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Binomial Graph: A Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Logical Network Topology Thara Angskun 1 , George Bosilca 1 , and Jack Dongarra 2 1 Department of Computer Science, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2 University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab. and University of Manchester Abstract. The number of processors embedded in high performance computing platforms is growing daily to solve larger and more complex problems. The logical network topologies must also support the high de- gree of scalability in dynamic environments. This paper presents a scal- able and fault tolerant topology called binomial graph (BMG). BMG provides desirable topological properties in terms of both scalability and fault-tolerance for high performance computing such as reasonable de- gree, regular graph, low diameter, symmetric graph, low cost factor, low message traffic density, optimal connectivity, low fault-diameter and strongly resilient. Several fault-tolerant routing algorithms are provided on BMG for various message types. More importantly, BMG is able to deliver broadcast messages from any node within log2(n) steps. 1 Introduction Recently, several high performance computing platforms have been installed with more than 10,000 CPUs, such as Blue-Gene/L at LLNL, BGW at IBM and Columbia at NASA [1]. However, as the number of components increases, so does the probability of failure. To satisfy the requirements of such a dynamic environment (where the available number of resources is fluctuating), a scal- able and fault-tolerant communication framework is needed. The communication framework is important for both runtime environments of MPI libraries and the MPI libraries themselves. The communication frameworks are based on a logical topology. The design of logical topologies should meet the following important criteria: (a) Low degree - the degree of a node is the number of links incident to the node. The degree number should be kept to a minimum to reduce the state management load on each node. (b) Regular graph - every node has the same degree. (c) Low diameter - the diameter of a graph is the longest shortest path between any two nodes. This number represents the worst case performance (a maximum number of hops) of the topology. (d) Symmetric graph - the average inter-nodal distance should be the same from any source node. (e) No numbers of node restriction - unlike the physical network topology, the logical network topology should be able to handle any number of nodes to support large scale parallel applications. In addition to the mentioned criteria, the routing protocol of the topology should be able to deliver the control messages in both normal and failure circumstances.

Binomial Graph: A Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Logical logical network topologies must also ... The design of

Apr 29, 2018



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Page 1: Binomial Graph: A Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Logical logical network topologies must also ... The design of

Binomial Graph: A Scalable and Fault-TolerantLogical Network Topology

Thara Angskun1, George Bosilca1, and Jack Dongarra2

1 Department of Computer Science, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville2 University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab. and University of Manchester

Abstract. The number of processors embedded in high performancecomputing platforms is growing daily to solve larger and more complexproblems. The logical network topologies must also support the high de-gree of scalability in dynamic environments. This paper presents a scal-able and fault tolerant topology called binomial graph (BMG). BMGprovides desirable topological properties in terms of both scalability andfault-tolerance for high performance computing such as reasonable de-gree, regular graph, low diameter, symmetric graph, low cost factor,low message traffic density, optimal connectivity, low fault-diameter andstrongly resilient. Several fault-tolerant routing algorithms are providedon BMG for various message types. More importantly, BMG is able todeliver broadcast messages from any node within log2(n) steps.

1 Introduction

Recently, several high performance computing platforms have been installed withmore than 10,000 CPUs, such as Blue-Gene/L at LLNL, BGW at IBM andColumbia at NASA [1]. However, as the number of components increases, sodoes the probability of failure. To satisfy the requirements of such a dynamicenvironment (where the available number of resources is fluctuating), a scal-able and fault-tolerant communication framework is needed. The communicationframework is important for both runtime environments of MPI libraries and theMPI libraries themselves. The communication frameworks are based on a logicaltopology. The design of logical topologies should meet the following importantcriteria: (a) Low degree - the degree of a node is the number of links incident tothe node. The degree number should be kept to a minimum to reduce the statemanagement load on each node. (b) Regular graph - every node has the samedegree. (c) Low diameter - the diameter of a graph is the longest shortest pathbetween any two nodes. This number represents the worst case performance (amaximum number of hops) of the topology. (d) Symmetric graph - the averageinter-nodal distance should be the same from any source node. (e) No numbersof node restriction - unlike the physical network topology, the logical networktopology should be able to handle any number of nodes to support large scaleparallel applications. In addition to the mentioned criteria, the routing protocolof the topology should be able to deliver the control messages in both normaland failure circumstances.

