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Big bang origin of Universe The person who want to adopt logical thinking, the first question is not then how did origin of Universe take place ? How did our earth build? How did organisms born on earth ? and How did development of human occurs? For giving modern information regarding these questions we run this series. It is hope, reader will send their opinion regarding it. Before getting the information about universe it is very necessary to get information about vocabulary. Light Year- Stars, planets and galaxies are very far away from earth. This distance is always measured in lakh crores is impossible. So far measuring these distances light year is used as a unit. Light covers distance of three lakh kilometers in one second so Light covers distance in one year = 300000x60x60x24 x365 = 94 hundred thousand million kilometer is called light year. so large distance in space is measured by light year. Galaxies – The motion of stars in our universe is in large groups. These groups are called galaxies. In each galaxy billions of stars, planets and satellites are present. The bodies revolving around the stars are called satellites .
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Page 1: Big Bang Origin of Universe

Big bang origin of Universe

The person who want to adopt logical thinking, the first question is not then how did origin of Universe take place ? How did our earth build? How did organisms born on earth ? and How did development of human occurs? For giving modern information regarding these questions we run this series. It is hope, reader will send their opinion regarding it. Before getting the information about universe it is very necessary to get information about vocabulary.

Light Year- Stars, planets and galaxies are very far away from earth. This distance is always measured in lakh crores is impossible. So far measuring these distances light year is used as a unit. Light covers distance of three lakh kilometers in one second so Light covers distance in one year = 300000x60x60x24 x365 = 94 hundred thousand million kilometer is called light year. so large distance in space is measured by light year.

Galaxies – The motion of stars in our universe is in large groups. These groups are called galaxies. In each galaxy billions of stars, planets and satellites are present. The bodies revolving around the stars are called satellites .

Space – Empty place is called space. Space is endless and it has no limit. This is neither measured in light year nor with any other method. All stars, planets and satellites are moving in it.

Matter – The elements from which universal bodies are build, the group of that elements are called matter and they are forever. The destroyation of matter means production of some other substance.

What Is Universe?

To estimate the vastness of universe you pick up one particle of sand. These particles are as much part of earth is also like it (particles) a smaller portion of the whole universe. In our universe

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other suns are also present which are lakh time larger then our sun. If our earth falls on one of these suns then it seems like grain of peas in sea. Millions of galaxies are present in whole universe and each galaxy has millions of stars and planets. These galaxies are moving in universe according to some fixed rules. The name of nearest galaxy from us is Andromeda nebula and it is go lakh year far. The name our galaxy is milky way. The nearest star of our milky way galaxy is 4.2 light year far from us. the farthest galaxy of us is seven billion light year far. This galaxy is going far from our galaxy with the speed of one lakh twenty thousand light year per second. to get the information about universe scientist use the telescopes whose radius is in meters. Except this scientists use radio waves and cosmic rays far this aim. There are such ten millions of stars on which one glass old ceramic is more than pour quintal.

How did Origin of Universe Occur?

Any creator did not create the whole universe rather its cration occurs according to some special rules. Before the two hundred kharab years from today big bang occurs in space due to which origin of today's universe occurs whether there is no information about size and from of matter in which bang occurs. This big bang was of different type from the bang occur with bomb. In this bang the matter near the center had thrown with more speed and power in comparison to matter far from center. Due to this bang, proton, electron, positron type tiny particles were borne. After the twenty years from the bang, these particles assembled for the beginning of making of galaxies. Before one hundred kharab year from today, our sun existed.

In scientific vocabulary, big explosion is known as big bang The base of this big bangs are Havel's rules, according to which each galaxy is going far from other galaxy with the rate which is directory related to their in between distance. It means if the distance between the galaxies will more, they will go far from each other with more speed.

Halve has computed that the rate at which galaxies have gone far from one another is 170 kilometer per second per ten lakh light year. our

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closest galaxy Andromeda nebula is coming towards us with the speed of 50 kilometer per second.

According to Havle, if at the time of making bread, some raisins are put on the round ball of dough then at the time of puffed up, the distance between the raisins will increase. The distance of which raisin will more then other raisins it will go more far with more speed than others.

