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Behaviour of Perfumery Ingredients in Products

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/11/2019 Behaviour of Perfumery Ingredients in Products


    J. Soc.Cosmet. hem. 5,325-3371974) 1974Society f Cosmetichemistsf GreatBritain

    The behaviour f perfumery

    ingredientsn products

    J. W. K. BURRELL*

    Presentedat the 2nd Joint Perfumery Symposiumorganizedby

    the British Society of Perfumersand the Society of Cosmetic

    Chemistsof Great Britain at Eastbourneon 7-9th May 1973

    Synopsis-A new technique nvolving the GLC ANALYSIS of PERFUMERY INGREDIENTS

    directly from product baseshas been developed.This technique has been used to study how

    materials behave in SOAPS and laundry powders after storage under various conditions.


    Perfumers and cosmetic chemists have for some time been interested

    in predicting ow perfumeswill behave n the variousbasesnto which hey

    are to be incorporated.Until now, the perfumerhas had to resort to many

    hours of tedious rial and error to ensurea final pleasingeffectand even

    then he could not be certain that the effect will hold constant over months of

    storageunder possiblyadverseconditions.

    Apart from simple frustration and tedium, this situation presents

    problemsof economics.t is of little value incorporating elatively ex-

    pensivengredientsn a product f theycontributenothing o the odour over

    time because f incompatibilitywith the baseor because hey are lost by

    chemical eaction or evaporation. t therefore became mperative that

    reliableobjectivemethodsshouldbe developed o study heseproblemsof

    behaviour n greater detail.

    *Proprietary PerfumesLtd, Ashford, Kent.


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    Several workers have tried to develop nstrumentalanalytical tech-

    niqueso study he ossof perfumeryngredients,articularlywith respecto

    soap.Stirasand Demeilliers 1), for instance, eveloped technique f

    analysing y glc the vapour surrounding nwrapped erfumed oapafter

    storageunder various conditions.Although some conclusions ould be

    drawn rom the data obtained, he authorswereunableactually o observe

    what was akingplace nside he soap tself.

    One question hey were trying to answerwas which materialshad the

    highestperfumery alue'.Derivichian 2) had statedearlier hat esters ave

    higher perfumeryvalues han alcohols.Stirasand Demeilliers ound from

    theirexperimentshat hevapour rom hesoap ontainedigher roportions

    of esters e.g. benzylacetate) o alcohols han that whichwas found in the

    vapour from the perfuming iquid itself.

    Whether this proves a higher 'perfumery value' for the esters s

    debatable. t could be argued hat the higherproportionof estersn the

    vapour emittedby soap shows hat thesematerialsare lost to a greater

    extentand that thereforeess s available or the physical ransferof per-

    fume rom the soapbase o the skin.Therehasbeenconjecturehat there s

    a virtually nexhaustibleeservoir f perfume n the centralcoreof a soap

    tablet and therefore he perfume ngredients re alwaysavailable n their

    originalproportion,but no concrete videncewas found to support his

    theory. t therefore ecame erydesirableo discover xactlywhat happens

    inside he soap,by analysing amples irectly.


    Some early work that was carried out in Unilever involved he use of

    uv spectroscopy s a method of assessinghe behaviour of perfumery

    ingredients. he materialsbenzophenonend anisaldehyde ere incor-

    porated separatelyn soap and it was found when the ingredientwas

    extractedwith aqueoussopropanolhat a reasonable v spectrum f the

    ingredient ouldbe obtained.Using this techniquet wasproved hat for

    thosematerialsstudied, he rate of loss of the ingredientsrom an un-

    wrappedbar of soap s determined y the rate of diffusionof thosematerials

    through he soapmatrix.Thiswasachieved y measuringhe concentration

    of the ingredients t variouspointsalong the axes rom the centre o the

    surface.t was ound hat the concentrationf the ingredients ashighest

  • 8/11/2019 Behaviour of Perfumery Ingredients in Products



    at the centreand lowestnear the surface.Had the rate of evaporation rom

    the surfacebeen he rate determining tep, hen of course he concentrations

    at pointsalong the axis would have-beendentical.

