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Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning Christoph Boden, Andrea Spina, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl TU Berlin [email protected] ABSTRACT Distributed data flow systems such as Apache Spark or Apache Flink are popular choices for scaling machine learning algo- rithms in production. Industry applications of large scale machine learning such as click through rate prediction rely on models trained on billions of data points which are both highly sparse and high dimensional. Existing Benchmarks attempt to assess the performance of data flow systems such as Apache Flink, Spark or Hadoop with non-representative workloads such as WordCount, Grep or Sort. They only evaluate scalability with respect to data set size and fail to address the crucial requirement of handling high dimensional data. We introduce a representative set of distributed machine learning algorithms suitable for large scale distributed set- tings which have close resemblance to industry-relevant ap- plications and provide generalizable insights into system per- formance. We implement mathematically equivalent ver- sions of these algorithms in Apache Flink and Apache Spark, tune relevant system parameters and run a comprehensive set of experiments to assess their scalability with respect to both: data set size and dimensionality of the data. We eval- uate the systems for data up to four billion data points 100 million dimensions. Additionally we compare the perfor- mance to single-node implementations to put the scalability results into perspective. Our results indicate that while being able to robustly scale with increasing data set sizes, current state of the art data flow systems are surprisingly inefficient at coping with high dimensional data, which is a crucial requirement for large scale machine learning algorithms. Keywords Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, Benchmarking, Apache Flink, Apache Spark 1. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION In Big Data Analytics, the MapReduce [?] paradigm, pop- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. BeyondMR Workshop @ SIGMOD ’17 May 19, 2017, t.b.d. Copyright 20XX ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$15.00. ularized by its open-source implementation Hadoop [?] has been widely adopted as a solution to robustly scale data- intensive applications to very large data sets on clusters of commodity hardware. However it has also been established that Hadoop MapReduce is inefficient at executing iterative workloads such as distributed machine learning algorithms. [?, ?] This sparked the development of a multitude of novel approaches and systems aiming to improve the performance and ease of implementation of more complex workloads such as distributed machine learning algorithms. We consider the two most prominent representative systems which managed to morph from research prototypes into production systems enjoying widespread adoption in industry: Apache Spark [?] introduced the concept of data-parallel transformations on Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) [?]: read-only collections of data partitioned across nodes, which can be cached and recomputed in case of node failures, to support the efficient execution of iterative algorithms. Apache Flink [?, ?] (formerly Stratosphere [?]) intro- duced a general data flow engine supporting the flexible ex- ecution of a more rich set of operators such as map, reduce and co-group as well as a native operator for iterative com- putations. Flink jobs are compiled and optimized by a cost- based optimizer before being scheduled and executed by the distributed streaming data flow engine. This distributed runtime allows for pipelining of data. While these second generation big data analytics systems have been shown to outperform Hadoop for canonical it- erative workloads[?, ?], it remains an open question how they perform in executing large scale machine learning algo- rithms. Consider the prominent problem of click-through rate (CTR) prediction for online advertisements, a crucial building block in the multi-billion dollar online advertising industry, as an example for large scale machine learning. To maximize rev- enue, platforms serving online advertisements must accu- rately, quickly and reliably predict the expected user be- haviour for each displayed advertisement. These prediction models are trained on hundreds of terabytes of data with hundreds of billions of training samples . The data tends to be very sparse (10-100 non-zero features) but at the same time very high dimensional (up to 100 billion unique features [?, ?, ?]). In the context of scalable, distributed machine learning, there are thus multiple dimensions of scalability which are of particular interest:

Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning · Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning Christoph Boden, Andrea Spina, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl

Sep 11, 2019



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Page 1: Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning · Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning Christoph Boden, Andrea Spina, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl

Benchmarking Data Flow Systemsfor Scalable Machine Learning

Christoph Boden, Andrea Spina, Tilmann Rabl, Volker MarklTU Berlin

[email protected]

ABSTRACTDistributed data flow systems such as Apache Spark or ApacheFlink are popular choices for scaling machine learning algo-rithms in production. Industry applications of large scalemachine learning such as click through rate prediction relyon models trained on billions of data points which are bothhighly sparse and high dimensional. Existing Benchmarksattempt to assess the performance of data flow systems suchas Apache Flink, Spark or Hadoop with non-representativeworkloads such as WordCount, Grep or Sort. They onlyevaluate scalability with respect to data set size and fail toaddress the crucial requirement of handling high dimensionaldata.

We introduce a representative set of distributed machinelearning algorithms suitable for large scale distributed set-tings which have close resemblance to industry-relevant ap-plications and provide generalizable insights into system per-formance. We implement mathematically equivalent ver-sions of these algorithms in Apache Flink and Apache Spark,tune relevant system parameters and run a comprehensiveset of experiments to assess their scalability with respect toboth: data set size and dimensionality of the data. We eval-uate the systems for data up to four billion data points 100million dimensions. Additionally we compare the perfor-mance to single-node implementations to put the scalabilityresults into perspective.

Our results indicate that while being able to robustly scalewith increasing data set sizes, current state of the art dataflow systems are surprisingly inefficient at coping with highdimensional data, which is a crucial requirement for largescale machine learning algorithms.