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There are several existing logical network topologies that can be used in highperformance computing (HPC). The fully connected topology is good in termsof fault-tolerance, but it is not scalable because of high degree. The bidirectionalring topology is more scalable, but it is not fault-tolerant. Hypercube [2] and itsvariants FPCN [3], de Bruijn [4] and its variants , Kautz [5] and ShuffleNet [6]have a number of node restrictions. They are either not scalable or not fault-tolerant. The Manhattan Street Network (2D Torus) [7] is more flexible (norestriction in numbers of node) than Hypercube-like topologies. However, it hasa much higher average hop-distance. Variants of k -ary tree, such as HierarchicalClique (HiC) [8] and k -ary sibling tree (Hypertree [9]) used in SFTP [10, 11],are scalable and fault-tolerant. They are good for both unicast and broadcastmessages. However, all nodes in their topologies are not equal (the resultinggraph is not regular). Topologies, used in structured peer-to-peer networkingbased on distributed hash tables such as CAN [12], Chord [13], Pastry [14] andTapestry [15], are also scalable and fault-tolerant. They were designed for re-source discovery in dynamic environment. Hence, they may not be efficientlyused in HPC owing to the overhead for managing highly dynamic applications.

This paper presents a new scalable and fault tolerant logical network topologycalled binomial graph (BMG). BMG provides desirable topological properties interms of both scalability and fault-tolerance for high performance computing.The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 describes the structure andinitialization scheme of BMG. Some topological properties of BMG are discussedin section 3 and section 4. Section 5 presents the fault-tolerant routing algorithm,followed by conclusions and future work in the section 6.

2 Structure of BMG

BMG is an undirected graph G :=(V,E ) where V is a set of nodes (vertices); |v|= n and E is a set of links (edges). Each node i, where i∈V and i=1,2,...,n, haslinks to a set of nodes U, where U={i±1,i±2,...,±2k|2k ≤n} in circular space,i.e., node i has links to a set of clockwise (CW) nodes {(i+1) mod n, (i+2)mod n,..., (i+2k) mod n|2k ≤n} and a set of counterclockwise (CCW) nodes{(n-i+1) mod n, (n-i+2) mod n,..., (n-i+2k) mod n | 2k ≤n}. The structure ofBMG can also be classified in the circulant graph family3. A circulant graph withn nodes and jumps j1, j2, ..., jm is a graph in which each node i, 0 ≤ i ≤ n−1, isadjacent to all the vertices i± jk mod n, where 1 ≤ k ≤ m. BMG is a circulantgraph where jk is the power of 2 that is less than or equal n.

Fig. 1(a) illustrates an example of 12-node binomial graph. All the linesrepresent all connections in the network. The other way to look at the binomialgraph is that it is a topology, which is constructed from merging all necessarylinks being able to create binomial trees from each node in the graph. Fig. 1(b)shows an example of a binomial tree when node 1 is the root node. The arrowspoint in the direction of the leaf nodes. For each link in a binomial graph, a3 Although BMG can be categorized into a class of a well-known graph, this particular

configuration have never been analyzed.

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node which has a higher ID will initiate the connection to the node that hasthe lower ID. Assume that the nodes are started in order, i.e., node 1 is startedbefore node 2, node 2 is started before node 3 and so on. When node i startsup, it will try to establish a connection to each u∈U, where u<i. The dashedlines of Fig. 1(c) represent all the connections that are linked to node 9 in the12-node binomial graph. The arrows point from the initiators (connectors) to theacceptors. Node 9 initiates connections to node 1, 5, 7 and 8, while it acceptsconnections from node 10 and 11. Their structured initialization procedure iscapable of handling any number of nodes in a scalable manner, i.e, there is nonumber of node restriction for BMG.











(a) 12-node BMG











(b) Binomial tree (root=1)











(c) BMG initialization

Fig. 1. Binomial graph structure

3 Properties of BMG

This section presents several basic properties in graph theory of BMG suchas degree, diameter, average distance, message traffic density and cost factor.Several evaluations comparing BMG with other related topologies are presented.Properties of related topologies were obtained from respective theorems given inthe reference papers.

