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8/8/2019 Behind Sad Eyes School 1/42 Chapter 1 I sat there staring out the window, watching the rain fall as pleasant memories came back to me, from a time when I was only eight years old, to a time before my dad died, a time when my family was whole and happy. I wish I could go back to that time I wish I could get away from the present, away from my abusive step dad who is constantly beating

Behind Sad Eyes School

Apr 10, 2018



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Chapter 1

I sat there staring out the window, watching

the rain fall as pleasant memories came back to me,

from a time when I was only eight years old, to a

time before my dad died, a time when my family was

whole and happy. I wish I could go back to that

time I wish I could get away from the present, away

from my abusive step dad who is constantly beating

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up my mom and I. I wish that my mom had the

strength to leave him. I wish I could leave here. I

want to get away I NEED to get away.

I wish time could go back, I would tell my

father that everything was ok and that I loved him,

I would have made sure he never left me. I loved my

father more than anything in the world and I wish

he could come back…

When I was a little girl we used to do

everything together. I remember when he taught me

how to ride my bike I got lots of scrapes and

bruises that day, but my dad kept encouraging me to

try again and I remember it took me all day to

learn but when I finally got it my dad gave me a

huge hug and told me how proud of me he was…that

was only a week before he left me…for good.

And then my flash back came to a complete halt

as I heard my step dad yelling at my mom telling

her to shut the fuck up. Then I hear the smacks as

his hands start to beat her and I hear my mother

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shriek in pain. And as much as I want to I can’t go

help her I can’t because if I do he will only do

the same thing to me.

So instead I ran to lock my door and then ran

to my bed to hide under the covers like a scared

little kid trying to block out my mother’s cries

for help but to no avail, I still hear her shrieks

of pain and I started to weep. I can’t handle this

anymore! I whisper to myself. Finally after a few

minutes my mother’s shrieking starts to slow down

and then I hear the front door slam and I hear the

vile man called my step father leave the house

cursing. I laid there for a while longer crying

until finally I got up and walked over to my

mirror. I stood there gazing at myself for a few

moments and I looked at the tears coming out of my

big blue eyes and then I noted my tangled long

black hair, wishing that I was anywhere but here.

In a week I Will be 18 and then I will leave and no

one can stop me.

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Then I heard a light knocking on my door

“Lyra”, came my mother’s voice. “Can I come in?” I

walked slowly over to my door and unlocked it, she

heard it unlock and opened the door. She looked at

me for a few moments and noted the tears in my eyes

and then gave me a hug. “ He doesn’t mean to hurt

me she whispered. This infuriated me and I stormed

over to my bed.

“Oh my bad he just beats the shit out of you by an

accident! I guess your trying to say that his fist

just connect with your face by pure chance! Is that

what your saying mom?”

“Well no” she said “ he just cant help it, don’t

blame him.” “

What about when he does it to me? Does he not mean

to then?”

She paused, looked down and started to cry, “I’m

sorry,” she said “I love him Lyra, and I know he

loves me too, I also know that he loves you. When

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he does that its just cause he looses his mind for

a minute, He cant help it baby. “

“Oh don’t give me that bull crap!” I know he can

help it. “You don’t just go around beating up the

ones you supposedly love, and you know that! He

doesn’t love me, or you for that matter if he did

then he wouldn’t be doing this to us mom! Stop

protecting him! He doesn’t deserve it!”

She just sat there blank for words. So I gave

her a hug and said I have to go to bed mom, I have

school in the morning. “Goodnight, I love you.”

“Goodnight Lyra, I love you. Sleep good okay?”

As soon as she left I went over to my door and

locked it. Just to make sure that I would be safe

through the night. Then I slowly went thought the

motions of getting ready for bed, as I thought

about everything that had happened in the past

hour, and everything that has happened since I was

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9 years old when my mother married the horrible man

called my step dad.

I looked around my room, the only place I felt

safe at, the only place that was my own, the only

place that showed a little bit of my personality.