KeywordsDistributed Systems, Machine Learning, Benchmarking, ApacheFlink, Apache Spark

1. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATIONIn Big Data Analytics, the MapReduce [?] paradigm, pop-

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.BeyondMR Workshop @ SIGMOD ’17 May 19, 2017, t.b.d.Copyright 20XX ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$15.00.

ularized by its open-source implementation Hadoop [?] hasbeen widely adopted as a solution to robustly scale data-intensive applications to very large data sets on clusters ofcommodity hardware. However it has also been establishedthat Hadoop MapReduce is inefficient at executing iterativeworkloads such as distributed machine learning algorithms.[?, ?] This sparked the development of a multitude of novelapproaches and systems aiming to improve the performanceand ease of implementation of more complex workloads suchas distributed machine learning algorithms. We consider thetwo most prominent representative systems which managedto morph from research prototypes into production systemsenjoying widespread adoption in industry:

Apache Spark [?] introduced the concept of data-paralleltransformations on Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)[?]: read-only collections of data partitioned across nodes,which can be cached and recomputed in case of node failures,to support the efficient execution of iterative algorithms.

Apache Flink [?, ?] (formerly Stratosphere [?]) intro-duced a general data flow engine supporting the flexible ex-ecution of a more rich set of operators such as map, reduceand co-group as well as a native operator for iterative com-putations. Flink jobs are compiled and optimized by a cost-based optimizer before being scheduled and executed by thedistributed streaming data flow engine. This distributedruntime allows for pipelining of data.

While these second generation big data analytics systemshave been shown to outperform Hadoop for canonical it-erative workloads[?, ?], it remains an open question howthey perform in executing large scale machine learning algo-rithms.

Consider the prominent problem of click-through rate (CTR)prediction for online advertisements, a crucial building blockin the multi-billion dollar online advertising industry, as anexample for large scale machine learning. To maximize rev-enue, platforms serving online advertisements must accu-rately, quickly and reliably predict the expected user be-haviour for each displayed advertisement. These predictionmodels are trained on hundreds of terabytes of data withhundreds of billions of training samples . The data tends tobe very sparse (10-100 non-zero features) but at the sametime very high dimensional (up to 100 billion unique features[?, ?, ?]).

In the context of scalable, distributed machine learning,there are thus multiple dimensions of scalability which areof particular interest:

Page 2: Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning · Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning Christoph Boden, Andrea Spina, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl

1. Scaling the Data: scaling the training of (super-vised) machine learning models to extremely large datasets (in terms of the number of observations contained)is probably the most well established notion of scalabil-ity in this context as it has been shown that even sim-ple models can outperform more complex approacheswhen trained on sufficiently large data sets [?, ?].

2. Scaling the Model Size: many large scale machinelearning problems exhibit very high dimensionality. Forexample, classification algorithms that draw on textualdata can easily contain 100 million dimensions or more,models for click-through rate prediction for online ad-vertisements can reach up to 100 billion dimensions[?]. For these use cases, being able to efficiently han-dle high dimensional models is a crucial requirementas well.

3. Scaling the Number of Models: To tune hyper-parameters many models with sightly different param-eters are usually trained in parallel.

Ideally a system suited for scalable machine learning shouldefficiently support all three of these dimensions. Howeversince scaling the number of models to be trained in parallelis essentially an embarrassingly parallel problem1, we focuson the first two aspects: scaling the data and scaling themodel dimensionality in our experiments.

We introduce a representative set of distributed machinelearning algorithms suitable for large scale distributed set-tings which have close resemblance to industry-relevant ap-plications and provide generalizable insights into system per-formance. We implement mathematically equivalent ver-sions of these algorithms in Apache Flink and Apache Spark,tune relevant system parameters and run a comprehensiveset of experiments to assess their performance. Additionallywe explore efficient single-node and single threaded imple-mentations of these machine learning algorithms in order toinvestigate the overhead incurred due to the use of the JVMand Scala as well as the distributed setting and to put thescalability results into perspective as has been suggested by[?].

Contrary to existing Benchmarks, which assess the per-formance of Flink, Spark or Hadoop with non representativeworkloads such as WordCount, Grep or Sort, we evaluate theperformance of these systems for scalable machine learningalgorithms.

Contributions. In order to solve problem of how to ob-jectively and robustly assess and compare the performanceof distributed data processing platforms for machine learn-ing workloads, we present the following major contributions:

1. We present a Distributed Machine Learning Bench-mark for distributed data analytics systems, an in-depth description of the individual algorithms, metricsand experiments to assess the performance and scala-bility characteristics of the systems for representative

1We do acknowledge that there exists significant optimiza-tion potential in this dimension as well, as has recently beenpointed out by Kumar et al Model Selection Management[?]. However, this requires the adaption if not redesign ofthe data processing systems and is thus out of the scope ofthis paper

machine learning workloads as well as a detailed anal-ysis and discussion of a comprehensive experimentalevaluations.

2. To ensure reproducibility we provide our benchmarkalgorithms on top of Apache Flink and Apache Sparkas open-source software implemented using the Peelframework [?] for defining and executing experimentsfor distributed systems and algorithms. By providingsimple reference implementations of a small set of corealgorithms, we want to make it easier for new software-frameworks to compare themselves to existing frame-works.

3. The results of our experimental evaluation indicatethat while being able to robustly scale with increasingdata set sizes, current state of the art data flow sys-tems such as Apache Spark or Apache Flink strugglewith the efficient execution of machine learning algo-rithms on high dimensional data, an issue which clearlydeserves further investigation.

