composting:Serves as the principal storehouse for anions such as nitrates, sulfates, borates,

    molybdates and chlorides that are essential for plant growth.

    Increases CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) of soil by a factor of 5 to 10 timesthat of clay.

    Acts as a buffer against rapid changes caused by acidity; alkalinity; salinity;

    pesticides and toxic heavy metals.

    Supplies food for beneficial soil organisms like earthworms, symbiotic Nitrogen

    fixing bacteria and mycorrihize (beneficial fungus).

    Serves as recycling sink for organic waste and green manures (animal manure,

    crop residues, household refuse and leguminous plants collected within and

    outside the farm) and thus keeps environment clean and hygienic.

    Softens the soil by introducing fibrous matter.

    Increases soil water retention capacity.

    Makes plants more resistant to pests and disease through improved nutrient

    availability and uptake, resulting in healthier plants with strong

    immune systems.

    Prevents soil acidification.

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  • 8/12/2019 Bio Mel i Oration


    UK Estimate: If just 5.5 million tons of food waste was treated by

    AD we could generate between 477 and 761 GWhof electricity each yearenough to meet the needs

    of up to 164,000 households. Compared to

    composting the same amount of food waste,

    treating it with AD would save between 0.22 and

    0.35 million tons of CO2 equivalent, assuming the

    displaced source is gas-fired electricity generation.

    But at the moment we only AD 50,000 tons of foodwaste each year - 0.4 per cent of the UKs food


    ERM (2007), Carbon Balances and Energy Impacts of the Management of UK Waste Streams

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    33/34Moving Towards The Future?

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    Conclusion: By now, I am sure that all will agree that the

    discussed exercise is not only badly needed, it

    is also highly desirable and affordable.

    A CMD Project that commands carbon Credits

    is the requirement of the day. In this manner, given seed money for initial

    establishment, a recycling of Capital along with

    Socially Generated Waste is made possible.

    In this case we do not have to ask How much

    will it cost, rather ask what will it cost not to

    implement the Project?