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WILDCAT WEEKLY NOVEMBER 7, 2014 Big Creek Elementary 1994 Peachtree Parkway Cumming, GA 30041 B B I I G G C C R R E E E E K K C C L L U U B B D D A A T T E E S S This is the last date for our session 2 clubs November 13 th If you would like to sign up for Session 3 Clubs the information is listed below… ATTENDANCE REMINDERS: If your child is tardy, absent or checks out early you have 5 school days to send in a parent or doctor note for it to be ‘excused’. Attendance excuses can be emailed to the teacher or Sharon Hamilton at [email protected] . Only 10 parent notes per year to excuse absences, tardies or early check-outs. Anytime your child misses school (i.e. tardy, absence or early check-out) for a doctor appointment please ask for a note from the doctor and send it back to the school. Thank you! FOOD DRIVE Big Creek Elementary will be partnering with “The Place” for a Thanksgiving Food Drive. We will be collecting Boxed Oatmeal. The last day to donate is Tuesday, November 11 th. If you would like to assist in donating, you can place the item(s) in the boxes located at the front of the school labeled “Thanksgiving Food Drive .” This box is under the ‘drop-off’ table in the front hallway. Thank you for your generosity and willingness to help make Thanksgiving a more joyous occasion for our community. Each donation makes such a difference! CAFETERIA NEWS It is our policy that when you come to eat with your child that we ask that you do not pull any additional students over to eat with you. This should be a time for you to eat with just your child. Thank you for respecting this policy. The students will also be eating lunch in their classrooms on Tuesday due to the Veterans Day celebration. Therefore we ask that you hold off on eating lunch with your child that day. Big Creek Administration DATES TO REMEMBER: NOVEMBER 10 14 PSYCHOLOGIST APPRECIATION WK NOVEMBER 11 VETERAN’S DAY CELEBRATION STUDENTS TO EAT LUNCH IN THEIR CLASSROOMS EVERYONE PLEASE WEAR RED WHITE & BLUE NOVEMBER 13 BATTLE OF THE BOOKS NOVEMBER 24 28 THANKSGIVING BREAK DECEMBER 3 5 HOLIDAY SHOP DECEMBER 11 5 th GRADE CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON DECEMBER 22 JANUARY 5 HOLIDAY BREAK

Big Creek Elementary - Forsyth County Schools · school days to send in a parent or doctor note – for it to be ‘excused’. Attendance excuses can be emailed to the teacher or

Jul 19, 2020



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Page 1: Big Creek Elementary - Forsyth County Schools · school days to send in a parent or doctor note – for it to be ‘excused’. Attendance excuses can be emailed to the teacher or









R 7

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Big Creek Elementary 1994 Peachtree Parkway Cumming, GA 30041



This is the last date for our

session 2 clubs

November 13th

If you would like to

sign up for Session 3

Clubs – the information

is listed below…



If your child is tardy, absent or

checks out early you have 5

school days to send in a parent

or doctor note – for it to be


Attendance excuses can be

emailed to the teacher or

Sharon Hamilton at

[email protected].

Only 10 parent notes per year

to excuse absences, tardies or

early check-outs. Anytime your

child misses school (i.e. tardy,

absence or early check-out) for

a doctor appointment please

ask for a note from the doctor

and send it back to the school.

Thank you!


Big Creek Elementary will be partnering with

“The Place” for a Thanksgiving Food Drive. We

will be collecting Boxed Oatmeal. The last day to

donate is Tuesday, November 11th.

If you would like to assist in donating, you can

place the item(s) in the boxes located at the front

of the school labeled “Thanksgiving Food Drive.”

This box is under the ‘drop-off’ table in the front

hallway. Thank you for your generosity and

willingness to help make Thanksgiving a more

joyous occasion for our community. Each

donation makes such a difference!


It is our policy that when you come

to eat with your child that we ask

that you do not pull any additional

students over to eat with you. This

should be a time for you to eat with

just your child. Thank you for

respecting this policy.

The students will also be eating lunch

in their classrooms on Tuesday due

to the Veterans Day celebration.

Therefore we ask that you hold off

on eating lunch with your child that


Big Creek Administration









DECEMBER 11 – 5th



Page 2: Big Creek Elementary - Forsyth County Schools · school days to send in a parent or doctor note – for it to be ‘excused’. Attendance excuses can be emailed to the teacher or

MONDAY: BRD Chicken tender-strips w/WG mini roll

WG Pasta w/sauce (& meatballs)

TUESDAY: WG Individual Cheese Pizza round

Teriyaki Chicken Nuggets w/vegetable fried rice

WEDNESDAY: Nachos w/Cheese (& meat)/jalapeno/salsa

Buffalo Chicken wrap

THURSDAY: Oven-baked breaded Mozz sticks w/tomato soup

WG Corndog or minis

FRIDAY: Popcorn chicken w/WG mini roll

“2 Fers” mini burgers

There is also a vegetarian choice everyday as well as a salad or sandwich

We also serve a Wildcat Breakfast each day from 7:10 – 7:40



Maddox ayres Srihitha Dasari

Olivia Edge Gabi Oliveria

Colin Paisley Nag meesala

Allana Clark Nitya Dave

Ally hayes Aushka Dave



AAllll vveetteerraannss aanndd tthheeiirr ffaammiilliieess aarree iinnvviitteedd ttoo aa VVeetteerraannss DDaayy