2. OUTLINEThe rest of this paper is structured as follows: in Section 3

we provide the necessary systems background about ApacheSpark and Apache Flink as well as important parametersthat have to be set and tuned in each system. in Section 4 wepresent a detailed discussion of the chosen machine learningworkloads and their implementations in the data flow sys-tems. Section 5 introduces the metrics and experiments thatconstitute the Benchmark and Section 6 provides concreteresults and a discussion of the comprehensive experimentalevaluation of the benchmark workloads and systems underevaluation. In Section 7 we discuss related work in the areaof benchmarking distributed data processing systems beforewe conclude and summarize our findings in Section 8

3. SYSTEMS BACKGROUNDIn this section we provide a brief overview of the differ-

ent systems under evaluation as well as relevant parametersettings.

3.1 Apache SparkApache Spark is a distributed big data analytics frame-

work centered around the concept of Resilient DistributedDatasets (RDDs)[?]. A RDD is a distributed memory ab-straction in the form of a read-only collection of objectspartitioned across a set of machines that can be rebuilt if apartition is lost, thus providing fault tolerance.

RDDs provide an interface based on transformations (e.g.,map(), filter() or join ()) and actions. Transformationson RDDs are lazily evaluated, thus computed only whenneeded e.g. by an action and can be pipelined. RDD ac-tions (e.g. count(), reduce()) trigger the computation andthus execution of transformations on RDDs. Fault toleranceis provided by logging the transformations used to build adataset (its lineage) rather than the actual data. If a par-tition of an RDD is lost, the RDD has enough informationabout how it was derived from other RDDs to recomputejust that partition. Whenever a user runs an action onan RDD, the Spark scheduler examines that RDD’s lineagegraph to build a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of so calledstages to execute.

Page 3: Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning · Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning Christoph Boden, Andrea Spina, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl

Users can control two main aspects of RDDs: persistenceand partitioning: Users can indicate which RDDs they willreuse and would thus like to persist in memory and choosea StorageLevel for them (e.g., MemoryOnly). Spark keepspersistent RDDs in memory by default, but it can spill themto disk if there is not enough RAM. Users can also force acustom partitioning to be applied to an RDD, based on akey in each record.

3.2 Apache FlinkApache Flink, formerly known as Stratosphere [?, ?], is

essentially a streaming data flow engine designed to processboth stream and batch workloads. The batch processingpart is centered around the concept of a DataSet - a dis-tributed collection comprising the elements of the data setto be processed. Users can specify functional transforma-tions on these DataSets e.g. map(), fiter(), reduce().

Flink programs are also executed lazily: the data loadingand transformations do not happen immediately. Rather,each operation is created and added to the program’s plan.The operations are only executed when one of the execute()methods is invoked on the ExecutionEnvironment object.

Analogous to query optimization in databases, the pro-gram is transformed to a logical plan and then compiledand optimized by a cost-based optimizer, which automati-cally chooses an execution strategy for the program based onvarious parameters such as data size or number of machinesin the cluster. The final physical plan is then scheduledand executed by the distributed streaming data flow engine,which is capable of pipelining the data.

Apache Flink does not allow the user to specify DataSets

to be cached in memory, but it does provide its very own na-tive iterations operator, for specifying iterative algorithms.The Flink optimizer detects this and adds caching operatorsto the physical plan, ensuring that loop-invariant data is notre-read from the distributed file system in each iteration. Incontrast, Spark implements iterations as regular for-loopsand executes them by loop unrolling.

3.3 Parameter Configuration






0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1




in M



Data Set Size (linear scaling factor)





Figure 1: L2 regularized logistic regression trainingin Apache Spark with increasing data set size fora fixed number of nodes and different RDD Stor-ageLevels.

While Apache Flink and Spark are both data flow sys-tems, the architecture and configuration settings that haveto be set and potentially tuned by the user differ quite sub-stantially between the two systems.

Parallelism. In a Flink cluster, each node runs a TaskMan-

ager with a fixed number of processing slots, generally pro-portional the number of available CPUs per node. Flinkexecutes a program in parallel by splitting it into subtasksand scheduling these subtasks to individual processing slots.Once set, the number of slots serves as the maximum of pos-sible parallel tasks and is used as the default parallelism ofall operators. We follow the Flink recommendation2 andset the number of task slots equal to the number of coresavailable in the cluster. This generally triggers an initial re-partitioning phase in a job, as the number of HDFS blocksis rarely equivalent to the desired number of subtasks.

In Spark, each worker node runs Executors with the abil-ity to run executor.cores number of tasks concurrently.The actual degree of parallelism (number of tasks per stage)is furthermore determined by the number of partitions ofthe RDD (number of HDFS blocks the input data set bydefault), where the resulting parallelism is given by:

min (numExecutors× coresPerExecutor, numPartitions)

Following the Spark recommendation3 we set executor.coresequal to the number of cpu cores available in the cluster andset the parallelism (number of RDD partitions) to 3 timesthe number of CPU cores available in the cluster.

Caching. Contrary to Flink, Spark allows for the explicitcaching of RDDs in Memory. For this, the user can chooseone of four different Storage Levels:MEMORY_ONLY stores the RDD as deserialized Java objects

in the JVM. If the RDD does not fit in memory, some par-titions will not be cached and will be recomputed on the flyeach time they are needed.MEMORY_AND_DISK stores the RDD as deserialized Java ob-

jects in the JVM. However, if the RDD does not fit in mem-ory, partitions that do not fit are stored on disk, and readfrom there when ever they are needed.MEMORY_ONLY_SERIALIZED: the RDD is stored as serialized

Java objects (one byte array per partition). This is gener-ally more space-efficient than deserialized objects but moreCPU-intensive to read.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SERIALIZED: the RDD is stored as seri-

alized Java objects (one byte array per partition), but par-titions that do not fit into memory are spilled to disk in-stead of recomputing them on the fly each time they areneeded. Note that since the partitions which are spilled todisk are also written out in serialized form, the disk footprintis smaller than in the MEMORY_AND_DISK case.

