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TESTIMONY by Billy Paul Branham

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by Billy Paul Branham

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Billy Paul Branham is not only the first born son of a Prophet of God, but he was also called of God to work in the Ministry of his father, William Branham, both selling books, distributing prayer cloths and helping the people who stood in the prayer lines. He was both a son and close friend and aid to his father and no doubt their suffering which had to endure the tragic early loss of both his mother and baby sister, helped forge the particular closeness of the relationship that father and son experienced. He was an eye witness to the extraordinary manifestation of God’s love and healing power that occurred as his father discharged the Commission given to him by an Angel, to take a gift of healing to a dying generation and to forerun the Second Coming of Christ with a Message that is now preparing Christian believers for the ‘Rapture’ of the Elect of God.

(I Corinthians 15:51 “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed”). The power and love of God that was manifested in humility through his father’s Ministry was such that it remains unequalled throughout the history of the Christian Church. The dead were returned to life and the sick delivered of all manner of disease and disability. Even nature itself was subject to the Word of God delivered though his prophet. Brother Billy Paul Branham’s account of those events is unique. Favorite quotation,

“Sin will take you further than you want to go, Slowly but surely, taking control, Sin will leave you longer than you want to stay, And sin will cost you far more than you want to pay”

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This Testimony was delivered on the evening of June 23, 1984 at Hardy, Arkansas to a congregation Pastored by Brother Earl Martin and has been transcribed from the recording (84-0623E), which you will find included within the folder entitled ’Audio Testimonies’ included in DVD No 4 of the Message Storehouse DVD collection. The transcription below begins 18 minutes into the recording.

Testimony by Billy Paul Branham

HARDY, ARKANSAS (84-0623E) ……… There’s a lot of quotes, they are all, I believe to be the Word of the Lord. They’re misinterpreted sometimes, they’re mistaken, they’re taken out of the context, but they always say the same thing if you just read what he says. But one of my favorites, just a little …. (just about ‘that’ big Brother Earl!),…. it just sums it all up to me.

This is to you:

“The Lord Jesus loves you and He died that you might be well.”

(That’s what you are here for tonight)

“And then he sent me as His Prophet to tell you what’s the Truth.”

To me that just says it all.

The Lord loves you. He died that you might be well, then he sent William Marrion Branham to tell you what’s the Truth.

He said “Although you have ten thousand instructors in Christ Paul said,” he said “You follow me as I follow Christ.” They said “you’re just following a man.” I said “I sure am. I am following a man and that man will lead me to Jesus Christ because he said “The earthly Messenger”… (and if I don’t believe that, I don’t believe nothing) …He said “The earthly Messenger will be standing upon the earth at the second Coming of Jesus Christ and will point the Bride,” (and by God’s Grace I am part of that), “to the sky and say “Behold The Lamb of God,” and I believe that with all of my heart.

You know I was a little boy, (about like this little boy right here …. and if I say things tonight that you have heard before you forgive me, but I just don’t even know where to start to where to end) but I begin to thinking ….

You know someone asked me “You know Brother Billy, what was the greatest miracle that you have ever seen?”

I said “The greatest miracle that I ever saw ….” And I begin to think, ‘Lord you have been so good to me, I’ve see the dead raised, I’ve seen the cross eyes just come open, I seen the withered arms come out, I seen the legs grow, I’ve seen the tumors fall off’.

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I was in Shreveport one night and a woman had a tumor …..I know that Brother John and them was probably there …. so big that when she walked, she had a big old belt around it to hold this tumor in. I think they said it was fifty something pounds if I’m not mistaken. I seen the Prophet of God lay his hand upon it … were you there sister? …. lay his hand upon her like that and pray for her and God healed her like that and that sister’s belt fell right on the platform.

I thought ‘Lord, what was the greatest miracle I ever seen?’ And the greatest miracle that I ever saw, was how Brother Branham through the Spirit of Jesus Christ could handle any situation that came up. It didn’t make any difference what it was. He knew exactly how to do it.

I said “You know sometimes I get so upset, and I do things wrong and I might get to arguing with this brother or that brother or somebody on the street or wife, you know” …. You shouldn’t do these things, you know how we are … And I says “They get upset in their spirit I can’t even get control them. You know sometimes their spirit is stronger than me” …. you know what I am talking about.

And Brother Branham walked before hundreds of thousands of people to stand there and say “I take every spirit in here under my control for His Honor and Glory” and brother, not only did he say it, he done it. That was the Spirit of Jesus Christ working through our brother and I believe that was the greatest miracle that I ever seen.

Someone said “When did you first see?” I said “When I was a little boy, my Daddy used to tell me about the Angel of the Lord (which you are going to see here in a few minutes on a film). He said “Paul,” he said “there is One who comes to me” and he described Him to me, like you will hear him on the film in a few minutes.

And he told me how He was right over here in Vandalia, Illinois one night in a little tent meeting …. We were staying in a little old hotel there, it was just a cheap little hotel, didn’t even have no bathroom, just had a little wash basin. As He was standing there, he woke me up (and I was selling little books in the meeting there and the three little booklets we used to have, ‘Jesus Christ, The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever’, ‘I Was Not Disobedient to the heavenly Vision’ and “Divine Healing in the Branham Campaigns.” He, me and my Dad’s brother Donny was working there in the meeting selling those books, those things) and I said “Yes Sir, I know Daddy.”

He said “He visited me here tonight and he said He is right here in the room now and I asked Him “Will you let Billy and Donny see you?” And he said “You can wake Billy up” and he said “Son, you want to see him?”

I said “Yes Sir, (You know I was a little boy about like this boy right here).

I said “Yes Sir Daddy” and I thought you know, an angel would be something like flying around the room. You know I didn’t know, and he said,

“When Daddy takes the pillow from your face, you know by the wash basin?” I said “Yes Sir,” he said “You look over there and you will see Him.”

Brothers and Sisters, I am a witness to you tonight when he took that pillow from my face, over in that corner stood a Man about two hundred pounds with his arms folded like that. Brother he stood just as straight like that and He looked down there at me like that and I was scared and I grabbed my Daddy (like Brother Earl said last night, “Know your Poppa, you know”) and I grabbed a hold of him. I knew if I had a hold of Daddy, I knew everything was alright.

He said “Son, He won’t bother you at all” and that Man went from that figure… that Man went into a …. Someone said “Was it a Light?” And I said it was just like mist and it went right out the window, but from that time on it didn’t make any difference whether it was Chicago, California, Africa, India, wherever it was I could tell you when “He” come to the platform. He said “Because God called you to work with me son” and I am so thankful to God for that tonight, and I am a

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witness to you that you have heard about it. I saw it with my eyes and I believe it is the same tonight. I believe He is still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever. And down the road you know so many times in the healings (and I won’t go into many here with you tonight because I know it is getting late), but you know I think of the simplicity. You know Brother Branham said “Greatness humbles itself” and I believe that a great man of God stood among us and I believe that he represented God in this day and I believe that the Spirit of Jesus Christ dwelt within him and I believe that when he spoke that nature obeyed. I believe that when he spoke, that the devil gave way.

I got a letter from a little sister the other day, she said “Brother Billy”…. She was a little woman preacher … she said “Have you got anything that the man touched?” She said “Just anything.” She said “Thirty something years ago, I was dying of cancer” and she says “I am a woman minister” and she says “Brother Branham prayed for me and I am well today.” And she says “My husband is dying today” and she says “If you have anything that he has touched,” she said “send it to me and I know my husband will be well.” I said “Thank God for that sister” and brother, I sent her a piece of Brother Branham’s suit and just cut it off and sent it to her and I believe God done the work because I believe that whatever the prophet touched was blessed of the Lord.

