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    Gordon V.R. Holness, P.E., is a consulting engi-

    neer in Detroit. He is also treasurer on ASHRAEs

    Board of Directors.

    About the Author

    28 A S H R A E J o u r n a l a s h r a e . o r g J u n e 2008

    BIMGainingMomentumBy Gordon V.R. Holness, P.E., Fellow/Life Member ASHRAE


    his article reviews recent developments in building information modeling

    (BIM) and interoperability and the impact of this technology on ASHRAE.

    Clearly, sustainability is a major focus of the Society through its 2006 Strategic

    Plan and all subsequent developments: Vision 2020, Proposed Standard 189,

    Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise

    Residential Buildings, the Advanced Energy Design Guide series, etc. However,

    paralleling these efforts is recognition that issues such as integrated building

    design play a critical role if we, as an industry, are to succeed. Sustainability and

    many other issues associated with building design, construction, commissioning,

    and operation are interwoven and interdependent such that everyone involved with

    buildings must work together if individual objectives are to be fully realized.

    Building Information Modeling

    BIM is the process o using intelligent

    graphic and data modeling sotware to

    create optimized and integrated building

    design solutions, as dened by the 2007

    ASHRAE HandbookHVAC Applica-

    tions. More importantly to ASHRAE

    members, BIM encompasses the use o

    three-dimensional, real-time, intelligent

    and dynamic modeling, and can be a

    valuable tool in acilitating successul

    coordination and collaboration. This is

    critical to integrated building design

    because it allows all interested parties to,

    transparently and in real time, share, ap-ply and update inormation about build-

    ings. ASHRAE can play a signicant role

    in this eort, i it is prepared to commitresources and develop specic goals in

    establishing basic HVAC terminology,data dictionaries, rule sets, and schema

    or its Handbook and standards to sup-

    port the building industry in electronic

    data exchange.

    The establishment o an ASHRAEBuilding Inormation Modeling and

    Interoperability Steering Committee

    under the Technology Council is an ex-

    cellent start. It indicates recognition by

    ASHRAE o the role technology can playin the development o better buildings(whether better is dened as sustainable,

    more energy ecient, saer or less cost-

    ly). As ASHRAE rolls out educational

    programs, seminars, white papers, and

    other publications on BIM, including aplanned ASHRAE BIM guide, it needs to

    The ollowing article was published in ASHRAE Journal, June 2008. Copyright 2008 American Society o Heating, Rerigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. It is presented or educational purposes only. This article may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or inpaper orm without permission o ASHRAE.

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    J u n e 2008 A S H R A E J o u r n a l 29

    be cognizant o the bigger picture: the potential impact o BIMon almost everything it does as a technical society, not just ontechnology associated with buildings, but the actual process o

    design, construction, commissioning, and operation.

    As discussed in this paper, a signicant amount o work is be-

    ing done worldwide on sotware tool and protocol developments

    by government agencies, nonprot and research organizations,

    as well as commercial entities, to acilitate and promote BIMtechnology. Also discussed are developments in application

    sotware. The good news is that many, i not most, o these

    developments will provide greater interoperability.

    Overview o BIM

    BIM is the assembly oa single database o ully integratedand interoperable inormation that can be used seamlessly and

    sequentially by all members o the design and construction team

    and, ultimately, by owners/op-

    erators throughout a acilitys liecycle. The desired result is a BIM

    model where three-dimensional

    (3D) graphical imaging carries

    real-time (i.e., immediate and

    dynamic access) data, and whereevery line and every object car-

    ries real-lie intelligent physical

    and perormance data.The technology o BIM is

    rapidly evolving and, althoughsome interoperability issues still

    need to be addressed, little doubt

    exists that this will cause a unda-

    mental change in how buildings

    are designed, constructed, and operated. The technology willbring greater collaboration between design disciplines, as well

    as within the construction industry. Statistics rom the Con-

    struction Industry Institute (CII) (

    org) under its benchmarking and metrics studies indicate that

    construction industry productivity has decreased 25% duringthe past 15 years, compared to manuacturing industries, whichhave increased 125% during that same period. Similarly, and

    o greater concern, while manuacturing industries have taken

    advantage o technology and are at 66% value-added and 26%

    waste, the construction industry is at an all-time low o 10%

    value-added and 57% waste. This represents a tremendousuntapped resource in the $1.5 trillion U.S. and $4.8 trillion

    worldwide building industry; a resource that when tapped can

    provide needed revenue to support initiatives leading toward

    better buildings. Studies done or CII by NIST (

    indicate that resolution o interoperability issues alone could

    save $15.8 billion per year. In act, the buildingSMART Alli-

    ance (BSA) ( believes thatBIM has the potential to save more than $200 billion per yearin construction costs.