    For some ngredients hat were studied,e.g. benzophenone, o measur-

    able change n the concentration t the centreof the soapbar was observed

    after 24 weeksstorage.

    This technique ad manyrestrictions nd could not be appliedgenerally

    to the studyof all perfumeryngredients. irstly, thereare only a limited

    number f materials sedn perfumery hichhaveuv absorbingroperties.

    Secondly,he preparationof each sample or analysiss time consuming;

    and, thirdly, the method does not identify possiblebreakdown products

    which may be either falsely dentifiedas the original material or may be

    missed ltogether. ny complex reakdown ouldof course e impossible

    to diagnose.

    A more generallyapplicable echniquewas thereforerequired and glc

    appeared o be the most promising.Previousworkers have used this tech-

    nique, but they have all employedsomecumbersomeorm of extraction

    procedure o isolate the perfume material prior to analysis.Although

    preliminary extraction techniques an be used for studiesof a limited

    numberof materials, t becamedesirable o developa simpler,more

    straightforward ystemor studying largenumberof perfumerymaterials

    under various storageconditions n different products. Such a straight-

    forward systemhas been usedby Proprietary PerfumesLimited for about

    4000 analyseswith goodresults,'-

    The approach hat wasusedwas very simple. t involvedplacingsmall

    samples f the soap or detergent) n the top of the glc column n the flash-

    heatedzone, the idea being hat the perfumery ngredients vaporatento

    the carriergas, eaving he soapbehind.Many who have ried this echnique

    have ound that the chromatograms ruinedby the presence f largepeaks

    from the soap base,as shown n Fig. 1. This problem was overcomeby

    utilizinga modified njectionsystem. he samples placed n a sample ube

    which s then inserted n the injectionhead; the latter is then flushedwith

    carrier gas. Once the correctcolumn nlet pressures reached he sample

    tube is injected nto the flash-heated one of the glc column.After a short

    period the sample ube is removed.

    In thisway t was oundpossibleo eluteall of the perfumeryngredients

    from the samplewithout getting he undesired omponentsrom the base,

    someof which are probablyproducedby thermalbreakdown.Complete

    elutionof the ingredients as provedby the re-injection f the sample

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    O O O O O O

    13 (D b-- 0D 03 --

    I I I I

    o o o o o o o o o

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    when no residual racesof the ingredientscould be found. Lossesof the

    majority of perfumerymaterialsduring the weighingand sample oading

    procedurewereminimaland a coefficient f variationof d-7 relativewas

    obtained for the method when analysinga mixture of cineole, inalool,

    benzyl acetate,benzylbenzoateand diethyl phthalate n superratted oap.

    To carry out controlledstorage ests t was necessaryo use a stable

    referencematerial which would be incorporated nto the product with the

    ingredient under investigation. t was also desirablethat this reference

    material shouldbe odourless o that parallel odour assessmentsould be


    Diethyl phthaIate DEP) was selected s it is both odourless nd stable

    in soap bars under the conditionsof storage hat were to be used n the

    test. The suitabilityof DEP was confirmedby incorporatinga mixture of

    benzophenone which had previouslybeen shown to be stable by uv

    measurements)nd diethyl phthalate n soapbars and analysing amples

    from the centreof eachbar after variousperiodsof storage.

    The behaviourof each ngredientwas studied n the followingmanner.

    A mixture of the ingredientand diethyl phthalate (ratio of about 1: 1)

    was incorporatedn superratted oap at 0.2; the soapwas plodded nto

    bars 3 x 1 and wrapped n standardglassine nd glazedpaper wrapping.

