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ALSO INSIDE PUB & BREWERY NEWS GIG LISTINGS JOIN CAMRA LOCALS SAVE PUB Shuckburgh Arms, South- wick gets a new lease of life with community backing FENLAND BREWING Brewday with Xtreme Ales CAMRA CYCLE RALLY Climbing hills and finding treasure READ MORE ON PAGES 15–17

Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

Apr 03, 2016



Magazine of the Peterborough & District Branch of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale. Issue 179, October/November 2014
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179


LOCALS SAVE PUBShuckburgh Arms, South-

wick gets a new lease of lifewith community backing

FENLAND BREWINGBrewday with Xtreme Ales

CAMRA CYCLE RALLYClimbing hills andfinding treasure



Page 2: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

Ten Real Ales from £2.00 a pintLive Sky Sports • Live EntertainmentHappy Hour Monday - Friday 5-7pm


CAMRA Gold award 2013

The Ploughman Staniland Way, Werrington Centre Tel: 01733 327696

The Dragon Hodgson Centre, Hodgson AvePE4 5EG Tel: 01733 578088

Six Real Ales from £2.50 a pintLive Sky Sports • Live EntertainmentHappy Hour Monday - Friday 5-7pmCash Quiz every Sunday from 8pm


CAMRA Gold award 2013

Both pubs are in the CAMRA GOOD BEER GUIDE 2015!

Price: £10 per ticket. Pre-purchase only, not available on the door. Please buy from the venue from November. Ask at the bar for more details.

Page 3: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179


Editor: Jane [email protected]

Published by: Peterborough & DistrictBranch of the Campaign for Real Ale.

Produced on behalf of CAMRA by:Orchard House Media Ltd9a South Street, Crowland, PE6 0AHTel: 01733 211933

Magazine Design & Production: Daniel Speed [email protected]

Advertising Sales Manager:Jane [email protected]: 01733 211410

Distribution:David [email protected]

Proof Reading:Bob Melville - 07941 246693

Printed By:Precision Colour Print LtdHaldane, Telford, Shropshire TF7 4QQ

Circulation: 7,000 copies distributed topubs, clubs and members throughout thePeterborough and District CAMRABranch area. A digital version of thismagazine is available to view and download at

Main Cover Image: John Moore

Editor’s ramblings |3

Another great beer festival!

Beer Around ‘Ere is publishedby the Peterborough & DistrictBranch of CAMRA Copyright© 2014, The Campaign forReal Ale Ltd.

Views or comments expressed in this publi-cation may not necessarily be those of the Editor or of CAMRA.

The next issue of Beer Around ‘Ere will beavialable on the 20th November. We must have your stories, news and advertisiements by 27th October. Pleasesend your stories and other copy to theeditor, Jane Brown.

Bar 2, Bar 4, Wine Bar, SoftDrinks Bar, CAMRA shop, I,along with all other volunteers,had a busy PBF this year! I even got involved in the“build”!

Most enjoyable and in lessthan 49 weeks it’ll start over again! It was alsogood to meet people, both those volunteering fromoutside the area and those visiting. I was told,several times, by volunteers and visitors alike whata “friendly” atmosphere the festival had and it wasone of the reasons (the beer obviously also camehigh on the list) that they came back year after year.Always good to get that type of feedback.

Top Tips - the idea is to get readers involved andask you to forward your odd/funny drinkingrelated tips which can be passed on in futureeditions. No you don’t have to provide a caricature,leave that to us! It’s a bit of fun! A big thank youto Kenny Baker for providing Bicycle Bell drawing.

The sun is still shining so it’s off to enjoy a pint ina pub garden whilst the weather lasts!

Cheers JB

IN THIS ISSUEWelcome from the editor 3Chairman’s corner 5CAMRA cycle rally 7Message from Jackie Rice 7Shuckburgh Arms saved! 8–9Pub news 10Brewery news 11–13Beer Festival round up 15–17Membership matters 18CAMRA cricket 19Brewing fenland style 20Top tips 23ITV Live at the beer festival 23Peterborough morris 24Gig dates 25Diary and beer festival dates 27Beer-lin! 29CAMRA contacts 30

Are you missing out?Get Beer Around Ere delivered to your door! For a year (6 issues) send £3.48 for second class or £4.02for 1st Class or multiples thereof for multiple years. Pleasesend a cheque/PO payable to “Peterborough CAMRA” andyour address to:- Daryl Ling, 19 Lidgate Close, PeterboroughPE2 7ZA

Page 4: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179


Real traditional ale house in the heart of the city

North Street, behind Westgate House, Peterborough Tel: 01733

5 Regularly Rotating AlesOpening Times :- Sunday to Thursday 12noon - 11pm

Friday and Saturday 11am - 1.30am

Live Music Fridays and Saturdays - ring or check facebook for details!






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Page 5: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

Chairman’s corner |5

Another Peterborough Beer Festival has passed byand most indicators appear to be pointing in apositive direction. Attendance figures were up onlast year, with almost 30,000 passing through thegates. Beer sales were at a satisfactory level withalmost every bar sold out by closing time onSaturday. Yes, we did have a problem with thesewers on Friday evening, which was completelyout of our control, however we managed to overcome it. It is now up to the local authorities tofix the problem to ensure there is no risk of ithappening again. We always seem to have aproblem with liquid at the festival. We either gettoo much dumped on us, we sometimes can’t sellenough of it and this year we were having a bit ofa problem getting rid of it! Our thanks go out toall the visitors who came and supported our greatfestival. Also to our dedicated volunteers that buildand run the event, which would not take placewithout their help. The winners of the beercompetition at the PBF are published within thisissue.

CAMRA has launched a campaign to urge thegovernment to close some of the national planningloopholes. The campaign, “Pubs Matter, so whycan’t we have a say” has the aim of giving powerback to communities by ensuring planning permis-sion is required before the pub can be demolishedor have a change of use. With two pubs every weekbeing converted into supermarkets without anyconsultation or planning permission from the localcommunity, we are asking the government to stepin and close these loopholes as a matter ofurgency.

Many people would say that any pub that isthriving will be supported by the local communityanyway and a pub that does not get the support ofthe local community deserves to fail and nobodygives a hoot if it closes for good. However, ulti-

mately that diminishes the choice of pubs to drinkin. In the end maybe only one pub remains withinthe community and if not well supported, this willalso eventually disappear. So giving our support toall of our local pubs is vital.

Our AGM will be taking place on the 10th ofDecember (see diary dates on page 27). We wouldwelcome any new or established members whowould like to join our Branch committee.

I have a number of copies of the new 2015 GoodBeer Guide available to members for a considerablediscount. Anyone who wishes to purchase a copycan get in touch with me at the number on thecontacts page. That’s it folks for now.

