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BEAUTIFUL DAILY AFFIRMATIONS - · What are Affirmations? I first came across affirmations in 1991 upon discovering Louise Hay, an internationally renowned lecturer,

Sep 14, 2018



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Page 1: BEAUTIFUL DAILY AFFIRMATIONS - · What are Affirmations? I first came across affirmations in 1991 upon discovering Louise Hay, an internationally renowned lecturer,


Page 2: BEAUTIFUL DAILY AFFIRMATIONS - · What are Affirmations? I first came across affirmations in 1991 upon discovering Louise Hay, an internationally renowned lecturer,


Beautiful Daily AffirmationsLisa Cherry

Copyright 2012 by Lisa Cherry, all rights reserved.

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Page 3: BEAUTIFUL DAILY AFFIRMATIONS - · What are Affirmations? I first came across affirmations in 1991 upon discovering Louise Hay, an internationally renowned lecturer,


What are Affirmations?I first came across affirmations in 1991 upon discovering Louise Hay, an internationally renowned lecturer, teacher and best selling author.

She taught me that we can change our attitude to the past. She shared her belief that dis-ease comes from a state of un-forgiveness. She said that if I were to repeat something over and over again, in the present tense, that my life would change.

I didn’t believe her at first, but I started with what felt like the hardest affirmation of all: “I love myself. I am enough”

What happened was a complete shift in the very core of my being from self loathing to self love.

Since that time, I have come to believe that affirmations are a powerful tool for changing our thinking, our behaviour, our perspectives and ultimately what and who we attract into our lives.

How can we use affirmations for the best results?If you can hear a voice in your head that says “I always fail”, “I’m not worth it”, “I don’t deserve it”, then you can change that voice and repeat the opposite. These sentences would change to “I am a success at everything I put my mind to”, “I am worthy and I am deserving and welcome all the

good things that come into my life.”

By repeating statements, in the present tense that are positive and loving we are retraining the mind and

rewiring all of the negative messages that we’ve collected through our experiences to date.

The affirmations in this book are a collection taken from some of the contributors in the book

“Soul Journey – The Greatest Secrets To Living The Life You Want” © with many of my favourites as well. The headings are taken from Chapter titles in the book.

This ebook has been created to be inspiring and helpful in it’s own right or to use alongside the

book mentioned above.

The affirmations come from the personal experience of recovery and healing and they are

here for you to use and retrain your own thinking so you can become the best that you were meant to be.

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GuidelinesAffirmations are not to be confused with quotes.

They are powerful, positive statements that affirm what we need and where we need to be.

When I said to my self “I love myself deeply” all those years ago, I was filled with self loathing and the sentence literally made me feel sick when I first said it.

I now help my clients say those words because I understand their power.

I would suggest that the sentence you find hardest to say is likely to be the one to say the most....

When I work with clients, I ask them to repeat the sentence up to three times very slowly. Sometimes, it can take a number of sessions to do this depending on the area we’re working on.

When you feel ready, look in the mirror when you say your affirmation.

Try and focus on one affirmation at a time until you feel totally comfortable with what you are saying.

Keep a journal through this process recording your thoughts and feelings, in words and/or pictures so you can truly observe the shift within your self...

Remember that changing the inner dialogue from a negative message to a positive one, changes what we attract into our lives.

Here is a collection, hand picked just for you...

Page 5: BEAUTIFUL DAILY AFFIRMATIONS - · What are Affirmations? I first came across affirmations in 1991 upon discovering Louise Hay, an internationally renowned lecturer,

Self love is the cornerstone to everything...Loving ourselves is about forgiveness, peace and release.

Loving ourselves is about acceptance and not being defined by our past experiences.

People who have self love, tend to have self esteem, be loving towards others, can reflect on their own behaviour and carry the ability to take personal responsibility.

People who have self love tend to look after their physical, emotional and spiritual well being.

Here are some loving affirmations to help us work on this area of ourselves:

“I forgive myself.”

“I Love myself deeply.”