    The barswere then stored or both 12 and 24 weeksboth at room tempera-

    ture (c. 20) and at 37.Samples ere aken rom the centreof eachbar and

    analysed by glc. Chromatogramswere compared with those obtained

    from freshlypreparedbars of perfumedsoap 1 week old to allow equili-

    bration of distribution).The incorporationand storagewere arrangedso

    that analyses ould be carriedout within a 24 h period.


    Table gives he results btained or somecommonperfumerymaterials.

    Although some esultshave beenomitted, no generalconclusions ould be

    drawn as to relationships etweenbehaviourand chemicalclassexcept n

    the caseof formates,which all showeda tendency o hydrolyseand pro-

    duce the parent alcohol. Low boiling materials generallywere lost more

    readily than the higherboiling materials.Samples aken from the surface

    layersof the wrappedbars had the samecomposition s those aken from

    the centre,whichproves hat any lossother than by chemicalbreakdown

    is governed,n the caseof the wrappedbar, by the rate at which the ingre-

    dientmigrateshrough he wrapper nd hencento the atmosphere.part

  • 8/11/2019 Behaviour of Perfumery Ingredients in Products




    Table I

    material incorporated present after:

    Material in soap 12 weeks 24 weeks

    at RT at 37C at RT at 37C


    Diphenylmethane 95 67 82 61

    Camphene 62 62 50 38

    Limonene 85 41 81 17

    Myrcene 100 20 50 10

    a-Pinene 100 40 50 4


    n-Nonanol 100 100 100 100

    cis-p-tert-Butylcyclohexanol 100 100 100 100

    trans-p-tert-Butylcyclohexanol 100 100 100 93

    tt-Terpineol 100 100 100 90

    Bomeol 100 96 100 89

    Benzyl alcohol 100 87 100 81

    Caryophyllenealcohol 100 81 88 75

    Linalool 100 78 100 53

    cis-Hex-3-enol 86 53 46 35

    trans-Hex-3-enol 88 56 49 37


    Citronellyl acetate 100 100 100 88

    Bomyl acetate 100 88 83 83

    cis-p-tert-Butylcyclohexyl cetate 100 100 100 89

    trans-p-tert-Butylcyclohexylcetate 100 100 100 78

    Terpinyl acetate 97 97 85 82

    Inonyl acetate 84 56 64 49

    Methyl heptine carbonate 67 31 59 13

    Benzyl acetate 64 41 49 0

    Benzyl formate 0 0 0 0

    Citronellyl formate 0 0 0 0

    Trimethylhexyl formate 0 0 0 0

    Linalyl formate 0 0 0 0

    Phenylethyl ormate 0 0 0 0


    Amylcinnamaldehyde 100 100 100 100

    Hydroxycitronellal 100 100 100 98

    Undecenal 100 96 100 86

    Cinnamaldehyde 70 76 63 60

    cis Citral, neral 95 58 68 53

    trans Citral, granial 97 58 74 52

    Hydratropic aldehyde 62 36 33 16

    Benzaldehyde 0 0 0 0

    Phenylacetaldehyde 0 0 0 0

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    Table I--continued

    material ncorporated resent fter:

