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- 371 - BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Sources (a) Archival Material from Goa Archives, Panaji (Portuouese Records and Documents). 1. Assentos do Conselho da Fazenda, Vol.15. 2. Bacaim, Vol. Nos.5, 6, 7 3. Cartas e Ordens, Vol.No.1, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 35 4. Cartas e Ordens, Portarias, Vol.Nos.24, 36, 82, 84 5. Cartas e Reais ProvisZes e Nomeac'des, Vol.No.7541. 6. Livro de Chaul, Vol.Nos.1, 2. 7. Correspondencia de Data°, Vol.No.6. 8. Livro de Corresiondencia do Canara, Vol.No.1, %by 9. Estrangeiros, Vol.No.13. 10. Livro de Cartazes, Vol.No.1043. 11. Livro de Consultas, Nos. 2, 5. 12. Livro de Pazes, Vol.No.1 13. Livro de Regimentos e InstruOes, Vol.Nos.8, 9, 12, 16, 19. 14. Livro Vermelho, No.8791. 15. MouZes do Reino, Vol.Nos.1, 2, 2A, 2B, 3B, 4, 12, 21B, 26, 30, 31 & 32, 36, 40, 42, 44 & 45, 46, 46A, 47, 48, 49, 49A, 51A, 53, 54, 55B, 57, 58, 59, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84A, 85, 86A, 86B, 87, 88, 89B, 90, 91, 92, 93C, 93D, 94B, 97B, 99, 101, 102, 102B, 104, 105, 108 & 109, 111B, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120, 121A, 123B, 124A, 124B, 128A, 129, 130A, 135B, 138, 149A, 149B, 150B, 152A, 160, 161B, 161E, 163A, 164F, 169A, 170A, 170B, 172B, 173, 174A, 175, 176B, 178A, 179A, 179B, 181A, 182, 183A, 183B, 184A, 186, 187A, 190A, 225. 16. Posturas de Senado de Goa No.7795. 17. Reis Vizinhos, Vol.Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 31. 18. Requerimentos, No.2211. 19. Segredos, No.2 (1711-1715)..

BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Sources (a) Archival Material from Goa ...

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Primary Sources

(a) Archival Material from Goa Archives, Panaji (Portuouese Records and Documents).

1. Assentos do Conselho da Fazenda, Vol.15.

2. Bacaim, Vol. Nos.5, 6, 7

3. Cartas e Ordens, Vol.No.1, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 35

4. Cartas e Ordens, Portarias, Vol.Nos.24, 36, 82, 84

5. Cartas e Reais ProvisZes e Nomeac'des, Vol.No.7541.

6. Livro de Chaul, Vol.Nos.1, 2.

7. Correspondencia de Data°, Vol.No.6.

8. Livro de Corresiondencia do Canara, Vol.No.1, %by

9. Estrangeiros, Vol.No.13.

10. Livro de Cartazes, Vol.No.1043.

11. Livro de Consultas, Nos. 2, 5.

12. Livro de Pazes, Vol.No.1

13. Livro de Regimentos e InstruOes, Vol.Nos.8, 9, 12, 16, 19.

14. Livro Vermelho, No.8791.

15. MouZes do Reino, Vol.Nos.1, 2, 2A, 2B, 3B, 4, 12, 21B, 26, 30, 31 & 32, 36, 40, 42, 44 & 45, 46, 46A, 47, 48, 49, 49A, 51A, 53, 54, 55B, 57, 58, 59, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84A, 85, 86A, 86B, 87, 88, 89B, 90, 91, 92, 93C, 93D, 94B, 97B, 99, 101, 102, 102B, 104, 105, 108 & 109, 111B, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120, 121A, 123B, 124A, 124B, 128A, 129, 130A, 135B, 138, 149A, 149B, 150B, 152A, 160, 161B, 161E, 163A, 164F, 169A, 170A, 170B, 172B, 173, 174A, 175, 176B, 178A, 179A, 179B, 181A, 182, 183A, 183B, 184A, 186, 187A, 190A, 225.

16. Posturas de Senado de Goa No.7795.

17. Reis Vizinhos, Vol.Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 31.

18. Requerimentos, No.2211.

19. Segredos, No.2 (1711-1715)..

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(b) Modi (Marathi) Archival Material from the Goa Archives, Panaji.