TTrriibbuuttee iinn hhoonnoorr ooff tthhoossee wwhhoo hhaavvee sseerrvveedd oorr aarree ccuurrrreennttllyy

sseerrvviinngg oouurr ccoouunnttrryy!! VVeetteerraannss,, tthheeiirr ffaammiillyy mmeemmbbeerrss aanndd

ppaarreennttss ooff CChhoorruuss ppeerrffoorrmmeerrss mmaayy aatttteenndd.. PPlleeaassee RRSSVVPP ttoo

AAnnggiiee BBrroowwnn aatt aabbrroowwnn@@ffoorrssyytthh..kk1122..ggaa..uuss iiff yyoouu hhaavvee aa

vveetteerraann wwhhoo wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo aatttteenndd.. WWee wwoouulldd lloovvee ffoorr yyoouu

ttoo sshhaarree aannyy ppiiccttuurreess ooff yyoouurrsseellvveess oorr ffaammiillyy mmeemmbbeerrss iinn

uunniiffoorrmm wwiitthh nnaammee,, bbrraanncchh aanndd rraannkk..

TThhee ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee wwiillll bbeeggiinn aatt 11::0000 ttoo bbee ffoolllloowweedd bbyy lliigghhtt

rreeffrreesshhmmeennttss iinn tthhee aauuddiittoorriiuumm ffoorr tthhee VVeetteerraannss aanndd tthheeiirr

ffaammiilliieess.. WWee wwoouulldd lloovvee ffoorr eevveerryyoonnee ttoo wweeaarr RREEDD WWHHIITTEE

&& BBLLUUEE!!!!!!!!

TTuueessddaayy,, NNoovveemmbbeerr 1111tthh aatt 11::0000 PP..MM..

PPrriisscciillllaa’’ss GGaarrddeenn aatt BBiigg CCrreeeekk EElleemmeennttaarryy

Troop 10818 will be collecting new pet toys and

blankets for a local pet shelter. There are boxes

located on all the grade level hallways, just look for

the bright green boxes with pet posters above them.

The pet drive ends Friday, November 15th so please

bring your items in soon and thanks for your help!

Page 3: Big Creek Elementary - Forsyth County Schools · school days to send in a parent or doctor note – for it to be ‘excused’. Attendance excuses can be emailed to the teacher or


DDeecceemmbbeerr 33rrdd –– 55tthh

FFAAMMIILLYY NNIIGGHHTT –– WWeeddnneessddaayy DDeecceemmbbeerr 33rrdd

We are in need of volunteers for this awesome event. Please

go to this link, Holiday Shop to sign up. Any time is

appreciated. It is a fun time for the kids, staff, and volunteers.

You won't want to miss out on this event! Contact Linda,

Selbach at [email protected] with any questions. You can

also contact Priya at [email protected]. The Holiday

Shop will run December 3rd-5th with a family night on the

3rd. We need volunteers to help setup starting on the 2nd


Santa and his elves will be here again this year!! “Whimsy

Daisy” will be our vendor this year!



Our Watch DOGS dad program needs you. If you are interested in

giving some of your time once or twice a year by volunteering at the

school through this great program, please contact David Huetter at

[email protected]. He is putting schedules together now; make

sure to let him know as soon as possible. For more information please

visit their website at


If you have candy that you are willing to donate to the school for the

classrooms or Learning Bridge – please send it in with your child. We

will have a box in the front office for donations. Thank you!

Do you ever feel like you want to do something

special for Big Creek and the fabulous staff?

Do you have a business or service that might be

a great “present” for someone?

We are asking YOU to please consider making a

donation toward a holiday staff raffle and

add some fun and show some love for Big Creek’s


During our last school day before the

holiday break, we would love to share any

donated items, or gift cards, to raffle off

during some fun activities for our staff.

We will be appreciating those families

who sponsor a prize with a huge ‘thank you’ in

the WILDCAT WEEKLY as well as our “2014 Staff

Holiday Card”! This is completely voluntary and

no donation or item is too small

Thank you in advance for considering this

special donation opportunity!

We are so excited to share your gift and

spread some heartfelt appreciation and holiday

cheer among the best staff in the state!

