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Topic 1 : Language Study : Parts of Speech. 1.1 Nouns Exercise 1 You will find ten different sentences below. Please indicate if the underlined noun is a common, material, proper, collective or abstract noun in the space provided. 1. We must use flour to bake cakes. Material noun 2. There are not enough chairs for the parents to sit on. Common noun 3. Everybody is entitled to have an opinion . Abstract noun 4. My children love reading the Harry Porter books. Proper noun 5. Encik Hussin is our new boss Proper noun 6. How many members are there in your drama club ? Collective noun 7. It is not healthy to eat food cooked in oil . Material noun 8. That goose chased me and bit me. Common noun 9. I always move the furniture when I am under stress. Collective noun 10. Your teaching experience is well appreciated here. Abstract noun 1
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Topic 1 : Language Study : Parts of Speech

Topic 1 : Language Study : Parts of Speech.

1.1 Nouns

Exercise 1

You will find ten different sentences below. Please indicate if the underlined noun is a common, material, proper, collective or abstract noun in the space provided.

1. We must use flour to bake cakes.

Material noun2. There are not enough chairs for the parents to sit on.

Common noun3. Everybody is entitled to have an opinion. Abstract noun4. My children love reading the Harry Porter books. Proper noun5. Encik Hussin is our new boss Proper noun6. How many members are there in your drama club ? Collective noun7. It is not healthy to eat food cooked in oil.

Material noun8. That goose chased me and bit me. Common noun9. I always move the furniture when I am under stress. Collective noun10. Your teaching experience is well appreciated here. Abstract noun1.2 Pronouns

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with pronouns. Make sure that the pronoun agrees with the noun which is being referred to.

1 My friends are leaving for Penang tomorrow. They will be away for a week.

2 Ramlah has a Persian cat. It has blue eyes.

3 I informed that lady that she should fill in the forms first.

4 Encik Hamdan is late. I dont think we should wait for him.

5 The children are playing under the house. I hope no one disturbs them.

1.3 Verbs

Exercise 1

In the following sentences, underline the verbs.

1. The baby smiled at me.

2. I slept for eight hours last night.

3. I go to school everyday.

4. Susan wrote me a letter.

5. Encik Tan walks to his office every morning.

Exercise 2

Look at the story of Abu below. Pick out the verbs in the story.

1.4 Adverbs

Exercise 1

All the words in the box are adverbs. Choose on word to fill each blank.

1. I wake up early every morning.

2. Come quickly. We need your help.

3. I can do all of these exercises easily.

4. She always speaks softly to the child.

5. You should drive slowly along this dangerous road.

1.5 Adjectives

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with a suitable adjective from the list above. You may use each word only once.

1. The students looked tired after running around the field.

2. Saifuls voice became hoarse after the choir practice.

3. Eating fish is better than eating beef.

4. The refrigerator smells bad because there is no electricity.

5. While undergoing Chemotherapy, her hair fell out and her head became bald1.6 Prepositions

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with at, in, by, for, along, to, into, about, from, up or on.

1. We bought this car in August.

2. We looked everywhere for the pen which Ahmad lost.

3. Nani usually sits at this desk.

4. The man walked quickly into the room and sat down.

5. We read about the accident in the newspaper this morning.

6. I must write a letter to my aunt.

7. The boat moved slowly along the coast.

8. Please pick up those papers which are on the floor.

9. The hotel is by the sea.

10. We live a long way from the airport.

1.7 Conjunctions

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with a suitable conjunction. Sometimes, more than one conjunction can be used.

1. My feet were cold and wet.

2. I was hungry, so I ate an apple.

3. Was the test hard or easy ?

4. The telephone rang, but I didnt answer it.

5. You could either turn right or go straight.

Topic 2 : Language Study : Tenses

2.1.1 Simple present tense

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present tense for the verb in parentheses.

1. She reads ( read ) the newspaper every day.

2. We come ( come ) to school by bus.

3. I always walk ( walk ) to school.

4. Helen works ( work ) very hard.

5. The cat chases ( chase ) the mouse all around the house.

6. He speaks ( speak ) several foreign languages.

2.1.2 Simple Past Tense

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the past tense for the verb in parentheses.