    Material in soap 12 weeks 24 weeks

    at RT at 37C at RT at 37C


    t-Ionone 100 100 100 100

    Benzophenone 100 100 100 100

    Jasmalone 100 93 100 89

    Methyl nonyl ketone 83 75 79 64

    Methyl hexyl ketone 40 20 14 0

    Ethyl amyl ketone 0 0 0 0


    Amyl benzyl ether 100 100 100 79

    [3-Naphthylmethyl ether 94 79 96 78

    Anther 100 77 73 58

    Rose oxide 83 52 65 35

    p-Cresyl methyl ether 100 63 80 9

    Phenylethyl methyl ether 53 44 25 9

    from the formatesonly a few materialsshowedsignsof chemicalbreak-


    Phenylacetaldehydes sounstablehat about60o was ost 1 weekafter

    incorporation.Benzylacetate,whichhas often beenstudied n this context

    in the past by others 3), is among hosematerialswhich showchemical

    instability,but the amount of benzyl alcohol produceddoesnot account

    for all the loss and thereforeevaporationmust also be a contributory


    After the initial screening f individual materials t became nteresting

    to examinesome ime-honoured eliefs hat perfumershave held in con-

    nection with the behaviour of various ingredientsand mixtures. For

    example, t has beenwidely believed hat the behaviourof aldehydes an

    be improvedby the additionof an alcohol,and in particular he corre-

    sponding lcohol, because f the supposedormation of hemiacetals.n

    order to test the validity of the argument,mixturesof the aidehyde, he

    correspondinglcohol and diethyl phthalate in the ratio 1: 1: 1) were

    incorporated nto soap bars and stored under the same conditionsas

    described reviously.Table H gives he resultsof the analyses nd shows,

    within experimentalerror, that there is no difference n the behaviour of

    aldehydes ith or without he alcohol.

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    Table II

    material incorporated present after

    Material in soap 12 weeks 24 weeks

    at RT at 37C at RT at 37C

    n-Octanal 80 35 30 4

    n-Octanal (+ n-Octanol) 90 40 28 6

    n-Nonanal 100 75 100 55

    n-Nonanal (+ n-Nonanol) 100 72 100 50

    Citronellal 91 93 83 59

    Citronellal (+ Citronellol) 95 91 80 57

    Benzaldehyde 0 0 0 0

    Benzaldehyde + Benzyl alcohol) 0 0 0 0

    1 week

    at RT at 37C

    Phenylacetaldehyde 37 0

    Phenylacetaldehyde-t- Phenylethylalcohol) 37 0

    Another belief which was nvestigatedwas that concerningfixation'. It

    has long been thought that the addition of high boiling materials educes

    the lossof low boiling ingredients rom perfumes.Although this has been

    well establishedor perfumesapplied to the skin it has never beenproved

    for perfumes n products. t was possibleusing his methodof analysis o

    show hat evenwhen he additionof a fixative HercolynD*) wasmade at a

    level five times that of the perfumery material, no improvement n the

    retentionof the material n the soapcould be observed.

    The lack of detectable formation of hemiacetals and the ineffectiveness

    of fixativesn soapare not surprising henoneconsidershe vastdifferences

    in the rates of collisionbetween he moleculesof perfumery ngredients

    themselves nd between he ingredientmolecules nd the soapbasemole-

    cules.The number of collisionsbetween ndividual perfumery ngredient

    moleculeswould be extremely ow in soapas comparedwith those n the

    essencend therefore he effects f physicalor chemical nteractionbetween

    suchmolecules ould be correspondinglymall.Any supposedlyeneficial

    effectsof interactions hat take place in the essence efore ncorporation

    and which are reversible,as in the casesof hemiacetal ormation, and the

    physical interactions associatedwith 'fixatives', will be subsequently

    minimized fter ncorporation f the essencen the productbase.

    *Hercules Powder Co.