(Please send your donations to Angie Brown or

Sharon Hamilton by December 15th)

Parents, please mark your calendar and plan to attend our PTA General Meeting and Family Engagement Night on Thursday, November 13th at 5:30pm. PTA will be updating you on events, volunteer opportunities and financial support of the school. After a brief meeting, PTA will be hosting a Family Engagement Night. Kids Chess will be here to entertain the children. Orange Theory Fitness will also be here. For more information go to

Page 4: Big Creek Elementary - Forsyth County Schools · school days to send in a parent or doctor note – for it to be ‘excused’. Attendance excuses can be emailed to the teacher or

Big Creek After-School Clubs

Sponsored by The Learning Bridge

All clubs meet from 2:30 - 3:30 on given meeting dates. Payments are made directly to The Learning Bridge. The cost for each club ranges from $40 - $50 depending on the duration of the club, how many meeting dates, and any extra fees for supplies. All clubs meet for four weeks. The following clubs will begin meeting on Thursday, November 20 and will meet on December 4, 11, and 18th. Forms due back no later than Monday November 17th.

Crafty Cats $50 (Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Kennedy-Open to K through 5) Students engage in creating various art mediums to include painting, clay forms, seasonal crafts, ethnic art, etc. The cost of this class is $50 which includes a supply fee. Cooking Club $50 (Mrs. Dickerson -Open to K through 5) We will be creating, assembling and tasting treats that reflect the Thanksgiving and Winter Holiday breaks. Please let us know if your child has certain food allergies. We will make every attempt to substitute ingredients if possible. If there are any severe food allergies, this club may not be appropriate for your child. Fun Run Club $40 (Mrs. Kidd-Open to K through 5) Come join us as we have fun getting fit and active. We will learn basic running form, along with some games to build stamina! We will incorporate running with obstacle courses, dances, jump rope, games, and learn about how to stay healthy. This club is open to all grade levels and is suitable for beginners. Movie Creation Club $40 (Ms. Weldy-Open to Gr 3-5) Have you ever been interested in creating and producing something for an audience? Students will create short movies and advertisements using devices and programs. We will be designing different shorts such as stop-motion films, mini movies for the morning news, and even animated shorts. Students will be using devices and the BCES creation station, but can also bring their own devices! This club is open to students in 3rd through 5th grades only. Lego Club $40 (Mrs. Chasez – Open to all Grades) Who doesn’t love to play with Legos? Come join Mrs. Chasez for Lego Club where we will become architects and

artists. Each week she will give you something fun and different to create using Legos, and at the end of each session

everyone will use their individual imaginations to create their own Lego masterpieces.

Secret Service Club $40 (Ms. Oliver & Ms. Sharif – Open to all Grades Do you like to help others? Have you ever wanted to be a secret agent? Then join the Secret Service Club! Join our covert club as we secretly plan service projects around the school! Each week Agent Sharif and Agent Oliver will lead our club in ways to make our school better by helping others. The SSC will learn how to be responsible role models with a helpful attitude that know how to organize projects and become ROARing Wildcats at Big Creek! Don’t miss this opportunity to become the best YOU while helping others!


Page 5: Big Creek Elementary - Forsyth County Schools · school days to send in a parent or doctor note – for it to be ‘excused’. Attendance excuses can be emailed to the teacher or

Child’s Name: Payment (circle one): CASH CHECK #

Grade: Homeroom Teacher:

Parent Name: Phone #:

Parent Name: Phone #:


How my child will go home at 3:30 pm: CAR RIDER (you will need a car tag #) _______ or LEARNING BRIDGE ______


If school is dismissed early due to weather or any other circumstances, parents will be called.

If parents cannot be reached, the emergency contact listed below will be called:

Name _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone ___________________________________________

Work/Cell # ___________________________________________

Is your child on any form of restricted pickup: ________YES ________NO

(This pertains to students with custody situations only. Otherwise, we always use Infinite Campus. We never release

a student to anyone other than their parents/guardians without written permission. We will use your information

from Infinite Campus to verify identity.)

Special instructions: (Allergies, Dietary, Medical, etc.)


Fees and Payment Agreement

The cost of each club is $10.00 per club meeting date (ex. 4 meetings =$40). Some clubs will charge a supply fee or

if the club is longer than 4 sessions the cost may be more.

****Please make your checks payable to The Learning Bridge****

All payments are non-refundable. Please put your child’s name and the club name on your check or cash in a marked

envelope. Clubs must have a minimum of eight children. If a club is cancelled due to low participation, your money

will be refunded. Pick up time is 3:30pm prompt. Any student not picked up by 3:35pm will come to the front office

and the parent will be called. If you do not have a car tag, you must stop by the front office to obtain a number. For

safety reasons, you must have a car rider number before we can release your child to you.

I understand and agree that all fees must be paid by the club sign up date deadline (November 17th).

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

CLUB NAME: __________________________________________________________________

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3rd Place


Page 7: Big Creek Elementary - Forsyth County Schools · school days to send in a parent or doctor note – for it to be ‘excused’. Attendance excuses can be emailed to the teacher or

The art department is excited to announce that

students will be participating in an Art Fundraiser

this fall. Big Creek artists have already created

amazing artwork and it is currently in New York

being scanned and uploaded to an On-line Art

Gallery. In the upcoming weeks, students will be

bringing home information about how you can

support your artist and the Big Creek art

department by purchasing various products

featuring your child’s unique artwork. More

information will be sent out regarding how to order

and when the products will arrive. Please help

celebrate and showcase your child’s artistic talents

through this Original Works fundraiser!