In our universe, the rate at which galaxies far apart from each other is large evidence to confirm the big bang happened in the universe.

What Is Our Galaxy ?

Our milky way has more than 3 kharab stars and the counting of planets and satellites are more than it. This milky way is one lakh light year long. This is like a potter's wheel and the whole wheel is revolving with the speed of 225 Km per second. Sun takes 2o crore years for one revolution of milky way. After the formation of earth and human, our sun has not completed one revolution of milky way till today.

How did earth produce?

460 crore years before, our earth including our planets were the part of sun. The separation of our planets from sun has two opinions. According to first, sun gases become dense. Due to which, big explosion occurs in it and some lava separated which became our planetary system later on. According to second conception, one more large sun had come near our sun through swirling swirling. If this sun come more closer then our sun was extincted but this did not happen. The smallest part of our sun has separated from it but second sun did not carry this part with itself. Due to pulling and pushing of two suns, this gaseous part becomes longer like sweet potato. The large sun went far so this gaseous lava started revolving around our sun. Slowly- slowly these gases become cooler and knots produced in between them. The evidence of this matter is that the structural elements of these all planets are same and revolves around the sun in one direction. The rules of speed of these all planets are same.

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What is in universe?

What is our earth

According to older Indian religious books, our earth is like a cup which is standing on back of four elephants. These elephants are standing on tortoise and tortoise sit on snake's hood. when elephants move then earth quake comes on earth. According to one another religious book, earth is lied like a plate on ox horn's when ox become tired it changes horn then earthquake comes on the earth. According to one another religious book, The earth is like a plate and has rested on three whale fishes. But readers nothing like it. The writer has no fault who write matter like this about the earth become they write whatever about the earth according to the information available at that time. We have to be take profit from the fact about the earth presented by scientists in front of the people.

Human hand's explore the whole earth. Our earth is a circle having radius of 6378 kilometers which penetrates 21 kilometers in ward from the poles due to which there is night of 6 months and day of six months on the poles. It's 71% portion has water and 21% portion has dried. Inside the earth, in between the depth of, 70 Km to 300 Km lava is present in liquid form. Sometimes these liquid change their place, which cause earthquake on the earth. On the arid area of it has hills, plains and forests. Some portion of earth has always freezed with ice.

The weight of our earth is 657 hundred thousand billion tone. If you go upwards from earth, before the first 15 kilometer of its height has nitrogen, dust particles, steam and smoke etc. will present. Ozone gas is filled in between the height of 16 to 18 kilometer. This gas is very necessary for existence of life on earth because this gas absorbs the ultraviolet rays comes from the sun. If this gas do not present then ultraviolet rays comes from the sun had ended the life on the earth for forever. Upward from this at the height of 1050 Km, the particles of air are present though they are sparse. The air present on our earth has 20% oxygen and 79% nitrogen small amount of carbon dioxide is also

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present in the air. The oxygen present in the air is very necessary for the respiration of human and other organisms plants prepare their food from carbon dioxide present in air. The most largest compound produced from the earth is water. Water is made up of two portions of nitrogen and one portion of oxygen.

The Movements of the Earth :- Our earth has four types of movements. First it revolves around its own axis. It completes one revolution in 24 hours with this speed. Due to this movement, day and night has happened. If you sleep for 8 hours in the night, during this time you travel the journey of 13360 km only with this speed. The second movement of our earth is its one revolution around the sun completes In one year. The season on the earth is due to this movement. This movement is as much that you travel more than one lakh kilometers in only one hour. The third movement of our earth is revolution of earth's axis like top. Though this axis revolved in very less speed and it completes its one revolution in 26 years. The fourth movement if revolution around the centre of galaxy of its family including our sun. Sun completes its one revolution in 20 crore years.

Our Planetary System

The chief of our planetary system is the sun. It is 15 Kilometer for away from our earth. The light reaches in 8 minutes 20 seconds from sun to the earth. Hydrogen gas is changing in helium on the sun. Large amount of heat is producing through this nuclear combining reaction. Rigorous metal melts on the earth up to 10000C but the internal temperature of the sun is more than 2 crore0C if sun fall on earth then everything of our earth will become gas. The sun is ten lakh times larger than our earth.

