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Becker US History

Becker US History. Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836 Van Buren is the Vice President worships Jackson Jackson endorses and Van.

Dec 25, 2015



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Page 1: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

BeckerUS History

Page 2: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836

Van Buren is the Vice President worships Jackson Jackson endorses and Van Buren is a shoe-in

Republicans dissolve after Jackson’s win in 1828 Whigs replace the Republicans- similar beliefs

Formed solely to oppose Jackson (and Van Buren)1836 only issue is to defeat Van Buren

Page 3: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Whigs not united behind any issues Whigs run 3 candidates

William Henry Harrison Daniel Webster Hugh White

Van Buren becomes 8th president of the USVan Buren is not confident- a cautious leaderVery concerned about popular opinionVery concerned about Jackson’s opinions

Page 4: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Overall, unexciting Jackson’s Bank War throws us into recession Panic of 1837

Van Buren takes flak for economic conditionsDemocrats in general will suffer in 1840

Amistad issue also colors presidencySlaves rebel, take over slave ship, sail into US watersUS Navy captures ship: international crisis w/ SpainVan Buren concerned about reelection; pro-slavery

Page 5: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 6: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Whigs finally have solid issues to campaign on Three leaders emerge in the Whig Party

Henry Clay (western frontier)Daniel Webster (New England) John C. Calhoun (South)

Gain support from social reform movementsTemperance, education, prison/asylum reforms In the North, abolition movement begins to develop

Page 7: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Whigs nominate William Henry Harrison War hero, Indian fighter, anti-slavery“Tippecanoe and Tyler Too”“Log Cabin and Hard Cider”

Democrats nominate van Buren for 2nd term Whigs now become the party of the people

big rallies with food, drink, and musicFirst real campaigning in US history

Page 8: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

“Come swell the throng and join the song Make the circle wider

Join the round for Harrison, Log Cabin and Hard Cider

With Harrison our country’s won No treachery can divide her

Thy will be done With Harrison, Log Cabin and Hard Cider …"

Page 9: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Oh who has heard the great commotion, motion motion all the country through?

It is the ball a-rolling on for Tippecanoe and Tyler too

and with him we'll beat Little Van, Van Van is a used up man and with him we'll beat Little Van

Sure, let 'em talk about hard cider (cider cider) and log cabins too 't'will only help to speed the ball for Tippecanoe and Tyler too

and with him we'll beat Little Van, Van Van is a used up man and with him we'll beat Little Van

Like the rush of mighty waters (waters waters) onward it will go And of course we'll bring you through for Tippecanoe and Tyler too

and with him we'll beat Little Van, Van Van is a used up man and with him we'll beat Little Van

Page 10: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Rockabye, baby, Daddy's a Whig

When he comes home, hard cider he'll swig

When he has swug

He'll fall in a stu

And down will come Tyler and Tippecanoe.

Rockabye, baby, when you awake

You will discover Tip is a fake.

Far from the battle, war cry and drum

He sits in his cabin a'drinking bad rum.

Rockabye, baby, never you cry

You need not fear of Tip and his Ty.

What they would ruin, Van Buren will fix.

Van's a magician, they are but tricks.

Page 11: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 12: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Liberty Party also runs a candidate James Birney, its leaderShows rising power of abolitionism in the North

Henry Clay also makes another bid for Prez Anti-Mason Party dissolves, supports Harrison

Page 13: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 14: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 15: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Harrison’s term will be extremely short nearly 70, not in best of health

Inauguration in a cold March rainWants to dispel criticism of age, infirmityRefuses to wear hat, gets pneumonia, dies in April

Harrison’s VP , John Tyler, becomes president Tyler is a Virginia plantation owner Proud slave-owner, good southerner, poor Whig

Page 16: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 17: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 18: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Tyler wants Texas to expand cotton and slavery Since 1815, Americans settling in Texas

Texas was Spanish, now belongs to Mexico Mexico allowed Americans to settleLaws, however, still applied

Catholicism official religionLimitations on property ownershipAbolition of slavery by Mexico

Page 19: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

1835 Americans lead a rebellion against MexicoSam Houston is leader, success at San Antonio

Major loss for Texians at the Alamo Houston then wins Battle of San Jacinto

Takes 18 minutes to defeat General Santa Anna Mexico never recognizes independence of TX Jackson immediately recognized Texas

Increases tensions between US and Mexico

Page 20: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 21: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 22: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

