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Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered. Marilyn Monroe I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. Mother Teresa A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me. Abraham Lincoln Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama They say hard work never hurt anybody, but I figure why take the chance. Ronald Reagan Nobody can hurt me without my permission. Mohandas Gandhi Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you. Muhammad Ali Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. Mark Twain I don't have nothing to regret at all in the past, except that I might've unintentionally hurt somebody else or something. Jimi Hendrix Forget your personal tragedy. We are all bitched from the start and you especially have to be hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt, use it-don't cheat with it. Ernest Hemingway

Being a Sex Symbol is a Heavy Load to Carry

Nov 22, 2014



Ajay Singh
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Page 1: Being a Sex Symbol is a Heavy Load to Carry

Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered. Marilyn Monroe 

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. Mother Teresa 

A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me. Abraham Lincoln 

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama 

They say hard work never hurt anybody, but I figure why take the chance. Ronald Reagan 

Nobody can hurt me without my permission. Mohandas Gandhi 

Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you. Muhammad Ali 

Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. Mark Twain 

I don't have nothing to regret at all in the past, except that I might've unintentionally hurt somebody else or something. Jimi Hendrix 

Forget your personal tragedy. We are all bitched from the start and you especially have to be hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt, use it-don't cheat with it. Ernest Hemingway 

Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists. Michael Jackson 

There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt. 

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Erma Bombeck 

Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work thirteen times an hour, she can hurt you. Erma Bombeck 

The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing. Jim Rohn 

I don't believe in guilt, I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person, and don't judge people in your life. I think you should live completely free. Angelina Jolie 

Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. Rumi 

Only Americans can hurt America. Dwight D. Eisenhower 

Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die. Salvador Dali 

Two things scare me. The first is getting hurt. But that's not nearly as scary as the second, which is losing. Lance Armstrong 

Cruelty would be delicious if one could only find some sort of cruelty that didn't really hurt. George Bernard Shaw 

Figure skating is an unlikely Olympic event but its good television. It's sort of a combination of gymnastics and ballet. A little sexy too which doesn't hurt. Andy Rooney 

I'm inclined to think that a military background wouldn't hurt anyone. William Faulkner 

One of my sensory problems was hearing sensitivity, where certain loud noises, such as a

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school bell, hurt my ears. It sounded like a dentist drill going through my ears. Temple Grandin 

Research has shown that a barren environment is much more damaging to baby animals than it is to adult animals. It does not hurt the adult animals the same way it damages babies. Temple Grandin 

Forgive those who have hurt you. Les Brown 

If you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones. John Steinbeck 

I have never been hurt by what I have not said. Calvin Coolidge 

You know, I have found out in the course of a long public life that the things I did not say never hurt me. Calvin Coolidge 

If a university official's letter accusing a speaker of having a proclivity to commit speech crimes before she's given the speech - which then leads to Facebook postings demanding that Ann Coulter be hurt, a massive riot and a police-ordered cancellation of the speech - is not hate speech, then there is no such thing as hate speech. Ann Coulter 

I've never been in a place where winning has hurt the ability to do anything. Rahm Emanuel 

There is a wisdom in this beyond the rules of physic: a man's own observation what he finds good of and what he finds hurt of is the best physic to preserve health. Francis Bacon 

Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise. Francis Bacon 

Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill. Johnny Carson 

Commitments the voters don't know about can't hurt you. 

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Ogden Nash 

Let me say this as clearly as I can: No matter how sharp a grievance or how deep a hurt, there is no justification for killing innocents. William J. Clinton 

One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good. Jonathan Swift 

When my young men began the killing, my heart was hurt. Chief Joseph 

Being religious means asking passionately the question of the meaning of our existence and being willing to receive answers, even if the answers hurt. Paul Tillich 

Some Harvard guy said that acid would open our minds, pot wouldn't hurt us, and cocaine was benign. Chevy Chase 

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. Charles M. Schulz Being with a woman all night never hurt no professional baseball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in.Casey Stengel 

Because artists can be extremely eccentric and insane, and unfortunately, the people they hurt the most are the people that are closest to them. Maynard James Keenan 

We are like horses who hurt themselves as soon as they pull on their bits - and we bow our heads. We even lose consciousness of the situation, we just submit. Any re-awakening of thought is then painful. Simone Weil 

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Satchel Paige 

Airplanes may kill you, but they ain't likely to hurt you. Satchel Paige 

It scares you: all the noise, the rattling, the shaking. But the look on everybody's face when you're finished and packing, it's the best smile in the world; and there's nobody

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hurt, and the well's under control. Red Adair 

