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J r 1* little Willow Notes ' KZ2-UCUU.XU (IMPORTANT NOM BEAUTY IS NOT LOVELINESS . , r m 5-ï.j«^ s',r^vjTo ....... ! Women May Possess Both Qualifies- 1 tions, but a Combination Is Rarely to Be Found. f, I F Mr. and Mr«. David Kelly had sickness in the family; the lit- have I -vi*:--.. «b «I V » I Beauty.” at least ns d'stlnet from is a big word, writes Mar- garet Steele Anderson in Louisville Post. It has a certain splendor, it has a certnln amplitude. You use it for I the great things of the world ; for the Parthenon nnd the lost chryselephan- tine five of Jove nnd of Athene; for the epics of Homer and Milton, as for Troy and the first host of Lucifer; for the music of Bach and Beethoven; demeanor punishable by not to ex- for the face of Helen and the body of ; ceed one years imprisonment; and such failure may also deprive you tie five year old daughter being quite U1 with pneumonia last week but is j lovolin /A® s* m m &?3MiÊŒ&à jf *r ! reported rauch improved. All numbers from 1 to 445 have been, mailed to date, which you are required by law to execute and re- turn within seven days from mailing exclusive of Sunday. Failure to do so constituted a mis- m.'-tss Little Alice Currin met with quite I j an accident last week, causing a se- vere burn on her right limb. She was I taken to Payette and received Med- jical attention, and is doing nicely now. Mrs. W. R. Shimp spent Sunday in Boise at the incite of Mr. and Mrs. James Wingate. ! Tho auto drives are something of j the past on Little Willow now. The ears hav» been making the trip as I far as the Shimp ranch, then taking J a team from there on up the valley. (Simply no roads at all, being cut up by the heavy freight hauling. The stock is still in tlm hd's and I doing well. The grass is better now j than it was at any time last year, j There are more coyotes in this val- [ ley now than have been s: en here for several years. Tlio trapers had I better get busy. No school at the Eastside for the new year and at present no teacher In sight. The little folks are very, sober just now because they have no teacher, and they were progressing nicely and doing good work under the management of Miss Kenward. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Eam are near New Plymouth, feeding cattle, this j winter. I Will Stirm is on the Bench near I New Plymouth feeding the cattle for his father. Mr. and Mrs. Cross are at work at the Gent. Walker ditch camp. Mr. Walker has quite a crew and hopes to complete the work in th - near future. Floyd Blurton lias moved hs house and barn near the corner of his place and this makes him a fine field of bottom land. Tho trucks are hauling cement up I Sand Hollow, or expect to, and thq I teams will take the cement over in- j i to the camp at the Dam from some 1 given point. Owing to the bad roads hit is not certain the trucks can make i I the trips. There are two cars of ce- | ment to be taken out. w t « I G- is she who knows where to get the BEST GROCERIES at the lowest possible prices. We have many such vvomen among our customers. They know our groceries are best by test. They know our prices are lowest by comparison. If the problem of pro- viding bothers you why not solve it by making us your grocer? - TIES A-.' '•* E?> r 4 I; f v. ESK \ 1 I Brunhilda or of Siegfried. When we entered the hardware business we decided first to make our prices as low as a moderate margin of profit would permit. We have adhered rigidly to this plan and it means that on most of the articles which we sell in But “lovelinessis a very different jof valuable lights and result worda smaller word and slighter, a ; your immediate induction into mili- word more delicate, more tender. It applies to the more human tilings, martial. Helen Is not lovely, she Is beautifulj hut, with rare exceptions, the women of Shakespeare have a certain appeal- ing loveliness. Juliet is lovely, for all ' . ... her strength and courage; the lovell- lUferrttl classification ness of Rosalind is piquant and thnt | I-c<-all or District Board on any, of Beatrix also; Mirandas is a wild ["round in respect of any registrant j and timid loveliness, that of Desde- designated herein may, within seven inona is most' tender, that of Ophelia days from the date hereof, and not most tragical and touching. Portia, Hater, submit such claim to this Lo- too, Is iovely and Oliviathough these cal Board accompanied by such affi-1 two, we admit, do barely escape being davit evidence as such persrn may, beauties ; Viola, like Celia, has a sort if dainty loveliness, while Cordelia, Lears daughter Cordelia, Is as lovely is Juliet herself. v tary service and trial court- by « . NOTICE 'TO THE PUBLIC AND 'TO REGISTRANTS f Any person desirinp to claim a by either We Save You Money in competition with Every Other Source of Supply Fully as important, it means that we quote strictly one price to all and you are not asked to pay the profit lost on a saie to a more favored customer. YOU are the most important customer we have, ■»KMFsIjg» T-1* I In order to better conserve the more necessary food supplies we sug- gest the use of such items ns prunes, eornmeal, oatmeal, rice, hominy, peas, barley, fresh vegetables anti canned oysters desire to have considered. Dated Jan. 10th, 1918. 