    Clearly, the use o BIM technology has gained wider acceptance

    in the past two years. A recent McGraw-Hill Construction 2007

    Interoperability SmartMarket Report o the building industry


    indicates BIM is used by approximately 20% o designers. However,the responses also indicate a projected use o 80% within ve years

    and 100% within 10 years. Although those numbers may seem

    optimistic, it indicates the potential o BIM having a signicant

    impact on, and creating a considerable opportunity or, ASHRAE

    members, whether they are in the design, construction, or manu-acturing side o the industry. BIM technology already has proven

    to increase collaboration between design disciplines and between

    designers and constructors. It also allows others who are involved in

    the process such as lenders, owners,

    and developers to better understandbuildings and more eectively

    participate and contribute.

    Intelligent modeling technol-

    ogy can start with direct data

    transer rom the design calcula-tion sotware and spreadsheets,

    into graphic layouts (or systems

    such as structural steel, ireprotection, or other modular

    elements). Alternatively, it canuse the graphic layouts as direct

    input to load calculations (such

    as pipe sizing, duct sizing, etc.).

    BIM models also can link di-

    rectly to specications and manuacturers Web sites or datainput. Building inormation modeling technology extends into

    ully integrated 4D (adding the ourth dimension o time, e.g.,

    scheduling or sequencing programs such as Primavera) and

    5D modeling (adding the th dimension o cost or estimating

    and budget control using programs such as Sage TimberlineOce). The building design development can continue withthe provision o automatic bills o material and generation o

    automatic shop drawings or everything rom structural steel

    to sheet metal duct abrication, to re protection and piping

    abrication, to electrical cabling and bus duct layouts, etc.

    Tool and Sotware Protocol Developments

    A major key to the success o these eorts is establishing

    common sotware protocols. The National Institute o Building

    Sciences Facility Inormation Council (www.acilityinorma- working in conjunction with such groups as

    FIATECH (, the buildingSMART Alliance and

    Figure 1: Typical BIM model systems coordination.

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    30 A S H R A E J o u r n a l J u n e 2008

    the International Alliance or Interoperability (IAI)at (www. has developed the National Building InormationModeling Standard Version 1.0 to address this issue. The stan-

    dard is available at (

    The mission o IAI can be ound on its Web site, which also

    provides inormation on programmable language XML datamodels or inormation transer between disparate sotwarepackages. It also oers intelligent and universal data models

    InPro, Open Inormation Environment or

    Knowledge-Based Collaborative Process-

    es Throughout the Liecycle o a Building

    (European Project No. 026716-2).

    The buildingSMART Alliance, previ-ously organized as the IAI North American

    Chapter, has been established as a coun-

    cil o the National Institute o Building

    Sciences and is specically intended to

    address interoperability issues and ostercollaboration among the individuals, or-

    ganizations, and entities associated with

    the building industry. ASHRAE has a

    representative on the Alliance board o

    directors and the vice chair o the Allianceis on the ASHRAE BIM steering commit-

    tee. The Alliance is still in the ormative

    stages. Although it has developed a vision

    and mission, its short-term activities are

    to identiy what is needed to ully realizebuilding SMART in the U.S. Work is being

    done to satisy the vision and mission and

    then identiy and help ll the gaps neededor success.

    O particular interest is the work beingdone by the FIATECH (a nonprot con-

    sortium established by the Construction

    Industry Institute and supported by NIST)

    towards ully integrated and automated

    design and construction technologies. ItsCapital Projects Technology Roadmap

    (CPTR) presents its strategy or the capital

    projects industry in developing a consensus

    vision or the capital projects industry and a

    uniying initiative to achieve the vision.

    Commercial Application Sotware


    The rst challenge acing private and

    commercial enterprises in developing

    integrated inormation modeling is thelimited size o the marketplace. Unlike

    basic oce sotware where a word pro-

    cessing program may sell tens o millions

    o copies, building modeling programs

    (o ar greater sophistication) may sell

    only a ew hundred thousand. The second

    through Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) to IFC.XML2 ISO

    10303-28, which incorporate HVAC schemas compatible withicXML - IFC2X3 code (ISO 10303-11), as well as data ele-

    ments that represent entire portions o a building or system.