Document Nos.59, 79, 112, 122, 205, 374, 407, 422,. 430, 533, 583, 611, 647, 691, 692, 702, 894, 1179, 1334, 1339, 1428.

(c) Published documents and sources in Portuguese.

1. Alorna, Pedro Miguel de Almeida Portugal, Margues de, 1688-1756, Instrucego do exmc). Vice-rei Margues de Tavora por Felippe Nery Xavier, Imprensa Nacional, Nova Goa, 1856.

2. Biker, Julio Firmino Judice, Colleco de Tratados & Concertos de Pazes, Tomo I, IV, VI, VII, IX Imprensa Nacional, Lisboa, 1881, 1885 respectively.

3. Boletim do Governo, 1843-1873, Nova Goa.

4. Braganca Pereira, A. B. de, 0 Oriente Portugues, Nos. 24 & 25, Bastora (Goa), 1939.

- Arquivo Portugutes Oriental, Bastora (Goa), 1936- 1940, 10 Vols.

5. Cunha Rivara, J.H. da, Arquivo Portugu'ez Oriental, Nova Goa, 1857-76, 9 Vols.

6. Lima Felner, R.J. de, Subsidios Para HistOria das India Portuguesa, Lisboa, 1868.

7. Pissurlencar, Panduronga, S.S., Antigualhas, Vol.I, Fasc.I, Tipografia Rangel, Bastora (Goa), 1941.

- Assentos do Conselho do Estado, 5 Vols., Bastora (Goa), 1951-1956.

- 'Portuguese E Maratas', Nova Goa, Bastora (Goa), 1926-1940, 6 parts in Boletim Instituto da Vasco da Gama.

- Regimentos das Fortalezas da India, Tipografia Rangel, Bastora, Goa, 1951.

- Agentes da Diplomacia Portuguesa na India (Hindus), Muculmanos, Judeus & Parses), Bastora (Goa), 1952.

- Agentes Hindus da Diplomacia Portugueza na India, I, Cothari, Nova Goa,. 1933.

8. Pato Bulligo, Documentos Remetidos da India, Vol.II, Coimbra University, 1880.

9 . Silva Rego, Antonio de, Documentaclo para a HistOria das Miss'6es do Padroado Portugues do Oriente, 12 Vols, Lisboa, 1947-1958.

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10. Silveira Luis, Ensaio de Iconografia das Cidades Portugueses do Ultramar, Vol.III, Junta da InvestigacUes do Ultramar, Ministerio do Ultramar, (n.d.), Lisboa.

Marathi Sources

1. Bharat Itihas Samsodhak Mandal, Traimasik, Vol.XXI, No.2, Poona, 1936.

2. Desai, Madhav Anant, Chittakula-Karwar, published by the author, Bombay, 1969.

3. Desai S.S., Marathyanchea Itihasachim Sadhane 1663-1739, Portuguese Archives, Vol.2, translated from Portuguese, Documents edited by P.S.S. Pissurlencar, Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya-Sanskrit Mandal, Bombay, 1974.

Marathyanchea Itihasachine Sadhane, Portuguese Archives, Vol.III 5 translated from Portuguese documents edited by A.B. de Braganca Pereira, Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya and Sanskriti Mandal, Bombay 1968.

4. Deshmukh, Vijay, Shakkarte Shivrai, published by D.B. Ghumre, Nagpur, 1980.

5. Dhabu, Damodar Gopal, Kulabkar Angre Sarkhel (Angre Gharanyacha Itihas, Shakavali, Bombay, 1939.

6. Garge Sadashiv Martand, Karveer Riyasat, G.Y. Rane Prakashan, Pune, Edn.1, 1968.

7. Garge, S.M., Karvir Riyasatichi Kagadpatre, Vol.I-IV, published by the author, Pune, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1982.

Karvir Ritasat, G.Y. Rane Prakoshan, Pune, 1980.

8. Gujar M.V., (Ed.), Karveer Chhatrapati Gharanyachea Itihasachim Sadhanem, 1713-1830, Vol.8, (collection of Modi documents from Goa Archives), published by the Editor, Poone, 1965.

9. Joshi P.M. (Chief Editor), Aitihasik Sadhane (1588-1821), published by Aitihasik Kagadpatra Va Puratan Smarak Sallagar Mandal, Government of Maharashtra, Bombay, 1963.