4. H. HANIGAN, Chairman of Local Board. Numerals Copied From Our Fingers, i That tlie fingers of the hand held up or counted off was the beginning of arithmetic and of our system of numbers is the belief of Dr. George M. Gould. Proof that the fingers were used as designators of numbers, according to Doctor Gould, comes directly from tlxe Roman numerals. One finger was the origin of figure I, the second equaling II, the third III and the fourth IIU. The V was the fork which was made by the thumb stuck up opposite the first finger. When lodge is out dont go home, hungry and wake up the whole fam- ily digging around in the cupboard or something to eat; step into Lous' Cafe. Its a good place to eat. m £ ßlL % mn Come to my place about two weeks I 'So, 2 yearling heifers and 1 year - ning steer, left ear clipped. Own- r may have same by paying for feed and this ad.J. M. Johnson, 290j-4. A A -A m * ■I At present we are allowed to make only one Free Delivery Each Day. Tliis delivery will leave, as in the past tew days, at P. M. Orders are taken before that time will go out the same day. Please order early. *■ - jjf T 1 1 «1 ;aatLL FOR EXCHANGE: A new Parker 3hot-gun and a Pool Piano as good as new. Will exchange for City property in Payette. Call at ths office. rVl»J Too Honest. lies altogether too honest. Im through with him.Too honest, Mabel !Yes. He wouldnt even steal a kiss.All Chronic Troubles a Specialty Dr. W. B. Sims, Chiropractor, Office, Crighton Blk., (Over Keiths Store). Telephone No. 8. it' > Emma Theatre Historic Pennant Sold. An interesting relic was sold in Glasgow the other day. It was the old yellow silk pennant of the Earls FI RST BAPTIST CHURCH, of Marehmont, on which are the St. c, , _ , , ,,, Andrews cross, the lion ramfmut, and fmday Schoo 10 a. m other heraldic devices. The pennant *Mol'n,nkr worship at 11 o clock. Ser- ls in a fragile condition nnd Is thought mon subject, A Communkn Médita, [ to date back to the fourteenth or fif- , tion. The ordinance of the Lords j teentli century. It is satisfactory to j supperwill be observed. As a Chris- know tlmt this interesting relic of an ! tian and as a member of thechurch ; earlier day was purchased by a Scots- j you owe it to your Lord and your ! man, and therefore will remain In [ church to bQ present at the commun- ' Scotland. tf. FOR SALE: A piano and port. Must be sold at once, terms given to responsible parties. Call, on Mrs. Bowen, Theatre. daven-t Good Thursday, January / 0 8 P. M. 0 I }e - v. JM Eps ma over tl. -I m % is LECTURE TOOTED HIMSELF INTO ARMY 7E ion service, unless kept away by ; something unavoidable. Let us all be: present. Young peoples service at 6:30. Sub- Young Chicago Stenographers Devo- tion to Clarinet Landed Him at Camp Logan. CHURCH OF CHRIST. Bible School, 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m Evening preaching service at 7:30. | ject, Young Christians Reaching Up- Junior Endeavor at 3 o'clock in ward.rW PROGRAM m « Weve got a new boy In our office, all on account of the old one having actually tooted himself into Uncle Sams service,says Charles F. Baumgart of Chicago. Long before any draft was made we had a boy stenographer and type- writer named Melville F. Brennen, and we also sent him out to dress up show windows with our cards and goods. One day he came down to the office with a quee.r looking package. When he uncovered It it was found to be second-hand clarinet, and almost be- fore we knew how he was spending his spare time he was giving us something thnt sounded like a Americaand Marching Through Georgia.' However, the boy had plen- ty of persistence and he stuck to his clarinet despite the fact that his folks threatened to chase him up in the attic of his home. Hed bring the thing down rto the office now and then and let out a blast that caused general consterna- tion. Instrumental Piano Evening p-eacliing service at 7:30. -i the Primary room. The Juniors are : the ; A sixty minute service and every min now starting in a journey Congo, to visit the Mission Station,, uto interesting. to 'Goodbye Broadwuy-Hello France'[Barbette) SongMid-week service every Wednesday Senior Endeavor at 6:45, Olga John j night at 7:30 in the Barraca room, son, Leader. Topic, Young- Christiane | Next Wednesday evening we will j Reaching Upward.Psalms 63:1-8. study our church covenant. Yos will at that place. i Miss Harlene Satoris AccompanistMiss Daisy Crump be blessed by attending. without a stuffing box WEATHER REPORT. For week ending Jan. 8, 5 p. m. Highest temperature 52, date 7 Lowes* temp. 28, dates 2, 3. Means 40. Precipitation total .24 Greatest preripi. 