    Worthwhile reading is the newJournal o Building Inormation

    Modeling ( not widely used in the U.S., IAIs InternationalCouncil has established the European Integrated Project called

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    32 A S H R A E J o u r n a l J u n e 2008

    challenge acing the industry is developing a commonality o

    program protocols that enable a ree exchange o data betweendisparate sotware systems. Here, the work being done by NIBS

    and IAI to develop an overall integrated program under the

    umbrella o the buildingSMART Alliance shows great promise

    in combining BIM technology with Inormation or the Con-struction global ISO standards to ISO/PAS 16793.One o the most important recent advances has been the de-

    velopment o open meld protocols that allow the integration o

    disparate sotware programs. These programs have the ability

    to more easily manage, view, and integrate disparate sotware

    programs providing real-time navigation, collaborative com-

    munication, and presentation o 3D and 4D BIMs.O even greater benet in the United States, is the advance-

    ment in sotware protocols and communication that has been

    lead by Green Building Studios gbXML (

    According to its Web site,

    The Green Building XML schema, reerred to as gbXML,

    was developed to acilitate the transer o inormation stored

    in CAD building inormation models, enabling integrated

    interoperability between design models and, a wide variety o

    engineering analysis tools and models available today. Today,

    gbXML has the industry support and wide adoption by the

    leading CAD vendors Autodesk, Graphisot, and Bentley. With

    the development o export and import capabilities in several

    major engineering model tools, gbXML has become a deacto

    industry standard schema. Its use dramatically streamlines the

    transer o building inormation to and rom engineering mod-

    els, eliminating the need or time consuming plan take-os.

    This removes a signifcant cost barrier to designing resource

    efcient buildings and speciying associated equipment. Itenables building design teams to truly collaborate and realize

    the potential benefts o Building Inormation Modeling.

    Green Building Studio (

    oers open gbXML schema or direct data exchange oering

    Web-based building energy analysis tools integrating data rom

    the BIM into DOE-2, BLAST, TRACE 700, EnergyPlus 1.4,

    etc., and exporting the results back into the BIM. Many sotwarecompanies use gbXML in related products that are ocused

    on the HVAC market, including: Carmel Sotwares Loadsot;

    Tranes TRACE 700; Carriers HAP; CADlines Cymap; Elite

    Sotwares Chvac; Square Ones ECOTECT; IES, Ltd.s ; Autodesks AutoCAD MEP

    , Revit

    Archi-tecture, and Revit MEP; Graphisots ArchiCAD; BentleysBentley Architecture and Bentley Building Mechanical Sys-

    tems; and EDSLs Tas. Although still not seamless, these tools

    have signicantly improved sotware interoperability.

    Wrightsot Corporation ( oers a ully

    integrated HVAC design package, Right-Suite Universal, whichsupports residential and commercial applications, and includes

    an object-oriented, drag-and-drop CAD interace or thermal

    zoning and automatic dimensional takeo. It includes all six

    current North American load calculation methods, three duct

    design and layout methods (including the current ASHRAE duct

    database), radiant panel design and layout, automated bill o

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    34 A S H R A E J o u r n a l a s h r a e . o r g J u n e 2008

    materials generation, cost estimating, operating cost calculations,

    proposal generation, project tracking, geothermal loop sizing,

    and sales presentation. These modules are completely integrated.Designers can try dierent scenarios because the entire thermal

    and HVAC system is a live model. For example, building changesare immediately refected in onscreen duct sizes as calculations

    ripple through loads, ducts, and bill o materials. The sotware

    can read and write les in a number o de acto standard ormats

    compatible with popular applications such as AutoCAD and

    Excel. gbXML support will be added later.Certainly the European community, particularly, and to some

    extent Australia, are urther ahead o the United States in the

    widespread application o BIM. Europe is heavily committed

    to development o integrated building design technology with

    extensive work being done in the UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland,Germany, and the Netherlands.

    Major players in the eld include Autodesk, Bentley Systems

    and Nemetschek Group (which owns Graphisot, VectorWorks,

    and Allplan).