American stuntmen are smart - they think about safety. When they do a jump in a car, they calculate everything: the speed, the distance... But in Hong Kong, we don't know how to count. Everything we do is a guess. If you've got the guts, you do it. All of my stuntmen have gotten hurt. Jackie Chan 

Play fair. Don't hit people. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Robert Fulghum 

A stiff apology is a second insult... The injured party does not want to be compensated because he has been wronged; he wants to be healed because he has been hurt. Gilbert K. Chesterton 

We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality. Lucius Annaeus Seneca 

I did everything by the seat of my pants. That's why I got hurt so much. Evel Knievel 

Accept that all of us can be hurt, that all of us can and surely will at times fail. Other vulnerabilities, like being embarrassed or risking love, can be terrifying, too. I think we should follow a simple rule: if we can take the worst, take the risk. Joyce Brothers 

I think it's really important to find out why people hurt you or try to oppose you or whatever. Kathy Acker 

This is a tough game. There are times when you've got to play hurt, when you've got to block out the pain. Shaquille O'Neal 

I'm not going to hurt anybody other than that dick who keeps writing songs about me. Courtney Love 

It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious. Bill Hicks 

I tell kids that people will let them down and people will hurt them. But Jesus Christ will

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never let them down and never hurt them. Willie Aames 

What has happened at Guantanamo Bay... does not represent the will of the American people. I'm embarrassed about it, I think its wrong. I think it does give terrorists an unwarranted excuse to use the despicable means to hurt innocent people. Jimmy Carter 

For years Don Imus was just - boy, he was merciless in his criticism of me. Maybe it was justified, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. Dan Rather 

Happy is the man who has broken the chains which hurt the mind, and has given up worrying once and for all. Ovid With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt... because love is an amazing feeling. Britney Spears 

Movies are movies, and I don't think any of them are going to hurt the moral fiber of America and all that nonsense. Richard Pryor 

You see, we are here, as far as I can tell, to help each other; our brothers, our sisters, our friends, our enemies. That is to help each other and not hurt each other. Stevie Ray Vaughan 

I had the drink after I fell out of bed. It hurt. Liza Minnelli 

Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt. Jose Ortega y Gasset 

I want people to love me, but it's not going to hurt me if they don't.Drew Barrymore 

Actors have bodyguards and entourages not because anybody wants to hurt them - who would want to hurt an actor? - but because they want to get recognized. God forbid someone doesn't recognize them. James Caan 

Lotsa people want to hurt me. That's the price you pay for being a big mouth. Bill O'Reilly 

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I never hurt nobody but myself and that's nobody's business but my own. Billie Holiday 

It is human nature to hate the man whom you have hurt. Tacitus 

Love's an excuse to get hurt. Conor Oberst 

I don't hurt or want for visibility, but people seem to forget pretty easily. Gary Coleman 

I felt ashamed for what I had done. I don't have any excuses. I did what I did. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions. I wouldn't pawn this off on anybody. I'm sorry it happened. And I hurt people. Louie Anderson 

It never hurt Lenny Bruce's career to get arrested for swearing. It did back in the time, but he broke those doors down by doing the stuff that he believed in. Joe Rogan 

Dick Gregory was a great comedian who went and got arrested, did hunger strikes, protests. It never hurt his career to be outspoken. Joe Rogan 

I bet some of you feel sorry for me. Well don't. Having an artificial leg has its advantages. I've broken my right knee many times and it doesn't hurt a bit. Terry Fox 

I don't enjoy public performances and being up on a stage. I don't enjoy the glamour. Like tonight, I am up on stage and my feet hurt. Barbra Streisand 

A person who publishes a book willfully appears before the populace with his pants down. If it is a good book nothing can hurt him. If it is a bad book nothing can help him. Edna St. Vincent Millay 

Now I feel like whatever I do, no one can hurt me. I cannot be violated, I cannot be humiliated, I cannot be disregarded, I cannot be disrespected. Fiona Apple 

The base paths belonged to me, the runner. The rules gave me the right. I always went

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into a bag full speed, feet first. I had sharp spikes on my shoes. If the baseman stood where he had no business to be and got hurt, that was his fault. Ty Cobb 

If I have stepped on some people at times because I am at the top, it couldn't be helped. What should I do if someone gets hurt... retire? Maria Callas 

Because that's just the way it is, and don't sleep on what you did before, you know, because it can... not hurt you, but you can find yourself sleeping on something that happened in the past, but you dare to progress and there is always room for progression. Thierry Henry 

I was very blessed with a good body. Never got hurt. Never was in the hospital. The only time I was in the hospital was when I would get exhausted a little bit, and go in for a check-up or something. Willie Mays 

