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BigData Use- cases - Prepared by - Vishal Shukla - Pranav Shukla - Krishna Meet -

Big Data Usecases

Jan 11, 2017



Vishal Shukla
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BigData Use-cases

- Prepared by - Vishal Shukla

- Pranav Shukla- Krishna Meet


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Brevitaz Overview

● Founded in 2014● Small team of technocrats delivering Big Data Solutions● Global client-base in Europe and Asia-pacific region● Expertise

○ Full-text search○ Real-time analytics○ Log analytics○ BigData analytics○ IoT based solutions○ Machine learning○ BigData warehousing

● Technologies○ Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, Flume, Storm○ Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana○ MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, Apache Titan○ Impala, Spark SQL, Hawk○ Java & Spring stack, Typesafe stack (Scala, Akka, Spray, Slick)○ AngularJS

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➔ Big Data & Analytics➔ Full-text search➔ Log analytics➔ Big Data Analytics➔ Real-time Analytics➔ IoT Analytics➔ Machine Learning on BigData➔ Big Data Warehousing➔ Big Data is for Everyone

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Data is growing!

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Full-text Search

Spot the right data quickly

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“It’s all about being able to spot

Right Information at Right Time

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◎ Relevance search in near real-time○ Find results matching “iphone”. Please don’t show me

Iphone chargers in first page.◎ Fuzzy search and search suggestions

○ Find results matching “iphne"◎ Faceted search

○ Filters in amazon after searching a keyword◎ Complex search with multiple criteria

○ Find me products matching “iphone” with in price range 30000 INR to 50000 INR and color “Space grey”

◎ Geo-spatial search○ Find restaurants within 10 km radius from my current

location. And yes, I want to see closer ones on top.

Full-text search - What it is?

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What are you talking! I am here for BigData!

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Elasticsearch - does all of these for massive volume, variety and velocity

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◎ Crawl third-party websites ◎ Aggregate and classify the data◎ Develop custom application on top of classified


Use-case - Information Aggregator

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◎ Google’s “Did you mean?” ◎ Search suggestions as you type◎ Text analytics◎ McGrowHill - Transform text-books into digital

learning resource◎ SoundCloud - Quickly find music that interests


Other use-cases

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Log Analytics

Collect, analyze and Improvise

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“Transform your dumb logs into

actionable insights

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● Use machine generated logs to get operational insights

● Sensors, application servers, web servers or any IoT device logs

To interactively answer questions like...◎ How many users signed up this week?◎ How users are using your website / mobile app◎ How successful is our advertising campaign?◎ Why is the database slow?◎ Which are the websites categories my team is

spending the most time at?◎ Who are the potential employees to resign next?

Log Analytics - What it is?

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What’s the big deal!

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Use-case - Network Logs Analysis

◎ High velocity◎ High volume◎ Collect, analyze and improvise

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◎ Analyze click stream data to provide personalized offers and user experience

◎ Interactive drill-down analysis◎ Compliance reporting through interactive

dashboard◎ Real-time alerts on invalid login attempts◎ Detect outages◎ Multi-channel funnel reporting for your

Advertising campaigns to find out which channels contribute the most for conversions

Other use-cases

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BigData AnalyticsMake your data speak

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“Combine all sources of data to uncover hidden patterns and

unknown relations in your data

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● Take your transactional data from various sources

● Take operational and user behaviour logs data ● Collect social data● Combine data collected from various sources to To interactively answer questions like...◎ What is increase or decrease in sales over the

years?◎ How many unique customers are acquired this

year?◎ Which products are trending disproportionately

this year?

Big Data Analytics - What it is?

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Usecase - Supply chain management

◎ RFID labels can indicate which product is where at what time

◎ Get more accurate business insights◎ Theft detection

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◎ Social media sentiment analysis to get end-user feedback on launched products

◎ Identify market trends◎ Predict employees attrition◎ Customer churn analysis◎ Influencer analysis◎ Lead generation◎ Proactive issues monitoring◎ For insurance companies, identify potential

customers by combining birth, marriage and health data

Other use-cases

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Real-time Analytics

Analyse instantaneously as you collect data

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“Lag of seconds can make a

fraudster and you

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● Ingest streaming data, possibly at high velocity● Analyse and react immediatelyTo solve problems like...◎ Identify changing trends in real-time◎ Detect fraud◎ Analyse policy violations and react immediately◎ Reduce downtimes◎ Provide better and quicker business decisions

Real-time Analytics - What it is?