David Murray Branch Chairman

Chairman’s Corner


Peterborough Pubs Crib LeagueCalling all crib players! The PeterboroughIndependent Crib League is looking to change itscurrent season format. At present we run both asummer and winter league but are looking toextend our winter season to approximately 8 - 9months and drop the summer season. To this endwe require some new teams and both pubs andclubs are welcome to join.

Currently we play on Wednesday evenings with a20:30 start. Play is 3 teams of doubles eachplaying 5 legs and we also have the usual doubles,singles, KO cup etc. We are an extremely friendlyleague with an emphasis on sporting openness andmutual helpfulness but we also remain competitive.

If this could be for you please contact me byearly October. Email: [email protected] phone 07971 229865.

Ross Parton

With two pubs every week being converted into supermarkets withoutany consultation from the local community, CAMRA has launched acampaign to to close some of the national planning loopholes.

Page 6: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179


Hubs PlaceEasy to get comfortable, a challenge to leave!

Serving two permanent real ales from Fullers & Woodfordes, come and enjoy our friendly bar and a well kept pint.

Opening Times Monday - Thursday: Noon to Midnight

Friday - Saturday: Noon to 1am. Sunday: Noon - Midnight

12 Market Place, Whittlesey Nr. Peterborough PE7 1ABTel: 0844 683 9742

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Page 7: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

CAMRA Cycle Rally |7

Congratulations to the Danny Dinosaur team whowon the rally on 19th July 2014 despite strongcontention from Team Simmo. Many thanks to allwho competed and made the event a success.

Slight difficulties started when Cathedral Squarewas double booked with teams struggling to find

each other in theensuing crowds.That resolved wetook off and headed west.

The battle raged over south west Peterboroughwith visits to The Beehive, Ramblewood, Drag-onfly, Moorhen, plus Fletton Ex Service Club andfinished in the Coalheavers. Challenges involvedsolving clues, climbing hills and finding treasuresuch as a plectrum, dolly peg and most unusualtreasure.

Many thanks to all the landlords and landladiesinvolved who helped make this a memorableevening.

Thanks also to the customers of these establish-ments who tolerated our search for clues withtheir usual polite helpfulness.

Ross, Chez & Paul

Long Lost Dinosaur Reunited (CAMRA Cycle Rally)

Danny Dinosaur, long lost member of thewinning team of this year’s CAMRA Cyclerally was reunited with his team afterbeing discovered under a table.

On behalf my family and me, I feel we must thankeveryone involved with Peterborough CAMRA forall the kind things said about John Rice and theamazing amount of donations given in hismemory.

Firstly the beer donated by Bexar County andMilton Brewery raising £634, which John himselfwas able to present to Mandy Gray, the managerof the Oncology ward at Peterborough CityHospital, the staff who saved his life at Christmas.This money will go to providing new bedsidechairs. Then there were the donations made at his

funeral, of which we donated £300 to RNLI onthe Saturday of Beer Festival and £823 to SueRyder, Thorpe Hall, who looked after John and hisfamily. This money is to go towards the newbuilding at Thorpe hall.

Everyone has been so kind and thoughtful andwe are humbled by the tributes to John both beforeand at the Beer Festival. Your kindness will remainwith us always. John was a special person to us, aloving husband, Dad, Granddad and GreatGranddad. Thank you everyone.

Jackie Rice

Message from Jackie Rice


Page 8: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

8 | Pub news

In June 2014 David Dixon left the ShuckburghArms, Southwick, near Oundle in Northampton-shire saying to locals that the pub was unviable andcould close to become a private house.

The locals and regulars, lead by Tim McLean,decided they wanted to keep their village pubopen, so immediately investigated how it waspossible to take over the pub, which is leased fromlocal landowners, the Capron family. Theyreceived enormous help from the Plunkett Founda-tion, which helps rural communities to set up andrun a range of community-owned co-operativesincluding community shops, co-operative pubs andcommunity food enterprises. For more informationsee their website,

The Plunkett Foundation helped the locals set upa limited company through a Community BenefitScheme under the supervision of the FinancialConduct Authority. Locals and villagers wereinvited to invest in order to buy the stock, fixturesand fittings as well as funds to redecorate the pub,refurbish the gents toilets etc. 30 locally based

‘investors’ raised over £21,500 and grants of£2,000 from the Plunkett Foundation to assist withlegal matters etc; a member empowerment grantof £1,000 from East Northants Council, obtainedto help with the gents toilet refurb, and a further£1,000 member empowerment grant fromNorthants County Council for kitchen improve-ments. The Capron family also helped by creatinga fresh lease in favour of the new communitycompany. Shares are still available until December31st 2014 at a cost of £50 per share.

During a 10 day closure, a band of volunteerssmartened up the pub and its ample gardens.These included local builder, Peter Prior, whohelped with fencing, and Barry and Zach Wallis,with the toilets, flooring, decking and doors. Localsolicitors and accountants have given their timewithout charge. Some volunteers have evenadopted parts of the pub such as the flowerborders to keep them in good order.

Pub Saved by the LocalsShuckburgh Arms, Southwick


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Pub news |9

The pub is run by a management committee ofjust 5, voted by the investors, with Charles Whalleyas Chair and Tim McLean as Secretary. They planto meet once a month and all the investors areeligible to attend the AGM and a 6 month reviewmeeting. Former barman Roger Guttridge wasasked to act as pub manger and is ably assisted byhis partner Helen Jefferies. Any profits, after all theexpenses, have to be re-invested in the pub or inother community benefit projects. These are notconfined to Southwick, so potentially could helpother communities take charge of their pub!

The pub has a small, cosy interior with a largeinglenook fireplace on the left, a 1930s brick andwood surround fireplace on the right, both withopen log fires in winter. There is also a side passagewith tables. There is a covered patio with heatersat the rear and beyond are extensive gardens. Thegardens are the new venue for the World ConkerChampionships held on the second Sunday inOctober each year. Also at the rear is a cricketground, home to the Southwick Strokers. Popular with cyclists and walkers, this is also a dog-friendly pub.

With a member of the management committeealso involved with the running of the village halland the cricket field, it is possible for outsideorganisations to run their own events using all thevillage’s facilities.

There is a Bluegrass session every 3rd Thursdayof the month, starting at 8.45pm. Other events areplanned, so for more up-to-date information pleasevisit their website pubs opening hours are Tue 4pm to 11pm;Wed to Sat from 10am to 11pm; Sun from 10amto 8pm and closed on Mondays. The pubs phonenumber is 01832 272044.