And I believe just like I said one time I met this little brother today from Germany and I was telling him about the time that we was in Carl’s room and I will never forget brother one night over there in that great meeting over in Domessa Holley there. I think it was ten thousand people gathered in and Brother Branham begin to minister and he called a little blind girl … she come up to the platform and she was just a little fella like that. He begin to pray for her. I never forget that when I brought her up to Daddy, he looked at that little girl. How many of you seen Brother Branham? How many of you seen him? How many of you never seen him? Blessed are those, Amen. If you have ever seen him, there was something different about him. I know you hear his voice, but if you ever seen him one time, there was just something about him. You just get in his presence and there was just Something there, and when you left, It was with you. He just stood with you.

Someone said “How was it with you.” I said “I didn’t always serve the Lord,” but it didn’t make any difference, but when I walked in front of him, your life couldn’t be hidden. It didn’t make any difference what it was. Like a little brother said. He said “I am just going to go down there and pray and just plead the Blood” and this little brother came and said “Don’t do no good, because Brother Branham’s going to know your life anyway because Gad dwells in him.” I kinda like that you know, he said “If you got any sin, you’d better confess it and get it all out in the open, because when you go before the prophet he is going to know all about it anyway.

You know I seen that little girl came up there that night, she was totally blind. She stood up there, and actually couldn’t speak English, just like you brother over there in Germany, and as he begin to pray for that little girl in the simplicity of it. Like I said, if you ever knew him, there was just something different.

He pulled that little girl up to him and he said “Heavenly Father,” he said “I left my little girl …..,” (I think it was “Rebecca” or “Sarah,” I don’t know which one it was), “over in the States, to come here to pray for this little child.” He said “Satan you can’t hold her.” He said “You can’t hold her any more.” He said “Come out of her and let her eyes come open.”

I will never forget that Brother Patterson. That little girl, she let out a scream. She couldn’t speak a word of English. She didn’t even know when it happened, but something down inside of her let her know when it happened, but she couldn’t understand it in English. She let out a scream, like that interpreter began to speak in German like that and I never forget that little girl …. she grabbed my Dad’s tie like that and she began to say something in German. He said “What is that she is saying?” The interpreter said “She wants to know what color that is Brother Branham. She’s never seen before.”

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About that time in that great audience a woman screamed and here she come running to that platform. As she run up there, (I’ll never forget that). She run up that platform. She came by me about seventy miles an hour. She run up there … and that little girl grabbed her like that, grabbed a hold of her. She began to pat her on the face like that and she said “Oh, you are so beautiful.” She says “I know that you are my mother.” She said “I never seen you in my life, but I can tell by your voice.” Amen.

Brother Branham said “That what you feel will be made known to you at that day.” He is still Jesus Christ, the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever.

Thousands of people give their heart to Jesus Christ because God sent a Prophet in this age and he believed God. The Angel said “If you will get the people to believe you, nothing will stand before your prayer, not even cancer.” He’s the same God in Hardy tonight Brothers and Sisters and all we have to do is accept it, believe it and act upon it. I remember one night over in Bombay, India ….. Brother Branham walked to the platform … Before he did, he stopped off of the plane, and as he stepped off of the plane, (I’ll never forget that), just as his foot touched the earth in Bombay, India, he stopped for a minute, and as I was standing right behind him, and he looked up and said “Father God, I come as your Ambassador.” Amen. He said “I come and I claim every one in Jesus Christ’s Name that you sent me for.” Brothers and Sisters, when he walked in there that day, there were seventeen different religions that met him. Sikhs, Jain’s, Hindu, Buddha all of them together like that and they began … they had a little meeting, a little luncheon and they began to sit there and talk about their Gods … of who they were. They wore little masks so that they wouldn’t breathe any insects, you know, all kinds of things like that and Brother Branham sat there as a real gentleman, just like he was. He sat there and he listened to every one of them. He didn’t get up and argue with them and say “You’re wrong, don’t you say that, that’s not right.” He didn’t do one thing, he just sat there because he knew that God had sent him. And I believe that’s the way the Bride has got to get. You got to recognize what It is. And as he sat there as they begin to speak, and I’ll never forget it, it came Daddy’s time … he was the last one and as he stepped there, he stepped up forward there and he said “Gentlemen.” He said “I thank you for inviting me to India” and he said “I believe that God sent me and he said “I believe He is going to do something here for your people.” And as he begin to talk to them like that, he said “I heard each one of your testimonies, but I invite you out to the meeting tonight” he says “to see the God that I came to represent in demonstration.” Ohhh! Brother, he knew what he was talking about. That’s right and we come to that meeting that night and there was four hundred something thousand people gathered out there, just fields and fields and fields of people like that. We walked to the platform and there was different ministers and things sitting on the platform and each one of those priests sitting on the platform. Brother Branham begin to minister and he thanked them, (you know he was so polite and kind like that) and he thanked them for inviting him and he said “I have come here,” he said “I can’t do these things,” he said “but the One that sent me can.” And he says “You ask me to come and l come as His Representative and I know that He sent me.” He said “I was interviewed today.” He said “First of all I want you to bring me one of your own people.” And they brought this blind man up . and I seen a lot of blind people, but I never seen one like that. His eyes were completely white and he was just like if you take something and burn it, you know how you burn your hand and it turns all white, you know puffs up, that’s all he had, just sockets, just like that, that’s ail it was, just white covered over hard.

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Brother Branham said “This man” he said “he was not born this-a-way.” He said “He was not born blind.” He said “His eyes become this-a-way from worshipping the sun. He says “Can any” … He says, “You Gentlemen” Alright, it was his turn then . that was God speaking through him, you know ...Yes Sir, he said, ”You Gentlemen today, you told me about your gods and what they could do.” He said “How many in this audience serves one of these gods?” Them little hands went up all over. It was time for Elijah, a Mount Carmel showdown... Amen. He turned around, not in hatred but in brotherly love. He turned around and he said, “Gentlemen” he said “I heard you speak about your gods today.” He said “If any of your gods or all of your gods can give this man his sight” he said “I will walk off this platform and walk down the streets of Bombay and let you follow me blowing the horn with a sign on my back that I am a false prophet.” Brother, he just stood still. I thought of the Mount Carmel showdown when Elijah went up there and said “Let God be God.” He just you know, he kinda mocked them just a little bit, you know just to get them nailed down to kinda clench it and get them under the thumb a little bit, because they said what they could do. And Brother Branham said “There’s only one true and living God and that’s Jesus Christ.” He stood there with all the authority, all the power and the gifts manifested right in there brother, and he stood there and he said “Let your God come forth and perform.” That was the quietest bunch you ever seen and he said “Neither can I.” He said “Now you people said you served those gods. He said “I say unto you and declare unto you that there is only one true and living God and his name is Jesus Christ and I am his prophet and I am sent here as His Ambassador” and he says “If that man don’t receive his sight then I am a false prophet.” He said “Your gods cannot give him his sight.” He says “Will you people that serve those gods, you know that it is dead,” he said ‘If they won’t, will you serve the One and true living God and forsake these other gods and serve the One and true living God.” Them little black hands went up all over. I’ll never forget it brother, when he pulled him up to him like that, just the simplicity of how he could do it. He said “Father God” (I thought of Elijah on Mount Carmel), he said “Father God, I thank you that you have already showed me ... (ohh!) .,,, he said “I thank you that you already showed me.” He prayed for that man and his eyes come open and the man took the Koran Bible and read it and a hundred and something thousand people came to the Lord Jesus Christ in that service. He is still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever. You know there’s many times that you sit back and you get scared, you know the devil likes to scare you, to ‘boo’ you. Brother Branham wasn’t scared. He knew where he stood and I think the Bride of Christ has got to know where she stands. But I believe like the brother was speaking on … who was it a while ago before I came out? …and he said “It is your approach and how you approach Him.” One time in our church a brother come to him, one of our own people, one of our own people and he come to Brother Branham and he says “Brother Branham” he says “What should I do about birth control?” Now I am just testifying to you, and Brother Branham always seen the people privately on interviews. Brother Branham said “What’s your problem Brother?” The brother told him what to do and Brother Branham says “I would do it.” He said “thank you Brother Branham.” He went out and another brother come in. He said “Brother Branham what should I do” (it wasn’t the next one you know, on down the line), “about birth control?” and Brother Branham said “What’s your problem” and he told him, and he said “Don’t you do it.” I thought ‘Whoo! I don’t understand this one, you know’. He told Brother So and So to do it and Brother So and So not to do it. So a