3.1 Degree

If a node in a graph has δ connections that are linked to it, the node has de-gree δ. The minimum degree δmin of a graph is the smallest node degree, whilethe maximum degree δmax of a graph is the largest node degree. If every nodehas the same degree (δmin = δmax), the graph is regular. A regular graph alsomeans that all the nodes are equivalent and can use the same routing and fault-handling algorithms. Those algorithms are also simpler compared to non-regulartopologies, such as tree-based topologies, because they don’t need to handle spe-cial cases. BMG is a regular graph. Fig. 1(a) is an example of a 12-node BMG,where each node has degree 6.

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For a BMG of size n (having n nodes), each node has a degree δas shown in Equation (1).

δ =

(2× dlog2 ne)− 1 For n = 2k,where k ∈ N(2× dlog2 ne)− 2 For n = 2k + 2j ,where k, j ∈ N ∧ k 6= j2× dlog2 ne Otherwise


Although BMG has higher degree than other related topologies, it has lowerdistance than the related properties. The trade-off between degree and distancefor a fair comparison between topologies is discussed later in section 3.5.

3.2 Diameter

The distance d(i,j ) between a node i and a node j in a graph is defined as thelength of the shortest path from i to j in the graph. The diameter D of a graphis given by max(d(i,j )) over all possible pairs (i,j ) of nodes in the graph. Thediameter D is the longest shortest path between any two nodes in the graph. TheBMG diameter, along with the diameter of related networks such as 2D Torus,binary Hypercube, Chord, HiC(4,h) and 4-ary Hypertree, is shown in Fig. 2(a).BMG has the lowest diameter among them.

3.3 Average distance

The average distance di of node i is obtained from Equation (2).

di =

∑nj=1 d(i, j)n− 1

, where i 6= j (2)

A graph is symmetric (in the sense of average distance) if all the nodes have thesame average inter-nodal distance (di, where i ∈ N), which is also the same asaverage distance of the graph d. The average distance d of a graph is given byEquation (3).

d =


∑nj=1 d(i, j)

n× (n− 1),where i 6= j (3)

Fig. 2(b) illustrates that BMG has the lowest average distance (of a graph)when comparing with 2D Torus, binary Hypercube, Chord, HiC(4,h) and 4-aryHypertree topologies. The average distance also reflects the unicast performance(in terms of hop).

If node i uses Si steps to send broadcast messages, the average numberof broadcast steps of a graph is computed by

Pni=1 Si

n . Fig. 2(c) illustrates theaverage number of broadcast steps of BMG. The number of broadcast steps fromany node in BMG is log2(n) because a binomial tree can always be created fromany node of BMG.

BMG is also a symmetric graph in terms of performance. Both the averageinter-nodal distance (unicast) and the number of steps required for broadcastare the same for all nodes.

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16 32 64 128 256 512 1024



er (


Number of Nodes




(a) Diameter







16 32 64 128 256 512 1024





e (h


Number of Nodes




(b) Unicast hop






16 32 64 128 256 512 1024





Number of Nodes


(c) Broadcast step

Fig. 2. BMG distance related properties

3.4 Message Traffic Density

Assuming each node is sending one message to a node at average distance d, themessage traffic in the network can be estimated by the message traffic density(ρ). This factor is given by ρ = d×n

L , where L is the total number of links.BMG has the number of links L = δ×n

2 . Fig. 3(a) shows that BMG has thelowest message traffic density when comparing with 2D Torus, binary Hypercube,Chord, HiC(4,h) and 4-ary Hypertree topologies. Nevertheless, ρ of BMG doesnot exceed 0.5 even for large systems.

3.5 Cost Factor

A network with large diameter usually has a small degree, but it may suffer fromhigh latency, e.g., the ring topology has δ = 2 and D = bn

2 c. On the other hand,a small-diameter network may have a higher degree, e.g., the fully connectedtopology (complete graph) has D = 1 and δ = n − 1. It is desirable to have alogical topology with both small diameter (low latency) and small degree (lowstate management). Thus, for a symmetric network, a cost factor [16] (ξ) isdefined as the product of diameter (D) and degree (δ). In general, the cost of aparticular topology [17] can also be defined as the product of the diameter (D)and the number of links (L) in the network.

Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 3(c) present a cost factor comparison. Although 4-aryHypertree has lower cost factor than BMG, it has significantly higher messagetraffic density and average distance. The results show that BMG has comparablecost factor to binary Hypercube and Torus. It also has significantly lower costfactor than HiC(4,h), Chord, ring and fully connected topologies.

All of the properties presented in this section illustrate the scalable capabilityof BMG. It has a reasonable degree, a low diameter, a low average (unicast andbroadcast) distance, a low message traffic density and a low cost factor. Thecapabilities of BMG in terms of fault-tolerance are presented in the next section.

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16 32 64 128 256 512 1024







Number of Nodes




(a) Message Traffic Density







16 32 64 128 256 512 1024



Number of Nodes





(b) ξ = D × δ





1 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024




Number of Nodes





(c) ξ = D × L

Fig. 3. ρ and ξ properties of BMG

4 Fault Tolerant Capabilities of BMG

This section presents several properties in terms of fault-tolerance to illustratethe fault-tolerant capability of BMG such as connectivity and fault-diameter.

4.1 Connectivity

The node-connectivity (κ) of BMG is defined as the minimum number of nodes ofwhich removal can result in disconnecting the network, i.e., the smallest numberof node-distinct paths between any two nodes. The link-connectivity (λ) of BMGis defined as the minimum number of link of which removal can result in dis-connecting the network, i.e., the smallest number of link-distinct paths betweenany two nodes. Fig. 4(a) illustrates that node-connectivity and link-connectivityof BMG are equal to the degree, i.e., the BMG is δ − 1 node fault-tolerant andδ − 1 link fault-tolerant. However, some cases, where δ nodes fail, will resultin disconnecting the network. In fact, the percentage for n-node BMG beingdisconnected by a δ-node fault set is minimal (less than one percent) as shownin Fig. 4(b). Fig. 4(c) compares the node-connectivity and link-connectivity ofHiC(4,h) and BMG at the same degree. BMG is twice as robust as HiC(4,h).

For any graph, κ ≤ λ ≤ δmin. However if κ = λ = δmin, the graph isoptimally connected [18] because the node and link connectivities are as highas possible, i.e., the network is as robust as it could be, and that is the casefor BMG. The optimal connectivity is also important in reducing the impactof node destruction on link load [19]. In general, traffic can be distributed overat least λ link-disjoint paths between two nodes. If κ < λ, the number of link-disjoint paths may drastically drop after the loss of a critical node. However, ifκ = λ (optimal connectivity), the node failure can destroy, at most, one of theλ link-disjoint paths.

4.2 Fault diameter

The fault diameter F is the largest diameter of the network when there are λ−1node failures (a maximum number of failure nodes before the network becomes

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16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096




Number of Nodes


(a) κ & λ of BMG









16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096









Number of Nodes


(b) % Disconnection







8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24







(c) Connectivity

Fig. 4. Connectivity

bipartite). Fig. 5(a) depicts that the fault diameter of BMG is lower than othertopologies. There are two classes of graph G distinguished by the relationshipbetween the fault diameter (F ) and the diameter (D) of the graph [20], calledstrongly resilient and weakly resilient. A graph is considered strongly resilient ifthere exists a constant φ such that F (G) ≤ D(G)+φ for all graph sizes n, wheren ∈ N. On the other hand, a graph is considered weakly resilient if there existsa constant φ such that F (G) ≤ D(G) × φ for all graph sizes n, where n ∈ N.BMG is considered strongly resilient as shown in Fig. 5(b), where φ = 2 , i.e.,F (BMG) ≤ D(BMG) + 2. This indicates that, even under faulty conditions,the performance of BMG will not be severely degraded.








16 32 64 128 256 512 1024




Number of Nodes



(a) Fault Diameter



16 32 64 128 256 512 1024

Number of Nodes








Diameter(D)Fault Diameter(F)

(b) Resilient

Fig. 5. Fault diameter

5 Fault-tolerant Routing

This section presents several routing algorithms that can handle different mes-sage types (unicast, multicast and broadcast) under both normal and failurecircumstances. Due to the fact that all nodes in BMG are equal (both regular

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and symmetric), each node in the graph can run the same routing algorithm. InBMG, each node only needs to maintain the contact information, node ID andstatus of its δ direct neighbors. This information will be used for searching theshortest path from a source to a destination in both normal and failure modes.