Real ales on sale are Nene Valley NVB (the pubclaims to be the first to sell a Nene Valley real ale)and Brewsters Hophead; also 3 guest beers from(usually local) microbreweries all sold at £2.80 apint. A full-time chef is now renting the kitchenand so now food is served from 12 noon to 2.30pmand also from 6pm to 9pm with Sunday lunches

served from 12pm to 4pm; no food Sun evening.On Thursdays from 6pm to 9pm Fish & Chips areavailable for just £5 – eat-in or take away – theyrecently sold 48 meals on one Thursday! Breakfastis available from 10am to 11ish on Saturdays andSundays.

The Shuckburgh Arms has always attractedcustomers from near and far, but Tim points outthat the support of the villagers and the improve-ments to the facilities has meant they have, so far,seen a huge increase in turnover.

If your rural pub is under threat, and you feel itcould be saved, the clear message from Southwickis to get together with other locals and villagersand take steps to do something about it. You couldfinish up with a much improved village puboffering greater social activities than previously.

Mick Slaughter

Photos from top left: The inglenook fireplace at theShuckburgh Arms and pub manager Roger Gutterige withhis partner Helen Jefferies. 2. Exterior of the communityowned pub. 3. The cosy interior.


Send us your news!Calling all landlords and landladies! Had a refurb?Got a great event on? Started selling a new rangeof ales or cider? Let us know and we will add yournews to these pages. Just email John Temple at [email protected]

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The Black Horse, Nassington has re-opened itsdoors after a few weeks closure.

The Blue Bell, Helpston. After a period ofrestricted opening, the Blue Bell is now fully openwhich good news is for local drinkers. Staying inHelpston, The Exeter Arms is due to reopenbefore Christmas as a free house. George Sakkalliowner of The Golden Pheasant, Etton hasapplied for licence and will be working in partner-ship with John Clare Trust who purchased thebuilding from Enterprise. George said that therewill be four hand pumps for real ale and the aimwill be have the same standards as those in place atThe Golden Pheasant. Refurbishment will createa traditional, friendly, family pub and give theGeorgian building a needed revival. George is alsoplanning to have occasional music sessions withlocal bands. He has the support of the villagewhich is an added bonus!

The Heron, Stanground. The lease which wasdue to expire in September has been renewed.Good news for Rob and Meri plus the regulars.Don’t forget, Tuesday night is quiz night andFriday is music night.

The Woodston, Belsize Avenue, Woodston hasclosed its doors for good. Another one bites the dust!

The Cherry Tree, Woodston had a charity musicday in September to raise funds for the TeenageCancer Trust. The proceeds from the raffle anddonations from regulars and the landlady, JanetGoldswain Goldswain, raised over £600 for thisgreat cause. The Cherry Tree holds regular eventsthroughout the year. Check out the Facebook page‘The Cherry Tree’ for updates.

On Saturday 13th September at the HonestJohn, Chatteris, Rebecca Andrews took the bravestep of having her head shaved for MagpasHelimedix, the emergency medical charity.

Rebecca, with the support of her partner Badger,together with her family, friends and fellow bikers,have raised, to date, over £700 with another £100pledged in sponsorship. An eighteen inch longponytail has been donated by Rebecca to “LittlePrincess Trust”, who provide real-hair wigs, free ofcharge, to boys and girls across the UK andIreland that have lost their own hair throughcancer treatment.

10 | Pub news

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Brewery news|11

Bexar County BreweryBexar County beers have featuredin many beer festivals over the lastfew months, both local and furtherafield. These have included PBFand the Birmingham Beer Bash. At

PBF they won a silver in the Speciality Beer cate-gory for Cellarman’s Stout and a bronze in BarleyWine and Strong Ales category for Papa Steve.

Blue BellPrivate sales and bottled beers sales continue togrow however sales to pubs have now been staticfor 12 months

Castor AlesPhew what a scorcher! Hotweather and soaring sales sawCastor Ales brewing tocapacity over the spring and

summer. The 37th Peterborough Beer Festivalspecial: Treinta y Siete (thirty-seven in Spanish)was the surprise summer hit! At 5.5% it packed apunch and proved very popular at the PBF14along with a great showing from Hopping Toadand 12th Man.

The collaboration with Bexar County, under thebrewery pseudonym of Castxar, Castor andBollux, confused some, but the resulting love childwent down well. Hopping Toad stormed the Coal-heavers September beer festival selling out beforethe Posh match kicked off.

Old Scarlett made a surprise appearance onBBC’s The One Show in August when local alewas drunk by celebrities, Louis Smith having thehonour of supping Old Scarlett!

Hop contracts have secured the future of theCastor favourites but look out for new beers in thenext few months as the nights draw in.

Elgoods BreweryIndian Summer is thecurrent seasonal and will bereplaced by North BrinkPorter in November.

The Elgoods Brewery Beer Festival in conjunctionwith SIBA will take place as follows:-Thursday 25th September 6.30 - 10.30pm.Friday 26th September 4-10.30pm. Saturday 27th September 12-10.30pm.There will be live bands including Dr Busker onThursday and food will be available. Advancetickets £3.00 phone 01945 583160. Pay on door£4.00.

King’s Cliffe Brewery (KCB)KCB are happy to report all three of their ales,5C, No 10 and OBT, sold out at the PeterboroughBeer Festival. This was the launch event for KCBand the feedback received was very positive. Jezthe head brewer is now looking to supply Peterbor-ough pubs and clubs on a regular basis, as part ofCAMRA’s LocAle scheme. So please look out forKCB at your local. KCB is also looking to venturefurther afield and will be on sale at theNottingham Beer Festival 8th - 11th October 2014and at selected pubs in Nottingham during thatperiod.

Mile Tree BreweryMile Tree Brewery beers

made appearances duringAugust at, Heron, Stan-

ground, Grainstore Beer Festival, Vine Inn,Market Deeping and Peterborough Beer Festival,to name a few. Trade day at aforementionedfestival was a great success for the brewery.September saw them at Letter B, CoalheaversArms Beer Festival, Conservative Club BeerFestival, Melton Mowbray Beer festival andElgoods/Siba beer festival.

Demand is very high for thier bottled beers at themoment so they are looking to increase output inthe near future.

Brewery News



Page 12: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

12 | Brewery news continued

The “Travellin’ Tavern” (does what is says on thetin!) refurbishment is ongoing and the plan is toput in two hand pumps to serve real ale at futureevents. It made appearances during Septemberand will be at Christmas Fayres/Markets duringNovember/ December including Whittlesey Nov30th, Ferry Meadows, March 7th Dec andWisbech 15th Dec.

Mile Tree has been approached by several groupsrecently to host brewery tours/BBQ evenings thisautumn at The Secret Garden Touring Park.They have also been nominated for Fenland Enter-prise Business Awards and have been shortlisted inthe final four! Awards take place on 10th Octoberat The Braza Club in March.