I understand why some kid in his bedroom in Wisconsin thinks downloading songs couldn't hurt anyone. True fans will buy the CD or go see the movie after downloading, but to say it doesn't affect anyone - come on. Rob Zombie 

People get hurt all the time in the game of football, it's part of what we do. Lawrence Taylor 

I've been asked about this constantly, and I compare it to how if you're walking down the street and some schizo guy comes up to you and vomits on you: You wouldn't be hurt by that, you'd just think it's weird. Chuck Klosterman 

I wanted to definitely be a musician or a good preacher or a heck of a baseball player. I couldn't play ball too good - I hurt my finger, and I stopped that. I couldn't preach, and well, all I had left was getting into the music thing. Muddy Waters 

For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness. Reba McEntire 

To fail is a natural consequence of trying, To succeed takes time and prolonged effort in the face of unfriendly odds. To think it will be any other way, no matter what you do, is to invite yourself to be hurt and to limit your enthusiasm for trying again. David Viscott 

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I wouldn't like to see a chick of mine taking her clothes off and kissing a fellow on screen. And my girls must get very hurt when they see me doing it. Oliver Reed 

I'm not a villain, I've never hurt anyone. I'm just a tawdry character who explodes now and again. Oliver Reed 

OK, it was black, it was below grade, I was female, Asian American, young, too young to have served. Yet I think none of the opposition in that sense hurt me. Maya Lin 

Maybe the Dalai Lama is the only person who is totally honest, and even with him, he's skillful not to hurt anybody. He's skillful. Richard Gere 

None of this was written to hurt anybody's feelings. Ric Flair 

No man is hurt but by himself. Diogenes of Sinope 

Of what use is a philosopher who doesn't hurt anybody's feelings? Diogenes of Sinope 

I'm free. I just do what I want, say what I want, say how I feel, and I don't try to hurt nobody. I just try to make sure that I don't compromise my art in any kind of way, and I think people respect that. Erykah Badu 

The worst thing about that kind of prejudice... is that while you feel hurt and angry and all the rest of it, it feeds you self-doubt. You start thinking, perhaps I am not good enough. Nina Simone 

The job of arguing with the umpire belongs to the manager, because it won't hurt the team if he gets thrown out of the game. Earl Weaver 

Before I fight, I always pray that no one gets hurt. Sugar Ray Leonard I think I've become one of the best finishers in boxing; if I hurt a guy, I normally take him

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out. Sugar Ray Leonard 

Being hurt personally triggered a curiosity about how such beliefs are formed. Philip Zimbardo 

Sanctions always hurt the poor, the weak, the children. Brian May 

I just like to catch fish, I don't care if it weighs half a pound or 10 pounds. But I can't do a lot of casting. I can work a jig or a worm. But not for long, especially if the big ones are biting. Those big bass will make it hurt after a while. Terry Bradshaw 

If I ever loved a woman, the more I loved her, the more I wanted to hurt her. Frida was only the most obvious victim of this disgusting trait. Diego Rivera 

I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something. Dick Butkus 

I'm not so mean. I wouldn't ever go out to hurt anybody deliberately - unless it was, you know, important, like a league game or something. Dick Butkus 

When I played pro football, I never set out to hurt anyone deliberately - unless it was, you know, important, like a league game or something. Dick Butkus 

Although a man may wear fine clothing, if he lives peacefully; and is good, self-possessed, has faith and is pure; and if he does not hurt any living being, he is a holy man. Denis Diderot 

There are worse words than cuss words, there are words that hurt. Tillie Olsen 

Knowing what paint a painter uses or having an understanding of where he was in the history of where he came from doesn't hurt your appreciation of the painting. Jodie Foster 

Do not suppress it - that would hurt you inside. Do not express it - this would not only

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hurt you inside, it would cause ripples in your surroundings. What you do is transform it. Peace Pilgrim 

My first quote was, I don't want to hurt God's people. Jim Bakker's quote was, I was set up by a female. Jessica Hahn 

I kept quiet for eight years. I did not want to hurt the church. Jessica Hahn 

Maybe I'll learn how, but the only thing I can do is turn down parts that would hurt my conscience. Victoria Jackson 

My mother was watching on television and she doesn't want me to hurt anyone. George Foreman 

I just like the continue doing what I've been doing. A melange of funny, straight drama, television, movies, a little theater here and there wouldn't hurt. So if I can keep doing that, I'll be a very happy person. Mary Tyler Moore 

I would have to say that looked like it hurt. Adam Savage 

I'd like to grow up and be beautiful. I know it doesn't matter, but it doesn't hurt. Kirsten Dunst 

I didn't really feel I was being hurt, but you could feel it. David Gest 

I really didn't mean to hurt anybody. I liked John Lennon. Mark David Chapman 

When you can't remember why you're hurt, that's when you're healed. Jane Fonda 

I see so much more than I used to see. The effect has been to depress and sadden and hurt me terribly. Zane Grey 

Perhaps my information hurt the Soviet Union more than it helped. I have no idea. It was not something I ever discussed with the KGB officers that I was dealing with. 