1. We worked ( work ) in our garden all day yesterday.

2. I listened ( listen ) to the radio until twelve oclock last night.

3. The meeting lasted ( last ) about two hours.

4. She studied ( study ) in our class last semester.

5. We both liked ( like ) the movies last night very night very much.

6. They painted ( paint ) their house green.

2.1.3 Simple Future Tense

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the future tense for the verb in parentheses.

1. He will call ( call ) you tomorrow.

2. They will see ( see ) us in the morning.

3. I will pay ( pay ) you the rent next week.

4. Hamid will clean ( clean ) the table right now.

5. The wind will blow ( blow ) that sign down.

6. You will learn ( learn ) a great deal in this course.

2.2.1 Present continuous tense

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present continuous tense for the verb in parentheses.

1. John is having (have) lunch in the cafeteria now.

2. Stella is watching (watch) TV now.

3. Listen! Someone is knocking (knock) at the door.

4. At this moment, I am reading (read) sentence number 4 in the exercise.

5. Sogos is having (have) a big sale today.6. Salman seems to be very busy. I guess he is studying (study) for his English test.2.2.2 Past continuous tense

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the past continuous tense for the verb in parentheses.

1. They were eating (eat) in the restaurant on the corner when I saw them.

2. It was raining (rain) when I left the house.

3. When you telephoned, we were having (have) dinner.

4. I got sick while we were driving (drive) to my grandmothers.

5. He was working (work) in California when his father died.

6. The baby was sleeping (sleep) soundly when I went to wake him.

2.2.3 Future continuous tense

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the future continuous tense for the verb in parentheses.

1. If you come at noon, we will be eating (eat) lunch.

2. At this time next year, we will be traveling (travel) in South America.

3. At ten oclock tomorrow morning, I will be having (have) my music lesson.

4. It probably will be raining (rain) when you get back.

5. If you come before six, I will be working (work) in my garden.

6. Dont call her now. She will be taking (take) her usual afternoon nap.

2.3 Perfect tenses

2.3.1 Present Perfect tense

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present perfect tense for the verb in parentheses.

1. I have spoken (speak) to him about it several times.

2. We have finished (finish) all our homework.

3. He has visited (visit) us many times.

4. She has returned (return) my book at last.

5. I am afraid that I have lost (lose) my car keys.

6. We have learned (learn) many new words in this course. 2.3.2 Past perfect tense

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of past perfect tense for the verb in parentheses.

1. Fernando told us that he had looked ( look ) everywhere for the book.

2. Kala had left (leave) by the time we arrived.

3. The police reported that they finally had captured (captured) the thief.

4. I saw that we had taken (take) the wrong road.

5. He knew he had made (make) a serious mistake.

6. I felt that I had met (meet) the man somewhere before.2.3.3 Perfect continuous tense

Exercise 1

Change these present perfect tense verbs to the past and future perfect continuous tenses.

1. He has worked in that firm for many years.

a. He had been working in that firm for many years.

b. He will have been working in that firm for many years.2. They have talked for more than an hour.

a- They had been talking more than an hour.

b- They will have been talking more than an hour.

3. I have traveled all over Europe.

c- I had been traveling all over Europe.

d- I will have been traveling all over Europe.

4. He has slept for more than ten hours.

a. He had been sleeping for more than ten hours.

b. He will have been sleeping for more than ten hours.

5. He has studied English for many years.

a. He had been studying for many years.

b. He will have been studying for many years.

Topic 3 : Language Study : Sentence Types

3.0 Sentence types

3.1 Simple sentences

Exercise 1

Write five sentences in the space provided.

1. We learn the subject carefully.

2. They bought the book yesterday.

3. Abu and Ahmad study very hard.

4. We play football everyday.

5. Siti write letter to her mother. 3.2 Compound sentence

Exercise 2

Write five compound sentences in the space provided.

1. The food is delicious, but it is very spicy.

2. En. Hassan was hungry, so he ate a cake. 3. The sale is very interesting, so we bought a lot of items.

4. Faizal is so clever and he got the first part in his class.

5. I know you are nice, however I don't like you.3.3 Complex sentence

Exercise 3

Write five complex sentences in the space provided.