24-hrs , .20 Clear days 0 Partly cloudy 1 Cloudy days 6 Prevailing direction of the WANTED: To lease a small ranch about 40 acres, running water. Must be close to town. Address P. O. Box 334, Payotte, Idaho. Chairman of the Evening Any sprayer user will understand what a big trouble and power saving Its another exclusive feature of the BeanPower Sprayer. The cup-shaped plunger fits so closely on the down stroke that no stuffing box is needed, yet on the up stroke there is no fridion. When necessary, packing can be replaced in a few minutes. Cylinders are porcelain-lined. No chipping or flaking. Q N o corrosion ; net a Tcfied by the spray liquid. N o grooved cylinders. No expense for replacements. Mrs. Sarah P. Driscoll that means. i cross between FOR RENT: A large tract of land on Little Willow Creek. Good house, good deep well, a fine place, information address P. O. Box 1454, wind, ! Boise, Idaho. Introduction of the SpeakerFor LECTURE- THOUGHTS 9.y « Mrs. Minnie Priest Duntan Ex State Librarian of the State of Idah o AMERICA!"By the Ait dieu ce j However, Melville managed to at- j tract the Attention of the bandmaster j of the Second Illinois infantry, and j one day he came into the office with the broadest Irish smile you ever saw in your life. He had enlisted as a member of the regimental band. Now he is Private M. F. Brennen and is tooting his own horn down at Camp Logan, Houston, Tox. hes doing clerical work in the adju- tants tent, nnd no one knows what hell be doing next. if % TA\ Up -w ? S ,«T; 9*' SPRAYER TAz iO-pcinf sprayer r33 WM o r V> Iji-flfcrYr.'sf5 i g I îÿHHS-i.' The ten b>g vital ferrures possessed by no other tpraycr, as well a.i ten others of scarcely less importance. You should know all about them before you decide on a sprayer. Come in and talk over the Beanwith us now. Besides that Us! « Lath and Bracing Material V/fndow Sash Cement Lime Plaster Coal and Building Material m r0A at A tab urn* If Your Eyes Trouble You dont put off having them examined. Birds Heavrest». Birds are the heaviest eaters in tlxe animal kingdom. Assumingwhich is conservativethat an adult lark cousuntes fifty grasshoppers a day and that five pairs of larks nest each season on every good-sized farm where they are not persecuted or too much disturbed by the plowing and mowing of all the suitable land, the number of grasshoppers dispatched daily on such a farm means a boon the enlightened farmer must appreciate. Payette Valley Rex Spray Co. PAYETTE, IDAHO i 'i / 4 5 DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS and I II neg- lect may cause permanent eye trouble We will examine your eyes and charge you nothing; yon merely pay the cost of the glasses if glasses are necessary; if they are not you mav rely on us to tell you so. f/ LfiïfiilXj % à > . : ibch i.. VANPETTEN LBR. CO. in- t-V; J ' Only Grand Prize (Highest Award) P. P. I. exposition SanFrancisco, 1915 » «-• India Bearish on Silver. A London bullion house says the re- j cent fall In silver prices at Bombay I throws a light upon the bearish nttl- | tnde of. the Indian bazaars which has : obtained for some time past, and also upon the way in which the Indian peo- ple have been content with greatly re- duced imports for industrial consump- J tion. It is more than probable tlmt many individuals whose silver Jewel- ry depreciated seriously when the In- ! dian mints were closed to free coin- j j age have taken advantage of the high prices compared with those ruling for the last twenty years or so and have turned their silver bangles into silver coin. i BP! mp. m vxairtCkawMusMv'i ! * * ; On Cash Basis Jan. 1, 1918 h| 4 - il •!• i .r ]g| it1 m J. A. Lauer & Brother UNDERTAKERS and EM3ALMER We wish to state that on after Jan. 1, 1918, our terras will be strictly cash I to one and all. f i f Ï « » T GLENN C. LANDON, Funeral Director and Licensed mbaltner. Lady Assistant vVnei DasireL I j 'yjr'yJE/ J ftx- » STAR BAKERY, Herman Kaeser, Prop. ê < - (