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little bit later on I asked to Daddy “How come you told” (I know both the brothers), I said “how come you told Brother So and So to do that and Brother So and So not to do it?.” He said “Brother So and So was lying to me.” (Mmmm... don’t you do that to a prophet (Touch not my anointed). That’s the reason he said “You got to see me privately.” I know there is a lot of people likes to put interpretations to it. Just say what he said. That’s all it …just say what he said, and it will come out right. A brother come to him one time, he said “Brother Branham God called me” he said “I know that your a prophet of God” … and is that not an act of real approach? He said “I know that you are a prophet of God” and he says “and God called me to go to Africa.” He said “l came to you to ask you what I should do.” He said “Did God tell you to go to.” He said “Yes Brother Branham, and I wouldn’t let nothing stop me.” The brother walked out of the office and boy he was just as tall as happy as he could be. You know he went out of there and he had no more than got to the door and Daddy looked at me and he said “That’s the greatest mistake he ever made.” I thought ‘Whoo!’... You know I couldn’t understand it. I said “Daddy, why didn’t you tell him.” I said “He come and ask you what to do.” He said “No he didn’t Paul.” He said “He came and told me.” He said “He didn’t ask me, he told me that God had sent him but I know that God didn’t send him. He said “In six months we will send for him.” In about five or six months we sent for him. Why? it is your approach. You got to know how to approach Jesus Christ and I believe that tonight, that whatever you have need of, He is still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever right down the road here in little Jonesbrough, Arkansas, I know. How many of you were in the Jonesborough meeting? I know Brother Paul Brewer. How many of the rest of you were in the Jonesborough meeting. Can I see your hands again. How many were in the Jonesborough meeting back in the forties? Two, three, four, five … about a half a dozen of you. You remember that little blind girl down there. She was standing out there and she was hollering “Have mercy Sir.” She said “Oh have mercy.” Brother Branham said he went there and he said he heard someone stumbling, bowing right there and he said this little colored sister there. He said he got up to her and she was totally blind and she says “Sir, I’ve lost my Daddy” and she said “I’ve come here to see the healer.” You remember that story? She said “I’ve come to see the healer.” He said “You don’t believe that stuff, do you?” She said “Yes Sir, I do” And he says, “Honey, do you really believe that that was God doing that.” She said “Yes Sir, I do.” She said “I’ve lost my Daddy and my eyes are blinded.” You heard him tell the story. She said that when the cataracts got right, they would take them off, but something happened and they wasn’t able to, And she said “I come here and we’ve been here for days, sleeping out” and she says “I can’t get to him.”

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Brother Branham said he just sort of felt something move down. He said “I am just going to test her faith, just a little bit.” Sometimes that’s what God does to us, just test our faith. He said he got down there and he begin to think about it and all at once, he said “Honey.” She said “I’m from Memphis, and I can’t find my Daddy.” Brother Branham said he looked around and he saw a big bus up there that said ‘Memphis’ and he said he knew he could get her to that and he said “Honey, do you really believe?” And she said “Sir,” she says, And he said “Do you really think that man is of God?” And she said “Sir.” Daddy said she grabbed hold of the lapels of his coat and held it and said “Sir, if you can get me to where he is, you don’t have to worry about nothing else, I’ll find my Daddy.” Ohhhh.... that’s the approach, right there, that’s right. She didn’t know who he was, but she said, if you’ll get me to where he is, you don’t have to worry about nothing. She said “I’ll find my Daddy.” Brother Branham said “I must be the one you are looking for.” Ooh!. Brother Branham said she grabbed a hold of him like that. She said “Sir, don’t pass me by.” He said he thought of blind Fanny Crosby and he said he prayed for her and she said “Oh God, there’s some lights,” Ohhh.. He said, her eyes come open. He is still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever. I remember one time that I got away from the Lord. I don’t usually like to tell these things, but you know how. Now I am going to be honest with you. You know my Dad didn’t compromise whether it was me, Becky, Sarah, Joe, didn’t make any difference who it was. Brother Blair, Brother Earl or Brother Paul, no matter who it was, he didn’t compromise when it come to sin. Brother he just preached one message. He preached it the same way to me, to every body else. Someone said “Well I think Brother Branham was a little easier on you.” No I think he was a bit harder on me you know, but I think he needed to be. But you know one time, I had gotten away from the Lord Jesus and you know you kind of get those teenagers and I don’t know why I feel led to say this right now. Maybe there is somebody in here needs this. But I had gotten away from the Lord, you know I thought I knew everything and I didn’t know nothing. You know how you get at that age. You know they always said that the preacher’s kids was the meanest kids there was. How many preacher’s kids is here tonight let me see your hands? I sure feel sorry for you, because you know why we were so mean … because we had to play with the deacons’ kids, that’s what was wrong with us. Now I got the deacons mad at me Brother Earl, but you know, I kinda got to a place when I kinda got away from the Lord and I decided that I wanted to leave home and live by myself a little bit you know. You know how you do, you go through those stages, you don’t know nothing, and as I did I began to drift a little bit. My Daddy come to me, and he said “Son, I want you to do me a favor” and he was washing his old car out there in the driveway, and I said “Yes Sir.” He said “You want to leave home.” He says “You can’t stay at home and do the things that’s wrong.” He said that ”This house is dedicated to Jesus Christ.” He said ‘We serve Jesus Christ here.” He said, “I don’t care how low you get, if you

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get so low that the people won’t even speak to you,” he said “you’ll still be my son. But son, you got to walk the same way that I come.” He said “If Jesus comes and I’m ready and you’re not” he says “I’ll go and you won’t.” He said “If you’re ready and I’m not,” he says “You’ll go and I won’t.” He said ‘It is an individual walk with you and Jesus Christ.” He said “But I claim you son in Jesus’ Name.” He said “Somewhere down that road He is going to bring you back.” He said “But you gotta make your choice today” and I’ll never forget that. He was washing his old car out there in the driveway in that old garage there at the door. He said “Son I want you to do me a favor.” I said “Yes ‘Sir.” He said “Hold your hands out.” I held my hands out like this. He said “Look ye here son, turn around.” And I turned around and I had my hands out like that there and it was a perfect cross, you know on the back of the wall. He just knew how to do everything. You know what I mean. He said “Look Billy you’re standing right here today” he said “That road there leads to Calvary and that road leads to hell.” He said “You gotta make your choice today.” He said “but I done claimed you to go to Heaven” and he said “by God’s grace you’re gonna be there Son” but he said “If you ever start down this road, there is only one way to do and that is to come back that same road.” He said “because I know in the end you’re gonna be right here.” I wouldn’t tell you that for nothing today, but you know how you do … it’s that age. And I begin to drift and I got away, I begin to live with my grandmother. You know I begin to do things I shouldn’t and when I did, things begin to happen. My Daddy left and he was gone away on a trip with my mother. I got a complaint in the stomach and it got to hurting me, and all at once I just was going from over at my uncle’s house and I fell out on the street and when I did, next thing I knew I was in the Hospital. I was just a kid, I was just sixteen, seventeen years old. And I was there in the hospital, I was laying there on that bed and I was dying and I had a duodenal ulcer …. (thank you Brother), and it had perforated and burst, and gangrene had already set in. And they said “We gotta operate on him.” My grandmother said “I‘m not gonna sign,” and they said “We are going to do a colostomy on him.” She said “I’m not gonna sign for nothing like that,” said “his daddy’s not here.” And they said, “Well, we’ll have to or else he’s gonna die.” We tried for days to get hold of Daddy and we couldn’t get a hold of him. You don’t know what that’s like to lay there on your back, (like Brother Earl preached last night, sometimes He’s gotta get you on your back to make you look up). I am just telling you my testimony. I don’t like to tell those things, but maybe it will help someone tonight or I wouldn’t have felt led to say it. But I was laying on my back, and I thought “Lord, you know what have I done?” Then it begin to came back to me what I had done. As I lay there and they tried to get a hold of Daddy, there was no Daddy to get a hold of. And I thought anytime if Daddy would just pray for me, that I would be okay. But I couldn’t get him. Then they come and they said “Billy we want to operate on you in the morning” and I never forget that night, they come in and they prepared me the night before. As I was laying there in that hospital that morning, oh about an hour before they operate, I’ll never

