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O fapta buna(Romanian) Astazi Martinel si prietenul lui Bruno merg in padure.Ei se uita la flori, copaci si la peisaj cand Martinel vede ceva in spatele unui tufis.Cei doi prieteni sunt speriati, dar se uita sa vada ce este. Este un iepuras.El este ranit.Cei doi prieteni il duc pe iepuras la spital.Doctorul vede iepurasul si-l ajuta. Martinel si Bruno se duc acasa, foarte fericiti ca l-au ajutat pe iepuras. A Good Deed Today Martinel and his friend Bruno are going into the forest. They are looking at the flowers, the trees and the landscape when Martinel sees something behind a bush. The two friends are scared but they look to see what it is. It is a little rabbit. The rabbit is hurt. The two friends take the rabbit to the animal hospital. The doctor sees the rabbit and helps him. Martinel and Bruno go home, very happy for having helped the little rabbit. Story and illustration by Antonia Fratila-class 6A

Bear stories bilingual romanian-english

Jan 22, 2018



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Page 1: Bear stories bilingual romanian-english

O fapta buna(Romanian)

Astazi Martinel si prietenul lui Bruno merg in padure.Ei se uita la flori, copaci si la peisaj cand Martinel vede ceva in spatele unui tufis.Cei doi prieteni sunt speriati, dar se uita sa vada ce este. Este un iepuras.El este ranit.Cei doi prieteni il duc pe iepuras la spital.Doctorul vede iepurasul si-l ajuta. Martinel si Bruno se duc acasa, foarte fericiti ca l-au ajutat pe iepuras.

A Good Deed

Today Martinel and his friend Bruno are going into the forest. They are looking at the flowers, the trees and the landscape when Martinel sees something behind a bush. The two friends are scared but they look to see what it is. It is a little rabbit. The rabbit is hurt. The two friends take the rabbit to the animal hospital. The doctor sees the rabbit and helps him. Martinel and Bruno go home, very happy for having helped the little rabbit.

Story and illustration by Antonia Fratila-class 6A

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Cei doi prieteni(Romanian)

Martinica si Martinel sunt cei mai buni prieteni.Ei locuiesc aproape unul de altul si se joaca mult impreuna. A sosit ziua de sambata cand cei doi isi sarbatoresc ziua de nastere. Martinica are grija ca Martinel sa arate bine. Ce bine este sa ai prieteni!

The Two Friends

Martinica and Martinel are best friends.They live close to each other and play a lot together. Saturday is here, the day when the two friends have a party to celebrate their birthdays. Martinica wants to make sure that Martinel is looking good. It’s nice to have friends! Story and illustration by Dora Vaduva - class 2A,8 years old Translated by class 8B

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Din nou acasa

Pare ca se apropie furtuna .Martinel asteapta sa se imbarce in avionul care il duce in Romania.Va ateriza la Bucuresti iar de acolo o sa mearga cu un autocar spre un orasul lui de munte. “Sper sa fie o calatorie frumoasa”,isi spune in sinea lui Martinel si zambeste cand se gandeste ca acolo il asteapta nerabdatori copiii de la scoala. Se uita la ceas:”Ar cam fi vremea sa ne imbarcam”se gandeste el.Imediat aude o angajata a aeroportului cum anunta ca datorita conditiilor meteorologice plecarea este amanata.”Asta o sa-mi cam strice programul ,dar sunt optimist”. A stat toata ziua in aeroport.A calatorit noaptea cu avionul iar acum sta sa astepte bagajul.E putin cam obosit.Toata lumea si-a luat bagajul.Doar al lui lipseste.Merge la biroul de bagaje pierdute si completeaza o multime de formulare ca sa i se poata returna valiza.Tristetea i se strecoara in suflet.Cadourile pentru copii sunt in valiza... Ia un taxi spre statia de autocare dar acolo afla ca unul plecase de curand iar urmatorul va fi peste 5 ore...”Peste 5 ore?!”Peste o ora ar fi trebuit sa fiu alaturi de copii”,”Ce vor spune ca nu sunt acolo?”. Bateria telefonului s-a descarcat iar incarcatorul telefonului se afla in valiza.Nici macar nu-i poate anunta.Timpul trece cu greu. Autocarul a sosit intr-un tarziu si porneste spre casa.Dupa cateva ore zareste in departare niste lumini.Acolo trebuie sa fie orasul. Ajunge la scoala dar nu mai este nimeni acolo.Martinel este obosit,fara bagaj si cu foarte putini bani.”Ce voi face?”Unde voi innopta”. Cum statea asa trist nici n-a observant ca o familie cu o fetita s-a apropiat de el. “Nu cumva esti Martinel?”. “Toata ziua te-am asteptat.Am ramas si dupa ore.Ce-ai patit?”a intrebat fetita. Martinel le-a povestit ce s-a intamplat ,iar parintii fetei s-au oferit sa-l gazduiasca.Apoi a dat telefon la aeroport sa le spuna unde sa-i aduca bagajul a doua zi.Acum era fericit pentru ca in valiza erau toate amintirile frumoase din toate tarile vizitate si multe cadouri pentru copii. A doua zi au mers impreuna la scoala si a fost foarte fericit cand a vazut cu cata dragoste l-au asteptat copiii si ce serbare de bun-venit i-au pregatit. “E bine sa fii din nou acasa!”isi spuse fericit Martinel.