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Use-case - Enrich Customer Experience

◎ Get real-time feeds about customer location or products being browsed

◎ Combine with historical user behaviours◎ Roll out offers in real-time

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◎ Hospitality Industry○ Bad weather reduces travel, which then

reduces overnight lodging○ Combine weather data with flight

cancellation to identify stranded travellers○ Offer hotel coupons based on near by


Other use-cases

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◎ Fraud detection◎ Predict and enrich customer experience based on

location, lifestyle◎ Real-time process visibility across an enterprise◎ Suggest optimal routes based on current traffic

data◎ Get player performance metrics in real-time to

substitute players at right time

Other use-cases

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IoT Analytics

Let machines communicate

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● Use sensors to detect low level data● Report the captured data to server● Analyse and get back to userTo provide smart alerts and suggestions like◎ Schedule maintenance of machines◎ Your pulse rate is disproportionately increasing◎ Medicines manufactured in a batch is not

complying to standards

IoT Based Smart Solutions - What it is?

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◎ Performance measurement & maintenance schedule


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◎ In agriculture, Sensors can detect crop health along with geo data and based on that alert can be sent to farmers where they need to focus

◎ In retail, smart-shelves can detect and send alerts on when to replenish

◎ Smart home can analyze the patterns of each family member and optimize energy usage

Other use-cases

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Machine Learning

on BigData

Make the machines learn from data

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What is machine learning?

◎ Machine learning is not programming a machine to do stuff

◎ Machine learning is making the machine learn and adapt based on the observed data

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Where is machine learning used?

● Identify similarities between products, users● Predict values from past data● Classify items into categories, like an email is spam

or not spamin order to ...◎ Predict expected outcome◎ Categorize large amounts of data◎ Optimize algorithms or paths◎ Find similarities◎ Improve quality of predictions continuously

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“Recommending the right products

makes the difference between selling or not selling a product

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Use-case - Recommending Products

◎ Compare thousands of users/products with each other to find similar “clusters”

◎ Content-based filtering - Recommend similar products to what customer has already bought

◎ Find similar customers to the current customer and recommend him what they have bought

◎ Apply what is known as Clustering algorithms in machine learning on Big Data

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Use-case - Optimise team combination in Sports

◎ Choose best performing team with limited budget

◎ It was first applied in Baseball, now many professional games use these techniques

◎ Choose a team consisting of players who could win at least enough games to make to the play-offs

◎ Use data analysis techniques to find undervalued players

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Use-case - Sports

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What they achieved?

◎ Average 90 wins in each season in less than 30M $

◎ Same number of wins in 1/3rd of budget than another team

◎ 20 more wins than another team with similar budget

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Other use-cases

◎ Fraud detection in banking and other sectors◎ Fine grained customer segmentation for targeted

products◎ Predicting next product failure and sending a

replacement part in advance◎ Predict best candidates

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Big Data WarehousingCatch all that you can so, you

can analyze it later

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Why modernize Data Warehouse with Big Data?

Traditional Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) can only◎ Store only structured data◎ Extremely expensive license cost per TB of storage◎ Capacity constrained with ETL and query workloadsbig data will help to...◎ Store unstructured, semi-structured data◎ Combine your structured data with other sources◎ Run interactive SQL queries on big data◎ Offload ETL workload from your EDW◎ Offload less frequently used data from your EDW◎ Save licensing costs

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Use-case - Modernizing Data Warehouse

◎ Low cost storage for years of data◎ Data lake for structured, unstructured and semi-

structured data◎ Interactive queries on historic data

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◎ Online archival with reporting○ Make years of data available

◎ ETL off-loading○ Spark jobs to reduce ETL job time from hours

to minutes◎ Batch reports off-loading

○ Reduce load on your warehouse by off-loading batch reports

◎ Big Data Discovery○ Proactively find patterns guided by the


Other use-cases

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But we are just a startup !

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“Start small. Then scale.

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Next stepsTry, evaluate and adopt in risk-

free manner

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◎ Identify sources of your unused data○ like server logs○ social streams

◎ Collect and store on cloud to minimize initial investment

◎ Many cloud options like Amazon EC2, Databricks, Altiscale...

◎ Use open-source analytics engines like Elasticsearch, Kibana. They are free to use.

◎ Experience the success◎ Automate using sensors or IoT devices to add

more sources of useful data

Start small and then scale

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Some open datasets to play with

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Woo-ha! I am feeling empowered!

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Thanks!Any questions?