In order to understand the impact of the different StorageLevels for a typical machine learning workload, we run teniterations of gradient descent training of a l2 regularizedlogistic regression model (details in Section 4) on the criteodata set (details in Section 5.4) for different StorageLevel

settings on 30 compute nodes (details in Section 5.3).Figure 1 shows the runtime results of our evaluation for in-

creasing input data set sizes.It is apparent, that the RDDs


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no longer fit into the combined memory of the cluster forthe two non-serialized StorageLevels above data set size0.2. Performance significantly degrades, as partitions thatdo not fit into memory have to be re-read from disk orre-computed, where re-computation (MEMORY_ONLY) seemsto be more expensive than re-reading partitions from disk(MEMORY_AND_DISK). The two serialized strategies show sig-nificantly better performance after a data set size of 0.2, asthe serialized RDD partitions are more compact and stillfit into the combined memory up until a data set size of0.6. Beyond this point, partitions have to be re-read fromdisk or re-computed as well, where once again the Stor-

ageLevel relying on re-reading partitions from disk per-forms slightly better than the one that recomputes parti-tions that do not fit into memory. Based on these resultswe chose (MEMORY_ONLY_SERIALIZED) as the StorageLevel

for all subsequent benchmark experiments. It consistentlyoutperforms all other ones, except for very small data setsizes (data set size 0.1-0.2) where it still shows comparableperformance to the non-serialized StorageLevels.

Apache Flink does not allow the user to cache DataSets

explicitly, but provides a native iteration operator whichprompts the optimizer to cache the data. We thus imple-mented all benchmark algorithms with this operator.

Buffers. Network buffers are a critical resource of thecommunication. They are used to buffer records beforetransmission over a network, and to buffer incoming databefore dissecting it into records and handing them to theapplication. In Flink the user can adjust both the numberand size of the buffers. While Flink suggests4 to use theapproximately

numCores2 × numMachines× 4

buffers, we encountered that a higher setting is advisably formachine learning workloads.

Serialization By default, Spark serializes objects usingthe java serialization framework, however Spark can alsouse the Kryo library to serialize objects more quickly whenclasses are registered. Flink on the other hand comes with itsown custom serialization framework which attempts to as-sess the data type of user objects with help of the Scala com-piler. and represent it via TypeInformation. Each TypeIn-

formation provides a serializer for the data type it repre-sents. For any data type that cannot be identified as anothertype, Flink returns a serializer that delegates serialization toKryo.

In order to ensure a fair assessment of the Systems undertest, decided to force both systems to use Kryo as a serial-izer and provided custom serialization routines for the datapoints in both Spark and Flink.

4. BENCHMARK WORKLOADSIn this section we outline the main algorithms that con-

stitute the benchmark workloads. As was laid out in theintroduction, our goal is to provided a fair and insightfulBenchmark which reflects the requirements of real-world ma-chine learning applications that are deployed in productionand generates meaningful results.


4.1 Supervised learningThe goal in supervised learning is to learn a function fw

which can accurately predict the labels y ∈ Y for data pointsx ∈ X given a set of labeled training examples (xi, yi). Theactual task of learning a model is to fit the parameters wof the function fw based on the training data and a lossfunction l (fw (x) , y). To avoid overfitting, a regularizationterm Ω (w) that captures the model complexity is added tothe objective. Different parametrizations of the componentsfw, l (fw (x) , y) and Ω (w) yield quite a variety of differ-ent supervised learning algorithms including SVMs, LASSOand RIDGE regression as well as logistic regression. For theimportant problem of click-through rate prediction for on-line advertisements, algorithms such as regularized logisticregression are still the method of choice [?, ?].

Solvers. The most commonly used loss functions happento be both convex and differentiable, which guarantees theexistence of a minimizer w. It also enables the application ofbatch gradient-descent (BGD) as a solver. This algorithmperforms the following step using the gradient of the lossuntil convergence:

w′ = w −

λ ∂

∂wΩ (w) +

∑(x,y)∈(X,Y )

∂wl (fw (x) , y)

We choose and implemented this solver, because it actuallyrepresents the data flow and I/O footprint exhibited by awide variety of (potentially more complex) optimization al-gorithms such as L-BFGS [?] or TRON [?].5

Implementation Rather than depending on existing ma-chine learning library implementations, we implement alllearning algorithms from scratch, in order to ensure thatwe analyze the performance of the underlying systems andnot implementation details. As a common linear algebraabstraction we use the Breeze library 6 for numerical pro-cessing.

In Flink we implement the batch gradient descent asMapPartition functions, which compute the individual BGDupdates and pre-aggregate partial sums of gradients, whichare ultimately summed up in a global reduce step. Thisturns out to be the more performant alternative to usinga map() to compute the gradients and summing them upin a subsequent reduce() step during experimental evalua-tion (See Figure 2). To efficiently iterate over the trainingdata set, we utilize Flink’s batch iterate() operator, whichfeeds data back from the last operator in the iterative partof the data flow to the first operator in the iterative part ofthe data flow and thus attempts keep loop-invariant data inmemory. The modelt vector is distributed to the individualtasks a broadcast variable.