Melbourn BreweryNothing new to report still producing four fruitbeers, although their “Strawberry Fruit Beer” hasbeen in short supply this year.

Nene Valley BreweryNene Valley have had a busyperiod with work going on apacein their “Tap and Kitchen”, thepub/restaurant on the same site as

the brewery. The opening is scheduled for mid-November. The have also recently unveiled theirnew brewery logo (see above) and decided that allof their beers will now be known by their fullnames i.e. Nene Valley Bitter instead of NVB.The beer launched in November 2013 as “Starlessand Bible Black” has been renamed “Bible Black”and will still be available in two strengths 4.5% and6.5%. The mild (MLD) has been renamed “DarkHorse”, but otherwise remains unchanged.

A new beer, “Starless Stout”, at 4.2%, waslaunched in June, and has been well received.

A Festival Special “Double JIP” at 9.8% wasbrewed for Peterborough Beer Festival, as JimIrving, after whom the original “Jim Irving Pale”was named, would have been 98 in July. Sadly,Jim, the brewer at Smiths of Oundle when itclosed in 1964, died in November 2013. Thebrewery intends to brew a Jim Irving memorialbeer each July.

Nene Valley had a trade stand on the first day ofPeterborough Beer Festival where they were able todispense tasters of some of their beers, and, ofcourse, show off their new logo. Their hard workover the past months was recognised during theblind tastings for Beer of the Festival when “BibleBlack” won in the Stouts and Porters category,beating 2013 CAMRA Champion Beer of Britain,1872 Porter, from Elland Brewery, into secondplace. “Bible Black” went on to beat all of theother category winners, again in a blind tasting, tobe crowned “Beer of the Festival”. When I calleddirector, Dick Simpson, with the news, he wasecstatic and declared that they would becommencing a party immediately.

Dick reports that their success at Peterboroughhas stimulated some interest among the customersthey already serve but no new accounts have beenopened as a result. He feels that this is not theseason for a 6.5% porter but that sales will pick upas the year progresses.

Oakham AlesOakham takes silver as Bolt gets thegold! Oakham Ales came very close torepeating their success of 2001 at the

recent 2014 Great British Beer Festival. That yearthey won Supreme Champion Beer of Britain withJ.H.B. This time they had to settle for silver withCitra coming second to Timothy Taylor’s Bolt-maker. Citra romped through to the final after itwon the Golden Ales category. A great result for afine beer which will surely raise its profile. It hasbeen an award in waiting, as fans of the beer havebeen saying for the last couple of years that it is asgood a beer of its type in the land. The awardsceremony will be held in Kettering at the end ofOctober. The brewery will also be raising thebeer’s profile as part of National Cask Ale weekwith a tasting session for Citra between 12 noonand 5pm at The Brewery Tap on Friday 26thSeptember.

Some new beers are coming our way soon.Kraken’s Ink will be familiar to some from therecent P.B.F. as it was the 6.8% Festival special & itis now on general sale.


Page 13: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

Brewery news continued |13

Deep Thought, a deep chestnut coloured beer at4.7% is the next Oakadamy beer for release and J.D.Wetherspoon’s autumn beer festival will feature TheGreat Gustav a 4.8% beer. Then that old favouriteAsylum at 4.5% will be the last seasonal beer for theyear. CAMRA’s Nottingham Beer Festival in Octoberwill feature 11 Oakham Ales beers.

Star Brewing CompanyThe Star Brewery have suspendedbrewing Galaxy for the foreseeablefuture. They are going to run with just

two core beers, Meteor and Comet.

To compliment these they are brewing two monthlybeers, one of them normally Astral 4.4%, (for thesummer months), and the other being usually arecurring guest. They brewed a festival special forPBF 2014, which was Orion at 4.7%.

Tydd Steam BreweryGerry Wills, DeputyChairman of CAMRAKernow, Cornwall, recently

visited to present four awards won at last year’sFalmouth Beer Festival. Piston Bob won Gold in theBest Bitters class and also won overall ChampionBeer of the Festival. Golden Kiwi won silver in theGolden Ales class and Quench won silver in theSpeciality Beer class. The beers will be returning tothe Falmouth beer festival later this year.

Bedford and Norwich Festivals are also going tofeature Tydd beers next month. Swedish Blonde isabout to return as part of the occasional portfolioand this will be followed by Dr Fox’s CunningLinctus and Armageddon. Leveller is going to bebrewed for November.

Xtreme AlesThe breweryhas launched anew website: and bought anew bigger plant from the FoolHardy Brewery in Stockport. It ishoped the 2.5 Barrel Plant (seephoto) will be installed in October.


Owners Mike and Neil met up with Mark Woodfrom Fool Hardy in August to learn how to brewon the new plant. They also recommend TheHope Inn if you find yourself in Stockport.

Peterborough Beer Fest was a great success,showcasing their beers for the first time at theirhome beer festival. The festival special “FunkyPigeon” sold out within three hours, the secondspecial “Upon this Black Rock” sold out early onthe second day. The other two beers, Pigeon Aleand Chocolate Stout, sold out on the Thursdayand Friday respectively. Apart from Peterbor-ough, the brewery has also supplied festivals atthe Jolly Brewer Stamford, Melton Mowbray,Hand & Heart Peterborough and Nottingham.

A special beer “Screamer” wasbrewed for the birthday of Bramof the Hand & Heart, and wasavailable at their festival.

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The organisers of the 37th Annual PeterboroughBeer Festival are hailing 2014 as another great yearwith up to 30,000 visitors making their way to theEmbankment for the annual five day event. Theevent got off to a flying start on Tuesday 19thAugust with the opening Trade Session and a raftof invited guests from the beer industry. TheTuesday afternoon session has now become a keymeeting place for landlords, brewers, and industryinsiders to network and gain access to theemerging trends within the real ale market.

At 5.30pm the doors opened to the public and thelarge queues already forming poured in to samplethe 400+ real ales and numerous ciders, foreignbottled beers and English wines that were on offer.By the end of day one 140 casks of 18 gallons each– over 20,000 pints – had been consumed.

Champion Beer judging took place from 11amWednesday and the results were made available bylate afternoon. This year the overall winners were:

Gold – Nene Valley Brewery (Oundle): BibleBlack

Silver – Bad Seed Brewery (Malton, North Yorkshire): Expresso Stout

Bronze – Dunham Massey (Altrincham,Cheshire): Chocolate Cherry Mild

As well as the local success from Nene Valleythere was recognition in the awards too for BexarCounty of Peterborough and Xtreme Ales ofWhittlesey, both proving that new and innovativemicrobreweries from the area can compete againstnational competition. Full details of all of thewinning beer categories can be found on the Peter-borough Beer Festival website

Throughout the week the Festival played host tomany live acts from the region. The Rocket Dogs,Tin Pigeons and Motor City Vipers were amongst12 bands that kept the crowds entertained and thepopular Open Mic night on the Tuesday onceagain proved a draw for talented local performersto get up on stage in front of a big audience.