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Aldrich Ames 

But when I lose my temper, I find it difficult to forgive myself. I feel I've failed. I can be calm in a crisis, in the face of death or things that hurt badly. I don't get hysterical, which may be masochistic of me. Emma Thompson 

I have reason to be shy. I've been hurt plenty. Ethel Waters 

I probably played hurt a lot more times than I should have. Merlin Olsen 

You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well. Lewis B. Smedes 

Everyone makes a greater effort to hurt other people than to help himself. Alexis Carrel 

It is my belief that it is not the fact that he traveled as much as he did during the past few months as much as what he said and how he said it that hurt him. Robert Teeter 

Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again. Rosa Parks 

It's always difficult to play a scene of physical violence because you're always afraid that you don't know your own strength and might hurt someone. Catherine Deneuve 

My personal life was fair game. And that's what hurt me. Marla Maples 

I think it hurt my performance because I stopped being me. That won't ever happen again. Christopher Darden 

Your weak point is the open, vulnerable place where you can always be hurt. Love, in all its aspects, opens the self so fully. Jeanette Winterson 

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It seems like such a terrible shame that innocent civilians have to get hurt in wars, otherwise combat would be such a wonderfully healthy way to rid the human race of unneeded trash. Fred Woodworth 

I do not hold with those who think it is all right to do whatever you want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Who's to be the judge of that? Loretta Young 

It's more than a job. It's very personal, so when you're hurt, you're really hurt inside. Charlotte Gainsbourg 

You generally hear that what a man doesn't know doesn't hurt him, but in business what a man doesn't know does hurt. Gerald Brenan 

People say that to me and I think what unites all my characters is that they are hurt; it's most accurate to say I play characters that are hurt but are responding to their environment. Ashley Judd 

I was in love with someone very much, but he didn't love me and never would. I had a very difficult time accepting that. But I had hurt him very much, and I could see why he could never love me. Susan Smith 

It's like why people read scary books or go see scary movies. Because it creates a distance. They're scared, but they're not going to get hurt. Vincent D'Onofrio 

Well, when I think of steroids I think of an image. You have the advantage over someone, which is a form of cheating. I guess it wouldn't be right unless it was legal for everybody. Reason it's not legal for everybody is because it can hurt people seriously. Evander Holyfield 

For example I don't work with William Hurt the same way that I will work with Viggo. They're different guys and they work in different ways. So a good sensitive director has his general style and technique and personality that he uses but you don't impose that on the actors. David Cronenberg 

Forcing women in or near land combat will hurt recruiting, not help. Phyllis Schlafly 

I am fairly certain that my abortion position hurt me, because in a Democratic primary,

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where turnout is relatively low, liberal voters turn out in disproportionately large numbers and thus exercise a disproportionate influence on the outcome. Robert Casey 

And when we used to play and fight in the streets in Brooklyn and I would get hurt or something, my mother would always come out and save me. So that sort of postponed the inevitable about getting a good beating, without having somebody to come and save you. Sanford I. Weill 

If you are still being hurt by an event that happened to you at twelve, it is the thought that is hurting you now. James Hillman 

Five minutes before I went on, I looked at my manager and said, I'm going to get booed. I know it's going to happen. And you're responsible because you put me on here. It was horrible. I've never been more hurt in my entire life. Shannen Doherty 

Sometimes you trust someone who turns out not to be honest. There are a lot of things that happen in life that don't turn out the way you're given the impression that they will. And I think that's all kind of a con. But I think we've probably all been hurt. Sigourney Weaver 

My father died. It is still a deep regret to me this day that in choosing acting as my career I was forced to hurt him. He died too early to see I had done the right, the only thing. Conrad Veidt 

The truth doesn't hurt unless it ought to. B. C. Forbes 

To deal with the stark reality of having hit or hurt a woman or child, to deal with the initial responsibility you have not to do that and the knowledge you did do it, can be incredibly hard. David Soul 

Well, you know, in any political campaign, you're gonna have people on one side that are gonna slip a reporter something because they think it'll hurt the guy on the other side. Bob Schieffer 

I think we've all been kind of... everyone's been hurt, everyone's felt loss, everyone has exultation, everyone has a need to be loved, or to have lost love, so when you play a character, you're pulling out those little threads and turning them up a bit. Mark Ruffalo 