It was small, but it was still mine; I did it in

purples and blues my favorite colors and I have

pictures of my favorite celebrities that I’ve

ripped out of various magazines taped all over my

walls, and my favorite part about my room is my

bed, its big and soft, and one of the only places

in my house where I felt a sense of comfort.

I went over to it and got under the covers,

trying to wash away all my hurt and pain. I lay

there for several hours before I finally fell


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Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up and got ready for

school in a rush, anxious to get out of this hell

whole called my house. On my way out the door I

stopped by the kitchen to grab a cereal bar and to

tell my mom goodbye.

As soon as I was out of the house I felt as if

all the weight that had been resting on my

shoulders disappeared. It was nice out this morning

and I was enjoying the walk when all of a sudden I

hear a honk from behind me and then “Lyra”. I

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turned around to see the most gorgeous face in the

world sticking out the window of a brand new red

mustang. It was Brad Evans! The hottest guy in

school! And he was stopping to talk to me!

“Hey Brad!” I said “What’s up?”

“Oh you know same old same old. Hey you need a ride

to school?”

“Sure!” I was ecstatic that Brad was even talking

to me! Let alone giving me a ride to school! I

hurried and walked over to the passenger side and

got in with a smile on my face.

“Buckle up babe” he said as I was sliding in. Babe!

OMG did he really just call me babe?!?

“ I like your new car brad it’s really cool!”

“Yeah I know. You ever need a ride just let me know

babe I’ll get you one” and then he winked at me “ a

pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to walk to

school everyday”

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This made me blush, which to my embarrassment he

noticed, and said “awe we got a shy one here don’t

we” which only made me blush more.

when we got to school and got out of the car he

walked over to me and said “meet me here after

school and I’ll give you a ride home” and then he

grabbed my hand and started walking me toward the

school. We stopped and talked to some of his

friends for a few minutes, with my hand knitted

securely in his the entire time. He walked me all

the way to my locker and before he left he said

“I’ll miss you babe” and then he walked away.

I got my history books and walked to history

class in a daze. When I got to class I noticed that

the bell had already rang and I was a couple

minutes late. I hurried to my seat and everyone was

staring at me including Mr. Anderson. Then he came

over to my chair as I looked down, scared to do

anything that might make him even madder at me. He

then said “Miss Moore! Would you mind explaining to

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me why you are late!” I didn’t say anything I just

continued to look down so now he yelled “Miss

Moore! I asked you a question now answer me!” I

quickly made up a lie and said in a quiet voice.

“My locker was jammed and it took me a while to get


“Oh is that so?” asked Mr. Anderson

“ Yes sir” I replied

“ Lets get a couple of things straight Miss

Moore, next time you are late it’s an automatic 2

hour detention. Do you understand me Miss Moore?

Either show up on time or don’t show up at all.

“Yes Sir I understand” I said and to my relief

he walked away and began today’s lesson. Lecture

was very long and boring (I don’t know what about

because I wasn’t paying attention) I was to busy

thinking about Brad and how cute he was.

Finally the bell rang and I was off to math. I

hated math it was my least favorite class. I didn’t

understand all the equations and numbers and stuff.

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To be honest I found math very pointless and

boring. At least I had my best friend Alice in this

class. She made Math a little bit better but not y

much. She was also very good at math so she helped

me a lot…If it weren’t for her I would definitely

be failing right now.

I tell Alice EVERYTHING we have no secrets from

each other and we have each other’s backs. I

couldn’t wait to tell her about Brad. She would be

so ecstatic! When I got to math I took my usual

seat right next to Alice and she automatically

noticed the excitement in my face.

“Lyra, either you’re on happy crack or

something totally amazing happened to you! Spill!”

I examined my nails with a smug smile on my

face as I said “guess who I got a ride to school

form today?”

“O-M-G who tell me now Lyra, before I strangle

the answers out of you!’

“Brad Evans!” I said excitedly.

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She just sat there with her mouth hanging wide-

open, eyes wide. And then she said “no way! Are you

serious? Oh my god! Tell me everything!” just as I

was about to begin my story Ms. Stevens began class

forcing me to hold off on my story.