    Autodesk ( has sotware that can export

    to load calculations sotware such as TRACE and input resultsback to the sotware. This is done with gbXML. Revit also uses

    the integrated IES tools or load calculations. AutoCAD MEP

    design and construction documentation sotware is built or

    mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineers, designers, and

    draters. According to the manuacturer, Revit MEP sotware

    is an intuitive design tool that works the way engineers think. It

    can minimize coordination errors between mechanical, electri-

    cal, and plumbing engineering design teams; collaborate with

    architects and structural engineers using the Revit platormand building inormation modeling workfows; and gain better

    building perormance analysis support or engineers.Bentley Solutions ( with MicroStation

    as the primary product or building design, construction and

    operation. Recent enhancements include interace with gbXML

    or energy analysis using Trace 700 and tie into pipe and duct

    sizing, the latter using ddXML.Nemetschek, NA, oers programs such as VectorWorks

    Fundamentals, which is an architectural building program that

    can plug into Graphisot AutoCAD and CATIA, VectorWorks

    Landmark or site planning and VectorWorks Spotlight or

    lighting design. HVAC Building Services and 3D Viewer (plusNemetscheks Allplan [] or architecturaldesign and modeling sotware).

    In 2006 Oracle launched a new collaborative building in-

    ormation management platorm (CBIM) and is working with

    Graphisot to ully integrate building modeling tools with design

    collaboration, visualization, lie-cycle management, and otherapplications.

    The Mayo Foundation (under the Mayo Clinic) is developing

    Mayo Graphical Integrated Computer Aided Design using Magi-

    CAD sotware. MagiCAD, developed by Progman Oy o Sweden,

    is IFC compliant and used widely in Scandanavia. It is aimed pri-

    marily at duct design and equipment manuacturing. However, it

    Organization Description Web Site

    International Alliance or


    Development o a universal ramework

    or inormation

    National Institute o

    Building Sciences

    Umbrella organization or IAI and the


    buildingSMART AllianceDevelopment o interoperable technology or

    design and

    National Institute o Standards

    and Technology (NIST)

    Advanced Technology Program (ATP) and

    Standard Reerence Data (SRD)

    Capital Facilities Industry XML

    The organizations goal is to oster wide-

    spread, practical, cost-eective use o XML

    in the capital acilities industry


    Capital Projects Technology Roadmap

    (CPTR) standard XMLs or the manuacturing

    industry and model library

    or systems to ISO 15926

    World Wide Web Consortium


    Internet standard XML

    schema 1.1 structures or XML

    Object Management GroupUnifed Modeling Language and Global

    Regulatory Inormation

    U.S. Department o EnergyBuilding systems-related sotware or evalu-

    ating energy efciency and

    International Building Perormance

    Simulation Association

    Building perormance simulation

    or HVAC

    Table 1: Sources of general information.

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    36 A S H R A E J o u r n a l a s h r a e . o r g J u n e 2008

    does include HVAC, piping, and electrical design and application

    sotware (running on an AutoCAD platorm). These have the ability

    to eed data into EnergyPlus using Olo Granlund/LBNL-developed

    BS Pro COM server middleware (with IFC-based 3D RIM).

    Other Developments

    Although BIM technology is maturing, signicant parallel

    eorts are being made in the development o sotware or model

    viewing, model checking, energy analysis and simulation, acili-

    ties management, etc., to support various use cases associatedwith building inormation. A use case is the task to which the

    inormation in the BIM is applied. Cost estimating, schedul-

    ing, and confict resolution between structural and mechanical

    components o a building are examples o use cases. A signi-

    cant component to support visualization o any use case is the

    development o model checking sotware. One particular use

    case is ocused on compliance with codes, standards, regulations

    or other criteria, whether mandated or market driven.

    In the U.S. the International Code Council (ICC) (www. is supporting a use case to check or compliancewith codes, standards, rules, regulations, etc., through itsSMARTcodes initiative. By putting codes, standards and

    other criteria in a smart ormat that can be understood and

    applied by model checking sotware it is possible to identiy

    and prevent conficts between the building, as represented by

    the BIM, and the codes or other criteria. Initial SMARTcodedemonstrations have taken place with the 2006 International

    Energy Conservation Code. The 2006 IECC is anticipated or

    availability or the purpose o automated code compliance

    checking in early 2008.