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When it was over my daughter said, 'Oh, I felt so sorry for him - he didn't want to hurt you, he liked you.' That was Victoria. When you visualize him up there on top of the Empire State Building, you do feel sorry for him. Fay Wray 

Writing is like a contact sport, like football. You can get hurt, but you enjoy it. Irwin Shaw 

It's not to hurt anyone, but basketball can be rough. Sue Wicks 

I remember seeing Bill Hurt in New York once. I talked to him on the phone around 1988 and that's about it. I was shooting in New York and somebody said Glenn Close came by the set. Tom Berenger 

I think people should have the legal right to hurt themselves without fearing that they're going to get locked up for doing so. But on a personal level, if someone I loved was hurting himself or herself in front of me, I would, of course, try to restrain them. Chester Brown 

With In the Company of Men, the misogynist label stuck early and firmly. In the end, it probably did hurt the film a bit, because getting women into the theaters was difficult. Neil LaBute 

Before Watergate and Viet Nam, the American public, as a whole, believed everything it was told, and since then it doesn't believe anything, and both of those extremes hurt us because they prevent us from recognizing the truth. Daniel Keys Moran 

A lot of times people's main motives and plan in life is to hurt as many people as they can, but I think there's enough good people that help make the world a good place. Tina Yothers 

Hurt leads to bitterness, bitterness to anger, travel too far that road and the way is lost. Terry Brooks 

And for any victim of a violent crime, when you actually get to go in and realize and see their faces and know that they can't hurt you any more, there is no feeling like that. It finally frees you from a lot of demons. Patty Hearst 

If you love large, you've got to hurt large. If you've got a lot of light, you've probably got

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an equal amount of darkness. Sarah McLachlan 

I mean, its hard to be an actor in the city - trying to make it as an actor - because you waitress all night, you get home really late and you're super tired and your feet hurt. Piper Perabo 

A child understands fear, and the hurt and hate it brings. Nadine Gordimer 

I did work out every day. I needed it to have the endurance to do what needed to be done and not get hurt. I have such a new respect for action stars now. Sanaa Lathan 

We are slow to believe that which if believed would hurt our feelings. Louis Nizer 

Personally, I think that for example the chemical directive in its present form does too much damage to the chemical industry - especially the medium sized businesses - and will hurt our worldwide competitiveness. Angela Merkel 

When the systems we expect to help us actually hurt us, we have tragedy. Carter Burwell 

Oh, I just wish someone would try to hurt you so I could kill them for you. Frank Sinatra 

Sometimes I wish that there were a way to let people know that just because I live in a world without rules, and in a life that is lawless, doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt so bad the morning after. Elizabeth Wurtzel 

I would never want to hurt anyone by writing a book. Kathie Lee Gifford 

One thing that's great about being a character actor is that a movie doesn't rest on your shoulders. If it bombs, it won't hurt my career. Joe Pantoliano 

I'm not in the K-1 tournament. We thought about it but they really don't want me as they feel I might get hurt so that's fine with me but I do see a lot of guys out there that I feel I can take. 

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Larry Holmes 

And so I put down some of the things that he said, about keeping your tools sharpened and not letting them lie on the ground where they get hurt or get abused and dirty and can't find them. And some thoughts about how his father used to do things. Bruce Nauman 

Besides all this, if you are idle, and take to bad courses, you will hurt those of your brethren who are slaves, and do all in your power to prevent their being free. Jupiter Hammon 

There's nobody in show business that I dislike so I wouldn't want to get in there to hurt anybody. Robert Goulet 

I was a guinea pig for some hoodlums who thought they could hurt me and frighten me and keep other Negro entertainers from the South. Nat King Cole 

Once you grow past Mommy and Daddy coming running when you're hurt, you're really on your own. You're alone, and there's no one to help you. Octavia Butler 

I have said this in the past and I will continue to repeat it as long as I live: Whoever tries to hurt our national unity is my enemy until the day of judgement. King Hussein I 

I do like to work with young directors because it's such a difficult business that I think after directors have been around a while sometimes, not always, but sometimes their passion gets siphoned off because they get hurt. Ellen Burstyn 

The Republican majority will stop at nothing to prevent access to the legal system for those who are hurt. Joe Baca 

I don't want to hurt anybody or be offensive. But I don't want to not be me. Melanie Chisholm 

This week I was proud to join with my colleagues to help pass two important, common-sense pieces of legislation that will limit the frivolous lawsuits by trial attorneys and personal injury lawyers that clog our courts and hurt our small businesses. Bob Ney 

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The last four years have not diluted the memory or weakened the resolve of our citizens. Four years later, our hearts still hurt for the families whose loved ones were murdered that day. John Doolittle 