Math seemed like it took forever today. We were

learning about linear equations and it was so

boring! I just wanted to scream! I hate math so

much, I don’t even see why we need stuff like this…

basic math that is all we need, and this stuff is

just pointless. So basically I didn’t learn

anything today because I was to busy thinking about

Brad and how stupid math is.

Finally the bell rang and immediately Alice was

attacking me with questions about Brad. And on the

way to gym I told her the whole story, and of

course she was way excited for me.

“well do you think you guys are going to go out”

she said

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“I don’t know, I hope so though! Ugh he is just so

cute and I think he likes me”

“well you have to text me later and tell me what

happens after school!”

“okay, I will. Promise!”

and then we went into the locker room and started

to change out for gym.

Gym went by really fast today we were playing

volleyball its one of my favorite sports. And I am

really good at it…surprisingly.

After gym Alice and I started to walk to lunch and

to my surprise Brad was standing outside the gym

waiting for me!

“Hey brad!” Alice and I said in unison, and then we

looked at each other and laughed a little

“Hey Alice” he said and then he looked at me with a

smile on his face and said “You sitting with me at

lunch today babe?”

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“ummm, do you want me to?” I said with a smile on

my face

He smiled at me and then said “of course babe” and

then he looked over at Alice “ you want to sit with

us too Alice”

She beamed at this, “yes!” she said maybe a bit to


And then he grabbed my hand and said, “lets


On the way to the lunchroom we talked about the

math homework and the prom coming up. We went

through the lunch line and got our food and then we

walked over to Brad’s table where all the jocks and

the cheerleaders sat with all their boyfriends and


Alice went over and sat by Shane smith (she has

a HUGE crush on him) and then Brad pulled up a

chair beside me and grabbed my hand. Everyone was

joking around and having a good time and for the

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first time in a long time I felt happy and whole,

and I think it had something to do with brad. His

presence made me feel…happy. Something I wasn’t

used to, it was foreign to me. And I liked it.

Brad’s friends seemed to accept me (Which was a

huge relief) and Alice was flirting with Shane and

of course he was flirting back. When everyone got

done eating we dumped our trays and started walking

to the hallway hand in hand

Then Brad pulled me over to the side

“Hey you wanna ditch the rest of day?”

I didn’t know how to answer at first and I

think he saw the hesitation in my eyes. Because he

said “you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

To this I replied “no I want to”

He smiled at this “are you sure”

“Positive!” I beamed

after that we went to our lockers to get our

stuff and I found Alice holding hands with Shane

and I told her bye. She looked at me with an

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excited face and said “text me tonight!” “OK love

you bye!”

Chapter 3

We left through the back doors where there

weren’t any teachers so that we wouldn’t get

caught. It was funny because even though we knew we

weren’t going to get caught we snuck around hiding

behind buildings and trees and stuff trying not to

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laugh. As soon as we made it to his car we both

burst out laughing.

I was laughing so hard that I didn’t even

realize when he stopped laughing and then all of a

sudden he leaned over and kissed me.

I was so shocked that at first I didn’t even

know what he was doing and by the time I figured

out what he was doing he had already leaned away

with a smile on his face.

“Lets get outta here.” He said, and then he

started the car and sped away. He reached over and

put hand on my leg and then he looked at me and

said “where do you wanna go?”

“Hmmmm, I don’t know, wherever you wanna go” I


He smiled at me then and said “I gotta place we can


“where?” I said

“hmmmm, nope I’m not telling you it’s a surprise.”

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We drove around for a little bit laughing and

joking around and for the second time today I

thought about how good Brad made me feel and I

realized that I didn’t want to loose him.

After A while we came to a stop at the most

beautiful place I had ever seen. The grass was the

brightest color of green I had ever seen, there

were bright colored wild flowers everywhere, and

there was a huge oak tree next to a sparkling

stream. I had never seen a place like it before I

thought I might be dreaming.

“where are we?” I asked.

“well I don’t really know if it has a name, but I

like to come out here sometimes and relax. Pretty

isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I mean it’s beautiful! How did you find this


“my grandpa used to take me out here when I was

little, You’re the first person I have ever been

out here with besides him.”