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Home Again

It seems like the storm is coming. Martinel is waiting to board the plane which is taking him to Romania. The plane travels to Bucharest and from there he is going to take a bus to his town in the mountains. "I hope it is a nice trip," he says to himself and smiles when he thinks that there are excited children waiting for him at school. He looks at his watch: "It 's time to board "he things. Immediately he can hear an announcement that his plane is delayed because of the weather conditions.”This can spoil my programme but I’m optimistic”. He stayed all day long at the airport. He travelled at night by plane. Now he is waiting to take his luggage. Martinel is a bit tired. All people take their luggage but his is missing. He goes to the Lost Property Office and fills in a lot of forms for

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delivering it at his address. He feels sad because the presents for the children are in the suitcase. He takes a taxi to the coach station but he finds out that his coach has just left and the next coach is in five hours ’time. ”Five hours ’time? In one hour’s time I should have been with the children. What will they say if I’m not there?”.The battery of his mobile phone is discharged and the phone charger is in his suitcase. He can’t even call them up and tell about the delay. The time is passing so slowly... The coach is finally there. Martinel gets on it and the coach starts heading home. In a few hours he sees some lights in the distance. There it has to be the town. He gets to his school but there is nobody. Martinel is very tired, having no luggage and very little money. ”What am I going to do? Where am I going to sleep overnight?” As he is standing there sad and worried he doesn’t notice a girl and her parents coming towards him. “You are Martinel, aren’t you?””We have been waiting for you all day long”. “We even stayed after classes to wait for you. What has happened?”asks the girl. Martinel tells them the whole story,what has happened and the girl’s parents offer to host him. Then they call the airport to tell them where to deliver Martinel’s luggage. Now Martinel is happy because in the suitcase there are all his unforgettable memories from the partner countries and lots of presents for the children. Next day they go together to their school. He is very happy to see that the children have been waiting for him with so much love and what a nice welcome party they have prepared. It’s good to be home again! Story and illustration by Eveline Buta,class 6A

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Martinel e-un ursulet , Curios si indraznet. “Ce sa fac?” s-a intrebat “Sa iau lumea-n lung si-n lat”, “Sa cunosc as vrea eu tare Ce este peste hotare”. “As pleca in Danemarca, Ungaria,Italia si Irlanda. Multe tari de-as colinda Lucruri noi voi invata. Cum se-mbraca,cum vorbesc, Ce lucreaza,cum traiesc”. “E cam rece in Irlanda?! Oare cum e in Finlanda? Langa-Atlantic de sosesc, Portugalia zaresc. E frumos peste hotare, E si frig dar e si soare”.

Poem and illustration be Flavia Tapoi-class 8C, 14 years old

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Martinel is a teddy , Curious and daring, “What should I do?” then he thought, “To go all over the world”. “To know I will really like How other countries look like”. “I will go to Hungary Ireland,Denmark and Italy”. “To this countries if I go, Lots of new things I will know. How they work and how they speak, How they dress and how they live”. “It’s quite cold in Ireland?! What’s the weather in Finland? Near Atlantic when I come I will visit Portugal. It’s beautiful to be abroad Sometimes sunny, sometimes cold”. Translation by Marius Mitca and Alexandru Donat-class 8B,14 years old

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Ursuletul pierdut(Romanian)

Era o zi frumoasa de vara.Am mers in parc la joaca cu prietenii.Alergam ,cantam si ne distram cand, dupa un tufis,apare timid un ursulet. Era atat de dragalas cand facea tumbe si incerca sa prinda mingea! -Prieteni,ce-ar fi sa-l luam acasa ? am zis eu. -Medeea,nu cred ca parintii ne vor lasa,au spus ei. -Hai sa-i dam un nume. -O sa-l cheme Martinel.Sper ca sunteti de accord. In timp ce noi povesteam,apare un domn grabit si speriat: -Copii,n-ati gasit cumva un ursulet?

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The Lost Teddy Bear

It was a beautiful summer day. I went to the park to play with my friends. We were running, singing and having lots of fun when after a shrubbery a teddy bear appeared shyly. He was so cute when he was doing somersaults trying to catch the ball! I said to my friends: ”What about taking him home?”. “Medeea, we don’t think it’s a good idea. Our parents won’t let us do this”. “Let’s give him a name!” “He will be called Martinel”, I said. “I hope it’s OK with you”. While we were talking a worried man appeared in a hurry and asked : “Children, haven’t you found a teddy bear?”. Story and illustration by Medeea Sas – Class 2A, 8 years old Translated by Class 8B