10. Narayan, Kashinath (Ed.), Selection from Satara Raja and the Peshwa's Diaries, IV, Peshwa Madhavrao I, Vol.I, 'by R.B. Ganesh Chimnaji, The Deccan Vernacular Translation Society, Poona, 1911.

11 Pissurlencar, Panduronga, Portugue‘z-Maratha Sambandh„ Poona University, 1967.

12. Pawar, Appasaheb, Tarabai Kagadpatrem, 3 Vols., Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 1969, 1970, 1972.

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13. Rajwade V.K., Keshavacharyadiksit Mahikavatichi Urf Mahimchi Bakhar (Marathi), Chitrashala Press, Poona, 1924.

14. Sardesai, G.S., Marathi Riyasat, Vol.V, (1720-1740), Keshav Bhikaji Dhavle, Bombay, 1942.

15. Selections from the Peshwa Daftar, New Series, No.3, Revival of Maratha Power (1761-1772), Government Central Press, Bombay, 1962.

16. Shahu's compaigns against Janjira, (Supplementary), Vol. Nos.3, 33, 35, 37, Government Central Press, Bombay, 1930, 1933.

17. Shirodkar, P.P., Kolhapur-Portuguez Sambandh, Published by Y.S. Taste, New Palace, Kolhapur, 1979.

18. Shiv Charitra-Nibandhavli, Vol.II, Sri Shiv Charitra Karyalaya, Poona, 1929.

English Documentary Material

1. Askari, Syed Hasan (Ed.), Fort William India House Correspondence, Vol.XVI, (1787-1791), National Archives of India, Delhi, 1976.

2. Bombay Public Proceedings, Vol.20, (1755-56), Fort Victoria.

3. Dias Victor, English Records of Maratha History, Government Central Press, Bombay, 1937.

4. English Records on Shivaji, 1659-1682, published by M/s Narasimha Chintaman Kelkar and Dattatraya Vishnu, Poona, 1931. s

5. Gune, V.T., Proceedings of the State Council at Goa, Supplementary series, Vol.I, Part-I, and Vol.I, Part-II, Panaji, Goa, 1973.

6. Historical Selections from Baroda State Records, Vols.II-VI (1769-1800), State Records Department, Baroda, 1936.

7. Indian Archives, Vol.XVIII, No.1, National Archives of India, New Delhi, 1969.

8. Kakodkar, P.R., The Portuguese and the Marathas, State Board for Literature and Culture, Government of Maharashtra, Bombay, 1975 (English translation of articles of Panduranga Pissurlencar's Portugueses e Maratas.

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Secondary Source Material

Research Journals (Portuguese and English)

1. All India Modern History Congress Proceedings, Poona (Reprint), 1936.

2. Boletim da Filmoteca Ultramarina Portuguesa, Issues from No.1-48, Lisbon, 1954-1987.

3. Boletim do Governo do Estado da India, Nova Goa, 1857-77.

4. Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama, Panaji, 1926-63.

5. Bulletin of the Institute Menezes Bragan9a, Vol.No. Panaji, 1963.

6. Indian Church History Review, Vol.XXI, No.2, December, 1987, Church History Association of India.

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8. Indian Historical Quarterly, Vol.X, No.2, 1934.

9. Indica, Vol.II, Heras Institute, Bombay, 1964.

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12. Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 1946.

13. Journal of Marine Archaeology, Vol.I, .published by Dr. S.R. Rao, NOI, Goa, January, 1990.

14. Journal of the University of Bombay, Vol.XI, pt.IV, January 1943, Bombay.

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20. Shirodkar, P.P., (Ed.), Colloquium, Vol.I, Nos.1 & 2, Goa Institute for Historical and Cultural Research, Panaji, Goa, 1978.

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A scenic view of Murud-Janjira

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Front view of Janjira fort

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SIDI IBRAHIM KHAN II A1-11204-1206,1219-1242 1789-1792,1804-1826AD


SIDI IBRAHIM KHAN III AH1265-1297/1048-1879AD



SIDIMUHMAMOKHAN AH1242-1265/1826-1848AD



Coins of the Siddis of Janjira

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A Siddi couple

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Youngsters of the Siddi tribe in a sports camp organised by the Sports Authority of India in