5.1 Unicast Routing Algorithm

Under normal circumstances (no failures), the unicast message routing couldbe optimally done by searching for the shortest path between the source anddestination. However, the complexity of the algorithm is more than sub-optimal,which could estimate the shortest path with rule-based techniques.

Optimal Algorithm The optimal routing algorithm can use the breadth-firstsearch technique with a modified graph coloring algorithm. Although this algo-rithm gives the optimal result, the complexity of the algorithm is O(|V |+ |E|).A routing table could be used to keep the result of the neighbors sorted by theshortest path from the node itself to all other nodes in BMG. The lower priorityneighbor node will be used as an alternative for the next hop when the highestpriority neighbor dies. In practice, the routing table can be implemented with adata structure that has the search complexity O(log2n) such as a red-black tree.

Sub-Optimal Algorithm A basic algorithm to estimate the shortest path be-tween nodes is to use a rule-based method that sends the unicast messages to theneighbor that has the closest ID to the destination ID as shown in Algorithm 1.The complexity of the basic unicast routing algorithm is O(δ).

Algorithm 1 Find neighborID which has the shortest distance to destIDRequire: 1 ≤ myID ≤ n ∧ 1 ≤ destID ≤ n, n ∈ N1: Min ⇐∞2: Get neighborID of myID3: for i = 0 to (Numbersofneighbor)− 1 do4: Distance ⇐ |destID − neighborID[i]|5: if Distance < Min then6: Min ⇐ Distance7: nextHopID=neighborID[i]8: end if9: end for

10: Return nextHopID

The basic routing algorithm becomes sub-optimal when the destination isone of the neighbors (or a neighbor of neighbors) of a node (including a sourcenode) of which ID is not the closest ID compared to the destination, e.g., if thenode 1 is the source and the node 12 is the destination of unicast messages in

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a 23-node configuration The basic routing algorithm will route messages fromnode 1 to node 12 using node 9 and node 11 as the intermediate nodes, whilethe shortest path would use node 5 as the intermediate node to route unicastmessages from node 1 to node 12.

To overcome this shortcoming, a unicast message routing algorithm (calledvariant) has been introduced. It is the variant of the basic algorithm, whichallows messages forward to a neighbor which its ID is not the closest ID to thedestination ID if the destination is directly connected to the neighbor, e.g., incase of sending unicast messages from node 1 to node 12 on 23-node BMG.Node 1 will forward messages to neighbor node 5 (even node 9 has a closer ID tonode 12), because node 12 is directly connected to node 5. Fig. 6(a) illustratesthe average (d) and maximum (dmax) distance of the variant routing algorithmcompared with the basic and optimal routing algorithm. Fig. 6(b) and Fig. 6(c)depict that the variant algorithm is marginally better than the basic algorithmin terms of dmax and d.





16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096




Number of Nodes


Diameter-VariantAverage Hop-Optimal

Average Hop-BasicAverage Hop-Variant

(a) d and D








16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096




op O



Number of Nodes


(b) d overhead (%)




16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096



er O





Number of Nodes





0 1 2


(c) D overhead (hop)

Fig. 6. Variant routing performance

The average dmax overhead of a configuration between 16 and 4096 nodes isreduced from 0.454 to 0.449 hops, while the average d overhead is also decreasedfrom 5.55% to 4.69%. The complexity of the variant unicast routing algorithm isO(δ2). This algorithm could be extended by recursively finding if the destinationis directly connected to the neighbor of a neighbor and so on. The complexityof the extended version is O(δr+1), where r is the recursive level.

In normal circumstances, each of the unicast routing algorithms is loop avoid-ance, i.e., it prevents problems of duplicate packet, broadcast storm and dead-lock. The messages will always get closer to the destination at every hop. How-ever, this is not the case under failure circumstances. The messages can belooped. Thus, additional loop prevention is needed. The loop can be preventedby techniques such as adding transit list fields in the packet header. The transitlist fields may contain 3-tuple consisting of incoming neighbor, transit node andoutgoing neighbor. These fields do not only prevent a node from sending a packetto the same neighbor twice, but also help in backtracking to the originator of

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the packet and finding an alternative route. The transit list may be added tothe header only when a node detects that its neighbor, which is in the outgoingdirection of the packet, died or when the packet has already had the transit list.

