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Best Practices for Developing & Deploying Java Applications with Docker Eric Smalling - Solution Architect, Docker Inc. @ericsmalling JavaOne 2017 | CON7957

Best Practices for Developing & Deploying Java Applications with Docker

Jan 21, 2018



Eric Smalling
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Page 1: Best Practices for Developing & Deploying Java Applications with Docker

Best Practices for Developing & Deploying Java Applications with DockerEric Smalling - Solution Architect, Docker Inc.@ericsmalling

JavaOne 2017 | CON7957

Page 2: Best Practices for Developing & Deploying Java Applications with Docker


Who Am I?● Eric Smalling

○ Solution ArchitectDocker Customer Success Team

● ~25 years in software development, architecture, version control admin, etc…

● ~10 years in build & test automation

● Docker user since pre-1.0 days

● Java developer since 1.1.x days

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● Docker 101

● Running a simple Java web application in Docker

● Services, stacks & deploying to clusters

● Application management & troubleshooting

● Application Configuration

● Q & A

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Docker 101A quick overview of Docker

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Some Docker vocabulary

Docker Image

The basis of a Docker container. Represents a full application

Docker Container

The standard unit in which the application service resides and executes

Docker Engine

Creates, ships and runs Docker containers deployable on a physical or virtual, host

locally, in a datacenter or cloud service provider

Registry Service (Docker Hub or Docker Trusted Registry)

Cloud or server based storage and distribution service for your images

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Docker File SystemImages, Layers & Containers

● Logical file system by grouping different file system primitives into branches (directories,

file systems, subvolumes, snapshots)

● Each branch represents a layer in a Docker image

● Allows images to be constructed / deconstructed as needed vs. a huge monolithic image

(ala traditional virtual machines)

● When a container is started a writeable layer is added to the “top” of the file system

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Docker File SystemContainers & Copy on Write

● Super efficient:

Sub second instantiation times for containers

New container can take <1 Mb of space

● Containers appears to be a copy of the original image

But, it is really just a link to the original shared image

● If someone writes a change to the file system, a copy of the affected file/directory is

“copied up”

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Docker File SystemWhat about data persistence?

● Volumes allow you to specify a directory in the container that exists outside of the docker

file system structure

● Can be used to share (and persist) data between containers

● Directory persists after the container is deleted

Unless you explicitly delete it

● Can be created in a Dockerfile or via CLI

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Dockerfile - Linux + Java Example: Initial state

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Image Layers


Ubuntu Linux 16:04

Update apt catalogs

Install JDK and curl

Download Tomcat

Install Tomcat

Copy webapp

Start tomcat

Initial State

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Building the image

The docker client command

“build” = build an image

“-t” = apply a name and optional build

Image name and optional tag

Path to build context and Dockerfile

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Running the image in a container

The docker client command

“run” = start a container

“--rm” = delete container when it exits

“-t” = run with a tty (for console i/o)“-i” = run in interactive modeThese often are used in combination like this

Image name and optional tag

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DemoBuild and run demonstration

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Dockerfile - Linux + Java Example: Optimization step 1

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Image LayersOptimization Step 1


Ubuntu Linux 16:04

Update apt catalogs, install JDK and curl, clean up

Download Tomcat

Install Tomcat

Copy webapp

Start tomcat

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Dockerfile - Linux + Java Example: Optimization step 2

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Image LayersOptimization Step 2



Update apk catalogs, install curl

Download Tomcat

Install Tomcat

Copy webapp

Start tomcat

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Dockerfile - Linux + Java Example: Fully Optimized

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Image LayersFully optimized



Copy webapp

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Deploying to ClustersServices, Stacks and Swarms

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More terminology

● Swarm

○ A group of docker hosts, connected and running as a cluster

○ 1-n managers

○ 1-n workers

● Service

○ An application (or part of an application) that provides a specific function

(catalog lookup, web front end, payment processing)

● Stack

○ A way of representing multi-service applications

○ Made up of 1-n services

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Stack deploy demo

Simple J2EE application deployment with 2 containers:

● React based front end

● Java based back end

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Application ManagementMonitoring & Troubleshooting

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Health ChecksHelping Docker help you

● HEALTHCHECK instruction in DockerFile

● Tells Docker how to test a container to check that it is still working

● New status added to container lists

● Adds “(healthy)” to Status column in a “docker ps response”