Part of being an artist is being willing to be shocked, being willing to be surprised, being willing to be hurt. Holly Near 

Everybody goes through obstacles and problems and issues and turn their backs on people that we are fond of and love just because we hurt; and everybody goes through that. Boris Kodjoe 

I think everything worked out the way it was supposed to. Mark's happier. I'm sober. There are still phone calls to be made, people I need to say something to. But everyone from Creed who I've offended or hurt, I ask for their forgiveness. Scott Stapp 

I had to wait a while to get the scans back but it shows nothing in terms of needing surgery which is good. I hurt my AC joint and I just need to strengthen it. There is an outside chance to start training by the end of this week and if not than the start of next week. Claudio Reyna 

If we do nothing, as the Republicans suggest, we're going to see health care costs reach a point where small businesses can't afford it and families can't afford it. We're going to see people turned down from pre-existing conditions. We're going to find the Medicare doughnut hole - a gap in coverage that's going to hurt a lot of seniors. Dick Durbin 

If you want to know who is being hurt in this society, go see what is being done and to whom in pornography and then go look for them other places in the world. Catharine MacKinnon 

My children, Michael and Alex, are with our Heavenly Father now, and I know that they will never be hurt again. As a mom, that means more than words could ever say. Susan Smith 

I've been in this business my whole life. I'm pretty bulletproof as far as being hurt. Tina Yothers 

It's only been a couple of times in my life that I've really locked horns with actors. It did not hurt the films, it just hurt the moment of the filmmaking. 

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Richard Donner 

I love my children. That will never change. I have prayed to them for forgiveness and hope that they will forgive me. I never meant to hurt them!! Susan Smith 

People were hurt, and because they were hurt, they were angry and quarreled and were jealous of one another. Emanuel Celler 

Criticism really used to hurt me. Most of these critics are usually frustrated artists, and they criticise other people's art because they can't do it themselves. It's a really disgusting job. They must feel horrible inside. Rosanna Arquette Everyone has determination - it's a question of how you use it. Hers is based on power and success and conquering; she doesn't care what she has to do or who gets hurt in the process. In that way we're very, very different. Dannii Minogue 

Most cynics are really crushed romantics: they've been hurt, they're sensitive, and their cynicism is a shell that's protecting this tiny, dear part in them that's still alive. Jeff Bridges 

But I got drafted out of high school, and my mother wasn't having it. She was like, you're not about to think that you can just play ball, because if you get hurt, you're going to be out of luck. Shemar Moore 

The problem to me is violence. It's not cool to kill somebody or hurt people. Mark Ruffalo 

You can't listen to what people who aren't musical have to say. When Anytime was released, I had bad reviews, and at first I was hurt. Your songs are like your children. You don't want to hear, 'Your kid is ugly.' But I knew the record was good and it would sell. Brian McKnight 

I always end up being the evil one, and I wouldn't hurt a fly. Eli Wallach 

Coming down under a parachute is quite different as well. You hit the ground pretty hard, but all the systems work very well to keep it from hurting, so it doesn't even hurt when you hit. It was a great experience to be able to do both. Leroy Chiao 

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I don't want to sell myself short. You hurt your spouse, not so much by the infidelity, but by the negative feelings about yourself that you bring home. Michael Zaslow 

The wish to hurt, the momentary intoxication with pain, is the loophole through which the pervert climbs into the minds of ordinary men. Jacob Bronowski 

Criticism, even when you try to ignore it, can hurt. I have cried over many articles written about me, but I move on and I don't hold on to that . Diana Ross 

I don't think people realize the extent to which TV networks are hurt when they carry public broadcasting. I think the estimate is that they lose a half-million dollars for a half day's programming. Roone Arledge 

You want to fall in love with a shoe, go ahead. A shoe can't love you back, but, on the other hand, a shoe can't hurt you too deeply either. And there are so many nice-looking shoes. Allan Sherman 

It just happened that the course of the campaign went negative we actually went positive for a little over a week and you do the tracking of poll numbers and it hurt us. So the public responded to those type of ads. Scott McCallum 

'Through the times I've gone through the last couple of weeks - and I'm still trying to help a friend - I got attacked pretty hard through the media, and it hurt and it was devastating, but I really found out who was with me and who was there for me. Michael Irvin 

I've done more harm by the falseness of trying to please than by the honesty of trying to hurt. Jessamyn West 

I am emphatically against the privatization of Social Security. It is going to hurt millions of American women, American families and ultimately the whole country. Barbara Mikulski 

There was one where Gomez was on a Trapeze hanging by the legs upside down. I remember how much the backs of my knees would hurt until I got used to it. It was hard. John Astin 