1. I feel so tired, so I'm going to sleep.

2. The house is so beautiful and I like it.

3. The sale is very interesting, so we bought a lot of items.

4. Faizal is so clever and he got the first part in his class.

5. I know you are nice, however I don't like you.

Exercise 4

Look at these sentences. Identify whether they are simple, compound or complex sentences.

1. He spoke to the teacher yesterday, and he accepted her explanation. Compound2. My car is in a terrible condition because I have to travel into the work site everyday. Complex

3. Until now, the authorities have not looked into this problem. Complex4. I dont know the price of these books, as I havent bought them myself. Compound

5. We saw that the dog had already left. Simple

6. I knew that I had met her somewhere before. Simple7. If we had listened to her, we would be all right now. Complex

8. She told us she found the pen. Simple

9. Faridah was sick last week. Simple

10. My car does not run on ordinary petrol but it uses unleaded. Compound

Topic 4 : Language Study : Types of questions

4.0 Questions

4.1 Yes / No questions and short answers ( + Long Answers )

Exercise 1

In the following dialogues, the long answers is given in parentheses. Look at the long answer and then make the appropriate YES / NO QUESTIONS and SHORT ANSWER to complete each dialogue.

1. A : Do you know my brother ?

B : No, I dont ( I dont know your brother )

2. A : Does Ah Heng eats at the Mamak stall everyday? B : Yes, he does. (Ah Heng eats at the Mamak stall everyday)3. A : Does the car belong to you ? B : No, it doesnt. (That car doesnt belong to me)4. A : Do the students speak English well ? B : Yes, they do. ( The students in this school speak English well )

5. A : Are the children playing at the playground ? B : No, they arent. ( The children arent playing at the playground )

6. A : Can you play the guitar ?

B : Yes, I can. ( I can play the guitar )

7. A : Can you go out tonight ? B : No, I cant. ( I have to babysit my sister tonight )

8. A : Can birds swims under water ?

B : Yes, some can. ( Some birds can swim under water )

4.2 Information Questions ( WH questions )

Exercise 1

Make information questions. Use all WH questions

1. Q: Where were you born?

A: Kuala Lipis, Pahang.

2. Q: When were you born?

A: Kuala Lipis, Pahang.

3. Q: How did you get here?

A: By bus. (I got here by bus)

4. Q: Why do you like to eat at that restaurant?

A: Because the food is good. (I like to eat at that restaurant because the food is


5. Q: When will you get home?

A: Around eleven. (I'll get home around eleven)

6. Q: Where do you live?

A: In Jitra. (I live in Jitra)

7. Q: Why does Johar study at the library?

A: Because it's quiet (Johar studies at the library because it's quiet)

8. Q: Where is the meeting?

A: At Kuala Lumpur (The meeting is in Kuala Lumpur)

9. Q: Who is that man?

A: My husband. (He is my husband)

10. Q: Whom would you like to see?

A: The State Representative. (I would like to see the State Representative)

4.3 WHAT + a form of DO

Exercise 1

Make questions. Use what + a form of do

1. Q: What are you doing right now?

A: I'm studying.

2. Q: What did you do last night?

A: I went to the cinema.

3. Q: What are you doing tomorrow?

A: I'm going to the market.

4. Q: What will you do tomorrow?

A: I would like to go to the library.

5. Q: What do you study in class every day?

A: I study English.

6. Q: What are you doing right now?

A: I'm writing a letter to my pen friend.

7. Q: What do you do for a living?

A: I'm a teacher. (I teach)




1.1.2 Spelling Rules Exercise 1

Follow Correct Paragraph Format

Look at the first draft of the reporter's paragraph, which follows. She didn't use good form. Read the rules that follow the first draft. Then find the reporter's mistakes. Rewrite the corrected paragraph in the spaces below.


Activity 1

Read the passage "Viagra for the mind" given above. Make a list of points in a note form in the space provided below.


1. A new drug is Viagra for the mind can give memory powers of a 20-year-old to absent minded middle-aged people.

2. Viagra could help middle-aged-people do better at work.

3. Viagra for the mind could prove as popular as Viagra among those in their 40s, 50s and older whose memory is deteriorating.