5.2 Multicast Routing Algorithm

The multicast from any nodes in BMG is the capability to send messages toseveral destinations (1 to m, where m < n). Unlike the IP multicast, multi-cast group management (group creation and termination) is not required. Themulticast group members are embedded in the message header. The multicastrouting algorithms are all based on unicast algorithms. All capabilities in bothnormal and failure circumstances are the same, except that the multicast mes-sages can also be split at an intermediate node. The messages will be split, ifthe shortest paths to those destination nodes are not in the same direction fromthe intermediate node point of view. However, if there is more than one shortestpath to a destination, the intermediate node will choose the next hop which cango along with other destinations. When a node receives a multicast message,it will first determine the header and choose the next hop for each multicastdestination according to the shortest path to them. The node will recreate theheader corresponding to the direction of each next hop. Messages that containthe largest number of hops will be forwarded first to increase network throughputby utilizing multiple links simultaneously.

5.3 Broadcast Routing Algorithm

Broadcast messages from any node in BMG are handled by creating a binomialspanning tree from the source. Under normal circumstances, only the links ofthe binomial spanning tree of BMG are used to prevent loop (broadcast stormproblems). There are two steps involving the next hop calculation. The first stepis to create a binomial spanning tree using the source node as the root node of thetree. The second step is to calculate the next hop. The next hop is chosen fromthe children of each node according to the spanning tree that has the highestcost among its children. The cost is computed from the number of steps used tosend a message to all nodes in the subtrees of children.

There are two algorithms for creating a binomial spanning tree and findinga parent and children of a node, according to the binomial spanning tree fromthe source. The first algorithm creates the tree by choosing the closest ID firstas shown in Fig. 7(a), while the second algorithm chooses the closest ID last asshown in Fig. 7(b)

Both of the algorithms only use the existing links in BMG to create thebinomial tree from any node in BMG. This means that broadcast messages fromany node in BMG can always be delivered within O(log2n) steps.

In case of failure, a broadcast message is encapsulated into a multicast mes-sage, and then the message is sent from a parent of the failed node to its childrenin the binomial spanning tree. The children will de-capsulate the multicast mes-sage and continue to forward the initial broadcast message. If the children of the

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2 3 5 9

7 11

8 12

4 6 10


14 15


(a) Closest ID First


2 3 5 9

4 6 7


10 11



14 15


(b) Closest ID Last

Fig. 7. Binomial Broadcast Tree

failed node also die, the message will be rerouted to its grandchildren automat-ically.

Under normal circumstances, all of the broadcast routing algorithms in BMGare loop avoidance because they always send broadcast messages using links thatexist in the binomial spanning tree. Under failure circumstances, the reroutingmechanism is based on multicast messages, so the loop avoidance procedures areinherited from the multicast algorithms.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper presents a scalable and fault tolerant topology called binomial graph(BMG). The capabilities in terms of both scalability and fault tolerance havebeen analyzed. The results show that BMG provides desirable topological prop-erties for high performance computing. It has scalable capability properties suchas reasonable degree, regular graph (every node has the same degree), low di-ameter, low average distance (both unicast and broadcast), symmetric graph (inthe sense that average inter-nodal distance is the same from any source node), nonumbers of node restriction, low cost factor and low message traffic density. TheBMG also has good fault-tolerant properties such as optimal connectivity, lowfault-diameter, strongly resilient and good optimal probability in failure cases.The paper also discusses several routing algorithms that can deliver the shortestpath, while it maintains low complexity. These routing algorithms are suitableunder both normal and failure circumstances.

There are several improvements that we plan for the near future. Makingthe routing algorithm aware of the underlying network topology (in both theLAN and WAN environments) will greatly improve the overall performance forboth the unicast and broadcast message transmissions. This is equivalent toadding a function cost on each possible path and integrating this function costto the computation of the shortest path. In the longer term, we hope that BMGwill become the basic logical topology of the runtime environments within theFT-MPI and Open MPI libraries.

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