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It's better to be hurt by the truth than to gain satisfaction from the lies. David Allan 

Fights in real life between real people only last so long before someone gets seriously hurt. Robert Kirkman 

Everybody gets too drunk sometimes; and even if everybody didn't, I have gotten too drunk sometimes. I haven't hurt anybody. In Ireland we drink a lot. It's part of our culture. I like drinking. I don't think it's a bad thing. Andrea Corr 

Honesty is the cruelest game of all, because not only can you hurt someone - and hurt them to the bone - you can feel self-righteous about it at the same time. Dave Van Ronk 

I've often talked about that, and I've been asked that a couple of times and my feeling are that if you have a good show, a bad host will not even hurt the show. Wink Martindale 

I like to be alone so I can write. But focus can hurt you. I don't want to be some stress casualty in early middle age. James Ellroy 

Publicity is like poison; it doesn't hurt unless you swallow it. Joe Paterno 

The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. Max Lerner 

I feel like God has forgiven me of so much, that I will forgive everyone who has hurt us. Jim Bakker 

When you work with chains or any kind of weapons, or just when you're using hand-to-hand combat, you are going to get hurt. Lucy Liu 

I want to make sure I don't interfere with the success of that team next year. I don't see any way I could go to practice like most of 'em do, and not hurt the team. I'd go nuts if I tried doing that. Bear Bryant 

In St. Louis, some people were hurt seriously when some fans got on top of a roof that

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was where other fans were underneath it, at a park somewhere, and it collapsed. Phil Lesh 

I think that you can take things personally or get hurt feelings as a result of something not working out just because your psyche said it should or you deserve it, or whatever it is. Michael Shanks 

Most Americans are more concerned about the economy and job creation. And they can't understand why the Obama administration or the Democrat majority in Congress wants to pass a bill like the cap-and-trade tax that will cost us jobs, that will hurt our economy, that will drive up costs for families, as well as for small businesses. Haley Barbour 

Our girls have learned that sweat is sexy, brawn is beautiful and a little dirt never hurt anyone. Louise Slaughter 

It slaps your dignity just right. I loved the idea of these proud, dignified black men, and I saw the older ones wounded, and it wounded me ten times as much because I couldn't stand seeing them hurt like this. Quincy Jones 

I don't like to hurt people, I really don't like it at all. But in order to get a red light at the intersection, you sometimes have to have an accident. Jack Anderson 

I used the diabetes as my weapon. Of course, I was only hurting myself and making myself sicker, but I guess it was something I had to go through. I never went overboard so much that I really hurt myself, but my early teenage years were very tough. Dana Hill 

They thought we were going to hurt the game, but we just wanted to help ourselves, because the players needed to get together to protect their interests. Ted Lindsay 

There's not a thing that any of you guys can say bad about me that would hurt my feelings... I'm not coming at you, what I'm saying is that, I'm willing to take that heat for my team, if we're playing well or if we're not playing well. Vince Carter 

"Handsome" means many things to many people. If people consider me handsome, I feel flattered - and have my parents to thank for it. Realistically, it doesn't hurt to be good-looking, especially in this business. 

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Richard Chamberlain 

I realize now I didn't really want to die. I just wanted to stop the hurt and pain. LaToya Jackson 

And it is this sense that some of us have to contribute to the culture, to the society in ways that may hurt financially, so what? We do it because we are born to do it, we feel we have no other choice and so be it. Gunther Schuller 

A date once leaned in to kiss me, and he ended up kissing my cheek. He was a little offended, but I didn't want to kiss him just to not hurt his feelings. Denise Richards 

The human heart dares not stay away too long from that which hurt it most. There is a return journey to anguish that few of us are released from making. Lillian Smith 

Tribulation will not hurt you, unless as it too often does; it hardens you and makes you sour, narrow and skeptical. Edwin Hubbel Chapin 

There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with. Harry Crews 

I like the fact that we have all the teams in the tournament. When I first got here as an assistant, not everyone made the tournament and I think as a coach, you look at it from a job security standpoint, I think that hurt when you didn't have everybody in the tournament.Tim Buckley 

We continue to be exasperated by the view, apparently gaining momentum in certain circles, that armed robbery is okay as long as nobody gets hurt! The proper solution to armed robbery is a dead robber, on the scene. Jeff Cooper 

When I hear anything derogatory towards the Raiders, I am definitely hurt. Jim Otto 

Go for Dr. Bowen as soon as you can. I think father is hurt. Lizzie Andrew Borden 

Certainly, we are hurt by the high fuel prices because it raises our cost. 