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forget that. Just a little bit after daylight, somebody touched me on the shoulder and I looked down and there was my daddy standing there. He looked down at me and I thought, boy everything’s going to be okay now. He looked down at me and he said “The way of a transgressor is hard. ”Ooh!.. they could operate on me and never give me no anesthetic! I thought ‘ooh’ ... He said “Son, what’s wrong?” And I begin to tell him. He said “I was up on top of the mountain in Colorado with the family on vacation” and he said “You know that Angel that Daddy showed you there in the room in Vandalia?” … (What I told you about at the beginning of my testimony). I said “Yes Sir,” He said “He come to me and He spoke to me and He said, “Get to Billy right away.” He said “He needs you.” He said “I come back off the mountain and I said “Mom we gotta get to Billy.” She said “What’s wrong?” He said “I dunno what’s wrong but God said, get there now.” He said “Paul, we drove straight through.” About that time Dr. Berner walked into the room. He said “Brother Branham.” He said “I’m so glad that you’re here, Billy’s got this and we are gonna have to operate on him.” He said “I hate to do that to that boy at sixteen years old,” he says “…. take a colostomy” but he said “Brother Branham, gangrene has already set in, he’s going to die.” Brother Branham said “Doctor” …. just before this, excuse me, I got a little bit ahead of my testimony there, excuse me I don’t mean to cry, got back there. ….. and he said before Dr. Berner come in, he looked down at me and he said “Son, the way of a transgressor is hard.” I said “Yes Sir.” He said “Paul”….. I said “Pray for me Daddy.” He said “Paul, you got away from the Lord, you remember that day up the driveway” and I said “Yes Sir.” He said “Are you ready to come back home to him today?” I said “Yes Sir Daddy, I am.” He said “Then He’ll do the work for you.” I said “Pray for me Daddy.” He said “I’m not gonna pray for you.” He said “I didn’t do no sinning.” He said “You’re the one that done the sinning, you do the praying.”

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And brother, I begin to repent and asked God to forgive me and I promised Him that I would serve Him the rest of my life. Brother, he knelt down there and laid his hands on me and he said “Father God,” he said “Do the work for Billy now and heal him in Jesus’ Name. Ohh … that’s all there was. But before he prayed for me, I had to confess my sins and make things right. I hope you know what I am trying to say to you tonight. It doesn’t make any difference whether it was Billy, whether it was Brother Earl, whether it was Brother Blair, no matter who it was, there was only one way and that’s the way of Jesus Christ. I laid there and I felt that power of God move through my body. The doctor came in and he told Daddy what he was gonna do. He said “I’m so glad that you’re here Brother Branham.” He said “Dr. Berner, would you take Billy up and examine him one more time?” He said “Brother Branham” he said, “we’ve been watching him every morning and every afternoon, every night.” He said “on X ray. There is no need. There’s bleeding. We gotta do it right away.” He said “Dr. Berner, Billy’s been away from the Lord, but he’s come home today and I believe if you just examine him one more time, he’s gonna be okay.” They took me up there and wheeled my little cart. And he come back and said “Brother Branham, I don’t doubt you. That boy is done quit bleeding and we gonna send him home.” Amen, brother. I can eat anything I want to … you can tell that can’t you?” Jesus Christ is the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever. Then one day I was travelling with my Daddy up in Waterloo, Iowa. I got my call to go to the Army. How many of you brothers have been in the Army? You know I got the old call to go. You know, the friendly letter, greetings, you know! You don’t have no choice, Uncle wants you. So I whizzed up there. I got this letter and I hadn’t been married very long and my little wife back there. We were sitting up there in a meeting in Waterloo, Iowa in 1958. I said “Daddy I gotta go home and take my Army Examination and I says “And I know that I got to go to the Service.” He said “Son, you can go take that Army Examination. Ain’t nothing wrong with going into the Service, I believe in that,” he said “but I want to tell you one thing,” he said “you won’t go because God called you to work with me Billy,” he said “but you go take that examination.” I went over there and took that examination, you know, and I remembered what he had said. I’ll kinda bring a little point to you, I hope you get what I mean. Remember what Brother Branham told me. He said “You won’t have to go in the Army,” he said “because God called you son to work with me.” I went over there and I took the examination you know. They give you a number and I think I was “258” or something, you know how they line you up and you go all through there. First thing they said, you know, “Anybody in here ever had any kind of operations,” you know. Well I did not have no operation.

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“Anybody in here every have an ulcer?” Oh boy ….. I know how it’s going to be now, you know. I said “Yes Sir, right here.” He said “Yes Sir 258, what’s your problem?” I said “Well when I was sixteen years old Sir, I had a duodenal ulcer and it perforated and burst.” He said “Duo… what?” And I told him, I said “I had a duodenal ulcer and it perforated and burst.” And he said “Well 258, go on over to the hospital and have them examine you and we probably won’t need you” and I said “Well thank you Lord, that’s the way it’s going to be” you know. See, I had it all figured out. You know I had it all figured out, you know how it was gonna be. I knew I wasn’t gonna go, but how it was gonna be. Hope you know what I am trying to say. That okay Brother Earl? Okay. So we go on over there and I got over there at the hospital, they checked me out there and they give me a barium meal, you know … that old nasty stuff. I drink that down and the man watched that on the fluoroscope and he said, “Son, did you say you had a duodenal ulcer?” and I said “Yes Sir.” He said “Well I dunno what happened to you but you are perfectly healed, now get on back over there, you’re perfectly well, I see nothing there but a scar tissue.” I thought So I move back over and I took a couple more examinations, you know and you go all the way through it all. You know what I mean and I got all the way down there at the end and when I did, one of the last things he checked is your heart. The old boy come by, well you, man, I was just a kid, man I just …fear stuff going on like that and I thought, oh here I go in the Army. So I got over and the man put the stethoscope on my heart like that and he looked round there like that and he said “258” and I said “Yes Sir,” He said “step out of line” and I said “Yes Sir.” I stepped out of there and he said “How long have you had heart trouble?” I thought he was talking to somebody else, you know, I thought he had the wrong number, and I said, “Who are you talking to?” He said “You 258.” I said “I ain’t got no heart trouble.” He said “I ain’t saying what.” He said “How long have you had it?” I said “I ain’t got none.” He said “Go over to the hospital and be examined.”