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Health ChecksHelping Docker help you

● Examples:

○ HEALTHCHECK CMD curl --fail http://localhost || exit 1

○ HEALTHCHECK --interval=12s --timeout=12s --start-period=30s \

CMD node /healthcheck.js

● References:

○ Documentation:

○ Elton Stoneman blog about not using curl/iwr:

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JVM MemoryTips and tricks

● Always explicitly specify JVM heap size with “-Xmx” arguments

○ By default, J2SE 5.0+ will use up to 25% of the host machine’s RAM or 1GB (whichever is smaller)

○ Container memory limits (enforced via cgroups) are ignored* (*cgroup awareness is planned for Java 9)

○ It’s just a good practice to specify it anyway

● Do use Docker cpu and memory reservations and limits to avoid over-subscribing your host machines

○ --memory

○ --memory-reservation

○ --cpus

○ etc…

● If limiting cpu, be sure to update GC Thread limiter in JVM

○ -XX:ParallelGCThreads

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LoggingDealing with application logs

● Docker EE Reference Architecture document about this:

● Do not output logs into the container’s RW layer

○ slow

○ have to exec or cp out of the container to see them

● Option 1: send logs to stdout (see logging drivers below)

○ Visible via “docker logs” command

○ Visible via Docker UCP web console

● Option 2: send logs to volume

○ Many use a centralized NAS/SAN volume for this

● Option 3: Docker logging drivers

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Docker Log DriversLog drivers available (as of 9/4/17)Latest always available at:

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Application Log DriversConsider the following when selecting application log drivers:

● syslog and splunk:

○ Good options if log data is highly sensitive since they can be configured to use TLS for

transporting logs.

● journald:

○ great for retaining the usage of docker logs as well as logging Docker daemon logs

○ allows for easier troubleshooting and log portability at the same time

○ logs write first locally, so that there is less reliance on logging infrastructure.

● awslogs or gcplogs:

○ Only if cluster exist solely on a single cloud provider

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Application Log Drivers (continued)

Consider the following when selecting application log drivers:

● gelf and fluentd:

○ good choice if there's a NoSQL database somewhere in the environment where the logs can

be stored.

Again, see for much more detail on logging.

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TroubleshootingHow to use Java tools with container based JVMs

● JVM command line tools via docker exec

○ GC Stats: jstat --gcutil

○ Heap dumps/histograms: jmap

● Expose JMX ports for jconsole or other utilities

● Intelligent health checks

○ More than just “port 8080 is listening”

● Check third party monitoring tools for updated to be “container aware”

○ i.e. Licensing issues with older monitoring tools because each container appears as a new


● Also, docker specific commands/tools:

○ docker stats

○ ctop

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Application ConfigurationManaging multi-environment config’s

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Application ConfigurationDeploying to disparate environments with identical images

● Build artifacts are your Docker images, not .war files or similar

● Build images in CI, store in registry, deploy same images everywhere

● Patterns and tools to deal with configuration differences

○ Separate Stack yaml files

○ Docker secrets

○ Application configuration via volume mounts

○ Third party configuration tools such as Consul and/or Vault

■ consul-template

■ Joyent Containerpilot

■ Roll-your-own

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Environment specific Stacks

● Different environment variable values

● Services that mock production endpoints

○ db

○ web service



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Docker Secrets

● Stored encrypted in swam

● Exposed only to nodes that run services that need them

● Presented in container via RAM only tmpfs files

○ never persisted to disk in encrypted format

○ when container stops, secret is no longer present

● All communications between swam nodes via TLS, so secret never in the clear on the wire either

● Different secret values per environment using tags

● UCP can manage who/where secrets are available

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Application configuration in volume mounts

● Use volumes that are only available in physical environment they apply to

● Contain environment-specific application configuration properties

● DO NOT store secrets in these (use Docker Secrets or other secure mechanism)

● You can bind mount files (doesn’t have to be full directory structures)

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ResourcesSo much to talk about, so little time to do so!

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ResourcesSo much to talk about, so little time to do so!

● Docker Resources:

○ Logging Reference Architecture:

○ Training:

■ Instructor led

■ Self paced with “Play With Docker”

○ Containerizing legacy applications?


● SquareSpace Blog: Understanding Linux Container Scheduling (with JVMs)

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THANK YOU :)@ericsmalling