It wouldn’t be the Peterborough Beer Festivalwithout a few challenges however, but the odd

Peterborough Beer Festival2014 Round-Up

PBF 2014 Round-Up |15


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spot of rain did little to dampen everyone’s spirits. Perhaps thebiggest problem came on Friday when a section of drainage to theEmbankment became blocked – it is thought by a tree rootcollapsing a main sewer - and as a result half of the toilet blocks onsite had to be closed off for health and safety reasons. The Festivalorganisers worked tirelessly to establish essential maintenance withthe local council and water supplier. In the end outside contractorshad to be called in order to keep the site running, and by earlyevening all the issues had been resolved.

In summing up the overall view of the Festival organisers, theopinion is that 2014 was another successful and well-managed year.Three years of increasing attendance and good beer sales haveshown that Peterborough leads the way in running an event of thissize.

Mike Lane, chair of the Festival Committee said after the event:“The amount of beer left over at the end of this year’s Festival wasvery low indeed and this is really good news for Peterborough BeerFestival. This will certainly help us when we come to prepare fornext year’s festival with CAMRA.”

Next year’s festival is due to take place between 25th – 29thAugust and planning is due to start almost immediately with apublic “wash-up” meeting taking place in October to discuss allaspects of this year’s Festival. For more details check the Peterbor-ough CAMRA website for regular updates.

Karl SimpsonPeterborough Beer Festival Press Officer

07737 [email protected]

Photos kindly provided by and copyright Bruce Ferguson

PBF 2104 Round-Up continued |17

Page 18: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

Although I was not involved in manning theMembership Stand at the Peterborough BeerFestival, some sterling work by those involvedresulted in 111 new members (71 in this branch;40 from other branches as far apart as Dover,Manchester, York and Pembroke Dock, SouthWales) and 14 in-branch renewals.

I extend a warm welcome to CAMRA to all ofthose who joined at the Beer Festival. Please don’tlet the Beer Festival be your only experience ofCAMRA. In addition to the various social activi-ties within the branch area, organised by ourSocial Secretary, John Hunt (see contact details onpage 30), there are a number of other groups andpubs which organise their own beer/breweryrelated activities further afield. Our monthlymeetings take place at various pubs within Peterborough, and are a good way to meet and getto know other members. All branch activities areto be found on the Diary page of our website(

You can, of course, volunteer to help with theset-up and running of next year’s Beer Festival andsee what it’s like from the other side.

We look forward to meeting some of you at ameeting soon.

Bob MelvilleMembership Secretary


18 | Membership is not just for the Beer fest!

Page 19: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

CAMRA Cricket News |19


14 tourists, three matches to play, two breweryvisits, 20 real ale pubs and a T20 Blast gamebetween Kent and Hampshire to watch, the storyof the cricket team’s tour to Canterbury!

Friday 4th July 9:30am: 12 players set out in aminibus supplied by our sponsors The CoalheaversArms, on the long journey to Littlebourne to playthe village team. Being forced into drinking beforethe game by the opposition, a mixed display in thefield followed with the highlight being JohnWalker’s throw to the keeper which only missed itstarget by a mere 100metres! Twenty oversfinished, Littlebourne had amassed 177 for seven.

In response CAMRA were bowled out for 149,with Chairman Pete Jex top scoring with 42.Following a quick tea, the team headed to PremierInn, Canterbury, to drop bags off and head on toKent vs Hampshire. Following a disappointing lossby Kent, and the availability of only keg ShepherdNeame Spitfire, the team ended the evening withvisits to GBG (Good Beer Guide), pubs ThePhoenix and The Foundry Brew Pub.

Saturday started with breakfast and the teamsplitting, with the majority of players, includingGary Barrett and Pingu, who had travelled downindependently, off to the game with Selling CricketClub, whilst Neil Holmes and Matt Mace wentaround Canterbury to sample the local pubs.During the pub crawl 15 local establishments weresampled with the highlights being the New Inn

with its great selection of real ales and welcominglocals, the Bell & Crown which served arguably thebest beer and The Canterbury Ale’s The KnightsAle. Meanwhile over in Selling it was a story ofmissed chances with stand-in wicket keeper, JamesHilton Robinson, dropping Nick Myers on zerowho then went on to make 84 in Selling’s total of192 for 8. In response CAMRA could only make155 for nine, with Richard Voisey top scoring with39. That evening all the team had a meal at theDolphin, a few drinks at the Bell & Crown beforedrinking The Foundry dry into the early hours.

Sunday started with breakfast and skipper NickBradbury looking like Davy Jones in Pirates of theCaribbean, due to one too many in The Foundry.At 11am we received a call from Dover Cosmosinforming us that the afternoon’s game wascancelled due to “moisture”. The team thenheaded into town to sample the remaining pubs onthe list and watch the tennis on TV. The eveningfinished with a night in The Unicorn, the KentCAMRA Pub of the Year, playing bar billiards andparticipating in the Sunday night quiz.

Monday morning the team loaded up theminibus and headed for two brewery trips, theMad Cat Brewery just outside Faversham andKent Brewery in West Malling. A few beers andbanter later, the team made its way back to Peter-borough following a mixed few days...roll on theHuddersfield tour in 2015!

Matt Mace

Peterborough CAMRA Cricket Team:Tour 2014 Canterbury

Page 20: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

20 | Xtreme Ales Brewday

It was a lovely warm summer morning a few weeksago when I got a text from the head brewer atXtreme Ales to say he was going to brew that dayfor the up and coming Peterborough Beer Fest2014 and did I want to go and have a look to seehow it was done.

Within twenty minutes I was off to Turves aboutfive miles east of Whittlesey in the Fens, whereXtreme Ales are based. Upon arrival Mike Holmeswas already into the brew process with the liquorin the mash tun and sparging about to take place

Mike started the brew a couple of hours earlier inorder to get the liquor up to the correct tempera-ture. He has a 100 litre portable plant based in hisgarage with all the facilities of a full size plant onhand to brew beer. Today’s brew was FunkyPigeon, a special for PBF2014. With the wheatand malt percolating in the mash tun, the spargingbegan with the liquor slowly pumped into thecopper for the boil. As this takes a while, Mike saidit was time to sample a bottle of beer. This turnedout to be a beer called Never Again - a lighthoppy refreshing beer of 4.2%, just right on awarm summer’s day! This had been brewed for afriend who was getting married for the second timehence the name!