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David Neeleman 

Lorna was quite young when her mother died, and I think she's blocked out some of the memories. I talked to her a little bit about that, but I wasn't prepared to go around and poke and hurt her. Judy Davis 

The ability of players to jump teams when their contracts are up has hurt fan loyalty. Will McDonough 

I wonder if that's hurt me at the box office. Maybe audiences these days want to know exactly what to expect when they go into a movie, and my movies are hard to explain in just one way. Paul Mazursky 

Strength of character means the ability to overcome resentment against others, to hide hurt feelings, and to forgive quickly. Lawrence G. Lovasik 

Over-reliance on strictly economic justifications has already begun to hurt the quality and range of education at every level of American life. Charles Vest 

That's one of those things that will really hurt me personally, if I label a character or think about what it might do if it were to do well. I just try to do a good job with it. Luke Wilson 

Nobody is that thick-skinned that it doesn't hurt you. Still, you always know what happens in football. I have got used to criticism, I suppose, having been high profile with England and Man U. Bryan Robson 

I don't know if she should worry too much, I mean some of our greatest writers have had movies made of their books, lots of Hemingway novels were turned into movies, it doesn't hurt the book. Paul Auster 

It was not uncommon for the children to be told they were being treated this way because it was their bad karma and they must have hurt a child in a past life. Mary Garden 

To deaden yourself against any hurt is to deaden yourself also against the hurt of others. Max Lerner 

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I've been immersed in it too long. My spirit is wobbly and my mind is confused. The hurt has become too great. Ernie Pyle It hurt me a great deal. It put a lot of pressure on me because I was at a young age and the writers around here and throughout the league starting comparing me to Cobb. It put a lot of pressure on me. Al Kaline 

After Richmond, we went to Dover and tested that week at Kentucky. I was going to Dover and we had to get the trainer to meet us at the airport. I had to do some therapy on my ribs they hurt so bad. Sterling Marlin 

Our ships, God be thanked, have received little hurt. John Hawkins 

Edged tools are dangerous things to handle, and not infrequently do much hurt. Agnes Repplier 

It's part of the calling to at least do a few songs in the show that give people some hope. There's so much hurt in this world and... music is such a great healing balm and a great way to forget your troubles. Ricky Skaggs 

When not deeply engaged in creative activities, or numbed out by the TV, I felt empty. My heart hurt. I often felt hollow or as if I were some sort of wispy ghost, barely existing. Judith Wright 

A great lie is like a great fish on dry land; it may fret and fling and make a frightful bother, but it cannot hurt you. You have only to keep still, and it will die of itself. George Crabbe 

When the Negro cries with pain from his deep hurt and lays his petition for elemental justice before the nation, he is calling upon the American people to kindle about that crucible of race relationships the fires of American faith. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson 

I don't go to clubs and stuff like that, so I don't have to put up with it in there. And normally, because obviously I could hurt somebody, and if I look at it that way, I have to back off. Bubba Smith 

I mean, I would never want to do anything to hurt my family, but then again I would never want to do anything to hurt myself. And I think they go hand in hand. 

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Lauren Bush 

Programs that pay farmers not to farm often devastate rural areas. The reductions hurt everyone from fertilizer companies to tractor salesmen. Dick Armey 

I never got hurt when I was in Morocco doing all the horse riding and my own stunts. But on the last day on the last shot I slid off my horse and landed on my bottom. I did not get hurt but it was very embarrassing. Oded Fehr 

I suppose everyone tells little white lies. Quite often they're necessary to make someone feel better or prevent feelings from being hurt. Whoppers? No, that's dangerous and they'll boomerang. Richard Chamberlain 

We went to dinner and healed the wounds, at least to a certain degree. But I hope he understands the hurt he did to me. He put the boot into a pal and I don't think you should do that. Ian St. John 

If I thought I had hurt my chances of winning another major just because I was chasing money around, I'd wind up kicking myself. Mike Weir 

I'm not trying to say that it never hurt or that I never felt its sting, but I can honestly say that I never blamed anybody for racism. I have considered it more of a manifestation of humanity's problem rather than my personal problem. Robert Guillaume 

I wanted to be able to play guitar. I wanted to be able to make music hurt. Alexis Korner 

There were so many stories about Bing's daughter living in sin. We weren't hurting anyone. We were living in love. I couldn't understand why people were trying to hurt us and hurt our families. Mary Crosby 

There are so many great things about this business. Almost everybody is on the same team. It is all for one-friendly competitiveness. No one is out to hurt anyone. Bobby Flay 

This is someone who has a very stringent morality, and believes the system works, and has been deeply, deeply disappointed, and hurt, by it. You know, so she's in a very

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different place in life. Julianne Moore