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    Table III

    Material in laundry powder

    material incorporated present after

    12 weeks 24 weeks

    at RT at 37C/ at RT at 37C/

    70 % rh 70 % rh


    Diphenylmethane 62 24 72 33


    Phenylethyl dimethyl carbinol 100 100 100 95

    Caryophyllenealcohol 100 100 100 88

    Dodecanol 100 100 100 70

    Decanol 100 84 92 67

    Anisyl alcohol 64 40 45 19

    Borneol 77 31 37 0

    Benzyl alcohol 65 18 31 0

    Linalool 38 8 27 0


    Musk oxalide 100 100 100 100

    Benzyl benzoate 100 100 100 71

    Gardocyclene 94 69 98 70

    Ethyl cinnamate 59 67 63 38

    Geranyl acetate 67 12 54 0

    Citronellyl acetate 65 0 31 0

    Benzyl acetate 18 0 13 0


    Hexylcinnamaldehyde 100 100 100 100

    Anisaldehyde 30 14 17 13

    Hydroxycitronellal 80 40 75 0

    cis Citral, neral 40 0 0 0

    trans Citral, geranial 40 0 0 0

    Cinnamaldehyde 28 0 0 0

    Phenylacetaldehyde 20 0 7 0

    Decanal 14 0 0 0


    Versalide 100 100 100 100

    Benzophenone 100 90 91 89

    Celestolide 100 100 100 71

    Methyl naphthyl ketone 100 100 100 71

    -Ionone 86 26 78 4

    Jasmalone 92 20 72 0

    Acetophenone 0 0 0 0


    Methyl diphenyl ether 100 100 100 83

    [-Naphthylethyl ether 93 76 97 66

    Phenylethyln-butyl ether 44 15 38 0

    Phenylethyl amyl ether 35 0 23 0

    Amyl benzyl ether 40 0 12 0

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    Apart from the studyof the behaviourof ingredientsn soap base, a

    similar detailed study has been carried out in laundry powders.The per-

    fumery ingredientswere incorporated ndividually with diethyl phthalate

    into a laundry powder (in this casePersil Automatic)at a level of 0.1.

    The productswere henstoredn cartons or periodsof both 3 and 6 months

    at both room temperatureand 37C/70 relative humidity. Again the

    incorporationand storagewere so arranged as to enable the analysis o

    be made n a period of 24 h. The chromatograms btained rom the stored

    sampleswere comparedwith those rom fresh samples ept in glassars.

    Table III shows the behaviour of some common perfumery ingredients

    relative o diethylphthalate.*

    One can see from the table that many perfumery ingredientsdo not

    perform as well in packetsof laundry powder as in wrappedsoapbars.

    Once again similar conclusions ere reached,namely that lower boiling

    materialsare lost more readily than the higher boiling ones,and that there

    are no obvious inks betweenchemicalstructuresand stability.

    *The results are relative for it has been shown that there is loss of diethyl phthalate under the

    most severe onditionsof 24 weeksat 37C and 70% rh amounting o about 20%.

    Table IV

    Material in laundry powder

    material incorporated present after

    12 weeks 24 weeks

    at RT at 37C/ at RT at 37C/

    70 % rh 70 % rh

    n-Decanal 14 0 0 0

    n-Decanal (-t- n-Decanol) 15 0 0 0

    n-Undecenal 50 0 29 0

    n-Undecenal (-t- n-Undecenol) 41 0 22 0

    n-Dodecanal 83 0 74 0

    n-Dodecanal (-t- n-Dodecanol) 80 0 68 0

    Linalyl acetate 32 0 12 0

    Linalyl acetate -t- Hercolyn D) 30 0 13 0

    Citronellol 100 74 74 30

    Citronellol (- Hercolyn D) 94 61 74 33

    Cyclamen aldehyde 81 0 59 0

    Cyclamenaldehyde -t- Hercolyn D) 80 0 49 0

    Phenylethylamyl ether 35 0 23 0

    Phenylethylamyl ether (- Hercolyn D 45 0 25 0

    Jasmacyclene 78 14 59 11

    Jasmacyclene-t- Hercolyn D) 85 18 59 14

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    Hemiacetal formation from aldehydes and the fixative effects of

    HercolynD were investigatedor ingredientsn laundry powder and once

    again these effects were not demonstrable,as shown by the results in

    Table IV.

    These resultsshowed hat the majority of perfumerymaterials do not

    performwell in laundrypowders tored n cartons, hereforea second est

    was undertaken n order to differentiate etween he lossby evaporation

    and that by chemical nstability. To achieve this objective the product

    containing he ingredientwas stored n glass ars. The resultsof this test

    are given in Table V, which dearly demonstrateshat in the caseof this

    particular laundry powder he lossof ingredients bserved n packetswas

    causedmainly by evaporation.