BEAUTY IS NOT LOVELINESS (IMPORTANT NOM...tion to Clarinet Landed Him at Camp Logan. OFCHRIST. Bible School, 10 a. m. MorningWorship, 11a.m Evening preaching service at 7:30. |ject,

Feb 27, 2021



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Page 1: BEAUTY IS NOT LOVELINESS (IMPORTANT NOM...tion to Clarinet Landed Him at Camp Logan. OFCHRIST. Bible School, 10 a. m. MorningWorship, 11a.m Evening preaching service at 7:30. |ject,


♦r1* little Willow Notes' KZ2-UCUU.XU

(IMPORTANT NOMBEAUTY IS NOT LOVELINESS. , r m5-ï.j«^ s',r^vjTo .......

!Women May Possess Both Qualifies- 1 tions, but a Combination Is

Rarely to Be Found.f,

IF Mr. and Mr«. David Kelly had sickness in the family; the lit-

have I ■-vi*:--..«b■ «I V » I

“Beauty.” at least ns d'stlnet from is a big word, writes Mar­

garet Steele Anderson in Louisville Post. It has a certain splendor, it has a certnln amplitude. You use it for

I the great things of the world ; for the Parthenon nnd the lost chryselephan­tine five of Jove nnd of Athene; for the epics of Homer and Milton, as for Troy and the first host of Lucifer; for the music of Bach and Beethoven; demeanor punishable by not to ex- for the face of Helen and the body of ; ceed one year’s imprisonment; and

such failure may also deprive you

tie five year old daughter being quite U1 with pneumonia last week but is j “lovolin

/A® s*m m&?3MiÊŒ&à jf *r■! reported a« rauch improved.

All numbers from 1 to 445 have been, mailed to date, which you are required by law to execute and re­turn within seven days from mailing exclusive of Sunday.

Failure to do so constituted a mis-

m.'-tssLittle Alice Currin met with quite I j an accident last week, causing a se­vere burn on her right limb. She was

I taken to Payette and received Med- jical attention, and is doing nicely now.

Mrs. W. R. Shimp spent Sunday in Boise at the incite of Mr. and Mrs. James Wingate.

! Tho auto drives are something of j the past on Little Willow now. The ears hav» been making the trip as

I far as the Shimp ranch, then taking J a team from there on up the valley. (Simply no roads at all, being cut up by the heavy freight hauling.