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So I go back over to the hospital, you know, walk back there over to the hospital, … and now I’ll hurry here real quick …. walk back over to the hospital and the doctors looked at me and they checked me and checked me for my heart and when they did, that doctor looked at me and he says …. They begin to talk back and forth, you know you begin to get a little scared and I looked there and he says “We’re gonna give this boy a deferment” and the other one says “Well let’s bring him back in six weeks” excuse me, “six months and see how he’s doing.” He says “We’re gonna give him a little six month’s deferment” and the other doctor looked and he said “Not that boy’s heart, he’s too bad.” And I thought! You know I could hear all this stuff going on, you know and he said “No, we gonna bring you back in a year” and the other doctor said “There ain’t no sense in bringing that boy back, that boy can never pass.” He said “We’re gonna give him a permanent deferment” and I thought He said “Son, anybody in your family ever die of heart trouble?” and I said “Yes Sir.” He said “Have you ever had any trouble and I said “Not a bit Sir.” He said “Son you be careful, when you bend like that.” He said “Don’t do any running or walking, things like that.” He said “You got a bad heart son.” I thought ohhh …me!. He said “You go on. We gonna give you a permanent deferment.” I went home. My wife, she had a whole lot more faith than I did, you know. So I went home and she said “How did you do Honey?” I said “Ummm Honey, I gotta go see Daddy” and she said, “What’s the matter Honey?” I said “Honey I can’t tell you.” We had only been married just a couple of years. She said “Now what’s the matter Honey?” I said “Honey, I got heart trouble?” and she said “What’d you say?” I said “Honey my heart’s bad.” She said “Well let’s go see your Daddy.” She said “I don’t think it is.” I said “Yeahhh Honey, they just examined me, gave me a cardiogram and everything. I went out and Daddy was just working away, you now how he was like that. Went up there and he said “How did you do Paul?” and I said “Aaah…” “Did you pass?” I said “No Sir.” He said “I told you didn’t I?” And I said “Yes Sir, I want to talk to you a minute Dad” and he said “What is it son?” “Dad I’m gonna die …oohhh... He said “Do what son?”

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“Dad I got heart trouble!.” Well he chuckled just a little bit, you know. He said “Got what?” and I said “Daddy my heart’s so bad, they told me ... He said “I didn’t know you had heart trouble.” “Daddy I didn’t either, it’s so bad, Daddy I am scared, I think I’m gonna die.” He said “Son, you go on out there to the hospital and let Dr. Sam Adair give you a cardiogram.” I said “Daddy I just had one an hour ago” and he said “Go on out there son, satisfy your mind.” Went out there and Dr. Sam was an old army doctor you know. He give me a cardiogram like that and he said “What’s wrong with them crazy doctors? Ain’t nothing wrong with your heart boy.” I come back home and I told Daddy. He said “Don’t you remember I told you that you wouldn’t have to go because God called you to work with me?” See, I had it all figured out, but I had it figured out wrong but Jesus Christ is the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever. If he said it, I believe it and that settles it. We can’t figure It out, we just got to take It for what It is and that’s the ?? we are going to do tonight because He promised and He’s still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever and I’ve got so many little things I’ve got here that we’ll be here all night, but I can’t do that ....Brother Earl says “a little bit more.” Thank you Brother Earl. Just, a little thing happened …,, Thank you God bless You. Thank you .... A little thing happened to me the other day, it made me feel so good. I got a cousin who don’t serve the Lord, you know how you have in the family. He come up and he said “Billy, I gotta tell you a little something that happened about your Daddy” and I said “Okay.”

His name is Charlie Tomlin. He wouldn’t mind if I called his name, you know. He just doesn’t serve the Lord. Good old country boy, you know, just don’t serve the Lord Jesus like that and he come up there and he said,

“Billy, one day my little boy was dying ….” (You think I’m big? You oughta see him! That guy is ‘that’ big around and I said “Little Chuck”…Yeah he only weighed three pound when he was born).

….and he said “The doctor said he couldn’t live.” He said “Just get me to Brother Bill.” Ooohh, I like that!

He said “Just get Brother Bill to come pray for him.”

He had some kind of disease that they wouldn’t let nobody go in the room. I don’t know anything about those medical things and he said “Brother Bill slipped in there and he just had on his overalls.” Just the simplicity of it, you know.

And he said “He had his overalls on” and he said “He stepped there in the hospital” and he said “My boy’s just got a few minutes to live Brother Bill” and he said “Will you go pray for him? The doctor said, you can’t go in there.” Brother Branham says “Charlie, I don’t need to go there” He said, ”Let’s just kneel here in the hall” .. (oohh!)..

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He said “Brother Bill just knelt down in the hall. Put his knees down on the floor” and he said “Father God, bring that boy around, let him be well.” He said ….(you know Chuckie weighed about three hundred pound, he’s in perfect health) ….and he said “While I was at the filling station one day and I was pumping gas, he said “I pulled in there ‘ and he said “I only had one dollar.” He said “I only had one dollar in my bill fold” and he said “I pulled in there to get a dollars worth of gas” and he said, “Who wheeled in there but Brother Branham.” He said “Here comes Brother Bill.” (He called him Brother Bill). He said “Here come Brother Bill in the filling station. He said “Ohh I can’t let Brother Bill see me just putting a dollar in my car you know,” he says “I can’t do that.” He just stood there and start talking and he said “How’re doing Charlie?” He said “Fine.” He said “I’ve been looking for you” and he said “Yeah, what you want Brother Bill?” (and he said “I had this dollar in my bill fold you know).” And he said “What’d you want Brother Bill?” and he said, “Charlie, you know Uncle Andy?” He said “Yeah.” He said “I want you to do something for me.” He said “You want me to do something for you Brother Bill?” and he said “Yeah.” He said “I want you to go tell Aunt Eta to tell Uncle Andy to get baptized today” and he says “if he don’t….” He said “I’d go myself Charlie but I’m on my way to catch a plane to go to a meeting” he said “but the Lord just spoke to me up there in the room and He told me to go tell Uncle Andy to get baptized today.” He said “Will you do that for me Charlie?” He said “I’ll sure will.” He said “You tell Aunt Eta that I sent you and you tell her that if he don’t get baptized today, this is the time that God’s calling him right now” and he said “If you don’t get baptized, Tuff Coots,” (that’s the undertaker), “will pull up at the house at 7 o’clock and take him away.” He said “I knew whatever Brother Bill said would be right.” he said “but how could I, a sinner, go deliver a message for something like that?” He said “But I wanted to obey what he said.” (I appreciated that so much). He said “Billy … he looked at the filling station attendant and he says I knew it was just for me to have faith.” And I said “….and you the sinner boy talking like that!.” He said “I knew it was just for me to have faith.” He looked at that filling station attendant and said “Fill that boy’s car up, he’s gonna go and do his little job for me.” “Oh no, Brother Billy, don’t fill my car up, I got money.”

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He said “Keep that dollar you got in your pocket Charlie.”. ...oohh!.... He said “Go do what I said.” He said “I knew that was just for me.” He said “He filled my car up and boy I went down and I told Aunt Eta and she kinda made a little fun and Uncle Andy said “I ain’t getting baptized.” He said “Boy, I just rode around and I knew at seven o’clock they was going to come and pick ‘em up.” He said “At seven o’clock Mr. Coots pulled into the driveway and he was gone on.” Do what the Prophet says....Amen. You say, “Well how come he had to do it that way?” We don’t question God. That’s the way it was and that’s the way he said it, that’s the way God done it, that’s the way God spoke it, that’s the way God brought it to pass. It’s the same thing tonight, there ain’t nobody got it all figured out. The only one got it figured out is Jesus Christ and brother, He only has one way that He does it and that’s His Provided way. We don’t change His mind. God don’t change his mind. My heart goes back to just one little more thing. Just to show you how you can do things, and not mean it. Now I don’t say this to hurt you, I say this and I don’t like to say these things but you have to be careful what you say. You say “Brother Branham said this, but I don’t believe it.” Don’t Never say that. Don’t never say that. Say “Brother Branham made a mistake.” Don’t Never say that. Just say “I don’t understand it.” I like what Brother Joseph told my boys one time. He said “Don’t never tell nobody they’re wrong.” Paul says “Dad, you know that really helped me.” I said “Why?” He said “We get down to Spoken Word and we get to arguing about one thing and another, you know about a little doctrine. Let’s just say I don’t understand it that-a-way.” I like that, you know. Just say “I don’t understand it that-a-way. But if Brother Branham said it, it will come to pass.” That’s right. And I said one day, I was with Brother Roy Borders. He’s gone on to be with the Lord. I know you brothers and sisters know Brother Borders. We was over in San Jose, California and I’ll never forget this as long as I live. It was over in San Jose, California and it was the first time I every saw my Daddy with his hairpiece on and he come out and we was going to service. I’m sorry, it wasn’t, it was Bakersfield California. And we got … I think it was Bakersfield or San Jose, one of the two, and we started to go to eat supper that night and Brother Borders had bragged up, you know how you get about those eating place, you know. He’s bragged up this place, this Chuck Wagon where you’d eat all you want for a certain amount, you know, and as he did, we started out there and Daddy was kinda looking forward to it and Daddy ate about three o clock in the afternoon, two or three o’clock and then he went into prayer and stayed there the rest of the day. Now I just want to say this to you, brother. I made a lot of mistakes and I still make a lot of mistakes, but I am a witness to you tonight that he not only preached the message, but he lived it. He lived exactly what he preached. He walked out there that night, he had his hairpiece on. I had never seen my Daddy with the hairpiece on, but I want to show you how easy it is to displease God. He walked out there … you say, why are you saying those bad things about you? Because of