In Spark we leverage the TreeAggregate() to perform thebatch gradient descent computation and update, aggregat-ing the partial updates in a multi-level tree pattern. Themodel vector is also distributed to the individual tasks as abroadcast variable. This turnes out to be more robust for

5The recently proposed algorithm HOGWILD! [?] suggestsasynchronous stochastic gradient descent (SGD) solvers im-plemented without any locking but rather permitting con-flicting model updates still converge and thus provide a moreperformant alternative to batch-type solvers. However nei-ther Apache Spark nor Apache Flink are able to train modelsasynchronously, thus we do not consider this approach.6

Page 5: Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning · Benchmarking Data Flow Systems for Scalable Machine Learning Christoph Boden, Andrea Spina, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl

higher dimensionalities than a MapPartition implementa-tion and more performant than a map() - reduce() imple-mentation (See Figure 2).

4.2 Unsupervised learningFor unsupervised learning we choose to implement the

popular k-means clustering algorithm, which solves the fol-lowing objective:




||xi − µj | |2

with the heuristic where k cluster centers are sampled fromthe data set, the distance to each of these centroids, where µj

is the centroid of the j-th cluster, is computed for each datapoint, every data point is assigned to its closest centroids,and the centroids subsequently updated. While also exhibit-ing the iterative nature like the supervised learning work-load, k-means evaluates the effectiveness of the reduceByKey()operator in Flink and the groupBy() and reduce() opera-tor in Spark. Furthermore k-means is part of most relatedwork.


In this Section, we present the data generation strategies,data sets, experiments and measurements that constitutethe Benchmark. Furthermore we provide the specification ofthe hardware we relied upon for our experimental evaluation.

5.1 ScalabilityTraditionally, in the context of high performance comput-

ing (HPC), scalability is evaluated in two different notions:Strong Scaling: is defined as how the runtime of an

algorithm varies with the number of nodes for a fixed totalproblem size.

Weak Scaling: is defined as how the runtime of an algo-rithm varies with the number of nodes for a fixed problemsize per node, thus a data size proportional to the numberof nodes.

While these metrics have their merit in the evaluation ofscalability of distributed algorithms on distributed systems,when it comes to scaling machine learning algorithms on dis-tributed systems for real world uses cases, two other aspectsbecome the primary concern, namely:

Scaling the Data: How does the algorithm runtime be-have when the size of the data (number of data points) in-creases?

Scaling the Model: How does the algorithm runtimebehave when the size of the model (number of dimensions)increases?

The main motivation for introducing distributed process-ing systems into production environments is usually the abil-ity to robustly scale an application with a growing produc-tion workload (e.g. growing user base), by simply addingmore hardware nodes. However in the short run, the hard-ware setup is usually fixed (assuming an on-premise solu-tion). We thus need to introduce two new experiments toadequately capture the desired scaling dimensions data andmodel :

Experiment 1: Production Scaling: Measure the run-time for training a model while varying the size of the train-ing data set for a fixed cluster setup (model size fixed)

criteo part num data points raw size in GBday0 195,841,983 46.35day1 199,563,535 47.22day2 196,792,019 46.56day3 181,115,208 42.79day5 172,548,507 40.71day6 204,846,845 48.50total 1,150,708,097 272.14

Table 1: Subset of the criteo data set used in theexperiments.

Experiment 2: Model Dimensionality Scaling: Mea-sure the runtime for training a model on a fixed size clustersetup (training data set size fixed)

In practice the ability to scale the number of modelsi.e. to evaluate different hyperparameter settings is also arelevant dimension, however since this is essentially an em-barrassingly parallel task, we consider it outside the scopeof this benchmark.

5.2 Absolute Runtime and COST.Next to analyzing the scalability properties of the systems

under test, we also measure and report the absolute runtimesfor a fixed data set size and compare these to the runtime ofsingle machine and single threaded implementations. McSh-erry [?] introduced a new metric, called COST - theConfiguration that Outperforms a Single Thread), that de-scribes the point when a distributed solution outperforms a(competent) single threaded implementation. 7 Motivatedby this example, we also consider efficient single threadedimplementations of supervised machine learning algorithmsas s COST baseline, thereby providing a COST metric formachine learning algorithms. We choose the LibLinear8

solver as an efficient C++ single thread implementation.Experiment 3: Measure the runtime for training a model

while varying the number of machines and model size (keep-ing the size of the training data set and ) as well as theruntime of a competent single-threaded implementation

Model Quality. As we focus on the training phase tocompare the performance, we validate that the predictionaccuracy as well as the resulting model weights of the im-plementations is identical across systems in a separate test.However we do consider this to be a prerequisite for theabove mentioned experiments and not an actual part of theBenchmark.

5.3 Cluster Hardware.We run our supervised and unsupervised learning bench-

mark experiments on the following homogeneous cluster nodes:Quadcore Intel Xeon CPU E3-1230 V2 3.30GHz CPU with

8 hyperthreads, 16 GB RAM, 3x1TB hard disks (linux soft-ware RAID0) which are connected via 1 GBit Ethernet NICvia a HP 5412-92G-PoE+-4G v2 zl switch.

5.4 Data Sets.7The authors show on the example of several graph algo-rithms, that a single threaded implementation can com-pete and, when optimized, often outperform distributedframeworks. They therefore motivate to provide an singlethreaded implementation when benchmarking distributedsystems.8

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We rely on generated data for the unsupervised learningexperiments. We sample 100 dimensional data from k Gaus-sian distributions and add uniform random noise to the data,similar to the data generation for k-means in Mahout[?] andHiBench[?].