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I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face when

he said that and I said “really? Why me?”

“I don’t know. Just something about you is special,

and I wanted to share this part of me with you.”

“thanks Brad.” I smiled and went over to him and

gave him a hug. The very moment his arms went

around me I felt a sense of security, I felt like I

could have stood in his arms forever.

When he pulled away I was reluctant to let go.

“Here.” He said as he walked to his car, popped the

trunk and pulled out a quilt. He handed it to me

and then grabbed some sodas from the back seat.

Then he lead me over by the big oak tree and sat

the sodas down.

“Let me see the quilt” he said. I gave it to him

and then he spread it on the ground and sat down

motioning me to sit next to him. I walked over and

sat down and he pulled me into his arms.

“This feels nice.” He said

and I smiled and said “ I know…I like it.”

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We just laid there for a while looking at the

stream and listening to the sounds of nature. It

was so peaceful…I felt like I could sit there in

his arms forever and I never wanted him to let go.

“Your so beautiful” he said out of no where.

I had never been told this by a boy before and it

made me smile. “Thanks.”

Then he leaned down and kissed me and I felt like I

was in heaven.

We laid there for a few more minutes and then I

asked “what time is it?”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell

phone “it’s a quarter till five.”

I immediately got up and said “shit! I need to get

home…ugh he is gonna kill me!”

“Who’s gonna kill you? Whats wrong Lyra?”

“ugh nothing I just need to get home! Just take me

home please!”

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“Ok calm down hun, just tell me what’s wrong”

“ ugh ok I will tell you on the car just come on

can we go? The longer I wait the worse its gonna


on the way home I told him the whole story

about my how my mom remarried my awful step father

Jim after my father died, and I told what he did to

us and how I was scared that one day it was going

to get worse and something bad was going to happen

to my mom or me. When I got done telling my story

he looked at me in shock for a second.

“Wow Lyra I’m so sorry” he said “is there anything

I can do to help?”

“Not really…there is nothing anyone can do.

Sometimes I just wanna run away.”

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He smiled at me and said “Well if you ever need to

run away for while I’m here, I promise.”

And then we pulled up to my street

“You can just drop me off here I don’t want to have

to say anything about you it will just make things

worse than they already are.”

“OK” he said “just come here a second” and then he

pulled me to him and he gave me a hug and said “ I

will meet you here at 7:30 tomorrow morning, OK?”

“ok I got to go though”

and then he gave me a kiss and I opened the car

door and got out and started at a sprint to my

house and all the time I could feel Brads eyes on


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Chapter 4

When I got inside I heard my mother’s bedroom door

open and then Jim appeared.

“Where the hell have you been!” he yelled and then

he came over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders

leaving bruises I could already feel them…

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“I said where the hell have you been!”

I quickly made up a lie “ I had to stay after

school to get help on my English paper.”

“you little liar!” he yelled and then he slapped me

across the face with a blow that stung.

“I’m not lying! I promise”

And then he raised his hand to hit me and I

reflexively blocked my face and then his fist hit

me in the stomach and I fell to the floor.

Then he started to repeatedly kick me and I

started to scream in pain begging him to please

stop. I tried to crawl away but that just made him

kick me even harder. I yelled at him to stop but he


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“you were out there whoring around weren’t you?

You little slut! Just can’t keep your legs shut can

you? Well I’ll teach you a lesson!” and then he

proceeded so un-buckle his pants and rip mine off.

Pinning me to the ground with a force that felt

like it would break bones, and then he started to

rape me.

I yelled and screamed now trying with

everything that could to get him to stop…but he

wouldn’t, he just kept going until he got what he

wanted and then he just got off the floor, pulled

up his pants, and walked away.

I just laid on the floor for a while hurting

and being able to move. When I finally was able to

pick myself up and walk to my room I went straight

to my cell and called brad…I don’t know exactly why

I called him. I think because he was the first

person I thought of who made me feel safe.

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When he finally answered the phone I started to

cry which made him ask me what was wrong and I told

him everything that had just happened.