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the Grace of Jesus Christ is why I am here tonight. I just want to tell you this because I was a son, that doesn’t make no difference. I said God blessed me, he let me be a son of God. He let me be a son to a prophet and he let me be a brother to a prophet. I said I’m the most blessed man there is in the world tonight. My Daddy walked out there with that hairpiece on and I looked at him, I didn’t mean nothing wrong, I didn’t. In my heart, I didn’t mean nothing. I looked at him and I kinda laughed and I said “You ain’t gonna wear that to the meeting?.” He said “Yeah, I am Paul.” I said “If you do that, I’m going to go get me one.” Just be careful what you say, ‘cos I know in my heart, there was nothing wrong. He said “Paul you go ahead and eat with Brother Borders” He said “I’m not hungry.” That’s just the way he was brother Larry, you know how he was. I knew that I done the wrong thing, you know you can just tell, I knew I had done the wrong thing. We went and ate and I said “Brother Roy, I hurt Daddy.” He said “Ohh ... your Daddy knew you was kidding him.” I said “I knew I was just kidding him, but I shouldn’t have done it brother. I know I shouldn’t have done it Roy.” He said “No... your Dad didn’t pay no attention to that.” Well I couldn’t eat, you know, I come on back and I walked up to the room and I knocked on the door like that, and I know those brothers know what I am talking about. He was sitting in that room, studying and reading his Bible and praying. He said “Come on in Paul” and he said “Did you have a good supper?” (Man it was just makin’ me sick, you know ‘cos I knew I had done wrong, you know). I said “No Sir Daddy I didn’t enjoy it.” He said “Wasn’t it good?” I said it was okay Dad, but I wanted to come back and apologize to you’. He said “For what Paul?” I said “Daddy, for what I said about your hairpiece.” I said “I didn’t mean that Daddy” and I said “I didn’t mean to hurt you Daddy.” He said “Son, sit down a minute,” and when he said “sit down” then I knew I was in trouble. He said “Sit down a minute son.” I said “Yes Sir.”

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He said “Paul, do you believe you could hurt Daddy” and I said “Yes Sir.” I said “I believe I did Daddy.” He said “No, you can’t hurt Daddy.” He said “but Paul you don’t know what That is down inside of me.” . Oohh my. He said “That down inside of me was not pleased with what you said.” “Whether it was you or nobody else,” he said “You don’t know what This represents.” This was the first time he ever wore it. He said “But do you remember the day that our deacon,” (now you think of this), “Our deacon in our church in Jeffersonville …..” I said “Yes Sir.” He said “Do you remember that night that I was reading my Bible and I opened up my Bible and I couldn’t see and I reached in my pocket and got my glasses and read my Scripture.” I said “Yes Sir , I remember that Daddy.” He said “Do you remember that night after the Service, the deacon followed us out, and he says (when you was trying to get me out the door), you remember he made fun of me?.” I said “Yes Sir.” He said “Brother Branham, I am ashamed of you preaching Divine Healing and wearing glasses.” He said “Brother, I can’t see to read my Scripture no more.” He said “Brother Branham, you ought to have more faith” and he just kept on coming downhill like that. And Daddy said “Get me away ‘Paul” and I was doing my best to get him away and Daddy was trying to make him be quiet, you know just in a sweet way like that. And the brother, he might not have meant anything wrong either, but he was doing it, and Daddy said “You remember how you tried to get me away Paul” and I said “Yes Sir.” “You remember when we finally got away and we went up to the corner of the alley and I said “’God was not pleased with that” and I said “Yes Sir.” He said “I told that brother that … he didn’t know that I couldn’t see, so I told him that I couldn’t.” He says, “Do you know what happened?” and I said “Yes Sir. We buried him six days later.” I said “Yes Sir.” He said “I know you didn’t mean nothing, but I had to get away from you before you said too much.” He said “Paul, when Elijah walked down, when Elisha walked down that road and he was bald headed and those children made fun of him.” He said “That wasn’t him, that was that Spirit that was within him” and he said “you don’t do those things.” He said “Don’t never do nothing like that again.” That’s what I am trying to tell you in this my testimony tonight. Be careful, if you hear something on the tape or you hear something someone says, (you say) and Brother Branham said it, don’t say nothing wrong about it. You say “I don’t understand it.” Just say “God I know that that was your Word and it will come to pass just that-a-way.” That’s what I say it to you for. Brother that day when he walked out there and he preached “Marriage and Divorce” and he had that hairpiece on

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... Brother I knew then where that authority lay. Yes Sir, Brother! He said “Don’t you never forget the Grace of Jesus Christ to you this day.” Brother, we are a privileged people and I say that not to scold you, not to hurt you, but to tell you where I made a mistake. Don’t you make the same one. Just stay with the Word, hold on to It and God will bring it to pass because He can’t fail.

The other day in my office a little brother met me outside and he said “Brother Bill, will you relate this testimony?” (And I’m sorry Brother I have just took so much time), but a man walked into my office not too long ago and he knocked at my door and he said “Sir, can I talk to you?” and I said “Certainly Sir.”

He said “My name is Crawford” and I forget his first name.

He said “I am on a ship, a submarine.” I forget the name of it now and he said “Sir” (he talked military you know). He said “Sir, I work on this ship, on this submarine. Don’t be surprised after I talk with you if the CIA doesn’t come and talk with you, because of my job.”

He says “I’m a computer operator on this ship” and he says “We are on great mission over in the Russian Territory.” He said he went to Yale University.” Is that right Honey?

Yale University, and he said “Sir, I was raised right here in Salisburg, Indiana.” That’s where I live now, just about seven miles up from Jeffersonville.”

He said “I heard of Brother Branham,” he said “but I didn’t know him,” you know. But he says “My professor …. I was studying for a degree and we were studying on religion and cults and our professor stood up and said “I want to tell you a cult.” He said “The man’s name was ‘William ‘Branham” and he said “As soon as he said ‘William Branham’ something down inside of me begin to register.” He said “I’ve heard that name before.”