    ICC anticipates creating SMARTcodes or a signicant por-

    tion o all building, lie saety and re protection requirements

    Organization Product Web Site

    Bentley Systems MicroStation, AutoPIPE, TriForma

    Autodesk AutoCAD, Revit (including Revit MEP)

    Graphisot ArchiCAD

    Oracle CBIM

    Granlund RIUSKA www.granlund.f


    NavisWorks JetStream

    NemetschekIFC Viewer


    Neworma Neworma Project Center

    Solibri Solibri IFC Optimizer

    Mayo ClinicMayo Graphical Integrated CAD


    Model Checking and Code Compliance

    Solibri Solibri IFC Optimizer/Solibri Model Checker

    CORENET e-Plan and Fornax

    AEC3 UK Xabio

    Octaga Octaga Player

    U.S. Department o Energy

    Project Management

    Bentley ProjectWise

    e-Buildere-Builder: Enterprise, Collaborator, and Pro-


    Primavera Primavera P6

    Autodesk Buzzsaw


    ANSYS CFX (CFD sotware)

    Leica Geosystems HDS (3D Laser Scanning Sotware)

    Table 2: Key developments in current commercial application software.

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    38 A S H R A E J o u r n a l J u n e 2008

    in the ICC codes by the end o 2008, and then working with

    ederal, state, and local agencies to put their amendments tothe ICC codes in a smart ormat or access and use with ICCs

    SMARTcodes. Those SMARTcodes then would be used by

    model checking sotware to identiy conficts or code com-

    pliance problems associated with the BIM. This allows thedesigner to consult sotware or code compliance assistanceand sotware to augment the review and approval unctions o

    ederal, state, and local government. It also provides a ounda-

    tion or evaluating building designs or conormance to othercriteria established by voluntary sector entities.

    ASHRAE Related Activities

    ASHRAE needs to look ahead at the role its Handbook,standards, guidelines, etc., play in the process and establisha viable path moving orward. The Society uses XML source

    les or publishing the Handbook, how-

    ever, examination o the basic structure

    and development o SMART XMLs is

    needed so that all o these documents

    (particularly standards) have built-in rulesets that can be read by design and model

    checking/compliance sotware.

    ASHRAE needs to revisit the basic

    terminology used in its documents to

    ensure overall consistency and a commonset o identities. Although the Handbook

    does provide basic terminology listings,

    these cannot be used or inormation or

    data transer. The Society needs to estab-

    lish a common set o terms, denitions,properties, and enumerations, applicable

    or each document type.

    ICC has produced a data dictionary

    covering energy components. This project

    is being coordinated with the Construc-tion Speciications Institute (Omni-

    Class Construction Classiication

    System numbers) that is being consideredas part o an International Framework or

    Dictionaries (IFD) and global dictionary.However, the overall program needs to be

    expanded into mechanical and electri-

    cal systems and incorporated into all o

    ASHRAEs document development and

    the results coordinated at the global levelso IFDs will ully support BIM use cases

    o relevance to ASHRAE members.

    The Society needs to take a step back

    and look at where the ASHRAE Guideline

    Project Committee 20: XML Denitionsor HVAC&R, is going. The Society needsto go beyond the establishment o sets

    o use cases and data objects within the

    guideline and determine a recommended

    HVAC schema and XML (i.e., gb.xml, aec.

    xml and ic.xml). In doing so, ASHRAEneeds to look at the work being done by the

    Hydronic Institute, API, ISA, and others to

    support electronic data exchange and the

    ability to share, import, and export XML,

    IFC and other les in dierent ormats.

    Guideline Project Committee 20 is spon-

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    40 A S H R A E J o u r n a l a s h r a e o r g J u n e 2008

    TC 4.2, Climatic Inormation

    TC 4.7, Energy CalculationsTC 7.1, Integrated Building Design (originally TC 4.12)

    GPC 20, XML Denitions or HVAC&R

    SPC 166P, Proposed Standard or HVAC&R Terminology

    Also o interest is the work o SSPC 140, Standard Methodo Test or Evaluation o Building Energy Analysis ComputerPrograms, and SPC 183, Peak Cooling and Heating Load Cal-

    culations in Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings,

    since this could also tie into the BIM model.