The stock is still in tlm hd's and I doing well. The grass is better now j than it was at any time last year, j There are more coyotes in this val- [ ley now than have been s: en here for several years. Tlio trapers had

I better get busy.No school at the Eastside for the

new year and at present no teacher In sight. The little folks are very, sober just now because they have no teacher, and they were progressing nicely and doing good work under the management of Miss Kenward.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron E’am are near New Plymouth, feeding cattle, this

j winter.I Will Stirm is on the Bench near I New Plymouth feeding the cattle for his father.

Mr. and Mrs. Cross are at work at the Gent. Walker ditch camp. Mr. Walker has quite a crew and hopes to complete the work in th - near future.

Floyd Blurton lias moved h’s house and barn near the corner of his place and this makes him a fine field of bottom land.

Tho trucks are hauling cement up I Sand Hollow, or expect to, and thq I teams will take the cement over in-

j i to the camp at the Dam from some 1 given point. Owing to the bad roads hit is not certain the trucks can make i I the trips. There are two cars of ce-

| ment to be taken out.

w t « IG-is she who knows where to get the BEST GROCERIES at the lowest

possible prices. We have many such

vvomen among our customers. They

know our groceries are best by test.

They know our prices are lowest by

comparison. If the problem of pro­

viding bothers you why not solve it

by making us your grocer?


A-.' ’ '•* E?>r 4I; f

v. ESK \


Brunhilda or of Siegfried.When we entered the hardware business we decided first to make our prices as low as a moderate margin of profit would permit. We have adhered rigidly to this plan and it means that on most of the articles which we sell

inBut “loveliness” is a very different jof valuable lights and result word—a smaller word and slighter, a ; your immediate induction into mili- word more delicate, more tender. It applies to the more human tilings, martial.Helen Is not lovely, she Is beautiful— j hut, with rare exceptions, the women of Shakespeare have a certain appeal­ing loveliness. Juliet is lovely, for all ' . „ ...her strength and courage; the lovell- lUferrttl classification ness of Rosalind is piquant and thnt | I-c<-all or District Board on any, of Beatrix also; Miranda’s is a wild ["round in respect of any registrant j and timid loveliness, that of Desde- designated herein may, within seven inona is most' tender, that of Ophelia days from the date hereof, and not most tragical and touching. Portia’, Hater, submit such claim to this Lo- too, Is iovely and Olivia—though these cal Board accompanied by such affi-1 two, we admit, do barely escape being davit evidence as such persrn may, beauties ; Viola, like Celia, has a sort if dainty loveliness, while Cordelia,Lear’s daughter Cordelia, Is as lovely is Juliet herself.


tary service and trial court-by«



Any person desirinp to claim a by either We Save You Money

in competition with

Every Other Source of SupplyFully as important, it means that we quote strictly one price to all and you are not asked to pay the profit lost on a saie to a more favored customer.YOU are the most important customer we have,

■»KMFsIjg» T-1*


In order to better conserve the

more necessary food supplies we sug­

gest the use of such items ns prunes,

eornmeal, oatmeal, rice, hominy, peas,

barley, fresh vegetables anti canned


desire to have considered.Dated Jan. 10th, 1918.

4. H. HANIGAN, Chairman of Local Board.

Numerals Copied From Our Fingers, iThat tlie fingers of the hand held

up or counted off was the beginning of arithmetic and of our system of numbers is the belief of Dr. George M. Gould.

Proof that the fingers were used as designators of numbers, according to Doctor Gould, comes directly from tlxe Roman numerals. One finger was the origin of figure I, the second equaling II, the third III and the fourth IIU. The V was the fork which was made by the thumb stuck up opposite the first finger.

When lodge is out don’t go home, hungry and wake up the whole fam­ily digging around in the cupboard ■ ’or something to eat; step into Lou’s' Cafe. It’s a good place to eat.

m£ßlL% mnCome to my place about two weeks

I 'So, 2 yearling heifers and 1 year ­ning steer, left ear clipped. Own- r may have same by paying for feed

and this ad.—J. M. Johnson, 290j-4.