“Oh my Gosh are you ok Lyra? I mean you need to

go to the hospital I can take you Lyra.”

“Are you sure Brad I mean you don’t have to if

you don’t want to. Plus I can’t leave he will only

get pissed off”

“Lyra, I want to, now get yourself ready and I

will be there in 5 minutes, climb out your window

if you have to I don’t care but I am taking you to

the hospital weather you like it or not.”

“Ok” I said “I’ll see you soon, bye” and then I

hung up. I grabbed my back pack and threw some

extra clothes into it and then I went down the hall

and grabbed toiletries, I wasn’t planning on

staying in this house tonight, I would have Brad

take me somewhere. Then I went back to my room and

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shut and locked the door. As soon as I was safe in

my room I went to my closet and got the shoe-box

that was hidden in the way back and I dumped it

into a sock and threw it in my bag.

Then I went over to my desk and grabbed a pen

and paper and wrote:


By the time you read this I don’t

know where I will be…but I had to get

out. Call me when you get the chance.

I love you mom…Be careful…please.

Don’t worry about me I will be OK.

I love



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  Then I went over to my bed and sat down

waiting anxiously with my phone in my hand for brad

to call.

As soon as my phone rang it was at my ear in a

split second, “I’ll be out in s minute” I said and

then I hung up. Then I ran over to my door and

unlocked it quietly so that my mom could get my

letter. Then I quickly went over to my window and

opened it as quiet as I could, but it got stuck

sometimes and had to all of my force, but as soon

as I got it open enough for me to climb out I threw

my bag out and climbed out the window and ran to

Brads car not even topping to close the window. And

then I was free.

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As soon as I got into the car with Brad he

quickly drove around the block and then he pulled


Then he looked over at me and grabbed my

face between his hands and then he kissed me. I was

so scared for you Lyra. I don’t know what I would

have done if something happened to you, I love you


I was shocked when he said this, I was at

a loss for words and then I started to cry, and

then I leaned over and gave him a hug. “I love you

too” I whispered. Then he leaned away and gave me

another kiss and then he “said lets’ get you

checked out.”

“Ok” I said and then he drove away in the

direction of the hospital.

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Chapter 5

When we got to the hospital the parking lot was

pretty empty which gave me the hopes that we would

be able to get out of there pretty fast.

When we got inside we walked over to the

counter and the nurse asked “what’s your name?”

“Lyra Moore”

“OK and what’s wrong dear?”

It was hard for me to reply and it took me a minute

“my step father raped me” I said and then I started

to cry and brad pulled me close to his side

“It’s ok Honey, we will help you” said the nurse

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As I predicted there was no one waiting to be

seen so I got to see a doctor right away. When we

got into the examining room we had to sit in there

for a while until a doctor showed up. And Brad sat

with me the entire time holding me in his arms.

When the doctor finally showed up he asked me a

bunch of questions but when he was done he asked

Brad to leave. It was something I knew in the back

of my mind that he would ask and it made me very

upset. Before he left he leaned over and gave me a

kiss. When he left the room I started to cry and I

wished that he didn’t have to leave.

“It will be ok” he said “He can come back when we

are done with the exam.”

“Ok” I said “can we just get this done please?”

The exam was almost as bad as the actual rape

itself, it made me feel really uncomfortable. He

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examined almost every inch of my body he tested me

internally with a pelvic exam to make sure I wasn’t

injured inside, it was the most uncomfortable part.

Then he checked me for STDs. Then he used the rape

kit to look for and take samples of his hair, skin,

nails, and bodily fluids from my clothes and body.

He also did something to prevent me from getting


As soon as he was done he went out and got

Brad, the second he got back in the room I got up

and ran to him and he raped his arms around me

making me feel extremely safe…That was something I

needed at the moment…Safety

“Are you planning on taking this to the law?”

he asked

“Yeah I don’t want him to be around my family or

anyone else” I said

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“OK well you can either go tonight or tomorrow” he

said “you can give the police the name of the

hospital and they can get a hold of us and we will

send you a copy of the papers in a couple of days.

