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Beta-Robust Solutions for the Fuzzy Open Shop Scheduling

Jan 08, 2016




Talk given at IPMU 2014 conference
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  • -Robust Solutions for the Fuzzy Open ShopScheduling

    Juan Jos Palacios1 Ins Gonzlez-Rodrguez2

    Camino R. Vela1 Jorge Puente1

    1Dept. of Computer Science,University of Oviedo (Spain)

    2Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing,University of Cantabria (Spain)

    IPMU 2014, July 1519

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  • Outline

    1 Introduction

    2 The Fuzzy Open Shop Problem

    3 -Robust Schedules

    4 Are -Robust Schedules Actually Robust?

    5 Experimental Results

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  • Motivation: Scheduling

    Scheduling: Plan de execution of tasks in resources (machines)under certain constraints in an optimal way.Traditional approach: Assume well-known deterministic input dataand optimise some performance measure.Drawback: Input variables are not well-known, may change,causing the optimal solution to be of little or no use at themoment of its execution.

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  • Motivation: Robustness

    RobustnessA robust solution should still work satisfactorily when design variableschange slightly.

    Different approaches:Practical: Add slack times to task durations so solutionsperformance is not affected by delays.Minimax (regret): Construct solutions with best possibleperformance in worst case.-robustness Maximise the likelihood that a solutionsperformance is not worse than a given target in all cases.

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  • Open Shop Scheduling Problem (OSP)

    Open shop scheduling problem:applications in testing components of electronic systems, medicaldiagnosis. . . :)increasing presence in the literature :)NP-complete in the general case!traditionally assumes perfect-deterministic information :(

    We would like to. . .incorporate uncertainty into data: fuzzy durationsfind robust solutions

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  • Open Shop Scheduling Problem (OSP)

    p1 p2 p3

    p4 p5 p6

    p7 p8 p9

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  • Open Shop Scheduling Problem (OSP)

    Job 1:

    Job 2:

    Job 3:

    p1 p2 p3

    p4 p5 p6

    p7 p8 p9

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  • Open Shop Scheduling Problem (OSP)

    Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

    p1 p2 p3

    p4 p5 p6

    p7 p8 p9

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  • Open Shop Scheduling Problem (OSP)

    O||Cmaxn jobs: J1, . . . , Jn,m machines: M1, . . . ,Mm,mn tasks or operations: Ok : 1 k mn:

    I each belonging to one job and requiring one machine;I cannot overlap with other tasks in the same job or machine.

    objective: minimise the makespan Cmax (completion time of lasttask).

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  • Uncertain Task Durations: Triangular Fuzzy Numbers

    Assume we only know:an interval of possible values for the duration [a1,a3],the most likely duration a2 in this interval.

    This knowledge is represented by a triangular fuzzy number, TFN,A = (a1,a2,a3):

    a1 a3a2

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  • Uncertain Task Durations: Triangular Fuzzy Numbers

    Assume we only know:an interval of possible values for the duration [a1,a3],the most likely duration a2 in this interval.

    This knowledge is represented by a triangular fuzzy number, TFN,A = (a1,a2,a3):

    a1 a3a2

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  • Uncertain Durations: Working With TFNs


    A + B = (a1 + b1,a2 + b2,a3 + b3)


    max(A,B) (max{a1,b1},max{a2,b2},max{a3,b3})

    We obtain a fuzzy schedule:starting and completion times of all tasks are TFNs;but there is no uncertainty re. the task processing order.

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  • Necessity and Possibility

    A TFN can be seen as a possibility distribution on the values aduration may take.We can measure the necessity and possibility that the makespan Cmaxis less than a given number r :



    N(Cmax r)(Cmax r)

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  • and RobustnessAssume we have a target C? for the makespan: A schedule withmakespan Cmax is

    necessarily -robust w.r.t. C? if and only if = N(Cmax C?);possibly -robust w.r.t. C? iff = (Cmax C?).

    and are the degrees of necessary and possible robustness w.r.t.the threshold C?.


    N(Cmax r)(Cmax r)


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  • and Robustness: Remarks

    is the degree of confidence that Cmax will be for sure belowthe threshold C?.If a schedule is -robust and -robust w.r.t. C?,

    Pr(Cmax C?) .

    Build a robust schedule w.r.t. C? = build a schedule maximisingthe confidence level .

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  • Robustness Assessment: Semantics of FuzzySchedules

    A -robust fuzzy schedule:is a predictive schedule;provides an ordering pi of tasks;provides an estimate (possibility distribution) of the value of Cmax .

    When tasks are executed following pi they have exact durations pij , sothe a-posteriori makespan Cmax(pi, pij) is already exact.

    Idea for assessmentIn most cases, for the a-posteriori makespan it should hold that

    Cmax(pi, pij) C.

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  • Robustness Assessment: Simulation

    Simulate K possible realisations of task durations (coherent withpossibility distributions given by TFNs);calculate a-posteriori makespan for each simulation;measure the proportion of a-posteriori schedules withmakespan below C

    ConjenctureA high a-priori confidence level should correspond to a higha-posteriori performance level .

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  • Experimental Results: Instances

    Problem instances are fuzzified versions of well-known OSPbenchmark:

    j7 : 9 instances of size 7 7;j8: 9 instances of size 8 8.

    Number of a-posteriori simulations: K=1000.

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  • Obtaining -Robust Schedules: Adaptive GA

    Initial Idea: Re-use GA from literature on FOSP with objectivefunction ;Drawback: Schedules in initial population will have = 0 for anyreasonable C, so the GA cannot evolve!!!Improved Idea: Use adaptive GA minimising with successivethreshold approximations:

    C0 > C1 > > Cn = C

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  • Results: Evolution of Adaptive GA















    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

    -robustness C*

    Number of generations

    C* Best individual Population Average

    Evolution of adaptive threshold Ci and necessary robustness level on oneproblem instance (average of 10 runs).

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  • Results: a-priori versus a-posteriori (7 7)

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  • Results: a-priori versus a-posteriori (8 8)

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  • Conclusions and Future Work

    For the FOSP problem:robustness as good averagebehaviour of predictiveschedules;new robustness measure w.r.t.performance threshold basedon possibility/necessity;adaptive GA to obtain robustschedules;empirical assessment basedon simulations.

    Future work:Next step: --robustness;Multiobjective approach:minimise makespan +maximise robustness.

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  • Thank you!


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    IntroductionThe Fuzzy Open Shop ProblemOpen ShopFuzzy Durations

    *-Robust SchedulesAre *-Robust Schedules Actually Robust?Experimental Results