“It’s safe for me to express love.”

“I treat myself with kindness at all times.”

“I love and appreciate myself.”

“I consciously create my future.”

“I deserve to love and be loved.”


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Connecting to our spiritual self...Living a spiritual life means that our starting point is to connect with

others, to practice tolerance and to understand the art of forgiveness.

It means that we are wanting to seek growth, personal improvement and to connect with a Higher Power, God, The Universe.

“I am safe and everything is exactly as it is meant to be in this moment.”

“I trust that all is well.”

“I easily flow with change. I am always going in the best direction.”

“Whatever I need to know will be re-vealed to me.”

“I have everything inside me right now that I need.”

“I am loved and I trust the pro-cess of life.”

“Everyday I watch as my life gets better and better.”

“I am safe and I am looked after.”


Page 7: BEAUTIFUL DAILY AFFIRMATIONS - · What are Affirmations? I first came across affirmations in 1991 upon discovering Louise Hay, an internationally renowned lecturer,


Understanding and letting go of shame...Shame is isolating, lonely and filled with despair. Shame tells us that we have a secret and that if

people knew about our secret, they would not like us. Shame keeps us in a state of ‘alone’.

Making the unconscious conscious, is one of the first steps we take...

“I am willing to release the need for guilt and shame.”

“I forgive myself.”

“To ‘let go’ is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.”

“I consciously create my future.”

“I allow myself to be happy.”

“I always attract positive people in my life.”

“Knowing that friends and lovers were once strangers to me,

I welcome new people into my life.”

“I now release the drama of my past.”

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Resilience and positive framing...Affirmations are a natural part of changing the way we think and the way we ‘speak’ to ourselves. They are a part and parcel of changing how we therefore view the world.

We may well be powerless over people, places and things but we can always change the way we view them.

“I accept myself and others exactly as we are.”

“I am magnificent, powerful and strong.”

“I love meeting new peopleand embrace new situations.”

“I always walk along the glorious road ahead with a smile knowing that any experience will indeed sit in my path before the lesson.”

“Today I embrace that I continue to move away from negativity, that I appreciate myself and that I develop a language of gratitude....”

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Forgiveness unlocks the door...Forgiveness is not about saying what has been done to us is ok because

forgiveness is not about another person.

Forgiveness is about us.

Releasing anger and resentment gives us freedom and peace.

“I forgive all those who may have harmed me in the past.”

“I understand that I did the best I could with the information that I had at the

time and I forgive myself.”

“I easily forgive others and I am easily forgiven.”

“Forgiveness brings me emotional and mental freedom.”

“To ‘let go’ is not regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.”

“The past is gone. Each new moment is a new opportunity.”

“I learn my lessons in life, easily and effortlessly.”

“I am releasing the past and appreciating the present.”

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Gratitude creates a life of abundance...When we have gratitude, our focus naturally shifts to all that we have rather than all that we don’t.

We can live in appreciation of what we have. We can feel abundant.

Each morning, we can write a list of all that we have in our lives, starting the day from a position of richness.

“Everything I need is provided for me.”

“I live a life filled with wonderful people who I love and who love me.”

“I always walk along the glorious road ahead with a smile knowing that any experience will indeed sit in

my path before the lesson.”

“I learn my lessons in life, easily and effortlessly.”

“I have abundance in all areas of my life. I give thanks for all that I have and all that I shall be.”

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Moving Forward

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

~ Chinese Proverb

All change starts with the tiniest of steps and at a time when I didn’t know where to start, affirmations gave me that starting point.

When we have nowhere else to turn, we are left with ourselves and The Universe/God/Higher Power.

If we believe that we are created exactly as we were meant to be and then we start to tell ourselves positive, affirming, loving messages, our spiritual side connects with that and listens.

The power of that, I believe, forces an attraction of all that is beautiful about being alive.

My biggest message to you is that life will continue whether or not you make changes in your inner world.

But if you start now, this moment in time, then all the moments that follow will by very definition have changed....