    Issues and Benefts

    O course, development and use o all o this technology does notcome without cost. Experience on large industrial projects ($75 to

    $150 million) indicates that the added design cost represents a 5%

    to 10% premium on the architect-engineers (A-E) ees (or roughly

    0.25% to 0.5% on construction cost). The A-E cost premium can

    be higher on smaller projects. More than osetting this are all othe cost savings outlined previously. Immediate savings o 3% to

    7.5% have been seen through improved coordination and reduced

    conficts. (The Construction Industry Institute analysis indicated

    a potential savings o 7% or this element alone.) This can only

    increase as more trades come on board and BIM capabilities, suchas automatic shop drawings and quantity takeos, are realized.

    Increased use o shop abrication and elimination o waste

    is, itsel, expected to produce savings o at least 7.5% to 10%.

    Recent experience in the construction o major automotive plants

    shows that it is possible to eliminate 20% o sheet metal waste,develop programs 15% to 25% aster, reduce RFIs by 50%,

    eliminate 25% o all change orders, and reduce construction cost

    by 4% to 10%. The greatest potential savings may come romthe application o value-added and lean construction techniques

    that BIM enables. In the interim, A-Es must convince ownersthat this added investment justies increased ees. It is clear that

    the economic driver is the building owner/developer. I they can

    be shown that by having a BIM they can get the building up and

    leased sooner with less hassle and save money on construction

    cost, then they may see the benet associated with paying ad-ditional ees up ront to have the AEC team use BIM.

    To achieve all o the benets o BIM, more work is needed.

    The interoperability o sotware components is still not ully

    there, requiring separate and distinct input and output data. Suc-

    cessul widespread implementation o BIM or ully integrateddesign depends on the ability o architects and engineers, as adesign team, to easily input and exchange data. The key is or

    the integrated system to continually and dynamically model

    the building and all o its systems, through daily and seasonal

    operational cycles. This allows the what i scenarios to be

    played out using dierent systems and components and allowsthem to be evaluated on a rst cost, operating cost, and lie-cycle

    cost basis. The industry is ar rom that point.


    Research into engineering rms specically or inormation

    related to their experience with BIM programs as design and

    construction tools, shows wider application today. Although the

    Society has seen companies ully integrate structural design andanalysis programs into those architectural models, only a ew

    companies are able to demonstrate BIM model tie-ins that can

    ully integrate, dynamically and seamlessly, HVAC-related design

    programs (such as load calculation programs, pipe and duct sizingprograms, building energy modeling/analysis programs such asDOE-2, EnergyPlus, BLAST, IBLAST, TRACE 700, etc.).

    There are ew companies that have ully integrated build-

    ing owning, operations and maintenance programs or acili-

    ties management. And, ew companies have ully integrated

    natural daylighting design programs (such as Superlite 1.01,

    LUMEN, or Radiance 3.4, or illumination design programssuch as AutoLUX, AG132, ESP Vision, Autodesk Lightscape,

    Lightcalc+Art or ALADAN) into BIM models. Yet the spatial

    planning, modeling and orientation technology embedded in

    3D, 4D, and 5D models seems a logical input database or such

    programs and recipient o the output.Despite this, the tremendous opportunities or improved e-

    ciency by integration o the design and construction process coupled

    with the building owner/developer seeing the economic advantages

    over the long haul will continue to drive the technology orward.

    The inormation technology required or these processes is com-plex and dicult to implement and is straining the limits o design-

    ers current hardware, sotware, and sta capabilities. More work

    must be done to enable the technology to be applied on a daily basis.

    However, the industry is much closer to having an interoperable

    system that can enable ully integrated system design. The great-est opportunity lies with ully integrated multidisciplinary A-Es

    practices and where BIM integration is being done as a continuum

    o the design process, as well as the construction process.BIM is gaining considerable momentum as the technology

    evolves and greater interoperability occurs between disparatesotware systems. The rapidly emerging goals o green building/

    sustainable design, towards net zero-energy buildings, coupled

    with goals or carbon dioxide emissions reduction, requires

    whole building, ully integrated design and construction as a

    dynamic process. BIM can help provide that integration.

    BibliographyBazjanac, V. 2003. Improving building energy perormance simula-

    tion with sotware interoperability. International Building Perormance

    Simulation Association Conerence.

    Homann, T. 2003. Interoperability: present trends and utureroles. ASHRAE Journal 45(2):40 43.

    Holness, G.V.R. 2003. Smart images or project management.ASHRAE Journal 45(1):22 27.

    Holness, G.V.R. 2006. Building inormation modeling: the uture

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