For the supervised learning experiments, we use parts ofthe Criteo Click Logs9 data set. This dataset contains fea-ture values and click feedback for millions of display adsdrawn from a portion of Criteo’s traffic over a period of24 days. Its purpose is to benchmark algorithms for click-through rate (CTR) prediction. It consists of 13 numericand 26 categorical features. In its entirety, the data setspawns about 4 billion data points, has a size of 1.5 TB .Our experiments are based on days 0,1,2,3,5 and 6 of thedata set.

As a pre-processing step we expand the categorical fea-tures in the data set using the hashing trick. The hashingtrick vectorizes the categorical variables by applying a hashfunction to the feature values and using the hash values asindices. Potential collisions do not significantly reduce ac-curacy in practice, they certainly do not alter the computa-tional footprint of the training algorithm. This allows us tocontrol the dimensionality of the training data set via thesize of the length of the vector to be hashed into. Experi-ments with fixed dimensionality were executed for d = 1000.The subset based on days 0,1,2,3,5 and 6 results in a dataset of roughly 530 GB in size, when hashed to 1000 dimen-sions. As collisions become less likely with higher dimen-sional hash vectors, the data set sizes increases slightly withhigher dimensionality. However since the data set size is al-ways identical for all systems, this effect does not perturbour findings. Different data set sizes have been generatedby sub- und super-sampling the data. A scaling factor of1.0 refers to the criteo subset as presented in Table 1 whichcontains about 1.15 billion data points.


In this section we present the results of our experimentalevaluation of the presented systems for the different bench-mark workloads. We ran all experiments using Flink 1.0.3and Spark 1.6.2 in stand-alone mode.

6.1 Supervised Learning

6.1.1 Production ScalingFigure 2 shows the runtimes for 5 iterations of batch gra-

dient descent learning of a l2 regularized logistic regres-sion model. We evaluate different implementation strate-gies (MapReduce, MapPartition and TreeAggregate) as in-troduced in Section 4.1 in both Spark and Flink. We mea-sure the runtime for different data set sizes by scaling thecriteo data set, which was hashed to 1000 dimensions.

While Flink strives to be declarative and to delegate thechoice of physical execution plans to the optimizer, thisexperiment clearly shows that even for simple workloadssuch as batch gradient descent, the choice of implementa-tion strategy matters and has a noticeable effect on per-formance for both Spark and Flink. Users must thus stillbe aware of the performance implications of implementation













0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4




in M



Data Set Size (linear scaling factor)

Spark MapPartition

Spark MapReduce

Spark TreeAggregate

Flink MapPartition

Flink MapReduce

Figure 2: Production Scaling Experiment: We mea-sure the runtime of different implementation strate-gies for l2 regularized logistic regression on a fixedset of 23 nodes for linearly growing data set sizeswith 1000 dimensions.








0 5 10 15 20 25




in M



Number of Nodes

Apache Spark

Apache Flink

Figure 3: Strong Scaling for different implementa-tions of l2 regularized logistic regression in Sparkand Flink for 1000 dimensions and 530 GB.

choices in order to efficiently implement scalable machinelearning algorithms on these data flow systems. It can beseen that the MapPartition based implementations, whichpre-aggregate the partial gradient sums in the user code, aswell as the TreeAggregate implementation in Spark outper-form the MapReduce based implementation which rely on thesystem to place combiners on map outputs to efficiently ag-gregate the individual gradients. The slightly worse perfor-mance of Flink is due to unfortunate use of a newer versionof the Kryo library, leading to constant re-building of cachedfields for the Breeze SparseVectors, which are aggregated inthe reduce phase. Overall however, all implementations onall systems show the desired scaling behaviour and exhibitlinearly increasing runtime with increasing data set sizes. Itis also noteworthy that both Spark and Flink show seamlessout-of-core performance as the data set is scaled from mod-erate 230 million up to about 4.6 billion data points. Weobserve no performance degradation as the data set growsbeyond the size of the combined main memory of the 23

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0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000



e in




Dimensionality of the Model

Flink smal data set (0.2)

Flink large data set (0.8)

Spark small data set (0.2)

Spark large data set (0.8)

Figure 4: Scaling the Model: Runtimes for traininga l2 regularized logistic regression model of differentdimensions on 20 nodes. Results shown for two dif-ferent data set sizes: small (about the size of mainmemory) and large (significantly larger than mainmemory).

compute nodes (which would be the case beyond a scalingfactor of 0.5).

6.1.2 Strong ScalingFigure 3 shows the results of our strong scaling experi-

ments for the batch gradient descent workload for the criteodata set hashed to 1000 dimensions. Figures 6 and 7 showthe performance details for a run with 25 nodes and Figures8 and 9 for a run with three nodes. It is evident that whileFlink tends to run faster on smaller cluster configurations,Spark has a slight edge on settings with many machines.The resource consumption shows that on three nodes, bothsystem have to re-read significant portions of the data setin each iteration. However starting at about ten nodes, theamount of data read from disk per iteration continuouslydecreases in Spark, while it remains more or less constant inFlink. In the run with with 25 nodes depicted in Figures 6and 7, Spark reads almost no data from disk at all, allowingfor much higher CPU utilization compared to Flink, whichis still I/O bound. This is most likely due to the differentarchitecture with respect to memory management. WhileSpark schedules the tasks for each iteration separately, Flinkactually instantiates the entire pipeline of operators in theplan a-priori and spreads the available memory amongstall memory consuming operators (reducers), leaving signifi-cantly less of the physically available main memory for theiterative computation than in Spark. In the highly resource-constrained setting of 2 or 3 nodes Flink’s memory manage-ment and robust out of core performance actually leads tosuperior performance compared to Spark though. In gen-eral, both systems show the desired scaling behaviour whichensures that growing production workloads can be handledby adding more compute nodes, if the need arises.