The sun has nine planets including our earth. The nearest planet of the sun is Mercury. It completes its revolution around the sun in88 days so it's one year is equal to the 88 days on earth. Because on it completes its one revolution around its own axis is also in 88 days. so its one day is equal to the 88 days on the earth. it is a planet of our

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planetary system in which time period of day and year is same. The sign of water or oxygen is not on this planet so it was not the possibility of organisms and insects on this planet. Due to the less weight of this planet, its gravitational power is also less. If your weight is 60 kilogram on earth then on this planet it will remain only 15 kilogram. This planet is five crore seventy six lakh kilometer far from the sun.

The next planet of our planetary system is venues whose year is of 225 days and completes one revolution around its axis in 12 days on earth. It's size is equal to the size of our earth. It is ten crore seventy two lakh far from the sun. These type of environmental conditions present on this planet that these is no possibility of life on it.

Our earth is third planet of the sun. We have got a lot of information about the earth previously. Because the moon revolves around our earth and bodies revolve around planets are called satellites. We will want to give information about this satellite. The moon is three lakh 84 thousand kilometer far from the earth. So the light reaches on us from it in 1.33 second. The moon completes one revolution around the earth in 29 days 12 hours and 44 minutes and its daily speed is approximately same. When moon comes in between the earth and sun through swirling then it is called sun eclipse Because moon has not its own light and sun falls on it so when earth comes in between the moon and the sun then earth unable the sunlight to fall on moon. So the some portion of moon has not appeared. This is called moon eclipse. The person whose weight is 60 kg, it will remain only 10 kg on moon. There is no any type of atmosphere on moon. So there is not any type of life on it. Because for any type of negotiation, atmosphere is necessary So any type of directly negotiation is impossible through radio waves. Neil Armstrong and elderin are two American astronaut which are first astronauts who reached on this satellite. Scientists had told the facts proved right previously when astronauts descended on there.

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The fourth planet of our planetary system is mars. Due to the availability of compounds on this earth, it is red in colour This planet is even crore kilometer far from our earth. It is very small than our earth. It completes its one revolution around the sun in687 days. Our earth has only one moon but Mars have two moon. In 1995, this planet will only give and half crore kilometer far from our planet.

The fifth planet of our solar system is Jupiter. It is largest then all and it has12 moons. So 4500 eclipses on it occurs in one year. It is 1300 times larger than earth. If person having weight of 60 kg send to Jupiter, It's weight will become 140 kg. It is very far from the sun. So there is very cold on it. Due to which the possibility of life on it is very lass. It is seventy seven crore forty lakh kilometer far from the sun. So in the 21st century, The reach of human on it is impossible one year on this planet is equal to 4380 days on earth.

The sixth planet of our solar system is Saturn. It is also a beautiful planet like earth. It is one Arab 42 crore kilometer far from our sun There is 10631 days in one year on it. This planet have twenty moons. Three rings are present around Saturn. These rings are made of gases, dust particles and stone pebbles. In 1921, Saturn completes their revolution and turned their face in opposite side and the priests of all Europe hue and cry that the priest of Christian religion memorise their God, the time of final destruction has come but nothing happened like that.

The next planets of our planetary system are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Uranus is 285km far from the sun and it completes its revolution around the sun in 84 years and it is 64 time larger than our earth. Neptune is eighth planet of our solar system. It is 445 crore kilometer far from the sun and the sun light has taken more than four hours for to access on it. The last planet of our planetary system is Pluto. It is 6 arab km far from our sun. It's one year is equal to our 250 years and it is coldest planet than all.

So we have seen that the planets named Rahu and Ketu are not present in the solar system but astrologer are mugging the people of our earth on the name of planets. When we see our planetary system with telescope

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then some other small planets are also seen. The numbers of these minor planets are more than 1600 which has been discovered till now. These small planets revolve around the sun in betweens the Neptune and Saturn. Scientists estimate that there is one more planet present between Neptune and Saturn previously which has broken down due to any reason. The radius of these minor planets are less than 400km. Beyond the minor planers, some large pieces of stone are also present outside the gravitational power of earth which revolve around the sun without any arrangement some times it pulls towards the earth due to gravitational power of earth. When it enters in atmosphere then become hot due to friction and shines and ended at the height of 95km from earth. They are also called meteorites. Some times these large stones has clashed with earth without burning. Sometimes these large stones hit each other and broken in so many pieces, when passes from atmosphere of earth, the light is lit. It is called rain of shooting stars.