“Please don’t send them to my house!” I said

“Well then where do you want me to send them?” he


Then Brad said “You can send them to my house, Here

I will write down my address”

“OK well that’s all set, you can leave now if you

want Lyra. I am really sorry about what happened.

It will all be ok. Keep your head high, ok?”

“Ok thank you , bye”

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Chapter 6When we got back out to brads we just sat there

for a minute without talking and then I said “I’m

not going home, but I don’t want to be alone.”

“well I wasn’t planning on taking you home I

tonight anyways” he said “ I was thinking that

maybe I could sneak you into my house.” How does

that sound?

“That sounds perfect” I said “How do you plan

on sneaking me in though?”

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“well everyone in my house is asleep, so I was

just thinking the front door” he said with a laugh

“Haha that sounds good”

And then he started the car and we were off

toward the direction of his house. We didn’t say

much on the way to his house he just held my hand

the whole time.

It felt like it took hours to get to his house

even though it only took like 1o minutes but when

we finally pulled up to his house I felt a sense of

relief I was ready to get out of the car and just

lay down.

He parked his car into the driveway and then we

got out and he grabbed my bag for me. We walked up

to his front door and he unlocked it, when we got

inside it was really dark but he didn’t bother

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turning on any lights instead he grabbed my hand

and lead me down stairs, then he lead me down a

very dark hall I couldn’t see anything but he knew

where he was going when we got to the very end of

the hallway he stopped and opened a door. His


I was shocked when he turned on his lights. His

room was really nice and BIG! He had a huge king

sized bed, a plazma screen TV hanging on the wall,

and a very expensive looking laptop sitting on a

huge desk. His walls were a light blue and he had

posters all over them he had a few stray clothes

here and there but other than that his room was

pretty clean.

He dropped my bag on his massive bed and then

he walked across the room to a door and opened it.

“Here is the bathroom he said I’m sure you wanna

clean up and take a shower and stuff.”

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“Yeah I feel pretty gross” I said and then I

went over and picked up my bag and walked over to

the bathroom. I was about to walk in and shut the

door when all of a sudden he reached over and gave

me a kiss “you are beautiful and I love you Lyra.”

I smiled up at him and then I went into the

bathroom and shut the door. When I saw the bathroom

I was as shocked as I was when I saw his room, It

was also huge there was a huge bathtub, a huge

glass shower, and counter with two sinks and a

giant mirror.

While I was taking a shower I thought about

everything that had happened today and how much I

really love Brad. I hurried up with my shower so

that I could get back out to him when I got out I

found a towel and dried off I grabbed my night

clothes out of my bag and thanked god that I had

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packed some cute ones, then I brushed my teeth

really fast and ran my brush through my hair when I

was done I put all m stuff back in my bag and then

I went over to the door and opened it up.

Brad was laying on his bed watching the TV He

was shirtless with just a pair of cotton pajama

pants on. My eyes lingered on his chest maybe a bit

too long and to my embarrassment he noticed and


“you like?” he said it was more of a statement

than a question.

I walked over to his bed and he pulled my down

beside him and gave me a kiss “feel better?” he


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“much much better, thanks for everything

tonight. I really appreciate it; it means a lot to

me that you would help me”

“No problem babe, I will always be here for

you, no matter what.”

We just layed there for a little while in each

others’ arms watching TV. After a while my eyes

started to get tired and I yawned.

“you getting tired?” He asked

“A little bit”

“wanna go to sleep?”

“yeah I think so, It’s been A long day”

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“Okay babe, Here you get under the covers and get

all comfy and I will go turn off the lights and

stuff. I’ll Be right back k?”

“Alright, Hurry up!” I said “I will miss you!” I

said with a laugh.

I got under the covers obediently and then like he

said he was back, he got under the covers with me

and then he grabbed me and pulled me to him and

whispered in my ear “I love you Lyra you are the

most amazing girl ever and don’t let anyone ever

tell you otherwise.”

I had the best night of sleep for the first time in

a really long time in Brad’s arms. I felt like I

could lay there with him forever and not need

anything else

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Chapter 7