6.1.3 Scaling Model Dimensionality.As was described in the introduction, supervised learning

models in production are not only trained on very sparsedata set of massive size, but also tend to have a very high










10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000100000000 1E+09




in M



Dimensionality of Model

LibLinear (Single Thread)

Spark 1 Node (4 Cores)

Flink 1 Node (4 Cores)

Spark 2 Nodes (8 Cores)

Flink 2 Nodes (8 Cores)

Figure 5: COST: Runtimes for training a l2 regular-ized logistic regression model of different dimensionsdifferent amounts of nodes for a small sub-sample(approx. 4GB) of the criteo data set compared to asingle threaded implementation (LibLinear).

dimensionality. As it is computed from the sum of the sparsegradients of all data points, the model is always a DenseVec-

tor whose size is directly proportional to its dimensionality.In order to evaluate how well the systems can handle highdimensional DenseVectors, which have to be broadcastedafter each iteration, we generate data sets of different di-mensionality via adjusting the feature hashing in the pre-processing step. Figure 4 show the result of these experi-ments for two different data set sizes (a scaling factor of 0.2and 0.8 of the criteo data set) for both Spark and Flink on20 nodes. While the smaller data set has a total size com-parable to the combined main memory of the 20 nodes, thelarger version is significantly larger than main memory thusforcing the system to go out of core.

For the smaller data set (lower curves) both systems tendto exhibit rather similar performance for lower model di-mensionalities, however Spark runs become more and moreunstable, frequently failing starting at 5 million dimensions.We did not manage to successfully run Spark jobs for modelswith more than 8 million dimensions at all, since Spark failsdue to a lack of memory. Flink on the other hand robustlyscales to 10 million dimensions.

The situation becomes significantly worse for the largerdata set: Spark runtimes are severely longer that Flink’s,and Spark does not manage to train models beyond 6 mil-lion dimensions at all. Given the importance of being ableto train models with at least 100 million if not billions ofdimensions [?, ?, ?], this is a dissatisfying result. It seemsthe Broadcast Variable feature was simply not designed orintended to handle truly large objects.

6.1.4 Comparison to single threaded implementation(COST)

In order to gain an understanding of the performance ofthe distributed systems Spark and Flink compares to stateof the art single core implementations we run experimentswith the LibLinear solver 10, which provides a highly opti-mized single threaded C++ implementation. As this solver

10 cjlin/liblinear/

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Figure 6: Performance Details for Flink on 25 nodes(Strong Scaling) (blue = total, yellow = read/sent)

Figure 7: Performance Details for Spark on 25 nodes(Strong Scaling)

is limited to data sets which fit into the main memory of amachine, we generate a smaller version of the criteo data setcontaining almost 10 million data points with dimensional-ities ranging from 10 to 1,000,000,000. Figure 5 shows theruntime for 10 iterations of LibLinear training. To compare,we also run the Spark and Flink Solvers on one and two coreson these smaller data sets. It is apparent that while the run-times for Spark and Flink are larger on one node (which hasfour cores), both systems run faster than LibLinear with twonodes (or 8 cores). It can thus be assessed that the hard-ware configuration required before the systems outperforma competent single-threaded implementation (COST) is be-tween 4 and 8 cores. That is significantly less than observedfor graph mining workloads by McSherry et al. [?]. A pos-sible explanation could be that the ratio of computation tocommunication is much higher in ML workloads comparedto graph processing workloads.

However, we were not able to successfully train modelswith 100 million dimensions in both Flink and Spark, eventhough the data set is significantly smaller than the mainmemory of even one node. Furthermore, we observe a strong

Figure 8: Performance Details for Flink on 3 nodes(Strong Scaling)

Figure 9: Performance Details for Spark on 3 nodes(Strong Scaling)

increase in runtime for 1 and 10 million dimensions for bothSpark and Flink. This reemphasizes the observation of thedimensionality scaling experiment, that both data flow sys-tems struggle to handle train truly large models due to ap-parent limitations in their support for large broadcast vari-ables.

6.2 Unsupervised LearningIn order to evaluate the effectiveness of the reduceByKey()

operator in Flink and the groupBy() and reduce() operatorin Spark, we conduct both strong scaling and productionscaling experiments with the unsupervised learning work-load k-means. The production scaling experiments in Fig-ure 11 show that the runtime of both Spark and Flink lin-early increases with the data set size. Furthermore bothSystems show no performance degradation once the data setdoes not fit into main memory anymore, but rather grace-fully scale out-of-core. The strong scaling experiments inFigure 10 appear to confirm the observation already appar-ent for supervised learning workloads: Flink performs bet-

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35




in M



Number of Nodes

Apache Spark

Apache Flink

Figure 10: k-means Strong Scaling experiments forSpark and Flink in 200 GB of generated data with100 dimensions and k=10 clusters










0 200 400 600 800 1000




in M



Data Set Size in GB

Apache Spak (30 Nodes)

Apache Flink (30 Nodes)

Figure 11: k-means Production Scaling experimentsfor Spark and Flink on 30 nodes with k=30

ter for the resource-constrained setting with a few nodes,while Spark performs better once enough main memory isavailable due to the addition of compute nodes. This as-pect is also reflected in the production scaling experiment.Apache Flink’s approach to memory management: instanti-ating the entire pipeline a priori and distributing the avail-able memory amongst the memory-consuming operators ofthe pipeline seems to be able to cope better with limitedmain memory than Spark’s approach of separately schedul-ing each task.