    Table V

    Material in laundry powder

    o material incorporated present after

    12 weeks 24 weeks

    at RT at 37C/ at RT at 37C/

    70 % rh 70 % rh

    Linalool Carton 38 8 27 0

    Glass 100 100 100 98

    Phenylethylalcohol Carton 66 66 52 17

    Glass 100 97 93 80

    Benzyl acetate Carton 18 0 13 0

    Glass 100 83 75 50

    Citronellyl acetate Carton 65 0 31 0

    Glass 100 100 100 86

    Linalyl acetate Carton 32 0 12 0

    Glass 100 100 100 100

    Citral (cis and trans) Carton 40 0 0 0

    Glass 100 100 100 92

    Dihydrojasmone Carton 92 20 72 0

    Glass 100 79 83 37

    a-Ionone Carton 86 26 78 4

    Glass 100 100 100 93

    Phenylacetaldehyde Carton 20 0 7 0

    Glass 100 100 100 100

    Amyl benzyl ether Carton 40 0 12 0

    Glass 100 100 100 75

    Phenylethylamyl ether Carton 35 0 23 0

    Glass 100 100 100 93

    Phenylethyln-butyl ether Carton 44 15 38 0

    Glass 100 100 100 100

  • 8/11/2019 Behaviour of Perfumery Ingredients in Products





    Clearly the fact that evaporations a major causeof perfumery ngre-

    dient oss rom laundrypowderswarrantsnvestigationsnto the efficiency

    of variouspackagingmaterials.The loss of perfumecan be as much as

    three imeshigher n the leastsuitable ype of packet han someof the best

    packets sedcommercially, nd the glcmethodcanbe of use n discovering

    the bestpackage ompromisen termsof effectivenessnd cost.

    Anotherareawhere he glc echnique as oundapplications in market

    research. he ability to analyse omplete erfumes irectly rom a product,

    which is possibleby attaching he glc to a mass spectrometer, ermits

    studyof perfumerychemicals sed n relation o market trendsand fashions.

    This type of information s of immense alue o a companyn a competitive


    Perhapshe mostvaluable esultof this study,however, s that it is now

    possible o create perfumeswhich are chemically stable and relatively

    unaffected y evaporation, venwith completely ewproductbase ormula-

    tions. In thesecases here are no historicaldata for the perfumerso call

    upon. More detailed investigations ave shown that the materials n a

    complexperfumemixture behave n the sameway as when ngredients re

    incorporated ndividually. Therefore t is possible o reduce the total

    numberof analysesequiredby screening large numberof ingredients s

    a seriesof mixtures, hereby acquiringexpert knowledge n a relatively



    All of the work describedso far has been concernedwith two major

    products, .e. soapsand laundry powders.However, the techniquehas

    widerapplication nd t hasbeengenerally mployedn our laboratoriesn

    the analysisof perfumesand flayours n other bases.For example, t is

    possible o study he behaviourof flayours n toothpastebases,perfumes

    in haircreams nd in talcumpowders, nd the technique asevenbeenused

    as a method of analysing he essentialoil of lavandin directly from a single

    floret. The technique an in fact be usedwhenever n analysiss required

    of any volatilematerial present n a relativelynon-volatilebase.

    (Received:30th January1973)

  • 8/11/2019 Behaviour of Perfumery Ingredients in Products




    (1) Stiras, . andDemeilliers, . Studyby gaschromatographyt'odorant apour mitted y a

    perfumedcake of soap. Recherches 4 33 (1964).

    (2) Dervichian,D. Role de la structuremoleculaire ans a fixationdesparrums ans e savon.

    La France et sesParrums324 (August 1961).

    (3) Shiftan,E. and Feinsilver,M. Practical esearch f the art of perfumery.Ann. N.Y. Acad.

    Sci. 116 692 (1964).