■IAt present we are allowed to make

only one Free Delivery Each Day.

Tliis delivery will leave, as in the past

tew days, at P. M. Orders are taken

before that time will go out the same

day. Please order early.

*■ -jjf T 1 ”1 «1;aatLLFOR EXCHANGE: A new Parker

3hot-gun and a Pool Piano as good as new. Will exchange for City property in Payette. Call at th’s office.

r‘Vl»JToo Honest.

“lie’s altogether too honest. I’m through with him.”

“Too honest, Mabel !”‘ Yes. He wouldn’t even steal a

kiss.” All Chronic Troubles a Specialty Dr. W. B. Sims, Chiropractor, Office, Crighton Blk., (Over Keith’s Store). Telephone No. 8.

it”' >

Emma TheatreHistoric Pennant Sold.An interesting relic was sold in

Glasgow the other day. It was theold yellow silk pennant of the Earls FI RST BAPTIST CHURCH, of Marehmont, on which are the St. c, , _ , , ,,,Andrew’s cross, the lion ramfmut, and fmday Schoo 10 a. mother heraldic devices. The pennant *Mol'n,nkr worship at 11 o clock. Ser- ls in a fragile condition nnd Is thought mon subject, “A Communkn Médita, [ to date back to the fourteenth or fif- , tion. ’ The ordinance of the “Lords j teentli century. It is satisfactory to j supper” will be observed. As a Chris- know tlm’t this interesting relic of an ! tian and as a member of the church ;earlier day was purchased by a Scots- j you owe it to your Lord and your !man, and therefore will remain In [ church to bQ present at the commun- ' Scotland.


FOR SALE: A piano and port. Must be sold at once, terms given to responsible parties. Call, on Mrs. Bowen,Theatre.

daven-tGood Thursday, January / 0

8 P. M.

0I‘}‘e - v. JM Eps maoverWâ■ tl. -I

m %

is LECTURETOOTED HIMSELF INTO ARMY7Eion service, unless kept away by ; something unavoidable. Let us all be: present.

Young peoples service at 6:30. Sub-

Young Chicago Stenographer’s Devo­tion to Clarinet Landed Him


Bible School, 10 a. m.Morning Worship, 11 a. m Evening preaching service at 7:30. | ject, “Young Christians Reaching Up- Junior Endeavor at 3 o'clock in ward.’”


m «“We’ve got a new boy In our office,

all on account of the old one having actually tooted himself into Uncle Sam’s service,” says Charles F. Baumgart of Chicago.

“Long before any draft was made we had a boy stenographer and type­writer named Melville F. Brennen, and we also sent him out to dress up show windows with our cards and goods.

“One day he came down to the office with a quee.r looking package. When he uncovered It it was found to be second-hand clarinet, and almost be­fore we knew how he was spending his spare time he was giving us something thnt sounded like a ‘America’ and ‘Marching Through Georgia.' However, the boy had plen­ty of persistence and he stuck to his clarinet despite the fact that his folks threatened to chase him up in the attic of his home. He’d bring the thing down rto the office now and then and let out a blast that caused general consterna­tion.

Instrumental PianoEvening p-eacliing service at 7:30. -ithe Primary room. The Juniors are :

the ; A sixty minute service and every minnow starting in a journey Congo, to visit the Mission Station,, uto interesting.

to‘'Goodbye Broadwuy-Hello France'’


Mid-week service every Wednesday Senior Endeavor at 6:45, Olga John j night at 7:30 in the Barraca room,

son, Leader. Topic, “Young- Christiane | Next Wednesday evening we will j Reaching Upward.” Psalms 63:1-8. study our church covenant. Yos will

at that place.i Miss Harlene Satoris

Accompanist—Miss Daisy Crumpbe blessed by attending.without a stuffing box WEATHER REPORT.For week ending Jan. 8, 5 p. m. Highest temperature 52, date 7 Lowes* temp. 28, dates 2, 3. Means 40.Precipitation total .24 Greatest preripi. 24-hrs , .20 Clear days 0 Partly cloudy 1 Cloudy days 6Prevailing direction of the

WANTED: To lease a small ranch about 40 acres, running water. Must be close to town. Address P. O. Box 334, Payotte, Idaho.