7. RELATED WORK IN BENCHMARKINGIn the last years, several papers have been published on

the comparison and evaluation of distributed systems forvery specific workloads:

Cai et al. [?] present a benchmark of statistical machinelearning algorithms such as GMMs, HMMS and LDA onSpark, GraphLab, Giraph and SimSQL. They focus on userswho want to implement their own ML algorithms, and thusevaluate the ease of implementation and the absolute run-time of the systems. However, they do not focus on provid-

ing comprehensive scalability evaluations but rather detaileddiscussions of the implementation details of the hierarchicalstatistical models on the different systems. The results aremixed, since no system clearly outperforms the others inall evaluated dimensions. However, since they utilized thePython API of Spark and noticed in the end of the paper,that it provides substantially slower performance than theJAVA Api, the runtime results are not directly comparableto our experimental evaluation.

More closely related is the work by Shi et a. [?], whichpresents an experimental evaluation of Apache Spark andMapReduce for Large Scale Data Analytics. They considerthe workloads Word Count, Sort, K-Means and PageRank.Contrary to our approach, the authors rely on third partyimplementations in libraries (Mahout for MapReduce andSpark MLlib), so that it remains unclear if performance dif-ferences are due to algorithmic variations or the systemsthemselves. Furthermore, experiments were carried out ona cluster consisting of only four nodes, which is hardly thetargeted setup for deployments of both systems, thus in-sights gained from these experiments may not be applicablefor common setups.

In a very similar manner, Marcu et. al. [?] present aperformance analysis of the big data analytics frameworksApache Spark and Apache Flink, for the workloads WordCount, Grep, Terra Sort, K-Means, PageRank and Con-nected Components. Their results show, that while Sparkslightly outperforms Flink at Word Count and Grep, Flinkslightly outperforms Spark at k-means, Terra Sort and thegraph algorithms PageRank and Connected Components. Con-trary to our approach, the paper only considers simple work-loads and does not evaluate distributed machine learningalgorithms with respect to the crucial aspect of model di-mensionality.

In a very similar manner, Marcu et. al. [?] presentyet another performance evaluation of the systems ApacheFlink, Spark and Hadoop. Contrary to our work they purelyrely on existing library and example implementations for theworkloads Word Count, Grep, Terra Sort, K-Means, PageRank and Connected Components. Their results confirmthat while Spark slightly outperforms Flink at Word Countand Grep, Flink outperforms Spark at the graph algorithmsPageRank and Connected Components. However, contraryto the findings of [?], Spark outperforms Flink for the k-means workload. An observation which our findings confirmwhich are most likely due to improvements in Spark 1.6.1.(e.g. project Tungsten)which were not present in the Sparkversion used in [?].

8. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper we presented a comprehensive Benchmark

to evaluate and assess data flow systems for distributed ma-chine learning applications. The Benchmark comprises dis-tributed optimization algorithms for supervised learning aswell as algorithms for unsupervised learning. We motivatedand described different experiments for evaluating the scal-ability of distributed data processing systems for all the as-pects that arise when executing large scale machine learningalgorithms. Next to Strong Scaling and Production Scalingexperiments which asses the systems ability for scaling thedata set size, we also introduced Model Dimensionality Scal-ing and COST experiments to evaluate the ability to scalewith growing model dimensionality.

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Our comprehensive experimental evaluation of differentimplementations in Spark and Flink on up to 4.6 billiondata points revealed both systems scale robustly with grow-ing data set sizes. However, the choice of implementationstrategy has a noticeable impact on performance, requir-ing users to carefully choose physical execution strategieswhen implementing machine learning algorithms on thesedata flow systems.

When it comes to scaling the model dimensionality how-ever, Spark fails to train models beyond a size of 6 milliondimensions. Both systems did not manage to train a modelwith 100 million dimensions even on a small data set. Fi-nally, experiments with a state of the art single threadedimplementation showed, that two nodes (8 cores) are a suf-ficient hardware configuration to outperform a competentsingle-threaded implementation.

Since being able to train models with hundreds of mil-lions if not billions of dimensions is a crucial requirement inpractice, these results are unsatisfactory. ParameterServerarchitectures [?] may pose a viable alternative, as they havebeen shown to scale to very high dimensionalities. However,they require asynchronous algorithms, which usually onlyapproximate optimal solutions. Furthermore the significantcommunication cost associated with this approach is alsoa challenge [?]. It thus remains an open challenge to pro-vide an adequate solution to the problem of robustly andefficiently scaling distributed machine learning algorithmsboth: with respect to data set size and model dimensional-ity at the same time.

AcknowledgmentsThis work has been supported through grants by GermanMinistry for Education and Research as Berlin Big DataCenter BBDC (funding mark 01IS14013A).

We would like to acknowledge the valuable contributionsof Marcus Leich in performance debugging the Flink im-plementations, the fruitful recommendations of SebastianSchelter and Martin Jaggi as well as Andreas Kunft, Max-imilan Alber and Seven Dahne.

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