4. People who like a drug could do something that with drug can growing belief that memory loss is a treatable condition. Activity 2

Write a summary of the effectiveness of HT-0712. Your answer must not be more than 1/3 of the passage.

2.5 Summary

The Drover's Wife


Who, where 1

Complication 2

Sequence of events 3




Resolution 7


Coda - 9The two-roomed house is built of round timber, slabs and stringy bark, and floored with split slabs. Bush all round-bush with no horizon, for the country is flat. The drover an ex-squatter is away with sheep. His wife and children are left here alone.

Four-ragged, dried-up looking children are playing sbout the house. Suddenly one of them yells 'Snake! Mother, here's a snake!'.

It is near sunset, and she knows the snake is there. She makes up beds for the children and sits down beside them to keep watch all night.

She has an eye on the corner and a green sapling club ready by her side. Alligator, the dog, lies nearby.

It must be one or two o'clock in the morning. The bush woman watches and listens, thinking about her life alone whilst her husband is gone.

It must be daylight now. The hairs on alligator's neck begin to bristle. Between a crack in the slabs an evil pair of small, bead-like eyes glisten. The snake-a black one-comes slowly out.

Alligator springs. He has the snake now. Thud, thud, its head is crushed.

She lifts the mangled reptile and throws it on the fire. The eldest boy watches it burn then looks at his mother, seeing tears in her eyes.

He throws his arms around her and exclaims. 'Mother, I won't never go droving; blast me if I do!'

(adapted from a short story by Henry Lawson)

Task 1

Based on the model of a narrative 'The Drover's Wife' write a short story with the help of the framework given.Title Mining For Silver

Orientation Setting: Who? When? Where? What? Why?A mine is a place where people dig for metal or minerals. Many mines are found on the ground. Others are within the earth itself. Some of the things people mine for are gold, silver, coal, salt, iron, tin and copper.


What began the event?

How did the characters get involved?After Kumar's teacher had explained this, she asked the class if anyone knew what types of mine could be found in Malaysia.


How the characters react to the complication."Tin mine, Mrs Lee!" replied one student.

"There is an old iron mine in Sungai Lembing in Pahang," said another. "Excellent" said Kumar's teacher. She was surprised that her student knew about a mine that had been famous long ago.


How the characters solve the problem from complication."My grandfather has a silver mine", said Kumar, laughing. "He pays me to work for him."

"A silver mine in Malaysia? A boy working in a silver mine? Hmm, that's hard to believe," said Mrs Lee. "All right, for our next class, bring us some silver from your grandfather's mine."


Moral of the story.Two days later, Kumar came prepared. When Mrs Lee asked for the silver, he handed her a black envelope. "Silver is heavy, Kumar. This is very light. I hope you are not wasting my time," said Mrs Lee.

"Well, just look inside, Mrs Lee," replied Kumar confidently. When Mrs Lee lifted the flap of the black envelope, she saw something shiny inside. At first, she did not look pleased. Her face was stern. Then a little smile appeared on her face, as she understood what Kumar meant by 'silver mine'.

1.3.2 Description

Below is a short descriptive text. Read the text carefully and then do answer the question.

Qualities of a good teacher

Teacher's styles of a teaching are greatly influenced by their own individual learning styles. There is always the temptation to do in class those sorts of activities which a personally enjoys. The analytical teacher is naturally more interested in structure: formal correctness, getting at rules by deduction or discovery and in organized class procedures. The concrete teacher is more sensitive to social interaction and tends to favour activities in which learners are given plenty of exposure to role play group projects, practice and discussion.

A good teacher builds student's self-esteem by using praise generously and avoiding ridicule and negative public criticism and gets to know each student's needs, interests and special talents, as well as the way each child learn best. He or she communicates often and openly with parents, contacting them early on about academic or behavioural problems and being candid rather than defensive when discussing these problems. A good teacher also regularly assigns homework that helps children learn, and advises parents how they can work with their children on this homework. He or she would set high academic standards, expecting all students to learn and helping them to do so.