Things do not move at a great pace in the Fens sotime out was taken to look at a Mustang aeroplanethat was flying about the area doing a few aero-batics. Mike flies a bit himself, so was able to informme about the aircraft that was flying around above.

By now the liquor was on the boil, so in went thefirst of the hops. After ten minutes the boilerbegan to spill over, but a quick lift of the lid to letthe froth go down did the trick. Thirty minutespassed and more hops were added and the boilcontinued. At this point the mash tun was cleanedout and the spent grain went for chicken feed.

The boil continued for another hour or so with

hops being added at varying points until the timerwent off and it was flame out time. More hops areadded at this point and a recirculation of the newbeer around the plant brought the temperaturedown to the right level in readiness for the transferto the fementer, with water being pumped allaround the plant. Eventually the liquor tankbecame full, Mike explained that this would formthe next brew.

The beer was pumped into the fementer and theOG (Original Gravity) checked. Mike was happywith the results and so the yeast was added to thebrew. With nice ambient temperature the beerwould be ready to barrel in a few days time andthen put into the cold store. From here it would besent to the fast approaching Peterborough BeerFestival.

The whole process took around five hours andthe hardest job of the day was cleaning the kitafterwards, washing down and disposing of thespent grain.

I had a very nice day spent brewing at this littleFenland micro brewery and would like to thankMike for the opportunity to see the brewingprocess and for the hospitality provided.

Paul Fuller

Brewing Fenland Style


Page 21: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179


3 real ales, 1 real cider and 6 draught beersGame room, Sky & BT sport

Freshly prepared food Tuesday to Sunday.Our garden, bars and restaurants are available

for your Wedding, office or birthday party.

Coming up:Oct 11th The Big Squeeze

Oct 31st Halloween Party Live MusicNov 8th Bon Fire Night Extravaganza9 High Street, Easton on the Hill, PE9 3LR.

Tel: 01780 763003 Email: [email protected]

Find us on Facebook: The Blue Bellt. 01780 755141 w.

Foundry Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2PP

• Food Served Daily •12-3pm Monday - Sunday6-9pm Friday & Saturday

Sky HD and BT showing Football and Rugby

Page 22: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179


22 | Please support our advertisers

The Bluebell InnHelpston

Are we the only pub to have two different images on our pub sign?

We’re like to think we’re different for other reasons too – we’re a proper village local with a really warm welcome to all. We serve great local

cask conditioned ales (always a choice of 4 includingour own bitter) and some great lagers and cider.

We also stock a range of non-alcoholic drinks andbrew a good cup of tea!

Serving fresh, seasonal, locally sourced produce,our menu offers something for everyone.

We hope you’ll visit soon.

The Bluebell, Woodgate, Helpston, Peterborough PE6 7ED Tel: 01733 252394

Email: [email protected]

Page 23: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

ITV cameras were live at the 37th PeterboroughBeer Festival on Wednesday 20th August. Aninitial visit by an ITV camera crew on Mondayduring the “build” filmed footage for transmissionon Tuesday's breakfast bulletin, I was contactedearly on Wednesday by Matthew Hudson, fromITV Anglia News, who requested a live broadcastfrom the festival for the 6pm Anglia Newsprogramme.

Matthew spent the afternoon speaking to staffand the public to get a feel for the unique atmos-phere of Peterborough Beer Festival prior to thebroadcast. During his tour he met the SouthKorean Team of DK and Cheko. They were inthe UK to brew their IPA as part of the OhdolBeer Project, which involves the Iceni Brewery andthe East Anglian Co-operative. 

The wine bar manager, Pamela Baines, was inter-viewed and altogether nearly an hour of footagewas shot for the introduction. Mid-afternoon wereceived a call from ITV Central News whorequested a recorded interview and our very ownChairman, David Murray, valiantly agreed.

The live broadcast was not without tense excite-ment, two minutes into the broadcast the camerabattery failed so they had to cut to the weather girl.Happily we were able to resume and complete theinterviews with both David Murray and PaulLangley of Oakham Ales.

A big thank you to Matthew and ITV Anglia andITV Central for their support of the Festival fromeveryone at the Beer Festival.

Mike BlakesleyPress Officer

Top Tips |23


Fed up with being ignored in acrowded pub? Why not try yourbicycle bell?

I have found this a most useful tool for scattering tiresome pedestrians fromthe pavement.

So when I arrive at a crowded pub Imerely detach the bell and take it inwith me. One tweak and I get servedimmediately. A second tweak and Isummon the barperson back for theinevitable top up. Trouble is the lasttime I tried this my bicycle disap-peared.

Rupert Rudkin

TOP TIPS The Bicycle Bell

Do any other

readers have an


useful hints for

enhancing the



ITV Live at the Beer Festival




by K




Page 24: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

24 |Peterborough Morris

Historical records reveal that Morris featured atcourt and church events from the 15th century, butlater became the dance of ordinary village folk.The modern revival of Morris dancing was initi-ated by the publication of a set of instructions byCecil Sharp, in 1907. Sharp collected dances froma number of villages in the counties of Gloucester-shire, Oxfordshire, and Northamptonshire, whichhad produced their own steps and dances, nowknown as the “Cotswold traditions”.

Peterborough Morris was formed in 1979 withan aim to learn and perform the dances, whilstalso providing a club for like-minded individuals tomeet together over a beer or two. Over the lastthirty-five years, we have danced at festivals bothfar and near, including a number of internationaltours. In 2013 alone, Peterborough Morrisattended festivals in Yorkshire, Leicestershire, andNorfolk, to name only a few. And, as with theMorris dancers of old, it's a great excuse to visitdifferent pubs, as we do every Tuesday evening

throughoutthe summer months.

The pleasure from dancing the Morris is not easyto describe but it’s something to do with masteringa skill, being part of a team, maintaining a tradi-tion, and blending exercise with friendship inenjoyable surroundings.

We’re always looking for new dancers, young orold, to join us. Could you be the man we need? We would love you to come to one of our practicesessions, just to try Morris with us. Practices takeplace each week under the guidance of our expertinstructor, and particular help is afforded to newmen in finding their left foot from their right one!We meet every Tuesday evening at the Fletton Ex-Service and Working Men’s Club in Fletton,from 8.30pm until 10pm. See our advert below formore details.