He said “William ‘Branham was a great man of God. He travelled all over the United States and all over the world and he prayed for people and then he thought he had a discernment and he begin to discern people” and he said, “When he did, he made mistakes.” And he says “In this mistake he told a man something he had done and the man shot him and killed him on his own platform,” he said “because Mr. Branham lied”

He said “Sir, I didn’t know, but something just didn’t register right and I stood right up there in the class and said “Professor,” he said “you’re a liar.” “I don’t even know William Branham but something down in here says that you are a liar and I am taking my thesis on ‘William Branham’ to prove to this class and to you that you are lying.” And he said “Sir, I begin to search, I begin to read, I begin to look. Finally I heard of the ‘Spoken Word’.” He said “I got those books, then I heard of the Voice of God about the tapes and I begin to search and begin to hear about the life of William Branham.” And he said “Sir, as I begin to look, something down there inside of me said ‘This is what you have been looking for all your life’.” And he said “I picked up the phone and I begin to talk.” And he said “I talked up there and I got a hold of a man …I wanted to see how William Branham went to be with the Lord” … and he said “This man picked up the phone, he said “My name is Joseph Branham, can I help you?” He said “Sir, when I begin to talk to him, I knew that he knew what he was talking about.” And I said “He begin to talk to me and tell me how Brother Branham went to be with the Lord” and he said “I want to send you some tapes.” He said he begin to send me tapes and here I was going to prove to that Professor that he was a liar” and he said “It was just God getting me ready for something He had for me and that’s the way I heard about this Message”

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He said “Sir, I want to tell you something, your Daddy’s voice I know was heard in Heaven, the highest place there is.” He said “but I want to tell you something else Sir. On the nuclear sub, we go right out where the Russians are. I can’t tell you all these things because it is a military secret.” He said “but I am computer operator on that ship and every thing on that ship is done by computer and I am the Head Technician.” He said “A man told me one day “you can do the same thing William Branham can.” He said “Oh no I can’t. No Sir. He was a prophet of God ordained before the foundation of the world.” He said “’He was a Messenger of the Age.” He said “Everything on this ship is done by this computer, and if one of them wires ever break, I would have to solder it back together to get the right data back in.” He said “It never looks the same, there is always something a little fuzzy about it, but it always works, but it is never quite the same.” He said “That’s the way I was in the beginning, but Jesus Christ put me back together, but William Branham never did smoke, drink or defile his body in any way and he was a Prophet of God, the Messenger of the Age. His computer never broke at all.” I like that, you know. And he said “I wanta tell you something, when we get ready to leave from our bases, when we come up out of the ocean, if we have been down for several days, the deepest part of the ocean, I always put on your Dad’s tape.” He said “Your Dad’s tape has been heard in the deepest part of the ocean and the highest part of heaven.” I like that you know. He said “I want to tell you something else Sir,” and I said “Yes Sir.” He says “We throw off our garbage bag and when we do, I always put a Spoken Word book in there and a tape because we know the Russians go through it.” He said “They know in Russia a little bit about this Message tonight.” I said “Praise God.” He said “But Sir, I wanna tell you something,” I said “Yeah.” He said “I was up here, when I come back home, he said “old Crawford, what you doing back here?” He said “I come back here to do a thesis on ‘William Branham.” And he said “Yeah, we heard of Brother Branham.” He said “I begin to tell him about it, but Sir, when I got back to Yale University, the Professor had been kicked out.” He said “I wasn’t worried about the Professor being kicked out” he said, “God did something in my heart, that was what I was looking for.” He said “but I want to tell you something Sir. I was up at the bowling alley giving my testimony to the boys I used to run around with” and he said “as I did, I looked in a corner,” and he called her name, (I can’t think of it now), “there was an old lady sitting there and she begin to cry.” He said “She was smoking and smoking and smoking” and she said “Crawford, who was you talking about?” He said “I was talking about Reverend Branham.” She said “Crawford” she says “I don’t know what you are talking about, I don’t know what you are talking about a prophet and all these things that you said today, but is that Billy Branham?” He said “Yeah, that was his name, Reverend ‘William Branham’.” She said “I was his girlfriend.”

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I’ll never forget this. He said “Sir, she just kept smoking’ one after the other.” He said “I knew her all my life. She said “I was his girlfriend.” She said “One night, I made fun of him, because he wouldn’t smoke.” (You remember Brother Branham’s Life Story). She said “I made fun of that man because he wouldn’t smoke.” She said “We followed him down the road and blowed our horn, turned our lights on” and she said “Crawford, I can’t get that man’s face out of my mind today and I can’t quit smoking. I am a chain smoker.” Don’t never say nothing. Touch not my Anointed. Do my Prophets no harm. A man knocked an my door the other day and he said “Sir, can I talk to you a minute?” I said “Yes.” He said “I’m from California” (I believe he was). “I got a little secret place over in Switzerland.” He worked for the air force and some way he could fly. And he said “I travelled all over” and he said “Sir, I was over there and when I was over there, I was up in a place where I go and pray and when I was up there praying I know that God always meets me there.” He said “Sir, I was praying, the Holy Spirit moved down and says ‘You want a deeper walk with Me?’ He said “That’s what I want Lord.” He says “Go back to the United States” (you think of God in simplicity!), “Go back to the United States and go to Jeffersonville, Indiana.” (this is just the other day brothers and sisters), “Go to Jeffersonville, Indiana and look for a tombstone that is shaped like a pyramid and there is a gold eagle on the top of it and you’ll know from there’. Ohhh .... He said “Sir, I got on that plane and flew back to Louisville Kentucky, got off and got in a taxi cab and he says “Where you wanna go.” He says “I wanna go to a place called Jeffersonville, Indiana.” He says “Right across the river.” He said “Where you wanna go?” He says “I’m looking for a place that’s got a tombstone and an eagle.” He said “I know where that place is, I’ll take you there myself.” Now you think of all the cabs and all things … God has provided a way. He said “I got off of that plane got in that cab and God had that cab driver waiting for me.” He said “He took me up here Sir, and I just up to the cemetery and I was down there on my knees saying ‘God, what now’ and he said “I looked and found this stone” and He said “I looked on there and it said ‘Branham’.”

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He said “Up walked a man by me and by the cemetery and he just walked on through and he said “Sir, can I help you?” He said “Sir, I see this name Branham. You know anything about him? He said “No I don’t know too much about him, but his church is just one block down the street. He said “Sir, I come knocking on your door, where do I go from here?” “Brother you just go right over there to Spoken Word and the Voice of God and you’ll know from there!.” Jesus Christ is still calling today. Brother I am telling you, it is later than what we think. A brother wrote me the other day and he said “Brother Billy, I was down and I was so bad,” he said “I was eating out of a garbage can.” He said “I didn’t have anything to eat. I was down in a garbage can and as I begin to dig through this garbage can trying to find something to eat, I found a ‘Spoken Word’ book.” He said “Brother I found something to eat,” he said “I gave me heart to Jesus Christ and I am following this Message today.” He is still Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

Brother Branham said one time, we was up in Fort Wayne, … (Brother Earl just one moment). He said right up in Fort Wayne, he said he’d come out of the motel one day (I know it’s getting late, but I just want to tell you this, I want to tell you just how great our God is. He’s still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever).

Like a little woman come up one time at the platform and she held out her hand to Brother Branham and he said “What you want Sister?”

She said “Brother Branham I’ve come up to apologize to you.”

He said “What do you want to apologize for?”

“Because Brother Branham you prayed for me and told me that I would have a baby.” She said “I wanted a baby and I got out amongst unbelievers. You told me I would have a baby, and I went home and told my husband and my family and they made fun of me and said Brother Branham it didn’t happen, I doubted.”

He said “Sister….”

She said “I wanted to come here” (this is publicly), she said “I want to come and apologize to you.”

Brother Branham looked at her, you know just the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, you know. He said “Did you say…. what did He say to you?”

She said “You spoke and He said ..” oohh I like that, “You spoke and He said that I’d have a baby.”

He said “I don’t care how much unbelief’s around, you’ll still have the baby.”

Brother, we got a letter from her nine months later and she had the baby. Brother, if God thought, the Prophet spoke it, I believe it and that settles it. Don’t have to figure anything out, just take it like it is.

I remember up in Fort Wayne one time when Brother Branham talked about the piano playing ‘The Great Physician Now is Near’. We just listened to the tape the tape the other day and as we did, Brother Branham said he felt led of the Holy Spirit to walk out one night. One morning he said, he went out with the family and he said, (when he went to walk down the road), he said, “I don’t feel,”

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(he had been eating at a little place called the Dobbs House), he said “And when I did, I felt led to go to a place called ‘Millers Cafeteria,’” See how God works?