Children learn best when taught by warm, friendly, caring and enthusiastic teachers. All children should be treated fairly, while a positive discipline code based on clear and fair rules is enforced. There should be reinforcement of positive behaviour rather than punishment for negative behaviour.

Learning can be fun if teaching methods are interesting and varied. Finally, good teacher would reach out to involve parents in their children's eduation, showing them how they can help their children at home.

Task 1

List down the qualities of a good teacher as found in the text.


1. Teacher must have an idea and enjoy it to do in class those sorts activities.

2. Naturally interested in structure, formal correctness, getting at rules by deduction or discovery and in organized class procedures.

3. Sensitive to social interaction and tends to favour activities to learn and do the experience to role play group projects, practice and discussion.

4. Teacher can builds student's self esteem; gets to know each student's needs, interests and special talents, as well as the way each child learn best.

5. Communicates with parent openly about academic or behavioural problems.

6. Regularly assigns homework that helps children learn and advise parents how they can help their children on this homework.

7. Teacher would set high academic standards and help students to do so.

8. Teacher must have a knowledge and skill to teach with fun, interesting and varied.

9. Reach out to involve parents in their children's education and showing them how they can help their children at home.

1.4 Reflections

a. Are there any other qualities that you think would make a good teacher? Write them down in the spaces provided.

1. Teacher must have a knowledge and experience in teaching from a good training.

2. Teacher must have self confident, patient, sincere, concern and hardworking in career as a teacher.

3. Teacher must know how to use a psychology skill for the students who have a problem.

4. Learn and know how to appreciate students and their work.

5. Teacher must always look for the future and try to improve work to be the best all the time.b. Now try to list down the qualities that you have as a teacher.1. I have knowledge.

2. I so interested in career as a teacher.

3. I have an ambition to more successful.

4. I have good personality and skill for teaching.

5. I learn and attempt with hardworking to be the best teacher.

c. Now write two short paragraphs of the qualities that you posses as a good teacher.

Remember to use all the conventions and rules learned in this unit.Good teacher is a good person and leader. As a teacher, they must have an experience, knowledge and hardworking to make a students interested in learning and success in study.

Teacher also must have a skill, smart and good looking to have a student respect and love their teacher. Teacher must have a high education and always attempt to add knowledge. Teacher can further their study and attend the conference or seminar to be an excellent teacher. It could be motivation for students to be as a their respect teacherUNIT 3LISTENING AND SPEAKING



1.1 Effective Listening

Exercise 1.1

1. Have a two person conversation with a friend (in school / staff room). Find out more about each other than just the common information such as hometown, hobby, food etc. Write out a short note of your friend and share it with your class member during tutorial.

Conversation in staff room

Between: Salleh and AhmadTopic

: Local Fruit in Malaysia

Note from conversation:

The banana is one of nature's most ideal snacks. It is healthy, filling and conveniently wrapped. It is available all-year round and the most popular fruit in Malaysia. A banana is packed with vitamins A, B, C and E and minerals like iron, potassium and phosphorus. It has four times more protein compared to an apple. It has half the fat and double the carbohydrate found in an apple.

It is one of the biggest shrubs in the world and member of the lily family. The fruit grows in a bunch on the top of the stem. It is harvested while still green and ripens very quickly in warm weather like ours. It can be kept up to a week an after that it turns dark brown and is too soft to be eaten.

There are many different types of banana like 'pisang rastali', 'pisang nangka' and 'pisang tanduk'. Although bananas are best eaten raw, they may also be served in a variety of ways. The most popular in Malaysia is 'pisang goreng' or banana fritters.

2. Tape your own conversation either in a formal or informal situation for example, your school English Panel meetings. Plays the tape and analyse the factors that you feel make your speech hard to listen to. Then make a list of suggestions on how you can improve your speaking skills.