These are of less weight and made of dust particles which is scattered far off. The life span of these stars are very less. After some time, they are ended and these particles starts revolution around the sun again.

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How did Condition of Life Occur On Earth?

What is Life?

Two conception about life are prevalent from the older times. According to the first conception, Life is a gift of the powerful God. It has soul. As soon as soul seated in body, body is alive. When soul leave her home then body is died. The soul is in body which have to be done all the activities of the body.

According to the second conception, all living things are made up of small cells. The cells have protoplasm. There are so many chemical reactions occurred in protoplasm of living things. The movement of living things are due to all chemical reaction. plants are living things . Although they do not appear us to show movement in ordinary conditions but they show movement . If we see the plant of sunflower then it will appear to turn his face always toward the sun. To see the movement of plants we have also done more experiment. If we take the plant including pot. Invert it and hang with ceiling. After some days we see that the plant turn its top towards the sky. All the above mentioned movements of living things are due to the energy produced by the chemical reaction of it's protoplasm. The growth and development of living things have occurred in schematic manner. Living things have struggled with their surrounding conditions, due to which consciousness has produced and developed. All living things have generated more organisms like them and after some fixed time all living things have completed their life cycle.

How did origin of life occur on earth?

How did life state on earth, four ideas are about this:-

1. Life created by any special creator.2. Living things were always available on the earth.

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3. Our ancestors come on earth from any other planet.4. In older times, life come toward from non living to living

We have countless thoughts to cancel the first idea. But we are showing it briefly. If creator created the life then he produces human on moon also or he do not produce floods or earth quakes to end the life.

If second idea assumed right so when earth is hot red circle, where were living things at that time?

To cancel the third idea, we can ask that if our ancestors come from any other planet then where did the rest of the organism come from?

We believe that fourth idea is true so life comes from non living to living but before presenting our side for this matter we see that what is the structure of human body or living things? what are living things?

The body of all living things are made up of small cell. These cells have protoplasm. Protoplasm is made up of several molecules when we studied these molecules minutely then we see that every type of molecule obeys the physical and chemical rules of science. There are total 106 elements available on the earth. 92 elements of these are found in nature.

Over all 27 elements are found in all living things. But in all living things six elements are undoubtly found. These element are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sculpture and phosphorous. But more than 99% portion of all living things are made up of these six elements from these six elements, only carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen is more. These are not the element which are found on our earth in large amount but they are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium and sodium.

It is clear that only those special elements are present in organisms which have special quality carbon hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are functional elements. we can surmise this from the matter that more than five thousand compounds present in a bacteria which is made from the functions of these four elements. It is very difficult to know about all the elements of living things because they are lakhs in number. But we get the information by dividing it in four major groups. These groups are

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proteins, carbohydrates, fats and nucleic acid.

Protein - The elements which are present in large amount in cells are called proteins. Their structure is very complex. you can surmise this matter from a part of blood hemoglobin. It's one molecule has 9513 atoms. In it 3032 atoms of carbon, 4816 atoms of hydrogen 873 of oxygen, 780 of nitrogen, 8 of sulphur and 4 atoms of iron are present. More than one lakh type of protein present in a human body.

Carbohydrates - It is one group of material present in our body. It's structure is very simple than proteins. flour, sugar, glucose etc. are come under this category.

Fats – There are so many material present in this group they made the walls of our cells.

Nucleic Acid -There are two types of nucleic acids present in the cells of living things. One of these are called DNA. It's major function is to collect the information of every type and transfer this information from parents to children. RNA is another type of nucleic acid It's main function is production of proteins.

70% of portion of our body is water. The major property of water is that it dissolves so many compounds in it. The material which do not dissolve in it they hanged in it. There is also some serum which speed up and slow down the chemical reactions.

How did favourable conditions of life originate on earth ?

