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Jul 24, 2016



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I a m a c r e a t i v e d e s i g n e r

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a n d t h i s i s m y p o r t f o l i o .

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i n d e x .

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about me



what I like




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a b o u t m e .

I am a creative person always looking for new possibilities.

Possibilities in ways I may no imagine, in things that I have already done but also in those I have not came across with yet. I try to think about those I would never think about.

New ideas. New visions.

Why imperfection can not be perfect?

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C . V

I am a creative designer based in Barcelona who is looking for new grateful experiences. I am able to work in all design areas feeling my self confident in what I develop, although I have specialized in space design.Dynamic, reliable and self-starter are some adjectives that could describe my character in most situations. I am keen on cooperating and working in groups. I consider myself as an open-minded person, that means I am always expecting what others can nourish me with but giving my perspective too.

Age 22

Mosseén Cinto Vergadeguer, 1 Cabrea

de Mar. Barcelona.

(+34) 664 229 863

[email protected]

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Apple i MicrosoftAdobe Programs -Illustrator -Photoshop -Indesign -Dreamweaver





CATALAN NativeSPANISH Oficial language ENGLISH high level in compre-hension, listening, speaking and reading. CAE ( 2012)

Draft and modeling -Autocad -Rhinoceros . V-Ray

Microsoft office

High school (ESO). Escola Parroquial Sant Feliu.Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona. [2005-2009]

Technological superior educationEscola Pia Santa Anna.Mataró, Barcelona. [2009-2011]

Architecture degree (initiated not finished)Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Barcelona.[September 2011- January 2012]

Preparation for the Cambridge Exam course - Cambridge Advanced English (CAE). Studio Cambridge.

Instructor in summer camps. “EL PETIT VAILET”. El Masnou, Barcelona. [June-July 2009 and June July 2010]Escola Parroquial Sant Feliu. [June-July 2013 and June-July 2014 ] Once having my instructor license I work in two summer camps as a responsible of a small group of children. Again, developing my duties as a leader and as a person transmitting knowledge.

Frankfurt Parera [2012-2015] I was hired as a part-time waitress. This role in the restaurant industry taught me how to communicate and deal with client making them pleased about the service given, work in a team and under pressure in busy days.

Up to you. Studio Craeativo [2015]My current job in this design studio is giving me a very useful view of how the design world works. Because of the little dimension of the studio my roles there are variations. They have given me the confidence of having responsibly roles. I feel like really taking part of each project developed. Administrative skills, working under pressure and dealing with real projects and clients are the highlights of this employ.

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p r o j e c t s .

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g r a p h i c , p r o d u c t , s p a c e .

It is not what it does, but how it is done. With a powerful concept behind everything

make sense

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G A S T R O S P A C Er a w s t o r e a n d

In this project we aim to fuse space that contains a part of the essence of a market integrating good and authentinc ingredients, adding a big emphasis on the surprise and skills of the cookers, all packed with a clean and perfectly quality design.

The visual applications of this project aim to portray a modern, clear and friendly design that transmits all the concepts and ideas previously explained, coexisting with the space distribution and dynamics.

We were creating a market atmosphere.

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inspiration. Boqueria market, Barcelona.This will be projected in real time.

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Model view. General idea of the market space distribution.

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Elevation planns of the space with human scale.

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Menú. Graphic applications. It shows how the user will feel like in the space.

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S T O R A G E S Y S T E Mk e e p i t u p

The following project asked us to design a storage sys-tem for solving a personal problem and a problem that everyone could ever had.

I focused this project on a problem I have at home: saving and retaining all the materials i have thaks to my degree and profession.

The variety of the materials and their dimensions guide my to think about something changable and ephemeral.

The main concep was:

If the you don’t have material to store, you don’t have storage. Simple and clever.

Not heavy. Not dimension defined. Adustable to your changeful needs.

Image of the completly pack of the storage system

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Pecaces of the keepitup pack. All you need to make your own material storeage

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Details of the assembly process.

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Gnereal image of the holding system

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Problem solved in a way that doesn’t disturb you

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S O C I A L P R O J E C T“ e l c o m ú ”

Future habitat was the subject name. It combines itself the habitat part, understanding the human need of having a home where the belong but having a future vision of these needs at the same time.

The base project was to avoid the government demo-lish an all building which does not meet the minimum requieres for housing.

Arrels Foundation gave us the opportunity to work out a project in this space that not only respond to these habitat needs for the future house guests but also give the neighborhood a favorable and prosperous activity the user would take care of.

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Antics safarejos espanyols. Anys 30

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American history X. Tony Kaye 1998

Having seen a lot of historiacal, cinematographic and current series examples I confirmed the potencial and viability for proposing a comun and open Laundry as the activity open to the public.

Creating a very comfortable, pleasing and clean space to do all the luandry proces instead of doing it at home. Economical and logistical reasons could also strengthen this project. However the essence of this social project was to stimulate and make the neighbors relations grow.

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On one hand, this space respond perfectly to the laundry needs step by step in terms of space, technical facilities and environmental requirements.

Totally open space where, apart of carryng out all the clothes proces, people can also rest and have a break comicating with others.

This public part of the building was design to lead the Laundry and clothes show be the protagonist of the space.

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Comun zone where the laundry activity take place

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Private part of the building where the workers live

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U P T O Y O U S T U D I Oo r i g i n s b y E n r i q u e T o m á s

The aim of this project was to carry out and propose a luxury and gourmet new brand by Enrique Tomás. This project includes space, product and graphic design of this new image and identity.

A little look af the graphic part is shown in the next pages.

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o r i g i n s

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Following you have some of the graphic application of the identity. Stationery, shoping bags and boxes where required to give a general impresion of how all the things would all be in the same image.

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The most worked and complicated graphic application was the menu. All the information given in this perso-nal designed menu was very particular and tight.

This mockups allow to have a almost real view of how it would be like.

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“if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life”

Frank Lloyd Wright

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