Dancing Around ‘Ere


THE VINEMarket Deeping

Telephone: 07501 465 64619 Church Street, Market Deeping

Free House with 5 Real Ales2 Regular Ales

Vine Ale, Sharps Doom Bar

3 Guest AlesStockist of Hopshackle Beers

Beer Garden • Large Patio


Page 25: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

Live music in a pub new you |25


SeptemberSat 27thTriple 7 Blue Boar, Eye

The Lurkers Mama Liz, StamfordKamikaze Hotshots Straw Bear,


The Fedz Iron Horse, DeepingSun 28th Roadrunner Crown, Uppingham

OctoberSat 4th Junk Yard Rats Pig & Falcon, St Neots

The Fedz Straw Bear, WhittleseySun 5th Swing & Jazz Pig & Falcon, St NeotsMon 6th Shake Hands Eric Charters, Town BridgeTues 7th Open Mic The Dragon, WerringtonWed 8th Open Mic Pig & Falcon, St NeotsFri 10th Alan’s Jam Pig & Falcon, St Neots

Oct Grounded The Dragon, WerringtonSat 11th Zeb Roots The Dragon Werrington

Whiskey Twist Straw Bear, WhittleseyTreble Damage Pig & Falcon, St Neots

Sun 12th Jacen Unplugged Pig & Falcon, St NeotsSun 12th Intermezzo Woolpack, Stanground

Wed 15th Open Mic Pig and Falcon, St NeotsFri 17th The Crystal Ship Pig & Falcon, St Neots

The Steradents The Dragon, WerringtonLazoons Charters, Town Bridge

Sat 18thLeague Of Mentalmen The Dragon, Werrington

Ben Callanan Charters, Town BridgeUp & Atom, Pig & Falcon, St NeotsKickback Straw Bear, Whittlesey

Sun 19th Blues & Jazz Pig & Falcon, St NeotsJazz Jam Brewery Tap, Westgate

Wed 22nd Open Mic Pig & Falcon, St NeotsFri 24th Alan’s Jam Pig & Falcon, St Neots

Under Covered Dragon, WerringtonSat 25th Band on the Run, Pig & Falcon, St Neots

Circa 73 Straw Bear, WhittleseySun 26th Jacen Unplugged Pig & Falcon, St NeotsWed 29th Open Mic Pig and Falcon, St NeotsFri 31st Ghost Repeaters Pig & Falcon, St Neots

Hooker Dragon, Werrington

NovemberSat 1st JPR Trio Dragon, Werrington

Children of the Revolution Straw Bear, Whittlesey

Chris Hatt Charters, Town BridgeHigh Rollers The Dragon, Werrington

Sun 2nd Steve Bean Woolpack, StangroundFri 7th White Spirit The Dragon, WerringtonSat 8th The Rocket Dogs Straw Bear, Whittlesey Fri 14th Jimmy Doherty Charters, Town BridgeSat 15th On The Ceiling Straw Bear, Whittlesey

Leon The Dragon, WerringtonSat 22nd Thunderhead Straw Bear, Whittlesey

On the Ceiling The Dragon, WerringtonThurs 27thMatt Howard Brewery Tap, WestgateFri 28th Dave Jackson Brewery Tap, Westgate

The Brays The Dragon, WerringtonSat 29th Tallawah Straw Bear, WhittleseySun 30th Red Wine Blues Brewery Tap, Westgate

Best of Unplugged Charters, Town Bridge

Gig guide

29 North Street, Stanground PE2 8HR. 01733 753544

Friendly village pub with riverside mooring.

Up to 4 Real Ales available

Large Garden • Dogs Welcome • BT Sport

Food Served: Tues to Sun 12 - 2.30pm Mon to Sat 6pm - 8pm

Live Music Sunday 12 OctIntermezzo (String Quartet) 4pm - 6pm

Page 26: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

The all day venue – Open for meals and snacks 12pm to 9pm daily

A conservatory restaurant with food served all day, nooks and crannies in the old stables, outdoor seating and extensive parking, plus a selection of

Real Ales.

Real food, Real ales, Real pubBEST WESTERN PLUS Orton Hall Hotel

& Spa, The Village, Orton Longueville, Peterborough, PE2 7DN

Tel: 01733 391111

The Ramblewood Inn‘The pub in the woods’

For special offers, news and travel directions visit

All foodpurchased whenyou spend £25

50% OFF




or more

Terms and Conditions - Coupon valid only when £25 or more is spent on food, cannot be exchanged for cash, does not apply to spend on drinkscannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, not valid for parties in excess of 8 people. Valid until Tuesday 25th November 2014. If you do not wish to receive further promotions please tick here.

Page 27: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

Events and beer festivals |27

Diary datesOctoberMonday 6th at 8.30pmBranch Committee MeetingCoalheavers Arms, WoodstonPE2 9BH. All memberswelcome, please bring member-ship card.

Wednesday 15th at 8.30pmPBF Wash-up Open MeetingThe 2014 PBF Wash-up openmeeting to be held in Brewery Tap.All volunteers welcome to attend.

Sunday 19thThe Awards presentation to theJolly Sailor, Ramsey and theLetter B Whittlesey which waspostponed from the 31st August.

Minibus will depart the BreweryTap at 12.00 and return by 8pm. Cost £8.00. For those who livelocally, the presentation to theJolly Sailor will take place at1.30pm and the Letter B presen-tation will take place at 4.30pm.To book places please contactJohn Hunt, Social Secretary.

Please try and support eventsand contact Social Secretary bye-mail, text or phone. (seecontacts listing p30.) Please bookas soon as possible in order to aidthe planning process.

NovemberTuesday 11th at 8.30pm Branch Committee Meeting The

Ploughman, Werrington, PE46NA. All members welcome,please bring membership card.

DecemberSaturday 6thCAMRA Christmas Party, ThePloughman, Werrington, PE46NA. Entertainment from TheNuggets. For tickets pleasecontact David Murray([email protected])

Wednesday 10th at 8.30pm Peterborough Branch AGM,Brewery Tap, all memberswelcome, please bring yourmembership card.

CAMRA meetings and socials

Beer FestivalsOctoberFriday 3rd - Sunday 5thOctoberfest Beer Festival at the Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor

Friday 3rd - Monday 6thThe Bartons Arms, 144 HighStreet, Aston, BirminghamAutumn Beer Festival, 20+ ales.see

Wednesday 8th – Saturday 11thBedford Beer & Cider Festival(CAMRA). Corn Exchange, StPauls Sq, Bedford, MK40 1SL 100+ real ales, 40 ciders + perry,draught & bottled foreign

Wednesday 8th – Saturday 11thNottingham Robin Hood BeerFestival (CAMRA) NottinghamCastle, NG1 6EB 1,000+ caskbeers, 200+ ciders & perries

Friday 10th – Sunday 12thCider festival. Woolpack, NorthStreet, Stanground, Peterbor-ough PE2 8JF. Local ciders andsausages of all flavours. Live music.

Thursday 30th – Sunday 2ndNovember 2014Halloween Spooktacular.Dragon, Hodgson Centre,Hodgson Avenue, PeterboroughPE4 5EG. Live music allweekend. Hell Pit BBQ.

