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Big Data Startups

Mar 02, 2016



Synopsis of Big Data Startups as of Aug, 2013
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Big Data StartupsTypesMost of them are enterprise software. A few unusual types:Infographic : Visual.lySmall-data : StatWingSocial Media Data : Datasift (twitter-certified)Public Data : enigma.ioRegular Training programs: Continuum Analytics, HortonWorksDigital Marketing Causata, a leading provider of Customer Experience : Enables websites to understand the interests of their audience and deliver personalized recommendations to each user ; major clients like WSJ, TIME, Scribd.RocketFuel : programmatic buying platform : identifying the best location and time to place an ad . to make marketing easier and more effective for brands, and to give consumers a unique and relevant online experience. Major clients like Vonage, Pizza Hut, BMW, Lufthansa etc.SumAll : understand the effectiveness of online campaignsMetamarkets : Provides a data analysis platform for the real-time bidding (RTB) ad buying marketing.

Ease of UseHighly specialized programmers & data scientists : Alpine Data, Cloudera, Concurrent, MapR, SkyTree, WibiData, DataStax, RainStor, Requires good programmers: Continuum Analytics, Continuity, MemSQL, MortarData, Splice Machine, Mu-Sigma, GridGainEasy to use and non-experience users can interpret and act on the findings. Origami Logic, which is a product built specifically for marketers that brings together big data analytics, data science and data visualisation technologies to deliver marketing insights through a marketer-friendly user experience. Datameer : No cooding in MapReduce required; enabling any business user to integrate, analyze and visualize their,, DatasiftPlatforaRocketfuel (No need for an extra employee)SiSenseStatWingSumAllZoomDataOpera SolutionsMongoDBMetaMarketsImportance on visualizationOrganizations do not have to ask right questions anymore, but simply they will be pointed to the right answers or insights while playing with the data curiously. Make Big data applications so easy to develop and use that no data scientists are required.A format that is easy to digest, analyze and share

Focused on Visualization:Tableau, StatWingPlatfora SiSenseSumAllZoomDataOrigami LogicAlteryx + TableauSplice Machine + Tableau / MicroStrategy

Focused on sharability on Mobile DevicesZoomdata ,Tableau,SumAllVisual.lyLow CostApache HadoopOpen-sourceWorks on large clusters of commodity hardwareCheaper than buying tailor-made hardwareDue to Open-source nature of the movement and Big data being more routine, cost will probably reduce in the long-runAlpine Data , MemSQL, SiSense, WibiData, Opera Solutions, Guavus, RainStor

Low implementation timeAlpine DataMortar Data (bills itself as a company that can deliver Hadoop in an hour.)SiSenseSkyTree (low MTI Mean Time to Insights)WibiDataZoomDataOpera SolutionsGuavusReal-timeHadoop does not offer the possibility to do real-time analysisOther products offer this :Storm, which is now owned by Twitter, is a real-time distributed computation system. It works the same way as Hadoop provides batch processing as it uses a set of general primitives for performing real-time analyses. Storm is easy to use and it works with any programming language. It is very scalable and fault-tolerant.Cloudera Impala (Open-source) offers the Cloudera Enterprise RTQ tools that offers real-time, interactive analytical queries of the data stored in HBase or HDFS.GridGain is an enterprise open source grid computing made for Java. It is compatible with Hadoop DFS and it offers a substitute to Hadoops MapReduce.SpaceCurve can discover underlying patterns in multidimensional geodata. Geodata is different data than normal data as mobile devices create new data really fast and not in a way traditional databases are used to. They offer a big data platform and their tool set a new world record on February 12, 2013 regarding running complex queries with tens of gigabytes per second.DataSift provides access to both real-time and historical social data to uncover insights and trendsMemSQL, DataStaxZoomDataUnderlying TechnologyHadoop+ MapReduce : AlpineData, HortonWorks, Mu-SigmaHadoop + MapReduce + SQL : ClouderaHadoop + Java : Concurrent, Continuity, GridGainPython, Numpy-based : Continuum AnalyticsHadoop + NoSQL : MapR, 10gen(MongoDB), DataStax, RainStorRelational DB (ACID compliant) + SQL : MemSQLHadoop as a service + Java, python : MortarDataHadoop+ Machine Learning algo + R/ C++/ Python: SkyTreeHadoop + NewSQL : Splice MachineNon- Hadoop : Datasift,,, Origami Logic