Chairman of the EveningAny sprayer user will understand what a big trouble and power saving

It’s another exclusive feature of the “Bean” Power Sprayer. The cup-shaped plunger fits so closely on the down stroke that no stuffing box is needed, yet on the up stroke there is no fridion. When necessary, packing can be replaced in a few minutes.

Cylinders are porcelain-lined. No chipping or flaking.

QN o corrosion ; net a Tcfied by the spray liquid. N o grooved cylinders. No expense for replacements.

Mrs. Sarah P. Driscollthat means.i

cross betweenFOR RENT: A large tract of land

on Little Willow Creek. Good house, good deep well, a fine place, information address P. O. Box 1454,

wind, ! Boise, Idaho.

‘Introduction of the Speaker”



Mrs. Minnie Priest Duntan

Ex State Librarian of the State of Idah o

“AMERICA!"—By the Ait dieu ce

j “However, Melville managed to at- j tract the Attention of the bandmaster j of the Second Illinois infantry, and j one day he came into the office with

the broadest Irish smile you ever saw in your life. He had enlisted as a member of the regimental band. Now he is Private M. F. Brennen and is tooting his own horn down at Camp Logan, Houston, Tox. he’s doing clerical work in the adju­tant’s tent, nnd no one knows what he’ll be doing next.

if% TA\Up

*»-w? S ,«T; 9*' SPRAYERTAz iO-pcin f sprayer


or V’> Iji’-flfcrYr.'sf’5


g ■ IîÿHHS-i.'The “Been” ten b>g vital ferrures possessed by

no other tpraycr, as well a.i ten others of scarcely less

importance. You should know all about them before you

decide on a sprayer. Come in and talk over the “Bean”

with us now.

Besides that Us! ♦« Lath and Bracing Material

V/fndow Sash

Cement Lime Plaster

Coal and Building Material


at Atab urn* —

If Your Eyes Trouble Youdon’t put off having them examined.

Birds Heavrest».Birds are the heaviest eaters in tlxe

animal kingdom. Assuming—which is conservative—that an adult lark cousuntes fifty grasshoppers a day and that five pairs of larks nest each season on every good-sized farm where they are not persecuted or too much disturbed by the plowing and mowing of all the suitable land, the number of grasshoppers dispatched daily on such a farm means a boon the enlightened farmer must appreciate.

Payette Valley Rex Spray Co.PAYETTE, IDAHO

i'i/ 4


neg­lect may cause permanent eye trouble

We will examine your eyes and charge you

nothing; yon merely pay the cost of the glasses if glasses are necessary; if they are not you mav rely on us to tell you so.

f/LfiïfiilXj % à>. : ibch i..


J 'Only Grand Prize (Highest Award) P. P. I. exposition

San Francisco, 1915


India Bearish on Silver.A London bullion house says the re-

j cent fall In silver prices at Bombay I throws a light upon the bearish nttl- | tnde of. the Indian bazaars which has : obtained for some time past, and also

upon the way in which the Indian peo­ple have been content with greatly re­duced imports for industrial consump- J tion. It is more than probable tlmt many individuals whose silver Jewel­ry depreciated seriously when the In- ! dian mints were closed to free coin- j

j age have taken advantage of the high prices compared with those ruling for the last twenty years or so and have turned their silver bangles into silver coin.

iBP! mp.

m vxairtCkawMusMv'i

! ** ; On Cash Basis Jan. 1, 1918h|4 -il •!• i

.r ]g|it1 m

J. A. Lauer & BrotherUNDERTAKERS and EM3ALMER

We wish to state that on after Jan.

1, 1918, our terras will be strictly cash I to one and all.

f i f

Ï «»

TGLENN C. LANDON, Funeral Director and Licensed mbaltner. Lady Assistant vVnei DasireL

Ij 'yjr'yJE/ Jftx- »

STAR BAKERY, Herman Kaeser, Prop. ê