Scientists have solid evidence for this matter that life has stated from non living things on the earth. Though when life started on earth, the conditions like today were not present at that time. Our earth come in existence before four hundred sixty crore years from tody. When it come in existence then every thing was in molten form. The large evidence of this matter is round shape of our earth. due to high temperature on earth, many atoms joined and broken down. This process carried on for lakhs year. Slowly earth become cool. Due to cooling of earth some atoms joined and ordinary type of material come in existence which was produced by joining of two

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or four atoms. Because water is produced by joining of two hydrogen and one

oxygen atom. So it is also existed. Though it was in very hot steam form. Ammonia

and methane etc. gases existed like this. So the first atmosphere of our earth

existed which has water but oxygen had not produced till now.

The process of cooling was still continued so clouds produce, the rains occur and water evaporates in the form of steam. So with the formation of clouds, clashes between them occur and lightening also formed. So light discharge occur between the opposite charge of clouds. We know that if electric current cross through methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water then carbonic compounds are produced our first carbonic atom come in existence with the help of lightning which were very necessary for life. Famous scientists oparic and Stanley passes the electric current through the mixture of methane, ammonia, water and hydrogen on the earth and produce the carbonic compounds because ozone gas was not formed in the upper layer of the earth. So when ultraviolet rays passes through the mixture of methane, ammonia, water and hydrogen then it produced necessary carbonic compounds for organisms. So most necessary constituents of life come in existence. By breaking the shooting stars and their carbonic compounds are strong evidence of this matter if carbonic compounds are formed in shooting stars which fall on earth then why do not formed on the earth.

So these carbonic compounds collected in our old sea. The era of collecting carbonic compounds went on until approximately one hundred sixty crore years. So our ancient seas become dense solution of different types of thousands of carbonic material. Many compounds were dissolve in water and only some were hang in it.

Slowly the activities started in between the dissolved compounds of sea as a result of proteins come in existence. First of all these nuclear proteins received energy from ordinary compounds available in sea. But their energy resources reached at the end quickly. So struggle of life in nuclear proteins increased.

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Slowly these proteins produced serum inside it which is most necessary for energy

formation and chemical reactions inside the organisms so due to struggle.

organisms produced which can prepare their own food. Due to the formation of

these organisms, the formation of oxygen started. So the era of chemical

development on earth finished and era of organisms on the earth stood.

The oxygen increased in the atmosphere on the earth till the next one hundred sixty years such a time has come when amount of used oxygen and formed oxygen become equal. So some organisms and plants formed which maintained this level. So first organism formed on the earth.

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How did organisms develop ?

Till now you had read in this series that how did our Universe originate ? how did conditions of life occur on the earth ? and How did initial organisms form ? Now we will discuss about the evolution or development of organisms.

This is a truth that from the living organisms of earth, human has more developed brain. Human examine every incidence with the criterion of how and why. In the ancient times, Man believed that Powerful God " created lakhs of plants types and human on the earth. The different religious books describe the different methods and time used by the powerful God for the creation. According to Christians, 4004 years before from Jesus Christ, God created all plants and organisms in the morning of Sunday. The whole Universe created only in six days though many intelligent people of the world has cancelled this assumed matter through scientific information but Majority of our country has believed that creator create the organisms present on the earth.

There are also such types of people still exists on earth which started to understand the difference between the structure of plants and organisms present on the earth and to make a string of it. Charles Darwin is one of such great peoples. He spent five years of his life in collecting the specimens of organisms and plants of different countries and after studied them almost in twenty years he wrote of book whose name is origin of species. With the publication of this book, the book banned to teach and read in many countries because this book cancelled the conception of Christian that God has created the earth and confirmed the development occur in them. But how long facts have hidden. Darwin's book is available every corner of world.

What is the development or the evolution of organism

In the history of billion years of earth, ten million types of plants and organisms are formed. Many of these have been hidden. There are

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ten lakh types of plants and organisms available on the earth. Each type of organism and plant have to be struggled with their surrounding to survive. There have been changes occurred in their body structure due to this struggle. Every organism which do not change itself according to the environmental conditions, it extinct. The escaped has made itself some special with aspect to structure. In this way slow and steady changes have occurred in the organisms. In the beginning The organisms of the earth had simple structure. According to time, they have made their structure complex so they can fulfill their all types of need . These changes have occurred in the body of organisms and plants in a systematic manner. Due to these systematic changes, one specie of organism convert into another specie. It is called development of organisms or evolution of organisms.