Thursday 30th October –Sunday 9th NovemberPig n Hog Autumn Festival. Pig n Falcon, St Neots40 real ales, ciders and craftbeers.

NovemberThursday 27th - Sunday 30thWinter Beer Festival at thePloughman, Werrington Centre

Thursday 27th - Sunday 30thBrewery Tap, Westgate. WinterBeer Festival. 30+ Ales and guestciders. Live music each evening.Free entry.

CAMRA and other beer festivals in the coming months


Page 28: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179


28 | Please support our advertisers


14 Ever-changing, gravity fed real ales Wood burner for winter

Opening Times

Mon - Thurs3-12pm

Fri and Sat12 - midnight


VINYL NIGHTBring down your favourite records

Check Facebook for next event

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PHILOSOPHY NIGHTCheck Facebook for next event


from 4pm

For information on live entertainment go to:

Palmerston Arms

from 4pm

Page 29: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

Berlin trip |29


Having just returned from a mini break to thewonderful city of Berlin, I thought I would riskboring you all with the details. Judged to be one ofEurope’s best value destinations, it certainly provedto be a very worthwhile trip for a low cost threeday City Break.

The flight from Southend, although affected for 4hours by those pesky French air traffic controllers,took a mere 1 hour 20 minutes before landing atBerlin, Schonfeld.

The city has a really good transport system, youcan travel by rail, underground rail, trams andbuses, all on one ticket. This can be purchased for1 journey, for a day, a week, a month, or as weplumped for the 3 day pass for 25.5 Euros.

Despite the great transport system, we spent a lotof time walking, but there are plenty of City Tourson buses, segways, bikes, boats and Trabants. Theriver boat trip is an excellent way to see all the sitesof the city, but it is more than amusing to see thehighly decorated Trabant Safari chugging noisilyalong the streets. 

Street food, bars and restaurants are everywhere,catering for all the usual styles, but we can guar-antee that the Kebab houses are generally ofexcellent quality & good value. “Currywurst” is onoffer on most street corners and must be tried. Itconsists of a large German sausage, sliced, coveredin a curry tomato ketchup and served with bread.Of course the main reason for our trip was tosample the beers on offer, along with embracingthe culture and cuisine at the same time.

The highlight of the alescene was a bar / restaurantin the  Charlottenburgdistrict called the“Mommsen-Eck” which

boasted over 100 bottledbeers on sale from all over Germany, and 15 beers

on draught. Put alongside some really nice tradi-tional German grub, it made the evening verypleasant indeed. The beers were all of good quality,with some excellent light and dark Weisbeers, Bitterbeers, Pilsners and Helles, (beer style), all priced ataround 2.95 - 4.45 Euros for half a litre. We obvi-ously sampled our fair share whilst feasting onBratwurst, Sauerkraut and Potato Salad.

The following day after visiting Alexander Platz,Berlin Cathedral, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Wall,Checkpoint Charlie, Jewish memorial and otherattractions, we happened upon the atmospheric“Aufsturz Bar” on Oranienburger Strasse. Thiswas close to the River Spree, 5 minutes fromFriedrichstrasse Station and also offered over 100bottled beers from all over Germany and Belgium.Of course, we had to stop and sample a few ofthese and they went down very well. This placeseemed quite trendy with the locals and touristsside by side, plus very helpful bar staff.

On our last day there we had a really nice beerylunch, (selection of German sausages with gratedhorseradish & German mustard), in the “Weihen-stephaner” bar outside Hackescher Markt station.This brewery claims to be the Oldest Brewery inthe world, originating in Bavaria in the year 1040.The ambiance here was really good as all the staffwore traditional Bavarian costumes. They servedsome really refreshing beer, outside, in a bustlinglittle square, which was full of bars, buskers andhappy people, enjoying the glorious sunshine! We can’t wait to return.

Dave McLennan

Beer - lin!

East Side Gallery Berlin. Photo: Gil.K /

Page 30: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

30 | CAMRA Contacts

Branch CommitteeSecretary: Dickie Bird4 Cissbury Ring,WerringtonPeterborough, PE4 6QH01733 574226 (tel & fax)07731 993896 [email protected]

Chairman: David Murray01733 [email protected]: Paul Beecham01733 31198107710 [email protected]

Vice Chair:Matthew Mace07809 [email protected]

Social Sec: John Hunt07923 [email protected]

Pubs Officer: John Temple07905 051 [email protected]

Press Officer:Mike Blakesley01733 390828 (h) 07747 617527 (m)[email protected]

Young Members: Kara [email protected]

Membership: Bob Melville07941 [email protected]

Festival Org:Mike Lane07850 [email protected]

LocAle Officer: Dave McLennan01733 346059 (h) 07854 642773 (m)[email protected]

Webmaster: Harry [email protected]

Brewery Liaison OfficersBlue Bell: John Hunt07923 489917

Bexar County Brewery & Mile Tree Brewery:Steve Williams07756 066503

Castor Ales:Mike Lane07850 334203

Digfield: Dave Waller07821 912605

Elgoods: John Hunt07923 489917

Hopshackle: Noel Ryland07944 869656

Kings Cliffe Brewery:Mike Blakesley07747 617527

Melbourn: Lew Clayton01780 765063

Nene Valley: Bob Melville07941 246693

Oakham Ales: Dave Allett07966 344417

Tydd Steam: John Hunt07923 489917

Star Brewing Company: Dave McLennan 07854 642773.

Xtreme Ales:Matt Mace07809 629241

Trading Standards08545 out our website

Pub Merit Awards & Gold AwardsDoes your local pub have excellent beer, friendly staff, a great atmosphere/ community spirit, or havethey introduced additional hand pumps? If so nominate them for Gold or Merit Award. The newMerit Award is for pubs that are continuously outstanding, so if you know of a deserving pub withinthe branch area, please complete the form below indicating Gold or Merit Award and post to thesecretary or email nominations to [email protected]. Pub name:

Pub address/town/village:

Reason for award:

Your name:

Your phone number or e-mail address:

Your membership number:


Page 31: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179
Page 32: Beer Around 'Ere Issue 179

A great welcome awaits you at The Farmers, Yaxley. We are famous for our fresh vegetables and great carverymeats, succulent and served with all the trimmings, then finished off with a tantalising hot or cold dessert!

Check out our lunch-time grill menus and our ever-changing specials boards. Put it all together with three fine cask ales and you have the perfect place to enjoy dinner with friends or a family celebration. We have a self-contained function suite which is ideal for parties, weddings and all of life’s celebrations.

So if you’ve not been before give us a try and you’ll bepleasantly surprised.

More than just a Carvery!

At Least Three

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Planning a wedding or special family event? We have lots of packages available including our new

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