Factors speech hard to listen:

1. Interesting topic.

2. Good vocabulary.

3. Have a new word.

4. Good pronouns.

5. Have a good idea.

6. Connection with audients.

The way to improve the speaking skills:

1. More practice and hardworking to excellent in English speaking.

2. Read more items in English examples book, newspapers, magazine and so on.

3. Joint class English speaking.

4. Try to speak in English not broken English.

5. Have more vocabulary and find new words always.

3. Listen to a radio or watch a television prime time news. Jot down the main idea (main news) of that particular news. List down the sub-topics or details of the news. You will have to present it in class later. News

: News 6 O'clock

Channel: TV2


: Dengue


: 21st October 2005

Main idea: There are a lot of people died with dengue.

Sub-topic: Talking about mosquito

As a mosquito bite humans, it injects us with its saliva and this causes us to itch.

The dangerous thing is that when a mosquito bites someone who was malaria or dengue, it carries the germs in its saliva, and these are transferred to the next person it bites.

We have to be extra careful and make sure we do not leave water containers uncovered because mosquitoes will breed in the water.

There are also more mosquitoes during the rainy season.

This is due to mosquitoes breeding in water that has collected in empty bottles, tin cans and other objects which we do not throw away properly.

The most important is to keep our house and environment clean.

Abu was a nosy boy. One day he saw a large house in a dark forest. It was a dilapidated house and Abu decided to enter it. He didnt even bother to knock but walked in boldly. There was a wooden table with three plates of noodles. He tasted the delicious noodles in all three plates and finished the smallest plate. Then he decided to take a nap and broke the small bed. Dont you think the rude Abu should have been charged in court with trespassing and theft?

International student at eastern community college Yoshi Hiramoto is one of 350 international students at eastern community college. He is from chiba, a seaport near Tokyo Mr. Hiramota is 34 years old and as sales manager for a hospital equipment company sells equipment to American hospital, so he needs English for work. Mr. hiromoto likes the united states very much and he also likes the students at his school. He thinks his English class is excellent, but he thinks the food in the cafeteria is terrible. In his free time Mr. Hiramoto likes to cycle and visit tourist sights near the school.

An international student at Eastern Community College Yoshi Hiramoto is one of 350 international students at Eastern Community College. He is from Chiba, a seaport near Tokyo. Mr. Hiramota is 34 years old and as Sales Manager for a Hospital Equipment Company sells equipment to American Hospital, so he needs English for work. Mr. Hiromoto likes the United States very much and he also likes the students at his school. He thinks his English class is excellent, but he thinks the food in the cafeteria is terrible. In his free time Mr. Hiramoto likes to cycle and visit tourist sights near the school.

If you have forgotten what it was to have a good memory, help could be at hand.

A new drug dubbed "Viagra for the mind"- is said to give absent-minded middle-aged people the memory powers of a 20-year-old.

It promises to transform life for around 15 million Britons plagued by forgetfulness as they get older.

Soon there will be no excuse for failing to remember a wedding anniversary, birthday or business meeting, the research suggests.

US scientists said it could help middle-aged people keen to learn a new language, play a musical instrument or simply function better at work.

The drug, which has its first test on humans in the coming months and could be on sale within five years, could prove as popular as Viagra among those in their 40s, 50s and older whose memory is deteriorating.

Professor Tim Tully, of Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory in New York, said: "There are an awful lot of people who'd like a drug that could do something about that. There's a growing belief that memory and memory loss is a treatable condition".

The drug code-named HT-0712, helps to retain information in the short-term memory. It works by activating a gene called Creb, which is contained in every human cell.

The gene allows brain cells to make the connections vital for memory formation.

But in many people, this memory-making process slows down with age.

Animals tests of HT-0712 show it can reduce forgetfulness by up to 90 percent. Experiments with fruit flies gave them the equivalent of a photographic memory.

Ordinary flies took 10 attempts to learn to avoid an unpleasant chemical, but flies given the drug learned after one approach.

The basic mechanics of memory formation are very similar in humans, Professor Tully said.

He said the drug could make life easier for people who do not suffer from any specific disease, but recognize that their memory is not as good as it used to be.

The Malay Mail, March 9. 2004

The drug code-named HT-0712, helps to retain information activating a gene called Creb, which allows brain cells to make the connections vital for memory formation. Animals tests showed it can reduce forgetfulness by up to 90 percent. Professor Trully said the drug could make life easier for people who do not suffer from any specific disease.