Evidence of Organism Evolution

Today all the scientists of the world have same opinion about this matter that evolution of organism has occurred. Evolution occurred in plants and animals can not proved through the experiment of few minutes in laboratory. Evolution of the organism is a very slow process. In the past time, the organisms and plants live on the earth have left their evidence of existence in the layers of rocks. The bodies and skeletons of plants and living beings found from the layers of stones are called fossils. Before we discuss the fossils, we have knowledge of methods of finding the age of rocks.

We know that the Seasons of winter and summer comes in one

year on earth. There some place on earth where the snow falls in winter but in

summer the snow do not fall on the places but the ice which is fallen previously do

not melt. In this way some dust particles fall on the snow in the summer season.

Next year the snow falls again. In this way layers of snow have made when any

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scientist will dig this snow then he will count these layers. Imagine that the rat

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buried some time before due to falling of snow. Now at the time of excavation when it will find by any scientist then he will tell that when did the death of this rat occur by counting the layers of snow? As we know that during the construction of wall of the house the last brick has put first. Like wise, the last layer of rock forms first.

The large amount of rocks found under the upper layer of the earth. So when lower rocks have dug for the making of roads, laying of railway line and at the time of constructing bridges then fossils are found from these rocks many times.

How are rocks formed?

The rocks are formed by three methods generally. First method is that rivers are carried soil of forest with itself during floods. The trees and died organisms also flows with the soil. This soil settle down in the sea. It happens millions of years. The lower layers become hard due to the weight of upper layers and acquire the shape of rocks. the organisms which are buried during the formation of rocks are called fossils.

Some rocks are formed due to volcanic eruptions. When volcanoes throw the lava then it is in molten form. Any organism comes under this lava. Bacteria do not reach at this place due to heat. In this way, the body of organisms died but do not destroy. Slowly – Slowly lava become coal and rocks formed and organism turned into fossils.

This series of making of rocks has started form the time of origin method to find out the age of rocks and rocks tells the age of fossils. Now a days due to the discovery of radioactive compounds, this method become easy. We know that some elements leave rays on remain lying. The weight of these elements becomes lesser due to leaving of rays. The time at which the half portion of the element disappear is called half life period. Carbon, uranium and radium are such metals through which weight during starting time has traced from the area covered at that time when elements turn into fossil and weight of elements flew away in form of rays traced from at present conditions and in this way, the age of fossils and rocks are traced from these elements. The half life period of these elements has fixed in which any kind of difference can not come. In `

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this way, these material told that the age of oldest rock of India is 35 crore years and the over all age off earth is 50 arab years.

When organisms or planets died then many are destroyed by bacteria or fungi and mix in atmosphere and earth in form of gases and material. The water of sea is salty so the planet and organisms is not destroyed for long time. the hardest structure is made on the body of many sea organisms like snails, shells, coral, sea shell and small sea shell. After the death of such organisms, its hard skeleton collect under the sea and buried under the rocks. After 79 years from the death of Jesus Christ, Mount veshillus named volcanic eruption occurred and a city named parpeli buried under it. The fossils of citizens and domestic animals of this city has found till now.

Due to the meeting of oil water falls in the water lake of south California in

America, all organisms had died. But the oil mixed in the water of lake did not allow

the destroying of body of organisms. So billions of fossils have been found in this


Some time planets or organisms leave their marks in mud or black soil. When wet soil harden thon some other minerals also filled in this soil many times. In this way it turns into rocks and marks of fossils found in these rocks. Fossils told not only about the evolution of organisms but also about the environment of earth.

There are also such type of organisms which extincted without leaving any fossil record . Though it was not possible for many organisms and beings in many conditions. The leaves and flowers of tree are very delicate. So its fossil's does not exist. In this way many organisms had soft structure. So the fossils of such organisms are not available at present. So there are some gaps in organism evolution today also Though efforts have done to complete these gaps and it is hope that in coming years, the clear arrangement of evolution will be in front.