He said “I walked into Miller’s Cafeteria there that day” and he said “As I did, I walked in there and I said ‘Honey’” (talking to Mom), he said “Momma, I just want to have same prunes and toast here early this morning.” He said “I feel the Spirit of the Lord moving upon me.”

He said he moved on down on in there and he said, just as he got in line, he got his toast and prunes, he heard a little sister say “Thank You Jesus.”.(Oohh my!).... He said “Thank You Lord.” He said, he looked over there and he said “Yes Sister, can I help you?”

She said “Brother Branham I’ve been here for a week trying to get into the meetings.” She said “I’ve got my brother here and I can’t get a prayer card to get in, so I said ‘”Lord somehow do something for me, I got to go home.” She said “The Lord came to me in a dream and said ‘”Go to Miller’s Cafeteria. Be there at nine o’clock and my Prophet will be there.” Ohh .. Brother.

He said “I ate every day at the Dobbs House, but that day, He said “Go to Miller’s Cafeteria.” He’s still Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

He said “I laid my hands upon her and upon her brother.

That man stood up and he said “I haven’t felt like this since I was sixteen years old.” He said “I’m perfectly healed.”

He said “Momma the Holy Spirit’s still moving’.” He said “I walked on out in the street. I walked down the street a little bit, I got right outside the door. A little sister was there and she said “Praise God.” She had her hands up in the air. He said “What is it Sister?” She said “Brother, I’ve got cancer, I’m from St. Louis, Missouri, I got cancer on my breast. I’m dying.” She had said “Lord, how can I get to your Prophet?” He said “Go out and stand in front of Miller’s Cafeteria and at ten minutes after nine he’ll be coming down the street. Brother Branham said he prayed for her and she was perfectly healed. He said, “Momma take the kids and go on home, I still feel him moving . Amen .... He’s still moving here in Hardy tonight too. He moved on down the street a little bit further, (I feel good Brother Earl!) He said he moved on down the street a little bit further. He said he got on down there, then he said “Momma go on back to the hotel, God’s still moving, I feel something down inside.” He said “I walked over there and he said ‘Lord what do you want’? and the Lord didn’t tell me a thing. So I got over there and got to looking at some of the fishing reels and kinda going through some things. He said “The Holy Spirit said, “now move on out on the street”.” (Ooh my .... that’s what I’m giving a witness to tonight). He said “move on out on the street’.” He said “I moved out on the street; Excuse me, he said “I got on out on the street” and he said “Now where Lord?” He said “Just down on that corner.” He said “I stood there and the lights changed as people went, the lights changed, the traffic cop was directing traffic and all that there and he said all at once I looked up and here come this little woman with a little checkered dress on.” (Ooh my!). “She had a little old Canadian hat on like that and she walked over and as she got to me, she wheeled round and she says “Thank you Lord.”

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He said “What is it Sister?” She said “You’re Brother Branham?” He said “That’s right.” She said “I’m from Canada. I’ve come down here,” she says, she had a little old purse in her hand like this. She says “I come down here and I’ve run out of money.” She says “I had five cents left.” She said “I was getting ready to get me a last cup of coffee and I was going out on the road to hitchhike and go back home” and she says “and God said ‘Turn this corner, and go up this way’, and she said “I just done what He said.” And God done spoke to the prophet “Go out on that corner and wait.” He said “What’s wrong with you sister?” She said “It’s my hand crippled.” He said “Stretch it forth” Amen... He said “Her hand came out and she was touched.” He’s still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever. I said I’ve read in the Scriptures where Jesus in his day, He looked down at Lazarus and he said “Lazarus come forth.” I said I was in Vermont. Bullington Vermont with Brother Branham and the Spirit of Jesus Christ spoke through him and a woman died out there in the audience. A doctor stood there and said “Brother Branham, she’s dead.”

He said “What?”

He said “She’s dead.”

He said “Billy go pray for her.” Ooh! “I was not going to pray.”

He said “Billy go pray for her.” I was scared to death and the people started to gather around like that and Brother Branham, (I’ll never forget it), he said “Just step back.”

They stood back and she was about ten rows back in the auditorium like that. He looked down at her like that and I thought of Jesus when he went to the grave of Lazarus. He said “Lazarus come forth.” Brother Branham said if he hadn’t said ‘Lazarus’, everything in the grave would have come forth.

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I read about it in the Scripture, but brother I saw it in my day with my own eyes.

He looked down at that woman and he says ”Mary!” and she says “What do you want Brother Branham?”

He’s still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever.

I said I remember one time I read in the Scriptures where Joshua was having a little trouble with the battle. You remember that. And he said “Sun you stand still until this battle’s over.” I remember one time we was having a bit of trouble up in Colorado Brother Earl, Brother John, Brother Blair back there. I said the same God that was there was the same God that was in Brother Branham. And I said I read in the Bible where Joshua said “Sun you stand still” and they said there never was a day like it or before it that God hearkened to the voice of a man. I said but we was in Colorado and Brother Branham was there and he spoke and he said “Storm you go back to where you came from and Sun you shine for four days.

He’s still Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever.

I remember one time in a meeting in Jeffersonville, Indiana, a little brother come up there and he said “I ask for my son, I ask for my family” he said. That was Brother Ed Tollerton. He said “I give you your family in the Name of Jesus Christ.” Stand up Brother Ed. That was a witness to it.

One day in Jeffersonville, Indiana there was a brother by the name of Richard Blair who was dying with his nerves and everything was going wrong. He prayed and he asked God. Brother Branham said “You’ll be well” and there is Brother Blair tonight. Stand up Brother Blair. Jesus Christ, is the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever.

There was a man one time, your pastor Brother Earl Martin. He said “I can’t have any sons, he said “I ask you Brother Branham.” Brother Branham said “You’ll have ‘em.” Stand up Brother Earl, “Is any of the boys here tonight? Is any of Brother Earl’s boys here tonight? Stand up, five of ‘em Praise Jesus Christ, there they are, all five of ‘em. He’s the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever.

I believe that whatever you have need of tonight, that you can have what you have need of because He’s Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever.

Let’s sing that little song - He is Lord. He is Lord, He has risen from the dead and he is Lord Amen. Hallelujah.

He is Lord he is Lord He had risen from the dead and He is Lord, (Amen... Glory Amen). Every knee shall bow (Glory to God) Every tongue confess (Oh) That Jesus Christ is Lord

God Bless all of you.

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This photograph appeared in the May 17, 1963 issue of Life Magazine under the caption “…And a High Cloud Ring of Mystery.”

Experts calculated that the cloud was 26 miles high and 30 miles wide and was “A lot higher and bigger than a cloud should be.” This cloud was formed by a constellation of seven Angels on February 28, 1963 over Sunset Mountain near Tucson AZ., and whom one week later, met with Brother Branham some 40 miles northeast of Tucson, Arizona and told him to go back to Jeffersonville Indiana, where the mystery of the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation would be revealed to him.

When the photograph is rotated 90 degrees to the right, the unmistakeable profile appears of the Head as shown in the painting ‘Hoffman’s Head of Christ’ (when reversed from left to right).

This amazing photograph of the Pillar of Fire above Brother Branham's head is today in the Library of Congress in Washington. D.C. It was taken during the Branham Houston campaign on January 24, 1950 on behalf of a Baptist clergyman, Reverend W.E. Best, pastor of the Houston Tabernacle Baptist Church who was opposed to Brother Branham's Ministry. To the surprise of the photographers, Mr. Ted Kipperman and James Ayres of Douglas Studios, every negative turned out to be blank except this one photograph taken of Brother Branham.

After examination by Mr. George Lacy, Examiner of Questioned Documents, Houston, Texas, Mr. Lacy concluded “I am of the definite opinion the negative ….. was not retouched, nor was it a composite or double exposed negative. Further, I am of the definite opinion that the light streak appearing above the head in a halo position was caused by light striking the negative”.