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72 Berkeley Strategic Transportation Plan

Berkeley Strategic Transportation Plan

Oct 04, 2021



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Page 1: Berkeley Strategic Transportation Plan


Berkeley Strategic Transportation Plan

Page 2: Berkeley Strategic Transportation Plan


6. Measuring SuccessMeasuring progress and success The ongoing measurement of project effectiveness will be based on metrics developed according to the vision, goals and policies. These metrics relate to physical infrastructure improvements as well as multimodal performance metrics. These could include safety, e.g., number of crashes, economic benefits such as sales tax receipts, and user satisfaction metrics.

6. Measuring Success


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Performance MetricsMeasuring the performance of completed projects or citywide performance annually and/or over time could include a variety of different metrics. Potential metrics may include:

Safety: Injury collision frequency by mode and severity for all travel modes

Sample Input: Collision records by mode and severity for all modes

Sample Output: GIS map of high injury corridors for all modes and by mode, statistics on high injury corridors, number of injury collisions by mode

Pedestrian: Number of pedestrian crossing improvements, length of sidewalk improvements, etc.

Sample Input: Location and mileage of all pedestrian improvements

Sample Output: Number of pedestrian improvements on high injury network over last 5 years

Bicycle: Number/mileage of low traffic stress/high comfort streets and intersections for bicyclists.

Sample Input: GIS map of low stress bicycle network, GIS map of injury collisions over last 5 years

Sample Output: GIS map showing the network impact of low-stress bicycle improvement projects, statistics on the percentage of the network that has been converted from high-stress to low- stress bicycle facilities, number of bicycle improvements made on high injury network

Transit: Performance and Quality: bus reliability/on-time performance, quality of service, ridership, intersection improvements, transit stop access improvements

Sample Input: automated vehicle location (AVL) or automated passenger count (APC) data, transit travel times estimates, list of all pedestrian and transit stop improvements

Sample Output: Before/after map and statistics on reliability to compare travel time variability after improvements, before/after statistics on ridership, statistics on changes in travel time, map and statistics of pedestrian and bus stop comfort improvements within 300 feet of transit stop

Delay: Change in intersection delay for people walking, taking transit, bicycling, or driving on multimodal corridors by mode for planning areas, corridors, or districts throughout the city

Sample Input: Signal timing, number of people using each mode

Sample Output: Person delay metrics at intersections

Autos and Environment: Change in vehicle miles travelled (VMT) and relationship to greenhouse gas emissions and air quality

Sample Input: Land use changes and/or mode shift changes and corresponding assumptions about changes in VMT

Sample Output: Statistics on mode shift and reduction in VMT


Berkeley Strategic Transportation Plan

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On-going improvement and updating of the BeST PlanThere is a need to update the public, city administrators, commissions, and the council with annual progress addressing what has occurred in implementing the BeST Plan’s projects, the development of the tools needed to implement the Complete Streets strategy, as well as reporting on changes that have occurred in how the city’s transportation system is performing in relation to a range of performance metrics, examples of which are described above.

Annual ReportsThe City of Berkeley’s Transportation Division, alongside support from other divisions and departments will update the public annually. These reports will demonstrate progress on the following:

BeST Plan project implementation related to funding including various grants and city expenditures

BeST Plan project implementation related to design, environmental review and construction

Development of the tools needed to implement the Complete Streets strategy

Changes that have occurred in how the City’s transportation system is performing in relation to a range of transportation, environmental, and other performance metrics (see examples in previous section)

2-year update strategyThe BeST Plan will be updated every two years (i.e.; 2018, 2020, etc.). This timeline coincides with the opportunity to update funding applications to the Alameda County Transportation Commission. These 2-year updates will also include refinements to existing project definitions and updates related to progress on implementation. New projects may be added from other newly adopted plans and subjected to performance evaluations to allow them to be worked into the prioritized project list.

Major UpdatesEvery four years (i.e. 2020, 2024, etc.), the scope of the two-year update will be expanded, as this schedule coincides with the updates to the Regional Transportation Plan and the Countywide Transportation Plan. This would include the potential for more major changes to project definitions and the “bundling” of projects. Performance criteria may also be redefined and all projects would be reevaluated and priority ranked. During this period, a more involved community process may take place where community members can verify priorities for the evaluation criteria and affect the criteria weighting.

Ongoing communication Outside of the scheduled regular updates, some unscheduled updates may occur. Typically over the course of the development of individual projects and through various project phases, the City of Berkeley’s Transportation Division will work to maintain regular updates with the Berkeley Public. As projects move forward, the Transportation Division may provide updates through working sessions with the Transportation Commission and updates to the Berkeley City Council. These more frequent and unscheduled updates may relate to individual grant funding application opportunities or City Council referrals.

6. Measuring Success


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Berkeley Strategic Transportation Plan