First used by newspaperman John O’Sullivan America is God’s chosen people Look at America’s success:

Overcome all odds - an unlikely successAmerica’s wealth, peace, happiness no coincidence

US is destined to overtake NA continent Mission is to spread democracy and culture

Raise up those of lesser backgroundsCultural, religious, political

Page 23: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 24: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Tyler embraces manifest destiny Makes it his mission to acquire Texas

Also adds massive amount of slave territory Whigs are outraged at Tyler’s policies

Tyler expelled from the Whig PartyTyler’s presidency largely unsuccessfulWhigs dominate Congress, shut down Tyler

Page 25: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Annexation of Texas becomes key issue Henry Clay will be the Whig Party’s candidate Democrats choose James Polk

Manifest Destiny, expansion of the USSoutherner from TN, wants Texas, Jackson endorses

Extremely close electionClay loses to Polk by 2% Tyler annexes Texas before Polk is inaugurated

Page 26: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Not so fast, says the US CongressSenate rejects annexation in June 1844 (35 to 16)2/3 majority required for consent to treaties

New Pres. Polk realizes too much opposition Introduces a Joint Resolution of CongressCongress approves, Senate by only 2 votes

Is Texas legally part of the US today???

Page 27: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 28: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Texas is now a US territory Texas petitions for statehood: sectional issue

Texas is big: could become lots of states, potentially

Texas is big: lots of representatives in the HouseBalance of power between N and SSouth wants TX, North does not want TX

Polk admits TX as a state 12/29/1845 Mexico breaks off diplomatic relations with US

Page 29: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Texas flag lowered from capitol after statehood.

Page 30: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

US formally claims all land N of Rio GrandeSupposedly part of Texas

Polk sends Zachary Taylor to the Nueces RiverSupposedly to guard against Mexican invasion3500 US troops are stationed there

Then, moves past the Nueces to the Rio GrandeSet up artillery overlooking town of MatamorosBuilds Fort Brown on the Rio GrandeOccasional patrols on both sides of the river

Page 31: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 32: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

General Taylor’s men run into Mexican cavalryNorth side of the Rio Grande RiverMexico claims Nueces as border between Mexico/TX

Mexicans attack Taylor’s men, kill 11 in skirmishUS now has justification for war with Mexico“American blood has been shed on American soil!!”

Polk asks Congress to declare warMay 13, 1846 Congress declares war on Mexico

Page 33: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Northern Mexico Campaign

Santa Fe Campaign

Mexico City Campaign

Page 34: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Zachary Taylor will lead Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de Palma

Both in Texas, near BrownsvilleOver 1000 Mexican casualties, 300 US

Battle of Monterey (Mexico, not CA)3-day battle, thousands of casualties

Battle of Buena Vista Taylor versus the infamous Santa Anna Hard-fought battle, Taylor wins Last battle in N Mexico, clinches presidency

Page 35: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 36: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Key US trade with the Southwest through NM US wants to protect trade with Santa Fe Capturing New Mexico for the US added bonus Stephen Kearny leads army from Texas

“The Army of the West” Base out of Bent’s Fort in SE Colorado (KS territory)New Mexicans do not resist- not a single shot firedKearny now turns to California: captures San Diego

US Navy now joins in California Navy captures Monterrey and Los Angeles

Page 37: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 38: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Toughest of the three campaigns: heart of Mexico

General Winfield Scott in command Begins with Veracruz with 12000 men

Amphibious assault on city in March 1847Painfully and slowly moves inlandHeavy casualties as approach Mexico City

ChalpultepecBoys soldiers commit suicide rather than surrender

Page 39: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 40: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 41: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 42: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Take all of Mexico? Stop now?

Wilmot ProvisoWilmot of PA proposes banning slavery in all

lands gained from MexicoWill never pass, but increases sectional

tensions between north and south

Page 43: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Mexican CessionMexico cedes 525K square miles of land to USThis is 55% of Mexico’s total territory

US agrees to pay Mexico $15M US agrees to respect property rights of Mexicans US agrees to take over debts $3.25M in debts

Parts of CO, AZ, NM, WY Entire states of CA, NV, UT

Page 44: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.
Page 45: Becker US History.  Precedent dictates that Jackson will be out in 1836  Van Buren is the Vice President  worships Jackson  Jackson endorses and Van.

Region in Southern AZ, NM is disputed Mexico agrees to sell for additional
